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4000373 No.4000373 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else thinks sex scenes in visual novels are completely unnecessary?

>> No.4000405

>troll post
get out

>> No.4000403

Not in general, no. You're an idiot.

>> No.4000414

Visual novels are also completely unnecessary.
Who cares..

>> No.4000427

Sometimes I want to see the girl I like getting fucked, so no. They are not very good for the most part though.

>> No.4000476

I do..
But then I don't like sex very much in general so yeah..

>> No.4000495

but it's good fapping material!

>> No.4000534

I was thinking about this last night. Like, "Why do Tsukihime and Fate/stay night have sex scenes in them?" It's not like nasu's especially good at sex scenes anyway.

>> No.4000550

Nobody would play Visual Novels if they didn't have sex. Why do you think they caught on so well in the first place? Why do you think only what the CG rips when a new game comes out?

>> No.4000555

I just wish they were a bit less generic.

>> No.4000559

in some vns, i got so attached to the plot that i skipped the sex.
but i woouldn't have downloaded them in the first place without the sex.

>> No.4000561


>> No.4000565

Totally disagree.

>> No.4000575

No, and your a fag

>> No.4000578


>> No.4000576

What the hell is non-generic sex? Do you want them to fuck while floating through space?

>> No.4000572


That being said, some of the sex scenes are unecessary/completely out of place in visual novels. All of the scenes from F/SN, Kana, and YMK to me were just fucking retarded. And I just EAT UP when the creator/author of the game writes sex into the plot as some sort of great device for storytelling (receiving mana through sex, sex casts a certain spell, sex makes the world be saved)

>> No.4000588



>> No.4000592

The games started with sex so working towards taking them out seems backwards. You can design games without sex scenes but trying to get all games like that is unnecessary and unwanted.

>> No.4000593

I have CGs somewhere from an older VN where they appear to do just that.

>> No.4000608

dur hur ps2 releases that outsell pc versions.

Seriously though, it's how the medium evolved. Sex scenes are fairly common in novels, and while the detail may not be as high, it's still not that different in principle.

On the other hand, for some vns this is like asking why erotica has sex scenes, and then the OP was a troll.

>> No.4000635
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Unnecessary sex is how companies like Key got off the ground

>> No.4000661

nipple fisting

>> No.4000660

enjoy your all age shit

>> No.4000675

Thank you for posting this pic I hope to god I will see it again when I am on my computer.

>> No.4000691

Send it to yourself with email.

>> No.4000750

>Nobody would play Visual Novels if they didn't have sex.
So nobody would play these games?

Symphonic Rain
Remember 11
True Remembrance
Galaxy Angel

>> No.4001237

I enjoy both Nukiges and Plot-heavy novels, so fuck your shit.

>> No.4002834

I'd say sex is mandatory if the visual novel involves love.

>> No.4002841

The best Visual Novels (Ever17 and Umineko) don't have any sex scene.

I think sex scenes definitely ruin the story for me, the two in fate were so much stupid.

>> No.4002843

Unless it's about Chobits.

Chi can't do the nasty. :<

>> No.4002851

I agree that in plot driven novels sex is unnecessary

>> No.4002850

>Implying mollusk sex isn't his forté.

>> No.4002848
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>> No.4002861
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>> No.4002868

It might not be necessary, but it's nice to have it as a fanservice. It should be entirely optional.

>> No.4002878

I personally use sex scenes as fapping material, because the art is usually top tier.

>> No.4002889

>I take my uncertain hands, place my erect self onto Saber's slit, and-

I do not remember this scene being so terribly written. Laughable, yes. But not quite like this...

>> No.4002931

No, many of my favorite story oriented games simply doesn't work without sex, and even their console port contains the sex, as they are far too crucial.

>> No.4002996

Sex is always ridiculous when you describe it.
Try writing something now, seriously.

>> No.4003013

If I am playing a VN for anything other than fapping, then I don't like sex scenes.

>> No.4003046

And then I fucked him.
Why did I fuck a guy?

>> No.4003053

God YES. The sex scenes in Cross Channel are so inappropriate, so out of the blue, so abrupt and unappealing that it's just sad.

>> No.4003061

That's a good saber picture OP, she looks so pure.

>> No.4003063

Cross Channel had great sex scenes.

>> No.4004834

It's a necessary evil of sorts, as it really mucks up the literary flow of the piece pretty much 95% of the time. I don't mind them in moe-moe disney love games, as I don't really read those anyways, but in story-centric ones they are just really annoying. Authors should do very few, or maybe no sex scenes for these, and cram them all on the fandisk or some shit.

>> No.4004850

What are YOU on man? The ero in CC was top notch, and right where it should be, even up to the point where they fleshed out some of the characters more...

Yeah right. The ero was of good quality though, none the less.

>> No.4004900

not really, they were way too long, and romeo tanaka has this weird fetish of having his protagonists being able to cum buckets upon buckets - wouldn't have minded more scenes, but shorter ones

>> No.4004932

I agree with OP here as I have never actually finished a VN because of sex scenes, because they seem really out of place with no contribution to the story whatsoever and where VNs (at least the ones I played) the story is barely there so adding those scenes makes it fall apart under its own weight.

>> No.4004940

I find them quite refreshing, really.

>> No.4004951

A lot of stories aren't complete without sex. Sex is just a part of life. People freak out way to much over it.

That said some stories it feels like its forced.

>> No.4004973 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4004977

I do not enjoy them at all. I remember picking up Utawarerumono before I started checking rating of VNs. I thought, oh hey, it can't be too bad. And hell, the gameplay was fun as well.

Then I played......
And he fucked EVERYONE and their mother....
I was dissapoint.

>> No.4004979

I agree completely.
After all real books have sex too, so why the hell not? As long as it doesn't turn into a 60's-70's New wave fiction, it's fine.

>> No.4004999

Sometimes ero scenes are alright, but most of the time they are there just for the sake of fan service, and believe it or not, not everyone wants to see every female in every VN ever get boned.

It's not like such scenes are fappable to half the time anyway with the ridiculous amount of censoring so many things get.

Clannad is one of the most popular VN's and it doesn't have sex scenes.
There is something to be learned form that.

>> No.4005005

I really don't think most plot-driven VNs need them, and for the most part they hold the source material back. For example, whenever I see an article about a new Fate spinoff game on a western site they always have to mention BUT THIS IS BASED OFF OF A *PORN* GAME LOLOOLOLOLOLOLOL

>> No.4005011

>Something to learn
How about no? Ero for the sake of ero is a bit out there, but i wont complain because what the fuck, im here to get all Mary Sue with the protagonist, and if hes getting punani were all happy right? Youre acting like the stories are super compelling and mind blowing in the first place, which they 95% of the time are not.

>> No.4005015


Who cares what they think, we don't need normalfags permeating the VN community.

>> No.4005024

Sex is necessary for romance. I don't know what the hell kind of eroge you guys are reading.

>> No.4005027

If I care about the plot, it's enough for the H-scenes to be implied. I mean, I do read them sometimes, but I don't even get a boner.

>> No.4005028

Why? I'd love to see the VN medium become more prevalent, mostly because music can really add a lot to a reading experience.

>> No.4005043

If you need your porn so bad there's plenty of places to get it besides visual novels.
You are the kind of person responsible for everything being called PORN WITH PLOT.

>> No.4005062

Go read a book, if you want interesting and compelling stories. Its called fucking eroge for a reason, shit cunt.

>> No.4005058

At this point I just skip ero scenes most of the time.

>> No.4005066

ITT we've only read things by Type-Moon

>> No.4005081
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there are some VNs that you wish had sex scenes, but they just tease you

>> No.4005085

I don't know about you guys but Ever17 was fucking terrible.

>> No.4005099


>> No.4005104

>Go read a book, if you want interesting and compelling stories.
Telling me to go from one genre of reading to another because the only things you read are porn stories.
Compelling argument.

>Its called fucking eroge for a reason
See above

>> No.4005108

My problem with sex scenes is that I feel obligated to fap to them sometimes before I go any further. So if I don't feel like fapping I'll not go on until I do. And then when I do feel like fapping I won't feel like opening the game and will fap to something else.

I've held off continuing some VNs for months due to this.

>> No.4005113

My own clone.

>> No.4005122

>Telling me to go from one genre of reading to another because the only things you read are porn stories.
And here you were talking shit about how only PORN WITH PLOT gets published. Give me a break.

>See above
No thank you. Learn that nihongo, son?

>> No.4005127

Visual Novel != Eroge

>> No.4005140

I have stalled on so many things because of this.

>> No.4005164
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It's nice to have, but I skip them. In VN's it normally means that you've claimed that girl as yours pretty much and that she loves you completely, unless she is just some whore.

But it really depends on the character. Here's a example.

Ilya is the type of heroine where it would be perfectly fine to not have a h-scene, it would be nice afterwards because she'd be even more loving than she was but it isn't necessary. She is the type you just want to hug because of how cute she is and don't care about anything else.

Then there is Rin, she is the type you want to make embarrassed and have her confess her love to you. What better way to do so than a h-scene?

I couldn't think of a good example for Rin, but you should get what I'm saying.

>> No.4005181

Consensual sex is a part of love, so I'd say that it's totally fine to include them in VNs which have romance, but I wouldn't say that it's necessary.

Plus - it's fap material, and I sure do love taking a glimpse on the naked body of my fave heroine.

>> No.4005192

You're so strong Berserker....

>> No.4005194

They are, but otaku are horny. I sure as hell want to see every woman in Clannad, Ever17, and Umineko get boned (except Kumasawa).

>> No.4005220
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>> No.4005223

gg's Anonymous
Wow i lost way to much health to stupid things in those games ;-;

Also thats one of the better Alice's i've seen playing here i've never had trouble approcing one as much as that, that said it almost it seemed i didn't approch you right almost at all easting the down lance dolls to the face way to many times.

Also for your remi, It didn't seem to go to well for me a spent half the time hiting my special early or when you weren't around loseing matches. ;-; sad times but gg's!

>> No.4005229

Who doesn't want to see every female in an eroge boned? Give me a break, you guys.

>> No.4005239

Seriously. Everyone here always complains about some secondary girl not getting an ero scene.

>> No.4005254

oh dear my bad

>> No.4005277

I don't. Sex in VNs is lame.
