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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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39287347 No.39287347 [Reply] [Original]

Hello. I'm new. Is it okay to make a thread asking to talk? Please talk to me. I really like Madoka. I don't know if that's related to otaku culture, sorry. Lately I've liked the thought of eating her hair like cotton candy, so I've been wanting to buy some and imagine I'm doing it, but, I don't really go outside other than for school and don't know where to find cotton candy.

>> No.39287419

>I really like Madoka. I don't know if that's related to otaku culture
discussion of anime belongs on /a/.
> I don't really go outside other than for school
4chan is 18+ website.

>> No.39287436

drop a discord m8

>> No.39287441
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Yeah, sorry. I posted on /a/ and got deleted. I like 2D girls a lot, you know. I actually only watch anime like, once every 3 years, I don't even like it. I don't think I'm an anime guy. I think about 2D girls pretty much all the time, though, one of the only things keeping me going in life.
Ah, yes, no worries, I'm 18.

>> No.39287468

Uh, isn't that against the rules in this board? I'd imagine it is.

>> No.39287508

You should get off of this site honestly, you won't find any earnest conversation outside of small, specific threads.
Get on a social media site and look for other Madoka fans. Find a discord server or something.

>> No.39287544
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Oh. Well, I think there's nice people around. I mean, you, for example. And it's just that, well, I'm addicted to imageboards pretty hard for a while now, it's pretty bad and I should stop, but can't. And well, that's okay, I know, that's why I made my own thread, I've not looked around on the catalog here since I was 12.

>> No.39287560

You're more likely to find Madoka discussion on /a/ and /u/. These threads might be what you're looking for:
/jp/ is the touhou board, and you should lurk at least 2 years before posting here.

>> No.39287583

I have seen Madoka discussion on /jp/ before

>> No.39287611
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Uh, well, thank you for spending the time to link those, but, I don't really care for discussing anime. I just like 2D girls a lot. They make life easier. Ah, and, I didn't think of /u/, lol, is that an SFW board? I can only post on SFW ones because 4chan is blocked in my country.
>/jp/ is the touhou board, and you should lurk at least 2 years before posting here.
Yeah, I know, if only I was still into Touhou, I haven't been since I was 12, that's also when I lurked here, think I said. Thanks for trying to help, though, you're cool.

>> No.39287613

That's why I said more likely. You might sometimes see a Madoka or a Prisma Illya thread here, but they're nowhere near as common as in /a/ or /u/. /c/ also has threads dedicated to single characters including those from Madoka, but they are mostly image dumps with minimal discussion.

>> No.39287645

/u/ is NSFW

>> No.39287648

If you don't care much about the discussion and are only limited to SFW boards, /c/ is your best bet. See this:
for example.

>> No.39287683
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Ah, alright. That's also why I don't just go to /s4s/ or something to have casual talk. I literally can't. Altchans are okay, I guess, but I've gotten pretty attached to how fast this site is.
Yeah, I looked around there before, it is just image dumping. I'm more so just trying to talk with anyone about anything because, well, I'm lonely. Thanks, again. I think it's nice here if I don't get deleted, that'd be cool.

>> No.39287721

You might want to try /vg/, their threads are basically chatrooms.

>> No.39287769

Right, I've posted in a couple about games I like. They are a bit slow, though, so, with my imageboard addiction and all, I can't help but try to talk on a really fast board like this one. Oh, well, I think this is a nice board either way.

>> No.39287782

I've never watched Madoka, am I missing out?

>> No.39287835
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Not really. It's an okay anime, nothing amazeballs.

>> No.39287842
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Uh, well, I wouldn't know about it being good for anime standards or anything, I only watch anime once every 3 years, but it was the first media in a long time that actually got some emotion out of me, which was cool. Haven't bothered with the newer stuff though, and the fandom is repulsive. It's probably worth your time if you have enough to spare, and bored enough. I actually only watched it myself after like several months of just liking a character in it, and avatarfagging her, lol.

>> No.39287897

still waiting on that discord

who cares this is 4chan.

>> No.39287957

Oh, well, if you really want it, zonz#4526
Sorry if it's rule-breaking to send that.
>who cares this is 4chan
Well, I mean, still.

>> No.39288024
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This thread still belongs on /a/. Not every thread reaches bump limit. Most die after a few posts. I'd give this one an hour so enjoy the (you)s.

That being said if you really are this naive but still want attention I'd recomend going into disboard and find a server where people will groom your ass if you talk like a sissy girl. Here you'll find disdain to people with your attitude most of the time.

>> No.39288156

I find it endearing, honestly. It's nice when someone's not completely jaded

>> No.39288164
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Oh. I mean, well, apparently it's an ironic thread, that's why I got deleted on there. I could beg to not get deleted, I don't know if that'd work. To be honest, I like this board more, at least I'm a bit used to it. And well, it's okay if the thread dies naturally, I don't know if I'm allowed to bump and beg for replies here, it's all cool if doesn't get jannied, is what I meant.
>That being said if you really are this naive but still want attention I'd recomend going into disboard and find a server where people will groom your ass if you talk like a sissy girl.
I mean, again, I'm just imageboard addicted. And, no, I really don't wanna get groomed or anything like that, I've some past with things like that, it's terrible. And, uh, well, I'm not really trying to talk like a sissy, lol, just don't wanna be mean to anyone.
>Here you'll find disdain to people with your attitude most of the time.
Ah. Well, I think I'm used to that, after enough time in certain places. Thanks for all the advice, I know you mean well by trying to steer me out of this place because, imageboards can really mess with you after long enough, especially if you're very lonely and everything, it looks like a harmless load of text, but it can do serious damage.

>> No.39288772
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Bump. Please talk to me. Please?

>> No.39288804
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no, you're annoying. piss off.

>> No.39288822
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Ah, yeah, I know, sorry. But, please?

>> No.39288840
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You're weird and endearing. How's your day been?

>> No.39288935
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Ah, well, thanks. My day has been alright so far, it did just pretty much start because I got out of bed like a bit ago. I mean, I just checked my exam results and apparently I got a 10 in history, out of a 100, but I'm pretty relaxed about it, I think I've figured that I flunked more than a couple anyway. Oh, and, I skipped school because I overslept, while I was planning on skipping it anyway and going to an internet cafe instead. I'm feeling too tired to do it, now. And I guess it kind of sucks because I thought I could not go to school this entire week, because of some religious stuff going on here and nobody showing up, but it looks like I'm gonna have to anyway. Oh, well, I still get a 10 day or so break after this last week, so it's still some green.

>> No.39288959

That nigga wants to groom you, so he can pump your dumper while you wear cat ears.

>> No.39289024
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Wow, you're really weird! Doing so poorly in school like that. What do you do for fun, other than imageboard socializing.

>> No.39289027
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Madoka is cute. I bet her used panties smell like strawberries.

>> No.39289037
File: 17 KB, 400x399, 1462077674444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's so much wrong in you I dont even know where to begin. the way you write is disgusting, you dont even watch anime and just avatarfag the characters despite not even initially seeing the show? you've lurked here before for a long time and despite that you decide to go against the rules and create threads for your own attention? just get the fuck out of jp and go be a snowflake somewhere else. I hope the mods do something soon.
