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File: 70 KB, 800x600, Sunset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3976282 No.3976282 [Reply] [Original]

I'm ZomB :>

>> No.3976300

Yeah it's a new Hisouten thread alright.

But cant play right now, have to go to bed!

>> No.3976326 [DELETED] 

I don't think we've ever lagged like that before; any idea what was going on?

>> No.3976325

Ahhh sorry Guy, I didn't realize this downloader is p2p :( we can play some other time

>> No.3976328

Oh derp. Alright, thanks for the game.

>> No.3976343

Well, as sure as I am that it'll also lag, while you're recovering from your ZomB I might as well take this opportunity to request a chance to beat you up in order to finish my holiday.
'Kay, love you.

>> No.3976371

Youmu is my utter weakness. I have a hard time defeating some Youmu pro. But I have counter from him though. :3

>> No.3976398
Hostan for Hak.

>> No.3976405

Roger, on my way.

>> No.3976601

Hosting since no one plays PoFV. ;_;
US Midwest.

>> No.3976606

Things to do while waiting for our matches to load:

1.) Write a novel.
2.) 1CC MoF on lunatic.
3.) Read War and Peace.
4.) Go to graduate school.

Oh you, Tree. Our loading time will never tear us apart!

>> No.3976633 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
k.com thanks in advance have a nice day

>> No.3976654

1cc'ing MoF on any difficulty is relatively easy with the number of bombs you get.

>> No.3976689

East Coast host

>> No.3976770

Merry Christmas, Tree! It was nice getting to play you again, I haven't seen you in a while. Not very much to say about our games, so yeah. However,

>border escaping my corner strings to combo me for 1.5k-2k damage

Stop that. Good games!

I am bad at this "holding shift for focused movement" and "press 'z' to shoot" thing. Normal mode is about the extent of my abilities.

>> No.3976771

Good games Hak! In those last two games I was trying to show you how to get through a guarding player like Marisa. The charged sword thrust will crush the guard of players who are blocking low, while a charged sword sweep will crush an opponent who is blocking high. I see you're familiar with the high crush but the low crush you need to hold forward diagonal (3, down right) + A. Also, green sword cut and the cherry blossom cut do huge amounts of spirit damage for crushes. If you'd like to train your Youmu one someone slightly smarter than a dummy I'd like to volunteer, but for now I'm starving and gotta grab some food. Good games again.

>> No.3976780

It's like I'm really on Gaia.

>> No.3976796

Welcome to 4chan. Please enjoy your stay.

>> No.3976810

GGs, Gen

We got that extended session alright! Only other I'll play for this long are Saje and Rabbit. Looks like I have another endurance player here!
Got to apologize for the assholish play with Alice. I really don't like to abuse 6A as much as I did that round, but you REALLY need to learn to block when getting up. Were you trying to tech and the lag screwed you over, because that would be understandable.

Hope to get in some more matches with you tomorrow, but for now, other things call. Thanks for the matches!

>> No.3976833
File: 614 KB, 640x479, Perfection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not very much to say about our games
Uh, what? I feel as though you prepped this in advance while waiting for matches to load or something, because today of all days that's the LAST thing I'd be saying.

Well, first of all, we have that ending: hahaha oh wow and a half, I never expected a close victory to taste as sweet as that one, especially considering all I wanted to do was throw you off by picking your main. This sounding familiar yet?
Either way, though all I used were basic tactics with no bnbs besides the standard "dial-A into default 22" maneuver, it was hella fun humiliating you with your main like you did to me long, long ago. ;_;

Nearly as important, we have what you see here to your left: a fluke as I first thought it to be, but I realized that my glorious screenshotting skills have reached such a level that I can pull shit like this. Later on I'll throw out a smaller version in the SDD-style. But really, it was some crazy luck that I mashed the screenshot key at that exact time. I'm fairly proud.

Finally, we have the section of the treeagraph where I detail shit that I forgot about or just stopped caring about because something cooler happened, both of which happened today so I'll just pour out some vague memory of how I wanted to say something about how much you've improved in the past ~week compared to my lazing. Ah, well, we had a better time playing, who cares to read this crap anyway?

Merry last 3 minutes of Xmas and GGs Guy, love! Blah blah blah something else I was going to say. Have a great day.

>> No.3976841

Yeah, I noticed that you were trying to teach me about the crushes, just wasn't sure on the key combos for the followup. And yeah, it would be nice to have someone help teach me the game. Using the practice dummy I noticed doesn't help much when trying to get used to combos, since there isn't the stress or fluidity of an actual fight, and the AI fluctuates between retarded and awesome.

Is there any specific trick that the pros use to get the key combos (i.e. macros) or do they just use the default setup and get used to it? I mean, if I had a numpad on this laptop and I could bind 1 to left and down, 3 to right and down, etc. then that would be useful.

Good games however, though I lost almost every round (excluding the match you were trying to teach me in).

>> No.3976842

Tree wins again for posting THE STRONGEST SNOWMAN!

>> No.3976848

>AI fluctuates between retarded and awesome


>> No.3976863

More likely actually: I fluctuate between retarded and awesome.

>> No.3976868
File: 20 KB, 398x237, ice fairies consulting their crystal ball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right.

May this thing of beauty forever be the OP of future soku threads.

>> No.3976874

The trick is to use a pad. There are people who exclusively use a keyboard around here but you'll instantly be exponentially better with a cheap $15 pad. As E-MAN can attest, I'm probably worse than you without one.

>> No.3976880

Hahaha, you have no idea how hard I started laughing when it became a Katamari Contest. I honestly didn't plan for that to happen at all, I just wanted delicious chip damage, and you decided that your Cirno could roll better than mine. But thanks for the amazing screenshot, I saved it as AWESOME.png.

As for that Meiling match...gah, I was trying to knock you down to change the weather from being typhoon, but it ended up coming anyways. Oh well, at least you got your revenge, I suppose! In all fairness, you did do her air BnBs occasionally, though.

>> No.3976885

I wonder... Can you hook up an Xbox360 or PS2 controller up to this somehow?

>> No.3976898

Yes, you can grab a Playstation 2/XBOX to USB converter for about $20 at a Best Buy or The Source. Make sure to say a Playstation 2 and not a PS2 to USB converter.

>> No.3976907

Hahaha yeah, the lag screws me over a lot, but what really gets me is the fact that you can combo me out of every mistake lag or not, it usually goes something like "oh yeah, hes vulnerable, I'm totally getting him" then the lag dissipates and I'm getting my ass handed, those combos are gonna be the end of me I tell you.
GG's E-Man 'twas fun, see ya tomorrow.

>> No.3976909

I'm certainly no pro, but I find that when I started using my Playstation 2 controller for SWIRR, I played much better than I would on the keyboard.

>blueberry and grape consult their crystal orb.jpg

>> No.3976914

What would they infer a PS2 as, as opposed to Playstation 2?

>> No.3976923
File: 23 KB, 430x357, Logi-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-MAN here

Get you one of these shits. I wouldn't play without one.

>> No.3976938

Looks 200% identical to a PS2 controller, and I have a few lying around at my house. I could probably rig a PS2 to USB converter up myself anyways - I'm an engineering student, even if not I can always pick one up at Futureshop (Canadian here).

>> No.3976939

i personally use wasd for movement and tgyh as abcd.

>> No.3976940

Not true. My controller drops inputs all the goddamn time probably because I throw it at walls so much and a bunch of the greatest tourneyfags are keyboard-exclusives (read: ZomB, Magister).
A controller is definitely easier to push buttons on than a keyboard, sure, but the REAL trick is to memorize inputs and register them as muscle memories so that you're able to respond to certain things in time and string combos together, etc etc. As long as you understand timings it doesn't matter what you're pushing the buttons on; the only real advantage of controllers is comfort.
That said, given a choice between a pad and a keyboard I'd definitely choose the former, but I won't deny having had my ass whooped a bunch of times by keyboarders.

Hurr, yeah, I knew from the beginning that Meiling was suited really well to my playstyle but I never wanted to go through the effort of learning her enough to start maining her or anything; I kinda do now, though, so I'll get to work on a deck that isn't full of shit soon enough.
I'd ask you to teach me stuff but hell, you learned Cirno on your own, so I bet I can figure it all out alright.

Oh, and ZomB, hurry and find that tripcode of yours.
It doesn't feel right without it.

>> No.3976943

Fuck your pad shit. Real masochists use keyboard and LIKE IT!

Still hosting. So ronery ;_;

>> No.3976947

They might mistake it as a PS/2 to USB converter. The PS/2 connector can be seen on old style mice and keyboards.

Also, from a guard crush you have a few options with Youmu. With a high guard crush, you have enough time to go into a Dial A combo. For both low and high crushes, you can do a dragonpunch if you practice the timing carefully (although on a keyboard it's hard to pull off a dragonpunch at all). Otherwise, you can always use a super card immediately after a crush.

>> No.3976961

The controller seems MUCH easier to combo shit though. Think about it, its much easier to instead of going down, down left, left, B/C; you can just do a 90º rotation around the joystick/nav pad then hit B/C. However, I prefer the flying and nav controls on a keyboard. Tradeoffs, I suppose.

>> No.3976965

I'd be suprised if you could roll your own PS2 to USB converter, since a PS2 controller uses analog signals while USB uses Digital Packets. I used to work at a company building USB devices and you'd need to have your own programmable chips for this kind of thing.

>> No.3976968
File: 54 KB, 1000x700, itslikeimreallyGuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get the wrong idea, Tree. I'm just posting this image because I feel like it!

Feels like most Youmus have 4 of the 'Life Terminating Sword "Meditation"' card in their deck; that card is bloody painful after a crush.

>> No.3976969

Think of it like pianoing the keys.

so instead of it being down, downright, right it's just down -> roll to right

>> No.3976976
File: 155 KB, 516x272, FIREPUNCHVSICEBOULDER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3976980
File: 45 KB, 217x232, suikahelicopter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3976989

Yeah, I know quite a bit of assembler, though by no means am I an expert (programming for ICs). Interrupts included. I usually end up using an ATmega16 for my projects thesedays. Hell, this could become a project to keep some of my time occupied. I like this plan.

>> No.3977012

Interesting, I'm a PSoC kind of guy myself but you might be able to find the parts you need off Digikey. The parts would probably end up costing you more than just buying the converter from Radioshack or Futureshop but I'd be impressed if you could pull it off and it'd be great on the resume. I learned trial by fire at my place of employment and boy, I sometimes wish i had an engineering background.

>> No.3977033

Wait... You can put this type of thing on a resume? I'm liking this idea even more now. Any idea where I can find information pertaining to exactly what the exchange process entails? (i.e. what the PS2 to USB controller does, at a microchip level). If I can't find info, then the project is futile.

Also, who cares if it costs more. Bragging rights are priceless, and I'll learn a bunch in the process. It's a win-win-win situation.

>> No.3977052

Well actually, just the adapter at the micro level. Replicating whatever the adapter does should work, instead of starting completely from scratch (which would be interesting in and of itself, but much more difficult).

>> No.3977056

Not the same guy, but if you can rewire and reprogram a controller, you can do the same for almost anything in the Electrical Engineer field.

>> No.3977066
File: 63 KB, 800x600, Super Sunset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey ZomB, I upgraded your sunset.jpg.

>> No.3977069

More like downgraded, amirite?

>> No.3977084

I'm not exactly sure what it entails actually. If I had to guess you would need a chip that has enough input pins for each of the buttons and at least 4 Analog to Digital Converters for the Joysticks. Don't forget to debounce the buttons, and provide power to the controller. Then you'd either hack the end off your contoller and start threading it into your bread board or work with a PS2 jack thats soldered to your board. The USB chip itself would simply read the analog signals and track its state in its memory, and then emulate a plug and play controller for windows to use. With a bit of Google you may be able to find out exact details of the USB spec but you're on your own.

>> No.3977090

That was quite a challenge. You may have noticed I have trouble keeping against fast characters.

GGs Duckanator. Very fun games.

>> No.3977093
File: 86 KB, 640x480, what could that be helicoptering over my fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3977099

Good games. You've got a rock-solid Cirno. I haven't played a Cirno as tough as yours since the last time I fought Magister.

>> No.3977104
File: 52 KB, 559x469, downgraded hardcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


even better

>> No.3977106

Sounds fairly straightforward as long as the wiring/USB config isn't ridiculous. The debouncing circuitry itself is easy as hell (I just did that for a LCD screen project I did). I'm on vacation so I don't have access to my PS2 for a few more days, but when I do I'll look at the attached plug. I have a broken controller too so I can always open that one up at no cost and see how things are laid out.

>> No.3977128

Now we just need an infinite recursion of the downgrade. That would be black-hole causing-ly bad.

>> No.3977161
File: 28 KB, 368x294, Infinite Downgrade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't say you didn't ask for it.

>> No.3977175

You have too much time on your hands there, Tree.

>> No.3977180
File: 50 KB, 300x319, marisa_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting some on : 10800

>> No.3977251

You really love that hip attack, don't you Marisa?

>> No.3977291

ggs, i like how most of them came down to the final hit

>> No.3977292

Just got owned by someone frighteningly good with every single character.

>> No.3977296
File: 164 KB, 570x453, masterspark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hah which ones that?

>> No.3977304 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
k.com thanks in advance have a nice day

>> No.3977303

Marisa's 6A. I can't blame you for liking it (it's adorable), but throw out a 623B/C if it gets blocked once in a while. Sometimes it'll take the enemy by surprise!

>> No.3977314
File: 119 KB, 640x480, 1250664997816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat are toho game moves?

>> No.3977325

Look at your numpad, and imagine them as directions assuming you're on the left side of the screen. So, 6 is forward, 2 is down, 4 is back, and 8 is up. 6A is forward-A, and 623B is right, down, down-right B.

>> No.3977338

Hey, don't take it like that. You've got a great Cirno, >>3976833 is proof enough of that.

US Midwest.

>> No.3977342
File: 56 KB, 465x379, 1259688396487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you mean the butt punt attack! Yes, I love it heheh.

>> No.3977398 EC
i'm zomb :>

>> No.3977492

i'm magister :>*

>> No.3977675

>jumping right into your Yuyuko system card, costing me the match


Good games, Duck. I think I'll call it a night for now, I didn't expect to have quite that many matches in me. Those Cirno mirrors were great fun, and some of them were REALLY close, too! Same with the Marisa/Yukari matches. It throws me off when you use her Parasol alt, because all the Lurker matches have instilled in me an instinct that slams block whenever I see something vaguely-parasol shaped, whereas you can just graze through the parasol alt skill. Ah well, at least you didn't peg me with Aya's 66C quite as many times this time around!

>> No.3977706

Great games guy. Those Cirno mirrors were awesome especially when we were shooting fully charged 236Bs at eachother.

I really like Yukari's alt 623 but it's nowhere near as useful as her default one. Maybe if it got bigger with each level or if it had a hitbox while it's charging. Same with Yuyuko's sky lasers. They'd be much more useful if they stayed on screen a little longer.
I guess there's always hope for them in the 1.10 patch.

>> No.3978724

Anyone hosting right now? Just woke up and its rather sleepy today.

>> No.3979358

Fishing for hosts

>> No.3979613

Ditto, wake me when someone hosts.

>> No.3979789

Come on guys, someone has to be on. Don't make me go outside.

>> No.3979824

US Central!

>> No.3979889 Eu

>> No.3979936

God damn it I want to play but my logitech controllers D-pad is fucked up now It still kinda works but the inputs don't work 100% of the time. If I am lucky I will get an adapter that will let me use my PS2 controller early next week.

>> No.3980088

GGs sir. I get the feeling that we played before.

>> No.3980089

Good games. You're pretty damn good.

>> No.3980186

GGs Hak

Pretty unfortunate set for you, none of the Slash cards seemed to work for you. Then again, I think you were only toying with me, trying to see if you can win with only 6A/j.6A... Regardless, I got to go, so thanks for the matches and letting me test my IaMP decks, although I forgot to use China's.

>> No.3980208

Not toying with you, I just zone out periodically so the fight ends up being Z-spam until I snap out of it. Though, I was consciously trying to figure out when to use 6A leading to spam, considering how well it worked on ZomB.
But yeah, I suck at the timing on spell cards. Practicing that now in single player.
GG, have funs.

>> No.3980247
Eu, Sweden.

>> No.3980366

Good games, Hak. Sorry, I kind of suck at commenting games, but I think you should level your blocking a bit more.
I must ask you though, from where are you connecting?

>> No.3980399

Playing with my shitty ass controller. Xbox 360 controller failed me, PS3 controller failed me, and some guy in Great Britain stole my credit card number and I have no credit card now to buy an adapter with.... Maybe tomorrow I will venture out to buy any controller actually made for computers...


>> No.3980440

I do believe Savannah, Georgia. I'll be back in Canada tomorrow, though. I know I need to work on my timing for blocking as well.

>> No.3980566


>> No.3980616

Bumping for EU hosts.

>> No.3980805

What a shitty picture OP, have you got no shame you must be a noob XD

>> No.3980950


I don't know who you really are (probably Lurker), but you really know how to push my buttons, it would seem. Remi has to be the biggest bullshit character next to Omega Rugal and Sagat, and you play her like a fucking CPU boss! Even though it looked like I was making a little progress against her, you can consider that last match my ragequit for today.

Also, I'm hungry. Be back in 10.

>> No.3981302
File: 7 KB, 202x186, 1261152982827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3981336

Alright, just finished watching Iron Man for the second time with my folks, so I'm back and up for a game. I'll try hosting since no one else is but no guarantees that it will work.

>> No.3981341

Woops, forgot IP.

>> No.3981520

Well, its been awhile with no activity. I suppose I'll practice a bit till people are on, play some Rance, or play Starcraft.

>> No.3982993
File: 27 KB, 500x250, kaguya thread necromancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I hope this thread is here tomorrow" nightly necromancy.

>> No.3983790

Bump for hosts.

>> No.3985529

Bump from page 10.

>> No.3985548

...Saints/Bucs are in OT... fuck it, I need a match.
US Central

Nirvana made a song about it, I think it was called "Rape Me" tier.

>> No.3985861

Bump for hosts.

>> No.3986210

Bump for hosts.

>> No.3986253


One word: PROGODBEASTMODE! Couldn't do shit, Captain! Although, I thank you on the Reimu/Sakuya tutorials there LOL, needed that.

>> No.3986279

GGs, E-MAN. Whoa at that last burst of slow motion. I decided to start playing Reimu again like I used to after I fought the enhanced AI Reimu. I may not be able to read inputs like that thing does, but I realized Reimu doesn't really have many weaknesses, either. My opinion on Reimu has gone through the roof, especially with that new silly 3-card barrier thing she has.

>> No.3986308

Ah, figured it was you, but you never broke out the Komachi so I was confused on who I was facing (but holy shit, Tenshi? Ewww). Maybe that explains why I could hardly lay a hand on you, I couldn't do jack squat against that EX-Mode AI sim.

You already know what I'm going to ask next. Pointers on my screw-ups?

>> No.3986404

You really like dashouts over jumpouts, haha. That's not so much a bad thing because of the options given for grazing, but first I kept factoring in both, then stopped after a bit because you never took the bait and I was killing my strings early. You've really improved over all this time.
...ah, your teching habits are pretty good, though there's just one thing I think would help. You don't tech first instance available, and that's good, but most of the time if you have a lot of available tech time(like if I CH you with Reimu 66C) you'll still eventually tech before hitting the ground. This is also not bad as a whole, but I think that a tech an inch above the ground mixed with falling is very frustrating to deal with, and I can't set up things properly if you mindgame this simple thing hard enough. You would have a much easier time against my Komachi(everyone really) this way, since I can't really be two steps ahead when it comes to low tech versus fall.

>> No.3986536

Ha, that sounds about right. I don't have the execution skills to hj/BEhj out of a blockstring, and you can see I was really trying to against Sakuya/Tenshi. I know even chickenblocking against Reimu can get dangerous, so it's better just to dash out, and that's were I meet those damn low fly j.6As > RAPE. 'Preciate that, but I haven't really "improved" until I've beaten you in a set, y'dig? LOL Good playing you again (although I think it's been you anonymously raping me with Remi as of late...), and thanks for the matches!

>> No.3986695
File: 186 KB, 425x578, 1261478000462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We haven't played in a while. You should join one of my games some time, Magister!

Love tier.

>> No.3987026

Good games, E-MAN. Sorry to cut it short, but my food is ready now. Your use of bomb cards was really throwing me off, but you still seem to have a hard time getting out of the corner. That Cirno/Patchy match was really close, though!

>> No.3987027

GGs Guy

Sorry to snipe, but thought I'd entertain until Mags showed. Today has not been my day, it seems...

>> No.3987057

Eh, you didn't snipe at all. I was waiting for anyone to join, really, I just wanted to tell Magister to play me some time.

>> No.3987129

No, no Remi for me. Can't imagine who that'd be.

>> No.3987537

Bump for hosts.

>> No.3987552


>> No.3987595

Just started playing this today, and after a few Arcade mode runs, I want to try my luck. First thing-- is there really no english patch? I googled and googled and couldn't find anything.

>> No.3987627

No English patch yet. The English patch for SWR just came out a week before UNL was released, so probably not until next Summer.

Bookmard the SWR wiki and stay updated on new patches and stuff.

>> No.3987679

Guess it's trial and error until I figure out how to set up my profile and join/host, then.

>> No.3987700


Everything you need to know. Seriously... If you have any further questions not at the wiki, then ask.

>> No.3987932

Spectator here


>> No.3987938

Good games, Endue. I think I have to call someone back, so we'll leave it at that. I made so many stupid mistakes during our matches it was painful to even keep on playing; I'm pretty sure I dropped almost every Marisa combo I meant to do, I just flat-out ran into stuff when I was playing as Meiling, and my Cirno felt downright slow. It feels like the only thing I was doing right in our matches was never giving up, leading to some very surprisingly come-from-behind victories.

>> No.3987954

Good games, Guy.
Your Meiling is fun to play and surprised me quite a few times.

>> No.3988170
File: 173 KB, 960x720, 9-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New teaser for 1.10 from Tasofro's blog.
Looks like Alice has a new move, something that is jump cancelable. A new 236 possibly?
Yuyuko's bloom beads can now spiral parallel to the viewplane.
Reimu just activated some kind of card, maybe someone can translate?
Youmu's reflector isn't god awful anymore possibly.
Reisen's laser field evaporates all bullets inside of it?
Suika is superman.
Marisa broke one of Reimu's cards or something, without Snow.
Komachi's lifetap spellcard is changed somehow. I don't see it.
Yukari's parasol projectile has more hitstun/duration or something.

>> No.3988176
File: 183 KB, 960x720, 8-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the older teaser for those who missed it.

>> No.3988184

>Marisa broke one of Reimu's cards or something, without Snow.

The Card Eater system card now works on block, maybe?

>> No.3988193



>> No.3988195

Interesting, though I don't understand what you mean about Komachi's lifetap. In the screen it just looks like Scythe of Exiled Souls, but considering that is a 4 cost card and she still has 4 cards in stock. Perhaps it's just Soul-Splitting Scythe, which means it's larger as you upgrade, since it was never that wide.

>> No.3988203

Looking at the Reimu one again I think it might be that offensive dash cancel card, but Reimu is only missing one orb. Maybe it was improved that way.
Maybe. That is the correct animation for Marisa's BE/Card Crusher/Guard Breaker I am pretty sure. It looks like it might do half a card on block.

>> No.3988207


>> No.3988213

True. I hadn't looked at the cards. Maybe it is the skill instead.

>> No.3988219


Nice fake link, you faggot. Go back to being a faggot, faggot.

>> No.3988224

>Reimu just activated some kind of card, maybe someone can translate?
It's White Tower Sword. Doesn't kill all your spirit to use anymore.
>Suika is superman.
Default 623 hits on the way up as you level it. Don't know how that's new though, it already does that.
>Komachi's lifetap spellcard is changed somehow. I don't see it.
That's the alt214. Also, that is gigantic. Much bigger than before.
>Yukari's parasol projectile has more hitstun/duration or something.
Looks like air-usable to me, who knows.

>> No.3988231

Looks to me like Yukari used the projectile then hjc9 and j.5a. Unless they recycled Yukari's 'kick' animation and she magically kicks out manji blades.

>> No.3988273
File: 20 KB, 473x352, chinaJAOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's White Tower Sword. Doesn't kill all your spirit to use anymore.

This is both a scary and awesome change. I know one certain sword using player who's going to flip the fuck out once he hears this.

>Yukari's parasol projectile has more hitstun/duration or something. Looks like air-usable to me, who knows.

Actually looks to be bigger than her normal parasol spin. Maybe leveling increases size?

>> No.3988292

I'm going to go ahead and hazard a guess that they put a charge or something on that Komachi move. There's no way it can be that big and as quick as it is now.
But the real question is... Is 1.10 coming with c77? In the next 1-4 days?

>> No.3988299

Can't wait to find out!

>> No.3988311

She's already got alt236, that's got stupid range and they actually made it faster than it was in SWR. Maybe that only applies to the C version or with levels. Komachi doesn't have a lot of charges, but I suppose that's possible, too.

>> No.3988393

Really hope that Komachi alt will work like I think, might have better reason to use that outside of combos. I've never seen anyone else run it either, wonder why.

>> No.3988423
File: 655 KB, 890x844, 1260735986241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's White Tower Sword. Doesn't kill all your spirit to use anymore.

Holy fuck, that is going to be awesome.

Anyways, rehostan:

>> No.3988557

I wonder if they will add option to turn off weather. Would be better turney wise.

>> No.3988607

I'm not interested in 1.10 unless it adds Kaguya, Mokou, and Wriggle.

That said, what all IS it changing? New spell cards is just a wankfest. What is it adding that is useful to people who don't play with their decks?


>> No.3988639

How can you not enjoy new stuff for old characters but would enjoy new characters?
Besides, the rumors of new characters have been bouncing around forever with the most repeated one being Nitori.

>> No.3988727

Good games, anonymous. I...really don't know what to say. You completely controlled the flow of the match, I could not build any momentum at all. It felt like whenever I tried to start anything you just either stuffed me or didn't even let me touch you. Please forgive the poor performance, I hardly ever face good Remilias, I'm quite confused as to how I should approach them.


>> No.3988769

Too bad, so sad. Mokou and Kaguya were already shot down for ANY Touhou fighter for being "too powerful". Wriggle and Nitori were SUPPOSE to be in 12.3, but they said they didn't have enough time to add them.

Soon, my babies. Soon.

>> No.3988834
File: 460 KB, 640x479, Kaguya + Mokou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3988858 [DELETED] 


Trying to stay awake tier

>> No.3988864
File: 223 KB, 460x669, Nitori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope if Nitori comes in she comes with a squirtgun/watercannon.
Here's my Sunday best! Kappa Cannon!

>> No.3988882
File: 233 KB, 512x512, ayaSWRstrike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, we already have a Capcom knockoff character, may as well add a Marvel knockoff as well.

GERONIMO! Kappa Destroyer!!

>> No.3988919
File: 320 KB, 650x831, Shou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah spear character.

>> No.3988948
File: 335 KB, 551x689, Ichirin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3988956
File: 125 KB, 646x505, reisenOPTICBLAST1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, wait. I totally forgot, they already added a Marvel knockoff in UNL.

>> No.3988958
File: 235 KB, 712x712, Chen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be awesome if she had a level 5 spellcard that summoned an irate Ran to ravage the enemy. Maybe gap-in Yukari backup too.

>> No.3988959

anyone wanna play? i cant host tho

>> No.3988973
File: 275 KB, 676x787, Koakuma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morrigan ripoff.
It would be too easy.

>> No.3988975
File: 10 KB, 150x113, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3988990

Oh God, anything but more Morrigan/Lillith...

>> No.3989002

What's the the matter, too SOUL FEEEST for you?

>> No.3989019

Useless succubus, only good for her sex appeal and pre-nerfed Soul Eraser.

>> No.3989022


>> No.3989023
File: 19 KB, 245x170, jt_king_jder_jquath-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3989127
File: 54 KB, 640x480, 1250275206141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, Endue. I'm going to quit before I do any worse; that's enough strings dropped and stupid attacks taken for one night.
