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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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39885926 No.39885926 [Reply] [Original]

Bloody hell man this shit is getting so insane.

First with this seditious lunarian aristocrat ~ moriya shrine conspirators and now we're going to war because some asshole whacked us and shot a trademark out of the cesspool twitter and now we can't use yukkuris.

Now everyone's getting Fear and Loathing nuts in the touhou paradise /jp/, some anon sending bomb threats like some v for vendetta shit.

The devastation we're seeing is unparalleled. It's getting on the news and shit. This is the worst touhou hijack to ever happen, well if you like /a/ and the /a/ hijack that's a different story.

But anyways, this is bullshit man, why this garbage happening? Because of the dubs? Or off by one so it's not quads? Comfort me /jp/ please

>> No.39885949

Face it, it’s all downhill from here

>> No.39885967

bloody hell man you could have at least been girls last tour or flan wants to die optimistic nihilism

>> No.39886094

If it makes you feel any better it wont get rid of new Touhou content and /jp/ will still be here

>> No.39886119

thank you, anon

>> No.39886155

When the question is why something bad is happening online, the answer is always the widespread access to the Internet from the mobile phones.

>> No.39886343

phones killed the web

>> No.39886510

We need to go back in time and politely throw everyone that was involved in making the smart phone right into the sun.

>> No.39887998

>now we can't use yukkuris.
What did i miss? I was here when the DMCA happened, but bomb threats? Wtf is going on? May i have a quick rundown?

>> No.39888279

I'm using a Samsung Galaxy as I type this

>> No.39888329

We can tell from how pointless your post is.

>> No.39888398

>Comfort me
Go outside, touch some grass, breathe in fresh air.

>> No.39888408

Quit being a drama queen.

None of this matters, at all.

>> No.39888482
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I know how to get the games beyond moriya and I don't watch yukkuri let's plays so I find this all rather inconsequential

>> No.39888570

man trademarks the term "yukkuri drama" and autists retaliate by threatening to bomb the patent office that approved it

>> No.39888598

It’s not that big of a deal
Nothing will come of it

>> No.39889802

>It doesn't affect me so I don't care
And yet you will cry the hardest when something you do care ends up being affected.

>> No.39891161

Nothing will happen like always. Moriya didn't have anything that you couldn't find elsewhere and piracy in general has survived much much worse than this.

>> No.39891216

The guy's already working on relinquishing the trademark and shit is back on moriya.

>> No.39891327

moriya isnt really over, basically introduced a problem to many that a lot of older works can only be found on sites like moriya (direct downloads) and that with enough outrage on twitter those old works can be pressured into being removed whether with actual legal action or not
reminder to always share what you have via torrent or at the very least mirror content to multiple direct download websites

>> No.39891735

C,S & D

>> No.39891837

Well then, does what OP described affect you somehow?

>> No.39892037

>Nothing will happen like always
Famous last words.

>> No.39892244
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someone explain this madman's ravings

>> No.39892251

>first they came for the yukkuris...

>> No.39892274

ZUN is obviously mentally unhinged. Who knows what he may do next.

>> No.39892391

Is Touhou dying or something

>> No.39892423

the decay started 2 years ago

>> No.39892657
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Why is it that everything I find an interest in is dead or dying, man.

>> No.39892745

>2 years ago
It started 10 years ago
and 2hu recently becomes more relevant like its old time

>> No.39892790

It's been "decaying" ever since people panicked during the golden age back in 2009 just because Touhou lost traction slightly. I'm pretty sure it will still exist years down the road and people will still complain that it's dying.

>> No.39892952

you dont get it do you? I couldn't care less if Touhou is slowly fading into irrelevancy what I fear is zun’s next move and the commercialization of Touhou

>> No.39893002

The reality is that people come and go. The people that loved Touhou in 2008 grew up and moved on loooong ago, their place was filled by the people that found and loved Touhou in the 2010s, then those also moved on and were replaced by people who found Touhou in the mid 2010s, then by those who found it in the late 2010s... we're in fucking 2022, you should be glad that there's still interest in the franchise enough to have it's own conventions.

>> No.39893008

just start something new....zzzz.... no yukkuri heads? just do shikkari

no talking heads? just do heads with tiny feet

>> No.39893751

you know very well it will become a hotbed for feet fetishist, imagine yukkuri heats with giant detailed feet

>> No.39894510
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oi it's op, thanks for pointing out that the shit is back on moriya shrine

>> No.39894553

I did man, touhou inspired me to go to bamboo forest
bloody hell man, as I said, at least go optimistic nihilism fucking flan wants to die, reply that way at least kindly. And it does matter, this is touhou.

>> No.39902908

how do we stop zun?

>> No.39906870

Touhou has been dead for a long time.

>> No.39907091

bullshit, we‘re here because we‘re here. We have the community, we have the weapons, we need touhou soldiers (YOU), soldiers like me, /jp/ op, and niconico users. Soldiers like moriya shrine and music circles, ´Come one you apes, do you want to take it easy forever. We need you all. Service guarentees easyness

>> No.39908229

let's give it our all! We owe it to those that came before us!

>> No.39912812

It's not, and it doesn't matter. ZUN took down a site's pirated content, which is legal. Only dubious area is the PC-98 games and Moriya is not at all the last source for those. A trademark troll tried to do something and failed. People are doomposting.

You tell me what part of that matters, genuinely, because I don't see anything.

>> No.39915281
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>> No.39917396

make im stop drinking beer

>> No.39917517

Anon youre kind of stupid for not caring about it being relevant. Touhous greatest stride has always been its fan works

>> No.39918211

thank you, anon

>> No.39918874

>commercialization of Touhou
When ZUN first allowed sales of figurines and other merchandise that needs his approval first (i.e. anything not doujin) he already "commercialized" Touhou.
The only real thing that truly matters are official works (games, manga and books alike) and anything that could impede, affect or undermine their releases. As long as those continue at their current quality and pace or better, the fans and their works will always find a way someway or another.

>> No.39922549

merch has such short runs that it should barely even count

>> No.39927477

you know the jay is fucked when a summerfag self admits to being a phoneposter. laugh my fucking nuts off

>> No.39930678

he was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.39936339

What happened to moriyashrine?

>> No.39937266
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Someone dmca'd most of the games, causing them to be removed. Some say it was some troll or even ZUN himself, but I think it was those damn lunarians conspiring

>> No.39937274

forgot to say the games are back on the site

>> No.39938054

RUW send a takedown request because he was being bothered by a guy in twitter.
