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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 354 KB, 1920x1360, Extra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4001524 No.4001524 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4001537


>> No.4001550

Is this for the PSP RPG coming out next month?

>> No.4001552

Leo better fucking be a reverse trap, I swear to fucking god.


>> No.4001557

Cool, Shinji's 8 years old.

>> No.4001576

Terrible art, pointless reorganization of masters/servants, and what the fuck did they do to Kuzuki?

>> No.4001592

more/cash money

>> No.4001611
File: 22 KB, 200x200, 1249117003508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinji: age 8

>> No.4001617

Shinji is what

>> No.4001637

Character assassination. That's what later, vaguely related installments to TM franchises do; didn't you ever read Kagetsu Tohya?

>> No.4001639

>treasure device

>> No.4001644

Kagetsu Tohya was okay.

>> No.4001646

Bastardized Kuzuki.

>> No.4001665

Yes, but it was chock full of characters acting completely out of character. Character assassination, like what they're doing to Kuzuki here.

>> No.4001684

Shirou for final boss

>> No.4001686


It was also a dream.

>> No.4001698

Is that Leo the same Lio from KNK?

>> No.4001734

Name one instance of somebody acting out of character in kagetsu tohya, not counting any of the ten nights of dreams stories.

Arc was a attention whore as usual,
Ciel was overprotective as usual,
Hisui was (-_-) as usual,
Kohaku was crazy as usual,
and Akiha was a bitch as usual.

And considering Nasu wrote KT, I think it's not character assassination.

You're just stupid.

I declare victory, good day to you sir.

>> No.4001737
File: 162 KB, 804x604, 1261827109128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fabulous Kuzuki
>8 yo Shinji
>Miko Caster


>> No.4001741

Who's the nigra loli with the glasses?

>> No.4001750

Nice jacket tube armor Kuzuki

>> No.4001763



>> No.4001764
File: 327 KB, 915x975, Black Lantern Roa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys do realize it's an alternate universe.

>> No.4001773

I think he's just taking it too seriously. Since it's a dream, all of the characters had their most noticeable characteristics amped up to an insane degree. Hisui's inability to cook turned into her cooking being poison, Kohaku's typically hidden insanity turned into her being a psychopathic bitch most of the time, Akiha went from angry denial to genuine assault, Ciel's favorite food became her ONE TRUE PASSION, and Arc... well, I can't actually say much there.

Not that any of it is bad; in dreams, that kind of thing happens. The guy just took it all too seriously, probably expecting a more plot-esque plot instead of a series of slice-of-life scenes that, instead of developing characters, blow their flaws completely out of proportion.

>> No.4001784

Arc's lackadaisical attitude became SHIKI, YOU MADE ME BREAKFAST? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS slacking superfreeloader.

>> No.4001785
File: 380 KB, 1000x1136, 6529145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Terrible art


>pointless reorganization of masters/servants

It's a reinactment of a Grail war brah. Not everything is going to be 100% accurate to the original. Besides its there to give the game some diversity.

>what the fuck did they do to Kuzuki?


Check his History

Assume that this Kuzuki is the one who found a purpose in meeting his assasination goals.

>> No.4001788


>> No.4001797

>Has Sakura and Taiga, No Ayako


>> No.4001803


Oh and this isnt an alternate universe either. The game takes place in the same universe as FSN. Follows the same plot apparently too.

But I call bullshit on that one since Shinji is fucking eight and in one of the trailers on the Fate/Extra site he has the crap from the Grail on his hands.

>> No.4001810

call me crazy but I think 8 is just a typo for 18.

>> No.4001811


Not servants, but sup Kiritsugu Emiya? Sion? Ciel?

>> No.4001820
File: 321 KB, 1280x1000, 1260085065258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Type-Moon: Because actually making a fucking original game isn't as easy as milking preexisting IPs endlessly.

>> No.4001822

it takes place in the year 2032.

>> No.4001829

'Taking things too seriously'? TAKING THINGS TOO SERIOUSLY?!

...Yeah, I guess I do do that fairly often. I should probably replay with that in mind.

>> No.4001839


At least F/Z had GARider and reverse trap Saber though.

>> No.4001841


No one said no guns. They just said no one in modern times could become a hero and that the weapons would be more famous than the people.

That's because nobody is a fucking REAL DAMN PIRATE these days. Name a pirate who was famous for their GUN. (and a ship does not count as a weapon for this)

>> No.4001850

someone had said that since a noble phantasm is the unique identification for a hero, something that can be mass produced(guns) can't be a noble phantasm, and anyone who use guns thus can't be a heroic spirit - and even if they do(emiya, contract with the world, etc), guns can't be noble phantasms.

>> No.4001853

Not a game, and not written by Nasu (or indeed anyone at T-M).

>> No.4001857

>not written by Nasu

Yeah, that's why it was actually good.

>> No.4001858


I doubt it,but then again I forget,are Shinji,Shirou and Rin 3rd years or 2nd years in FSN?

>> No.4001859

Not likely to happen unless some specialist company decides to license it.

Not only do you need a translator, but you would need someone to hack all of the game archive files and graphics, as well as find ways to re-insert them. While this has happened before for console games, even large ones, the fact that F/HA hasn't been translated yet is pretty indicative that this won't be either.

>> No.4001865

moist nugget, that finnish dude.
carcano, JFK assassin.
P226, V-tech
Mac-10/bombs, columbine

>> No.4001866

Worse, she has a cannon Noble Phantasm (imagine GoB, but with four ship cannons), which is named after an extremely common cannon model.
The fact that it's a simulation lets them get away with a lot of shit.

>> No.4001869


I can see Atlus doing it. Besides, FHA is a visual novel, this is an action rpg thing, they're completely different.

>> No.4001874

>carcano, JFK assassin.
>implying LHO actually killed Kennedy

>> No.4001875

if you want real character assassination, go with all the melty blood games. that one wasn't a "lol just a dream".

each one's becoming more absurd than the previous one, and most of its characters turn very quickly into complete jokes, especially the new ones like white len.

>> No.4001879

Those are types of guns used, not a gun that somebody is famous for. For a noble phantasm, we need somebody to whom a specific piece of equipment is like Excalibur is to King Arthur, or Gae Bolg is to Cu Chulainn. The only one that comes to mind is one guy with a gun in his wooden leg, but he didn't name it.

>> No.4001884

Aren't those all just Sion dreams anyway?

>> No.4001892

Pretty damn sure the carcano became a lot more famous due to and associated with the JFK assassination.
That applies to AK47 and NWA too.

>> No.4001893


Atlus will only do it if they see a profit. They might be us weeaboo's BRO COMPANY but they certainly are just that: a Company.

They MIGHT give it a shot though,I believe Unlimited Codes did damn well in the PSN store. So it could possibly be on their radar. It'd actually be kind of funny if they release Fate/Extra in english before P3P.

>> No.4001898


Conspiracy fag ? I thought moot got another place for you already.

>> No.4001904

Unlimited Codes did well on the English PSN store?

>> No.4001906

>a ship does not count as a weapon for this

Errr...why not ? You know the pirate chick servant has 4-cannon-from-da-ship NP ?

>> No.4001907

It was one of the (around) 3 launch games.

>> No.4001914

Doesn't matter if they became more famous, they're still mass-produced stuff. Noble Phantasms are unique weapons with some special power, and aside from Henry VIII's three-barreled gun-mace, I can't think of any that would fit. Even that only fits because it would be part of Henry's arsenal; he was something of a weapon-gadgeteering genius.

>> No.4001924
File: 46 KB, 630x390, ScaramangaRonaldGrant-7050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I can think of one.

>> No.4001926

PSP version, but yes.

>> No.4001929

y'know, they still debate the possibility of shooting 3 shots in the time allotted for the JFK assassination.
That's special.
Besides, no weapons is perfectly identical to the next. With a bit of mysticism you can easily argue that weapons possessed by special individuals are, themselves, special.

>> No.4001933


Firing projectiles at 3000km/h must be magic back in the days of god, given time we may be able to make EXCALIBAAA aka plasma sword too, so I think the bit about being unique and have special powahs are a must is quite fallible.

>> No.4001934

I hope Canaan is an unlockable servant.

>> No.4001939

inb4 Depeche mode - Master and servant

>> No.4001940

I still don't get why can't they make magic guns in the Nasuverse. That would become NP later on.

>> No.4001943


>> No.4001952
File: 171 KB, 559x501, 6207890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most useless servant ever.

She'd never do more to me than smile if I was a guy. Then if I chose to be a girl she'd constantly keep shoving her fingers up my ass and vagina in order to wail me to a climax.

Rather have Alphard. With her shit would get done. And i'd also get to dye Ayako's hair white and tell Alphard thats Canaan.

>> No.4001961

Kiritsugu used a conceptual gun as a conceptual weapon that fired magic bullets. IIRC it was a Thompson/Center Arms Contender chambered in 30-06. Basically a single shot pistol that shoots rifle rounds.

>> No.4001965
File: 161 KB, 350x491, badass-sion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who says they don't?

>> No.4001968


IIRC this argument was used by some fag during the usual powerlevel shitfest in Faggot's Lair, perhaps Biken. with no backup source.

I'll only consider this true when they quote Nasu's that guns can't be NP.He is THE man,after all.

>> No.4001974

You mean the same man who says Neko Arc is twice as powerful as normal Arc?

>> No.4001978

It's called a mystic code, aka, a specialized 'wand' to apply his magic. The gun is not conceptual, the bullets are what do the trick.

>> No.4001980

>Rin Tohsaka Master
>Lancer Servant



>> No.4001982

COnsidering he is quoted as LAUGHING when saying that, I have to say you guys are too fucking anal.

>> No.4001985

That's actually pretty plausible. 'Normal' Arc is the Arc we see all the time, with most of her power gone and what's left devoted to holding herself back. Neko Arc is Arc when she's feeling uninhibited, so she would probably be stronger.

Still nowhere near Serious Arcueid, but that's beside the point.

>> No.4001988

Guns can be Noble Phantasms at the very least because Zero Berserker can make ANYTHING his Noble Phantasm. He even made a fucking F15 fighter jet his Noble Phantasm. Therefore, the possibility for guns to be NP exist.

>> No.4001995

Very, very different shit.

>> No.4001998


I am glad to see members of Faggot's Lairs are alive and well with their usual misspelling eagerness to join the show.

>> No.4002001



much ?

>> No.4002007

Neko Arc is not Arc, bro.

>> No.4002012

Leo : Master

AKA Waver reincarnated

>> No.4002020

Taiga got implants.

>> No.4002022
File: 52 KB, 800x600, kotomine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where are you ???? It's 3 months after I finished HF route and I miss you already ;_;

>> No.4002025

If a gun is being used as a "wand", why couldn't it be a NP? I'm sure there are Casters out there who have a wand or such as their NP.

>> No.4002038

Asspained about what?

>> No.4002041
File: 381 KB, 800x734, 5142164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then Ayako would probably get raped in the park. Again. Poor Ayako.

>> No.4002050


Graphix looks shit brah.

Can't they at least make some attempts to fully utilise PSP hardware like in Crisis Core ? I swear, the devs are getting lazier these days.

>> No.4002057

Cause no hero of legend ever did such a setup.
Not every conceptual weapon or magical Gizmo becomes an NP. And it's most likely the bullets in this case that get the fame(since they carry the magical effect).

>> No.4002061


you're mom.

>> No.4002065

No, I'm dad.

>> No.4002066


'sup Baiken

>> No.4002072


>Graphix looks shit brah

I really want to kill people like you.

>> No.4002075
File: 459 KB, 496x1432, maiya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now aware that Alphard is the daughter of Maiya from F/Z

>> No.4002078


You're BS if you call that decent graphics, the quality is on the same level as a PS2 shitty port.

>> No.4002084


Do their character model's faces change expression at all? Kinda hard to tell from such a short clip. The portraits look nice at least. Crisis Core was pretty impressive though, looked just like a PS2 game. Hell, the CGs looked even better than most ps2 game's.

>> No.4002102
File: 12 KB, 400x300, PlayStation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Give up on your life and die

You probably never even owned one(Picture) of these you gigantic faggot. I bet if I asked you what Dragon Quest is you'd go:

"Huh? Whats that? Oh its that piece of shit overrated RPG that unimaginative faggots cream themself over."

Really I wish you would die.

>> No.4002110

>"Huh? Whats that? Oh its that piece of shit overrated RPG that unimaginative faggots cream themself over."
But it is. Only older PC rpgs are any good.

>> No.4002115

Oh boy.

>> No.4002124

But you can't discount future legends. See EMIYA.

Also I don't think that the bullets would be a NP without the gun also being one. For example, Hercules's Nine Lives was originally both a Bow AND Arrows, although it has the ability to change form depending on the circumstances.

>> No.4002134

>Oh its that piece of shit overrated RPG that unimaginative faggots cream themself over."

..but the biggest thing about Dragon Quest was that it DIDN'T change.

>> No.4002148

Sure they could.
Emiya's trick is his projectiles, not his bow that whips up sometimes.
And even with the FUTURE being accounted, guns are hard to be classified as NPs due to their characteristics.
Conceptual ones that someone may use, more probable. It's not IMPOSSIBLE, but until a specific example of a Gun NP is showcased, do not think too hard about it.

>> No.4002172


Something about the game reminds me of Persona. Even the school looks damn similar to Persona 3's school, though it might just simply be generic hallway and roof drawings.

Are there clips of battles yet?

>> No.4002178

The game is more akin to .hack in Gameplay and setting.
The school is just a school.

>> No.4002193

>talk about graphics

Way to derail the discussion and the whole point ,congrats.

And FYI, I do own it.It's called PSX,gramps.

>> No.4002202


How does owning one old machine help your argument that the graphic isn't absolute shit ?

>> No.4002222

I'm so going to play female and get my gar husbando.

>> No.4002314

So, what is this about, actually, and how is the gameplay?

>> No.4002322

Computer emulated Grail War like setting.
Gameplay seems to be stylized action like .hack.
There will be RPG stats.
With the two leads and different allies, it will prolly not be completely linear.

>> No.4002324


>Implying that the PS1 is extremely old
>Implying that is the PSX not the fucking Playstation

Underage user detected. Now I see,you're a faggot AND under 18! I see I see! Hey hey,why dont you go get banned?


Just for me? My heart would be at peace if you did.

>Way to derail the discussion and the whole point ,congrats.

Way to stop thinking faggot. I hope I get to serve you a beverage sometimes so that I can piss in it violently.

>> No.4002329
File: 5 KB, 480x480, Quixotic Yuri Aficionado.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There better be a yuri route with Rin.

>> No.4002353



>> No.4002413
File: 45 KB, 250x250, ah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh Anon,i'm not mad...I'm enraged


Saber end yuri end only.

>> No.4002439

Why are they imitating persona ? Gameplay, art and even music looks like persona material

>> No.4002459


If not yuri route, then yuri overtone route. I hate how Japan seems to actively avoid that for these types of games, yet has no problem with yaoi route/overtones.

>> No.4002483
File: 150 KB, 822x800, THOSEABS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And while she's doing that I get to lick her delicious abs. Oh god yes,those ABS! I'd slaughter an orphanage for them!

>> No.4002504

Gameplay is NOTHING like Persona.
The only SMT title it could be vaguely similar too is recent Devil Summoner releases, if only for the action element. Art nothing extraordinary, but it does not resemble recent Persona games nor Kazuma Kaneko designs. Unless you refer to the sprites, which look like a good number of PS2 releases.
As for music, we have heard what, 2 tracks?

>> No.4002514


Around 6 actually

7 if you include the song used in the PV.

>> No.4002531
File: 616 KB, 850x1250, p3p yuri yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Me too, that's always frustrating. I like girl's love, dammit.

>> No.4002592

>Implying implication


Not to mention your failed reading comprehension,buddy.

Funny how the ones calling others underage act like ones themselves.

And for some enlightenment sharing,I was talking about emulators,dumbshit. I'm now beginning to doubt your ability to even serve me a beverage now,let alone reading and writing.

>> No.4002599


Y'know what:

Cool story bro

>> No.4002602
File: 274 KB, 800x900, 1260349551034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Delicious dramafag tears

>> No.4002606

Kuzuki....So fabulous.

>> No.4002608
File: 15 KB, 237x320, 1252695736873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Isn't it ?

Yes, I have to agree.

>> No.4002616


Goddamn,that looks so...heinous.

Is that Alice in wonderland background ?

>> No.4002625


And still you can't change the fact that the current graphics are shit, cry some more.

>> No.4002653

They aren't.

>> No.4002676
File: 111 KB, 200x651, hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now that thats out of the way.

Girl or Boy /jp/? I know i'm going to be punching some shit in with my manly fists of...Well,not justice but manliness.

>> No.4002685

I always pick the boys first, no matter what.
Instead of pondering too much, I just choose one option and be done with it.

>> No.4002687


Chick, because it will help my image of Foxy Caster and her.

>> No.4002693
File: 13 KB, 461x259, shinji8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His behaviour fits the age, I guess.

>> No.4002709


If you shove some of the text thats in his Profile and beneath his video from the Fate/Extra site through google translator it seems that this Shinji is actually quite the bro. He's still a womanizer of course but you befriended him 7 years ago and have been good buddies up till the current point where the game begins.

But then again thats through a shitty online translator,it's probably not accurate.

>> No.4002723


Girl, so I can get in catfights with Rin.

>> No.4002726
File: 4 KB, 126x110, 1250767529544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Internet tough shit

>> No.4002739
File: 232 KB, 736x1057, 7871179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so moe

>> No.4002775
File: 136 KB, 300x609, rin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope you enjoy lipstick on your shit. Can't forget those boots either,lesbian sex with her is going to hurt.

>> No.4002782

Fuck, why'd they make her look like a hooker?

>> No.4002788

because she is one

>> No.4002798

Don' t be ridiculous, she's a pure virgin.

>> No.4002801

With Lancer as her servant?
I don't think so.

>> No.4002814


Gay bolg is really useful for a hooker.

>> No.4002822
File: 106 KB, 200x587, heroin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The heroin is no saint herself. Look at her,her appearance just craves for a good dicking.

>> No.4002881
File: 139 KB, 250x631, lancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I look at Lancers new design I think:

Is he a comic book hero?

>> No.4002885

But she looks like such a nice girl.

>> No.4002886

He's Troncer.

>> No.4002918
File: 147 KB, 300x649, archer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The nice looking ones are always sluts. Archer learned that the hard way.

>> No.4002954

They reduced Archer's manliness. What the crap.

>> No.4002956
File: 351 KB, 885x885, 6843011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is lacking in Rider

>> No.4002960

Don't give a fuck about her, she's no Medusa.

>> No.4002982

How so?

>> No.4003005
File: 547 KB, 1123x1600, 1195297909617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the dude in white armour? Real Arthur?

>> No.4003035

What does she ride? Cocks?

>> No.4003039
File: 95 KB, 600x713, 7852411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably just Gilgamesh redesigned. I doubt this game has enough Nasu-authority to go "LOL THE ARTHUR THE GRAIL SUMMONED TWICE ISNT THE REAL ONE"

>> No.4003042

This is an unrelated spin-off on an unrelated world the the ones seen in F/SN with the in-game setting being based on Virtual Networks.
They can do whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.4003050

He's lost his abs.

>> No.4003068


>unrelated world



>> No.4003078

Is that a sombrero on the shirtless guy's back?

>> No.4003083

What is this? A sequel? Or prequel I guess from 8-year-old Shinji? Is it another VN, or some other format? Why is the main character Ranma?

>> No.4003091

Why have Emiya as Archer if Shirou isn't going to be in the game at all? Unless the protagonist is actually Shirou, and the female one undergoes sex change to become Archer.

>> No.4003100

Is Red Saber confirmed to be Arthur anyway?

>> No.4003101

>He's still a womanizer of course but you befriended him 7 years ago

You became friends with Shinji while he was just one year old?

I'll call the FBI

>> No.4003104


I've seen no proof of >>4001803 being true thus far.

>> No.4003112

Ok, seriously, how is this supposed to be in the future, but Rin is still 16, and Shinji is fucking 8? Is time-travel involved?

>> No.4003124


Red saber is joan dark plus 10x faster.

>> No.4003125

Man, I hope Red Saber is something other than Arthur. They're already repeating Archer and Lancer on us. I want a completely new set of heroic spirits! Also, I wonder who cowboy/sombrero guys is. Also, the miko with fox-ears (who I guess is the new Caster? Sombrero guy is prob the new Rider, I guess.)

>> No.4003126

Grail shenanigans.

>> No.4003136

That Taiga looks cute.

>> No.4003142

I bet Caster is Queen Himiko.

>> No.4003154
File: 37 KB, 500x307, MexicanSunscreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for Mexican Rider. Calling dibs on Zapata.

>> No.4003186
File: 505 KB, 1000x1600, 7370289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's no solid proof of course but there's a bunch of things that point towards it.

Like the sudden change of "Magi" to "Wizards" this whole Matrix shit we've got going on and Sakura having a role change.


Fake grail war based on knowledge of the last or a Resimulation of the 4th in order to reproduce something it did.


The Pirate girl is most likely the new rider. Sombrero is probably a Master. But who knows you might be right,maybe Sombrero IS a Servant and Pirate girl is actually Archer.

>> No.4003187

Who is the guy in top middle with the beard? He looks like one of those Spanish explorers or something. Or maybe it's Don Quixote. Will probably be Berserker though (Saber, Lancer, Archer, and Caster are already shown, and the cowboy-looking guy is probably Rider, leaving Bers and Assassin, and I severely doubt that guy is Assassin)

>> No.4003201

Pirate girl can't be Archer though, since Future-Shirou is already shown there as Archer.

>> No.4003203


>> No.4003204

That would be awesome.

>> No.4003206

Why is nobody noticing the freaky clown? Master? Servant? I'm calling that the clown is John Wayne Gacy, and is Assassin.

>> No.4003213

Can there be multiples of a class in a Grail War? I remember someone metioning this before.

>> No.4003236

Shinji raped Sakura when he was 8.

Face it, /jp/ loosers.

>> No.4003237

I'm seeing this right... ALI PROJECT did the OP? Fuck man, if that's true, this game is already shitty.

>> No.4003246
File: 107 KB, 175x589, leo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, but so far the game has never shown what happens to the other Classes you did not pick. We dont know if Emiya Archer gets assigned to another Master or if his role as the Archer in this war is replaced entirely.


Clown is probably the Berserker of this war. Wasnt it in the initial idea for this RPG to include Jack The Ripper as one of the servants?

>> No.4003260

I could see Clown as the Berserker, but Assassin also makes sense. It seems like that the three remaining Servants are the Clown, the Bearded Armor guy at the top, and either Pirate-Girl or Cowboy-guy, with the other possibly being a Master (unless they're both Servatns and Archer is there for something else, I suppose). If cowboy-guy is a Servant, he'd probably be Rider, while Armor guy would have to be either Rider or Berserker (since Saber and Lancer are alrady taken)

>> No.4003268

I'd much rather Don Quixote as Berserker and Clown as Assassin.

>> No.4003287







'gameplay' videos.

>> No.4003330
File: 51 KB, 483x275, fateextra_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wish they'd show off more of the damn combat. It looks pretty good but we havent seen shit mostly.

I like the part where Saber has a clash with Pirate girl and trades blows with her.

>> No.4003348

Kuzuki looks less manly and more emo......

>> No.4003360

Watch it turn out that Nasu is trolling us hard and the foxgirl miko Caster is Merlin.

>> No.4003373
File: 180 KB, 280x532, caster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thats impossible,i'm not versed in King Arthur's age AT ALL but Merlin is an old guy with a wizard hat and a robe.

He could be an Antagonist which is something I just made up just now thanks to me remembering the whole Magi = Wizard thing...But Merlin being the Foxgirl is a bit...

>> No.4003380

earlier scans showed pirate-girl as Rider?
yes, with question mark attached.
Also, a line said that in the proper holy grail war only one servant is allotted to a maste, but in SERAPH things might be different, that's why you have three servants as main character. There's no assurance there won't be two Saber or two Archer

>> No.4003385

He is not writing this.

>> No.4003490
File: 902 KB, 1536x2048, 7858767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So no Nasu driven sex scenes? Oh god you are the best game EVER!!

>> No.4003505

It's on the PSP, no sex scenes either way.

>> No.4003517
File: 233 KB, 700x723, 1240415578420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch, give me my boots back.

>> No.4003539

Red Saber = Genderbend Gil.

>> No.4003584
File: 105 KB, 520x570, 7881250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You agree with me? Awesome,fellow Anon we are going to cum buckets.

Because these will be the best sex scenes EVER!


My wife > Your shit Gil

Just keep that in mind

>> No.4003604

If King Arthur can be a woman, Merlin can be a foxgirl miko. Hell, he has magic, he can just make it a disguise just to troll Saber. From the canon of Merlin maknig Saber male just so he could make Mordred, it is confirmed that Merlin is a master troll.

>> No.4003635
File: 136 KB, 280x532, caster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when is this what we'd call a "miko"?

>> No.4003636

The gender was changed, but nothing else for Pendragon.
Kinda more drastic to make Merlin a Fox Miko. Again, Nasu is not writing this, so any grasp you think you have of his ideas does not apply.
Also, Morganna was responsible for Mordred and extracting the genetic material.

>> No.4003648

Leo = Lio.


>> No.4003656
File: 152 KB, 700x946, 6513493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still say Red Saber is Morgan.

>> No.4003803

You know, the art is done by huke. Yeah, I didn't believe that at first, too.

Also, Caster is obviously Magical Amber.

>> No.4003852

Seconding the hope that Bearded Armor man is Berserker Don Quixote.

>> No.4003929
File: 15 KB, 317x326, 1257123636366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Medea
>Nekonomimi bullshit


>> No.4003981

Once again, he is not involved.

>> No.4004041
File: 950 KB, 2294x3250, rcowada_boku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the Noble Phantasm design is by Huke. The character art is by Wada Rco.

>> No.4004072

He's the story supervisor, so I guess he at least approves everything.

>> No.4004257


Huke? Wada Rico? Never heard of them.

>> No.4004426

Is that Shinji person really supposed to be 8 years old? He looks NOTHING like an eight year old.

>> No.4004439

'Al Sharpton will be a master!'
'Sure, whatever'.
There, supervising
And Ilya looks spot-on 19 years old.

>> No.4004513
File: 778 KB, 2234x3483, moe 79562 binding_discoloration rco_wada seifuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rco. (Technically Ruko, but she romanizes it Rco.)

Her style's kind of weird but I like it.

Probably has something to do with virtual reality shenanigans. Or yeah, typo.

>> No.4004550

>Or yeah, typo

Yeah, that's what I started thinking. I know Japan loves not making characters look their ages, but dang.
