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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3974145 No.3974145 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Glenn Beck so popular in Japan?

>> No.3974154

They have a desire to be informed?

>> No.3974149

Because he's the only voice of reason left in the West?

>> No.3974164


>> No.3974159

He's not crazy, the world is.

>> No.3974172
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That's not right at all!

>> No.3974168

he makes the Japanese seem more normal by comparison?

>>3974149I hope that's a troll or a joke, the guy is batshit crazy.

>> No.3974179

You're just in denial.

Obama's hold on you is strong.

>> No.3974181

Trolls or ignorant liberals? I'm not sure.

>> No.3974185

ITT Liberals pretending to be conservatives trolling liberals trolling conservatives.

>> No.3974192

aka the US political system

>> No.3974201

Because Beck's been right a couple of times when he's made his predictions about the economy. Frankly, I hate it.

>> No.3974205


>> No.3974208

>Canadian $2 bill

what the shit

>> No.3974213


Counter people you don't agree with using copious amounts of hate and profanity.

Welcome to the left.

>> No.3974215

Beck is always right.

You know how people hate those ahead of their time and call them crazy.

>> No.3974219

There was a lot of hype about it a few years ago, but the toonie's a lot more convenient.

>> No.3974222

I wasn't aware that Beck was loved in Japan.
The guy is pretty insane though.

>> No.3974235

He makes mormons all look like conservative nutjobs. Sure most mormons ARE conservative nutjobs, hell I bet 90% of my family agrees with him. Liberal mormons hate his guts though.

>> No.3974239

I'm lonely.

>> No.3974246

Beck is like a jpop idol over there.

You can pull the earbuds out of any random Jap on the streets and you'll hear Glenn Beck 90% of the time.

Last I checked they're erecting a statue of him on the peak of Mt Fuji.

>> No.3974251

Funny, considering Glenn Beck would hate Japan if he went there.

>> No.3974266


Beck is an enormous weeaboo.

>> No.3974277

jp is so easily trolled

>> No.3974282

Japanese morality and culture would make Beck lose it.

>> No.3974283

People called him crazy when he married his life-size Fate-chan fig live on his show, but who's laughing now?

>> No.3974290

That was just a stunt for ratings, he doesn't actually love her.

>> No.3974294


What? Youtube link please

>> No.3974295



>> No.3974296

He may be a weeaboo, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.3974303

Beck hates Japan, and >>3974283
never happened

Beck hates Japan, he's obsessed with Corea though.

>> No.3974304

Goddamn, turn on your TV once in a while. It was being played all over the place for like a month.

>> No.3974302


Japan passed a huge government budget recently, I doubt he would agree with something like that.

>> No.3974310

Yeah, but they already have the highest debt in the industrialized world, so I guess they're just like "who gives a shit, it's beyond repair anyway."

>> No.3974311

He would and did when he found out 99% of it is going towards the funding of research for robot waifus.

>> No.3974315

Haha, oh wow.

You obviously haven't seen America's debt. Japan is nothing in comparison.

>> No.3974316

/jp/ - American Politics

>> No.3974317

>"who gives a shit, it's beyond repair anyway."

Is probably what most Japanese think about their country.

>> No.3974320

Um, wat
It's no secret that JP has the highest debt of the 1st world...

>> No.3974334
File: 430 KB, 1000x888, 1233511826541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About damn time.

I want my Aegis already.

>> No.3974343

Is it just me or is Beck incredibly moe?

>> No.3974348

Beck-kun denwa

>> No.3974364

Shut up, O'Reilly-san.

>> No.3974387

Alex Jones is supah kawaii, Beck is pig.

>> No.3974416

Glenn Beck is a pedophile.

>> No.3974422

Did anyone see Beck's special when he went to Japan and was given the title of Emperor and a harem the size of a small country?

>> No.3974429

I can't find anything on Glenn Beck + Japan, is this trolling?

>> No.3974437

Isn't this the guy that raped and murdered a little girl in the 90s?

>> No.3974448

No, he ALLEGEDLY raped and killed a young girl in the early 90s. Get it right.

>> No.3974471

Ugh, I'm so tired of this /b/shit.

Stealing Bob Saget jokes and applying them to Glenn Beck makes you an unfunny faggot. It sounds like something a 12-year old shithead started.

>> No.3974488
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>> No.3974497
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>> No.3974504

What, give some links then.

>> No.3974518

Yes, I thought I made that clear in my post.

>> No.3974519


>> No.3974521

Of course, he'd demonize the otaku culture as the leading cause of the cancer ray the evil Obama administration is building to create their New World Order.

>> No.3974535

Yeah, I can't imagine Glenn Beck liking Japan, aside from the fact that it's so capitalist.

>> No.3974558

>specifically used otaku
There is a difference. Good for him if he likes capitalist countries.

>> No.3974567
File: 9 KB, 215x320, GlenBeck-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know shit about Beck-sama.

>> No.3974596

The thing is that Glenn Beck also goes on and on about cultural decline, and Japan has a lot more "dark sides" of its culture than the USA has.

>> No.3974609

Whatever happened to GLORIOUS NIPON?

It's as if you guys don't even like it, much less worship it.

>> No.3974622

Beck is being paid big corporate bucks to keep them sheeple in the system. You know like, rage about them leftist but don't question the whole system.

>> No.3974623

I worship glorious Nippon, of course. When I say Japanese culture has more "dark sides" than the American culture, I mean it's the best.

>> No.3974636

Shut up and buy gold, WHY ARE YOU NOT BUYING GOLD.

>> No.3974653

I rather buy figurines than gold.

>> No.3974661

>but don't question the whole system.

Uh, you obviously don't listen to Beck if that's what you think.

He's criticized for making people question everything and starting conspiracy theories. He even has death threats against his family for exposing bank execs and people in the shadows of Obama's administration.

>> No.3974668

I actually listen to Glenn Beck quite a bit. Not trolling either.

>> No.3974675


>> No.3974757

Are you some kind of monk subjecting himself to pain?

>> No.3974770

I hear a lot of liberals listen to him so they can have something to freak out about.

>> No.3974885

I bet you are not talking about Glenn 'GET THEM TRUTHERS' and 'SHUT UP 911 VICTIMS' Beck or whatever it was he said and the fact that he's on board of the Empire's middle-east control plans and the police-state grid in the states. War crimes and fraud sure did never happen.

The game is obvious. Since the new century the agenda is being rolled-out incrementally with every year, people become aware of the changes so the Empire must make sure to keep them at least in the system by radicalizing the opposite factions,mixed in with some tiny bits of facts and truth but never showing the connections and the bigger picture. Then play them out against each other with the help of the influencing propaganda infrastructure of television, print media, internet portals and so forth, so that fags are busy fighting each other like a bunch of morons in a sports game. In the end one factions wins, the other losses but the game continues.

Did you know for example that the owner of CNN is a closet genocide nut who would love to get rid of all of you because he believes in sacrificing humans for Gaia?

>> No.3974908

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.3975031

Except Beck encourages going outside of parties and voting for actual independent conservatives, so that blows your shitty theory right out of the water.

Not to mention he's constantly making connections and literally drawing lines on his white board. He also goes on about being 'nudged' slowly towards crap. He's the exact opposite of what you're describing.

Glenn Beck is a god among men.

>> No.3975042

More like a nutcase.
It's a shame that there isn't someone who isn't a batshit insane liar to "think outside of the picture".

>> No.3975250

But he's not insane nor a liar.

He's Glenn Beck.

>> No.3975257

>Not insane
I'm insane now :|

>> No.3975276


Beck is the only sane one who can see through our insane world and preach the truth 5 days a week.

>> No.3975956

I sort of wonder what they spent so much $ on since they can't have a big military.
