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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 94 KB, 1165x470, geezer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3927384 No.3927384 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3927389

I plan on dying before I reach the age where I can be called an old geezer.

>> No.3927388

I plan to die before then so no.

>> No.3927394

I will be the 75 year old virgin.

>> No.3927405

Better question would be, will I ever live to be a geezer?

>> No.3927406

I've been like this my whole life, so yeah, don't think anything will change.

>> No.3927410

Reported for faggotry.

>> No.3927416


>> No.3927420
File: 46 KB, 390x388, 1219049837762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said I'm going to become a geezer?
Fuck yeah I'm gonna be an immortal cyborg.

>> No.3927428

Become like Isaac Newton and be an 84 year old virgin.

>> No.3927445

Issac Newton was no virgin.

>> No.3927465


>> No.3927481

Yes, you have it exactly.

>> No.3927486

Of course.
Grumpy Jiisan is awesome.

>> No.3927488

Ok fine then he can be like Nikola Tesla

>> No.3927506

I will die at 35, so no.

>> No.3927524


>> No.3927536

I will die before i reach 40.

>> No.3927543

I would consider myself very lucky if i could.
to have the cognitive capacity, and financial security to enjoy games, watch anime and play visual novels, as well as being able to afford the hardware and software required to utilize those things.

of course, when at that age, ones life does not have to be exclusively those things, if possible, i'd like to ALSO be able to enjoy anime, etc along with being successful in my chosen career, as well as have a loving family.

>> No.3927546
File: 48 KB, 211x189, 134897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does /jp/ plan on dying so young? Emocide?

>> No.3927549

Peaceful death through potassium cyanide.

>> No.3927550

Hearth disease, cancer, diarrhea, etc.

>> No.3927559

I have a blood disorder, so it is unlikely that I will make it past 40.

>> No.3927553

Shotgun mouthwash.

>> No.3927564

I don't know why this made me laugh. Perhaps the pure absurdity of trying to imagine a bottle of deadly shotgun blast, thrown into the back of the throat for gargling.

>> No.3927566

I've already stopped watching anime. It declined in quality drastically post 90s and now it's just more of the same moe trap fanservice crap and shonen garbage every season. I've mostly exhausted the back catalogue too so nothing more to see.

>> No.3927568

Probably not, I feel my hobby is dying off slowly.
The only reason I'm still hooked to it are VNs, but even those are starting lose their appeal.

>> No.3927574

Over the past few months, I've grown bored of a lot of the things I once enjoyed so I doubt I'll still be interested in any those things you listed. Shit sucks.

>> No.3927587

At the rate at which anime, VNs, and video games are going downhill, probably not.

By the time I'm a geezer they'll probably have something more fun than all that though.

>> No.3927598

Will humans still be shit when I'm a geezer?

>> No.3927603

You'll be able to fuck lolis in a virtual reality tank if feminists don't ban masturbating by then.

>> No.3927607

It's been the same for the last 5000-ish years, shit's not gonna change in your lifetime.

>> No.3927648

True bros are still around and have been around since the beginning. You misanthropists just need to find somebody that can be a true bro and treat them with that same bro respect.

>> No.3927662

When anime/vns finally do die out, one of two things will happen.

A) I will have found another hobby that I can easily invest my time in and be happy with myself

B) My mental state will wither and die due to lack of stimulation as I struggle to find something to occupy myself with. At some point, I will snap, go postal, and (barring death at police hands) end up in prison.

>> No.3927686

If i manage to become a teacher im pretty sure yes. Easy secure job, of course im planning to become a mediocre one, there is no way im going to waste my life on those brats.

>> No.3927710

Of course, I'm looking forward to how far technology will have evoled by then. Maybe then I'll be able to be the little girl in some MMORPG.

>> No.3927760

i plan to kill myself the day i can't sustain this lifestyle anymore, no worries.

>> No.3929329
File: 102 KB, 600x848, w7whopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm still alive when I'm a geezer, I'm donating my body to SCIENCE! so they can find out how I made it that long...

>> No.3929352

In the past 15 years or so my love of anime / vns / video games has only intensified. I see no reason to stop just because I get older.

>> No.3929395

I know people whose eccentric grandfathers or uncles died with their homes full of hidden crap like women's clothes, sex toys, or fucked up porn. Chances are most people here will end up something like that.

>> No.3929435

Oh my yes, lots of old people have crazy obsessions. In 50 years weeaboo shit will be so mainstream that nobody will think you're weirder than a cat lady at worst.

>> No.3929444

I plan to kill myself at the moment of cumming inside my adopted (grand)daughter by shooting myself in the head while screaming BEATORICEEE!
