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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3957633 No.3957633 [Reply] [Original]

Fascinating...truly fascinating, we spent years saying we were better than /a/ and that we never would go back there for anything, yet /jp/ gets down for a few minutes and we invade /a/, shitposting as much as humanly possible in a manner that would make /b/ fucking proud.

12/23/09 - The day /jp/ was confirmed for being /b/ with elitist fags

>> No.3957656

fascinating tale, brethren

>> No.3957657

/jap/ > /a/ > /jp/

I miss that short bonding time ;_;

>> No.3957662

It was a necessary evil. The message was clear.

>> No.3957673

Op speaks the truth.

>> No.3957677

Don't use the word "we"

It's pretty obvious you're an /a/sshole

>> No.3957680

It was glorious. I almost felt whole again.

>> No.3957682

Yeah, that was the shitty side of our users.
Us normal ones went to the ghost board.

>> No.3957688

itt: /a/

>> No.3957691
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>> No.3957693

Haha, no. Gb2/a/

>> No.3957710
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I didn't see much shitposting, only a sad and lonely /jp/. ;_;

>> No.3957712

Old /b/ wen't to /a/ when posting in /b/ became like pissing into a sea of piss.
When /a/ became the newfag shitfest it is now the old ppl already went to /jp/.
That's why this place is so awesome.
And seriously, who the hell browses any board for it's content?

Exept /trv/. /trv/ is the good girl of all boards

>> No.3957713

I missed you the most.

>> No.3957733


>12/23/09 - The day /jp/ was confirmed for being /b/ with elitist fags

But everyone knew this all the time, OP. That's why /jp/ is the most hated board and a supreme embarrassment to Moot - to the point of him being annoyed at remembering we even exist.

>> No.3957734

>Just came back from invading /a/
>Trying to pass the impression of having a moral highground.

Nope, if you can spam and shitpost on /a/, I can stay here too for as long as I want.

>> No.3957738

Y-you're just saying that!

>> No.3957762

It's true! I was devastated at the thought of never seeing you again! I love you so.

>> No.3957787

/a/ here. You're bros /jp/. I don't care what they say.

>> No.3957802
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>> No.3957810

Moot is just beeing tsundere.
Seriously, the elitist jerks made 4chan what it is today.
Without the people here 4chan would loose it's appeal.
/jp/ is like a VIP board.

>> No.3957814


Speak for yourself.

And, yes, we have a steady influx of /a/ssholes and /b/tards. This is nothing new. Those people never left /a/, they just waited for an opportunity to do some trolling and flaming there (since that's the only thing /a/ is good for recently).

It's a pity they come here, but nothing can be done.

>> No.3957819

I always said that if /jp/ went away everyone would go back to /a/.
This isn't something like a /b/ invasion, /jp/ was created to get rid of certain people from /a/ in the first place.

As for shitposting, I think anyone would be sad when their safe haven disappears.
Were you expecting people go go back to /a/ that's been left to rot and grow even worse all this while than when we left and act like buddies like nothing happened?

>> No.3957833

Makes you wonder which board has the most ADTRW in it, I'm betting this one

>> No.3957847

/jp/ really did that? Well, fuck you guys.

>> No.3957853
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If /a/ went down the same thing would happen.

Now stop trolling, faggot.

>> No.3957855

Thats the point.
Moot thought /a/ was shitty and splittet it.
That lead to /s/ becoming even shittier.
And that's why moot hates /jp/.

>> No.3957862

I don't think you can call it "shitposting" when the quality is above that of the board's usual posts.

>> No.3957872

I'm not gonna lie, I dual boarded it for almost 6 weeks after (I liked starting True Tears shitstorms), it was amazing how bad it became.

>> No.3957874


This. Seriously, did you see /a/?

It was like a time machine to those good old days that don't exist!

>> No.3957885

Typical /a/ post.

Note how it tries to pass a feeling of superiority even though it adds nothing to the discussion.

>> No.3957895

Yeah, because making 20 Touhou threads per minute, hijacking already existing threads and offending the people that did nothing to deserve it is what comes to my mind when I think of quality posting.

>> No.3957901
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So you think that hijacking Naruto threads is no improvement of quality?

>> No.3957906

Didn't you fags create /bun/ just to have it in case /jp/ goes down? Why the fuck did you all go back to /a/?

>> No.3957911

/bun/devs aren't related to /jp/, fuck off.

>> No.3957920


Because /b/un was hijacked by undesirable elements.

>> No.3957921

Don't even fucking start. You faggots were begging Aya for a second website, and he made one for you.


>> No.3957922

The normal /a/ friends were just as much a part of the shitstorm as they got caught up in the drama, and probably some from other boards as they came to see what was going on.

>> No.3957926

bun can die in a fire. Most of us don't go to or post there.

>> No.3957932

Like what? Anime and video games? Everyone always talks about anime and video games on /jp/.

>> No.3957948

>you fags

Yeah, because every board is a hivemind. Is that what kids on /a/ and /b/ believe those days?

>> No.3957952

And that's why it will always stay dead. Because you don't even want to give it a chance. If we all just moved there, it'd become a good board and we wouldn't need 4chan anymore.

But fine, whatever, enjoy your "epic raids" and memes.

>> No.3957960

What happened? I missed it.

>> No.3957961

Enjoy your black metal, mirrors, MMORPGs, and fapping threads.

>> No.3957979

/jp/ goes down for 20 minutes, invades /a/ in the most pathetic /b/tard manner.

That's all there is to it.

>> No.3957982

I thought /jp/ was above that.

>> No.3957990
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No idea what your all talking about I wasnt on /a/ for a month.

>> No.3957995

It is, mostly. /a/ was trolling itself, as usual.

>> No.3958004

Blame the people who go to both /a/ and /jp/.

>> No.3958007

No moderation on any board on 4chan is the greatest gift known to man, which is what we have here on /jp/

/bun/ has 10x the moderation of any board on 4chan thus it is the most undesirable thing in existance.

>> No.3958008

I will personally erase this incident out of my mind so I can keep deluding myself into thinking we would never do such a thing.

>> No.3958010

There are /jp/ers who still don't mind clicking on /a/?

>> No.3958011

Fuck no and fuck you. Everyone agrees. It stinks.

>> No.3958051

Sure, let's judge an entire board based on a some retards.
And /jp/ isn't a real board, it's only some half-assed place where we can discuss in depth some our nichè hobbies.
Most people on /jp/ are regulars on other boards, mostly /a/ and /v/.
So there are no /jp/'s anons.

>> No.3958063

It was actually quite civil, yes people were dumping touhou images and importing /jp/ memes to /a/ (there was a few bawson, japanese bird and so on), but people from both side of the wall come to discover that we're not all that different.

And as soon as /jp/ went back up everyone stopped and came back

>> No.3958069

Speak for yourself. I migrated from /a/ since the split and this has been my only board since. I do peek at other boards out of curiosity from the time to time however.

>> No.3958074
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Yes there are, I never visit a like once in 3 months, /v/ once a week, /g/ once a week too, but /jp/ 50 times a day.

>> No.3958083

Actually, when /jp/ went down I played MW2 all night.

>> No.3958094

This, except that I only lurk /v/ from time to time.
Left /a/ for good after the split.

>> No.3958098

Next time please play a non CASUALS fps.

>> No.3958106

I only lurk on /jp/.

>> No.3958107

>we're not all that different

Well of course trolls and flamers are the same everywhere. And, given the usual contents of /a/, you must have felt at home there.

>> No.3958120

It's fun because it IS casuals. They are all a bunch of fucking morons so it makes for good trolling, which is what I pretty much do the whole time rather than 'OH LOOK IM ON MY 38549349343TH PRESTIGE'.

I play other stuff, but I didn't want to sit on my PC which is the only place I play FPS or most games in general, and instead wanted to play some PS3 so it was the best option.

>> No.3958123

I fucking missed it because I was busy getting new /jp/ related albums. I spend too much time organizing music.

>> No.3958125

Oh, is that what it stands for? I thought people were talking about Mechwarrior 2 all this time.

>> No.3958126

I played Monster Hunter. It's a game made in Japan so I am inherently better.

>> No.3958135
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Well I talked to my waifu some too as usual. She exists and isn't just a drawing so I am inherently better.

>> No.3958137

Like I said before, /jp/ going to /a/ due to downtime is fun.

But not the other way around.

What's wrong with having a bit of fun? (For the /jp/ers anyway)

>> No.3958140
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>> No.3958143

I'm in the same boat.

>> No.3958145

How come a mod deletes a thread with some real discussion about a way to improve /jp/ but leaves a troll thread like this up?

>> No.3958146

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
k.com thanks in advance have a nice day

>> No.3958150

i felt like it

>> No.3958152

What the fuck?


>> No.3958155

Because mod are former anons and thus idiots.

>> No.3958158


Damn, now I feel like playing some Ghost Bear's Legacy.

>> No.3958160

The sad thing is, /a/ is going to /jp/ all the time lately, even when they don't have a downtime.

See: this thread.

>> No.3958163

In non casual FPS, there are no RPG elements only shoting, look at CSS COD2 etc... the REAL FPS

>> No.3958166

The thread was based on an outright lie,

>> No.3958167

It's hard when even a shitposter tripfag has more common sense then a good portion of the board.

When I saw /jp/ was down, I knew people would scatter, but the majority would find something else to do until things got cleared up, then I went to /a/, thinking there would be one or two threads concerning the matter and found that fucking travesty, I didn't even have the courage to post anything, I was just fucking ashamed.

>> No.3958170

Currently, I only actively lurk /jp/ and /prog/.

>> No.3958173
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>real FPS

>> No.3958177

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
k.com thanks in advance have a nice day

>> No.3958186

You were ashamed of /a/ trolling itself?

I'm more ashamed of /jp/ having those two or three incidental metathreads on the front page right now.

>> No.3958187

Yes, it's not q3 where it's all HRRR DURR SPEED REFLEX. Inb4 waiting for upgrades and quad is tactics.

>> No.3958188

lie or not, there was actual discussion and ideas that could have worked.

/vn/ - Visual Novels & Touhou
would have been well done and the shitty japanophiles and idolfags would have gone away.

>> No.3958197


Oh you and your /v/ faggotry. I still think buggy mediocre BF2 is the best FPS. Best as in the most fun which I couldn't care less about anything else when it comes to video games aside from how fun they are for me.

Also, unrelated but I guess my post didnt go through but I only go to /jp/ ever since the split. And the few times I'm on /a/ are only in jojo/fkmt threads get linked to me, but I still keep to the whole 'i dont remove my trip no matter what' thing so yeah.

>> No.3958200

>/jp/ gets down for a few minutes and we invade /a/, shitposting as much as humanly possible in a manner that would make /b/ fucking proud.
I don't remember this.
We simply read VNs during downtime, right?

>> No.3958201

I thought it was /vn/ Visual Novels & DoujinSoft.

>> No.3958206
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just give up already, the entire internet is full of shit

>> No.3958208

>/a/ sucks
>/jp/ is a VIP board
>ad nauseum
This is what makes the trolling so satisfying. Keep it up, boys.

>> No.3958213

fuck you.

>> No.3958224

Ashamed because when I say that /jp/ is better than /a/, I mean it, and it would never even pass through my mind /jp/ would be raiding any board whatever the situation may be.

>> No.3958225
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I was asleep and I quite dislike all of you.

>> No.3958228

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
k.com thanks in advance have a nice day

>> No.3958229

oh look, the idolfag from the 404'd thread.

/vn/ - Visual Novels, DoujinSofts, & Touhou


>> No.3958230
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Why is this thread so shitty?

>> No.3958233

Back to /a/, please !

>> No.3958235

Who the fuck are all those new tripfags? What's with the sudden influx lately?

>> No.3958238

Well people fully expected moot to pull the plug for good, so seen as we believed reunification was for real might as well make /a/ like /jp/ and post touhou.

>> No.3958239

So, what the fuck happened exactly?
I sleep and all kins of shit occurs.

>> No.3958245

But I've always been here ;_;

>> No.3958246


/a/ is full of kids seriously discussing big three. Anything is better than that.

>> No.3958251

Back to /a/, please.

>> No.3958252


I think the tide dragged in some detritus from /a/.

>> No.3958254

I would think holidays but I'm not sure.

>> No.3958262

They also have seriously discussions trolling LoGH.

Which made me very very sad.

>> No.3958264

Who are you again? That guy who posts images of Arcueid all the time?

>> No.3958268

Does /a/ have Jojo threads anymore/

>> No.3958270

/a/ and /jp/ trolling each other and metathread

I like it over here, idolfag. i'm not running around trolling anyways.

right, because talking about a manga that you don't like makes a board bad, right?

4chan maintenance, /jp/ didn't come back, /jp/ swarms /a/ (/jap/ how i miss you ;_;), /jp/ comes back

>> No.3958275

>right, because talking about a manga that you don't like makes a board bad, right?
did you miss all the kubo shop spam, cocksucking and unfunny ciclejerk that happens daily on /a/?

>> No.3958277


>> No.3958279

Blame the /a/ and /jp/ dual lurkers.

Most /jp/ ONRY lurkers were saying goodbye to 4chan on the ghost board.

>> No.3958283

You go to /a/?

>> No.3958284

y u so mean?

>> No.3958287

I may be a closet idolfriend, but I'll be honest, I would do anything for /jp/ to be replaced with a /vn/ board at this point. Idol threads are mostly antonymous from the rest of /jp/ anyway and we could probably take that stuff somewhere else.

Along with Touhou, VNs are why I came here in the first place and a /vn/ board would cut out a lot of the obviously off-topic (all things Japanese welcome) bullshit that has plagued this board from the start. It would need active moderation though, at least at first. Arc and his friends can all go back to /b/ for good when this happens.

>> No.3958290

> not saging a metathread

Not an idolfag, but I like /jp/ as it is.
I've been here since the split, and never looked back.
I never seen you before here, and you seem to be some troll from /a/.

Your first post:
>C'mon moot, kill /jp/ already.
So get the fuck out of here, and back to /a/ with you!

>> No.3958291

I see it all the time, hence why i only ever post in writefag threads and waifu threads, but the guy i was referring to talked as though actual talk about the manga chapters made the board shit.

i usually see one pop up every day or two

>> No.3958295

and surprisingly they are better posters than you

>> No.3958297

Anything huh? So would you suck moot's hyperweapon to make that happen?

>> No.3958298


The board will just become TypeMoon/Rance

>> No.3958300
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>Arc and his friends can all go back to /b/ for good when this happens.

>> No.3958301


It's better than the TypeMoon/Rance/b/ thing we have right now.

>> No.3958304

I'm okay with this.

>> No.3958306


So you finally left /bun/?

>> No.3958307

All boards (maybe except /tg/) are just /b/ with the relevant interest

>> No.3958310

>durrrr heeee heeee our manga for kids had a dumb twist! we're all faggot nerds with bad eyesight, lets touch our dicks together and admire kubo's trolling!

>> No.3958320
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Hi Arc!

>> No.3958324

Of course not. I post on both boards.

>> No.3958326

So I was right.

>> No.3958327

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
k.com thanks in advance have a nice day

>> No.3958328

/jp/ is terrible, /a/ is terrible. but with all the mess during the downtime the two together was better.
if you'd have actually payed attention when you looked me up, you'd see i have been talking about how /jap/ would be good and barring that, /vn/.

oh and i may be new here from /a/, but i'm not trolling i honestly liked the /jp/-/a/. and i'd be on a /vn/ board constantly. and i used sage, happy?

Bleach is a bad example to use, Kubo is annoying and i agree that that shit shouldn't be allowed

>> No.3958330

Don't talk to that nigger, son, you will just become stupid like him.

>> No.3958334

Stop being moe.

>> No.3958344
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B-but Arc's my buddy!

>> No.3958347

>Bleach is a bad example to use, Kubo is annoying and i agree that that shit shouldn't be allowed
replace kubo with that guy with the mustache for one piece
same with the sharingans for naruto

>> No.3958352

I don't even know who the hell kubo is.

>> No.3958357


Hallo! I am just about to go to bed, you caught me.

(in b4 goodnight jp)

>> No.3958360

the faggot who draws bleach

>> No.3958363

Are you retarded? There is no 23rd month!

>> No.3958367

they're terrible yes, but they get spammed everywhere usually because someone spams the thread to death.
/a/ doesn't know how to ignore anything they don't like. i am almost positive that if no one spammed one of the threads and ignored them, the shit wouldn't be everywhere.

>> No.3958371


Americans are so dumb, they think that months change faster than days, so they place them at the beginning.

>> No.3958368
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Goodnight, Arc!
