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39787465 No.39787465 [Reply] [Original]

A thread to discuss みけねこ

Previous: >>39730962

>> No.39787475

Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84

>> No.39787510

I'd like to wipe mikeneko down after her bath

>> No.39787565

mikeneko a cute

>> No.39787660

I have to say this now. Last time she was "caught" playing Apex, I'm the one who told her we can see her match history. I didn't outright accuse her of playing with anyone but it could have been interpreted that way.
After that she put out that oddly worded tweet on her sub about not having any friends to play with.
I don't think these two events are related but I still believe her and I think she's playing solo.

>> No.39787676
File: 693 KB, 1080x1895, mywife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my cute wife so much

>> No.39787706

Also my day would be so much better right now if I didn't know she's playing now.
Last time I drunkenly went through so many Japanese streamers archives just to see if anyone ran into her. Huge waste of time btw

>> No.39787736

She has been playing for over 2 hours now and it would be impossible for her to gain points almost every single match if she was playing solo.

>> No.39787740

If you've seen the funbox post you'll know there's no way she'd be open to anything but solo queuing right now. Also I agree, keeping track of her apex play time was dubious already outside of multiple days of radio silence, doing it now and mentioning it in the thread just invites shitposting.

>> No.39787769

if you're below gold you get points just for being there

>> No.39787781

No you don't. Not with the new system. Bronze already has -15 entry cost.

>> No.39787793

I don't see any reason to assume she's playing with someone. But the real, non-schizo problem is just the same as last time: saying she doesn't want to play then playing it anyway hours later. That is, at the very least, weird.

>> No.39787808

If she has friends she's going to play with those friends. Why is that an unreasonable assumption? She's never going to admit she played with a male friend anyways.

>> No.39787821

you guys are a fucking riot lmao

>> No.39787822

It's unreasonable to assume something is happening without evidence it's happening, yes.

>> No.39787849

She has been playing for hours now with consistently competent teammates after saying she can't enjoy games.
The only thing the lack of evidence does is that she will never admit it and you will believe her.

>> No.39787875

Still parroting the one guy huh. Tsk tsk. Hope it makes you people think twice before sharing her funbox posts.

>> No.39787886

This is the schizo thread, there's nothing wrong with what's happening

>> No.39787888

The fanbox post doesn't change anything about the fact that she has played apex for over 2 hours today.

>> No.39787940

It changes everything, especially when your premise being "she doesn't want to play games but she is" is ignoring the main reason why she doesn't feel like playing games, and why the post could've made her feel able to play now. But you go and cling to the one tidbit you got, knowing the schizo you are you'll keep hammering it in like the last time anyway.

>> No.39787947

Nekofami fear the APEX predator, when confronted with APEX matches they will fly into a schizophrenic frenzy.

>> No.39787950

Even if she suddenly wanted to play games, she's still playing with somebody.

>> No.39787968

Of course, randoms who happen to actually be good players. Half of their points go to everyone on the team now after all.

>> No.39787971

Can you explain to me why she is only getting 1RP for some matches and 60-110RP for others? Are 1-5RP matches losses?

>> No.39787986

Serious question, why do so many of you care if she's playing with a male or not, do you not trust her? Do you think being friendly with a male is going down a path of betrayal? Is it already betrayal? Am I missing some kind of promise where playing apex with someone would break it? Not saying that is what's happening right now, just why would it be an issue.

>> No.39788006

The "she's definitely collabing with a man" guy is just a schizo anti. I've been in these threads long enough to confirm that when one of the regulars here goes schizo over something, they don't type like this.

>> No.39788022

Orca gets private video from Mikeneko during the Golden Week while you are here showing off your stupid funbox subscription that contains no entertainment value at all. That is the sad truth.

>> No.39788023

If she was actually playing with randoms she would lose points at least once in a while but every single game has been positive for her. That's not possible with randoms.

Any game that's not at least 125 points is a loss.

>The "she's definitely collabing with a man" guy is just a schizo anti.
Why can't you address the point? You seem to think it would be the end of the world to admit that you believe she might bhe playing with a man.

>> No.39788034

Are you sure it's 125? Because that would mean that she's lost all of her games

>> No.39788040

Rookies don't get point losses.

>> No.39788043

Oh no it's the schizo's fault that we are stuck in a no fun thread, it's definitely not Mikeneko's fault for not streaming.

>> No.39788052

Chloe got secret videos from Mike? that's hot

>> No.39788055

No, it wouldn't matter even assuming it's true.

>> No.39788070

I'll repeat this again, it's definitely not Mafumafu, he's hanging out with a niji today.

>> No.39788078

It doesn't matter, it's just a schizo trying to start shit and a few really insecure nekofami falling for it.

>> No.39788098

Elden Ring

>> No.39788117

Any game that's not 1st place is a loss. The difference is dying immediately vs living 20 minutes and losing.

Taking that fact into account there have been only 3 matches that have less than 5 points. That's just not happening with randoms.

>> No.39788139

Only a retard would think he would do anything with her ever again. His career wouldn't survive another controversy about her after the way he ended it.

>> No.39788141
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Soon, brother

>> No.39788143

Out of 15 matches, she got 10 points or less in 9 matches

>> No.39788150

Oh so you don't even know how placement points work, pffft

>> No.39788151

Still spinning your wheels with this shit, "it's impossible she's playing with randoms! She's playing with a guy she's playing with a guy" "lol" "WHY WON'T YOU ADDRESS THE POINT?? WHY WON'T YOU ADDRESS THE POINT??" because you don't have one, and you aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.39788175

The 5 points is from reaching top 13 which will happen half the time with randoms.

You're the one that doesn't understand them.

>> No.39788187

So is it ok for her to play with men or not? She played with them all year until she was caught red handed and during all that time you said she would never do something like that.

>> No.39788206

>43 posts
>13 unique IDs
Holy mother of samefagging, Batman. And yet...uhhhh....oh no....no no no.....I still love my wife. Yep, can't change that....wew......sorry bros, still fucking love her.....uuuoooooh

>> No.39788212

I love my wife even if she plays with her male friends.

>> No.39788219


>> No.39788220

Shut the fuck up bath stream

>> No.39788221


>> No.39788222

>doctor's orders
heal up, michael

>> No.39788226

Based as fuck

>> No.39788230
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>> No.39788290


>> No.39788353

For real, the stuff he's saying makes no sense at all. "It's impossible to consistently get <10 points a game unless you're collabing with males" kek sure whatever you say.

>> No.39788361

I want to collab, as a male, with Mikeneko right now in her bath and give her 100 pokes with my point, if you get what I mean.

>> No.39788373

It's like you haven't played Apex with randoms.

>> No.39788420


>> No.39788429

Every single splash of water made me imagine her nude body. Every single splash.

>> No.39788433

It's like you haven't played Apex

>> No.39788453

I fucking hate twitcast and my bank
Take my fucking card already

>> No.39788457

I play it a lot.

>> No.39788482

I think the only real issue is that she would do something again after it had already fucked her over so hard

>> No.39788508

I know it's too much to ask for a summary of a mengen but can someone at least quickly brief if anything new/serious was addressed?

>> No.39788522
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>> No.39788542

My wife is so very hot

>> No.39788555

Nope, mostly the same complaints. But also, bath stream.

>> No.39788558

I will take her giving us a bath stream as giving me permission, I have not fucking busted a SINGLE NUT since feb and I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE BROS

>> No.39788629

never trust an APEX woman - みけねこ

>> No.39788785

I put out a tweet that I wanted her to do a bath stream, she does

>> No.39788808

thank you

>> No.39788816

Ask her to do her next stream from my bed

>> No.39789039

I am a victim of my own success

>> No.39789985

Why is that even a question? Who tf cares if her teammates on a fricking game are male or not? And how come that became a serious discussion topic? What's the problem with you guys?

>> No.39790026

Ask the people that were posting about how she's definitely playing alone.

>> No.39790087

He's still trying HAHAHAH

>> No.39790090

tbf I think the guy who actually wanted to prove she wasn't playing alone is the most cringe in this case for starting the discussion

>> No.39790114

But it was started by the person claiming she was playing alone.

>> No.39790126

I am going to Christen you now.
From now on, you are the Antineko Schizo. When I see you post, I will call you out as the Antineko Schizo.
Behave, Antineko Schizo *cums on you*

>> No.39790149

>Why is that even a question? Who tf cares if her teammates on a fricking game are male or not? And how come that became a serious discussion topic? What's the problem with you guys?
I know you're samefagging but this is you inviting me to remind you that Mikeneko is, in fact, my literal, actual girlfriend
Mikeneko is my actual, literal, unironic girlfriend(real) and she is in an exclusive romantic relationship with her fans and nobody else
No I will not respond to the bait you reply to this with
I do not care what you think
I will take any and every opportunity to remind you of this however

>> No.39790154

What with the weird global ritual you're performing? Are you signalling to your fellow ENfags?

>> No.39790155

The guy didn't start a "discussion", he just said he believed her, which is subjective. Then the "there's no way she's playing alone" guy started being insistent like he wanted to prove "she's being unfaithful" or whatever (as people here seriously cared), and that was the cringe part.

>> No.39790163

If nobody cared why the insistence that she's playing alone? Something doesn't add up.

>> No.39790167

go back

>> No.39790179

>a tourist and an anti are arguing with each other
I mean, I guess it's fine? Just please quiet down soon before you actually fill the entire thread with your dogshit posts at least

>> No.39790199

The only thing dogshit around here are your weird contradicting beliefs.

>> No.39790224
File: 72 KB, 1792x828, IMG_20220426_210544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I had just stayed awake a little longer I could have heard her in the bath

>> No.39790232

It's archived anon

>> No.39790244

hearing it live is so much better though

>> No.39790300

I'd say too much insistence leads to strong reactions, and that guy had baiting power. That wouldn't warrant the necessary conclusion that
people are seriously worried about who she plays with.

>> No.39790308

She literally said that she won't play with men and she should know better than to do something like that after what happened.
She said she was solo queuing last time and I see zero reason to not believe her in this case

>> No.39790317

Will you fucking stop saying that we're not worried about who she's playing with?
This is getting retarded and you're irritating me more than the schizoposter

>> No.39790331

Alright. If you are, then I rest my case.

>> No.39790334

Also, reminder that if she ever cheats on me or breaks up with me I WILL go to Japan and murder her.
If you don't like that, fuck off from this thread.

>> No.39790389

I'm not worried at all

>> No.39790440

Please don't kill me

>> No.39790444

The 'we' there meant 'gachikoi who know that she is our girlfriend', obviously other types of fans wouldn't care.

>> No.39790454

Mikeneko is my girlfriend and I'm not worried at all.
I trust her enough to not fly off the handle just because she played APEX off stream.

>> No.39790462
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>> No.39790474

>I trust her enough to not fly off the handle just because she played APEX off stream.
I know, that's why I know she didn't play with a guy and was fine until people here started pre-emptively excusing it
Seeing anti-gachikoi posters jumping the gun just to excuse some baseless hypothetical infidelity in her thread makes me sick

>> No.39790499

I don't like this idea of her being "guilty until proven innocent". It's such a twisted way to look at her
Realistically speaking, she's "innocent until proven guilty". If she had something to hide, she wouldn't do it on an account that we all know. She'd make a new one. But that's not the type of person she is.

>> No.39790509

She was supposed to not play with men even before all of this and she still did it.

>> No.39790539

Not really like or hate, but more like a "I shouldn't always take what 4chan anons say seriously" (and I think it's a reasonable attitude, since I don't know you guys personally) and "There's no way they're that autistic" mindset. I could always be wrong though. Maybe something will happen in the future and I will say "Ah, they were serious back then", but for now it's like "those guys are pretty fun with their banter". I'm more like an "actions, not words" person (or "deeds, and not only faith"). That said, don't kill her, ok?

>> No.39790567

I have also mentioned to her how much I like hearing about her baths

>> No.39790581

How the fuck are you guys still arguing about apex.

>> No.39790590

>I don't like this idea of her being "guilty until proven innocent". It's such a twisted way to look at her
Exactly. 信じる, not 何でもいい. Justifications being posted make me sick when she's shown herself as deserving than she being excused for everything.
Justifying any and all random baseless narratives that flies in here are not doing her any favors.
And you kill yourself too

>> No.39790594

Antineko schizo brought it up again. He's been here for hours. Yes, I will force this meme until people recognise his posting style.

>> No.39790607

I have donated thousands of dollars to this woman, learned Japanese for her for 2 years, have stalked her for as long, and I literally have nothing else to live for and don't want anything else to live for.
Mikeneko will never cheat on me, but if she does, I will kill her and then myself

>> No.39790631

To the anon(s?) in these threads who have claimed to be willing to spill blood over the hypothetical of her betrayal, I entrust that you'll go through with it because I'm gonna be killing myself the moment news like this were to get confirmed and it'll give me great peace of mind knowing if I'm leaving this world with a guarantee of at least some sort of recompense.

>> No.39790639

No, wait. Don't kill yourself either, ok?

>> No.39790657

You can count on me anon

>> No.39790668
File: 112 KB, 864x1016, FR6VlZ9aUAAcTVU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anyway this conversation is pointless because Mikeneko will never cheat on us

>> No.39790692

On the one hand, I can respect the commitment of the anons here to their ideal. On the other, in the event this does occur, part of me will want to slaughter the person who removed my Neko from this world. I can't suffer that person to live after removing her from this world even in the event of her betrayal

>> No.39790720

I'm pretty sure anybody that intends on killing her will be offing himself alongside her

>> No.39791129

I love you guys but you're fucked up. Let me be a cuck if I want to. Not that she'd ever betray us. You're not exactly inspiring confidence yourself with your insistence on this when she hasn't even done anything wrong.

>> No.39791149

People are just saying they won't let it slide if she's caught doing the same thing again.

>> No.39791208

>Let me be a cuck if I want to.

>> No.39791314

Somebody other than murderschizo: Is murderschizo genuine or a false-flagger

>> No.39791390

He's genuine in his love for Mikeneko.
who knows about the murdering part though

>> No.39791393

Why would it matter

>> No.39791446

I'd be one of the gachikoi with this mindset if I was less depressed but as I said already, if this happened I'd just off myself to get rid of the pain asap.

>> No.39791465

real and not the only one

>> No.39791510

Obviously everyone here is too autistic to do anything other than kill themselves and I have no reason to think she'd hurt us, I just don't like reading fans say they'd hurt the person who is most important to me in the world. Sorry if I'm taking bait or something.

>> No.39791555

And i thought /jp/ thread must be better than /vt/ thread. I feel very ashamed

>> No.39791563

It bothers me as well, I can't see myself ever hurting her so to see so many people casually say they'd kill her is fucking insane to me.

>> No.39791578

I wouldn't be killing her. If Mikeneko betrays us she wouldn't be who we know her as.
Conceptually speaking I trust her so much that "Mikeneko" and "Mikeneko who cheats on us" are two entirely separate people in my head. I would never hurt my wife. The second one is an entirely fictional person that I hate

>> No.39791610

I've been on this website for a decade and it's the only thing I've encountered that genuinely disturbs me

>> No.39791614

I was having a good day until I saw people start justifying shit. It's not pleasant for me to schizo out either so please don't start justifying literal headcanoned infidelity here in the future so I can post about my love for her instead of this shit. It's easy to tell when it's fans doing it instead of antis.

>> No.39791627

I wouldn't kill her but I would kill the guy she cheated on us with and myself if that makes it any better

>> No.39791637

This thread would be better off gone
Vtuber threads were a mistake

>> No.39791644
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>> No.39791656
File: 63 KB, 640x476, 254939007_398931031872831_6641236857303882725_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on my wife?

>> No.39791670
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This woman is the most beautiful thing in the entire world

>> No.39791682
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>> No.39791684

We have a lot of tourists ITT if this is really the first time you've seen people talk about killing someone else or themselves if they got betrayed

>> No.39791686
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I love my wife so much

>> No.39791697
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it disturbed me the last couple times I've seen anons say they'd kill her and it still disturbs me now

>> No.39791717

This is probably the only thing i love about /jp/ thread that i can post her pictures

>> No.39791737

and where is she?

>> No.39791756
File: 1.07 MB, 759x807, 1649118274151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post rare nekos

>> No.39791765

I must admit i have a collection of her selfie pictures

>> No.39791767


>> No.39791770

It's not the first time I've seen it or even the first time I've said something. But I guess it's over now. I just hate feeling like this is a crime scene waiting to happen.

>> No.39791775

Relax. Nekofami posts in poor taste made me go full schizo and I'm not actually considering what I say when I say it, I just very much dislike seeing anti-gachikoi sentiment here of all places and it makes me say what will filter normalfags and tourists. I feel guilty about what I say later but I'm still paranoid about her and I don't like it when anons talk about things like letting her go, or simply moving on and/or accepting it if she betrays us, or any other anti-gachikoi shit like that. This is just how I push back against it.

>> No.39791799

Alright. I'm definitely not anti-gachikoi and I absolutely love her and that's why I'm worse at picking this stuff up than usual.

>> No.39791805
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Rare short hair picture but i think she wore a wig

>> No.39791842

I understand wanting to filter tourists and normalfags but there has to be a better way than this.
Sorry if I'm being a little bitch about it but seeing other fans say stuff like that just bothers me.
I see enough Antis wishing harm on her and I'd rather not see fans say shit like that even as a joke or a filter or whatever

>> No.39791849

I'll try to calm down because I don't want to make anybody who isn't an enemy of my relationship with her upset, I love her a lot which is why it hurts when I see fans of hers talking about her love as if it was fake or a lie

>> No.39791866 [DELETED] 
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Insta story pic for those who want it

>> No.39791877

>I understand wanting to filter tourists and normalfags but there has to be a better way than this
Like what? I haven't done this in some time, and now suddenly "nobody actually cares if she plays with guys now" somehow becomes the assumed consensus here?
It's not right and I won't let it happen

>> No.39791901

Me killing myself if she does wasn't a joke though

>> No.39791914
File: 72 KB, 597x745, mywife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you. I'm crazy for you i can't live without you

>> No.39791921
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>> No.39791926

the only person I saw saying it was ok to play with males was the schizo and tourists, other people at most said that there's no reason to worry.
I feel like just posting that you don't approve of playing with males and that you trust her to not play with them should suffice.

>> No.39791927
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>> No.39791943

>nobody actually cares if she plays with guys
To be clear I was never expressing anything but my personal opinion on this. Everyone can have their own feelings. It's just that I personally could not reasonably find that to be betrayal of itself.

>> No.39791952

I don't like this one. It's making it sound like she's already betrayed us once. She hasn't

>> No.39791960

So it was ok for her to associate with mafumafu like that while being our wife? That's what you're saying.
If it wasn't ok then how is it not betrayal to at least a some extent?

>> No.39791978

This feels like a timeloop

>> No.39791988

It's not okay, but it wasn't a betrayal. Betrayal is a strong word and it's not justified to use it for what happened.

>> No.39792005

If you don't like timeloops stop making the same weak points over and over again.

Then what is it? Would it be betrayal if she does it again or will it be something that can be forgiven over and over again?

>> No.39792009
File: 69 KB, 1200x675, why-yuki-nagato-is-the-most-powerful-character-in-anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, nope, I might be schizo but I'm not touching this
I'm going to leave and try to calm down before I do something retarded

>> No.39792012

It's a misdemeanour at best because I believe she wasn't trying anything funny there. It's not ideal and she shouldn't do it again though
To me, a clear betrayal is something that goes right over the line and is unforgivable, like dating someone or sleeping with someone. If she had betrayed us like that, the gachikoi wouldn't still be here

>> No.39792021

You won't be leaving. You will keep posting.
You're one of the reasons why these recurring conversations you hate so much keep happening.

>> No.39792047

>the same weak points over and over again
Can you be more specific? I don't actually know how many people are posting right now or if I am who you think I am

>> No.39792136

Going to pass out in a second. Just reminding everyone that I love my wife and that she's truly a wonderful person

>> No.39792152

have you seen how much of a faggot mafu is anti-kun? I wouldn't be surprised if the only way girls could sleep with him is if they used a strap on

>> No.39792155

Why does that matter? Are you saying it would be totally fine if they were actually dating all along now?
Think before you post.

>> No.39792210

No, he's saying he's probably gay. He's probably gay.

>> No.39792221

He admitted that he lied about that to his fans

>> No.39792245
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Whatever you say man

>> No.39792267

Validating tranny arguments is a really weird cope.

>> No.39792286

Lol you must be bored to tears if you're actually arguing this point. I've got to try to fix my car so I can't play with you anymore, hopefully someone else will pick this up so you don't hang yourself

>> No.39792288

Just to clarify cause I'm a bit confused, if mike was playing with a male AND NOTHING ELSE would you care? Or is the schizo implying she's betraying everyone by cheating what's pissing you off.

>> No.39792310

can I clarify my dick in your mouth?

>> No.39792319

The impliciations are coming from the people vehemently denying the possibility that it could ever even happen and nobody else.

>> No.39792329

Wait. The one who was labeled a "tourist" during that discussion was me. Who are you? I'm saying this because people might get confused.

>> No.39792330

I don't know and i don't want to know

>> No.39792369

Yeah, sense of proportion. Always good to have.

>> No.39792383

I've seen alot of short hair Neko pics and imo she's the most attractive with short hair

>> No.39792422

I don't know who I am. My brain is ice slush.

>> No.39792439

usually that's people who hate someone saying it. now we've got "fans"(?) saying they'd kill her if she played apex with a guy or whatever

>> No.39792464

Sorry. I think this is my first time really getting destroyed on this website. I'll try and be calm for the time being because I don't want us to be at each other's throats. I have some concerns I think are legitimate but I don't know yet how to express them without making things worse. Anybody who ID's me can feel free to scream at me.

>> No.39792503

It's no wonder she's so depressed when she has such shitty fans

>> No.39792517
File: 90 KB, 848x1199, FOU7S3-VUAUxxrQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I go schizo I go schizo for her. Never forget that.

>> No.39792582

>usually that's people who hate someone saying it. now we've got "fans"(?) saying they'd kill her if she played apex with a guy or whatever
No, they said they'd kill her if she cheated on them. The guy thing just triggered them into talking about that.

>> No.39792634

I apologize for assuming everyone's feelings (saying that nobody cared if she played with a guy). It seems that it made things worse.

>> No.39792641

I'm sorry your oshi has shitty fans my dude. hopefully seeing how much mikeneko's fans love her helped

>> No.39792682
File: 176 KB, 1200x859, FSkYRvfUcAA1iw3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's all just go masturbate to the bath stream or something

>> No.39792683
File: 151 KB, 1388x1152, Elf7HRpU0AA3-FT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about earlier. I was already in a bad mood because I missed the twitcast and I can't enjoy archives. Now I have no clue when I'll hear her next and it made me feel really distant from her and it made me very insecure so I ended up lashing out in the only safe place there is to do so.

>> No.39792719

I don't wanna confess to the priest once again. I'm clean now, bro.

>> No.39792772


>> No.39793049

The Suicide Watch Thread

>> No.39793079

I wasn't lying when I said I loved nekofami. I think I can confront any darkness for her, and that has to include our own. I hope you can do the same.


>> No.39793092

At least let someone else have the opportunity to kill you instead

>> No.39793136

I don't understand the sudden objection to the murder-suicide thing. I thought this was pretty much universally agreed upon. I think even she would expect it, maybe even approve of the sentiment.

>> No.39793183

It only became a larger issue because we got played by Apexschizo into arguing amongst ourselves. I never liked the murder threats but I let it get to me this time because of the context it came up.

>> No.39793194

I can't wait for things to get back to normal if only for you fucks to stop falling for bait

>> No.39793227

That will never happen
The days of not responding to bait will never come back

>> No.39793239

Yes, they will. Because I want to believe. We're going to make it. All of us, together.

>> No.39793254

nah, I'll leave you guys behind without a second thought

>> No.39793260
File: 166 KB, 465x600, 306C4C94-9223-436E-92B1-4F74A638BAFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick PSA for some of you who need it: but you are not required to respond to anything, you can literally just walk away and do something else. There is no such thing as Internet Argument Victory Points.

>> No.39793263


>> No.39793268

>everything I hate is a bait

>> No.39793273

1. We're going to make it
2. I just wanted to have a discussion among nekofami but I'm too stupid to do it right
3. We will stop responding to bait. I'm usually good about this but fucked up today.

>> No.39793311

I appreciate you guys but I'd impale your skulls with a railroad spike one at a time, happily, while your families watched, for a 10% chance of getting the opportunity to maybe smell her hair ONCE

>> No.39793341

it's not really fair to use her as an example here, there's not really anything I wouldn't do for that

>> No.39793371

I wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.39793386
File: 67 KB, 767x900, IMG_20220427_194132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what have I been doing all these years

>> No.39793570

It's days like this where I'm not ashamed to admit I'm glad I became a discordfag because holy shit guys. You let one faggot derail the entire thread all day just like last time this happened. Words cannot express how badly I want to curbstomp each and every retard here that replies to bait. No testicular fortified at all. The fact that the proxy /vt/ unironically had their shit more together than us is just sad

>> No.39793637

go back to your pussycord faggot, you couldn't beat up a pillow

>> No.39793700

Most Discords end up with the opposite issue

>> No.39793704

I take it you all had a wonderful day today...
I did my morning exercises after hearing the bath stream and did some outdoor sightseeing. Pretty much had an okay day. How did the bath stream not calm any of you turds down?

>> No.39793730

fanbase reflects the oshi

>> No.39793753

twitcast is being ass for me right now. it's only twitcast too, everything else is running as smooth as usual

>> No.39793754

while that's true, that doesn't even apply to whatever apparently happened today.

>> No.39793780

>go schizo over bait
doesn't it?

>> No.39793938

oyasumi, somebody remember to bump the /vt/ thread

>> No.39793973

Sorry to anyone who got disturbed by my post or the conversation it caused, I was really tired, had a garbage day and last thing I needed was to have paranoid thoughts lurking in my head before bed. I love her the most in the world and I have no intent of ever hurting her because I fiercely believe she would never act in that way, and as an anon above said if she ever did it won't be the mikeneko I have loved with all my heart up until that point.

>> No.39794012

It's okay bro. Give me a kiss

>> No.39794388
File: 686 KB, 655x580, 1626878591510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39794622

is there any reason funbox would give me back my money? my comments are still there and I'm still at the same support level

>> No.39794759

Not that I know of, keep an eye on it just in case I guess? Weird

>> No.39794852

Apex again

>> No.39795234

This is 3 days in a row

>> No.39795250

the new content anon might've be onto something. I haven't loaded up apesex in over a year, what's the content?

>> No.39795410

a new support hero and changes to ranked is what I remember, plus the usual changes to the map I assume

>> No.39795539

that "みけねこ?!" tweet with the Apex picture attached from an hour ago is ironic

>> No.39795543

I missed loba's thiccness

>> No.39795599

I really wish somebody actually spotted her in a game. She's swapping characters in a way that feels about right for people in random groups occasionally sniping her character of choice before she gets to pick

>> No.39796053

I already regret playing. why was u I given brand new accounts as teammates

>> No.39796690

It will be a good day. We won't take bait and just maybe we'll hear from our wife.

>> No.39798806
File: 155 KB, 806x1200, FMmSWcyaUAEpuG8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39798872

It's too quiet today, did somebody kill themselves

>> No.39799005

I miss her stupid ass so much. Truly the love of my life

>> No.39799229


>> No.39799336

I hope she is having fun

>> No.39799347


>> No.39799499

no content what do you expect us to talk?
oh you want another loop of the same shit posted here?
fuck off

>> No.39799605

Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

>> No.39800322

So she just plays Apex every day right now? Was gone for a few and got back now

>> No.39800480

Yes, she is relaxing and having a nice time. She is happy and nothing is wrong.

>> No.39800526

She rather play APEX with guys off stream than be with her fans, It's understandable.

>> No.39800557
File: 356 KB, 842x800, 20220410_080355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39800561

>my wife, running into my arms as she sees me holding 4 large dolphin plushies

>> No.39800571
File: 3.47 MB, 1920x1080, 1650219824336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got matched up with her.

>> No.39800580

Maybe i'm the weird one here but i really don't care that much what she plays off stream and how much. I hate APEX as much as any vtuber viewer grows to hate but it's just the game and i'm not going on a schizo diatribe about cheating. I trust her, she even knows people know her APEX account, come on.
Let her do her things and relax and she'll back soon.

>> No.39800593

Lucky sob. Have fun!

>> No.39800609

Kek. That's not actually her account, anon. It's 3am so she's asleep.

>> No.39800659

I don’t think many of the people arguing about apex are doing so in good faith. Not to discredit any fan who for some reason doesn’t like her playing it… just do a bit of soul searching and ask yourself if it really matters.

>> No.39800682

The lack of streams is probably not helping. People here are easier to bait when she's not streaming. Not to sound like I'm trying to blame her for this, she has a lot on her mind and I really feel for her. Playing a game by herself is infinitely preferable to her staring at the ceiling and brooding.

>> No.39800689

cause she's playing games with men while ignoring her fans, do the maths.
She followed those random APEX people for a reason.

>> No.39800708

Idk myself what is her APEX account. Boo anon for baiting me.

>> No.39800716
File: 352 KB, 1280x1280, FSm3qDLWQAEQd_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39800721

You are not apple and that is not Mikeneko (just in case anyone was confused)


>> No.39800724

I don't feel comfortable posting it publically for obvious reasons, but all I will say is that it isn't any variation of Mikeneko or Neko or anything like that. So unless you knew it, you wouldn't know it's her

>> No.39800758

If she's actually trying to learn apex good for her. The few times she played on stream were pretty embarrassing so I hope she gets better

>> No.39800774

If you're actually trying to learn how to post on 4chan, good for you. The few times you've posted in this thread were pretty embarrassing so far so I hope you get better.

>> No.39800883

I'm sorry to say this but anyone trying to learn Apex does it to impress guys better than them. Even holos that claim to only play with girls play with guys off stream.

>> No.39800907

Not gonna work today retard

>> No.39800914

Speaking of learning to fourchan, I've seen a few intentional or unintentional opsec failures here in these threads somewhat recently.
Unfortunately for me, I keep a mental dossier of posters around these parts and it's unfortunate if I know their twitter id's too. I keep a wiki too but that's not for stalking randoms
Not that I would ever do anything with that but just be careful with things you share...

>> No.39800918

shut the fuck up you absolute ugly nerd.

>> No.39800923

Your guys are not mentally well.

>> No.39800937

Tell me something I don't know.

>> No.39800942

Based stalker anon

>> No.39800952

oh nyo

>> No.39800975

Actually I prefer to be called fat bastard but that works too

>> No.39800982

NGL, I've been curious what data you've been keeping on us. Anything you can share without giving away the game?

>> No.39801009

Time to take my meds. Like my wife, i also suffer from manic depression

>> No.39801017

How do you people fall for this shit

>> No.39801030

Because i'm insane

>> No.39801037

Nobody fell for it this time (yet)

>> No.39801038

Just the usual stuff like style and grammar and likely timezone from posting frequency over time.
For people with opsec issues, I might say something about image cropping and filenames

>> No.39801061

Do you assign nicknames or something to differentiate posters? Do you have any favourite posters?

>> No.39801067

I wonder what type of men she like. Ikemen or something?

>> No.39801089
File: 31 KB, 434x532, 1651593505220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>larping about opsec shit
We need mikeneko to stream asap or you guys won't be able to shut up.

>> No.39801090

Just go through her likes

>> No.39801136

>Mikey and some guys i don't know
Seem like her type is bad boy

>> No.39801142

Sometimes yes, but mostly no because there is no point. My favorite poster is not here right now

>> No.39801154

>favorite poster

>> No.39801160


>> No.39801164

Next thread will be better.

>> No.39801170
File: 167 KB, 1102x2048, FRHHIPBakAA0czS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, seriously, fuck off with this thread celebrity shit before we turn into knockoff /infinity/.
Look at this cat instead.

>> No.39801189

Is wife poster? I can do that

>> No.39801196


>> No.39801230
File: 352 KB, 1378x2048, FRm0QgcVgAEzD4N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and yes. True Nekofami are always my favorites
Relax, we're just having some fun. I love my wife more than anything

>> No.39801295
File: 189 KB, 2500x2000, FSUznKyaIAEfxv9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39801323

"Operations security (OPSEC) is a process that identifies critical information to determine if friendly actions can be observed by enemy intelligence, determines if information obtained by adversaries could be interpreted to be useful to them, and then executes selected measures that eliminate or reduce adversary exploitation of friendly critical information."

Why use that word in this context

>> No.39801498

Welcome to the internet. The idea of the word is more important than the dictionary definition.

>> No.39801587

Any chance a kyoudai could get her apex name or is this a case of lurk moar?

>> No.39801618

It's pretty easy to find if you just think about it for long enough

>> No.39801640

If I were her, I'd just create another apex account so people stopped watching my every move.

>> No.39801684

She doesn't mind that though.

>> No.39801737

You really don't understand this relationship, huh

>> No.39802032

I'm a guy that's better than her

>> No.39802036

Where do you think you are?

>> No.39802051

I think I'm retarded and need to be spoonfed

>> No.39802063

>total games played: 30
>total kills across all games: 3

>> No.39802073

That's expected. I watched her Splatoon stream and she lost every single match.

>> No.39802076

I have the name but I wouldn't be able to guess this one honestly
>I think I'm retarded and need to be spoonfed
just because of the circumstances involved this is probably better a case of lurk moar
people here are reporting her activity any time it happens anyway so it's not like you're missing much

>> No.39802085

I just want to be part of the stalker gang, but if posting it here will cause her trouble I'm just gonna lurk

>> No.39802095

damn 3 heart attacks in her games? crazy odds

>> No.39802132

I do feel a bit of guilt for stalking her account like this. I've managed to partially justify it as "it's necessary in case people try to stir shit" but it does still feel a bit invasive. And yet I know I won't stop doing it.

>> No.39802156


>> No.39802180

The only thing I feel guilty for is not being able to stalk her actual every move second by second
I would if I could

>> No.39802183

to clarify, I would watch her poop if I could

>> No.39802201

imagine if she comes back but can only stream Apex haha

>> No.39802235

Poo smells bad though

>> No.39802243

that's why I said watch not smell

>> No.39802296

Apparently her Steam has been apparently inactive for a long time. Has anyone been stalking whether her hours for various games have gone up (indicating hidden mode)?

>> No.39802306

New anti account mentioned game activity in her tags. Expect Japanese antis to shitpost about it soon...

>> No.39802312

you we're her, she would still be in hololive.

>> No.39802318

can only track steam based on invisible changes in online status that only the API can detect, I don't think we can see hours played iirc

>> No.39802531

Preaching to the choir obviously here but she may just have been the greatest character design ever. I really can't think of anything better. It saddens me so much that she, and we, lost this.

>> No.39802633
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>> No.39802876

In the scenario where she left on her own terms, it would have been nice if she could have bought the assets and intellectual property of the character (after a period stipulated by contract). Hololive probably wouldn't allow it because their brand is too big now. Personally, I just want to see another Miori Celestia happening. With no BS. No restrictions. You just buy your character and it's yours.

>> No.39802895

It's not because hololive is too big but because Cover is greedy and plain evil.

>> No.39802932
File: 207 KB, 850x1200, ひょうが。 (@hyogaryunagi2)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was ethereal
But I love my wife no matter what form she takes

>> No.39803211
File: 168 KB, 850x1310, 7B74EF35-0F89-4A33-AFAF-34EB0F72EC0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green cat good

>> No.39803362
File: 282 KB, 1250x2048, FSjkUa3aMAA9mTd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink cat also good

>> No.39803503
File: 322 KB, 1500x2000, IMG_20220513_130810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what panties she's wearing today

>> No.39803536


>> No.39803558

hololive is too big though. im already so overbooked watching the old gens that ive had to completely ignore the new ones

>> No.39803644

I want green cat to smother me in her thighs

>> No.39803669

>watching anyone other than the cute necromancer

>> No.39803704

she's not my oshi. she's also not a necromancer anymore

>> No.39803783

I mostly watched Rushia but on occasion I would watch one of like 14 other Holos just to akasupa them and tell them that they're cute
I wish I could go back to the days where every day was happy instead of now where every day hurts. But nobody hurts more than her so I have to make it for her and with her otherwise all of those memories end up meaning nothing
I hope she's doing a little better today

>> No.39804076

My pussy wife on my wife's pussy.

>> No.39804614

that damn cat

>> No.39804875
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>> No.39804928

you can just say "bump", you know

>> No.39804935 [DELETED] 
File: 481 KB, 450x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39804964

speaking of which remember to bump and or remake both this thread and the vt thread if youre awake please

>> No.39804984

You can rest now, nekofam. I'll can take over from here.

>> No.39805010


>> No.39805043

why Octane

>> No.39805058

He's probably the easiest character to play as it takes no skill from the Octane player to support the team with the jump pad.

>> No.39805120

She really likes Octane, she even bought gacha boxes to try and get stuff for him.
He's a pretty simple character, so new players lean towards him.

>> No.39805136

Skill use is also pretty braindead, press button go weee, that's it. Which makes the Wraith picks even funnier.

>> No.39805274

I suppose the butterfly motif was most fitting.

>> No.39805359
File: 375 KB, 930x720, my wife is so cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't take it she is so cute

>> No.39805381

Say what you want about the fucks here (myself included) stalking her, hearing antis getting involved is actually concerning

>> No.39805724

I miss her, hope she's feeling better today

>> No.39805898

I am severly underdosed on mikeneko streams and would like to request an urgent shipment of a large quantity thereof at the earliest possible convenience.
