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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3928090 No.3928090 [Reply] [Original]

>losing a life during the first 3 stages
>puching yourself and/or the keyboard
>saying it's the last time you try again
>repeating this process for two hours

I hate Touhou.

>> No.3928095

Violence is never the solution.

>> No.3928106

i only play easy modo

>> No.3928117

you can play a casual game if this is too hard for you

>> No.3928130

Touhou IS a casual game. Real hardcore gamers play exclusively mature first person shooters for mature audience such as themselves.

>> No.3928135

Well, well, maybe this wasn't obvious enough for you, but I was talking about lunatic here. Who the hell would lose a life in the first three stages of a normal/hard run?

>> No.3928137
File: 252 KB, 410x385, AWESOME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread begs for reactionfaces.jpg

>> No.3928153

do it...

also, sexy reaction image.

>> No.3928156

This but with crashing trying to get a UFO. Or getting the wrong UFO.

>> No.3928157

oh man letty is shit, no need to concentrate at all

*loses a life in table turning*

>> No.3928167

Someone who wasn't as good? Maybe it was meant to be a troll, but people really do say things that stupid.

>> No.3928175

It's never forgivable to lose a life in the first 3. Fourth would have been better.

Time to kill yourself, huh?

>> No.3928178


vitamin something I think...

>> No.3928179

Yeah, UFO has definitely set my restart counter to an incredibly high number.
And then, when I finally manage to make a perfect stage 1-2-3 run, with full lives and 4 bombs (ie perfect UFO collecting), I fuck everything up in stage 4-5-6 because I'm too confident.

>> No.3928220

I die in the first two stages of SA every time. On normal.
I got to the last stage of IN on lunatic with gratuitous bombing though. :(

>> No.3928226

SA is special. ZUN thought it'd be funny to try some new horrible shooting types that people would never be able to use properly. And he thought it'd be funny to penalize bombing as much as losing 2 legs and one arm and a half.

>> No.3928231

Fucking Parsee

>> No.3928238

I'm pretty sure Parsee is the hardest stage 2 boss. I thought Meira was annoying, but Parsee takes the cake.

>> No.3928287

Haha Meira. Hey this boss seems eas- OH GOD I'M SLASHED

Based on my small experience I'd say Kogasa is the hardest > Normal, although Lunatic Chen is pretty evil too. Parsee's kinda easy once you figure out the methods.

>> No.3928593

Goddamn Kanako is a bitch. I was all set to do my first 1cc ever, on my first go at MoF (easymodo), when all of the sudden, bam. She's a fucking impenetrable wall for me. Even with infinite continues I can't even beat the stage to unlock practice mode.
Feels bad man.

>> No.3928621

For the first playthrough, your standard should be completing the game itself, rather than losing as few lives as possible.

That way, once you come back for the 1cc clear, you can do so without the need to conserve every single life/bomb nagging the back of your mind.

>> No.3928624

>You do realize this, came from /v/, right?
>It makes you look like shitposter.
>And yet you keep doing it.
>Why do you enjoy looking like a shitposter?

If only I could report this thread.

>> No.3928632
File: 184 KB, 652x518, 1258417539118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3928636

Kogasa is pretty hard, but Meira still annoys the shit out of me.

>> No.3928668

Sadly, I suck this badly at MoF too.
Pretty much every game that unifies your bombs with your shootan power. Not being able to deathbomb reliably sucks too.

>> No.3928682

She's actually really easy once you realize how to misdirect her bullets. Which spell cards are you having trouble with?

>> No.3928700

>Parsee's kinda easy once you figure out the methods.

What exactly is the method to stop her filling the entire screen with dots? The first times it goes away after a while but then she keeps making them no matter how long you dodge.

>> No.3928736

Her very last one is the absolute worst. I've managed to clear the rest of them, most of them ~40% success rate, except for second to last, but I can usually bomb my way to safety on that one.

>> No.3928752

*loses life*
*punches wall*
*is 300 pounds*

>> No.3928754

Please tell me /jp/, as I have never fully grasped what the hell it is supposed to mean from /v/, what the difference is from a casual gamer and a hardcore gamer?

Whatever happened to being just some guy that plays video games?

>> No.3928758

Obvious troll.

>> No.3928760 [DELETED] 

>implying that greentext was invented by /v/

You sir should leave... NOW

>> No.3928762

Parsee makes a lot of dots that don't go away, could you please specify which attack you're talking about?

>> No.3928764

same here
isn't a gamer just a person who plays games?

>> No.3928766

No not really, it would be nice if I could receive a legitimate answer for once instead of, "Ur a troll!" "Obvious troll is obvious!"

What's the matter? Can't answer it?

>> No.3928777

A hardcore gamer spends the time to get good at games, and a casual just plays for the experience of playing. Note that I'm not saying hardcore is better.

>> No.3928790

Honestly, I have no idea what killed me half the time I die in games past IN.

>> No.3928802

But any game usually requires some time to get good at it. Even......Modern Warfare 2 required SOME semblance of playtime to get good so as to not get massacred in a gun battle. Hell GTA IV required me to get good at the new driving physics so I could effectively outrun enemies and required me to get used to the glitchy cover system so I wouldn't fuck up as much. Sure there may not been as much time involved in getting good as in say learning how to parry, counter and effectively use a fighter in SFIII: 3rd Strike or any fighting game. Hardcore? Casual? You're still both playing a video game.

>> No.3928806

Either the first or second spell card. She spawns dots on your location and you have to move out of their way. The last time she does it, they keep following me even when there's no where left to go.

I don't have problems with any other of her attacks but that one. It's not even a problem with that move except when she's down to a sliver of HP and I can't get in front of her enough times to kill her before I'm pushed to a corner and have to bomb.

>> No.3928813

I don't see how people can have any problems with Parsee.
She is one of the easiest Stage 2 bosses.

Chen and Kogasa on the other hand...

>> No.3928828

>Chen and Kogasa
weak troll.

>> No.3928826

Do you mean the one where she duplicates herself and shoot Big green dots and small white ones?
If so, just don't shoot at the green dot shooter and focus on the one shooting white one.

>> No.3928825

Hardcore: Tournament player or masochist type.
Casual: jewel quest player

Casual has evolved to be an insult for anyone who doesn't play a game in an unnecessarily difficult way.
I don't think hardcore's meaning has changed from tourneyfag but then no one uses it positively; they just call people casuals for not wanting to play hard games.

>> No.3928830

Harder than any other Stage 2 bosses.
Never said they were hard in general.

>> No.3928834

I assume you're talking about lunatic, because Chen on normal is a joke.

>> No.3928841

Of course.

>> No.3928845

It's about why you play the game, not what actually happens to you. Casual gamers can get better, and hardcore gamers can have fun(?)

>> No.3928848

Yeah I don't put too fine a point on it either, I was just responding using your terms. And by "good" I meant like as an end in itself, and above the norm, someone who plays and replays, tries to beat own high score, reads FAQs, joins a clan, etc. I kinda despise self described gamers and "gamer" culture anyway so I don't know why I'm posting about this.

>> No.3928851


>> No.3928878

Actually fuck, it's not even her boss version, looking at it I remember I beat it with no problem. It's the thing she does as a midboss here

Maybe it's something that was fixed or something but in my game she NEVER stops spawning bullets the last time. I have moved slowly as possible and they have covered the entire screen every single time. Not one spot left.

>> No.3928885
File: 2.68 MB, 1280x1920, advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one should have to die on Parsee.
Here, have this.

>> No.3928893

Thanks Madden

>> No.3928902

Must be bugged on your part then.
Try a re-install.

>> No.3928915

I've honestly seen better drawings from Madden. At least you can follow him sometimes.

>> No.3928918

If you do it like shown in >>3928885 and your power is full, the spellcard is over within the first wave.

>> No.3929042

>power is full
haha, my power has never been full in any game with that 0-4/5 system. Unless I continued.
