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3974119 No.3974119 [Reply] [Original]

Sequel of Sharin no Kuni.
Main heroine looks good at least.

>> No.3974140


I thought that the last thread about this was a troll!

This is awesome!

>> No.3974152
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>> No.3974175

This is not awesome because there is no Looseboy involved anywhere; the writer is new and completely unheard of.

Also, no special high class person in sight.

>> No.3974176

Story seems kinda stupid though, it pretty much seems to be your average mediocre eroge.
Hoping it will develop into something good and not become some sort of landmine.

>> No.3974210

On one hand I don't think expectations for this are high enough to be a landmine (prerelease votes on EGS had it around 50% last I looked). On the other hand, it's a sequel to Sharin no Kuni that won't measure up, so in that regard it can't be anything but a landmine.

>> No.3974234

So, any info as to the general story of this?

Lack of any badges in >>3974152 makes me think all the heroines are special high class individuals this time (Unless it's a whole different justice system going on).

>> No.3974257

Basically main character is standard eroge protag, surrounded by >>3974152 these girls.
One day he meets mysterious and aloof main heroine named Hikaru and realize that despite her tough exterior, she is actually lonely.
Or something, the story doesn't seem very appealing.

>> No.3974265


Wow the graphics look like Akatsuki no Goei (sp?)

>> No.3974278

So... is there anything related to Sharin no Kuni in the sequel?

>> No.3974341
File: 166 KB, 800x600, help-her-please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Akabei Soft2 was any good?

>> No.3974361

I remember, but TAMAYURA INSULT SIDE is not an example of such.

>> No.3974370

Rape is always good.

>> No.3974375

Sharin became one of my best translated eroge just with sachi arc, they didn't give oneechan route any justice

>> No.3974456

So it's just a generic shitty eroge trying to sail on Sharin's popularity? Lame.

>> No.3974467
File: 210 KB, 800x600, rin_cu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Syarin > FSN

>> No.3974480

Get out kiddo, adults are talking here.

>> No.3974502

Just cleared Sharin yesterday. I love you, /jp/.

>> No.3974534
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, sion148028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Jonesy/Sion implying things about games they have never played

>> No.3974542

They are pretending to be /v/. Naturally, that involves making statements about games you never played along with that whole implying buisness.

>> No.3974544
File: 113 KB, 242x226, Then die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played Sharin and F/sn, go climb a wall of dicks.

>> No.3974549

so is it going to be set in the same universe as sharin?

>> No.3974576

I played sharin and yeah the fucktarded twist of oneechan actually being behind me all the while was the shittiest way to add her.

but the way they explained her relation to touka and how touka became tsun tsun got me HNNNNNNNG

>> No.3974604
File: 663 KB, 800x600, rin_umad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you have the required intellect to base any eloquent opinion on that matter

>> No.3974616

I've never seen anyone actually proving that it's stupid. Try it.

>> No.3974625

Stop turning this thread into shit.

Actually there's nothing else to discuss here, go ahead and turn it into shit.

>> No.3974626

That's rich, coming from you.

>> No.3974652

>she was always behind me

wait she was there when her brother was going to fall off a cliff? and she never helped? and she never ate when I was with natsumi?

well I'm just making an output of all the rage when I thought there was gonna be a special oneechan route

>> No.3974656
File: 343 KB, 655x583, rin_is_love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well my little friend, our channing friends from oversee rated the fandisk sequel of FSN higher than Syarin. So your point now is like what?

>> No.3974666

I think she says she stayed with Touka while you supervised Natsumi.
