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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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39701265 No.39701265 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

Guide to onaholes, dolls, supplements, aural stim, and anything else that makes blowing a load enjoyable

Ejaculate Enhancement

Minor edits should be made to the wiki to keep information/links up to date.

OtonaJP a shit. Order from them at your own risk.
OtonaJP has rebranded as Naughty-nippon in the EU and should also be avoided. Don't say we didn't warn you.

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their own fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the warosu archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

previous thread: >>39625302

>> No.39701342
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About to make an order on Amazon JP. I'll grab some Onatsuyu lube, but should I try some other brand?

>> No.39701382

Get Onatsuyu as it's great and maybe try La Bocca Della Verita Sweet Lotion (it's a mouth full) or Tomax insomnia

>> No.39701634

are there any hips that have soft material for vaginal and hard material for anal? i know dual material generally sucks, but i'm curious if it exists

>> No.39701935

My MoT visibly scratched my dick up leaving marks even a day later and I liked it

>> No.39701960

Just wait till you get real head

>> No.39702055

Is Mouth of Truth still considered the best mouth onahole? Is the experience really that different from a regular pussy hole?

>> No.39702142

Yeah it has teeth and a tongue

>> No.39702384

WAY different from a normal hole breh, shits addicting

>> No.39702426

Haha... yeah... What's another 26 years...

>> No.39702814

Either when it doesn't feel good for you any more or it is coming apart. That's all.

>> No.39703952
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doll thread, doll pill.

>> No.39703966
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>> No.39704026
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two year of draining my balls daily, still In pristine state

>> No.39704104
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>> No.39704139

nah it still kind of works but it doesn't warm shit now

>> No.39704163

No snaped fingers or loose joints after 2 years?

>> No.39704198
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one knee Is a bit loose, finger are joint metal so still rocking

>> No.39704222

What doll? she looks and sounds good.

>> No.39704266

gynoid tech model 9

>> No.39704347

If only I didn't have to sell a kidney to buy one. Also I remember some people on the doll forum complained about gynoid looking good but not feeling great but I' not sure if thats the case.

>> No.39704373

Holy shit dolls are great these days! Yours looks like an 8/10 woman with perfect skin, the only thing giving it away it's the lack of detail on her fingers.

>> No.39704411

The faces give it away to as doll faces still look a bit lifeless and lack facial expressions but posable faces are starting to become a thing.

>> No.39705089

Is there a guide for what to do for a TPE doll?
Like ratio of use to cleaning/powder etc. I don't even know what powdering or oiling is about or how fast you would want to clean out after use, like if you have time to enjoy the moment after etc.

Sounds like doggy style wins.

>> No.39705297 [DELETED] 
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>Sounds like doggy style wins.

>> No.39705308

Me on right my future 7,000 USD doll on left

>> No.39705380 [DELETED] 
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or two $3500 dolls?

>> No.39705392

blue board bro

>> No.39705437

I forgot due to this being about sex dolls. which isn't SFW in the first place.

>> No.39705469

Oh no bro the jannies are going to be absolute SEETHING

>> No.39705487

I'm in gonna get fucked any way so.
*clears throat* fuck jannies.

>> No.39705878

>which isn't SFW in the first place.
SFW and NSFW just applies to the images posted or every board would be a porn board.
In general, 4chan shoudln't be browsed at work considering every other sentence on this website has some sort of combination of nigger, faggot, kike, or how *demographic I don't like * should be genocided.

>> No.39705923

NGL /pol/ being made into a porn board would be funny and an improvment.

>> No.39706125
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Want some milk?

>> No.39706159

It’s a tranny board

>> No.39706164

Can water deform/damage onaholes? I've been sloppy in my drying process lately. I get most of it out but it's still definitely wet when I stick my finger in

>> No.39706191

That sounds more like /gif/.

>> No.39706195

Don't know if anyone cares but I fell asleep before using either of my new holes last night
Decided to use the carnivorous mermaid for a morning jerk and I'm ashamed to say the shark pussy made me cum in a minute, I plan to use that one for the next couple days and use the ZXY this weekend when I can take my time and really be a degenerate

>> No.39706319

water itself? nah. but constant moisture in a dark, enclosed space will lead to mold and bacteria. get a drying stick or an aquarium air pump with airline tubing.

>> No.39706631

It looks like it has that collapsing gel breasts issues dolls seem to have.

>> No.39706673

Oh no, someone's going to get a promotion.

>> No.39707159

How does nutting in these things feel compared to a real woman? I know I know, I'm assuming /jp/ had sex before.

>> No.39707274

So these pics of dolls with their cunts and tits out are sfw?

>> No.39707589

Public lactation is legal

>> No.39707599

Its inert unlike a biohole, wich make the sensation different even If the feeling Is samish, still close enough, your ape brain is totally tricked

>> No.39707889

blue board, buddy

>> No.39707947

lel kys retard

>> No.39708010

Reminder to report and ignore

>> No.39708143

go back to jewdit you fucking retard

>> No.39708369

Onahole threads gets a pass

>> No.39708569
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>> No.39708588

I just dropped $100 at Aliexpress for underwear for my doll... now to wait three months for it to deliver.

6 bras (that should actually fit, if measurements are correct) and 25 pairs of panties... I may have gone a bit overboard, but they were all so fucking cute I couldn't not.

>> No.39708589

>air pump
I don't know who started this idea or keeps pushing it but it's the most inefficient way to dry your holes. There are cheaper, quicker, and easier ways to do it. It's also not the best way if you wanna be discreet, for a lot of reasons depending on your personal situation.

>> No.39708668
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>> No.39708724

did the same but with 4 costume and a second wig, they have the same product as amazon but cheaper, don't forget to wash them alot.

>> No.39708737

I dressed up my doll as a gyaru and am loving shoving my face in her chest as she wraps her legs and arms around me.

>> No.39708749

Yeah, if I were getting cosplay I'd get it from there too. Amazon's just a US storefront for Aliexpress in the end, with a ridiculous markup but fast shipping.

I have no problems buying my doll's clothes at thrift stores, but I just can't do that for underwear, especially considering she wears a US XS. It's bad enough to see a guy my age buying clothes alone in that size, but start going through the underwear section looking for XS underwear and there are gonna be police reports filed...

>> No.39708831

I have an 80cm Irokebijin knockoff that I most likely won't want to use anymore when my Piper Akira shows up, is there anything fun I can do with it that isn't throwing it out?
I doubt I'll find anyone willing to buy second hand, and I might feel too filthy doing that anyway.

>> No.39708859

Put it in a trash bag in the pack of your car or leave on your back deck.

>> No.39708877

shove firecrackers up its pussy and film it blowing up, then post .webm here

>> No.39708884

Dress her up in her cutest outfit and pose her sitting on top of your PC tower.

>> No.39708939
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For anyone who is using the ejaculate enhancement guide, where the fuck do you get pygeum? I just spent 4 hours walking around my hometown and searching on amazon, and all they have is tiny amounts of pygeum that is mixed with other shit, or tablets with 500 fucking milligrams

>> No.39708948


>> No.39708983

I like both of these ideas. I never got any cute outfits unfortunately because 80cm is a very awkward size for that

>> No.39709026

just drink lots of water/tea anon god damn

>> No.39709037


>> No.39709077
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>Foods high in pygeum:
>>>onions products
Isn't that like, the complete opposite? Don't you consume tons of onions when you want to transition into a woman?

>> No.39709085

s o y **** Fucking hell

>> No.39709110

Exercise, drink water, don't overeat or eat like shit, goddamn.

>> No.39709114

>80cm is a very awkward size for that
Yeah, you're mostly limited to toddlers clothes if you're buying off the rack at that size
Anyway I would just hold on to it, you might end up wanting to fuck her even after the new doll arrives, or you can pose her next to the new doll while fucking it and set up a reverse ntr scenario or stack them up and alternate holes or something

>> No.39709197

You are not a plant, phytoestrogens don't affect you the way you think they do and if you're so worried about them then you need to cut all this stuff out of your diet
sunflower seeds
sesame seeds
alfalfa sprouts
mung beans
miso soup
miso paste
red clover
licorice root
red wine
olive oil
jasmine oil
and finally wheat germ, all of those have as high or higher levels of phytoestrogens than s-oy beans and I know the fucking retards that spammed a sing song children's rhyme so incessantly that they put a word filter on it have no clue about any of this

>> No.39709485

For how long do you leave the dry stick inside the onahole?

>> No.39709643

It's been a while, but I believe the instructions on mine said no more than a minute.

>> No.39709713

I find that those things absorb moisture pretty quickly, so I don't "leave" it in
I just put it in and take it out immediately twice, the second time to get nooks and crannies I might have missed the first time

>> No.39709716
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So still curious on good practices for TPE care. I've got it narrowed down between two dolls at this point though one I can't find the actual model for it because the website gives it an actual name for the body head combo they've predone, but still its down to two. Though I'm leaning to the TPE one and not the mystery silicone one.

I just don't want to break it, I tend to take care of things as I don't like to be wasteful and I sort of get attached to anything with a face.

>> No.39709825

Treat your doll like a daki.
Shower and shave frequently
Clip your nails
It’s TPE so dust will attach itself to the material clear the place it will rest clean and clear.
If you’re as careful as you say you should be fine.

>> No.39709840

Nta but do lint rollers work on them? Silicone or TPE; my doll is silicone

>> No.39709855

Never had a daki and I can't go more than a day without shaving it drives me crazy so no worries there. But I don't know anything about oiling, or powdering, or how fast I need to clean it out after use, or how often I should put it in the shower in terms of uses. Completely alien to me because it wasn't long ago I thought I would be old with someone now I'm not sure I care too.

>> No.39709873

I can’t provide anymore information that isn’t already in the guide.
I don’t have a doll and won’t get one.
Dolphin pussy owns my dick

>> No.39709943

Guys, how do I stop cat hair from sticking to my hole, is that something that dusting it with body powder would help with?

>> No.39709949
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Trying to learn how to use Blender so I can make my own faces. I don't trust these doll vendors' creative integrity that much. They probably have tons of commissions to pump out and just rush them.

>> No.39709951

I have a silicone doll and lint rollers dont do much at least the disposable paper ones. It still picks up some stuff but struggles to pick up things like hair

>> No.39709958

get rid of the cat

>> No.39710136

Onions and garlic tonify the prostate in men. Essentially your ability to create sexual fluids.

>> No.39710191

I would kill every other person on the planet before I would get rid of or hurt my cat
I hate to be one of "those" pet people but I was there when he was born and have raised him for nearly a decade, I love that dumb cat

>> No.39710279

Tenga Spinner arrived.
What should I expect?

Will report results in 13 hours.

>> No.39710496

>It's time you put away these fantasies about killer dolls

>> No.39710948

personally I don't use them but some anons use them to dry the holes with more delicate internals over the course of a couple of hours. there was an anon who had a prototype vertical ona dryer powered by a CPU fan. I wonder where he went.

>> No.39710964

Do you have brain damage? Choosing some fucking animal over humans.

>> No.39711077

If you haven't experience a regular ona before then yeah it's pretty good. It's better than your hand but not too much in my experience. If you have DGS then you'll probably be disappointed. Anyways, mine's been collecting dust since buying a proper ona.

>> No.39711089

He said in a thread that's about choosing plastic over a human being

>> No.39711237
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I bought a $10 Chinese one before. It had a hard shell and was completely unusable because of how tight it was.
And taking it out of the shell it was too weak. That must be because it was not designed for that.
Similar to pic related.

I assume that means I don't have death grip.

>> No.39711452
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I wonder if build a bear clothes would fit? If not on AliExpress you can custom order doll clothes.

>> No.39711471
File: 158 KB, 584x779, 6496D2D1-0A75-4AFE-9906-B014915FB24C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could get a dolphin plush.

>> No.39711486

I store my holes in nylon stockings. And powder will clean them.

>> No.39711646
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>Do you have brain damage?
worse, he's under mind control by brain worms

>> No.39711828
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>I never got any cute outfits unfortunately
exploding doll pussy it is, then

>> No.39712195
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I just got and used this shitty chinese ona for like $6 in our currency for the first time and I used some scuffed homemade lube using cornstarch but even still this shit blew my fucking mind. I just bought two other decently rated onas produced locally and I'm unironically excited for them to arrive that I'm afraid that I'm threading dangerous territory. I fear that there's no going back.

>> No.39712209

For the most basic maintenance just wipe it clean once a week to remove the dust and then powder it the same way you'd powder a baby's ass, if your doll has removable vag clean it after every use like an onahole (rinse with water, dry with paper towels wrapped around a stick or idk an aqua pump lol). If you cum outside just wipe it clean afterwards with a paper towel. If you want minty breath rub some peppermint essential oil on the doll's tongue, for perfume rub whatever essential oils smell best to you around the neck area. If you want that iconic strawberry shampoo scent on her hair because you're autistic as fuck, then look up a wig washing tutorial on youtube.

>> No.39712458

>produced locally
Go on.

>> No.39712629

At this point it's too late to put money down on outfits for her, I'm about to explode her pussy.

Indeed. I'd feel kinda bad doing it despite knowing it's a lump of TPE, but it's a fun idea so I'm gonna start thinking about time and place to do it.

>> No.39713011
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>Choosing this animal over another animal?

>> No.39713661

So what I'm getting out of this thread is that there is an untapped market for cute/sexy clothes for minidolls in the 80/90/100cm range. Hmm.

>> No.39714007

Does anyone else find that their single layer holes are getting destroyed quickly and easily? My Torori long and Venus Real Soft are fucked up and try to do weird shit when I fuck them, despite having used both less than a dozen times put together. Meanwhile, my ZXY can take me moving from missionary, to doggy, to sidesaddle just fine, no weirdness. Is it because I turned them inside out to clean them? I thought that was ok with single layer onaholes.

>> No.39714057

>my shop has a wide variety of mouth onaholes but not the Mouth of Truth
Fucking how... Can anyone look this list up and recommend me one that's good?

>> No.39714059
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It's been by far my favorite method
My doll has a very tight lolinco type hole and the air pump can dry all the way to the back without wearing it out like a drystick eventually would
You shouldn't be buying a sex doll if you don't live alone. I couldn't imagine being forced to keep my daughter wife locked in the closet 247. The after sex cuddling with cum dripping out of her pussy onto my stomach as she lays on top of me is the entire reason to get a doll

>> No.39714086

Damn, hold the presses! Undo 2 is a onahole + blowjob onahole two in one, I never saw that before

>> No.39714092

>my daughter wife

>> No.39714149
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Flipbro! Enjoy your 7 types of STDs all starting with the letter 'H'. Just buy a real onahole. I can refer you a reseller here. You'll need about 3k Php to buy an ona with lube.

>> No.39714973

Well yeah, clothes made in those sizes are for children. You’re not a pedophile are you?

>> No.39715854

Am I the only one planning on getting a small doll (WM 108cm) who doesn't give a shit about dress up? Literally all I want is a white string bikini, which it turns out are one size fits all.

>> No.39716040

Not him, but either my brand new drying sticks never worked that much, but I have to leave it in a few dozens of minutes, and that's with having already done the usual drying through microfiber towel

>> No.39716090

Not that guy but do you know where to get onatsuyu here? My bottle's running out and the store I ordered from previously is sold out

>> No.39716300

It's like owning a car, some men love working on their baby and others just want something that'll get the job done.

>> No.39717183
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There's really no right or wrong way, man. You do you, and fuck that doll how you see fit. But some people do like the dress up and photography aspect, and having cute and/or sexy outfits can be fun and help play into the fantasy too.

>> No.39717609

Thank you. Trying out an ona for awhile to see how it goes before making the jump to a doll. Plus that way it can act as spare TPE I can test fabric on to make sure it won't stain. So I just really know so little about any of it. Have to say though using a heater its a nice experience, lacks the grip at the end that hand or an actual girl has, but the build up to the end is much better.

>> No.39717635
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Dressing your doll and put her in different positions is 70% of the fun

>> No.39717684

Any suggestions for a good starter doll?

>> No.39717831

Depends on what you're looking for. You looking to go for a full size doll, or one of the smaller, more discreet dolls?

>> No.39717836

How much money do you want to invest?

>> No.39717851

Do you have a type when it comes to women? I'd argue that any model north of $1.2k it's pretty fucking good.

>> No.39717976

Cost is the biggest factor in what I would consider a starter doll so maybe 1k max
If that price point is to low then just whatever your best judgment is and I'll save up some more

>> No.39718090

Well, you're probably not going to find anything that's full size for that much. There's tons of good mini dolls in the $500-$1000 range.

AF doll has some full size dolls that are in the $1500~ish range, and while I don't have experience with one, I've heard they're decent starter dolls. There's even one I've been eyeing that looks pretty nice, as sometime I want to make the jump from a 90cm doll to a full size.

>> No.39718318
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Noooo. I would take it even second hand.
I have been fucking this rag doll for years and would love an upgrade.

Also don’t get rid of it once you have a new doll you may find the variety is nice and that a small doll can do things the large doll can not.

>> No.39718323

I really like the WM 108cm body but don’t like how the face looks. Wish I could swap it out for something else but I don’t think the other heads are compatible with it.

>> No.39718344
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Anon who is taking all the ejaculate pills and not cumming here again. Tomorrow makes one month. My balls hurt a lot. Ordered Junjo Karen Nymphomania then canceled the order 2 hours later because I'm not about that life anymore. Anyone have a good guide on kegels.

>> No.39718619

Jesus, sell it to this anon, I can't imagine fucking that thing hes been sticking his dick into so he's clearly desperate

>> No.39718844

Goddamn. I just got the factory pics for my doll.
Can't wait to get her and dress her up now.

I'm going through Amazon like a maniac looking for cute clothes now.

>> No.39718853
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Happy condom day!

>> No.39718941
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>> No.39719097

amazon jp doesn't have tomax insomnia, or am I just unable to find it?

>> No.39719279

Unless some 3rd party happens to be selling it, you're not going to find it on Amazon. It's either Toydemon or Daimaoh.

>> No.39719541
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Did anyone try pic related out? https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B09HXLJ6MT

looks interesting, but idk if it would be a "downgrade" to my venus real soft

>> No.39719568

That's terrible for more than one reason.
Both buying and selling second hand sounds extremely awkward, but if you're serious and in the EU I might go for it, though pussy explosion sounds like a lot of fun

>> No.39719772

I've had that one for a while now and I do enjoy it. The clear part is fairly textureless so almost all of the stimulation is coming from the purple line.
I also have the venus real soft and they're different enough that I don't think they're really comparable at all.
I will say that the durability seems pretty bad on it though. There are a couple of tears that developed near the entrance and the purple part had already separated quite a bit after only the first use.

>> No.39719805

Not that anon,k but I was also interested by that lewd Kitsune hole. Other than the Venus that I won't get because not available on amazon JP, any other softer hole that is recommended? I saw a discussion about the Hon-Mono in the previous thread or the one before it, though it seems it also has durability issues. I'd like to make them go as long as possible.

>> No.39719872

I picked up these two at the same time as that one and I'm pretty satisfied with them. I don't usually go for soft holes though so I don't really much have to recommend. I've tried the hon-mono and that unicorn one as well as a few other decently reviewed soft holes and ended up tossing them because I didn't really like em much.

>> No.39720268
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They're the only reseller I trust. Unless you plan on buying from a shady reseller, I suggest you wait for them to restock. I don't even know how they export shit here.

>> No.39720451
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Factory pics came. Can't wait to dress her up upon arrival.

>> No.39720462

What model?

>> No.39720477

Fudoll #8 head.

>> No.39720918

Where are the purple onahips?

>> No.39721091
File: 875 KB, 2732x4096, FA7OUgGVcAI9Qym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got bad news to report. After 5 months of owning the Irokebijin Akane 140 B, her left breast partially collapsed on itself. I don't know what caused it, but I could probably think of a few possible reasons.

1. First I haven't touched her for months, so she was laying in a flight case for a long time. I don't know if this has any effect on the gel breasts gravity-wise.

2. Second I think the foam padding in the interior of the top lid of the flight case has been putting pressure on her chest. I also notice she is leeching the most oils on her chest area. I didn't think platinum silicone would leech a lot of oils like TPE but I guess it gradually does, or maybe it does when under pressure?

So I guess this can be a warning to anyone considering Irokebijin silicone dolls. 2 thousands dollars not well spent. I just got a Tayu doll, so I'm pretty worried that she'll have the same issue, but we'll see. If it does end up collapsing, I think I'm gonna give up on dolls and go back to onas and my hand.

>> No.39721108

>I think I'm gonna give up on dolls and go back to onas and my hand
OK friend

>> No.39721165

Can't you try reinflating it with a bike pump or something and then patching that hole, you can go in through her underbust the same way implant surgeons do

>> No.39721169

Damn, another gel breasts horror story. I guess it's solid breasts, air breasts, or waiting literally years for these issues to be fixed for me.

>> No.39721204

I bought an onahole torso and got a sinus infection a day or two after I got it. I washed it really good with mild soap and again with shibari toy cleaner. What are the odds that I got sick from sucking on the nipples and general play from it? Kinda afraid to play with it now when I get better.

>> No.39721207
File: 229 KB, 804x1280, 1A1FED74-1491-4C82-8FC1-082C34DE57A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shucks I’m in America. At least I gave her a nice ass.

Will they even let you have firecrackers in the EU? Or am I confusing the EU with UK again (sorry, like I said I’m American)

>> No.39721212

Contact your vendor and/or manufacturer. They can often souce some of the actual gel used for the doll's breasts, then you just need to inject more in.

>> No.39721223

It sounds like it might be case 2. Likely, the pressure from the lid and stuff flattened the tits, which is why they were also seemingly leaking oil because they were more compressed.

Damn, that sucks....I really want the 140cm Irokebijin (but the Abby) but I hear a lot of bad about them.

Inflating the breasts only works for the hollow/air filled breasts. Not the gel breasts, as far as I know.

>> No.39721239

This is such a spooky thing to witness wtf

>> No.39721249

Did you cut her ass off and sew on a bigger one?

>> No.39721251

You shouldn't suck on TPE breasts at all. You're asking to get sick, or worse, getting cancer in a decade or two.

>> No.39721259

Bro, we're already sticking our dicks in this shit, him licking the titties is the least of his problems.

>> No.39721356

Sticking dick in (cleaned) TPE would cause cancer? Honestly, it can't be less hygienic than sticking it in an actual pussy with its god knows how many millions of various bacterias of all kinds lurking there.

>> No.39721375
File: 152 KB, 722x1280, 2FC13B8F-8F44-43B9-B7DB-A36A444F2498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not off. The fabric of the original ass is still there I just added more fabric to make the ass crack. The most basic ass enhancement is to add a taco shape of fabric to add the crack.

Here is an immaculate plush ass from someone more skilled than I am.

>> No.39721386

>Sticking dick in (cleaned) TPE would cause cancer?
No, I'm just saying I doubt it's as dangerous to lick the titties than it is to stick your dick in. I'd guess the only thing you'd be worried about sucking on the tits would be getting the oil inside your own body, and I imagine you're probably "exchanging fluids" (at least to some degree) when you're nutting in its oily vag/ass/mouth.

>> No.39721389
File: 30 KB, 721x721, 4828583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inflating the breasts only works for the hollow/air filled breasts. Not the gel breasts, as far as I know.

>> No.39721404

Christ anon, I almost want to buy you a doll, that thing is just sad

>> No.39721406
File: 53 KB, 560x314, 4A97C9EC-DA4C-4F2B-91D0-F84F73CC9D26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know zoo sex increases the risk of dick cancer (small tears in the flesh due to incompatible skin and or gods judgment because your a dirty zoo)

>> No.39721418
File: 368 KB, 1280x1219, EFD53A33-A8C9-4F38-A829-C6D195CDA911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would legit get a PO Box for that.

>> No.39721437

I'd be willing to donate to Raggedy Ann Anon's doll fund.

>> No.39721443

The figure of that doll is perfect.

>> No.39721460
File: 222 KB, 916x1280, 89ED0D18-A476-44FC-B4EA-D34D8BEF770F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose the name (Raggedy Annon) If I had one of those 90cm dolls I could test all my various doll and small person clothes with it and post cute outfits.

>> No.39721466

It makes me wonder if it would be better to store these particular dolls with the hook system that screws into the neck and can hang in a closet.

>> No.39721480

I have been looking up this issue to see if there are any possible solutions. I have seen people talking about injecting stuff in the breast thru the nipple. I don't know what I want to do. I kind of want to give up on the doll because her love holes are pretty bad too, I mentioned a while back that they are possibly not fully cured. I think the gel breast collapsing has been a ongoing issue for years, based on what I have researched online. It seems to happen in a few months after they are made in the factory. I just find it interesting it doesn't seem to get mentioned a lot. I dunno, maybe I fucked up with how I stored her.

>> No.39721501

>90cm dolls
I don't know about that raggedy annon, I think you might be able to get enough anons to throw 20 dollars into a gofundme or whatever to buy something like this though

>> No.39721534

It might be, but I don't have a doll rack and I don't know if my closet's wooden clothes hanger can hold 30 kg, if it can even accommodate those doll hooks. I read that the collapsing occurs in dolls because over time the silicone stretches and there isn't enough gel inside to cover the new volume it creates. I don't have much experience with dolls, I'm not sure if hanging her is any different from laying her down - wouldn't large breasts stretch regardless because of the gravity of its weight?

>> No.39721536
File: 1.27 MB, 1334x2000, DSC04484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really sucks to hear all this....that 140cm Irokebijin doll is gorgeous to me. The whole reason I want to get a full size doll. Guess I'll have to wait a while after all, and hope that they fix these issues.

>> No.39721544

I'm not really sure. Did you have the option for solid/gel/hollow breasts? Makes me wonder if it would be better to get hollow, because I hear they can still feel pretty good, and if they deflate, its easier to fix.

>> No.39721577

I really like the looks too, but its so disappointing and unexpected that they have these issues. I never see reviews mentioning these. Maybe I got unlucky. The only Irokebijin dolls I can positively vouch for are the TPE ones, not only are they light, they don't have the same issues with the love holes and breasts (the breasts are solid TPE), and they are softer. They just don't look as good as the silicone ones and they come in smaller sizes (80-100cm).

>> No.39721602

Irokebijin silicone dolls have gel filled breasts by default, it's the only option at the time I bought Akane but I would ask the vendor to see what they can get Irokebijin to do for you. I heard hollow breasts on dolls don't feel as satisfying to grope though and they can have the same issues.

>> No.39721610

Yeah, I actually have the 90cm TPE Akane, and it feels great on all fronts. I was almost thinking maybe one day they could do the 140cm in TPE too. True, it doesn't look quite as good as the Silicone, but if the silicone just brings nothing but problems I'd be willing to sacrifice some of the look for a doll with less issues.

>> No.39721623

God damn! I wanna go apemode on that ass.
Can't you still love your dollfu even if she has a broken boob?

>> No.39721657

You just made me check on mines

>> No.39721675

I need to breed that doll

>> No.39721688

How long did you have her? How do you store her?

>> No.39721724 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.04 MB, 1334x2000, DSC04576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39721728

It would just be about 5 months now. I got the flight case which lays down flat on the floor. I also got a memory foam pillow cause I heard that it helps keep from the ass from getting flat the pressure.

>> No.39721731

I might have to resort to importing then. I've ordered a lolinco and a bottle of onatsuyu from amazon jp before and it thankfully arrived without any problems.

>> No.39721756

Do you take her out often?

>> No.39721798

I try to take her out once a week even if I'm not going to fuck it. On those days I just do general upkeep like powdering.

>> No.39721809

Have you had any issues with yours? Would like to at least hear that someone has had a good experience with that one.

>> No.39721836

So the 140cm irokebijin had issues due to gel filled breasts, has anyone ever had a problem with the 90cm ones? All these pics make me want to fuck anime doll pussy and I can shell out a few hundred bucks for one

>> No.39721848

Unfortunately mines came with a defect around the pussy so theres a small tear. They sent me some glue and gave me a small refund but the glue only lasted so long. Not to mention theres still small bits of silicone that still come out when cleaning the holes. I was planning on getting a new doll of a different brand after maybe a year or so because of this.

>> No.39721903

Damn. I had heard of that problem too (the loose silicone pieces in the holes)...

I've got the 90cm TPE Akane like I said here >>39721610 I've had no issues, and no defects out of the box, though you have to be careful of the hands, because the fingers just have small wires, so just moving her around the fingers can get all bent out of shape. Not had any of the wires break or anything yet, but did have a wire poke out of one of her fingers, but was able to get it back in.

Other than that, its mostly just issues you'd face with any TPE toy, like it can attract dust/fuzz/hair, so its just wiping it down occasionally. The holes feel really good to me, nice texture and a nice little bit of suction. First couple times I used her, I came in about 30 seconds, but now that I'm more used to the sensation, its fun to play around with her a little more.

>> No.39722057

That look on her face.. She know's what she wants.

>> No.39722071

She looks really tall

>> No.39722084

She's 140cm, which is only like, 4'7".

>> No.39722093

Thats cause the bed is really low

>> No.39722101

Same here. I am looking into Elsababe 148cm Tachibana Kotori in either M or L size. Trying to decide between that and the 90cm Akane right now. I honestly like the proportions of Kotori better and the size will make finding clothing easy vs impossible for Akane. On the other hand storing a 90cm doll is much easier than finding space for a 148cm one... Not to mention this will be my first doll so a cheaper investment would feel safer since I will most likely do something stupid without knowing it.

If anyone has with any knowledge or experience with either doll or just general info, input would be much appreciated.

>> No.39722118
File: 1.11 MB, 2730x4096, media_FMhia1paAAQMbVS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did just start making these recently. Even then big issues and defects are typically rare. Some people just get the unlucky pick and the more sold the more of those will be out there. Talk to the vendor and manufacturer before you make a purchase and ask about the specific issues you are concerned about always before you buy any doll.

>> No.39722160

Breasts deflating is not a rare or new issue and happens across all brands of dolls that uses that method of soft breasts.

>> No.39722198

Well, I'll keep an eye on her then. I wouldn't probably buy her for another 6 months to a year, anyway, so hopefully they may have sorted things out, plus I kind of hope they can add some other things like articulated hands to these that other doll makers are starting to do more often now.

>> No.39722310
File: 321 KB, 1536x2048, 7298E691-D9A2-4C51-95D4-9BA3CDEA3864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way I would buy one of the 140 anime dolls is from the doll channel in stock. They are shipped to the vendor in the us and inspected. Defective dolls go to a bargain bin.

I think my ideal doll would be one of these 80 cm dolls but with short stack measurements.

>> No.39722540

>Lube ran out
>I am horny
Does diluting soap with water work?

>> No.39722546

No, it'll burn your urethra.

>> No.39722599


>> No.39722600

soap is really bad for your dong

>> No.39722623

You should spit on his cock

>> No.39722723
File: 35 KB, 612x612, portable closet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys if you only store your dolls to keep dust away/for privacy reasons then get one of these cheap textile closets for like $35 and let the doll stand up inside it, I mean if anyone's nosy enough to rummage through your closet then you automatically gain the right to pimp slap their ass. And I'm not joking, slap their bitch ass.

This is how I store my jars of weed.

>> No.39723054

Can you throat fuck anime dolls or are their mouths painted on?

>> No.39723089

That particular one you can't, but I think some other doll manufacturers like Elsababe make anime dolls that have oral capabilities.

>> No.39723101
File: 591 KB, 600x900, Doll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Aus friends, I wanted to order this doll but I've been told that customers doesn't like anything under 140cm? I think this is pretty mature and just scaled down but if customs are still gonna be a dick should I see if I should just order the head and get a different body?

>> No.39723266

You can't throatfuck dolls in general. Due to the fact that the heads have to be screwed onto the torsos, the oral cavity goes up into the head instead of down into the neck.

>> No.39723485

Last I heard, if your doll doesn't look like a hag, there's a risk of AUS customs destroying or returning to sender.

>> No.39723490

Some have that capability, but it's an expensive option.

>> No.39723509

It's also not worth it at all. Anal and Vag are fine but the dolls really can't even get close to what irl throatfuck feels like.

>> No.39723543

Forget about dolls, it's not worth the risk of wasting $2k and potentially ending on some list.

>> No.39723558

I got the H-Cup 168cm WM doll one back in 2018 when that was popular. It seems to be the height is the limiting factor as Australian sellers just dont stock stuff shorter than that.

>> No.39723595

god....i want to fuck it...

>> No.39723607

Is it safe to suck on your doll's nipples?

>> No.39723699

No you'll get mouth cancer

>> No.39723718 [SPOILER] 
File: 505 KB, 1536x2048, media_FMRqbTuWYAE-32Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TPE you can silicone no.

>> No.39723722

They don't care what it looks like they literally measure the height and if it's under 150ish it's deemed """"childlike""""

>> No.39723751

sticking your dick in it is safe but sucking on the same material isn't?

>> No.39723798

if only anon went down that line of thought before asking his question

>> No.39724039

>Will they even let you have firecrackers in the EU?
yes, even cucked countries like Germany have firecrackers, but if you want the good stuff with some actual oomph behind it, you need to buy it from Poland

>> No.39724779


>> No.39726408

How heavy would you feel be too heavy for a doll? I am looking at 38kg(84lbs) 140cm Irontechdoll, but am wondering if it would be awkward to handle.

>> No.39726409


Never bought a sex toy before but I like Rion, and I'm curious how a simulated titfucking experience would feel. Is this one quality or are there better boob toys out there?

>> No.39726586

A rule of thumb I've seen tossed around that seems to hold up in personal experience is to limit your doll's weight to half your benchpress. So if you can bench 168, you should be able to comfortably handle that 84lb doll.

>> No.39726870

One thing you need to keep in mind with tit toys if you want to fuck them is that you need absolutely enormous breasts to easily engulf your dick fully and constantly as you don't have a woman constantly taking care of that job. This is according to the sex havers that frequent these threads.

>> No.39726886

Alright I looked up some videos of the doll and it is a bit too small for my liking anyway. I'm seeing if I can get the 140cm model instead with that head.

>> No.39726907

Boobs on dolls or toys are never as good as the real thing, and a real tit fuck isn't even that good already. Massively overrated.

>> No.39726991

>Buying sex toys because of the pornstar used to market them
NGMI, those toys are marked up for the marketing fees that go to the pornstar, refer to the guide for actually good tit toys.
Also paizuri from toys is nice as variety play but I wouldn't call it the main dish, you'll inevitably get tired of it and want an actual pussy.

>> No.39727597 [SPOILER] 
File: 279 KB, 1366x2048, 1650829110464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexdoll pussy is so fucking addicting, men should not have this.
I literally just cleaned my phoebe doll after smashing that ass for 20 minutes and then feeling how slick she was after the cleaning I went again or another 20 minutes.
For those of you on the fence about a sexdoll, it's not like a onahole, it's almost like a cheaper girlfriend, you'll have to clean her, brush her hair, clothe her and then you have to carry her everywhere like a white knight fantasies he could do.

>> No.39727616

>you'll have to clean her, brush her hair, clothe her and then you have to carry her everywhere like a white knight fantasies he could do
Those are the things I want to do the most, but I unfortunately can't afford one

>> No.39727641

What doll is this?

>> No.39727695

Piper Phoebe, looks like silicone

>> No.39727838

I think I'm developing a fetish for perfect doll skin, I don't even check out real women anymore.

>> No.39727937
File: 1.89 MB, 3024x4032, WAH 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The never ending cycle of cleaning the doll out leading to getting the doll dirty again...

It's honestly gotten to the point to where I plan for it. I'll fuck my doll once, then just keep going back for seconds, thirds and fourths over the next couple hours, because there's no point in cleaning her up if I'm just going to fill her up again.

>> No.39728778
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x2560, IMG_20220507_184356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my doll like monster energy.

>> No.39728779
File: 20 KB, 480x480, nunodoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, you can tell the ass's skills, the torso and arms is lacking, but that ass is pretty good.
i remember that in deviantart there where a lot of mlp plushies with nice ass, like really nice ass.
there could a tutorial or pattern there.
also check this out, it can give you some ideas.

>> No.39728818
File: 1.73 MB, 872x1123, redbull2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine prefer red bull

>> No.39728833
File: 3.64 MB, 4032x3024, 20220506_202929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me about it

>> No.39729656

Phoebe 130cm?

>> No.39730123

I'm already up to six times so far today... I actually worry my dick is going to break and I'm going to end up in the hospital...

>> No.39730290
File: 275 KB, 960x1280, plushdollfeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elf loli drinks coca cola

>> No.39730543

how does it look like having sexx with an anime doll????

>> No.39730545

>6 times
mad lad

>> No.39730642

My numbers last weekend when I got her, were 11 in 24 and 19 in 48... I was a shriveled husk of a man afterwards, but god it was worth it.

>> No.39730674

wich model is this doll who got filled 20 time in 48h8tx0j

>> No.39730695

I bet that Sanhui took that dick like a champ

>> No.39730793

It has now been 4 weeks since my Piper Akira shipped from the factory. It has been 4 weeks of me being very antsy.
I bought some perfume samples and reorganized my entire home just to keep myself busy.

We have firecrackers here, but you need a permit for anything with a stick, and even a safety course for bigger stuff. Basically I'll have to scope out a place where no one will get annoyed and call the police to explode doll pussy at.

>> No.39730834

How do you even cum that much without passing out from exhaustion

>> No.39730921 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.88 MB, 720x1280, sanhui-silicone-sex-dolls-video-1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a Sanhui 161cm with head #8. They actually took product shots of her when she was at the factory, because she was the first doll they made with shrugging shoulders.


Indeed she did. She's built like a tank down there, it's quite impressive. A lot of people have said they don't like the labia design on the 161cm doll, but I'll say this -- I don't think there is a more durably designed hole out there on the market. If I manage to tear her up... well, then I'd tear any doll.

I was quite pent up. But yes, I was incredibly sore and drained afterwards.

>> No.39730958
File: 1.01 MB, 802x739, Not again plz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got mine last week too, she don't as much as your

>> No.39731252

Thoughts/experience with the Meiki Plush EVO?

>> No.39731527


>> No.39731544
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x2560, IMG_20220507_184138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39731644

Update on the loose silicon pieces. I found out where they are coming from it seems that the material that separates the vaginal and anal tunnel is coming apart and there is a hole big enough for me to hook my finger into. I guess I might accelerate my new doll purchase sooner than I though and get ready to butcher this one.

>> No.39732035

Sucks to hear there for sure, but I've heard that people have had the loose silicone problem immediately after taking the doll out of the box. Sounded at first to me like it might just been excess flash left over or pieces from taking the mold out. Would be pretty bad if the orifices are literally deteriorating out of the box....

>> No.39732492

Been feeling really sick after cutting open an old torso I had. I didn't find any mold or anything but I wonder if anyone else has experienced this.

>> No.39732663

Oh, I remember your post of the factory pics a few threads back when you sounded real enthusiastic. Glad to see that you're enjoying the doll well.

>> No.39732741

what do you mean by sick?
Are you having trouble breathing?
Or do you mean psychologically, as in you feel like you've murdered someone?

>> No.39732764
File: 159 KB, 840x560, tenga-flip-zero-ev-review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best open ended onahole? I just want something easy 2 clean and open ended looks the "easiest".

There's also the penis stapler

>> No.39732767

What material was it made of, and did you use something like a hacksaw that could potentially aerosolize particles of it that got into your lungs? Some plastics and resins can be pretty bad for your lungs.

>> No.39732780

How fast did you cut it and what did you use? like the others say it could be some plastics in the air.

>> No.39732807

All the talk about onaholes being hard to clean is greatly exaggerated. Don't make it a factor in your decision making at all.

>> No.39732812

I don't use mine because it's too hard to clean, it's a pain to dry too

>> No.39732825

It's gotta be either TPE or silicone. I cut it into chunks with some scissors and then cut those chunks into even smaller fingernail sized pieces. My only symptom is nausea, though when I first cut it up (a week ago) I woke up in a coughing fit. Should I vacuum the fuck out of my apartment?

>> No.39732844

So I don't blame you for not wearing a mask and doing it in a well ventilated areas because you didn't know better. But after the first time you should had wised up.
Yes vaccum, clean the shit out of your apartment, use an air filter if you can, get a fan pointing outside and open a window. Wear a mask and some eye protection and check your air filter to your apartment.

>> No.39732869


>> No.39732873

That doesn't sound like activity that would cause the particles to aerosolize. Could just be a coincidence -- you might just have caught the coof at the same time.

Still can't hurt to give your place a deep clean just in case, though. Worst comes to worst it's completely unnecessary and you just have a clean apartment afterwards.

>> No.39732886

>rinse under tub faucet
>stuff microfiber cloth down a few times
>put air pump hose in it and come back whenever I remember I left it on
Been my method so far and doesn't take long. Its my first one though so no idea how well this does.

>> No.39732888

It's the what you call it? Lillith?

>> No.39732892

Do people really stuff their clothes inside?
Why not use a dry stick

>> No.39732895

>tomax hole
>hard to clean
Really? Just flip it inside out, they're some of the easiest to clean.

>> No.39732904

>Flip it

>> No.39732911

Grab it by the pussy and shove.
Just invert it, tomax holes can be inverted, so long as you're gentle with it.

>> No.39732983

Didn't have a dry stick and those seemed like microfiber on a stick and the cloth by itself I can toss in the laundry to clean. Seems to get everything really dry though. Probably because the pump usually gets forgotten putting air into for a half hour tho.

>> No.39733053

Drystick is literally just a stick that looks like chalk. There's no microfiber or cloth on it at all, unless there are other kinds that I'm not aware of.

>> No.39733305

Really thinking about buying a ToysHeart Student Council President as a total noob.
I know the proper etiquette would be to give my dick stats but I confess I'm a little scared of measuring my dick.

>> No.39733322

Measure your penis length and girth and post it here

>> No.39733526

If you do get it make sure you squeeze the air out. Otherwise you'll be one of the countless retards complaining that SCP is a bad toy because it is all empty after the entrance.

>> No.39733561

How's her hole positioning for doggy?

>> No.39734371

Anyone ever tried the Otokonoko DX?
Suprised theres hardly any gay onaholes

>> No.39734784
File: 187 KB, 1080x1620, DSC02109_bc16c06d-abf0-4681-a8e3-a0ce65da1c12_1080x~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I'm gonna be saving up for this one

>> No.39734810

Which model is that one?

>> No.39734905

>the proper etiquette would be to give my dick stats
No it wouldn't, if you don't want to measure your dick then think of the vast majority of onahole tunnel lengths as medium or small. Grab your erect penis at the base, you'll need a small tunnel length onahole if the head barely pokes out of your hand or worse if it doesn't poke out at all, and a medium onahole if the head's fully out and you have a bit of 'pumping action' on your dick. I can't find the tunnel length of that ToysHeart Student Council President but I'm guessing medium.

>> No.39734912

It kinda looks like a piperdoll Akira 150cm B cup.

>> No.39735605
File: 266 KB, 667x1000, sanhui-160cm-all-in-one-pic-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've owned a Sanhui Maria for a few months, AMA

>> No.39735629

fastest nut?

>> No.39735648

hi, havent really bought anything since otona sekai days. Whats the best place to buy onas straight from japan? Was going to go with otonajp but I saw the warnings on the op and the shipping to tacoland is fucking insane. Only other option I know is toydemon

>> No.39735665

there are several google drive pictures from people already

>> No.39735912

I don't usually do quickies with the doll. Taking it out of its box is already a commitment, so I tend to have sex with it all night. Fastest nut with the doll, an hour maybe. Fastest nut in general, two minutes.

>> No.39736115

I avoid the unboxing hassle by letting her read books in the living room, it's very nice to have someone waiting for me home except this means cleaning her every 2-3 days.

>> No.39736256

Took the ZXY out of its packaging and used it for the first time tonight, it was ok
The outer part already had some damage on it before I even used it which was disappointing, and the thing flops all over the place which makes sticking your dick inside it more annoying than it should be
Tried the lube that came with it, way to sticky and viscous
Once you do get your dick inside it does feel nice, and the pussy lips really grip you but overall I would say this thing is overhyped, good but not great
Glad I bought the carnivorous mermaid alongside the ZXY, I much prefer that
Pic of damage it came with

>> No.39736274
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I wish I had that luxury, but I live with a family of five. Don't ask how I managed. Quite frankly, they probably wouldn't care anyways. Maybe my dad would tell me I need a girlfriend, but eh

>> No.39736282

I got a doll while I was living with my mum and had to hide it in my wardrobe and just live in constant anxiety that I'd be found out.

>> No.39736292

Sounds like you got a bad package. Mine wasn't sticky and felt amazing, can't compare to the other one though as I haven't tried it. My ZXY eventually tore way inside which was sad but understandable; I fuck my toys like a mad man

>> No.39736363

if you're talking about the creases on the bottom left, it's because of the bag they pack it in and how soft the TPE is. mine was all crinkled when I took it out of the box. it doesn't hurt the functionality of the toy though and the larger creases should eventually smooth out over time.

>> No.39736367

always add just a few drops / a mist of water, lube can air out if it's in storage for too long

>> No.39736386
File: 119 KB, 250x301, Zelda.PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On God, I swear I will be carrying her around in her full outfit when I finally get her. Not so much of a money matter, but more of taking her game model, modifying it myself to send to my trusted vendor, then find some cosplay maker to make the outfit. So many steps, but having it finished would yield something bordering breaking the wall between fiction and reality.

>> No.39736395

Not the creases, it is pretty hard to see with the lighting but there are 3 little cuts in the silicone and one of those is curling up

>> No.39736418

Learn to use a sewing machine, it'll easily save you $700.

>> No.39736475

I definitely considered that. I bet my college has an open sewing studio somewhere

>> No.39736500

ah. I see them now. had to zoom in. that sucks but it looks like they aren't too deep. some of my other soft onaholes arrived with defects like that. it shouldn't be an issue long term though.

>> No.39736584

That's great, I had to buy a second hand sewing machine for $80 but looking at the prices of one of my local tailors it was definitely worth it. They charge $6-$7 to shorten a pair of pants, making an uniform fit would probably be $50.

>> No.39736631
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Anyone know any retailer that accepts crypto?

>> No.39736638

Convert your monopoly money into real money.

>> No.39736671
File: 829 KB, 887x662, kid_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reselling NPG's products for double should be a crime.

>> No.39738801

>all these anons with sex dolls
Must be nice being a richfag. Here I am still using inexpensive onaholes. Not even any of the fancy tiddy or ass onaholes, either. Just plain ones.

>> No.39739665

I believe you'll get there one day. I got my first doll while I was on unemployment. I just saved what I could for a while. Honestly the goal of getting a doll kept me going for a while.

>> No.39740570

My doll is the reason I ride an electric scooter instead of driving a car and do all my shopping with a backpack, I also rent a studio apartment. Basically I was forced to prioritize different things in life.

>> No.39741949

I'm poor, still have a doll. In the grand scheme of things they're not that expensive to save up for.

>> No.39742242

It costs about as much as a Macbook Pro

>> No.39742243

I never had a onahole before, can someone recommend me one? I live in EU and my size is 6.7x5.5 inch. I wanna spend no more than 100 euro

>> No.39742318

Use the guide, my dude:

>> No.39742758

>Suprised theres hardly any gay onaholes
Considering how promiscuous homosexuals are by nature there is really no demand for homosexual onaholes when they can get real thing with little effort.

>> No.39744459
File: 60 KB, 400x400, 1_1632286579_m_359q6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody tried this triple tongued mouthslut? Hesitating between this and one of the MoT.

>> No.39744720


>> No.39744772

and a macbook pro is what?
These aren't lambos retard

>> No.39744776
File: 57 KB, 800x800, mrlsexdoll_yukiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just seen an new mini doll Yukiko on youtube from MrlSexDoll. It is worth to buy it (It costed €377.32 or $398.00)?

>> No.39745243

>It is worth to buy it (It costed €377.32 or $398.00)?
Not worth it by the looks of it.



>> No.39745400
File: 504 KB, 444x615, koda sayuri 148cm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such a beauty... the lack of removable vaginas on elsa babe dolls kills me.

>> No.39745659
File: 600 KB, 500x698, dekfmux-b5d7c9e8-4241-4729-adcd-c332589fcc2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How expensive would it be to make clothes with premium materials like cashmere or silk? And where would I even buy that? I see some variety on Amazon with different colors and designs. Do I just go with those?

>> No.39745672

Why would you want removable vaginas? It makes it more romantic when you have to sit in the bath with your plastic wife and rinse the cum out of her

>> No.39745697

I came to realize it's not all that more expensive than custom building a high end gaming PC. You just have to save up disposable income for a bit.

>> No.39745716

Try this, Anon. It's my favorite torso and I use it more often than my doll, if I'm being honest. Way easier to carry around and clean, and it bounces back from your thrusts just like a doll. Feels absolutely heavenly, and for a hundred bucks no less

>> No.39745720

Removable vaginas tend to suck compared to fixed from what I've heard

>> No.39746653

it's like having a very one sided affair

>> No.39746762

Exactly, it's not difficult even being poor to save up for one if you really want it. At least, that's my experience.

>> No.39746786
File: 167 KB, 1018x1018, 1000_1000-06_1024x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say go for the Tenga Zero. Under 100 euros. It pops open it half to clean easily, feels great and has a suction function. Could easily last you over a year if you take minimal care of it, which shouldnt be hard to do.

>> No.39746853

What does this machine make? Some sort of crushed almond product?

>> No.39746874

Looks like some spaceship from Ancient Aliens

>> No.39747125

This has probably been asked before, but are there any Tenga products that aren't overly tight? I used one of the disposable ones and it was difficult to even get in. Thinking of buying a reusable one, because otherwise the suction was great.

>> No.39747276

From what I've heard from people who've tried Tenga, just about any reusable, including every single solitary suggestion in the sticky, is going to be better than any Tenga.

>> No.39747732

What's a good reseller then? The two that I bought were from midoko which looks to be the only decent reseller here.

>> No.39748174

How long do dolls last, if I'm going to get a doll wife I'm not going to want to just throw her away and replace her

>> No.39748283

Really depends on a lot of things. How much you use it, how often you maintain it, etc. Supposedly, TPE dolls really only last up to 3ish years, but I've heard people have had them plenty longer. Silicone might last 5-10 years, depending, but I've also heard of people who had them longer.

If you're fucking them every day, multiple times a day, and you're constantly having to clean them they're probably going to wear out faster, but if you're more reserved with her and use her once in a while, it'll probably prolong their lifespan.

>> No.39748295
File: 502 KB, 880x602, Kid2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Oh Yeah Health And Wellness'
The other Flipbro bought from here too. I suggest you buy the R20 while it's still there. That thing will last years if you maintain it properly.

>> No.39748660

Anyone have any experience with the elsa babe 148cm's?

>> No.39748703

Oh that *is* nice. Thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.39748926

>Length 14cm
>Girth 11.5cm
>Budget, $250 is my absolute maximum

Going into masturbation toys for the first time and was thinking about getting a full hip. Something that gives the feeling of grabbing a girl by the waist on bouncing her while sitting down.

>> No.39750261
File: 313 KB, 720x699, 1635117725720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got a max 2 like a week
>rinsed it out after every use
>went to use it today
>noticed green liquid near the bottom
what the fuck? did i not clean it out enough? does cum turn green when stagnant?

>> No.39750309

I broke mine after 3 months kek

>> No.39750361

dry your stuff properly you mofo

>> No.39750370

PLEASE tell me what caused the coloration and why

I always angled it horizontal so it would drain and dry but I guess it didn't work

I only just found out you're supposed to take it apart, it was completely left out of the manual that came with the thing

>> No.39750396

hell if I know, maybe use distilled water next time?

>> No.39750399

it reeks of chemical smell now even after rinsing it a million times

>> No.39750640

Thinking about it logically a removable vagina is technically an onahole. Why would an onahole be worse than a fixed vagina?

>> No.39750758

The fixed vag apologists here are retarded, don't listen to them. Removable vag is vastly more convenient and hygienic. I had the fat wmdoll ass with legs, went with removable vag and never regretted it. The cavity was big enough to fit any onahole I wanted save for the huge >1 kilo ones. Makes cleaning a non-issue, just pop the onahole out, wash it in the sink as usual, and wipe the doll cavity with wet tissues or something - no need to lug around a 30-40 kilo extremely unwieldy chunk of metal and tpe..

>> No.39751149

This. Not to mention that if you fuck up the drying like >>39750261 did with his onahole, a fixed vag could probably cause the whole doll to mold.
