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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 600 KB, 1920x1080, MamiyaMami_2022-05-09_20-28-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39883756 No.39883756 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>39852829

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.
What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.39883921
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x1440, 月は東に日は西に_1653103280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there people who seriously can't taste a difference between diet and normal drinks? Diet tastes atrocious to me.

>> No.39883965

I stood up and clapped at this american post.

>> No.39884007

Thanks. I did my best

>> No.39884149

Anyone have a working crack for secret agent? Mine doesn't seem to work.
In fact, the .exe disappears after I double-click on it, which I find very worrying.

>> No.39884215

That's not about the crack. That's about you not setting an exception on firewall.

>> No.39884277


>> No.39884297

By firewall I mean windows defender but I'm sure you got it.

>> No.39884545

If you only drink diet garbage you get used to it. The real freaks are people who can't tell coke and pepsi apart, there are a lot of people out there with essentially no sense of taste.

>> No.39884771

I only read nukige

>> No.39884973

How do I get a game to run that keeps asking me to insert the original disc even after I’ve mounted the iso? Is this some kind of anti-piracy protection?

>> No.39885374

maybe u should mention what fucking game it is and what u use to mount it with if u want help
i dont think we have many espers to magically figure this out

>> No.39885420

>shit doesn't work, help
You post that wherever you've downloaded the shit in question from. If there's a crack along with it, it's there for a reason most likely.

Generally you try to match the system requirements of the VN in question (contemporary OS and the virtual CD software) as close as possible. The safest bet is a VM with Japanese WinXP + sufficiently old Daemon Tools (v3.47).

>> No.39886378

What's the point of VNs having choice when everyone just uses a walkthroughs

>> No.39886384

Only cringelords use walkthroughs. They are the hookcucks of real JOPs.

>> No.39886555

I probably couldn't tell either of those, not everyone is a lardass who drinks soda every day.

>> No.39886733

>The real freaks are people who can't tell coke and pepsi apart,
What's the difference? I've only drank them when I was a teenager so I seriously don't remember.

>> No.39886825

I'll still take those under the high sexual content tag but same mostly
I read the all ages or low sexual content trash on handhelds sometimes

>> No.39887869

Next MELLOW is coming, bros. And it seems they're fixing the one thing that was missing, which is tachie and voice for side chars.

>> No.39888015

I only use a walkthrough if the game has complicated map movement, a bunch of nonsensical choices, or something like that.

>> No.39888944
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, deritomo_2022-05-21_19-07-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong one

>> No.39889018

pepsi is more sweet

>> No.39889026

wrong thread

>> No.39889078

What's with 4chan archives recently? Did they all die? Wakarimasen is dead, warosu stops working, dunno about the rest.
Who's that slut?

>> No.39889167

Prostitute kamige

>> No.39889282

I drink about 4 or 5 cans of Coke Zero a day. Is something bad going to happen to me

>> No.39889475

Diet shit is filled with artificial sweetener in lieu of real sugar. It's likely worse for you than a normal drink.

>> No.39889486

wife material

>> No.39890015

If you can accept her at her worst, then you don't deserve her at her best.

>> No.39890120

I'm confused. Do you really mean can or do you mean can't?

>> No.39890721

>I drink about 4 or 5 cans of Coke Zero a day
Jesus. And here I thought I was bad for drinking flavored sparkling water every other day.

>> No.39890751
File: 799 KB, 798x653, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39891213

Nothing bad from the artificial sweetener. The caffeine may be bad for you, and he acidity is definitely bad for your teeth

>> No.39891767

sigh nanatsuiro drops seems easy enough but lacks an voice line replay button for me to mine it and for some reason i can't save or quicksave

>> No.39892885

You can try other games by the same dev, Flyable Heart and Leyline are also really easy.

>> No.39892981

i decided to go back to LOOPERS which i got halfway through before i decided to beat hanahira first but thanks i’ll keep these in mind

>> No.39893278
File: 32 KB, 1281x749, bdasfgzcxvb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this font is my ass

also is there any way to fix the garbage fullscreen resolution? there only relevant options appear to be full and windowed

>> No.39893600

>mine it
Kill yourself, faggot

>> No.39893803
File: 1.09 MB, 1282x723, xcvbsdfgcvb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute actual clinical retard

>> No.39893952

why so hostile buddy

>> No.39894035

I'm on my mission to exterminate filthy ankitards. Like that one guy reading vns without bgm for the same of mining. Anki users are stinky.

>> No.39894053

>go to link the cg collection of this to my friend with no intention of looking at them
>see the rape tag
>they put a funnel in her pussy and fill it with bugs
uhh ok not exactly what i was expecting

>> No.39894084

Death within 5 years probable. Switch to tea or something, cold brew tea if you really need your drinks cold

>> No.39894145

Drink sun tea instead.

>> No.39894150
File: 225 KB, 800x600, Kotomine.Kirei.full.1024350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reach H scene
>carefully read each line and what the actors are doing, memorize it all
>DON'T wank
>go to sleep as soon as the scene is over
>enter a lucid dream and shape the dream to reenact the scene in its entirety while fully sensing it
You haven't truly self inserted into your nukige or enjoyed the H scene until you've mastered this process

>> No.39894214

Just go into the message history and click on the lines you want to hear again.

>> No.39894242

Is this a good nakige?

>> No.39894364

anki is just mere efficiency also i just turn down the bgm volume it’s often unbalanced anyway

>> No.39894668

>femdom scene
>>self-insert as MC
>maledom scene
>>self-insert as heroine
I guess I just like to be dominated

>> No.39894809

If I read H scenes when I am really horny It feels as if my delusions seep into the reality and CGs begin to appear animated and I can feel the touch, smell, taste, and all other bodily sensations that characters are feeling, and gradually I stray away from what's happening on screen and develop my own H scene in my mind.

>> No.39895147

maybe, can you still naku when you've been spoiled the big reveal by that anon?

>> No.39895200

10 years later I’ll forget everything and randomly finds it again.

>> No.39895212

It's not like I haven't seen that kind of development multiple times before. It's all about the execution.

>> No.39895234

Do people really cry to VNs? Lmao
>uwaaa uwaaa this fictional girl died I'm so sad uwaaaa uwaaaaa

>> No.39895416
File: 255 KB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_R45SIst4OG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crying to fiction is cathartic and feels good. My life is depressing and filled with anxiety, so well-made nakige and utsuge make good outlets for negative emotions for me. I can't bring myself to cry to every sad moment in a VN even though I wish I could, but when it's done well enough to bring on the tears, it can help me reset my mind to a more stable state, and I feel calmer and better after experiencing it. That's why I'm always up for good nakige recs, if it makes someone else cry buckets, that piques my interest.

>> No.39895768

Cry to your pathetic life for catharsis

>> No.39895795

I feel too empty and listless to do that. It's not something I can just do on command. That's what fiction is for, it distills emotions into an easily digestible form.

>> No.39895831

Chihaya's route was good

>> No.39895943

cant tell coke and pepsi apart
cant tell coke and coke zero apart
though i havent had a "normal coke" in literally years

>> No.39895992

I'm a man. I don't show emotions. I just soberly analyze whatever I am consuming with my intellect. This dude >>39895416 is feminine like ancient greek faggots.

>> No.39896376

If 2D girls aren't worth crying over, what IS???

>> No.39896705

Any recent good nukige that is neither too vanilla nor hardcore fucked up shit? Please I want to masturbate

>> No.39896853


>> No.39897236

The death of 2D fictional woman is more sad than the death of a thousand roasties.

>> No.39897778

Tits too big

>> No.39897902

Role Player

>> No.39898118

Most 2D girls are 3DPD tier outside of moege.

>> No.39898535


>> No.39899180

nukige wives>moege wives

>> No.39900870

do people really enjoy games with art like that

>> No.39900964

Only sickos. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to play the newest lolige.

>> No.39901013
File: 933 KB, 1024x640, WhiteEternity_sSh29x31m2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kind of posts in this thread lead me to believe some of these people don't play untranslated VNs.

>> No.39901025

which ones in particular?

>> No.39901361
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, 001_12032022_234951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minori is too fat and Fuuka is a bit too much of everything, but Hina is cute. Only the smalls heads are a bit off.


>> No.39902110

Most kamige are translated.

>> No.39902185

Translation doesn’t exist.

>> No.39902192

I don't see any futakoi translation?

>> No.39902493

NN will do it soon

>> No.39902691

What even qualifies a kamige? Popularity ratings?

>> No.39902724

Their ""translation"" of Sankaku Renai was what got me to learn JP in the first place so I hope the EOPs are happy with their memelation.

>> No.39902730

Meme games deserve shit meme translations.

>> No.39902733


>> No.39902745
File: 422 KB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_gaMWmMK8ne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Untranslated" doesn't mean "only post VNs that have never been translated", it just means you should be posting pics of or talking about VNs that you're playing in Japanese. Which is apparently too hard for some people here, they'd rather make meaningless shitposts about "kamige" and translations, or shitting on VNs they never played and have no intention on playing, posts that might as well come from /vg/. I'm aware that I'm making one of those shitposts right now, but I want to point out the elephant in the room because actual on-topic posts are being drowned out by this wave of garbage.

>> No.39902752

Moogy's vndb top 20

>> No.39902763

>shitting on VNs they never played and have no intention on playing,
Just cause people shit on your favorite VN doesn't mean they didn't play it
take meds

>> No.39902790

>not a single interesting-looking VN on the first page
I guess that's a "yes" then.

>> No.39902820

>"Untranslated" doesn't mean "only post VNs that have never been translated"
Untranslated means VNs that have never been translated, you retard. We don't post garbage with translations here specifically because that'll attract EOPs who'll join the discussion and share their worthless opinion here. On top of that there's no point in playing VNs that are already translated when you play untranslated gems untainted by EOPs. Bonus points if you post VNs that will most probably never get translated.

>> No.39902835

Contrarian faggot. Those are unironically the best this medium can offer.

>> No.39902905

>On top of that there's no point in playing VNs that are already translated when you play untranslated gems untainted by EOPs.
If you let EOPs dictate your taste, you're pathetic. Guess I'm suddenly not allowed to like Aiyoku no Eustia anymore now that it got translated despite it being one of my favorites for several years, according to your shitty logic.

>> No.39902970

I prefer the tame "shit taste", thank you.

>> No.39903100

eops live rent free in your head lmao. I hearby banish you from this thread

>> No.39903348

there's no way I'm still in your head, dude. I posted that months ago and you still are thinking about that lol. Good news is that I began reading with bgm a week or so after that post and realized how much I've been missing out on. Sure it was an absolutely idiotic post, but I am so happy to hear that after months I am still in your head. Keep seething at people learning the language, I'm sorry you got filtered by anki because you couldn't muster up the discipline to spend a mere 30 each day and I'm sorry that you tell yourself that you will "naturally acquire the language" by reading and doing no studying. Have fun being fluent when you're 90

>> No.39903477

The guy is a giant autist, just ignore him when he starts seething.

>> No.39904106

the only yuzu game worth playing

>> No.39904207

How come they translated 斬魔大聖 as "Deus Machina" in Demonbane's english title?

>> No.39904276

I'm glad that Japan finally noticed Kiritani Hana's cute voice, but will she come back home?

>> No.39904391

When she's 40

>> No.39904399

If I want to do the Light saga, do I have to start at Paradise Lost or can I skip to Dies Irae?

>> No.39904449

Most people skip to Dies Irae so there's probably no issue with that, but if you don't mind the slightly more dated look then it's way better to just play in release order.

>> No.39904458

also this is kind of a retarded question, but who would you say is the most likable/enjoyable character of the entire series? I want to make a Final Fantasy character and I can't think of a name

>> No.39905143

>there's no way I'm still in your head, dude. I posted that months ago and you still are thinking about that lol.
I have OCD, so I'm thinking about you every day. Everyone should know about your fuck up, ankifag. No one forgets about your stupidity until the day I die.
> I'm sorry you got filtered by anki because you couldn't muster up the discipline to spend a mere 30 each day and I'm sorry that you tell yourself that you will "naturally acquire the language" by reading and doing no studying. Have fun being fluent when you're 90
Now that's a lot of projection and cope, just like any stinky reeking filthy ankifaggot. Very cool, please keep on this entertaining fuel, provide me more.
Fellow ankitard sucks off ankitard dick, what a nice scene! Now you both should post your anki stats!

>> No.39905165

Eustia can only be good if its baby's first dark fantasy story

>> No.39905408
File: 656 KB, 800x600, Draculius2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of Nitro+'s titles would you guys consider their best?

>> No.39905417

Tokyo Necro since the protagonist is a lesbian.

>> No.39905444

Hanachirasu since the protagonist is gay.

>> No.39905570
File: 690 KB, 1024x640, WhiteEternity_dNvmpYjzZB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two are a surprisingly great match for banter.

>> No.39905585

>not sexually involved
never post in my thread again

>> No.39905780


>> No.39905827
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>> No.39905869

literally just make every variation you lazy fucks

>> No.39905909

Paradise lost is honestly barely connected to the shinza series at all to be honest, he clearly came up with the universe after it was already written and released. I remember reading here years ago that Masada doesn't really like the game anymore and would love to make a bunch of changes to it, but I never bothered checking if it's true or not. Sure sounds like the usual autistic creator stick though.

>> No.39906416

although what >>39905909 said is true, as it stands now its the only way to get to know characters that are still relevant to the series, unless you want to read an entry in a wiki or something. If you don't feel like reading it now just skip it and come back after dies irae if you are invested in the series.

>> No.39906588

Kanako Itou openings are always great


>> No.39906664
File: 182 KB, 479x380, 157230068567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not want

>> No.39907129
File: 790 KB, 1024x640, WhiteEternity_2020-12-25_22-22-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro she's in kindergarten

>> No.39907169
File: 227 KB, 760x1075, 1154-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for Eroge with this type of design. Can you guys make me a recommendation list of them?

>> No.39907416
File: 263 KB, 1280x720, Ixseal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might as well just check everything tagged with superheroine since they tend to wear suits like this. 1/3 of Lilith's catalog is about space warriors, ninjas, etc that have them. Alicesoft's 超昂 trilogy and Blade Briders. The two 敗北の淫獣ハンター games by Catwalk Nero.

>> No.39907433


>> No.39907542


>> No.39907552

I want to focus more on science aspect/logic not just Fantasy even if it's BS I can buy it's science. Anything can be explained by science. Even transforming must have a scientific explanation BS

>> No.39907949
File: 843 KB, 653x831, 1633440793555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much more power do you get from a second fang?

>> No.39908039

I like the art style, how was the trial?

>> No.39908160
File: 433 KB, 804x447, 1635803535834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started reading, but I do appreciate that you get tits like 5 minutes in

>> No.39908211

Django is kamige (most of Nitro+ are), and you'll love it if you are a fan of spaghetti western.

>> No.39908537

looks nice

>> No.39908660

Good sites where one can download android versions of eroge?

>> No.39908694


>> No.39911000

It's a shameless moege. I like it.
Moege that adds boring drama like futakoi is just the worst.

>> No.39911322

Dude, it was the trial. Of course there won't be drama in it.

>> No.39911693

People be like no drama in muh moege and then sing praises of shit like kinkoi cause they're apparently ""bold enough to do shit that no moege would dare""

>> No.39911707

Kinkoi is garbage and not even because of nakige stuff.

>> No.39911760

Speaking of NekoWaka, what was the fix for cut off nametags in these games? Same stuff like Hulotte, it's so annoying.

>> No.39912187

You understand that those are different people, right?

>> No.39912464
File: 181 KB, 1024x768, 001_23052022_001726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolutely adorable voice (ニーア)
>look up seiyuu
>only role she ever did
Why must you hurt me in this way?

>> No.39912616

Only thing I remember is that it got fixed when I messed around with the settings using Locale Emulator, you need to set the Language or something to Japanese

>> No.39912636
File: 227 KB, 1920x1080, 1623279792907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read up to the second day, at this point all the heroines have been introduced and it's pretty much what I expected. MC is a chad (at least in terms of looks) and all the heroines are at least clearly into him, there's a decent amount of comedy and some hints at the supernatural stuff.
The heroines seem really nice (except one that got the short end of the stick in terms of introductions, so I'm not really sure about her) so while it's nothing exceptional so far it looks solid, I expect it to be a good time at the very least.

>> No.39912936

Did the game stutter like crazy for you? I thought it was cute but the sprite and text movements felt super laggy which makes the game unplayable for me.

>> No.39913179
File: 1.17 MB, 939x1080, 1630766296670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that you mention it I did notice it was a bit choppy during animations, nothing unplayable for me so I didn't think much of it, but the animations in KamiKimi were perfectly smooth so it shouldn't be happening. I guess there is a problem but it's not that bad for me, here's a scrolling screen scene if you want to check it out https://litter.catbox.moe/j23nuw.webm

>> No.39913290

Thanks dude, works perfectly when Fake System UI Language is selected.

>> No.39915037
File: 237 KB, 1280x720, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39915076

>cutest girl is a routelet

>> No.39915185
File: 771 KB, 797x1020, 1633504090131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the cute girls have routes

>> No.39915836

Why then, roastie?

>> No.39915898

not enough anal

>> No.39916319

No one who really likes the concept of moege enjoys kinkoi because it's honestly such a below-average shitty moenukige and plotfags just basedface to generic keyaids shit.

>> No.39916353

Do you read VNs exclusively in Japanese, or do you do it in English when there's already a good translation out?

>> No.39916363

>good translation

>> No.39916372

go back

>> No.39916396

>go back
i'm just trying to decide if I should read Rance 1 in English or Japanese, since i'd be able to burn through it faster in English

>> No.39916397

I unironically think spicy memelations are more fun to read when it comes to moege. Moege usually have terrible dry prose.

>> No.39916422

Japanese itself is a pretty boring repetitive language with a very narrow range of expression possible. It can never beat English in this regard.

>> No.39916426
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, リンパにATATA!_~メス牡蠣ミルクどぴゅらっしゅ♡~atata (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sight of English makes me physically ill. I swore to never read or write English again.

>> No.39916442

Write this in Japanese now, weeb.

>> No.39916453

Who is sara hoshikawa clone

>> No.39916462

read nigga read

>> No.39916468

That was a rhetorical question

>> No.39916470

エラーが発生しました。お客様のdeep l サブスクリプションは期限切れとなり、この翻訳ソフトを使用することができなくなりました。再度ご契約いただき、月額料金をお支払いいただくことで、翻訳サービスをご利用いただけます。

>> No.39916478

i can't read this but this guy seems pretty good a japanese

>> No.39916508

Let me translate this to English for you lurking eops
>Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.

>> No.39916548

Now I wonder how nips translated Lolita

>> No.39916563
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1440, lovenatu_1653335112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The majority of good lolige is untranslated so yes I read exclusively in Japanese.

>> No.39916607

>ロ ・ リー ・ タ 。
>三歩めに そっと歯を叩く。
>ロ 。 リー 。 タ 。
Lol reads like shit

>> No.39916738

What's the best lolige in your opinion?

>> No.39916759 [DELETED] 

The one in which they become grow up and become sexy mature women with sexy curves

>> No.39916761

Can’t understand why this thread endorse Lolita so much when the guy essentially killed himself and his loli got tainted by another guy. Is this because of all the memes?

>> No.39916768

The one in which they grow up and become sexy mature women with sexy curves

>> No.39916771

Sad to say I haven't read as much as I'd like to so I can't say definitively but Kakurenbo is pretty high up there

>> No.39916777

Pedo got what he deserved. Don't see anything wrong.

>> No.39916784


>> No.39916790
File: 410 KB, 825x340, なつくもゆるる_2016-09-18_14-00-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39916797

I like utsuge

>> No.39916823

Gays love Baldwin's 'Giovanni's Room' but that faggot gets guillotine'd in the end . Same shit.

>> No.39916832
File: 42 KB, 162x139, kazusa6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hard science fiction
>time travel
i sleep

>> No.39916841

>lol science XD bro
>sex jokes galore

>> No.39916849

Can you really call a shortstack game a loli game?

>> No.39916896

>JC not a loli
Idgaf lmao

>> No.39916900

Bro the point of that novel is homos internalizing homophobia and making their lives miserable. Also, Baldwin's prose style is honestly better than nabokov's overwritten shit.

>> No.39916906


>> No.39916936

Eroge? Are they good?

>> No.39916951


>> No.39916972

三歩めに そっと歯を叩く。
Quite impressive that they managed to translate this in a way with similar tongue movement than the english version.

>> No.39917010

Damekoi would've been a kamige if only mitoko was a JC1 or JS(JC3 is just too old), and if they wrote a proper ending for her.

>> No.39917023

i don't think damekoiman would fuck a js...

>> No.39917047
File: 576 KB, 800x600, h67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will cave in if she seductively begs him to fuck

>> No.39917538

>critically acclaimed classical literature is actually garbage
What else is new. I've read nukige that are literary more compelling.

>> No.39917547
File: 648 KB, 426x767, 1625398739053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes who's gonna stop me

>> No.39917618

It's not the best, but phantom of inferno surprised me recently.
Too bad the final part was so shitty.

>> No.39917654

Or maybe you're just too retarded to understand it

>> No.39917672

>muh intellectual cope
Face it, most literature is written by midwits for midwits.

>> No.39917741

Face it, all VNs are written by dimwits for dimwits.

>> No.39917760

I can't argue with that, though.

>> No.39917839

There are people in this thread who think they're not dimwits

>> No.39917917

Why would you be in this thread if you aren't a dumb fucking retard?

>> No.39917937

No idea

>> No.39918036
File: 916 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot 2022-05-15 22.13.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the heck, that's what I'm playing now

>> No.39918057
File: 1002 KB, 1920x1080, リンパにATATA!_~メス牡蠣ミルクどぴゅらっしゅ♡~_2022-05-24_11-45-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watanabe is stalking JKs on tiktok

>> No.39918432 [DELETED] 


>> No.39919057

Are you even a lolicon? There's a reason why the undisputed kamige is still Musumaker.
Shit, this looks hot.

>> No.39919076

I unironically agree with you. Tried to read ToHeart2 recently and the narration was putting me to sleep, moege should have more dialogue than retarded potato MC describing his thought process.
I think Japanese can be pretty flowery, but I've even read some classics (novels, not eroge) that were so dry, stiff, and non-descript.

>> No.39919154

>memelations improve moege
not to mention they're inconsistent as fuck, I have zero idea how they managed to take a masterpiece like daitoshokan and make it the dullest shit around

>> No.39919217

Daitoshokan was extremely dull to begin with

>> No.39919300
File: 2.25 MB, 783x7177, 1553954981018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would help if the translator knew Japanese. (ignore the kerning issues)

>> No.39919460

>Tried to read ToHeart2
well, that's your problem, ToHeart2 sucks in general, should have read og ToHeart or ps/psp version.

>> No.39920155

I laughed out loud at this.

>> No.39921453
File: 250 KB, 1920x1080, 1652141309097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man living in Japan must be rough, all these chicks falling ass-first on your face

>> No.39921717

I'm getting more and more excited for this VN, think I'm gonna drop the SAGA PLANETS kusoge i've been reading.

>> No.39921750

If you haven't played the trial, know it's a moenukige, not a normal moege. You know Hulotte common routes? This is one on steroids.

>> No.39921764

Yeah, I'm sold.

>> No.39921849


>> No.39921902

Who even makes normal moege anymore? They all feel very horny now.

>> No.39921908


>> No.39921929

Thank you, spoonfeeder-kun.

>> No.39921932

Any company that doesn't put a breast milking scene in the first hour of their game.

>> No.39922119
File: 342 KB, 1920x1080, 1630829227581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MC: oh wow she's acting pretty weird I guess she got upset about me groping her ass, I better leave her alone for now
Meanwhile she was worried that his reaction was kinda weak, god I love this dumb shit

>> No.39922773
File: 1.84 MB, 2560x1440, kakurenbo_1649035234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this little gremlin like you wouldn't believe

>> No.39923279

>3 heroines
>group sex
false adverstising

>> No.39924383

where the fuck do I go for translated VNs

>> No.39924394


>> No.39924566
File: 66 KB, 600x600, 80035805_toku_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Main heroine who feels like a main heroine

>> No.39926146

She's your sister...

>> No.39926164
File: 826 KB, 771x576, 2022-05-24 19_50_22-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDOLL's opening music is so damn catchy.

>> No.39926718
File: 444 KB, 1280x375, 1648912336133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what key do i have to press to replay a sentence's sound on nanatsuiro drops?

>> No.39927100

Nigga really lol

>> No.39927242 [DELETED] 

The reason your touhou jumps you is because you don't understand a woman(youkai)'s heart.


>> No.39927265

I want to fuck my sister.

>> No.39927269

Go to backlog, click on the line you want to hear again.

>> No.39927376

When I do that it gets stuck on the backlog page and doesn’t let me back into the vn for some reason

>> No.39927433

> ankifag at it again

>> No.39927492
File: 678 KB, 710x920, 1908621468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven’t used anki in months after I got burned out after doing 600 reviews a day while studying for certs

>> No.39927503

Sorry anon, my bad.

>> No.39927782
File: 750 KB, 1024x640, WhiteEternity_TRqaOgnLOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly Marimo, that's not how a kindergartener should dress.

>> No.39928341

Were you the one who posted the screenshot with shiori saying something about the MC not being ready at all times for a fuck? If so, take responsibility. I've proper fallen into camp loli thanks to you now.

>> No.39928771

Sisters can be main heroines too, especially if they are twin sisters.

>> No.39930834

They bleep out my precious ochinchin in eroge and then non-ecchi seasonal anime has like 5 minutes of lolis repeating chinchin. I demand justice.

>> No.39930864

I can't read full-sized average moege anymore. I'm fucking done. Fuck this shit, time to plotcuck.

>> No.39930904

I can only read one or two routes in a moege before I burn out. It's always been like that for me

>> No.39930913

>then non-ecchi seasonal anime has like 5 minutes of lolis repeating chinchin
w-which one?

>> No.39930977

does anyone know the read order for shinza bansho? I just finished dies irae some time ago. kkk>paradise lost>avesta?

>> No.39930989

Cunnyichi Tsubaki

>> No.39931140

You can skip paralost

>> No.39931367

paralost before kkk, that's the only one where you will get a paralost link, though it's not much and is half retconned now so you can skip it if you want
you can to try senshinkan too, it talks a bit about some avesta concepts so Masada might had his ideas for the latter while doing the former, but it's not shinza bansho
just go for the release order. paralost > di > kkk > (senshin) > pantheon prologue > avesta > aditia

>> No.39931660
File: 10 KB, 538x136, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an accurate representation of JP tiktok comments?

>> No.39932204

thanks anons. I've read senshinkan already tho. oh but what about interview with kaziklu bey?

>> No.39932236

read it after kkk

>> No.39932485
File: 917 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot 2022-05-14 23.57.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've proper fallen into camp loli
hah good one.

>> No.39933884
File: 1.94 MB, 2560x1440, kakurenbo_1652066244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sucks MC off once
>MC tries to return the favor
>completely ignores him and proceeds to suck him off a second time
>genuinely saddened when he can't go a third time
literal semon demon

>> No.39936930
File: 126 KB, 500x726, 1651259922436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone planning on checking out JK Library? I might give it a shot after I'm done with Extra 2 and Nekowaka

>> No.39937316

Yeah reading it on release before anything else.

>> No.39937592

Are there any games that have as crazy plots as Sakura Moyu? All those alternate timelines, flashbacks, flashforwards, flashforwards into alternate dream realities, etc? I want to read something as batshit as that game again.

>> No.39937612

I recall this old comic where some scientist figured out how to make semen taste like chocolate. Tragedy ensues.

>> No.39937833

just use the back log reply
I just finished it and honestly the game is such a nothing burger
I only got 1 card out of it

>> No.39937922

the IQ of this post is so low it loops back around to being god tier

>> No.39938028

really surprised to see leyline that high up on it, does it get much better after first game?

>> No.39938132

Pretty sure nothing reaches the level of Sakura Moyu, but if you haven't already there's the Iroseka series

>> No.39939516
File: 295 KB, 1080x1215, 1633238904218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do let us know if it turns out to be good

>> No.39939561
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, SznRe6QFh4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't forgiven DessertSoft for failing not once, but twice at putting pregnant H-scenes in Tomefure despite the series being almost exclusively about nakadashi.

>> No.39939989

> crazy plots
Saihate no Ima

>> No.39940619

Lmao it barely has any plot. After SoL shit with foreshadowing you get to read literal manuals of world building and setting details. That climax is crazy tho. The ideas are crazy and retarded but there's not much plot executed around it.

>> No.39940659

I mean it's incomplete and rushed. You were supposed to get a third loop with real shit but they then scrapped that because the writer is lazy and then added additional information in the form of dry blogposty explanations to make up for the lost content.

>> No.39940841

Saihate no meme is overrated.

>> No.39940958

As a romeofag I don't know what to think of Ima. It was such a blast from the past to see a VN bring up the accursed dunbar's number, argue for small closed communities and even mention lyotard's bogus concept of muh end of metanarratives. There's also a pretty dubious account of early human history and Romeo's reductive conception of freedom and power. These used to be these people disparagingly labelled as "lifestyle anarchists" by bookchin and ima definitely reads like something written by one of them.
Honestly I would've liked ima more if it didn't pretend to be some nonfiction shit. I think romeo is a very impressive writer rather than an insightful intellectual. I love jintai even if I don't agree a lot of discussion about human condition in it because he's *showing* that stuff through fun scenarios rather than forcing me to read his essays directly.

>> No.39940970

Nor should you

>> No.39940995

I liked the first chapter but playing through the second chapter really dropped my interest in Sakura no Toki. It really just made me think of the problems that I had with Sakura no Uta. I fucking hated how every character in the game worships the ground Naoya walks on yet the game tries to pass him off as some tragic figure whose lost everything by VI. I've only seen a couple of japanese reviews mention this issue which is weird since I think this undermines the main message of Uta a lot.

>> No.39941017

I just insta drop any eroge where the dude is clearly trying to flex his knowledge and IQ.

>> No.39941030

>ve only seen a couple of japanese reviews mention this issue whic
My nigga this is the only thing people talked about a couple of threads ago.

>> No.39941040

Can I hook saihate no ima scifi explanations? Real question here hookbros

>> No.39941042

>read VN
>it references an extremely well known and basic concepts of psychology/philosophy/ physics/writing/art/etc in an extremely shallow way that's basically just "hey you know this thing? here's a few lines from the wikipedia page"
>I think I'm way smarter than the average person and that nobody else could else could ever possibly know those basic concepts
>give the VN a 10/10 and say it's a deep masterpiece that the average reader can't understand

>> No.39941052

Literally my muramasa experience

>> No.39941118

I'm reading about art history and proletkult these days in preparation for sakura no toki. Art history , as in, the genealogy of the category of art , its sociological base and how it is tied to the evolution of modern nation-state. It seems there's a lot of misunderstanding about what greeks meant by mimesis because we understand it from our modern perspective and people treat le art as this universal transhistorical/transcultural category that lives outside of any local discourse.
Proletkult, because it apparently wanted to collapse the distinction between genius artist/normal worker, and lenin hated it and Bogdanov for some reason.This concept of genius artist is actually pretty new and it's interesting to learn under what conditions it became popular.

>> No.39941132

saihate belongs at the saihate of a landfill

>> No.39941149

I'm sure prodigies existed even before Lenin's time

>> No.39941178

You don't even understand what I am talking about lol lmao rofl

>> No.39941193

The only thing worse than being the person who actually typed this out is being pathetic enough to copy and paste it here for attention.

>> No.39941215

desu i do like how Cyrano is used in Subahibi

>> No.39941259

If you can't read without hookcucking you ain't ready for it.

>> No.39941309

Your average trannylator is basically that. The illiterates in this community are so easily impressed by that shit.

>> No.39941329

you say that like I couldn't find people here saying Muramasa was a revolutionary masterpiece for its deep philisophical message of "dude everybody is justified from their own pov and killing is bad lmao"

>> No.39941350

The issue here is Americans are trained in HS to assess fiction in a certain way. You just list out basic bitch themes and expand on them in isolation while singing praises. They are pretty much incapable of articulating their experience with a VN outside of this framework.

>> No.39941390

Pretty consistent with uta
By which I mean only flashbacks are good and ch1 is a flashback. I wonder if Sca-ji has multiple personality disorder and his other competent self comes out when writing flashbacks.

>> No.39941412

Maybe he hires a ghost writer for that stuff. You never know. Some people just go uncredited as shown in sakuuta itself lol

>> No.39941460

Nobody cares, fuck off.

>> No.39941466

What do you care about?

>> No.39941479

VNs with partner swapping and gangbangs

>> No.39941482
File: 221 KB, 1600x900, フタマタ恋愛_Ver1.00フタマタ恋愛 (57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moege with big tits and fat butts I can shikoshiko my chinchin to.

>> No.39941506

When will you get bored of this shit
They are not even funny these days

>> No.39941508

Stfu I can do everything with a little texthooking. So can I?

>> No.39941522
File: 223 KB, 1600x900, フタマタ恋愛_Ver1.00フタマタ恋愛 (53).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When will you get bored of this shit
When they stop being the only form of escapism and happiness in my miserable wagie life.
I truly, sincerely, unironically believe you cannot understand the appeal of moege unless you've been driving on the way to work at 5:30 AM every day for what feels like forever and you know you'll keep doing it every day for the rest of your life and you close your eyes and imagine how wonderful it would be to get hit by a bus so you escape from all this. Moege are meant for salarymen, not neets. I'll never tire of them.

>> No.39941561

Thank God I'm not a miserable wageslave. I like moege in principle but they are pretty fucking boring in practice. They don't even have fun dialogue writing like oretsuba.
technically I have a job but I don't do anything but sign papers now and then

>> No.39941645

>find a VN with good H art
>play it only to find it profoundly boring
>download a full save and fap to H scenes from gallary
>find a VN with good H art
The cycle repeats

>> No.39941670

Pro tip: Good eroge mostly have garbage art

>> No.39941725

and low/no sexual content

>> No.39941737
File: 471 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot 2021-07-12 17.28.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then find a fapping game you don't find boring, simple as. Nothing but jaded fucks here

>> No.39941769

Only newfags who are still going through classics aren't jaded.

>> No.39941832
File: 28 KB, 480x288, 1652571559497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the same types that say "therapy doesn't work"... you're depressed dude, go outside, live a little, enjoy life again.

>> No.39941953

The more I think about it, the more I have come to view people who binge consume content of any form be it, anime, VNs or even academic journals are the most despicable kinds of individuals.

There is nothing admirable about trivialising what otherwise be a memorable, thought-provoking experience by rushing through it as fast as you possibly can.

Every month around this time, I see posts from people who braggadociously claim to have completed a route, or at times multiple in the span on hours after a game is released. You haven't completed anything, you merely passively consumed media like the disgusting sheep you are, hopping from one world to another aimlessly until you burnout and say "it isn't as good as it used to be".

My hatred for binging really began when Netflix started getting into anime licensing and would destroy entire shows discussions by releasing it all at once. I think it's a similar pattern of behaviour to read a whole book in one sitting as it is to watch a show all at once, so I lump speedreaders and binge watchers together.

I get the impression that the general public is moving towards the expectation that they should be able to watch shows all at once. Perhaps it isn't too pertinent to VN's other than a few speedreaders here, it just evokes the same emotional response from me when I see people thoughtlessly engaging in art.

>> No.39941976

>go outside, live a little, enjoy life again.
If you are capable of doing this you wouldn't even be reading VNs

>> No.39942120

don't you have better things to do with life than repost bullshit twittertard takes here?

>> No.39942275

There isn't a single VN that piques my interest this year. No, I'm not Jaded. It's the nu VN industry's output that is total garbage.

>> No.39942290

>i'm not jaded, it's just that none of my former hobbies bring me any joy

>> No.39942383

>1中 真剣で私に恋しなさい!
>2右 夜巡る、僕らの迷子教室
>3左 キラキラ
>4一 加奈
>5三 大番長
>6二 シャイニーデイズ
>7遊 セパレイトブルー
>8捕 カルタグラ
>9投 パルフェ
this guy's a little ill

>> No.39943482

No. Reposting takes about 10 seconds of my time at best.

>> No.39944026
File: 1.14 MB, 1500x2121, 962e0b7febd34f3a723d5bdb5681d1ec5e094bc3876874019309902a432be33a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still trust Romeo.
I still believe in Watanabe.
I still love SCAT-Ji.
I still believe nukige to be the highest form of masturbation.
I don't mind the industry shifting to all-ages releases. That's just it evolving.
Only moefags have a reason to be jaded. And they dug that ditch for themselves.

>> No.39944039

>i still trust romeo
stopped reading there

>> No.39944260
File: 2.10 MB, 1449x1000, 1648608947281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39944346

they can't keep getting away with it.

>> No.39944351

It's better that way.
They're working on porn--at least let them have a healthy schedule. Living comes first.

>> No.39944509

I hate it when a fapping game starts off good but becomes boring halfway in and my autism prevents me from dropping it so I finish it.

>> No.39944529

What's their problem?

>> No.39944544

It happens when they put too many H-scenes in. Like Mamiya Mami, that's a solid 9/10 nukige in the first half. But it doesn't need like 18 H-scenes. I was done in the middle.

>> No.39944602

They could try actually getting the game close to done before announcing a release date and then a delay every two months. Within the amount of time as the original announced date and the current one other companies have made entire new games.

>> No.39944641

Might be that the Live2d is completely fucked and they can't get the game in a state where it's consistently playable in QA

>> No.39944735

They rely on preorder money to pay their employees.

>> No.39944736

NTRfag here not gonna lie this turns me on. Used goods = proven goods.

>> No.39944790

You guys spend too much time playing eroge.

>> No.39944848

Who the fuck asked them to pay their employees
No one does that in this industry

>> No.39944882

I try to pick up some other hobbies, but this one is the most reliable desu.

>> No.39944893

Why are you here instead of playing viprpgs that only quof and his 2 friends have played in this entire world

>> No.39945321

I don’t really care about themes or messages, and honestly I don’t think authors do a lot of the time either.

If it has interesting characters and plot then it’s good to me.

>> No.39945323

That was the excuse for the first Study Steady but can be the problem now?
If Enki Dekinai taught me anything is that endless delays like this mean they're rewriting shit and had to redraw and rerecord a bunch of stuff, but why? It's just a moenukige.

>> No.39945379

For me it's
style > characters > message/theme >>>>> plot

>> No.39945409

Who the fuck cares about VN messages?
They are your usual empty libshit platitudes totally disconnected from reality

>> No.39945519

You'd be surprised how many naive people are there in VN community.

>> No.39945594

How can the plot be the least important thing to you in a VN? Unless you only read nukige do you not pay attention to what's happening and just click through the scenes? I can't comprehend someone who doesn't care about the plot in a story-telling medium.

>> No.39945620

Shut up. It's release day. Upload doko?

>> No.39945663

>story-telling medium
Lmao most VNs are either character focused or sex focused, and the plot is just there in the background as a vehicle.

>> No.39945686

A story about characters is a story.

>> No.39945707

Story doesn't mean plot focused

>> No.39945728
File: 1.03 MB, 1600x1200, 1617288026867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best games just have a bunch of random cool shit happening, or lolis having lots of sex, or both

>> No.39945730

>00:15 am
New bishop game up!!

>> No.39945736

>immortality... bad
*nips start clapping, some people say いいね*
>being a wagie... good
*uproarious cheering, some nips start crying*
>revenge... bad
*wails and sobs are drowned out by the life-changing philosophy induced sound of thousands of pants being shat*

>> No.39945755

Plot is the least thing I'm concerned about in any medium really, not just VNs. Most plots I've already seen done 10000 times before. It's all about execution and style.

>> No.39945800

I don't necessarily disagree with you, but DI is very heavily plot focused.

>> No.39945816

Does DI have that many loli sex scenes?
I was thinking of reading the all ages version on my Switch.

>> No.39945866

Unless you count Rusalka as loli, it has 0. Her H scenes are the best ones regardless though.

>> No.39945884

>used goods

>> No.39945887

They probably just put the initial release date out just to get the team working and already planned to change it later, because they will just slack more if they set a later date from the start anyway

>> No.39945894

It's not like she actually has a route or anything. No need to unleash your purityfag autism.

>> No.39945981

i had a route for your mom, pregnancy bad end where i put you in her then peaced out

>> No.39946121

Just live happily bro

>> No.39946142

>it's all about perspective bro. The mass murderer is justified from his perspective. Wanting justice is bad.
Mind = blown

>> No.39946206

>Wanting justice is bad.
more like relying on the illusory systems of society is for pussies
you're just mad a porn game reminded you of how weak and vulnerable you are lol

>> No.39946277

Lol okay
Bet you think you're some sigmalord while relying on government neetbux

>> No.39946352

Try not to cut yourself on that edge

>> No.39946535

new sagapla is up

>> No.39946556

Have all my upvotes, my fellow redpilled 4channer!

>> No.39946563

Seriously? That was quick. At least wait for them to get some sales in first, huh?

>> No.39946573
File: 124 KB, 1024x768, 001_26052022_183823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally someone takes a stand against overly long H-scenes.

>> No.39946632

>At least wait for them to get some sales in first, huh?
Why? Rich fucks, as usual, will buy it 5 times each. Piracy doesn't affect their business at all.

>> No.39946639

H scene length is one of the hardest things to get right.

>> No.39946664

That guy exists solely to shitpost in these threads.

>> No.39946859

Long H scenes are better. Those 5-10 minute ones don't do anything to my dick.

>> No.39946970

Don't get me wrong, I'm just saying nukige tend to have 20 or so scenes because you're meant to use one or two per day/session. The point is to play them in bursts at a time feel like you're really getting that bang(lmao) for your buck.

>> No.39947021

There's was a short lived porn gacha, Meshiya Girls, that did it right, after a couple of minutes a button to cum shows up, it ends the scene early and changes the dialog slightly, mostly with the girl calling you 早漏. It also had great art and seiyuu like Kanako screaming for chinpo, and it dies by being a shitty greedy game, what a waste.

>> No.39947050

>I'm just saying nukige tend to have 20 or so scenes because you're meant to use one or two per day/session
I know, but it starts to feel like a chore if the nukige isn't good. I should just drop shit more I guess, but sometimes there's randomly a really good scene followed by a couple of mediocre ones.

>> No.39947084

Extra 2 is also up

>> No.39947180

Considering it's kinkoi writer does this have any gimmicky keyaids shit?

>> No.39947191

There's a used good heroine

>> No.39947197

>my autism prevents me from dropping it so I finish it.
This is pain I know all too well to the point I am actually afraid of picking things up.

>> No.39947203

Not sure about keyaids, but the main heroine and true route is the cripple

>> No.39947207

Lol what
Just don't open it again if it's too boring. Don't tell me you guys don't close the VN until you complete it.

>> No.39947214

No, I must complete everything eventually.

>> No.39947220

>mostly with the girl calling you 早漏

>> No.39947226

Good ambition but you have a very limited time on earth

>> No.39947227

what's "this"?

>> No.39947240


>> No.39947245

is this a different girl from the one in the wheelchair listed as a side character?

>> No.39947276


>> No.39947288

why did someone list the main heroine and the true route a side character

>> No.39947290

I'm just gonna play it for the gyaru

>> No.39947310

The game came out literally hours ago and it's the same case as Kinkoi where the main heroine/true route were surprises. Do you think it's Saga Planets editing the vndb page or something?

>> No.39947312

Because SP announced her as a side heroine and it's not the first VN where they've done that

>> No.39947321

>route is literally one choice

>> No.39947328

Welcome to visual novels in 2016>

>> No.39947346

Not worth it based on trial

>> No.39947350

Good, fuck having choices. I only like them if they lead to like bad/dead ends or something. Having tiny variations on the same scene in the common route that stops the skip button is annoying as fuck.

>> No.39947439

Fucking picked up. I love wheelchair moe.

>> No.39947454

Good, she seems like the best girl by the countdown videos.

>> No.39947468

I need my twincest...NOW

>> No.39947490

>virgin mother

>> No.39947518


>> No.39947566

The absolute state of purityfags

>> No.39947575

yeah, i'm thinking we're based
used goods and ntrniggers BTFO

>> No.39947610
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>> No.39947615

Doesn't this mean the mother is just a step-mother? How is this any different from a regular 3P? This has nothing that makes oyakodon good

>> No.39947669

My favorite oyakodon is when the daughter is pregnant and the mother drinks her milk.

>> No.39947678

this would be dangerously based outside of nukige

>> No.39947686

It would never ever happen outside of nukige.

>> No.39947693

That's me!

>> No.39947708


>> No.39947732

rusalka simps are braindead and they are still seething over Rea being main heroine years later

>> No.39947857
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>> No.39947878

I remember similar lines in Kinkoi, it's to be expected from this writer.

>> No.39947887


>> No.39948445

None of the new releases look good. Guess it is another backlog month.

>> No.39948608

Are you fucking kidding me, there are 4 releases I want to read. I don't know what to read first.

>> No.39948613

Just wait for the dead aegis fandisc next month

>> No.39948648


>> No.39948675

>cuck aegis

>> No.39948723

Now that Ambitious Mission is confirmed shit, whats next?

>> No.39948740


>> No.39948755

Namaiki JK Library

>> No.39948824
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Some anon said that there's no drama in the trial, but there's no fucking way this game is just some drama-free moege, too many flags getting raised.
Which to be fair is what I expected going into it.

>> No.39948836

what are some vns that go deep into science? (doesn't have to be realistic, but has to be consistent with the rules set)

>> No.39948851

the trial is the windup, the game will be the haymaker in the form of a 100 hour soap opera to finally surpass wa2

>> No.39948882


>> No.39948954

Iroseka trilogy HD rerelease in September https://twitter.com/uitachibana/status/1529843880178651137?s=20&t=CJFjCU96mZ5-6pkSj0yKsA

>> No.39948997

looks great, thanks!

>> No.39949008
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>> No.39949281

Is this avoidable? I hate sluts in moege.

>> No.39949340

>3 some
Fucking cringe. That means the heroine doesn't really love the mc.

>> No.39949354

>thinking any of the materialistic bitches in eroge actually love the MC

>> No.39949395

This. Love is possessive to some degree. If she doesn't even bat an eyelid while you fuck her and mom, sister, and the entire town she's just a dumb whore.

>> No.39949598
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>literal grooming daughter-wife route
How did he do it?
Also looking for anything similar

>> No.39949678

Anyone read it already?

>> No.39949687

>virgin bride
can't tell if based or cringe

>> No.39949783

I will never read aoshit

>> No.39949824

Name 2 better heroines than Misaki you faggot

>> No.39949845

imagine reading this and anything by this company... lmao

>> No.39949846

1. Misaki
2. Jackie Chan

>> No.39949853
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>> No.39949872

Are you hipsters or something? Why are you dissing aokana?

>> No.39949888

Because it's translated

>> No.39949893

No the translation is not canon

>> No.39949898

I was nodding off after 20 minutes of reading it so I dropped it. Don't know what I was expecting from a moege

>> No.39949935

Rent free

>> No.39949952
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>> No.39949964


>> No.39949974

terminal case of autism

>> No.39949981

Literally any heroine is better than that NTR bitch

>> No.39950037

Any other characters like this dude? Need kino

>> No.39950055

Are we playing the same game?

>> No.39950089

It's an EOP meme. There are CGs from the gacha that have Misaki staring at the camera. This apparently makes it NTR. Somehow.

>> No.39950105

I don't read anti-capitalist eroge.

>> No.39950153

>this bait again
Minori literally starts a business.

>> No.39950164

Why are you responding when you know it's either a baiting retard or a retard who is so stupid he thought the bullshit about dead end aegis was real?

>> No.39950179

Because the thread is saging anyway so it's whatever and in case anyone else actually believes that.

>> No.39950245

Another guy like that probably doesn't exist. I can think of some similarities, but no one is quite the same really. The closest one is probably Judas Strife in Paradise Lost who is voiced by the same guy and has some similar vibes at times.

>> No.39950246

cute cat picked up

>> No.39950344
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>> No.39950388

nevermind dropped

>> No.39950474

what is an 演出強化パッチ

>> No.39950496

More shit happening on the screen. Probably special effects like falling petals/weather or even more sprites.

>> No.39950504

Fandisc of the worst and most annoying heroine, yeah not reading that.

>> No.39950519

i... i kneel....

>> No.39950566

Do you know where to get
for that game? All of the links on the official website are broken and the a-s and nyaa links are either dead or unseeded.

>> No.39950570

What's bad about her? She wasn't my favourite but not the least favourite either

>> No.39950656

looks interesting, thanks

>> No.39950673

Aside from the fact that the download version probably has it, you are extremely dumb if you can't figure out how to download the patch from the official site. I'll give you a gigahint - archive.

>> No.39950760


>> No.39950789
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I am too!

>> No.39950827

Post it for people who don't have twitter accounts.

>> No.39950948
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>> No.39951285

Has anyone played yurukill yet? I'm thinking of buying it but there aren't many reviews out.

>> No.39951583
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what is plm?

>> No.39951706

product lifecycle management

>> No.39951837

Why is there a lot of lgbt shilling in eroge these days?

>> No.39951863

>there are 4 releases I want to read.
Let me guess
all of them are either moege or shovelware nukige

>> No.39951910

Nips came to learn of it when they have to deal with western localizers or platforms like steam. You have to make sure that your product doesn't discriminate against lgbt and poc.

>> No.39951924

The west was a mistake.

>> No.39951976

I cant believe America invented gay people

>> No.39951985

Man, the amount of cultural influence the west has all over the world is insane and unfair. One would expect nips to be the last race on the earth to care about muh minorities and discrimination.

>> No.39952045
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>> No.39952064

so it ruins not only 4chan threads but the vn industry as a whole, sasuga...

>> No.39952120

I miss those "lol you disgusting homo" jokes in those old VNs

>> No.39952143

I'm sure that's completely true, anon, and not some bullshit you made up based on absolutely nothing because you're convinced absolutely nothing can happen in any other country without it somehow being the America's fault.

>> No.39952161

Lgbt is not even a Japanese movement or Japanese abbreviation made from Japanese words
But keep coping

>> No.39952164

>it's another "people who couldn't name a single policy of shinzo abes other than memes about childbirth and only interact with Japan through cartoon media proclaim themselves as experts on its politics based solely on trends they observe through reading other people's takes on visual novels they haven't even read" episode

>> No.39952186

shut the fuck up nukitranny

>> No.39952189
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>> No.39952201

Actually, Magatsu Barai had some gay jokes in it now that I remember. There's, of course, the okama joke guy that's played straight but there was also that joke with the middle aged fag guy pretending to be a woman via magic or whatever and tricking guys to taking him to dates. MC and his friend both act visibly disgusted.

>> No.39952268

All I know is that they used to have badass anarchists who all got killed by the state. After that their history is all about getting domesticated and now they are just like braindead ants desperately trying to fit in.

>> No.39952286
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What is this -- bait for ants?

>> No.39952339

We need a slider for Hscene length
How is this not a thing already

>> No.39952349
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>> No.39952394

What the fuck?
The new aokana isn't even Zwei?
They came back from death and spent years only to release another extra garbage?
Are they fucking retarded?

>> No.39952562

Is the 2nd game worse than the 1st? Just finished though the 1st one and it was getting repetitive and a bit stale near the end, but I pushed through because I want to see what's up with the student council.

tell me that's photoshopped please.....

>> No.39952568

welcome to trannyverse

>> No.39952622

>tell me that's photoshopped please
No, that's real.
The first time a VN shilled western gender theory

>> No.39952700


>> No.39952751

what? you don't like prostitutes preaching about how trannies = good?

>> No.39952777

it's not even about trannies, it's the fucking gender fluidity shit

>> No.39952834

did they put that stuff in Hentai Prison, or is the vn unaffected

>> No.39952839

Holy shit, thought you guys were exaggerating.

>> No.39952850

It's "gender is a social construct. Don't care about biology. Just be whatever you want to be"

>> No.39953735

It doesn't say any of these things though. The first line is her saying that students don't have to write down what gender they belong to (literally 'you can write male or female or you can abstain'), the next line is that she doesn't feel like anything in particular so she won't blame anyone, and the last line is that none of it will reflect on anyone's marks and that students should feel free to pursue the endless opportunities they have. Why are you trying to make it sound like the game is full of militant propaganda? Could it be that, gasp, you're not actually being honest and are simply trying to deceive the MTL fools that plague this thread by deliberately misinterpreting the game's text?

>> No.39954209


