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File: 73 KB, 400x566, 2900006800117_1_l1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3992308 No.3992308 [Reply] [Original]

Guess what will be coming in the next 24 hour?

>> No.3992325


>> No.3992321

Nothing good, that's for sure

>> No.3992329

Filter is ready

>> No.3992327


>> No.3992331

come out on the 30th. Another 48 huor bro.

>> No.3992337

oh dam.. its time to leave /jp/ already? We were having fun discussing EP5 still..

>> No.3992341

some anon should make a troll vn under the name of Umineko and leak it on share/perfect dark

>> No.3992345
File: 71 KB, 400x399, 2900006800117_0_l1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beatrice is trolling
>George and Shanon are fucking culprit
>Jessica and Kanon are also fucking culprit.

>> No.3992352


>> No.3992356

>George and Shanon are fucking culprit
>Jessica and Kanon are also fucking culprit.
So who is the lucky bastard?

>> No.3992372

Which would make Battler a very evil person since he is controlling the pieces this time. lol

>> No.3992409
File: 111 KB, 564x480, 1256399692000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3992442

I hope somethings' revealed about Fuukin House in this Episode.

>> No.3992455

Is she okay with being gangraped like that?

>> No.3992473

SUIT-Beatrice is trolling, just look at her neck

>> No.3992581


I waited for months. I avoided spoilers like the plague. Without being even able to discuss a murder mystery I was absolutely loving, I stood strong, waiting for Witch Hunt's patch. After so long, it was released, and I read it in two sittings, eating only when starving and only sleeping when really tired.

And then I realize I did all this so I could have 24 hours of relief.

Shit sucks.

>> No.3992602

It wasn't that long. Wasn't it the fastest translation patch ever released or something?

>> No.3992626

>Welcome to Rokkenjima. With you as the new master of the game, things could take a different turn. A difficult level is unrequired: you are the one supposed to give the answers from now.

>> No.3992631

well, since they started, in 2008, they stopped a long time but started to spawn patches like crazy, 3 in 5 moths

>> No.3992635

No kidding. I haven't even had time to discuss EP5 yet, and now I have to leave again.

>> No.3992649

You'll have more time to discuss ep 6 when they finish it, that's by june, they could do it sooner, but they have exams and whatsoever like most people

>> No.3992656


Yeah, it certainly was fast. But still 6 months waiting, avoiding spoilers and discussions. It was really, really awful.

>> No.3992668

Shit happens, i spent 3 hours catching up with all the fan art in pixiv.

>> No.3992679

The only thing i saw were those 4 komas, wich didnt spoil anything. By the way, i finally understand why Erika allways wears a swimsuit.

>> No.3992696

Only three hours, seriously? Considering there are like three/four new pages every day?

>> No.3992727
File: 126 KB, 1263x715, ominous-kinzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3992732

Can`t wait!

>> No.3992771

tell me when the first torrent is out.
i promise to not spoil you much.

>> No.3992798
File: 274 KB, 1802x802, bda1d9312c39ab27ee0c96212368f091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I skiped the thumbnails wich looked like complete crap. Of course, i havent spent 5 minutes on each, just seeing them, and saving the good ones.
Personal favorite on pic.

>> No.3992806

Gonna try to read this using ATLAS, not that I have any idea how it's done.

>> No.3992824

the same here, I use spoielr tags so unless yo open them you won't ahve to fear, I usually say ep6 spoiler: X under a spoiler tag
You gotta be careful

>> No.3992833

And what is this ATLAS i keep hearing of?
Some translator?

>> No.3992844

It's easy, want an explanation (also you get he most general mean of the things, so it's not half-bad)

>> No.3992853

That would be fantastic. I'm sure there are a lot of people that want to read this any way they can after EP 5.

>> No.3992854

Its like one of us tried to translate something with the Rosetta Stone. Its a great translation!

>> No.3992855


Some shitty translator*

Anyone who uses Atlas is spoiling themselves with the pictures and a translation that's nowhere near correct.

>> No.3992929

OK, first you have to download AGTH and ATLAS v14
then and before anything,you have to start adding words to the dictionary k?, go to the wikipedia, add the names of every character, the places and also from Kuwadorian(somewhere on the internet). Go to the WH web, for the epitaph and verbs like gouge and so on, any important word. Laso add yourself while the translation continues.
OK, now you have a more or less good ATLAS
Supposing yuo have the game, start it, then open the task manager, go to the second column, click see, choose column and click show PID. Then you copy the PID of this game
you then create a direct access icon for agth, and in the direction you write /PXXXX, where these X are the four numbers of the PID. After this you start it whitch this direct icon and the AGTH should be now linked to umineko, just clisk on the umineko screen to see if it reacts, it should.

>> No.3992938

Then you open your ATLAS and click on quickatlas, an icon in the taskbar should appear, right click it and choose automatic clipboard translation, it should start translating everything, incluing AGTH.
AFter this, start the game and with the AGTH choose the channel till you see the same characters that appear in the screen, then ATLAS will start trasnlating

ADVICE: you get a LITERAL translation of everything, so the understanding is up to you, being a native english speaker hinders you, you have to reorganize the sentence and make it understandable
