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3948715 No.3948715 [Reply] [Original]

Overrated shit.
Seriously ,the firsts 2 movies are so boring and nonsensical.
The 3rd is kinda ok, and after how bad the 4th was I don't care anymore.

Why is this shit so hyped? Shiki is just a boring Mary Sue.
The OST is awesome though, i don't even watch the movies anymore and keep downloading the OST.

>> No.3948721

Not sure if troll.

>> No.3948719

You just had to make a thread about this?

>> No.3948722

How is Shiki even a mary sue? She has the same power as Tohno, but less people like her and she's a huge bitch to everyone she meets.

>> No.3948724

This is /jp/ not /a/, faggot.

>> No.3948725

>stopping before the 5th movie

Lol troll.

>> No.3948728

I liked them

>> No.3948730

Yeah, what's with all the talking? I want fights and explosions.

>> No.3948731

She is not a mary sue.
Boring...Sure, whatever.
They make sense, just not necessarily a good one, along with impressions.
And 4 being BAD is weird, there is not that much there for it to be messed up.
Guess it does not fit your tastes, whatever they are.

>> No.3948732

Shiki is a Mary Sue, bro.

>> No.3948735

I think he wanted an explanation, not someone repeating.

>> No.3948736

The fourth movie is very, very boring and nothing happens on it.

>> No.3948737

Quit saying Mary Sue, fags

>> No.3948738
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Which Shiki?

Oh goddamn this is confusing. Fuck you Nasu, why couldn't you of named Tohno, like, fuck, Goku or something.

>> No.3948744

It has some basic explanation and transition(between Shiki in the 2nd movie and the others). It's of the shortest ones too. Hard to say it's off-putting to that degree.

Though I suspect people expected an action focus and were sorely disappointed.

>> No.3948747
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>> No.3948754

Ryogi is a Mary Sue:

Hax, overpowered fighting skills, lacking noteworthy flaws, the fights are easy to her without even trying, the author seems to favor the character too highly.
She is a textbook Mary Sue, the author seems to push how exceptional and wonderful the character is on his or her audience.

>> No.3948755

...What the fuck have you been watching Hose?

>> No.3948757


This, guess you don't like talking and all you want is GAR FIGHT SCENES GAR.

>> No.3948759

>Lacking noteworthy flaws

>> No.3948762


>> No.3948761


Hahaha say that about the 5th 6th and 7th movies, bro.

>> No.3948765

Not OP but, the KNK movies are mediocre at best.

1st - average
2nd - average
3rd - kind of good
4th - average
5th - pretty good
6th - it was "okay"
7th - cg drool

>> No.3948768

you better be trolling bro, she moves at super speed and jumps of a building in the 7th movie.
She beats Lio barely trying and severely injured.

>> No.3948769

Acceptable comment.
I got more of the impression that she is fucked up in the head and needs support from another character, but each to his own interpretation.
I guess that is a wonderful thing on it;s own.

>> No.3948771

Disregarding their first encounter of course, and the fact that Lio lunges stupidly forward at that segment.
Not like anyone else has hax or impressive physical skills in the story, no sir.

>> No.3948775

I don't get what's so good about the movies either.

>> No.3948777


Sometimes, but then sometimes she just stood there and get her ass kicked. What I meant to say was that, while she may have been a top notch fighter in the 7th movie, her emotional issues severely weighted her down.

>> No.3948784

>Mary Sue


>> No.3948792

Well, just from a technical standpoint, they are good.
Pretty, well-animated and good music.
Then, the focus, character dynamics and interaction are not common, so stick in the 'It's Different tag'.
After that, it's up to the individual whether he lieks the narration, characters, pace and events.
Quite a few people did, so it was successful.
People who liked the novels must have enjoyed it, since it mostly makes improvements on the source material.

>> No.3948794

Another point to add to her Mary Sueness is that she spent 2 YEARS in a comma, she should have a really, really bad physical condition, but she recovered "miraculously" and gained top notch physical skills again, somehow.
That is bullshit no matter how you see it.

>> No.3948797


I heard there were people who still thought the movies weren't faithful to the novels, though. Of course, they're probably just trolls.

>> No.3948798

How do you spend two years in a comma?

>> No.3948799


disregarding the 6th movie, at least.

>> No.3948801

I've read the novels, the movies aren't faithful to them, but are much better, so nobody cares.

>> No.3948806

ITT: We think the term Mary Sure means "character we don't like."

>> No.3948802

...Wow, your arguments start to run thin.

>> No.3948804

Alright, and why is Shiki a mary sue and not Arcueid. When Arcueid is clearly flawless and more powerful, why?

>> No.3948808


Except Arcueid almost dies at the end of her route, flawless she's not.

>> No.3948807

They do not 'betray anything', they do not include quite a few stuff though, for the sake of pace.
A few of these omissions are noticeable, but hey, when fixing Nasu over-exposition, you have to cut a god chunk.

>> No.3948809

Protip: Neither of them is.

>> No.3948813


>Hax, overpowered fighting skills
She's not nearly as strong as most of the people in the Type-Moon universe.

>lacking noteworthy flaws
Because being bloodthirsty and apathetic to pretty much everyone who isn't Kokuto is nothing right?

>the fights are easy to her without even trying
Never mind the fact that she lost her arm in one fight and was beat up and captured in another and collapsed right after she won.

>> No.3948817

Cause Ryougi never gets injured or hampered.
Cut limbs and comas notwithstanding.
And facing death or not is not really the criteria that matters.

>> No.3948828

So it makes sense to you that someone who spent 2 years in coma, with zero to minimal physical exercise has top notch physical condition not too long after that?

>> No.3948833

The true gary stue is Mikiya.
A true self insert if I know one.

>> No.3948842

Arcueid can't die, she will never die. The only way to kill her is by destroying the planet. In MBAA, in Roa's ending, Roa kills her, and since she didn't have enough power to revive herself, the planet brings her back to her Archetype Earth form at full power. She is superior to Shiki in that regard, you can't say she is not perfect. Obviously the planet was going to bring her back in her route anyway

>> No.3948841
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>Seriously ,the firsts 2 movies are so boring and nonsensical.
I could that of the first one but not of the second one so fuck off

>> No.3948838


I haven't read the novels but she was breathing a lot harder than she usually does for a much shorter fight in that movie. Besides she comes from a family of demon hunters, we already know what kind of crazy stuff they can do when demons show up by looking at Nanaya Shiki.

>> No.3948850

Unless Shiki hit dots.
And having to sleep forever lest bloodlust takes over and you never recover is not really 'All is cool and perfect'.
As much sense as gaining eyes that flash and let you slice shit.

>> No.3948866

She can die, plenty of other it's just so extremely hard to kill her that it doesn't really matter though.

>> No.3948875

The Nanayas are an exception, they're the absolute elite of the demon hunters, and Tohno/Nanaya Shiki has incredibly physical skills and he's vegetarian, he needs that physical prowess to be able to do the shit he does.
Ryogi shouldn't have any physical skill after basically 2 years of no excersise and lying in bed.

>> No.3948879

> The 3rd is kinda ok

>> No.3948880
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It's pretty obvious that the hospital staff were exercising her regularly.

>> No.3948881

Shiki never really exercised other than a jog and can ceiling jump. Ryougi not a kickass enough Demon Hunter family for you to excuse her not atrophying much?

>> No.3948896

Except with 30% and 100% of her power her dots and lines can't be seen by the MEoDP. Just take a look at the opening speech beetween R.Shiki vs Arcueid or Archetype Earth in MBAA, she says the same thing, which is obviously "I can't see her lines"

The only way to kill her is by cutting her conection with the planet, or destroy the planet itself, there is no other way, otherwise she will always return

>> No.3948903

Crimson Moon having ti take over is not the same as returning.
And yes, permanent death can happen.
All the Other True Ancestors and Demon Lords are now dead while the planet is still alive.

>> No.3948914

Just walking around in your daily life > some regular exercise from physicians.

>> No.3948911

Maybe you should have read the novels before. And the OST aren't really great. They somewhat fit the mood but that's it. Nothing remarkable.

>> No.3948919

Ryougi just had a much higher base then.
That's not even accounting 'not the same medical technology' or supernatural explanations.
It's not like she jumps 50 ft in the air.
Pointless argument.

>> No.3948931

I don't know why people don't like th 1st one, the whole metaphore about flying was pretty good and made me think a bit, while not on the level of the best, it was pretty good

>> No.3948934

oh look, another power level thread.

>> No.3948938

She runs faster than the "magare" girls' eyes can follow, against the wind and the rain, and jump though some windows, falling at a considerable heigh.

Nope, not Mary Sue at all.

>> No.3948942


>> No.3948943


>> No.3948955

Faster against an unaccustomed with fighting girl, and she sports somewhat impressive physical abilities against a girl that can crush a FUCKING bridge. You ruin your own arguments.

>> No.3948954

Arcueid is Archetype Earth. Since Gaia itself doesn't have a Type, Arcueid plays that role. Also Arcueid is way more powerful than a mere True Ancestor, and is basically the planet's child, Gaia is not going to let something happens to her

>> No.3948959

All the True Ancestors are.
The strongest ones that come clsoe to Crimson Moon get the Brunestad title.
There were others before Arcuied.
They are not here now.
It's quite simple.

>> No.3948984

Arcueid was the most powerful of the True Ancestors. The Demon Lords are the True Ancestors that can't resist their lust for blood right, and Arcueid killed all of them without breaking a sweet. Arcueid was the most powerful True Ancestor almost as powerful as Crimson moon, it seems you don't get it. Why do you think she was choosen as the executioner and no other one?

>> No.3948993

I like how nobody mentions her fight with Araya, where she makes movements impossible to do in a kimono.

And Shiki is not Mary Sue, except if Nasu wants to be the perfect waifu.

>> No.3948996

Because they had no more 'natural' Brunestuds and they bred her for that reason.
If the rest can die/dissipate, she can too.
Seriously, you read a bit too fucking much into it.

>> No.3949005

In the type moon universe nearly every character can pull of those without breaking a sweat. To be a Mary Sue you have to be exceptional within your own story, otherwise every character in DBZ is a Mary Sue.

>> No.3949013

Wait until

She fights her daughter in the timeskip

>> No.3949016

I never said she can't die. I just said the planet is not going to let her die because she is the defender of the planet, that's what makes her nigh immortal

>> No.3949922
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Mana has MEoDP?
