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4005786 No.4005786 [Reply] [Original]

Nitroplus general thread.
Just finished my first route in "Hello, World", fucking awesome.
I wonder why I haven't played this before, with this and Muramasa I have a newfound love for Nitroplus.

Some questions.
The true end doesn't change no matter which character you choose, right?
And anything else by Nitroplus that measure to this or Muramasa? I also did Saya and Phantom of Inferno.

>> No.4005802

Speaking of Hello, World... PROJECT FUCKING WHEN?! Its a shame that great titles such as these never get the chance to break the ice, as opposed to whatever shit niche of the month bullshit is announced every day. Classics first, shit next please.

>> No.4005815

Yeah, wrong place to ask. You might want to find somewhere where they can actually read Japanese.

>> No.4005817


Calm down, friend. Buy Demonbane and Jingai Makyou instead of pirating them like a spoiled brat and we might actually get Hello, World translated.

>> No.4005819

Hello, World is nitroplus title, you probably won't see fan translations since it's licensed by JAST.(plus it's fucking long as dick)

>> No.4005858

Is Jast even considering it though?
It doesn't seem like a title that could be easily marketable.

>> No.4005879


Supply and demand. It's obviously not clear cut or anything but the more Nitro+ shit we buy from them, the higher the chance of getting Hello, World translated. At the very least I want to see Gekkou no Carnevale in English.

>> No.4005955
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Nah, it's too long with its 4,5+ MB script to even consider it. It'd cost like four times as much as their usual games (well about a bit more than 2 times as much as Demonbane)
Sup fellow bro. Nice to see I'm not the only one playing it. So far I've seen Natsumi's normal route, and Haruka's route (which as far as I've heard is like a slight branch of the True route). If it's true I have to say that the True route is just made of awesome. The way Kazuki jumps around solving problems, handles the girls, while being in a crisis himself is just excellent.
Haruka's (my favorite heroine's) ending had some disappointing part, but the ending itself was great too. (Image very related)
Natsumi's was totally unexpected and made me go holy fuck in a good way. Going to see Mika's soon.
I wish Junko would have a route though (not even a nude CG, even though that the damn Alpha robots have one).

As for other Nitroplus games:
I played Kikokugai too, and it's well worthy to recommend. Really great, scifi action cyborg siscon story, and Ruili is lovable. It's a short and fast paced game, can be read in a day.

>> No.4006017

I just finished Saya no Uta and found it enjoyable. Any others I should read?

>> No.4006027

The only other translated one is PoI which is on a terrible format and the first section of Sumaga.

>> No.4006062
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If you can read untranslated stuff then Kikokugai.
Same writer, same length, same artist, and as I explained it in >>4005955 , it's also pretty great.

Petruchka is my waifu.

>> No.4006093

How are Vjedogonia and Jango?
They're written by Urobuchi Gen and yet I've never seen anyone talk about them, are they horrible or something?

>> No.4006108

How was Chieri's route by the way?
I wanted to do hers last, as I've heard that her ending might be one of the best. I hope it's going to have some of that GAR butler with his M4. That guy was a true hero from what I've seen of him in the other routes.

>> No.4006245

Yeah the butler was badass.
And the ending was awesome, especially the very last scene.
Goddam, best scene ever.

>> No.4006318
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That's good to hear then.
Yeah, the whole game is full of epic scenes. That's just one of my favorites. But there were so many others so far.

My only wish is that I'd love to have the male characters voiced too. The scenes with Osiris, the Doctor, the Parker guy, or the whole dogfight would have been even better in my opinion.

>> No.4006330

nitroplus yaoi please

>> No.4006396
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Wait, her name is Petruchka? Why is there a Slavic name in my cyber-China?

Probably not popular enough to get discussed. I was going to read Vjedogonia after Muramasa and Gekkou, but that will take a while. Still, Mora is my delicious waifu.

>> No.4006417

I really hate Jast USA. Why are they translating shit like Demonbane?

Where's my Sumaga, and all my other awesome eroge?

Seriously, Jast USA sucks dicks, they can't do shit right. Just look at their lineup of XYZ titles...
And yeah, I mad.

>> No.4006458

>I really hate Jast USA. Why are they translating shit like Demonbane?
Because it has pretty good chances to get Western fans and attract attention to the other titles without unnecessary risk of buying Nitro's more popular and expensive titles?

>> No.4006469
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Petrouchka is a robot with 1/5 of Ruili's soul. It's the doll belonging to that fucked up hacker guy, who probably wanted to give it a non-chinese name for some reason.

>> No.4006484

Yeah, but it also has a meaning:

>> No.4006497

>shit like Demonbane?
Actually Demonbane is a good game, and apart of Saya it's the only one N+ game rated with more than 1000+ votes on Erogescape.

No clue about Jingai.

>> No.4006551

Well, the Petrushka from the ballet kinda fits her character though.
[...] Although Petrushka is a puppet, he feels human emotions, including bitterness toward the Charlatan for his imprisonment, as well as love for the beautiful Ballerina [...] Yep, that's probably why he named her like that.

>> No.4006560

Demonbane could kill every other /jp/ related thing.

>> No.4006594

Demonbane isn't at Yamibou level of brokeness though.

>> No.4006962

I wish.
Some new discussions would be refreshing indeed.
