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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3969955 No.3969955 [Reply] [Original]

I am a member of the Japanese religious group Aum Shinrikyou/Aleph. I am here to clear away any questions you may have regarding Aum or Aleph in general. It is known by us that attacks were carried out on subways in Tokyou, but that is also part of the past. I am here to address the issues that still arise even after all this time. Feel free to ask any kind of question and do not worry about offending me. I do this so we can improve our public image, even outside of Japan. Feel free to ask anything.

>> No.3969965

So, are you guys like...Christians? Jews? Islams? Buddhists? Or some kind of cult that worships a flying spaghetti monster or something.

>> No.3969967

Why arr you posting in here instead of posting in /x/?

>> No.3969971

Religion is retarded. It's all fake bullshit. Fuck off OP. Reported.

>> No.3969981

how many gods do you have?

>> No.3969989

Tenri here, you suck

>> No.3970012

>Aum Shinrikyou/Aleph
>attacks were carried out on subways in Tokyou

It was more than just that. Your "religious" group's goal was to annihilate all of humanity. You experimented with air borne pathogens in Australia and attempted to carry several such attacks prior to the subway incident. Thankfully, due to your incompetence, you failed.

I don't know why your cult isn't banned outright. After all, your original leader and other high-profile members were recently executed under Japanese law.

I don't see how anyone can just "forget" about those goals. I don't see how a cult can change their fundamentals. You're still the same underneath. You're like the Japanese version of Scientology, only worse in some regards.

>> No.3970022


We are a branch of yogic Buddhism and borrow from a wide range of religious tradition. It took mostly from Buddhism and Sanatana Dharma, with sparse borrowings from Christian religion.

I posted on /x/, /jp/, and on /r9k/.

It helps some people and gives power to the ones who deserve to have it. Those who have achieved Buddhahood should be recognized for that.

We have a pantheon of Gods or devatah, which are not Gods in the Judeo-Christian sense. They are beings bound in samsara, same as us but they have special powers. They can be used as a means to a level where one does not need devas or Gods, where one is a light to himself and needing no other.

>> No.3970034

Why did you guys bomb Tokyo again?

>> No.3970039

Oh dear, what the hell, that's awful, off with OP's head.

>> No.3970048
File: 19 KB, 336x274, 20thcenturyboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are your plans to take over the Diet coming along?

>> No.3970049

If you want to learn about the true face of Aum, read this investigative report here:


It's a long read, but it's actually quite shocking and surreal at what they were attempting to do (kill everyone).

>> No.3970053

How can't anyone seriously believe this shit? any religion.
I find it amusing.

>> No.3970074

Are we going to die for mocking OP?

>> No.3970089

Sage for religion.

I can't believe it's still legal for people to brainwash their children.

>> No.3970091

I find it funny that you call us a "cult" and compare us to a science fiction religion founded by a madman. I am not anything like that and neither are my fellow Aum

I don't know what you're talking about, even though I do know about these allegations against Aum. It is very shameful that you have to resort to such tactics as citing yellow journalist's newspapers. Do you feel any shame at this at all?
This is why freedom of religion is a far off dream in a modern world, with those who would destroy it. You are such one of those people.

Lies and slander.

>> No.3970094

>On December 11, 2002, AP Reuters announced that the Canadian government had added the Aum cult to a list of banned terrorist organizations. The list, which was created after the September 11 attacks to target the financing and activities of terrorist groups, includes Hezbollahs military wing and The Kurdistan Workers Party.

Aum/Aleph is a terrorist group where I live. Fuck off OP.

>> No.3970106

reported and hidden.

Crazy shits need to die in a huge fucking fire

>> No.3970119 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
k.com thanks in advance have a nice day

>> No.3970112

After a life in the depraved world a bit of pure light might bring forth terror. I like brainwashing, and think all should be brainwashed and clensed of old ways and thinking patterns. Why do you fear to change your ways and mindsets? Calling me a terrorist...bah.

>> No.3970117


>The Kurdistan Workers Party.

>list of banned terrorist organizations.

That list is bullshit.

Do you believe in nirvana and the primary teachings of the Buddha OP?

>> No.3970129

You may say those are lies, but I don't see any proof of that, unlike otherwise.

>> No.3970136

The PKK are terrorists. Grow up.

>> No.3970137

Yes, I do. I incorporate the teachings from Tantric Buddhism into that system and it allows for unorthodox practice. Even so, it is not different from mainstream Mahayana Buddhism and Tibetan Tantric Buddhism.

>> No.3970139

Why is it bullshit? It's true.

>> No.3970143

The United States also classifies Aum/Aleph as a terrorist organization:


>> No.3970145

If you find the Buddha on your path, kill him. You are not enlightened, for the moment you think you are, you are not.

>> No.3970147


>> No.3970163


They have been fighting against oppression of the kurdish people. The only reason they are on those list is because Turkey is needed as a alley of the West.


Was the man that organized the attacks a leader in the Aum religious group?

>> No.3970175

What the fucking fuck are you saying?
I'm pretty sure you have a mental illness.

>> No.3970176

So that must be what the OP is doing, attempting to recruit new members over the Internet. I bet he didn't expect to be shown the fucking door. Good job on exposing him guys.

>> No.3970182

The person who organized the attacks was the founder and sole leader of Aum.

>> No.3970183

Shoko Asahara was not involved in the Tokyou sarin attacks nor did he order the gas to be used. He did preach a messege of Armageddon and a time of destruction. Some of his followers took these words to a conclusion that is less than logical, but motivated by devotion. No to your question and anyone who opposes this viewpoint is wrong and lying/repeating misinformation, slander and lies.

>> No.3970184

Nice story daaazee

>> No.3970186


Well that clears things up!

>> No.3970192

>I like brainwashing
No one could be stupid enough to believe this.

>> No.3970194

Bullshit. He directly ordered that those attacks be carried out. You're brainwashed, you should come to your senses and stop being used by the cult as a tool of recruitment.

Fuck off terrorist.

>> No.3970201
File: 420 KB, 505x771, nick_dudka_the_buddhist_art_of_thangka_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To a sick mind a liberated mind seems sick and insane. However, I think you are of a sick mind and in need of a good brainwashing to cleanse the evil influences. We will break you down with a system that has been designed by our own scientific division to do so, and you will feel fresh and new. You are sick, not me. You merely project your illness and wrongdoing on me, and that is wrong thinking.

>> No.3970214

>Was the man that organized the attacks a leader in the Aum religious group?

You'll find that wikipedia has articles on Aleph, on its founder, and on the subway attacks. Asahara, the founder, was convicted of masterminding the attack and is on death row. His defense claimed that members of the organization were operating independently in staging the attacks, but their motives were not explained. The prosecution claimed that they were attempting to install Asahara as some kind of emperor.

>> No.3970222

They are on the list because they blow regular people up, not the military or the government, regular people going about their normal daily activities.

I hate communists anyway. Fuck communism and fuck the PKK.

>> No.3970223
File: 130 KB, 768x1024, Sivakempfort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did not commit any murders himself and only his followers did.

>> No.3970228


They do what they have to do to combat a vastly superior force.

>> No.3970230

Though he did give them a hint to do it.

>> No.3970236

>He's on death row.
He was executed in 2004.

>> No.3970238

Not allowed. Enjoy your deserved terrorism charges.

Blowing up little kids on purpose is terrorism. Targeting civilians on purpose is terrorism. No justifying it.

>> No.3970242

Fuck, this shit is disturbing

>> No.3970248


>> No.3970250

I think you need to look up what "mastermind" means.

The court threw out his appeal in 2006. I find it unlikely that a dead man would still have lawyers working for him.

>> No.3970253

My bad, he was sentenced in 2004, not executed. So yeah, he's still awaiting the execution.

I bet you Aumfags are trying to plot on ways to break him out.

>> No.3970258


So is trying to eliminate a entire group of people but the US still has not recognized the armenian genocide.

The turkish nation deserves attacks for the crimes they have done,killing civilians is a necessary evil to justify and correct the wrongdoing of the killings of a million and a half civilians.

>> No.3970276

>killing civilians... to justify and correct the wrongdoing of the killings of a million and a half civilians

Read that out loud.

Then sit in the corner.

>> No.3970278
File: 98 KB, 322x423, Natarajar_at_chidambaram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that they have a right to fight against those who would try to wipe them out. I have no problems with the Armenian people doing what they must to protect themselves, since the world is not perfect. It is not unusual nor is it wrong for a person or persons to want to live.

>> No.3970289

That's reasonable, except there's not actually a threat.

>> No.3970291


It is necessary. These attacks are justified by the evil the turkish nation has committed and continues to commit.

>> No.3970293

different fag here. They are all Muslims I don't give a fuck. They can all die.

>> No.3970296

In that case killing is far from justified, but a sinful act of taking life. If one is protecting one's own life or someone else's life then it is permissible. Note that I didn't say it was Ok, but only permissible. It has consequences as it is a very unmeritious act to kill without reason.

>> No.3970307

Were those evils committed by the civilians being killed? No.

Will killing civilians prevent further evil? No.

Stop being a retard. Use your brain. It should, theoretically, work.

>> No.3970327

Yuuko from xxxHolic talked about killing another. She was right.

>> No.3970328

>I like brainwashing, and think all should be brainwashed and clensed of old ways and thinking patterns

>> No.3970331


The PKK and many other groups that are fighting against the oppression of the kurdish and armenian people are servirly outnumbered by the turkish army and militas. The killing of civilians is necessary to overcome this and is justified by the evils that have been committed and continue to be committed against the kurdish people and the sovereign nation of kurdistan and armenia.

>> No.3970343

Sorry BZZZZTTTTTTT! Wrong answer. Enjoy being flagged as a terrorist.

>> No.3970350

Yeah sure, but you're not making any point at all, just obvious bullshit.

>> No.3970358

>You are sick, not me. You merely project your illness and wrongdoing on me, and that is wrong thinking.
>I'm definitely right, you're fucking wrong and there's no way you can convince me otherwise

What the fuck? Are you a 10 year old faggot? Almost every single ideal preaching asshole holds the exact same stance you do, realizing that they are unable to convince people of their beliefs, they rely on violence and murder just like you guys.

If your religion is the "SUPREME truth". What difference does it make? Is it necessary for the absolute truth to prevail? Your truth is only one amongst many. You're just a spoiled brat wanting to force your insignificant opinion and beliefs unto others like so many did before you.

I do not condemn murder at all, but your "i'm right, you're wrong" attitude ticks me off.

>> No.3970360

>The killing of civilians is necessary to overcome...

In what way does attacking a noncombatant "overcome" being outgunned by combatants?

Forget, for the moment, how unjustifiable such an action is. What is the POINT? What do you gain by attacking someone who isn't a threat?

This is, incidentally, how terrorism is defined. It is making attacks that specifically target civilian noncombatants--those with negligible military value. The reason we call it "terrorism" in English is that it has no purpose but to produce terror. It does nothing, on its own, to win a war. If that's ALL you can do, then you may as well give up, as victory is impossible through violence.

>> No.3970369

Holy shit you are insane

>> No.3970386

you have been trolled

>> No.3970396

>lol i trol u

>> No.3970445

LOL OP is just like the rest of /jp/. Probably was some loser kid in high school with one or two outcast friends. Most likely pimply/bad skin, overweight/out of shape, and generally ugly. Played games or developed an interest in the "occult" after reading a Wiccan spellbook in the library, and decided to join a k00l kult to be edgy and original. You're all a bunch of disgusting losers

ughhh you weeaboos even attract social degenerates like this to your board

hahaha stopping by this board once in awhile for a laugh is pretty good i guess

>> No.3970449
File: 69 KB, 560x600, 67-e990b5e4b8b8e59cb0e78d84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to have nothing but anger and hate in you and you feel that murder is ok. Murder is not OK, but liberating beings from their bodies through phowa is. It is an act done in kindness to prevent them from sinning more, thus leading to avici or Hell.

>> No.3970450


>> No.3970454

so how large is the group
is it like very organized and how do you join

>> No.3970461

Nobody here is actually a weeaboo in it's rightful meaning.

>> No.3970463

It is a well organized group operating out of a former storefront, with connections to the Japanese mainland. We get information from them and communicate back and forth. It is a well oiled machine at work.

>> No.3970472


>In 1995, the group claimed they had 9,000 members in Japan, and as many as 40,000 worldwide[citation needed]. As of 2008[update], Aum Shinrikyo/Aleph membership is estimated at 1,650 people by the government.

>> No.3970483

Let's say i'm interested to know more, how do you prove to me that your religion is the SUPREME truth? That single needle in the haystack without relying to some science fiction talk?

>> No.3970500

The translation Supreme Truth is a misnomer, one not found in オウム真理教 which is broken down into:
真理: shinri means a truth of the universe
教: kyou means teaching of/religion
Nothing about Supreme Truth is found other than what is shown in translated works, which are misleading. Next question, since I'm on a roll and it seems you are too.

>> No.3970581

sorry people have to do what is necessary for liberation. BTW I'm black and support Malcolm X

>> No.3970590

haha what?

>> No.3970593

no - he's justified in his actions, If all the black population of America were to end up in a Yugoslav-type war I would not condemn actions by black nationalist insurgents

>> No.3970603

I'm 19, college sophmore, am black, am skinny, and I'm agnostic.

Fuck offf neurotypical

>> No.3970612

Why was aum shinse renamed to aum shinrikyo?

>> No.3970615

Don't diss "terrorists" because they are often forced to become "Terrorists", and the whole term 'terrorist' is hard to define, yes I know the UN has made concrete definitions. one person's terrorist is another mans freedom fighter after all

>> No.3970616

>and I'm agnostic.

O shit, this nigger is hardcore smart.

>> No.3970622

lol. butthurt that your bullshit slander of /jp/ is fail?

>> No.3970625


>> No.3970627

Don't be racist, it's funny though.

>> No.3970639

Holy shit this guy knows god tier japanese, he must be right!

>> No.3970640


I have no idea what you're talking about. I just think it's unfathomably hilarious that a 19 year old college freshman thinks he knows anything about the world, much less cosmology and religion.

>> No.3970648
File: 72 KB, 1389x1785, all-seeing_eye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a member of the European religious group called the Illuminati. I am here to clear away any questions you may have regarding Illuminati or Enlightenment in general. It is known by us that attacks were carried out on submarines in the Atlantic, but that is also part of the past. I am here to address the issues that still arise even after all this time. Feel free to ask any kind of question and do not worry about offending me. I do this so we can improve our public image, even outside of areas under our control. Feel free to ask anything.

>> No.3970653

sophmore, newfag.

Besides, how much do you know oh great one?

>> No.3970664

I'm 19, been 3 years in college and still think I'm not wise enough for these discussions, what's up with that?

>> No.3970671

wise? this stuff is simple. I guess I have an obsession with this stuff

>> No.3970672

Good one

>> No.3970680




im out. night :)

>> No.3970683

This is more complex than you think

>> No.3970685

>sophmore, newfag.

Cool yet wildly incorrect assumptions bro.

>Besides, how much do you know oh great one?

Let me put it this way, I know enough that I don't overstep my boundaries intellectually (or philosophically for that matter) and I know enough not to talk like an internet tough guy.

>> No.3970688

I'll give you a cookie if you can explain how terrorism liberates anyone.

I'll seal it in a box and mail it to middle-of-fucking-nowhere-istan if I have to.

>forced to become "Terrorists"
That is utter nonsense.

>> No.3970689

Thanks, I try.

>> No.3970702

You a britfag?

US colleges are what you'd call universities. This causes some confusion.

>> No.3970711


>> No.3970725
File: 249 KB, 660x547, cynthia803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm was wondering why /jp/ seemed so weird right now, but then it hit me.:


It's Christmas. Everyone is home from work. It's the dreaded Newfriend Weekend!

>> No.3970727

Cool cheap rhetoric bro

>> No.3970734

Yeah, University.
Calling everything college is much easier

>> No.3970744

That explains the large quantity of outsiders for one.

>> No.3970761

I'm confused. Why would that be any different from any weekend?
And why newfriends? Weekends are lower quality not because of newfriends, but because of immature schoolchildren having more time to post (Alice tripfriend, Taiko Drum Master, Sion, etc.) who have already been here a long time and show no signs of maturing.

>> No.3970774

Well, in the UK college is age 16-18, typically, while universities are 18-21. They're effectively distinct.

In the US, colleges and universities are both 18-22. The only distinction is that universities have research laboratories.

>> No.3970783

Taiko is at least 20 yr old and is on #meltan right now. So sad isn't it.

>> No.3970795

Even so, /jp/ averages about 2000 more users during the breaks.

>> No.3970821

I see

>> No.3971055

I can see how someone can join this religious but personally I think it's a stupid and ill-thought out idea.

Truth is merely something we can come to an agreement to. If I say that thing if purple, and you can agree that it's purple, we can both call it purple even though in reality it might be green. The same applies with your brainwashing. What you believe is normal might not be what everyone else thinks is normal.

With that being said, having yourself willingly brainwashed into a mindless slave that will kill anyone for your master is simply not normal by most anyones standards. I'm not going to say you have to be like everyone else, and I would start going into a whole "You should rethink this and blah blah blah" speech, but I know that any brainwashed religious person automatically disregards anything that goes against their belief.

Enjoy trying to get your words through this guys religious barrier /jp/.

>> No.3971078
File: 163 KB, 458x434, Picture 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once I get around to finding/buying a attachable neckbeard, cause, fuckyou, I'm not growing it out, I'm gonna cosplay this.

>> No.3971095

Aum Shinrikyou is the one trying to make the world a happier place by painting everything blue, right?

>> No.3972619

Care to explain the Palestinians? Shit, care to explain Hezbollah? Resorting to terrorism, as well as conventional tactics forced Israel to withdraw TWICE from their territory. You force the occupying forces to withdraw by hitting their will to fight; e.g. what happened in Vietnam

Discussing things on the internet is overstepping yourself intellectually =/

Politics pervades life, it's good to get some skill discusscing it.

>> No.3972661

I never said this, since I only said that we are not a terrorist group as many have stated.

>> No.3972675

You are a terrorist group as far as the law in my country is considered.

>> No.3972751

What country would that be? Even America does not give it's citizens freedom of religion. The way they treated the Branch Davidians showed that religious freedom is a joke in the US. It's a funny thing who is called dangerous and a terrorist.
