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3979609 No.3979609 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /jp/ never talk about Labyrinth of Touhou? It's a pretty good game.

>> No.3979619

There's some discussion here and there. I just got it this morning, I've been playing 3 hours straight. After 4 tries I beat Cirno, thanks to Chen's speed hax. Is Cirno just a dumbed down version of Reimu?

>> No.3979617
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I haven't got round to installing it yet.

>> No.3979629

Because we talked about it when it came out.

>> No.3979626

I can't get it installed properly. Looks fun though.

>> No.3979645 [DELETED] 

Aya is great. With enough SP and enough ATK to get through, just spamming Peerless Wind God and Sarutahiko's Guidance on your nuke is ridiculous.

>> No.3979649

Not really, Cirno's agility debuffs and PAR make her extremely useful. Especially in the next fight against Youmu; Cirno, Chen, and Sakuya are the keys to beating Youmu, otherwise your fucked. My only complaint is how they overpowered the weaker characters and fucked over the stronger characters. I mean China is useless later on and it took me all of 2 minutes to beat her, but Chen is extremely useful and kicked my ass about 5 times.

>> No.3979652

Aya is great. With enough SP and enough ATK to get through, just spamming Peerless Wind God for damage and self buff, then Sarutahiko's Guidance on your nuke is ridiculous.

>> No.3979662

INSTALL IT NOW! Here's a torrent with instructions:


>> No.3979665

I can't be assed to grind for the next boss again.

>> No.3979672

Alice is currently beating the shit out of me. Help please.

>> No.3979698

Do damage to all her dolls, but do more damage to a doll that is not the healer doll, but keep the healer right behind it. She will heal the non-healer first, giving you a little more time to get rid of the healer. If you still cant get the healer out of there, go grind more and/or suck less.

>> No.3979706


Your first target is the healer, despite it's buffs. Use Wriggle's poison (invaluable here), Marisa's Asteroid Belt, Patchy's Royal Flare (the dolls take extra from fire), Reimu's Evil Sealing Circle for PAR, and Aya/Sakuya for speed buffs. Your tank in front should be China until the healing doll is dead, then Remi.

>> No.3979738


>> No.3979740

- Get those SIL resistant items on China (a must, she's the only one to cure SIL on anyone), Rumia (Demarcation is a must), and a healer of your choice (Reimu or Minoriko)
- Use Reimu/Cirno paralysis to stop Alice and that Shield doll from attacking. Also, Perfect Freeze slows down the Magic doll and Alice.
- Use Area attacks (Asteroid Belt, God Slash, and Royal Flare). Kills the point of the Healing doll.
- If you have Wriggle, poison the other dolls if you like. Does do much to those that are paralyzed, but it all helps the cause of wide-spread damage.
- Sakuya: Come in, Luna Clock, Leave
- Have Chen boost up and Idaten the shit out of the right doll (low defense, it seems), and switch her out before Alice has a chance to SIL her.
- When one of the dolls die, get the weak-DEF characters out before Alice attacks.

>> No.3979746

Why is Chen so Godly in this game?

>> No.3979754


She would be better if EVA actually worked. She has the highest in the game. That might actually give her staying power.

>> No.3979756

>Have Chen boost up and Idaten the shit out of the left doll

Fixed my mistake

>> No.3979762

Awesome, will try. Thanks.

>> No.3979766

On floor 13. Here's my current party as it appears (active row at bottom):

Komachi - Youmu - Alice - Sanae
Yuugi - Sakuya - Chen - Patchouli
Remilia - Reimu - Aya - Marisa

>> No.3979769

Aya is far superior.

>> No.3979771

Alright, as much as I love dungeon crawlers, you fags won't get me to play this.

>> No.3979782

I see what you mean, Youmu just beat me to the ground. My party is all lv 10, except Chen (lv 11) and Patchouli (lv9). Should I concentrate on Youmu, her ghost, or attack evenly?

>> No.3979783

So, uhhh, yeah. Notice Okuu on the cover, and... not in the game? What floor is she on?

>> No.3979792


That's the Plus disk cover. She's in the plus disk, one of the hardest bosses in the game.

>> No.3979797

Floor 21:

* 21F: Recruit Kanako
* 21F - 24F: Find events to set up Control Rods, one on each floor
* 21F: Return to where Utsuho is held and defeat her

>> No.3979801

Party level ~85 on floor 18. Tempted to go back to floor 1 and try those bloody seal super bosses. Their music is badass.

>> No.3979805

I just focused on Youmu. Didn't want any accidental repercussions of killing off Myon first.

Luna Clock, Icicle Falls, Evil Binding Circle/Great Hakurei, and just go with what your gut tells you, just keep your team fast and Youmu slow. You don't want to get God Slashed to death.

>> No.3979813


You need a lot of HP and defense for the first one. He does full party nukes. No status effects or fancy shit, just massive all/row damage. And the real fight doesn't start until he gets low on HP and starts spamming Light Wings, which can probably even 1 shot Komachi at your level.

>> No.3979819

Just started playing, how good are Suwako and Suika? They're my favorites and I want to know if they were cheated or not.

>> No.3979823
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I have already downloaded it and the translation and plus disc. As I said I haven't installed it yet.

>> No.3979834


Wait until the 100s, unless you can get lucky and chain PAR him towards the end.

>> No.3979849

Currently getting slaughtered by Kourin.
Battle starts and before anyone can act 3/4 people are dead. After that I tried to switch someone else in - next one KO'd. Same for the next round. Once I filled the front line again, earthquake and game over.

Pretty bad luck but still a little aggravating.

>> No.3979863

Yeah, that sounds about right.

>> No.3979861


The late boss music is better. The one you hear during the fight with Reisen, Kaguya and Eirin.

>> No.3979877

My First Dungeon Crawler

>> No.3979893


>> No.3980569

Because there needs to be two Touhou Labyrinth threads on teh front page.


>> No.3980610

This game keeps killing me for my impatience. While searching a new floor I'll end up accidentally stepping on a boss tile, get my face raped, then lose a quarter of the dungeon progress.

>> No.3980670

I killed the ghost first, because the aoe paralysis combined with Youmu's high speed means you're going to get raped. Assuming Youmu doesn't just start off with (and continue with) aoe physical damage spam, killing off everyone but remilia and china every time before they can act.

When that doesn't happen, Remilia-China-Marisa-Cirno, then switch in Chen and Sakuya after Marisa sparks and Youmu's speed drops. After Sakuya's Lunar Dial comes off so Chen can rape the low-defense ghost, switch her out for reimu if Remilia's hurt, or patchy if she isn't too bad. When Chen is out of SP, switch her out for the other of the two, and switch in Marisa any time she can Master Spark, and switch in Cirno when you need to slow Youmu down again.

Don't bother using moves that are supposed to ignore mind, go for the ones that say they're strong against enemies with weak mind because holy shit her magic defense is weak.

>> No.3981035

Dude, get out of my head!

I just did that on the 5th floor, walked right into a St. Elmo Fire boss AFTER uncovering 50% of the map, half my team retiring, and just healing up at the recovery spring. That shit is IRRITATING!

>> No.3981044 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
k.com thanks in advance have a nice day

>> No.3981088 [DELETED] 

Hosting USEast

>> No.3981740

I'm at Lv. 24-25, and Yuugi's still oni-booting my ass while resisting every attack thrown at her. What level should I be to bring her down?

>> No.3981759


Build your team around 3 nukes in your rightmost spot- Marisa to Master Spark, then Youmu for one or two slashes, then Patchy to empty her SP tank. Aya and Sakuya should buff their speed from the second/third slot, as well as Cirno for slow and Chen for hit and run.

Yuugi always targets the leftmost character, save for Chains, which isn't a 1 shot anyways. If you can manage to get a tank who can survive this (Remi with buff comes to mind), you're that much better off. You can still win without it, though.

>> No.3981776

>save for Chains, which isn't a 1 shot anyways

HAHAHAHAHA...Haaaa. I'mma go grind for DEF, then. ;_;

>> No.3982262

Where did everyone get Chen? Im getting the ever loving hell beaten out of me at Youmu and I don't have this Chen hax you speak of...

>> No.3982275

Uuuh, on the first floor?

>> No.3982279

Dude, she's like the 2nd character you pick up on the 1st Floor. You have to find her three times (just like Cirno), and on the third, you fight her and make her join. Get your ass back there and get her, she's GODLY (except against Yuugi, who tanks like a metallic Snorlax)!

>> No.3982288

>who tanks like a metallic Snorlax)!
Have you tried using a fast and strong Fighting type guy with Close Combat or some other shit?

>> No.3982293

Youmu is such a whore in this.

>> No.3982300

...I meant that metaphorically, not literally. Also, don't deal with Fighters, so I always have a Fire-type on hand.

>> No.3982322

I have a huge phobia of this. I literally walk about 15-25 steps worth of new territory, than I exit and save and come back.

She beat the ever loving shit out of me, but Alice is 10x worse. HER FUCKING HEALING DOLL!

>> No.3982338

Spread the damage around. The Healing Doll won't be able to keep up before the Magic/Shield Dolls are killed off, or if you're lucky, sneak a Royal Flare in between the other two doll's buffing. See >>3979740 for my strategy.

>> No.3982370

Oh god, a party around level 280 and still getting nuke wiped by Okuu. Guess I'll need to progress to the 28th floor and level some more before going back. At least I finally killed Yuka. Had to have Flandre blast her with a laevatein before she could wipe my party with Master Spark. If anyone has tips for fighting Okuu, that would be much appreciated.

>> No.3982430

Finally beat Youmu, although Chen didn't do as much as I thought she would after picking her up. Although she attacks ridiculously fast for some 600 damage, the key to this I found was dedicated healers. My Remi used her self buff and did 2000 damage per strike, and was put in the first row to absorb most of Youmu's damage. Youmu's ghost with her AoE ended up two shotting Chen so she was out after attacking 6 times or so. The same problem was had with Patchy and although her Silent Selene could do 2500 damage she was one shot. The battle ended up being about swapping Reimu and Marisa back and forth, while slowing as much as possible with Cirno, and healing the hell out of Remi with her ridiculous damage and defense.

>> No.3982447

So I downloaded it from >>3979662 and followed the instructions, the game starts up with a black screen, music starts, then stops and repeats, and it freezes. Tried just running the game without any of the patches or anything, same thing. Anyone know what the fuck the problem is? Windows 7, btw.

>> No.3982458


Try renaming the directory to without any japanese chracters?

>> No.3982466

Just to confirm, did you install the included fonts (*.ttc)

>> No.3982467

I've been playing it since it came out

All these faggots suddenly started playing it because omg english patch.

>> No.3982471

Yeah I did. Tried >>3982458 as well, same thing.

>> No.3982482

>look at me i played a long time ago before the english patch, i am so hardcore i don't understand the fuck i am reading

>> No.3982496

same here, there is no sound or music when i am on the menu
ok it work without any patch or expansion but when i copy the expansion disk i make a new game again and then nothing, black screen only.

>> No.3982503

Except I can't even get to the menu. I get nothing but a black screen at startup and a 3 second loop of music.

>> No.3982511

>>3982503 Here
Fuck me. I ran it in fullscreen and it works fine. HURR.

>> No.3982577


If you're using vista, dont run the game from C:\

>> No.3982598
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