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39720929 No.39720929 [Reply] [Original]

>New? Start here


>Elona (1.16/1.22)

>Elona Plus (2.10) and Custom GX (

>Elona Mobile

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7.
Save sprites in GIMP as 24-bit BMP with "do not write color space" checked.
Previous floor >>39516666

>> No.39720949
File: 168 KB, 266x264, 1648801998262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for best god

>> No.39720974

also new pastebin is:

>> No.39722245

1. Obvious use (e.g. ranged pet with a shuriken uses Throwing just like you)
2. Breakfast event
3. Collecting random materials when killing monsters (Pickpocket collects gold instead)

>> No.39722693

In E+, given there are supposedly three continents, how much should I reserve limited-availability stuff like great material kits or stardust? What I mean is, is it worth using such things on great artifacts you find in the first continent, or am I better off saving it because the power curve increases so drastically I'll be finding artifacts later that make these ones look like candy kitchen knives?

>> No.39722951

Also, as a follow up question, are there any particularly great storyline quest bosses which I should probably astral pen before beating, because I might regret it later? Or can normal enemies with a bit of training do all the same things they do, just as well?

>> No.39723389

It's not that hard to get piles of stardust. It's not easy, but it's not hard.
Material kits are only needed for godly items, right? Not sure why that'd be an issue early on.

In the third continent, you can visit the land of the dead and encounter all the storyline quest bosses you've slain.

>> No.39724333

Cooking: Pets with high relationship value (I think Fellow or higher) will make you breakfast if you wake up between 4 and 9 AM. The pets that aren't cooking will add half their skill to the result.
Carpentry: Pets with soul mate relationship will make miracle heavy armor for you if you wake up at a certain time of the day.
Tailoring: Same, but they make light armor
Detection, mining, gene engineering, gardening and fishing: Pets with friend relationship will collect materials from enemies they killed.
Performer: Helps with Ensemble.
Lock picking: Helps with Break Lock.
Pickpocket: Pets collect money from enemies they kill.
Literacy: Helps with Reading Party.
Investing: Helps when you invest in shops.

Faith and Memorization seem to be useless besides the stat increases they provide from leveling.
Alchemy and Magic Device look like they're only useful to potion-throwing pets.

>> No.39727770
File: 79 KB, 512x512, 1624209059710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Mobile still active?

>> No.39728032

Can I use Lesimas for persistent storage, or does it get wiped after time or between acts?

>> No.39728947

>In E+, given there are supposedly three continents, how much should I reserve limited-availability stuff like great material kits or stardust?

You can pay blacksmiths to enchant your gear all the way to +10, which will serve you well if you need to hoard stardust for some reason; you only need lots of stardust if you're going to +15 everything.

Material kits can be purchased from Larna's souvenir vendor, at extortionate prices. But you should be buying the cheap kits like iron and then going to Garok and Miral's to get them changed to the material you want instead. Bring some superior material scrolls with you.


>I'll be finding artifacts later that make these ones look like candy kitchen knives?

You'll be using Artifact Fusion to put on the mods you want onto the weapons you'll be wanting to use, and even static artifacts can be modded that way, so don't feel like you're wasting materials.

>Material kits are only needed for godly items, right?

Living weapons need them to get their material changed, too.

>Pets with friend relationship will collect materials from enemies they killed.

And from Travelling, too.

>Lock picking: Helps with Break Lock.

Pets can pick doors open on their own and will try to if the door is in their way. They don't need lockpicks for that, so letting them pick doors will save you picks.

>Alchemy and Magic Device look like they're only useful to potion-throwing pets.

Pets can use potions, scrolls, and rods you give them, which is handy if, say, their gear is cursed and you have some uncurse scrolls, or if they are a spellcaster and you have a scroll of mana.

>> No.39729600

Good job on the new pastebin. A lot more readable than before. I suggest updating the recommended versions of +/C/G, though. As far as I can tell nobody is still using pre 2.0 versions. Some of the downstream info may not be pertinent anymore either, but I'm no expert so I can't say for sure. The bits about dual wielding and ranged being flatly inferior options are suspect to me. A mention of vehicles may be a good idea too.
Can't really say if any of that applies to other variants but it's probably worth a check.

>> No.39730080

>The bits about dual wielding and ranged being flatly inferior options are suspect to me.

In GX, where there is are tweaks to disable the (further) accuracy penalty for dual-wielding and the fucking stupid chain-attack system that only served to punish people for getting in lots of attacks and added elemental damage and invokes? It's not only suspect, it's also straight-up bullshit. Get rid of both, and your invokes and added elemental damage is always just more damage for you whether you're a mutant with eight Hands or a gunner who likes to spew Rapid/Burst ammo at bosses.

No chain attack also helps necromancers and those who like to have a lot of pets around, too.

So those bits are only true if you're not using GX with the tweaks to disable them, which usually means you're a two-hander/martial artist/mage.

>> No.39730367

I think only the final floor gets wiped? And it always gets wiped the instant you leave it, or something like that.

>> No.39730370

I left chain attacks on because I don't know what it does and it sounded like a good thing. Could you explain it to me, or link to an explanation?
Similarly I left on the tweak that turns destiny off, because I don't know what that is either. I'd appreciate an explanation for that as well.

>> No.39730419

>I left chain attacks on because I don't know what it does and it sounded like a good thing. Could you explain it to me, or link to an explanation?
>Similarly I left on the tweak that turns destiny off, because I don't know what that is either. I'd appreciate an explanation for that as well.
>Introduced a damage-reducing combo system to curb the effectiveness of overwhelming enemies with an excess of hand slots.
>Added a new mechanic: DESTINY triggers. Activating 7 of these triggers causes 3 Godly pieces of equipment to spawn on the piles of gold pieces in random Nefia. (Since there are multiple items, they'll appear as a bag.)

>> No.39730915

Thanks. That second link doesn't explain what a destiny trigger is or how one "activates" it. And an extra loot mechanic seems a strange thing for cgx to have disabled by default. What's the catch?

>> No.39731147

Basically you get one more letter of the word 'DESTINY' every time you clear a dungeon (guaranteed) or when you sleep (often, but not guaranteed). The final letter "Y" can only be unlocked by clearing a dungeon though, unlike the rest.

Once you have the word DESTINY spelled out the date indicator will get a blue outline, and the next dungeon's 2nd floor you enter (for the first time) will have a pile of 3 godly items guaranteed. I believe the resulting items depends on the dungeon level, so it's good to spend DESTINY on the highest dungeon you can handle (or maybe higher, if you're willing to spam teleport to avoid mobs and ninja loot)

>> No.39731255

Where can I find the most up-to-date monster girl sprite sheet?

Is the pastebin showing the most up to date one for elona + 1.89?

>> No.39731280



Should work for the most recent (2.12) version of E+ and its spin-offs.

>> No.39731472

Maybe thats a stupid question but it there a way to prevent my pet from killing all the other pets when it triggers AOE spell from a weapon once in a while? That's really annoying.

>> No.39731519

Also a follow up question. I eat one dish and get bloated while my potential remains hopless and bad. What can I do about it?

>> No.39731631

Not sure anything can really be done since it's a weapon attribute, and there's no real way to strip away weapon attributes (except maybe rebuilding the weapon entirely with artifact fusion).
That depends on the dish; obviously different foods boost potentials to different degrees and fill to different degrees. I think the most productive method is to use a pot of fusion to infuse normal meals with herbs generally. Splitting a meal with a high-relationship companion also helps, since (others have claimed) you will only get half the satiety but get the full stat boosts from doing so. Or you could just eat the herbs directly for the highest possible potential-boost-to-satiety ratio, but that's generally an inefficient use of normally very limited herb supplies.

>> No.39731645

Oh, and also cooking skill, of course. The higher tier the meal you make from raw food, the greater the multiplier you get for its stats increases. So most players will get a barbecue set or food processor (yes, the kitchen-sized furniture) and use change material scrolls on it so it becomes paper, making it practical to carry around.

>> No.39731710

>You'll be using Artifact Fusion to put on the mods you want onto the weapons you'll be wanting to use, and even static artifacts can be modded that way, so don't feel like you're wasting materials.
Do living weapons -- if properly leveled -- maintain relative parity with normal artifacts, or do normal artifacts become superior on account of artifact fusion?

>> No.39731777

From what I can tell, the control magic skill stops pets (and the player) from damaging friendlies or neutrals with spells, spacts, or weapon invokes. I haven't found a damage source yet that isn't covered.

>> No.39731924

Yes you can, except for the last floor where you fight Zeome.

>I left chain attacks on because I don't know what it does and it sounded like a good thing. Could you explain it to me, or link to an explanation?

It's not a good thing. Basically what it does is that the more ticks of damage that the target takes before it takes its next turn (each number that shows up in the log counts as a tick, from the DoT of Bleed and Poison to the extra hits of invokes and elemental damage), regardless of source, reduces the damage it'll take from the next attack. So if you and your pets/spooks gang up on a really beefy mob like a giant or a dragon, paralyze it, and start hitting it, you'll start doing less and less damage until it either shakes off its paralysis and acts, it dies, or you eventually reach the point where you stop doing damage period.

As you can imagine, this cripples players who like to have lots of pets or spooks around, who like to use weapons with invokes and elemental damage, who uses status effects to disable enemies and prevent them from acting, and who have lots of extra attacks from dual-wielding, special ammo, or certain special actions. This forces players to stick to attacks that deal one or two big packages of damage as opposed to a barrage, because Ano isn't very good at thinking things through.

Even worse, the chain combo system inevitably favours the enemy - players who would be fragile enough to need the damage reduction it gives will usually just die outright, or get shut down and then die; tanky players on the other hand are tanky enough to not need the chain combo system to survive in general.

And for those people who like to do one or two big blows of damage, well they're not going to notice it unless they manage to paralyze a very hardy and slow enemy to begin with.

TL;DR: it's almost pure downside to every player, even if some won't notice it much.

>it there a way to prevent my pet from killing all the other pets when it triggers AOE spell from a weapon once in a while?

Take that weapon away. It's the only surefire method.

Otherwise you're going to need to give your pets more resistances and more Life. Also consider spending some of their AP for the Barrier trait from Leold.

>I eat one dish and get bloated while my potential remains hopless and bad. What can I do about it?

Make picnic baskets and use them. They're pretty much Potions of Potential that are easy to make and benefit your entire party, and they don't care if you are too full to eat.

>> No.39731929

Most foods don't increase potential at all, they just train stats themselves. The exception are herbs and a handful of craftable pot for fusion recipes. Herbs give a lot of training to the same stats they increase potential for, so you'll often get a net potential decrease when you eat them.
Picnic baskets are hands down the best way to keep attribute potentials up. Pet breakfasts are the next best way in my experience.

>> No.39732096

>and use change material scrolls on it so it becomes paper, making it practical to carry around.
Oh nice. Didn't think about it. I'll try it. My cooking skill is pretty high and I carry portable cooking tool around but that's obviously not enough.
How can I give a pet that skill? I don't want to change the weapon since it's pretty good and that spell is quite strong too apart from the unfortunate fact that 3 out of 5 times triggered it kills some other pet. I thought there's an obvious solution to that that I'm not aware of. I'll try bringing all the pets to the same level then so it at least wont ko them.
Cool thanks. I'll try the picnic baskets then.

>> No.39732245

>How can I give a pet that skill?

>> No.39732309

Do control magic not affect weapon invokes?

>> No.39732811

You can put 1800 enchantment power worth of elemental damage on a living weapon without it damaging you. The power limit for godly artifacts is 3000, minus the space taken up by whatever they came with.
But you can't do artifact fusion until Act 3.

>> No.39732872


>> No.39735637

The download link for the vanilla install isn't working...

>> No.39735937

>Do living weapons -- if properly leveled -- maintain relative parity with normal artifacts, or do normal artifacts become superior on account of artifact fusion?

It depends on what mods it came with upon generation/creation and what enchants you put on it.

If you don't mind savescumming, you can get yourself a living weapon via pot for fusion equip making recipes with a decent invoke like Gravity Sphere or Nerve Breath, or MP/Stamina absorption.

Here are a few recommended enchants for livings weapons:

- Cold damage for sheer DPS potential due to Element Scar and the easy to inflict Wet status jacking up the damage. Remember to carry a magaice with you so you don't destroy items.

- Nether damage for healing whenever you hit something. The tank's choice.

- Mind or darkness damage for Confusion or Blindness respectively. Status effects are one of the best ways to make mobs much less threatening to you and your pets. I'd go with mind over darkness due to the Ground Manipulation feat granting Sand Cannon which is AoE Blind + Dypsnea.

- Magic damage if you just want more damage and don't care about debuffing the enemy.

- Bonuses to stats or skills, if you are not going to physically attack with the weapon. For example, + Alchemy gives you higher-level spooks and harder-hitting Resolution Hand Touches, + Magic Device makes your attack rods hit harder, your healing rods heal more, your hex rods less resistable (and will stay longer), and all your potions and scrolls stronger. If you're a mage then you'll want + Magic, and lots of it in all three weapon slots.

Yes you can level up three living weapons for the express purpose of jacking up a specific skill or stat. You can even go with + Casting if you have a spellcasting pet.

>But you can't do artifact fusion until Act 3.

Which is why it's worth building up some living weapons early on.

>> No.39736076

>Oh nice. Didn't think about it. I'll try it. My cooking skill is pretty high and I carry portable cooking tool around but that's obviously not enough.
Not just food processors; don't forget you can do the same for happy beds, pianos, and a lot of other heavy tools.

>> No.39736137

>- Mind or darkness damage for Confusion or Blindness respectively. Status effects are one of the best ways to make mobs much less threatening to you and your pets. I'd go with mind over darkness due to the Ground Manipulation feat granting Sand Cannon which is AoE Blind + Dypsnea.
Don't forget electric and sonic, too. I once was lucky enough to get electric, darkness, and sonic on a single random artifact weapon. It would basically stunlock the majority of enemies using paralysis+blindness+confusion and let me take down enemies normally far beyond my ability to handle.

>> No.39739380

I don't remember destiny being disabled by default but I could be remembering wrong. Destiny, study days, and the recent experience buffs are kind of unpopular here because they speed up the early game a lot compared to that 1.9 version CG was on for a while.

>> No.39739675

Which monster is the strongest?

>> No.39743241

Are mysterious fossils just sale fodder like the wiki suggests, or do they have a use in E+?

>> No.39743545


Sound damage doesn't do Confusion anymore in the latest version of E+, it does Dim now. Which isn't bad, but Dim can be inflicted with the Charm AP feat as a counter to physical attacks (among other things) so it'll save you some mods.

Lightning is good, yes, but Nerve damage is better if you're Paralyzing normal mobs.

>It would basically stunlock the majority of enemies using paralysis+blindness+confusion and let me take down enemies normally far beyond my ability to handle.

The old version of Chaos damage was perfect for mowing down enemy hordes with Paralyze + Confusion + Blind, but Ano fucked it in the ass making it much less likely to do status effects. If only GX has a tweak to revert Chaos damage to its old and good version.

>> No.39744509

They're useless

>> No.39744588

Is there any merit to intentionally hurting relatively useless attributes (e.g., strength for a pure wizard), or at least avoid increasing their potential? It seems like a good way to increase AP yields.

Also the AP calculation's "initial speed" check means only speed at character creation, right? So drinking hermes blood and speed uppers won't hurt my AP gain long-run, correct?

>> No.39744627

It doesn't change or affect your AP gains unless you do something that recalculates INI like halving your level at the Oblivion Palace.

>> No.39744716

So does that mean it's actually a prudent strategy to start with a character as weak as possible in terms of speed and attributes, so you can earn as much AP as possible? Or is the difference in AP earned between someone with good and bad stats at char creation pretty insignificant in the long run?

>> No.39744745

It hardly matters, the only one I can see making a difference is speed, but I doubt the difference is significant enough within the non-debug races and classes.

>> No.39744751

Also, does this mean there's no merit in attribute or skill specialization (other than time wasted, I guess) for the player character?

>> No.39744788

Some stats are always useful enough you'll want to raise them anyway, like CON for HP and WIL (along with CON) for stamina.
Not that it really matters because you'll be raising them all with herbed foods.

>> No.39745220

What does the equipment attribute "it combines [element 1] and [element 2] spells" mean? For example, say we're talking about fire and ice. Does that mean all fire spells will do 50% fire, 50% ice damage? Or will all damage convert to whichever type the enemy is weakest against? And do secondary effects (like blinding from darkness, paralyze from electric) carry over?

The wiki doesn't seem to elaborate what the effect does, at least on the equipment attributes page.

>> No.39745248

They'll do 100% damage from the first element plus X% damge from the second, and the second one can rise to >100% if you get enough #.

>> No.39745289

Say you cast Fire Bolt. With that enchant your Fire Bolt will also do some Cold damage. The inverse is true as well, Cold Bolt will do some Fire damage.

The stronger the enchant is the more damage the bonus element will do relative to the native one. Very strong enchants can have the bonus elemental damage do more damage than the initial hit, so it's never a waste to have more of it.

Note that the enchant only applies to spells you cast - elemental damage from weapons will not do bonus elemental damage and neither will special actions or thrown potions.

And yes, the bonus elemental damage can do status effects too; your Fire Bolts can Chill and your Cold Bolts can Wince.

>> No.39745385

Thanks anons. Do you guys religiously read the changelogs or visit the japanese elona discussions something? I'm curious if there's a better knowledge source than the wiki, given this info isn't on the equipment attributes page.

>> No.39745417

I read the changelogs. I have to anyway because these days you never know what new bullshit Ano will come up with.

>> No.39745476

Do you guys think it's prudent to use living weapons to boost otherwise hard-to-boost attributes like speed or luck? Actually, is the loss of potential DPS (you'd get from selecting enchantment +4 or more elemental damage) worth doing so? I'm kinda curious if there's a meta when it comes to living weapons or if it's perfectly balanced enough that it's always a case-by-case basis.

>> No.39745493

I'm pretty sure a lot of info only exists in the changelogs. In fact, a lot of data on the wiki is going to be obsolete. Like, special ammo was buffed in a recent version, but the wiki page for it still lists SP costs and such.

Elemental damage is so big that anything else is a complete waste. Unless you're using a gimmick that doesn't use elemental damage, such as Continuous Attacks. (I think rapid/burst ammo doesn't use it either, not sure.)

>> No.39745509

>hard-to-boost attributes like speed
lmao even
rofl I daresay

Meta seems to be pure magic or, if you can debuff with Elemental Scar, cold.

>> No.39745538

So always go elemental for proper weapons, got it. What are your thoughts on living weapons purely for stat-boosting/support like for dedicated spellcaster characters? Any of the choices stand out as being a lot better than the others to you guys?

>> No.39745631

I've never used a living weapon as a mage, but I suppose enhance spells would be the way to go, with 800 points out of a cap of 1500 (2x power).
A full Magic booster would be nice to inherit with 110 extra points if you want to roflstomp your way into Act 2 for your next character, but otherwise stick with spell enhancing.

>> No.39745706

Thanks anon. Decided since I tried to shift away from pastebin I might as well make something that ISNT a complete mess for anyone looking at it for the first time.
I also plan on converting the guides linked in it to rentry posts, but currently trying to make the mod bin less shit.

>As far as I can tell nobody uses pre 2.0 versions
I thought the only place that even referenced those was the outdated section? And I only made that section in case people wanted to use one of the already set up packs, since I doubt I can keep them all up to date anymore.

>down stream info may not be pertinent
Very true. The sad fact is, I am not informed enough to fix most of it and guarantee it is all correct.
And with the fact vanilla, omake, and plus all very wildly it is bound to cause confusion either way. Though if anons were willing to right up a brief list of the current dos and donts for omake and plus I could through them on rentry and link them with a date for ease of use?

>> No.39745983

>I think rapid/burst ammo doesn't use it either

Rapid and Burst ammo does trigger elemental damage.

>Meta seems to be pure magic or, if you can debuff with Elemental Scar, cold.

For pure DPS, sure. But Nerve, Lightning, Mind, and Darkness can stop mobs from doing anything meaningful and a helpless mob is a soon-to-be-dead mob anyway.

>> No.39747371

So, I finished chapter one and Orphe appeared after killing Zeome. Since he ignores you after the cutscene, can you kill him for his card/figure without consequence or is here there for a specific reason that I'll need him around for?

>> No.39747558

Just kill him or you'll miss his weapon,card and figurine

>> No.39747627

Okay, say I want to be extremely stupid and want to get Wish online as fast as possible from game start, what would I do?

>> No.39747691

Either you'll drink from fountains,well and toilets and get lucky or turn wizard mode to test wishes,you'll be fine so long as you don't save during wizmode

>> No.39747733

No I mean the spell specifically. Assume I have the spellbook.

>> No.39747745

Do all unique townsfolk (i.e., non-hostile by default NPCs) respawn automatically after a few days? Or is there some sort of criteria for determining which do/don't? I'm trying to farm some cards and figurines from unique NPCs without the risk of missing out on game content.

>> No.39748361

Is two new parts the cap for new body parts from Dr. Gaevla for normal people, or is there some unmentioned stat/factor which determines the cap on body parts?

>> No.39749295

They usually respawn after some days

>> No.39750319

How does one astral pen unique enemy bosses? I see it mentioned on the wiki, but it also says astral pens and love potions only work on non-hostile NPCs. And that unique NPCs can see through disguise/incognito.

Is this a thing that used to be in the game and was patched out, or am I missing something?

>> No.39751303

Is it possible to mod in game mechanics, feats, spells and skills with comparative ease, or are they hardcoded?

>> No.39751327

I would assume it's not a herculean task given there have been like 30 branches/subvariants of Elona over the years. So it's been modified a butt-ton.

>> No.39752531

Those are all hardcoded.

>> No.39753231

I'm pretty sure they still work on hostile NPCs.

>> No.39753323

Its a bit easier to code in using Custom GX because it has source code, but you are very likely to run into maintenance problems since the IDs for pretty much everything is an index into some array, which will eventually lead to collisions with new stuff Ano implements unless you skip a bunch of indices, but that makes the arrays huge and a lot of code expects there to be no unused elements.

>> No.39754429

Is there any way to prevent speed stat from making the rest of the world being too slow other than lowering it with items?

>> No.39754457

Riding or tagging with a slow pet.

>> No.39754512


>> No.39755321

Was there a way to teach new spells/abilities to pets in E+? (Or was that possibility from another Elona variant?)

>> No.39755338

Get Elona+ custom GX.
There are rules as to how and some restrictions, but aside from buying some from Leold for them with AP that is it.

>> No.39755358 [DELETED] 

I have that version; how or where does one teach new spells/abilities to pets?

>> No.39755991

Can someone confirm if I'm understanding the Lesimas fragment correctly? If used on someone, it raises all their attributes that are below 50 up to 50, and has no other cost or side effects right?

>> No.39756019

Yeah, it exists just so you don't waste as much time raising a low-level pet you just caught.

>> No.39756580
File: 8 KB, 192x256, d89hfpq-e6de1c39-ba3e-470d-b7a1-54686c7d0c45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any guides on how to convert a spritesheet into a PCC? My skills with Paint aren’t up to the task.

>> No.39756811
File: 46 KB, 1191x540, Wew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to clean my elona folder someday,but i am scared of losing some sprites/music that will never be uploaded again
you can easily learn yourself,the hardest part is actually finding sprites that fit the 32x48 box unless you are really good at editing sprites yourself

>> No.39757566

Playing as a wizard, I'm getting my ass handed to me by bosses with Mist of Silence, even where I can normally take down bosses 30-60 levels higher. What are some good hard counters against it? Or do I just have to brute force such bosses with a mountain of potions or pet suicide attacks?

>> No.39757759

For me the hard part is I don’t have any graphics tools other then Paint. There is one anon who has an MGE Lich PCC, I’ve seen the screencaps, but they never posted the PCC.

>> No.39757764

where are your skellies from necromancy? you need something taking the enemy aggro

>> No.39757778

I personally use GIMP myself,those sprites you posted are too big for me to use,maybe some other anon can post the PCC if they have it

>> No.39757889

If you want it so badly, and you have the png... could you not just convert it to a bmp file and use it as is? Assuming it's the right size.

>> No.39757929
File: 50 KB, 325x496, 10,000 hours in paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve managed to get something passable, though not very tidy. The other challenge I’ve run into is I tried to edit the standing pose over the foot out poses while adjusting the shadow so she holds one pose and floats around with a slight bob, but there seems to be a slight twitch.

>> No.39757985

Bumping my previous question
>Is two new parts the cap for new body parts from Dr. Gaevla for normal people, or is there some unmentioned stat/factor which determines the cap on body parts?

>> No.39758093

Stack magic resistance so that you can shrug off hexes.

>> No.39758113

>As of version 1.17, doctor Gavela can add limbs to you and your pets at the cost of life for up to a maximum of 15 slots.

>> No.39758524 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I saw. But after the first two limbs added he says something along "There's no more room!". This is regardless of whether it's a limb with a high cost or low cost, so I don't think it's a matter of having enough Life.

>> No.39758628

What's do you guys choose for extra limbs from him anyway? Arms for the extra DPS? Torso for the PV? Something else?

>> No.39759645

I have never used the services myself,my pets are naturally grown via gene engineering

>> No.39759696
File: 424 KB, 512x512, 1648235225820.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Identifying manuscripts will immediately reveal their quality, unlike in real life.
>Unlike in real life, books will fetch a decent price even if nobody has ever heard of the author.
>Again, unlike in real life, you won't have to worry about unsold books, so you won't be able to reprint books - there won't be any more than 100 copies of a book.

>> No.39759755

Do you have high Alchemy or Magic Device? Is your Holy Veil spell high level? Have you considered using spooks or pets to distract the boss? You must have decent Literacy as a mage, do you have plenty of cheap junk scrolls available for Burn Scrolls? Do you have the magic eye feat and Abyss in the Eye, so your eye spacts can recover HP and MP for you while dealing damage?

>> No.39761543

What's playing unarmed/Martial Artist like nowadays? I haven't played in a couple of years now, and the last time I played I went full in on guns. Can you still Fist of the North star enemies like a million times times with 8 hands?

>> No.39762119

How does one counter/stop the emission status effect (e.g., constant mana drain). The mana reactions end up almost being 100% lethal because it just lasts so long.

>> No.39763519

Any kind of MP recovery. A rod or a few scrolls of mana and you'll be fine.

>> No.39765726

Last thread anon suggested saving bioprinters for enemies with special corpses, and specifically mentioned Vesda, implying that this was what he used bioprinters for. This seemed like a good and reasonable idea so I waited until I found one before fighting Vesda.
It turns out anon is a big fat lying liar and the bioprinted Vesda corpse doesn't have the unique property of the natty corpse. Just to make sure it wasn't an rng thing I savescummed and tried it on all 9 of my pets twice, both raw and cooked. The normally acquired corpse gave the expected fire resist every time, and the printed corpse didn't ever. So I wasted a bioprinter to get a regular steak and a figurine that I was guaranteed to get anyway 10 seconds later.

>> No.39766522

If I have a low-level god pet and want to rank it up 50-100 levels, is the Dojo a good place, or would that cause some sort of issues? (Like weirdly-balanced stats, or lack of skill training, or something?) Would real combat training be significantly faster or slower?

>> No.39766591

Also, I noticed the "Teach a spell or ability" option in the pet AI screen. What causes the progress to increase for this? Is it based on number of turns? Number of enemies kill? How often you cast it with them in the party?

Also, what determines which spells they can learn, is there a spell level requirement or something

>> No.39766630

>What causes the progress to increase for this?
It increases a little everytime they get it right.

>Also, what determines which spells they can learn, is there a spell level requirement or something
Level 50 and it can't be WIsh, Harvest or Meteor.

>> No.39766884 [DELETED] 

>It increases a little everytime they get it right.
Hmm... I tried enabling custom AI to teach my pet to heal.
> SELF HP < 100% [Healing Touch] (preserve target).
But it returns the "Pet doesn't know what to do" error. Learning progress towards healing hands is 0% progress, if that matters. How does one get it to cast a spell they're trying to learn if they can't be ordered to cast it? Or did I screw up my AI rule somewhere?

>> No.39767049

Catch something high-level and fuse it into the pet. I don't think anyone uses the Dojo for anything but pet storage. Sharing herbed food with the pet is way more important anyway.

You have to have the spell at L50.

>> No.39767150

Basically the easiest way to teach a pet a skill/spell, once the requirements are met to start teaching, is to take them to the puppy cave, and set a single condition that ALWAYS fires with the action you want them to learn.

Then simply pass turns while your pet tries and repetitively fails to use the skill until they learn it.

>> No.39767814


- Abyss in the Eye + Eye of Mana/Illusion (requires the magic eye feat)

- The Gauge Release attack for spells and attack rods

- Attacking enemies with any weapon that can drain MP

- The Aromageddon spact, provided you have some Essential Oils in your inventory

Keep in mind that all NPCs, including pets, don't care about spell stock for their spell list, so once they learn a spell they will know it forever unless deleted. Therefore, there is no reason to teach them Heal Light/Critical/Eris over Jure, for example.

>> No.39767924

On the topic of pet healing AI, I've tried setting my pet to heal at <100% health in hopes to get them to spam it and learn it faster.
>[Self] [HP] [<] [100%] [Heal Light] [Toggle Preserve Target: Yes]
That's in slot 1. But they don't seem to cast very often despite frequently taking damage. Did I mess up an AI setting here, or is there some forced cooldown between ability uses, or something?

>> No.39767950

When in doubt, try flipping the target setting, even if doing so makes no sense.

>> No.39768311

Couldn't you just carry around a rod of holy light to zap whenever you get silenced?

>> No.39768469

What should I be doing with potions of descent? As rare as they are I suspect there's some clever use for them that I'm not seeing. I'm ranching putits for now, so they won't help me there. I'm high enough a level (60+) that I don't level up often enough for a few bonus skill points once in a blue moon to matter.
What am I missing?

>> No.39768480

I use them for gene engineering.

>> No.39769225

How do you guys determine what makes a good pet? Is AP potential most important? Inherent abilities that can't be taught normally? Base attributes? Character bits (cMetal, etc)? Some combination thereof?

>> No.39769407

>Is AP potential most important?
It's very important but you can just repeatedly lobotomize your pet at the Oblivion Palace to get their INI about as low as a level 1 character, so their initial stats don't matter.

> Inherent abilities that can't be taught normally?
This very much. Mushrooms are OP simply because they have an ability that slows down all enemis on the screen.

> Base attributes?
No, see point 1. After you've tarded up your pet and destroyed its precious memories of your time together in the name of efficiency, you can use a fragment of Lesimas/Rehmido/Chaos to boost its stats back up to 50/100/150 respectively, and further up with careful gene engineering.

>Character bits (cMetal, etc)?
Yes, for the same reason as pont 2.
cMetal, cArmor and cResEle will make it more expensive to raise their Life with AP though, so I don't know if they're as useful nowadays.
Hermt crabs can evolve and gain cArmor and apparently it doesn't raise the AP cost for increasing Life, so it looks like it'd be a great tank.

>> No.39770212

Anyone fiddle around with the smoking mechanics yet? Worthwhile or too troublesome?

>> No.39771600

I heard moongates and chat networking features were not working in E+Custom. Is this true, or out-of-date info?

>> No.39772001

Pastebin anon.
There are still issues, but the new rentry bins should be more readable now if nothing else.



>> No.39772188

Is there any way to stop announcements when one levels up a skill?
They stop point inputting every time.

>> No.39772925

Are there any infinite-enemy-spawning maps like the Kamikaze Yeeks defense from chapter 1? Or is that the only one?

>> No.39774481

Custom hasn't been updated in two years. Everyone's using Custom-GX now.

>> No.39777159
File: 64 KB, 500x720, lost pupper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conquer Lesimas for the first time
>swing by my ranch
Welp. Half of my net worth evaporated this morning and I'm about to spend the next RL week making virtual omelets and cheese in a mod of a mod of a single-player japanese autism simulator.
Is this really my life now?
Yeah. Yeah this is my life.

>> No.39777990

Well, then custom-GX. Does it have a working online component for chat/moongates, or is it just death messages?

>> No.39778632
File: 56 KB, 881x201, Screenshot_2022-05-11_05-52-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39779424

Since you seem quite knowledgeable about pets, any ones particularly stand out? I noticed that many of the newest creatures lack wiki pages and many are missing info on bits, so it feels like it'd be easy to overlook some otherwise good options.

I mean that and there are probably well over a thousand creatures and NPCs in the game, so it's pretty hard to judge efficacy by browsing the wiki alone.

>> No.39779685

Should've put a breeder chicken in an empty ranch before killing Zeome, so you can get a ranch full of chickens, eggs, chicken eggs, and fertilizer instantly.

>> No.39779991

I had a putit as breeder and had been selecting for milk production. It had a chicken at some point before I finished Lesimas, and I left if for some extra eggs. Now I have hundreds of them.

>> No.39780085 [DELETED] 

Can someone explain shopkeeper experience? I have a shopkeeper that sold something like 1000 items, didn't even get 1 shopkeeper XP. Bronze coin spending didn't help either. How the hell are they supposed to get shopkeeper XP if neither selling items nor bronze coins increases it?

>> No.39780539

Any good use for Alchemy rods since E+ removed the ability to use them on open containers?

>> No.39780723

Nice work as usual. That said, a minor suggestion: one thing I'd like to see is a "Last updated" date alongside the title of each Elona branch/variant in the downloads section. This way it'll be easy to see at a glance which branches are abandoned/obsolete rather than having to dig through every description to try and guess which one is the most feature complete or updated.

Or if that's too much, even just separating them into two sections like 'actively updated' and 'no longer updated' would be helpful for newcomers.

>> No.39782517

Turn empty spent rods into a brand new rod with its own charges, though chances are it'll be something like silence or teleport or summon monsters - common yet still useful, in other words. Don't use Alchemy rods or energy crystals on powerful rare rods like life or mana, those you want to manually recharge yourself.

Turn rotten food into fresh food, though again it's likely to be a fruit or veggie.

Turn otherwise worthless items like tightropes into something a little more worthwhile.

>> No.39783005

Do anyone other than us use elochat?

>> No.39783145 [DELETED] 

How do I add more portraits to character creation?

>> No.39783223

How active is elochat anyway? Granted I've only played E+CGX for a few hours but didn't see any chat activity. Could have been I was online during an off-hour/day. Is it as slow as the thread?

>> No.39783236

What guild do you guys usually join? Excluding OOSEST players, since we all know they all join the Prostitute Guild

>> No.39783259

There's usually some people active depending on the time and they are usually pretty chatty

>> No.39783311

Mage guild. Unless I'm doing a no-magic run, then fighter guild for the discount.

>> No.39783846

Which one has more content, plus or omake?

>> No.39788328

E+CustomGX is the largest (at least English) one. It's focused on adding more areas/zones. Omake is more focused on improving and giving more depth to existing content, not adding new content.

>> No.39789125

If I'm dual wielding and put the smash tonfa in my ranged slot will it still proc extra melee attacks? Assuming I never use ranged weapons, is that worth doing vs a blade bow?

>> No.39789850

Based on special abilities:
-Fire dragon child: Learns Boost (increases STR, PER and MAG by 30% + 10) and Megid Flame (removes all buffs on all enemies and may inflict Elemental Scar on them as well), and is very tanky with 220 Life. Also has superb fire resistance
-Defender: has Lay Hand which lets it resurrect one pet with full health once and recharges when you sleep. When evolved it learns Absolute Protect which lets it take attacks instead of you or your pets if they'd kill you/your pets otherwise. It may put the Defender into negative HP but it won't kill it. According to the wiki it can also use Healing Rain. A great safety net.
-Nurse: Easy to get and has Healing Rain
-Goose: Aside from laying platinum coins when full, its evolved form has Platinum Song, which buffs PV, DV and Magic. Other evolved NPCs also have Platinum Song, but they don't give you platinum so they're strictly worse.
-Rabbit: Evolve it with a magic heart and it'll gain the ability to use time stop with a full gauge bar. Broken as fuck according to other anons.
-Butler/Camouflaged imp: Can use Group Hypnosis (butler must be evolved), which puts enemies to sleep and may inflict Nightmare. You can learn the skill too, but it's expensive to use so it's probably better if you leave it to a pet.
-Mushroom: Can use Downpour Spore, which also puts enemies to sleep and may inflict Slow. You can't learn this one, so it's likely better for you to have a mushroom since you'll have access to both skills.
-Zombie queen: Has access to a special version of Cheer that only affects your necromancy spooks but also gives them Contingency, so they're nice for necromancers.

>> No.39790227

No love for zombie girl?
Comes with some nice natural resists and stacy evo gets absolute protect and regeneration.

>> No.39790418

Zombie girl is an inferior defender and regeneration is shit lategame. I did use her on my necromancer run but she doesn't compare.

Based on flags:
-Bells: They all have cMetal and cResEle, which makes them very resistant to anything that isn't acid, water or cutting. Give them full Rubynus equipment to compensate for their 1 Life. They're a bitch to earn AP for with their high speed, so at least gold, silver and emercengy bells are better off being downgraded at the Oblivion Palace to lower their AP requirements for speed from 650 or 1455 to 150 (~30000 AP to reach 2000 speed without OP vs 9750 with OP). The two flags will raise the cost of 10 extra Life by 1300, but it kind of is 100 extra Life effectively, plus elemental immunity, which is really cheap. Bells of termination and old bells already have maxed out speed so the only disadvantage they have is taking a lot to earn AP (but they will eventually) and spending a fortune everytime they train. Old bells look like they'll be the best for the postgame with their abilities, but otherwise I'd just pick a gold bell. In any case, be on the lookout for water, acid, or cut using enemies.
-Cube: has cResEle and cArmor with 100 Life, so it's sort of a less extreme Bell. Unfortunately, it splits when not under a negative status effect. The copies will be allies until you leave the floor, but if you return they'll turn against you. It shouldn't be an issue in dungeons with regenerating levels like the Void, but have a source of Magic damage to kill the copies otherwise.
-Gokiburi: has cResEle and 80 life, so it may be a reasonable middle ground if you take the raised AP cost (+500) to raise its Life.
-Hermit crab: one of its evolutions gains cArmor, apparently the only ocurrence of one of these three flags being gained through evolution. People say gaining it in this way doesn't increase the AP cost of raising Life, in which case it should be an excellent physical tank.
-Android: has cArmor and 90 life. For some reason it didn't seem very tanky when I had one. May be the magic resistances.
-Exile: The ability that lets it triple cast is actually a flag so it belongs here I guess.
-Defender: Same with Lay Hand.
-Goose: A flag is what lets it lay platinum coins after eating.
-Cute fairy: Same with its ability to generate seeds when full.
-Black cat: It doesn't seem to be a flg but the ability to give equipment extra attributes sure looks like one, so I'll put it here.
-Younger sister: evolves into Yandere sister with an evolution heart and gains cTemper, which automatically puts her in Fury status and gives her 2x damage dealt and received. She also gains Flame of Rage, which is a fire-elemental attack that hits all enemies onscreen and needs and removes Fury.

>> No.39790646

Completely fair.
That was the reason I made the outdated section, but considering how I cant guarantee I will always be on top of things I'll try to add an "updated on" date to the downloads section

>> No.39791973

>Give them full Rubynus equipment to compensate for their 1 Life.

Give Barrier and Provoke to your bell since they have 100 Mana and will pretty much give them an actual lifebar to work with (not to mention that anything that increases their MP will boost their durability), so all those acid and water attacks become much less scary. With Provoke, the bell will tank for you.

Throw in some Charm too so physically attacking mobs get Dimmed, too.

>> No.39792559

Oh right, I forgot that was an option.

>> No.39797574

I'm pretty sure slot only matters for elemental damage. And invokes. I might be forgetting something? For extra attacks it definitely doesn't matter, though.

>> No.39799692

Is this game about fucking gnosticism out of all things?

>> No.39799848

Is provoke really good? The whole double damage thing has scared me out of ever using it.

>> No.39800270

The double damage thing doesn't apply normally for kiting/ranged tanks, since the enemy will normally spend most of their time moving towards the tank and not actually hitting them. So it actually works out to something like 1.2x incoming damage on average. Or in the case of Bells with extreme speed, enemies will spend ALL their time chasing and none hitting them unless they get cornered.

>> No.39800604

Barrier is one of those things that are just perfect for any build, whether it be giving mages with lots of MP much less squishiness or giving fighters even more tankiness.

Mobs with ranged weapons exist, but Charm will Dim them too and the accuracy penalty for ranged attacks is even worse than melee ones, so they will miss much more often.

So in effect the mobs will be chasing after a pet that they will have a hell of a time killing even with Fury up, and meanwhile you and your pets will enjoy butchering mobs with doubled damage and likely Dim as well.

While you're at it give the bell a ranged weapon that absorbs MP from enemies such as the Griffon.

>> No.39800617

It's great if your next attack is strong enough to wipe most enemies out. In fact, I often go for 4x damage.

>> No.39801279

>In fact, I often go for 4x damage.
How? Does provoke from 2 sources stack or something like that?

>> No.39801314

Fury on both the PC and the enemies.

>> No.39801610

Double Fury is great if you set it up properly. You can do something like Touch of Sleep a mob, throw a rotten tomato at it, use Rampage, then use your full Gauge Release limit break to smash the mob with quadruple damage.

Or get some Mani's gemstones of satellite shooter through rescuing little sisters, walk up to a boss, Provoke it, teleport away, Rampage, spam the gemstones in almost complete safety.

>> No.39801805

>Or get some Mani's gemstones of satellite shooter through rescuing little sisters, walk up to a boss, Provoke it, teleport away, Rampage, spam the gemstones in almost complete safety.
Oh wow, that's a dirty trick.

>> No.39802984

Technically you can also do it with Meteor and Merciless Flood, but those will hit you too and if you're under Fury status you'll be hitting yourself with a very strong attack for quadruple damage. Which means you either need Attribute Shield + Wet (for Meteor) or Feather + Holy Shield + Oil (for Merciless Flood) and either be using Barrier (you won't be having any MP for a while) or be under the effect of Metal Guard, preferably both, in order to not die horribly from your own attacks.

Meteor can also destroy loot on the ground while Merciless Flood carries a hefty Insanity increase for using it. Of the two, Merciless Flood is probably the better choice due to the following:

- doesn't destroy items
- Abyss power is relatively easy to gain as opposed to Meteor spell stock
- If you don't mitigate the Insanity increases via Drunk/Space Retention/Attribute Shield then you can use Crazy Theater to boost your damage further (but not to yourself due to how Crazy Theater works)
- Meteor can be resisted with Fire resistance, but Merciless Flood is a PV/DV element attack; if you Guard Break the boss beforehand it'll take full damage

But really it's much simpler to load up on satellite shooter gemstones and just use them to beat down problem battles. They have none of the drawbacks of Merciless Flood or Meteor and their massive cooldown of 11.66 days can be mitigated by getting more of them. They're just about the best reward you can get from the strange scientist.

>> No.39803658

So I've been starting to get bored of Elona (heresy, I know) so started digging into Noa's other works and the history of Elona. And have a few questions:

- Why does the wiki list two different games called Elin? Neither makes direct reference to the other, so was one game simply a recycling of the other after it was abandoned? Or is Noa just lazy when it comes to names and the two are entirely unrelated projects?

- How much of the E+ storyline is pure Ano fanfiction, versus being taken from Noa's intended canon (design docs or unfinished game files)? Did Noa ever give any indication of what was supposed to happen in the story beyond what made it in-game?

>> No.39804104

I want to report about zero divide bug when playing oomSESTEP_NC. This happened because I ran JP omake_overhaul.exe on step 4 of the omake installation guide and created a JP talk file. When i skip that and move onto the other step the game run fine. You should check this, pastebin anon. I'm sorry if I'm being rude.

>> No.39804225

There was actually 3 elin games:
The first one that's an RF/roguelike game
The second called Elin: The Farthest Sea that's some island game
And the current one is called Elin's inn

>> No.39804585
File: 841 KB, 1080x1521, Screenshot_20220513-225912_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elona+ is complete fan fiction.
Imo fun and good fanfiction, but fan fiction.

Some dude in the elona discord emailed noa and asked what his story would be and got this in response.

>Vessel is Bethel/He whom dwells in vanity
>Valious is Barius the blue haired elea that helped Saimore

>> No.39805160

Wonder what's his opinion on +

>> No.39809566

Didn't see this one.

>> No.39811974

I bought a deed of discarded ranch last night. It wasn't in my inventory when I went to place it today. I think it was placed at my feet when I bought it and I didn't pick it up. It's not there anymore so I guess it got cleaned and now I'm sad.

>> No.39813954
File: 10 KB, 722x48, 2022-05-14 21_38_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

og elonapaster here, thank you for keeping up with the faq and updating it for all these years.

>> No.39815744

Hell, thank you for making it back then anon.

>> No.39817131

Is it possible to have god sized but moving like normal PCC?

>> No.39821294
File: 2.44 MB, 2460x3640, 1636660833145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shena's ass....

>> No.39827808

I know you can only use the chocolate making kit in february, but can you give the handmade chocolates during the rest of the year? The wiki isn't clear. Also, are there any drawback to giving them out, like engagement jewelry cluttering inventory?

>> No.39828698

>I thought the only place that even referenced those was the outdated section?
Sorry, missed your response.
I was referring to the downloads section at the very top, where right below the E+ download, there are download links to 1.9 versions of custom and G. Those variants are recommended or referenced several times below as well, so a new player looking for the "full experience" might end up on 1.9+cg instead of 2.xx+cgx if they don't do any research beyond the rentry. I suggest including the latest cgx download link above the old 1.9 downloads, with a note about cgx being the most current iteration of c+g.

>> No.39830949

I think you can only have one or the other, not both.

>> No.39831887
File: 10 KB, 195x97, 1647814872581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any guide on how to make a good PCC? I wanna try at making some

>> No.39832119

0/10 arms too fat.

>> No.39835317

You could look up guides for making RPG Maker character sprites, since they're basically the same thing.

>> No.39837974
File: 13 KB, 128x192, Shena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised there aren't more Shena PCCs, I had to whip one together myself

Sadly not to my knowledge.

>> No.39838469

uoh thick

>> No.39839284

How does pet AI work in Omake? I saw one of the changes was that the android could accept monster cards to swap the AI and thought about building around that. Will it use the skills of whatever monster card I give it?

>> No.39839604

If you are talking about the actual pastebin that is a relic at this point. Due to their puritanical content system I physically can't even edit them anymore without receiving a warning it will be privated due to "something" in the bin.

And doing a search for 1.90 in the rentry posts I only found references in the explicitely outdated section located and named such at the bottom.

I only included those for archival purposes, rather than outright deleting them. But if it is still causing confusion then I can delete that section from the rentry.
Honestly if it wasnt for the fact these services seems to just vanish often I would request the pastebin links to be removed from the OP.

>> No.39840006

No, I'm talking about the ">New? Start here" general guide and faq rentry. The very first section after the table of contents has a download for E+ 2.05, followed by a series of downloads for 1.9 variants. They're not marked as outdated. As far as I can tell nothing in the doc is market as outdated.

>> No.39840475
File: 126 KB, 1108x630, Screenshot_20220516_201955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. I finally see the issue.
The person that made the new thread used the old rentry that I lost the update code for.

THESE are the current versions:

>> No.39843689

Has anyone ever tried to make a character that fights by throwing roses?

>> No.39846367

Solved, good work and thanks for the public service.

>> No.39850392

Well I'm on my first "serious" character, I've got farm/ranch/shop/museum and saving money is a lot easier now but what do I spend my money on now? What's worth it?

>> No.39850849

Pets can spend gold to train abilities, right? Can the player do anything abilities wise with gold?

>> No.39853313

it has been forever since I have played, but I recall investing in magic shops and buying up potions of potential as much as I could.

>> No.39858796

So what's the quickest way to hoard casino chips? I know you get them from gathering but is there a specific node that gives them more than the others?

>> No.39859165

Casino chips are in the "global" material category, which I'm pretty sure means that there's an equal chance to find them in any node.

>> No.39859366
File: 138 KB, 613x953, cool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm MTL-only but this says Rifujin used to play Elona, right?

>> No.39860029

Seems like it

>> No.39860548

Consumables, reagents for Pot For Fusion recipes, upgrading equipment at weapon vendors, consumables, deeds of dungeon/discarded ranches to store stuff in, buying a palace and hiring employees, consumables, the Golden Storm spact, Investing in vendors for access to better stuff including your own hired ones, consumables, buying gifts to raise Impress, buying the Maid Mansion in South Tyris, buying more ranches and farms, grinding up your Gene Engineer at the slave dealer at Derphy, and using Evochat to directly give money to pets so they can train.

And consumables.


In a short amount of time? Hoard lots and lots of Gain Material scrolls, bless the entire stack, and read them all.

The second shortest time is to raid lots and lots and lots of material nodes. So hit up dungeons and pick them clean, their level doesn't really matter as long as you and/or your pets/spooks can breeze through them. It becomes especially effective during Nefia Fevers, when there is a ring of fireballs around your clock.

>> No.39861127

I'm checking out Elona Mobile, can I still sneak into guilds to learn skills? Or do I have to put real effort into character creation to maximize my starting skills?

>> No.39864619

I mean assuming they didn't lock the incognito spell/item behind a paywall, you probably could

>> No.39869446
File: 3 KB, 150x211, godjesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2.13 future changelog
>Jure of Healing now accepts flowers as offerings

>> No.39870845

Can the vanilla chargen sprite creator/portrait selection be accessed after you've finished character creation?

>> No.39871160

If I switch from my Elona custom game to the newest version of Elona+ will everything regarding custom AI including spells I've taught to my pets be removed?

>> No.39871227

Isn't that a bit too easy?

>> No.39871424

You say that like Elona+ isn't all about making the game easy mode. Just look at progression and costs compared to vanilla or most other branches for that matter.

>> No.39871482

If it were me, I'd go from old Custom to the newest Custom-GX instead.

I don't see the difference between gathering junk stones in the wilderness and gathering flowers in the wilderness. I guess the flowers would sell for more, but whatever.

>> No.39875066
File: 384 KB, 1729x2173, 1643593821220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's such an easy girl

>> No.39875522

You think so? Maybe if the change is just adding flowers to her offering pool, though I agree with >>39871482 that it's not much different from picking up any other random shit in field maps. But if flowers are replacing ore as her offering item I think it'll make Jure the hardest god to raise favor with. By a long shot.

>> No.39877674

Is the mobile version official?

>> No.39878333

Official as in given permission. Not official in the sense Noa had anything to do with the game. It's just loosely based on Elona and using the branding.

>> No.39878523

>But if flowers are replacing ore as her offering item I think it'll make Jure the hardest god to raise favor with. By a long shot.

Mine the walls of cemetery dungeons for large bouquets, which are common and should count as flower items for Jure.

>> No.39878537

>try a dozen other games to get out of this autism spiral
>nothing ever compares to it
>go back to play elona

>> No.39878762

Literally me right now: >>39877674
I'm trying to see if I can still find my custom spritesheets.

>> No.39878769

>Deleting your elona archives
Never do this,i have so much shit impossible to replace or with links that arent up anymore

>> No.39878772

Yeah, but that's still a lot more effort required than any other god. Literally every other offering item can be commonly found on the ground in any dungeon, in the inventories of many creatures, and in shop inventories. Except Ehekatl, whose offerings are a completely different kind of easy to obtain. But flowers only for Jure would restrict her offerings to an uncommon find in field encounters and strip mining one specific kind of dungeon. Just seems out of balance with the rest of the pantheon, if that's what's happening.

>> No.39878777

Not that anon but i find kumi vegetables hard to obtain early,maybe i am just a shitter

>> No.39879080

They can be a pain before you start farming, but healthy leaves and/or wild plants are more common than flowers, and stopping by Yowyn to fill your bag with imos and sweet potatos a couple of times per week is always an option.

>> No.39881682

i need to genocide the entire town else my pickpocket wont be effective to steal the veggies

>> No.39883309

Wait patiently for Elin

>> No.39884658

Yeah and they lost their save data to HDD failure.

>> No.39886393

How's Ano's schizo case going?

>> No.39889352


Boy, what a sentence to read. Only in Elona, folks.

>Yeah, but that's still a lot more effort required than any other god.

No it isn't. If you're going to go collect coffins and/or books of resurrection you're going to come across plenty of bouquets. If you bother to look around in towns you'll come across plenty of flower furniture to buy or steal.

Or, here's a galaxy brain move: build up her favour with you before updating to 2.13 so you can still use those junk ores.

>> No.39889461

I'm riding a pet with a melee-only AI, but I'd like him to use his ranged weapon when we're not adjacent to an enemy. Do I understand the wiki correctly that the "increased frequency of ranged attack" option at Leold will prevent him from ever using melee attacks? I still want him clawing when we're in melee.

>> No.39889581

What schizo case?

>> No.39890068

He's being gangstalked by illuminati agents with microwave guns. That's why development of Elin's Inn is so slow.

>> No.39890081

You mean Noa? Ano is retarded in a different way

>> No.39890291

Why not use Custom AI?
>Target Distance > 1: Attack (Ranged)
>Target Distance = 1: Attack (Melee)
>Target Distance > 1: Move (Towards)
(Pets have a max range of 5, so the last command is still needed, although for a mount all it'd do is prevent error messages.)

>> No.39890574

I haven't engaged that feature at all, so I was hesitant to open that bag of cats. Is it really that simple?
Suppose I'm not riding him, would he have a 50/50 move/shoot chance, or would he always shoot if he can? Suppose I have Leold teach him variable breath, would he use it all (either mounted or not), or would the custom AI routine need to have it included as well?

>> No.39890761

I did. Saw schizo and assumed. What kind if retarded is Ano? Aside from the magical realm shit.

>> No.39890803

would be nice if the developer added item descriptions to the game or some offline database,i hate having to look at the wiki every time i find something that just says "Its precious"

>> No.39891089

What you want is to decrease movement probability so even if it's not at its preferred distance from the enemy (must likely 1 square away) it still has a chance to attack.

>> No.39891108

There's also the decision to make all kinds of attack cost SP without taking into account what how it works with a solo PC.

>> No.39891256

It goes from top to bottom and executes the first valid command. It works with anything from Leold, but you can also use it to teach pets your own spells and spacts. The system predates NPCs/pets having SP though, so spacts have cooldown times instead of SP costs.
So you could put:
>Target Distance < 6: Variable Breath
at the top, and it'd be used every other turn or so.

>> No.39891755

>What kind if retarded is Ano?

He's the kind of twat who'll shoehorn in "balance changes" without playtesting that shit at all, like the fucktarded cap on platinum and bonus coins (that GX thankfully excises), the Curtain Call anti-AFK grind mechanic (in a game where you are expected to grind), making summoned monsters not train skills you use on them even though it makes no sense, giving big buffs to boss mobs to make the fight more "exciting", the nerf to chaos damage making most sources of it almost worthless on anything you'd want to inflict status on, and of course

>There's also the decision to make all kinds of attack cost SP without taking into account what how it works with a solo PC.

because the idiot thought that regular physical attacks and spellcasting were too unfair and he wanted to force people to use the Empathy feats more often (seriously, that is the reason, it's right there in the changelog).

It's shit like that that made the GX variant come into being, and it lets you remove a lot of bullshit with tweaks making it the superior version by a country mile.

>> No.39892454
File: 1.83 MB, 1406x803, SkillSheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I have every skill how long do you think it'll take me to get to 100 in everything?

Using Traveling

>> No.39892465

Ah I forgot to mention current date in game is 518/3/30

>> No.39892518

Thanks. I'll play around with this some tonight. I'm (kind of accidentally) running with 10 active pets, so there's really no excuse for me to not have learned this feature already.

>> No.39894506

So what's the optimal way to get herb, and to a lesser degree, artifact seeds?

>> No.39894818

How much platinum are you able to farm in a given period of time? That's the real bottleneck.

>> No.39894839

It's funny, there's actually no real bottleneck. I'm constantly above 100% potential due to sleep, and if I need a boost, I can just hold off on walking into town to get the bump of XP and sleep twice.

>> No.39898080

should be always betwen 300-400% if you really want to grind out a skill

>> No.39904199

I've got a level 10 quest in my journal called "monochrome delivery service". I picked it up somewhere in south tyris, I think in eirel. The quest just says "I need to deliver the letter." with no further details, and I can't find anything about it on the wiki. I remember that the person who gave me the quest told me to deliver it to someone in palmia, but I don't remember who, and I've talked to everyone in town that I can find. Any help?

>> No.39904208

Lower-right corner, in one of the small houses

>> No.39904289

Thanks anon, you're a life saver.
I actually mined through her walls and walked right past her twice without seeing her. She's smol and well-hidden.

>> No.39904581

How do museums work? Do I just drop the cards and figs on the tables, or do I need to activate them somehow?

>> No.39904690

Turns out I picked it up in Ludus, not Eirel. And the wiki has it called as "delivery in black and white".

>> No.39904726

Just drop all of them, don't have to be on the tables. It appears that each item must be on its own tile to give full value to museum rank, though.

>> No.39904893

People keep talking about how there's a secret under the thrones, but I teleported the king and queen away and couldn't find anything. Is it false?

>> No.39906697

Look at the month.

>> No.39911514

What is the value of each # in a weapons skill increase effects? Like "It makes you a better tactician [###}

>> No.39912381

arbitrary per each effect.

>> No.39913322
File: 2 KB, 48x96, 123 (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good 2-tile tall sized pets? i have all these cool sprites and nothing to use it on

>> No.39915068

what sprites do you have?

>> No.39915221

I don't know if they're actually good pets or not, but that sprite could replace a tentacle beast or one of the mesheras maybe. In the latter case you'd get the added fun of your pet begging for death constantly.

>> No.39916156

Anyone got a guild on Elona Mobile they'd like to shill? Might as well join a guild with the people here as anywhere else.

>> No.39916512

Isn't there a /jp/ guild?

>> No.39918846

I'm pretty sure that if you're using custom sprites you're not limited by a pet's canon size.

>> No.39923616

I assume the game would act "Funny" if you tried putting a tall sprite on a 1 tile pet,as in,something could hide behind your pet because it has no hitbox on the tall part
do you want me to simply throw all of them in a single picture and post it?

>> No.39923939
File: 48 KB, 471x232, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39924808

Does killing someone only incur a karma penalty, or do guards try to kill you? I'm trying to decide if I want to kill the king xabi for my museum...

>> No.39924815

Guards only go after you if your karma is below a threshold, you can kill the king several times before they bother to make a move.

>> No.39925235

Have you tried using a dueling glove on him?

>> No.39925272

You can fight him as a boss in the Void.

>> No.39925429

Have you heard the gospel of our lord and saviour Summon Monsters?

>> No.39930803
File: 418 KB, 1240x1748, 1624918764390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you praised your god today?

>> No.39931319
File: 43 KB, 615x109, virtuoso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was I that bad?

>> No.39931803

How would a bamboo harp sounds like?

>> No.39935508

Probably like this

>> No.39935751

NPCs are not smart enough to tell the difference between damaging potions and harmless ones from whatever potion-class item gets generated in their inventory, so you get incidents such as people killing themselves with acid and molotovs, inflicting themselves with poison/blindness/sleep/paralysis/confusion, or if they're really unlucky starving to death due to repeated vomiting from cursed alcohol or milk. This along with drunken brawls is usually why Party Time quests usually end with one or two NPCs dead.

>> No.39937446

lulwy choked on a piece of mochi once

>> No.39938190

>Get travelling skill
>I will never have a single skill at 400% again
Guess my 208 points will never see use...

>> No.39938357

Alternatively, put them all into traveling.

>> No.39938535

>Return failed because your cargo is too heavy
I'm not seeing anything on the wiki, how heavy do you have to be to be incapable of teleportation?

>> No.39938586

>Carrying 100s of cargo
Wtf I don't even buy cargo, guess I picked it up the first time I slaughtered bandits.

>> No.39939009

Is there any way to actively raise spell potential? I'm trying to grind up dominate so I can raise pet levels without getting assfucked by Lend the Taker, but I'm stuck in <10% potential/<lvl20 limbo.

>> No.39939027

Sleeping, for sure.

>> No.39939548

Yeah, I knew that. But I'm fast enough that I can empty the fields in harvest time quests or walk from noyel to arcbelc in less than a day, meaning I hardly ever get to sleep. I know I can gimp myself with cargo to slow down or fish or make cheese to pass time, but I'd prefer to actually be doing stuff instead of idling to get a nappy time. Wish I could spend plat to raise spell potentials, even magic training is shit with low potential.

>> No.39939598

What's your speed?

>> No.39939666

Well, I guess it doesn't matter, but the tip I'll give you is that you can ride a monster to use its speed as yours, for better or for worse. (That's why Golems are hilarious.)

So hitch a ride on something slower, and it'll give you more opportunities to sleep. If you want to take it to the extreme, ride something tiny like a rat or a bell. That will drop your speed to 10-12.

Or take the traveling pill and level EVERYTHING AT ONCE.

>> No.39940327

530ish no rain w/burden. Gets higher with speed and weather. A lot of that comes from my mount, I've been feeding Lityou herbs for half the game, and he started at 330 I think. But I'm not terribly far from him. You could say that I've made my bed and now I'm lying in it.
I know, I know, just hate to nerf myself simply for sleep. I can grind and/or spend resources to improve literally any other aspect of my character or pets. Hoped there would be some obscure or secret tech for spell potential. I suppose riding a snail or something around IS the secret tech. At least my dominate is high enough for one of those.
>Or take the traveling pill and level EVERYTHING AT ONCE.
Of course. That's where all my skill points go, it's basically investing in every skill at the same time.

>> No.39940366

Does the "enhances your spells" attribute affect weapon invokes?

>> No.39940478
File: 624 KB, 699x399, SkillSheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew you were my nigga from the moment I laid eyes on you.

>> No.39940891

No irc

>> No.39946871

I'm not sure offhand exactly how invokes work, but I'm pretty sure CDATA_ENHANCE_SPELL only affects zapping rods and manually casting spells.

>> No.39947605
File: 1.13 MB, 1200x1200, 1637387201932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one day I'll have miromi as my boywife

>> No.39947730

I'll put that on your grave after you get scythe'd.

>> No.39947846

Just wish up a Kumiromi-gurumi it's the next best thing.

>> No.39949683

If all you want to do is artificially pass time, consider crafting with your Pot for Fusion. A lot of recipes require at least an hour to pass before the crafting is done so stock up on reagents.

>> No.39950484

haven't played in a while, does anyone still update the monster girl sheet?

>> No.39952425

How do you feel about savescumming?

>> No.39952922

In elona? personally I don't really care unless if you savescum literally at every step then you might as well cheat

>> No.39961728


>get body pillow
>walk around in the world map on the snow so you don't have to eat
>sleep until all your skills hit 400% (Except Healing, Faith, and probably your preferred armor skill)

Jure's body pillow prevents every negative event from sleeping, however it's a tradeoff because you won't get any base potentials from the quality of the bed itself. So the odds of getting the dream event that raises all skills potential by 15% go way up. I've gotten it like 3 times in one sleep.

>> No.39963914

I'm getting crashes after feeding my pets food that causes insanity.

>> No.39972343

Probably something to do with the recent changes to insanity. Any particular error message?

>> No.39974700

How did Ano mess up his game lately? I remember considering 2.06fix unplayable without restoring the old exp formula and avoiding some aspects of the game on purpose already.
I know there's a changelog, but I specifically want your impressions on the latest Plus updates.

>> No.39974933

>he still doesn't know every attack and spell costs 1 stamina now
Now you do.

>> No.39976119

what even is up with this new guard break thing

>> No.39978268

Something that makes a target bombarded by many attacks eventually lower the target's DV/PV to 0.
My guess is that he noticed that outnumbering a foe wasn't doing a whole lot of damage, but he was too stupid to realize that it might be because of his own retarded decision to make targets take less damage the more hits they take before the start of their next turn. So he added another mechanic on top of his other mechanic in a brilliant display of intelligence and creativity.
>nerf damage dealt to something that's taking a lot of hits
>"Weird, targets taking a lot of hits aren't taking much damage"
>"I'll make it so their DV and PV is set to zero if they take enough hits!"
>implements guard break

>> No.39978520

Can you disable GB? I know you can disable the Chain Attack thing in the tweaks menu.

>> No.39978583

Nope. At least, I'm not seeing it anywhere. Hopefully a tweak for it gets added. I like the idea conceptually but I don't think this is a good implementation, especially with the chain attack thing disabled.

>> No.39979048

I have full of libido pathologically

>> No.39979898

>at the house making cheese
>magic vendor whips out a rotten leccho and eats it
>becomes anorexic
>pick her vomit up and sell it back to her
>give her cheap food whenever I'm passing through so I can sell her more of her digestive fluids
Not a side hustle I was expecting but at least now I have something to do with all these acorns.
I'll be hitting up the Ludus festival for as much yith yaki as I can get soon, when it happens again I'll post it.

>> No.39980883

>Something that makes a target bombarded by many attacks eventually lower the target's DV/PV to 0.

To add to the retardation, he made many attacks like the water spells the "DV/PV" element, which is resisted by having more DV and PV - but also does the most Guard Break damage to begin with. So by spamming DV/PV attacks you'll eventually force your target to start taking more damage from those attacks than a freaking hermit crab and keep it that way.

This is like having your lightning spells inflict Element Scar on steroids after hitting the mob enough times.

>> No.39981751

Someone please slap some sense into him.
How are the nips reacting to this? do they even play plus?

>> No.39982460


>> No.39982490

Is Kumiromi a yandere?

>> No.39982616

Ano must be taking out his work stress on Plus.
His last progress update is just

>> No.39986223

So magic device meta at last?

>> No.39986312

Message (EN): Array overflow
efId 1113 efP 1185 Area 56/1
ci 9#204 ti 9#204 cc 7#972 tc 0#0 rc 9#265
3. main_init:Begin ct:245
2. main_init:End ct:0
1. pc_turn_init ct:0
0. turn_end:pc ct:0

>> No.39988428
File: 372 KB, 802x627, bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fed this bear enough yith-yaki to get him up to 55% insanity, and the game never crashed. The problem must be more specific than that.

>> No.39988792

I think that all 3 times I've gotten the crashes my black seraph was among the insane pets. I'll confirm when the Ludus shops refresh, and see if her equipment has anything to do with it.
fwiw, while insanity may not be the whole cause, it's definitely the proximal cause, as I was able to repeat the crash in each case, and was able to resolve it in each case by using a unicorn horn or statue of jure.

>> No.39988831

I wish unicorns had more functionality than just making you sane. Maybe a single use Eris Cure or something including the sanity restoration.

>> No.39990538 [DELETED] 

what's your game verson?
Insanity causes Fear then makes NPCs urinate.

>> No.39990573

Seems to be the NPC urine problem

>> No.39990574

Oh I'm not the guy with the problem I'm just saying unicorn horns are kinda meh.

>> No.39990794

Why is urine a thing again?

>> No.39990819

so you can inflict mass sickness using liquid manipulation and cursed urine

>> No.39992383

Same reason turning people into meat dolls is a thing. There was a period some years back where Ano was regularly adding weird fetish stuff to the game. Nobody cared until he made one a major gameplay mechanic. (The thirst system was originally a net negative too. Then he panicked and added SP regen to it. Now he's panicking and adding SP costs to combat. Ano really needs beta testers or something.)

>> No.39993098

Fucked around with some offensive spellcasting and the water spells are the best damage spells (besides Meteor) in the game once they Guard Break the mob which they will eventually do if you and spellcasting pets keep casting it. No need to land hexes first simply return to water monke and spam.

If you have custom AI available you can turn any pet into a Hydro Fang bot once they learn the spell.

>> No.39993795
File: 33 KB, 297x231, lmao lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Damage from these attacks can therefore now be reduced [by PV and DV] so they're unfortunately not as scary any more

>> No.39998787

Kind of ridiculous, isn't it? Ano does his best to nerf both physical attacks and spellcasting yet nothing stops you from amassing a group of Hydro Fang bots to Guard Break enemies for you so you can Hulk Smash them with no problems.

The strong mobs, anyway. Weak ones will still just die.

>> No.40001927
File: 2.24 MB, 540x260, 1626518292071.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long do I need to train my pets in martial arts for it to actually do damage?

>> No.40003160

>last Burning Meiling episode 4 whole years ago

>> No.40003500
File: 614 KB, 1280x720, 1629845771897.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let go anon

>> No.40008119

Is there a way for the player to ignore webs?

>> No.40008940

You could enable extraRace and play as a spider. They're 100% immune to webs. Otherwise, just keep a rod of bubble ball handy.

>> No.40008969


>> No.40009879
File: 229 KB, 800x800, 1637839263136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread wen
