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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 223 KB, 1431x976, FPBpjVOVcAs_H-h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39254229 No.39254229 [Reply] [Original]

A thread to discuss みけねこ

Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84

Latest Stream Archive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QL0tf9Adr7Q

Previous thread: >>39235399

>> No.39254238

Can she be saved?

>> No.39254253

I'm already saving her, find your own

>> No.39254390

How the fuck can she be broke?

>> No.39254494

She’s either lying or Cover pay even someone who was as high earning as her peanuts her income from Rushia would have placed her way over the average income for any Tokyo resident

>> No.39254525


>> No.39254576


>> No.39254626

Stop spamming the board, your old thread is still there.

>> No.39254858 [DELETED] 

see >>39221858

>> No.39255085
File: 150 KB, 1365x1149, FPLjJh6VsAI9yQz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39255120
File: 612 KB, 723x746, sex with mikeneko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39255137
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I miss her

>> No.39255139

I can't self-insert here because I'm not fat...

>> No.39255150

Do your eating reps

>> No.39255220 [DELETED] 


>> No.39255221

...I've lost weight even when completely sedentary and eating ubereats McD 3 times a day, won't work

>> No.39255233

Those host clubs are pretty expensive....

>> No.39255234
File: 135 KB, 817x1114, FJvv7zkaQAAlWRm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama's new Live2D hairstyle reminded me little bit of this cute one

>> No.39255337

I wonder if there'll be a piku and mike collab

>> No.39255377

>look at my superchats
it is truly gone..

>> No.39255820
File: 651 KB, 1015x1015, 1648877291267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A gentle reminder.

>> No.39255825
File: 386 KB, 614x746, 76A31696-0D45-4188-8681-E8F6ACAD6E97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her

>> No.39256218

I will love her forever<span class="xae" data-xae="love">😍</span>
I will carry her in my heart forever
I will have faith in her until it is no longer possible to
I will never willingly allow the wonderful thing between us to crumble regardless of how many hits we take<img class="xae" data-xae width="29" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/7a95728b_Gigachad.png">
I will never let her go
There will always be people who ask "you can't seriously love her and treat her girlfriend?"
But my answer, every time, will simply be <img class="xae" data-xae width="31" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/c7375c9d_ChadYes.png">

>> No.39256231

And these are the people that hate this truth
<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/24edafcc_wojakNPC.png">
<img class="xae" data-xae width="27" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/03d18964_AngryWojak.png">
<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/8ea2d160_peepoClown.png">

>> No.39256232


>> No.39256241

Holy shit, Kore just said a woman he's known for a long time is debuting in JAV soon. Mikeneko said she'll be gone for a few months...
It can't be?!

>> No.39256304

can someone give me the link to the bunker
i need it for science

>> No.39256372

everything noteworthy has been scrubbed away

>> No.39256395

I kneel based sir.

>> No.39256503

If it's Mikeneko then it's not a debut, it's a redebut

>> No.39256724
File: 160 KB, 979x1280, mywife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love my cute wife so much ️️️

>> No.39256765

>Mikeneko said she'll be gone for a few months...

>> No.39256793

good to see you wifeposter

>> No.39256961

<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/b674048b_MikuStare.png"> looks a bit like Rushia if you squint hard enough
<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="28" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/ba70c4d9_REEEEE.png"> looks a bit like Mike if you squint hard enough

Coincidence? I think not

>> No.39256997
File: 352 KB, 2048x2048, 7bea11fc45da0b7e6b90a5017c597d4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, wrong version.

>> No.39257110

new tweet like

>> No.39257157


>> No.39257171

Expect to see more of these for years

>> No.39257176

Japs really have a way of writing a whole big paragraph just to say something you could express in one small sentence in English.

>> No.39257199

That's actually an interesting point to make. It's nice to see her like something that clearly has a bit of nuance to it and isn't just black and white, right or wrong.
Of course, having the people making "excessive criticism" be the judge of how far is acceptable doesn't apply to antis at all, who will always justify their abuse.

>> No.39257308

Is 165 followers a recent +1 or is 165 still the dude she replied to last during her reply gacha yesterday?
Could've sworn it was 164 but I forgot

>> No.39257415

165 since she replied to ppl yesterday

>> No.39257548
File: 349 KB, 900x900, FPMgFVmUYCoaVzf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Mikeneko!

>> No.39257621

It's the dude from yesterday.

>> No.39257714

>お風呂入る前にみんなに相談〜〜( 𖦹ࡇ𖦹 )՞ ՞少し度が行き過ぎているものが多くて、、、わたしも辛い毎日で( •̥ ·̭ •̥` )かなりつよつよな方を見つけたので、、ただ数が多いのでクラファンなどを考えてます…どうだろう、、??
what am i supposed to answer to this?

>> No.39257726

I can usually read her tweets but this one filtered me. My reps have failed. What is she saying?

>> No.39257753


>> No.39257765

Why does she act like she needs money
Like even more money, she's already making a ton again

>> No.39257788

this is the only time I can not understand a tweet even with TLs

>> No.39257815

Basically she found a good lawyer, but rather expensive lawyer. She is thinking of crowdsourcing the money to pay the lawyer.

>> No.39257847

She's gonna get fleeced so hard, you just know

>> No.39257864

Thanks anon, bless

>> No.39257897

is this lawyer against her antis or whatever case she's been claiming against another party for weeks?

>> No.39257914

how did you pull that out of this >>39257714?

>> No.39257990

context, anon, context.
that's about the anti's
that's the lawyer who could help her
the lawyer is expensive and she is thinking about crowdsourcing the money

>> No.39258009

Because of previous discussions for context.
She's mentioned that the money she's spent on her court cases are absolutely outrageous already and these cases are one of the most mentally draining things about her life at this time aside from antis.

>> No.39258023

didn't aloe sue her antis as well? how did that go?

>> No.39258042

She's only got herself to blame...

>> No.39258054

I hope she buries whoever she wants to via legal means and I'm prepared to support my wife with money

>> No.39258074

I assume that given her personality and her RTs that she's actually had a conversation with Roas' lawyer.

>> No.39258081

Imagine what she could do with the money instead for her streams and channel instead of suing people who call her a lying bitch on twitter

>> No.39258095

so she's massively tangled in court cases already and wants to start another? by crowdfunding no less.... uhh...

>> No.39258119

It's about making an example out of someone to scare off the rest.

>> No.39258121

I presume that she wants to hire a more experienced lawyer in these types of cases for her current cases as opposed to starting new ones.

>> No.39258166

I'm happy with her streams as they are and if she can kick some anti ass i'm more than willing to support her.

>> No.39258184

Only a lawsuit against a company could be so expensive she needs crowdfunding.

>> No.39258195

Because antis rely on the fact that they are anonymous. It just takes a single one of them receiving a court letter then posting on 5ch for the rest to fuck off into the depths

>> No.39258196

same, I just hope this doesn't put her on hiatus. My guess is it won't because she's not combating a grand scale case like defamation

>> No.39258226


>> No.39258260

she killed them

>> No.39258280

See? It's not Cover, it was never really cover. The legal shit is about korekore and other such leeches

>> No.39258295

if they're using twitter she already has an avenue to lawyer them. their only real safety is either being entirely anon or her not hitting back

>> No.39258300

that's good to know, fuck those antis I hope Mikenyan makes her antis suffer

>> No.39258326

How many people is she planning to sue?

>> No.39258510

I hope she understands how badly a hiatus would effect both her income going forward and both her happiness and her fans happiness. I assume she does because of that message on the 31st

>> No.39258528

Not if this firm and lawyer are now in the headlines for a tangentially related case.

>> No.39258534

Court cases, even with a lawyer, can be very time-consuming and tend to be very emotionally exhausting.

>> No.39258566

>go to kore
>write a bunch of really bad looking shit to him
>he leaks it
>now want to sue him
I'm mad we live in this timeline where she did such stupid things, but then again there are probably worse timelines too...

>> No.39258606

Wonder how did Roa and delta paid for their lawyers?

>> No.39258626

How do you know it's not Cover?

>> No.39258642

that's the thing though is she seems so attached to streaming, even if it's something like twitcasting just to vent I don't think she'll stop her activities

>> No.39258644

This smells like a crowdfunding scam

>> No.39258696

Niji probably bankrolled Roa. Delta made mad cash from fanbox early on.

>> No.39258707

If she just wants to sue antis spreading malicious stuff about her then it should be an easy win.
Going after korekore would be more difficult.

>> No.39258782

Delta is supporting her whole family via fanbox

>> No.39258956

Korekore had a voice actor imitate Rushia who now under legal precedent is considered one and the same as Mikeneko in a country with no Fair Use or parody laws, nor a penal code that requires allegations or insinuations to be true or false to qualify as harmful to the honor of an individual, as well as complete power over copyright to the copyright holder...presumably ones identity is likely covered in a similar capacity.

>> No.39258967

None of the antis have any money. So if she is trying to sue them she's just lighting a pile of cash on fire to prove a point.

>> No.39258998

I don't think she's expecting to get any money from them, this is just to get them to stop.

>> No.39259010

She should just drop everything and start making money again.

Unless Cover is the one taking her to court for bearking her contract.

>> No.39259154

Does anybody here have an archive of kore's twitter space he did where he first brought out the imitation?

>> No.39259273

I want to kiss her toes

>> No.39259361

No, she is not being taken to court, but she is having difficulty living normally

>> No.39259407

What is living normally to her? For all we know she could be a big spender.

>> No.39259507

Read the tweet.

>> No.39259610

At the very least living normally should be being able to retweet earthquake alerts without being shitted on.

>> No.39259797
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>> No.39259837

i think tlanon SUCKS

>> No.39259839

not sure but I believe the date when he brought out the impersonator was Feb 22

>> No.39259851

Liked Mikey fanart

>> No.39259887 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.80 MB, 498x373, coolsville sucks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39259938

I want to kiss her toes and then the rest of her too

>> No.39259959
File: 169 KB, 787x587, 1625105553161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39259979

i missed like the last 6 tweets, anyone got a rundown or archives?

>> No.39260033


>> No.39260078

yes on discord

>> No.39260150

She tweeted a photo of a big clock in Tokyo (I think? not sure)
just scroll up for the lawyer tweets

>> No.39260683

銀座 shopping district

>> No.39260928

live for an hour

>> No.39260948

And you can use an OCR to extract the text(or a kanji OCR to read the kanji outright if it doesn't bug out because of the spreadsheet format) and TL it if you need to

>> No.39261040

Also ones that start with みけねこ are tweets and the time is accurate, ones that start with 95rn16 are replies and are recorded around ~30 seconds afterwards, and if they start with any other name they're a like and also about ~30 seconds after the like.

>> No.39261156

I think going after antis with an expensive lawyer is a mistake. A cheap lawyer is all she needs to send cease and desists and scare some off and even then new antis will just pop up to replace them.
I can only imagine her needing an expensive lawyer if she was going after Aki, Korekore or Narukami. I dont think Aki has much she can get out of him in terms of restitution and the same goes for narukami after roa is done with him. Korekore would be a tough case to win and he has a large audience he can weaponise against her and ramp up the harrassment/antis.

>> No.39261223

>Korekore would be a tough case to win and he has a large audience he can weaponise against her and ramp up the harrassment/antis.
How do you think this got as bad as it did? It isn't that he can, it's that he DID.

>> No.39261309

exactly, regardless if it was true or not him leaking the "suffer" comment is what made this entire situation incredibly worse for her. There was no reason to do it. She was already terminated. He basically sent his dogs out for her. That being said I don't think she's going after Kore, it seems like she's really ramping up against impersonators and specific antis that post damaging stuff. Would be funny if she also goes after the Rushia impersonator from Kore's stream as well but that's justified imo

>> No.39261320

She probably wants to go after the big antis that impersonate her or make shit up about her, there's some really deranged antis after her that deserve to rot in jail.
If she can put one or two of those in jail then it can be a deterrent for people like them.
I highly doubt she's going after little Takashi from middle school who posts "lol Mikeneko is a hag" on twitter, those will always be around and there's really nothing she can do about them but hope they get bored.
She probably just wants a really good lawyer that she knows she can rely on.

>> No.39261360

can you upload your notification database i want to check something

>> No.39261382

>i know this just an act.
>But i can't help it but worry that mikeneko is >encourraging this "girlfriend(or what ever other >character)" character AKA creates parasocial >relationships
which is a mistake i hope mikeneko doesn't do again....

>> No.39261400

What tool are you using for the log anon?

>> No.39261410

So is she suing random 5ch fags, kore or Cover? Seems stupid to get an expensive lawyer to get a bunch 5ch tards

>> No.39261419

Welp i'm too dumb to properly quote.. still eops are something else

>> No.39261484

I was laughing to myself when I saw some of these fags "concerned" about how her first non-zatsudan stream back was essentially a belated Valentine's Day chocolate making session for us. They actually thought it was in bad taste (no choco for them)

>> No.39261499

Is this from reddit or something? It always baffles me how completely clueless they can be.

>> No.39261507

No, because it has quite literally all of a certain accounts tweets. If you give me a date I can fetch that for you
Twitter Notifications active + Tweetdeck column for all her tweets and another column for likes, both columns have notifications enabled. I got this somewhere
forgot where, I may have even paid for it at the time I genuinely don't remember and you have to keep it open at all times(obviously, so no sleep for your PC)

>> No.39261509

based GFE wife. She knows her audience well

>> No.39261548

Also, if you do get that logged you wanna change the settings immediately for how long shit is stored. That fucked me up a bit, luckily I also use Zapier to send tweets to my e-mail so that saved me from losing access to everything I otherwise would have

>> No.39261600

------Bonfire Lit------

<img class="xae" data-xae width="31" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/099390a2_peepoBlanket.png"><span class="xae" data-xae="fire">🔥</span><img class="xae" data-xae width="31" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/a6d16707_GoodNight.png">

>> No.39261727

I'm not checking reddit anon, but shit like that pops up in her replies all the time and i have on open search for her handle.

>> No.39261766

I can feel it eating away at me , hopefully something soon

>> No.39261787

she is suing the imposter accounts on youtube

>> No.39261833
File: 239 KB, 1309x800, 1648470820174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39261889

She might end up going for a bit more than that imo

>> No.39261901
File: 604 KB, 1701x800, FPRCqLuXMCISeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39261905

fucking kanji

>> No.39262029

I actually just found a way to read out the chrome notification log directly and oh boy i guess i now know what got cut off.

>> No.39262155
File: 69 KB, 928x495, chrome_log.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too be fair the log isn't really easy to read considering all the binary code in there.

>> No.39262165

Tools exist or can be made within hours

>> No.39262290


>> No.39262301

Thank you

>> No.39262483
File: 415 KB, 1696x2220, 1647971156570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39262502

Sure, i'm thinking of setting up a raspi for this stuff though. I could probably use it for logging all the stuff from her profiles and i could use it automatically record her streams.

>> No.39262513

I have no idea how to hook up tooling to desktop notifs.

>> No.39262540

>Welp i'm too dumb to properly quote..
More like you had a seizure. Are you ok, anon? Should I call an ambulance?

>> No.39262666

My idea is just to run chromium on it and then run some commands over the log regulary and save that somewhere else. Not like a tweetdeck tab with just info from one account will be using that much resources. The other stuff should also be rather easy to realize with a bit of scripting. I could even run that on a rented vps as a backup.

>> No.39262744

new follow

>> No.39262760

fake account if anyone feels like reporting:

>> No.39262799


>> No.39262833

>and then run some commands over the log regulary and save that somewhere else.
Use inotify (on Linux) or kqueue (on BSD) to get active notifications when something changes to catch it asap.

>> No.39262851

Make sure to report the fake YouTube account linked on the profile
2nd Mikeneko YouTube account, my fucking ass.

>> No.39262873

Can't figure out who the new follow is, nobody near the top, I'm assuming it's a previous followed account that was re-activated

>> No.39262888

Is it not this account. It's the 4th account for me
The account drew the Mikey art she liked today

>> No.39262891

Remember to use Satoru to archive as much as you can and after it's archived e-mail the fakes to her alongside archive links and then report it

>> No.39262902

Oh woops yes it is, thanks. This one was all the way in the middle of the list for me for some reason

>> No.39262907

always use https://twpro.jp/95rn16/followings

>> No.39263001

I did but it wasn't updated yet

>> No.39263107

Fuck I have to do things for at least the next 5 hours
at least it's 4AM JST...

>> No.39263167

She's been following Roa's lawyer, but she's also been talking about getting a lawyer and suing people for years, but has never actually done it. Now she can afford to, but she's trying to crowdfund. Not a good look.

>> No.39263177

If suing people is go to put a huge financial burden on her to the point she has to crowdfund it, she shouldn't do it, or at least wait until she's financially stable and can risk it herself.
Also, I know a lot of things work differently in Japan, but in burgerland civil cases that lawyers actually expect to win, are done for a portion of the judgment/settlement, not for fees.

>> No.39263332

This is a particularly unique circumstance anon
>Now she can afford to
I mean, I assume she's discussed it briefly with the lawyer and asked us about this for a reason. She's also not received a penny yet.

>> No.39263395

Just delete social media?

>> No.39263408

Day 3 of no mikeneko stream is approaching

>> No.39263415
File: 168 KB, 1280x1280, 1646836814305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39263419

It costs 3-4 times less to hire a lawyer in Japan than in the US. Roa didn't crowdfund.
She didn't say anything about discussing it with a lawyer. She only said that she found a good lawyer. Unless she spent most of the money she earned the last two years, she can certainly afford one.

>> No.39263422

Good joke

>> No.39263435

>She didn't say anything about discussing it with a lawyer. She only said that she found a good lawyer. Unless she spent most of the money she earned the last two years, she can certainly afford one.
>she said this therefore she did exactly and only what she said and didn't do anything else whatsoever
It was one awkward tweet tied to 5 minute opinion poll anon

>> No.39263439

>at least it's 4AM JST...
that's a normal twitcast time for her..

>> No.39263443

Anon, any time is a normal twitcast time for her

>> No.39263471

Any time except early daytime.

>> No.39263485

Let's see if there will be a twitcast.. she is definitely still awake

>> No.39263605

Irrelevant e-celeb is off-topic, get out of this board.

>> No.39263654
File: 463 KB, 3508x2480, FN5gUG6XoAILlvx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39263676
File: 244 KB, 1400x1400, FODq5pnVQAYlhoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need my neko fix

>> No.39263814

>It was one awkward tweet tied to 5 minute opinion poll anon
and you're the one making assumptions based on that poll and did you actually read her second tweet? She thanked everyone for answering the poll and said she'd crowdfund soon. She deleted it all so maybe she realized how bad it looked, but before she did, she was saying she was going to go thru with it.

>> No.39264007
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1080, 1619585218262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uwa.... eroi...

>> No.39264081


>> No.39264095

I want to be the floor that Mikeneko steps on!

>> No.39264097

Imagine her laughing at you as you kiss her feet

>> No.39264137
File: 263 KB, 1899x2048, FPVYm0NVgAc7h5t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39264156

Why does this expression look so erotic?

>> No.39264176

Who would even vote on a poll like that? You don't know who she's suing or why, there is not enough information to make an informed decision.

>> No.39264177

Reminder that her cat kisses her everyday

>> No.39264214
File: 414 KB, 1988x1836, FOGeMy7aAAAkVPs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she's delicious

>> No.39264222

God, imagine the stepping on us ASMR...

>> No.39264240

Don't get too cocky you damn cat!

>> No.39264268

Stop Anon, my dick can only get so erect.

>> No.39264283

I would kiss the cat just to get that indirect kiss...

>> No.39264373
File: 77 KB, 359x463, reeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39264475
File: 619 KB, 676x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39264880

I wanna hold her and show her that they can never hurt her as long as we're with her and we'll always be with her...

>> No.39264899
File: 25 KB, 467x447, 1647904546453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might not have my balls but guess whose cock is closest to her

>> No.39264978

She's a present too

>> No.39265146

can't wait to unwrap her

>> No.39265301

I just realized that the first twitcast for me was in 2020.. time sure flies.

>> No.39265433

My first twitcast was the suicide video....i do not have a good first memory of twitcast at ALL

>> No.39265468

Just imagine how different things would've been if she didn't start semi-regularly casting in 2021

>> No.39265779

My wife said good morning, go like the tweet guys.

>> No.39265780

eigo kawaii

>> No.39265819

Your wife's tweet is very cute, anon. Let's hope she has a good day today

>> No.39265824
File: 242 KB, 900x900, FNZ1YgJUcAAXs7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aah she's so cute

>> No.39265948

Pls don't go menhera mode
Pls don't go menhera mode
Pls don't go menhera mode

>> No.39265955
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>> No.39266058

please be in a good mood
please masturbate to thoughts of us
please just furiously masturbate the rage away please please please
just cum the pain away

>> No.39266157

Be prepared to shell 1M yen

>> No.39266176

Lawyer gets to touch her hands

>> No.39266252

Mikenyan should just leave Japan and come to my house overseas. I can show her the biggest burgers and drinks in America and she can be impressed like a little kid.

>> No.39266271

I made this post

>> No.39266279

Gato Calico come to Brazil.

>> No.39266493
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>> No.39266589
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>> No.39266639
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>> No.39266640

Imagine taking her to go shooting

>> No.39266651
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>> No.39266769

After seeing mafumafu crossdressing tweet, I am starting to believe that he really might be a turbo fag for real.
Which being the case, it would mean that Rushia died for literally nothing...

>> No.39266858

>I am starting to believe that he really might be a turbo fag for real.
You're the slowest person on earth, aren't you?

>> No.39266878

>You're the slowest person on earth, aren't you?
And you must be the most naive. I said I am starting to believe, not fully yet. Theres no concrete proof.
Also doesnt change the fact she TRIED to get with him. Theres a reason why he has so many female fans. Women like those feminine dudes.

>> No.39266895

I assume the woman who got beaten to a bloody pulp by her ex boyfriend would be attracted to a softer less masculine man.

>> No.39266964

> 原神ってたのしい?やりたい!

>> No.39266989

Ah, so thats why she's broke. Makes sense, time to fuel my wife's addiction then I guess.

>> No.39266992

it's better than Apex gacha, I suppose

>> No.39266999


>> No.39267040

Come to think of it she never tried it when the holos were still able to stream it huh

>> No.39267053

my wife is about to get addicted to another gacha game...

>> No.39267070
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>> No.39267077

I’m pretty sure it was released fairly after Cover cut ties with the chinks

>> No.39267094

Don't play Genshin don't play Genshin don't play Genshin

>> No.39267121

I feel like I remember atleast one or two of them streaming the game for a bit before it happened, but maybe I'm misremembering stuff

>> No.39267156

she liked a bunch of other men too recently. she wants to be gang banged by all of them and filled to the brim with their cum. she is a whore

>> No.39267190

at least it's not something like azur lane

>> No.39267335

Genshin is a popular game, it could grow her audience

>> No.39267547
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>> No.39267850

my gosh this girl is retarded, I love her so much but she unironically needs help

>> No.39268190

That's kinda the problem, if she plays it and enjoys it I would also want to start playing it and I won't be able to afford supporting her and my addiction to Gacha.

>> No.39268372

I have my doubts she'd get her head around the artifact system anyway, so even if she does play she probably won't do it for that long

>> No.39268402
File: 925 KB, 794x994, mywife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to play Genshin with my wife

>> No.39268550

You don't need to know much about the artifact system to play casually. You could complete the story with Amber and physical Qiqi.

>> No.39268707


>> No.39268936

Any guide for dummies that works for automatically recording member streams yet?

>> No.39269095 [DELETED] 
File: 695 KB, 640x360, 1577326408276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I do it?

>> No.39269114

I wonder who she follows on tiktok

>> No.39269147


>> No.39269291

Alright Anons analyze.

>> No.39269303

She doesn't like Bakugo anymore? idgi, the mikeverse is too deep

>> No.39269321

She's clearly saying that she loves us, anon. I'll have the supercomputer in the back run a full analysis, but I'm sure it will explain in scientific detail how and why she loves us, because she loves us.

>> No.39269324
File: 10 KB, 720x81, Screenshot_20220403-002844_Chrome~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just like to say how proud I am of you guys. It's been a day since our last thread.

>> No.39269333
File: 384 KB, 1080x575, mywife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New tiktok. My wife is so cute

>> No.39269365
File: 124 KB, 1637x1801, 1647984806022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a couple hours of sleep and woke up to something new from her, now to wait for a stream of some kind

>> No.39269367

Run yt-dlp in a loop

>> No.39269385

whats that animu she is holding up

>> No.39269392

And it only took blowing up the bunker for it to happen

>> No.39269408

how about looking at the hashtags, anon?

>> No.39269409


>> No.39269443

Any good place to read up on it for the tech illiterate?

>> No.39269508
File: 69 KB, 612x536, Screenshot 2022-04-03 030311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39269540

that art just screams SEX

>> No.39269571

I wonder if she has gotten any sleep today, based on her Twitter activity if she has it has been little

>> No.39269700
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>> No.39269727

If you're running windows just look into writing some shitty batch file or use power shell.

>> No.39269743

i love that moment at the end when she looks at the camera with that cute look on her face.. ahhhhhh

>> No.39269785

Neither of those words ring a bell, but I'll use them as keywords to find a starting point then. Thanks anon

>> No.39269873

I understand that she can't sleep, we are too many husbands and she has to satisfy us sexually every night

>> No.39269945

I felt it coming

>> No.39269946


>> No.39269947


>> No.39269949


>> No.39269975

I think there’s a twitcast.

>> No.39269977


>> No.39269990

I want to escape this curse of coming here and watching her...

>> No.39269997

no you don't

>> No.39270033

>her phone mic sounds better than whatever she uses on her PC
michael cat...

>> No.39270095

isn't she currently using her laptop for some reason?

>> No.39270190

kind of short but at least I got to see her today

>> No.39270202

Status: Healed

>> No.39270207

live for 12 hours

>> No.39270226


>> No.39270228

Any summary?

>> No.39270263

Most relevant I caught is her sleep rhythm is getting better, almost guaranteed to wake up at 8-9am. After that it's just jumping around multiple topics

>> No.39270278

She also said that she usually goes to sleep around 5 am or did I misunderstand?

>> No.39270291

She sleeps at random whenever she feels sleepy, I think is what she said.

>> No.39270292

No she was talking about how impressive salarymen are for waking up around that time

>> No.39270309

That is, she sleeps and wakes up throughout the day whenever she wants as before, but the difference is that now she can get up early?

>> No.39270313

right, back to bed

>> No.39270327 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.24 MB, 1940x1728, 4324235554353dfscd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is so cute I could literally die.

>> No.39270335


>> No.39270358

but please stay on your discord

>> No.39270365

>Mikeneko thinks I'm amazing
Not a salaryman, but fuck yes bros. I did it.

>> No.39270371

I'm not in a discord

>> No.39270379

tweet is 100% about Aki
what a cowardly little bitch, but I guess we knew that already

>> No.39270382

>Whoever she is suing has not been answering phone calls from the Police.
>But the court proceedings may still proceed (Rough translation)
>She clarifies that it isn't about an anti or supporters.

>> No.39270384

The person who has been calling me, the defamation nuisance, has been running away from the police for a long time and not answering. It seems that the phone number can be used to go to the next step.
I don't know when that's going to be, but he's a real coward. Don't worry, I'm not talking about you, listener or anti.

>> No.39270387

she is suing aki

>> No.39270389

everyone knows if you ignore bad things they eventually go away

>> No.39270391 [DELETED] 
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Roaches should get fucked hard in the ass.

>> No.39270409

Why the fuck is she spending so much money to go after the faggot? Wouldn't she burn through her account? No wonder she is asking for court funds.

>> No.39270428

She's going after Yagoo, isn't she?

>> No.39270436

Wait, she's suing Aki Rosenthal?

>> No.39270444

didn't he dare her to do something saying he had nothing to lose?

>> No.39270460

Her case wouldn't even hold in court anyway.

>> No.39270462

Looks like, she mentioned waking up at weird hours due to stress before this.

>> No.39270465

I think public Twitcast archives can be posted here unless but might want to use pastebin method for the rest

>> No.39270481

Seems like he does being he's now running away.

>> No.39270495

well yea up to 3 years in prison or a fine of up to 500000 yen

>> No.39270509

That fine really should be higher. Who wouldn't pay that rather than waste three years in prison?

>> No.39270514

Hope he gets raped in prison

>> No.39270524

I think the sentence varies. It might be either, or both.

>> No.39270527

>spends all day replying to antis and deleting tweets.
Just move on, she's milking you morons for all your worth.

>> No.39270543
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>> No.39270562
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Thanks for the recording

>> No.39270570


>> No.39270578

go back to 5ch where the rest of the NEETs are

>> No.39270596

Sure Aki would fuck off, but I don't see anyone who's echoing what he's saying is gonna stop. The truth is irrelevant to them.

>> No.39270616

Japanese men are cowards, if they see one guy get slapped down they'll scatter like bugs, or that's the hope at least

>> No.39270633

Hopefully they throw in a lifelong restraining order.

It would probably stop rumors back home atleast, and if not even then atleast she'd be able to officially refute it.

>> No.39270765

It won't stop the wheelbarrows.

>> No.39270812

she isn't getting wheelbarrowed

>> No.39270824

Everyone has a plan until they get served. They will scatter if a single one of them gets set as an example

>> No.39270855

Have you seen the last youtube stream?

>> No.39270885

is this still about that one person who spread rumors about her being a mother or something

>> No.39270975

after a few min, wasn't it literally just 1 guy

>> No.39270983

I don't think that was even a bot

>> No.39271026

Next stream when?

>> No.39271061

we just had one anon.. but maybe at night again who knows

>> No.39271286

I'm so sorry for leaking the bunker. I don't know what came over me. I have no excuses.

>> No.39271302 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 617x478, matuli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did she mean by this?

>> No.39271312

I just don't get why you'd spoof 30 IPs instead of just trying to have a normal conversation first

>> No.39271319
File: 46 KB, 625x363, matuli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did she mean by this?

>> No.39271330

Were you annoyed at the bunker or at her? I think that's the most important question

>> No.39271350

>Retarded woman thinks she can sue everyone who defames her on the internet
Oh nyo, the whore is gonna send the japanese police to South America ...

>> No.39271356

I harbor no animosiry towards her. I bever did and I never will. I just hated this upper class society and lower class society as if there were lesser fans.

>> No.39271372

Let's continue to love this girl together

>> No.39271385

Maybe not the Japanese police but if she buys me a ticket to your shithole I'll gladly come by and strangle your scrawny malnourished manlet neck free of charge in minecraft

>> No.39271403

And what exactly do you expect now, when we can share our archives with even less people? I did this thread a favor sharing a short public twitcast but when those membership streams roll around instead of like 15 trusted fans getting access to them that otherwise wouldn't, it'll be 0, because you know we can't post it here.
Unless you also intend to start posting her private content out in the wide open, all you've done is restrict access further...

>> No.39271455

>And what exactly do you expect now
I'm so sorry. I have no idea. I had put no thought into my impulsive action.

>> No.39271561

I expect people to share the public/private stuff in this thread. It does more good than bad by promoting actual on topic discussion. Unless you wanna keep the divider between fans and let antis keep control of the thread. I can assure you that by dividing the fanbase, nothing good will come out of it.

>> No.39271580

>let antis keep control of the thread
This implies that antis read the thread.
>I expect people to share the private stuff in this thread.
Now you're just giving them free ammo.

>> No.39271601

>share the public/private stuff in this thread.
I already felt uncomfortable sharing that stuff with die-hard fans, no actual fan is going to be THAT brazen about defying their girlfriends stated intentions.
The thread is not more important than her safety and well-being. She deserves to be able to have a blow up or two in private and say shit she shouldn't without it leaking out. She does not have anybody in her personal life to vent to and she does not have the capacity to keep quiet about it so she needs to vent to a private audience.

>> No.39271607

>Free ammo
What?! Free ammo is not sharing shit and letting them make up garbage by samefagging over and over again which eventually ends up with one or two casual fans believing it and it becomes a snowball.
But by all means, keep this garbage upper class/peasants dynamic like the other anon said. I'm sure the fanbase will grow that way.

>> No.39271623

Good to know that the only people that matter to her/you are paypigs. Everyone else that supports her just by watching means nothing, got ya, guess I'll drop her then.
Please do keep killing casual fans.

>> No.39271638

Does anybody have a copy of the Twitcast archive before it got nuked?

>> No.39271664

Are you seriously being this dense? Explain to me what possible alternative there is here.

>> No.39271686

The possibility is for you to stop letting antis live rent free in your head, and she should do the same.
By suing someone, she's showing how vulnerable she is to slandering and will make things worse, not better.

>> No.39271688

see >>39270207

>> No.39271701

No, I mean the full archive going back to February 2021

>> No.39271725

>and she should do the same.
She is mentally ill. That's never going to change. She is going to stream, and talk, often say way too much, maybe even say things that would get her sued if she said it in public, streaming all the while, while being mentally ill.
That is the ride. That is and always was the ride of mikeneko. That was always the ride of Rushia.
I get not wanting to be locked out of certain content but you have misconstrued what kind of person she is on an absolutely fundamental level if you think your suggestion is meaningful in any way.

>> No.39271728

surely there's a better way to post stuff like that without dividing the fandom...
maybe something locked behind a password we all could know?

>> No.39271735

check bilibili

>> No.39271741

>maybe something locked behind a password we all could know?
Remember how the first bunker got raided? We did that. It crashed and burned.

>> No.39271753

>and letting them make up garbage
You say that like it doesn't already happen with the public stuff.

>> No.39271766

We tried that at first anon, believe me we hate gating this shit. I sure as fuck do. The antis are relentless faggots at the moment. I keep hoping they'll calm down enough so we can finally establish a thread regular accessible archive but until then literally what fucking choice do we have?
I don't like it even a tin bit I hate this gatekeeping bullshit because I know what it's like but you have to understand her interests MUST come first here and none of us have any grand fucking plays on hand for how to deal with it. Especially because a lot of regulars are new. If you get any bright ideas feel free to drop them but believe me when I say we talked about this shit ad nauseam because none of us like gatekeeping non-sense like this

>> No.39271778

That's because most people were being little bitches hiding in the bunker instead of using this thread and drowning anti spam.

>> No.39271789

You faggots are pathetic, just go hide in a discord or fucking reddit so your feelings won't get hurt by a few anti posts

>> No.39271793

>believe me when I say we talked about this shit ad nauseam because none of us like gatekeeping non-sense like this
I don't recall that happening more than once on occasion and the resolution was always *shrug*

>> No.39271815

I'm pretty sure most of them were already in the thread since the bunker can be dead for like 5+ hours.

>> No.39271818

It's not about our feelings it's about her safety, now fuck off.

>> No.39271829

The bunker was more dead than this thread. It only spiked in activity when something meaningful happened and discussion about it involved context we couldn't reasonably share publicly.

>> No.39271851

>I don't recall that happening more than once on occasion and the resolution was always *shrug*
I personally initiated that kind discussion at least twice myself so your memory is faulty

>> No.39271868

>just go hide in a discord
They're doing that as we speak lol

>> No.39271881

Thanks a lot!

>> No.39271903

I guess in the meanwhile I'll figure out a way to archive any missed members stuff and keep it to myself. I wasn't in any of the bunkers actually but I was a member since the day she opened her membership so I understand the concern for opsec. If I can think of any other ideas I'll post them here down the road but I'll have to think about it.

>> No.39271905

I pretty much exclusively use this thread now though, and even before used it far more than the bunker. Might surprise you but the bunker was dead enough to where you might not get a single response for upwards of 3-4 hours depending on the time, the only thing it gave was some element of safety.

>> No.39271912

Please do. I'd love to have an automatic recording setup for YouTube at least.

>> No.39271931

Her safety? You faggots were sharing her content despite her explicit request not to while hiding in your safe space at first sight of someone insulting your her.

>> No.39271943

>insulting your her
Did you accidentally a word?

>> No.39271970

Likewise, I have the archives and so do a few other anons and I genuinely want to share them with fans of hers when and where I feel like it's safe to. I know a lot of people here feel bitter and justly so so this might come across as a LARP but everybody in the old Fandead thread knew how bad it felt to miss an archive and we all helped each other out when that happened if we could and that was what made it such a great general. I really want to go back to that and the opsec fucking kills me but we just don't have a fucking choice. It kills her too, she keeps pushing for public casts and such even though it can be difficult for her to keep certain sentiments from being aired out loud and she hates favoritism to death too.
It's just a shitty situation to be in and we have to make do somehow in the meanwhile. I don't want to keep this stuff under lock and key forever even from actual fans.

>> No.39271997

We were sharing them with dedicated gachikoi of hers that wouldn't betray her trust or confidence.

>> No.39272005

>that wouldn't betray her trust or confidence
Bold statement after having had the bunker with stuff leaked from an insider.

>> No.39272007


>> No.39272021

Most of which are stuff which she herself touched on almost in the next immediate twitcast.

>> No.39272039

We went over a month without a leak, and the only reason it got leaked was because >>39271356 felt awful about hiding info from other fans.

>> No.39272284

fuck off, for people that say they hate not sharing shit you all seem like smug cunts to me. you can't even screen people properly, I don't know why you fags act like this. now run back to your discord or wherever you fags hide these days

>> No.39272318

Someday she will look me in the eyes in person in the same way she's looking at the camera in her newest tiktok

>> No.39272366

First you want us in the thread to fight anti spam, now you want us to run off. Could you make up your mind?

>> No.39272374

some day I will be her cat and she will kiss me and I will sleep between her legs

>> No.39272404

I just want to destroy it all and make it stop

>> No.39272410

I just want to be with her in hokkaido

>> No.39272434

I'm not usually a vindictive person but I am going to be really happy when I see that fucking faggot Aki behind bars.

>> No.39272525

I am in favor of sharing, if it is a file from a public stream there is no problem to share it, but if it is from one for members share it only for members.

>> No.39272533

Twitcast being selective about the cards makes the member thing even harder than it used to be because now we have four classes of people:
>YouTube onlies
>Twitcast onlies
>both memberships

>> No.39272559

>Twitcast onlies
I feel like this particular group would be rather small

>> No.39272611

They do exist, cash constraints. I know one of them. wish we could just pay for each other's memberships

>> No.39272636

If you can't be a member of twitcast because it doesn't accept your card I have no problem sharing either, the only thing I don't want is that the files of her private streams end up on public sites, enough is already with the leaks of the Youtube membership.

>> No.39272656

tangentially related but fuck iroha/fuwamono, genuinely fuck him, I want to strangle his scrawny fucking neck

>> No.39273030

you're that screen recording guy aren't you

>> No.39273047

I wonder if she fell asleep after the twitcast

>> No.39273304

nope, she argued with antis afterward

>> No.39273351

I mean after that, since we haven't heard anything from her after that.

>> No.39273546

Aki's the only person I'd consider supporting a lawsuit against because he's human shit and I'd like to see him get what he deserves.
But I still probably wouldn't support it, because she shouldn't waste even one second and one cent on legal garbage. That shit is an enormous distraction that takes over your life and would mean that any return to normal will be massively delayed.

>> No.39273554

you know in the delta thread we just share everything regardless (usually on litterbox links we repost each new thread). the fact of the matter is the EN side of things isn't the problem when it comes to who's harassing her, but they do shit up the the thread and spread rrats that newfags/casuals end up beliving. it also becomes difficult for casuals to keep up on the situation otherwise, never mind being filtered because twitcast won't take your card. the real worst part is being a member but getting filtered due to timezones. it's ultimately better to be able to kill rrats with direct quotes from tls or to give qrds for casuals than to let rrats run rampant and have casuals drop because they couldn't make the stream at 6AM their time or whatever. don't forget rrats keep newfriends who are interested in her from actually joining because all they hear about her is bad shit without hearing amy good, let alone truth.

if it were up to the discordfags, delta would have 1/4 her fanbase size due to gatekeeping. she eventually tardrangled them on that, but anon was archiving tls long before that

>> No.39273782

There was nothing after that, but it sounded like she had something to attend afterwards?

>> No.39273855

She had to contact the police again, and probably tweeted after that happened. Guessing the twitcast cut off weird because a call came in.

>> No.39273903

Going after him would be for nothing but retribution. It would be funny to see him destroyed, but I don't know if it's worth the trouble especially when it would mean that his claims would be recirculated again.

>> No.39275113

but then they can't jerk each other off while also failing to gatekeep properly

>> No.39275484

Welp she really made me look up ways to style my hair. Though i think i need to let them grow a bit at the front tho

>> No.39275586

She's streaming soon.

>> No.39275613

wake up faggots we're playing pokemon

>> No.39275618
File: 216 KB, 407x295, 1648724797333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suddenly mengen pokemon
fuck yeah

>> No.39275621

legal. concerns. anon.

>> No.39275673

Remember to not talk about the stream so the petty little nigglet can keep being butthurt

>> No.39275744

Sword and shield? Interesting

>> No.39275840

She's so fucking cute ho,y shit

>> No.39275921

This feels just like when my gf came over because she was lonely and wanted to start playing a video game with me

>> No.39275938
File: 76 KB, 1264x721, Screenshot 2022-04-03 114137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39275942

I love my wife im cat

>> No.39275999

>members only
fuck yeah

>> No.39276012

That name just cracks me up. Sudden english in JP sentences

>> No.39276025

all this broken english is too cute

>> No.39276047
File: 209 KB, 1274x714, Screenshot 2022-04-03 114721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39276062

I'm dying
Thank god tweet notif woke me up

>> No.39276123

she just called us her boyfriend for the first time since the controversy
very emphatically too

>> No.39276139

Apparently she has dreamed about visiting the good old USA since she was a child to have a big burger and a big cola.
Some people have easy dreams...

>> No.39276144

I will give you all the big burgers and big colas you want, im cat...

>> No.39276152

>I don't have a boyfriend

>> No.39276156

>forced to miss the start of the stream
>this comment

>> No.39276170

Did she? I blanked out for a minute. I only hear her denying having a boyfriend over a cheeky comment (probably not malintentional). Will have to check over the archive later.

>> No.39276208

nice, we chose the same starter

>> No.39276213

She wanted to call Hop her male friend, but called him her boyfriend instead, that's why she said she had no boyfriend, then someone in chat asked if we were her boyfriend and she said yes.

>> No.39276219

Somebody mentioned "we're you're boyfriend" and she agreed and said not to leave her, why do you think there were all those comments like 確かに (they were in relation to her saying don't leave me please)

>> No.39276249

your* boyfriend, I'm still waking up

>> No.39276258

My girlfriend just kissed me anons. get fucked.

>> No.39276291

she finally read my supa
it only took several days and attempts but I am content

>> No.39276294

that was for me actually

>> No.39276314
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>> No.39276355

I really need to get back to work on my pokestuff

>> No.39276381

my soul
it feels light and fluffy

>> No.39276394

based speedrun artist

>> No.39276436

Was the comment originally in JP or was it in EN?

>> No.39276452

She's replying to every supa, better send one in now

>> No.39276472


>> No.39276524


>> No.39276553

Members streams are always so much better than normal streams.

>> No.39276561

What has she said about the camera?

>> No.39276562
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I'm so happy I could die
I love her so much and I even got a kiss today

>> No.39276583

Hopefully the "I love you" and "You are my boyfriend" stuff starts filtering normalfag EOPs out.

>> No.39276632

I love my girlfriend and I don't care if she puts make-up on or not

>> No.39276656

she never said "you are my boyfriend" like that in a Youtube stream before so it just sounds like she believes it more now than ever before

>> No.39276672

oh yes. because nips are going to find the tl on your mongolian basket weaving forum via a litterbox link, which they're then going to reverse translate back to jp, assume everything is 1000% accurate, and then use in court

>> No.39276755

Yes, you retard. Take a look at how autistic antis are on 5ch and look how far they go. There have been screencaps of 4chan posts on there before.
You have no idea how bad it really is.

>> No.39276769

Genshin tomorrow, it seems

>> No.39276773

Tomorrow genshin

>> No.39276791

Elden Ring would be great too

>> No.39276836

Members only Genshin or public Genshin? Hopefully public because I'm on a tight budget right now and I don't want to ARS membership her.

>> No.39276863

I love her so much bros. Just hearing her voice and giggles is enough for me to forget all the pain we all had to go through for the past 2 months. I just want her to be happy with us forever

>> No.39276897

>I don't want to ARS membership her.
Just do that if you can if you intend to swap over when you can. If you do it quickly you can catch this stream too. The main point of it being so membership heavy is to filter anti spam at the moment anyway and it doesn't sound like you're an anti

>> No.39276907


>> No.39276936

>Started streaming 82 minutes ago

>> No.39276968

god this area seemed to be permanently stuck snowing for me

>> No.39276976


>> No.39277009

Finally streaming on my day off.

>> No.39277115


>> No.39277140


>> No.39277180

next stream may be public
she got super sleepy
me too
I sleep with my wife

>> No.39277184

she wuvs us

>> No.39277200
File: 427 KB, 4096x4096, 1647430257135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was fun, hopefully Genshin goes well tomorrow.
I love her.

>> No.39277215

She has said time in case she is stream tomorrow?

>> No.39277229

You do realize Delta literally talked shit about Cover management during streams right? Jesus you're an idiot. No nip is going to dig through your litterbox link to find a tl that's translated by somebody who's probably N3 and take it as accurate. 99% chance they couldn't reverse translate it accurately either. It wouldn't even be usable in court because it would be double hearsay

>> No.39277231


>> No.39277256

Did she have an NDA imposed on her though?

>> No.39277269

An NDA isn't "imposed" on anyone. It comes with working for any company.

>> No.39277283

>Delta literally talked shit about Cover management during streams right?
What has she said about them? Was it the sex for favors thing?

>> No.39277320

Wait, you're telling us to drop just a TL then? I was assuming you were talking about actually dropping the archives themselves like others were. It's the archives that are the troublesome part.

>> No.39277334

>You do realize Delta literally talked shit about Cover management during streams right?
Anon talking shit is different from a situation where she is so tightly bound in legal bullshit that she can barely reference her own personal affairs without worrying about a lawsuit dropping on her head

>> No.39277408

Like oshi like fan

>> No.39277423

You can attack me all you want, but leave her out of it

>> No.39277563
File: 333 KB, 700x909, FPb8u6YVsAU4Lf9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im cat and her team

>> No.39277567

Why does YouTube not give me notifications for this, I swear

>> No.39277572

There shouldn't be any problem dropping translations. It's not really any different from repeating what she says.

>> No.39277644

Anon that was a shitpost.

>> No.39277655

TLs are much less problematic than streams or transcripts, I absolutely agree. I was assuming this was still about posting mengen or menbacassu recording archives. I'm only worried about anything that could be used to incriminate her, and I think that goes for most of us.

>> No.39277660

How can you not have twitter notifications on for her?

>> No.39277691

liked fanart

>> No.39277733

Wait did the thread not even get rough summaries for the member streams? No wonder people have sticks up their asses.

>> No.39277744

Then what did she say?

>> No.39277752

Cringe cucklords kill yourselves

>> No.39277753

Not even rough summaries for archived ones, no. This is how it's been forever.

>> No.39277759

To be fair, summaries weren't really posted anywhere. EOPs/JSLs here are really good at faking it until they make it reps-wise

>> No.39277781

It's a survival skill you acquire relatively quickly in here

>> No.39277784

Huh, guess I can help with that a little bit then like in the bunker if that isn't a problem.

>> No.39277795

>like in the bunker
The bunker literally exists right now, why are you acting like it's in the past

>> No.39277820

It's been penetrated hard

>> No.39277823

facecam when?

>> No.39277830

The Discord bunker is alive and well
Don't get salty because gatekeeper anon caught on to you being a casual and rejected you

>> No.39277836

Yeah if you don't mind. Your brief write-ups were pretty neat. I swear I tried to do it a few times but I will get obsessed at nitpicking words and spend hours doing it because autism

>> No.39277838

That expression doesn't necessarily refer to something that's in the past though.

>> No.39277841

I didn't even apply to the Discord bunker...

>> No.39277856

Welcome to the club and welcome back to the threads

>> No.39277863

>come home
>suddenly missed a stream
well damn
any big news? Hope she had fun

>> No.39277864

What the fuck are you even discussing there with the sub account gone?
I didn't even bother applying to the discord because the poal bunker would already go hours without a single post.

>> No.39277870

Genshin Impact tomorrow at an unspecified time is about the only big thing.

>> No.39277878

yes, im cat had fun. cute stream also there is an archive so go watch that.

>> No.39277883

Oh no Genshin...

>> No.39277885

It'll come back, she can't help herself. And then we're back on the out group.
Plus the Twitcast archive was really convenient to have around.

>> No.39277888

I figure if it gets bad again I can always just check back and apply. I have zero doubt I'd be able to get in unless they close down completely for whatever reason

>> No.39277904

>It'll come back, she can't help herself.
You think she'll re-activate it? I assumed she'll make a sub-account like her previous one where there's no sure-fire confirmation its her

>> No.39277909

She had a lot fun with pokemon, lots of cute broken english.
Genshin tomorrow, probably not a members stream.
Her sleep schedule is a lot more normal nowadays.
Also talked a bit about Elden Ring and that one Vampire game holomem were playing like crazy.

>> No.39277910

the stuff Delta talked about would still fall under breaking an NDA. and it's not that Mike can't talk about her personal life, it's that the exact situation with mafu and cover (presumably) can't be talked about. Delta has antis in her fanbox, Kuroa has antis in her fanbox (who were using it to imitate her btw, same as Mike); do you honestly believe Mike doesn't have antis in her memberships? you're assuming some anti is going to download your archive and send it to cover, in which case, it's far easier for them to pay 10 shekels and record her streams themselves. why lurk a 4chan thread hoping somebody will link something when you can do it yourself? all it takes it one anti willing to take the financial hit; he can easily disseminate for the others. and since that is all it takes, there being an archive or not doesn't matter. if she really has the level of heat that you're claiming she does, antis are going to watch her streams like a hawk. if that's true, there being an archive or not doesn't matter, and you linking it for EN's doesn't matter either. somebody will have already grabbed it. the same way you can set up auto-downloaders for her streams or her tweets, they can too. ツイキャス監視君 and ツイキャス録画君 have been around far longer than our tools for archiving twitcasts. and all of that still assumes she's going to say something on stream that can cause problems. she's already done questionable posts on twitter, and you've seen those be archived as screenshots, makeaquote, etc.
what makes her (assumed) NDA different than kson's or delta's? you're saying we can't have archives because she might say something during a stream, that somebody might be able to use, to maybe hit her with a lawsuit, because she maybe has an NDA regarding it. but if that's true, why would somebody lurk 4chan for an archive instead of paying the shekels to record her streams themselves? better yet, if that's true, why would she say it on stream at all? Delta did, and nothing came of it.
you can do whatever you want. but it doesn't actually make a difference. or do you really think that 5ch antis are constantly f5ing this thread hoping to find a litterbox link that maybe has something they can maybe use to maybe get her in trouble? even if that were true, you could easily use encoding of the links the same way the ASMR thread does on /t/. you could put passwords on them, the sky's the limit. 99% of the people you're worried about having access to them don't even have the english proficiency necessary to understand vague posts about a password, or slang, netslang, idioms, puns, double entendres, etc. be creative.
see for yourself
she took the streams down but they were archived anyway. any anti could have done the same thing. now everyone has access to them. yet nothing has happened. because no one cares. keep in mind the 12/06 and 12/29 streams were done right after she started streaming again post-graduation. her antis were still out in force. nothing happened.

>> No.39277918

You have to have merch this time

>> No.39277930

Got it, mind I'm JTL myself so I do get some stuff wrong. Hopefully the other Japanese capable anons will interject as needed.

As a side, since it was a game stream nothing of note was mentioned besides her being really hesitant to make friends with girls, wondering whether it'd be better to have her avatar on screen or face cam for game streams, saying men have it easy since they could just wake up and immediately stream, and wondering whether to play elden ring, genshin, or vampire survivor for the public stream while worrying about the noisy people that tell streamers what to do while playing games.

>> No.39277945

Like I said, I have zero doubt I'd be able to get in

>> No.39277947

>saying men have it easy
If only she realized that she's gorgeous even if she jwu

>> No.39277953

i have both twitter and firefox twitter notifications set for her on my phone, but if I'm not currently using my phone they can take an hour or more to pop up. if I'm using my phone they show up immediately, but if I've set my phone down and am doing something else they can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours to buzz me. i have no idea why and I've tried changing every setting i can think of.

>> No.39277972

That's...really bizarre. Twitter Chrome notifications for Windows pings me immediately.

>> No.39277979

I'd go down on her even if she hasn't showered in a week

>> No.39277990

If you're using a chinkphone, I assume you already messed with the settings for the app killing tendencies that they have?

>> No.39277991

>see for yourself
Why can't you just summarize it?

>> No.39278011

No, it's a Samsung

>> No.39278047

because i don't have the tl in front of me and you would want direct quotes. besides, this is the same level of effort an anti would have to go through to get dirt from your archive links.

>> No.39278062

The lengths people go to to hole themselves up in some elitist bunker will never not be funny, even going so far as to use programs or sites they hate

>> No.39278082

I remember when people said it was only supposed to be temporary back when the first one was made.
Now it feels like they got too attached to it and will never let it go.

>> No.39278104

I don't know Japanese and I'm not the one making arguments about antis. I just want to know what Cover did to her.

>> No.39278155

>I don't know Japanese
So what brings you here then?

>> No.39278199

Same thing as everyone else.

>> No.39278211

Turn back now. That which you seek is not found here.

>> No.39278270
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>> No.39278276

You must know in your heart that it wasn’t something good.

>> No.39278290

She is so amazing that you can love her even if you don't speak any Japanese at all
Love transcends language

>> No.39278390

So much meta discussion about the bunker. Why am I going to worry about a bunch of elite nerds sucking each other off?

>> No.39278417

You seem worried enough to constantly bitch about it

>> No.39278429

First time I've ever mentioned it in my life and the point was the people bitching about it are annoying.

>> No.39278441

This is true
Gotta say though learning Japanese makes it much better, but I only started learning for her

>> No.39278450

Agreed, bitching about is pretty annoying

>> No.39278451

Of course, but as you said - you only learned it because you love her so much you deemed it worth it for her sake

>> No.39278483

I've been crying for the past 20 minutes over the im cat image, it feels like I'm going to get a heart attack
How can a woman possibly be this cute?

>> No.39278492

Exactly, I see no effort towards trying to build their own archives and sharing that around either.

>> No.39278745

Guys, she's probably sleeping right now

>> No.39278749

With me

>> No.39278777

never mind, new tweet

>> No.39278785

the mikeneko experience

>> No.39278796

New likes too

>> No.39278953

First word of her reply to sakana is the first word I ever read and understood in hiragana.

>> No.39279086


>> No.39279386
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>> No.39279427

that's how it always is. muh super secret club, gets to gatekeep, "we're the true fans," etc. it's all cope to justify

>> No.39279506

what we know for sure is that she did end up full doxxed somehow and was getting harassed at home. her abusive dad basically forced her to quit to try to make the calls stop, and she said she regretted doing so. it's also not for certain that cover did anything to help with that. she's talked about tearing down antis in court, and iirc only 1 was underage, but she didn't specify if that was the batch of antis from her time as aloe, or if that was the antis that came to delta afterwards. one thing she did say specifically was that marine was the most helpful, or tried to actually be there for them. something like that. given how she ghosted everyone afterwards, we're not even sure if the others knew she jumped...

>> No.39279520

agreed. even without clips you can still feel her personality in how she acts, tone, etc.

>> No.39279612

I'm worried about wifeposter, Haven't seen him in a while

>> No.39279620

But where's the shit talk about Cover?
>marine was the most helpful, or tried to actually be there for them
Who's them in this case?

>> No.39279652

The police won't just arrest someone because a defamation suit has been filed until it goes through the courts. Aki also responded and provided call logs to show he answered the calls from the police, which is probably why she deleted her tweets. If Aki isn't lying, what she said could be considered defamation and intimidation. The best thing she can do is not tweet about her lawsuit plans or make empty threats.

>> No.39279677

>If Aki isn't lying

>> No.39279725

Even if Aki isn't lying the timing of him bringing up all the shit could get him in trouble. He had no particular reason to do that, especially when he provided almost no information related to the drama that was in the news.

>> No.39279872

>But where's the shit talk about Cover?
i'm not the one with the tl
>Who's them in this case?

>> No.39279904
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>> No.39279911
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>> No.39279944

>i'm not the one with the tl
So you don't actually know if she shit talked Cover then?
But who's everybody? Holos? Cover staff? How would Delta even know what Marine did when she cut contact with everyone after being forced to quit

>> No.39279961
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>> No.39279974

>So you don't actually know if she shit talked Cover then?
i'm a different anon. the other one said he had the tl
>But who's everybody? Holos? Cover staff? How would Delta even know what Marine did when she cut contact with everyone after being forced to quit
talents. it's been talked about before that when somebody has a problem Marine is one of the first ones to message them

>> No.39279975

who's this aki guy again?
I know korekore. I know narukami. who's this guy?

>> No.39279977
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>> No.39279994
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>> No.39280001

a literal 5ch schizo

>> No.39280006

Alleged ex boyfriend who has been mad at her since November for whatever reason.

>> No.39280195
File: 109 KB, 1100x1100, FNQspXlVUAoh_v0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39280204

One time a few years ago in one of my manic phases I spent 12 hours googling information about laws I could exploit to move to Europe and spent 2 of those hours excitedly bringing it up with my girlfriend before the manic phase died down and I realized that I was really glad I didn't book those next day flight tickets to Amsterdam
So her mentioning being manic today and then asking about the rent in the USA today makes me a little nervous, especially since she mentioned a bit ago about moving to overseas and streaming there as a joke(?)

>> No.39280252

I'm pretty sure even the jap schizos told him to fuck off

>> No.39280263

To this day antis QT her with his allegations.

>> No.39280309

That's one of those things that's cute, even a beautiful dream, but also an absolutely terrible idea.

>> No.39280345

jp schizos are something else

>> No.39280397

They really, really are

>> No.39280693

He's her ex, a minor visual kei volcalist, she started dating during her last year in high school and he was in his twenties. He's 3-4 years older than her. He's a verifiable piece of trash, but was her piece of trash for a time which she's never denied. He's made some claims about her past and tweeted screenshots from her.

>> No.39280813

Why do you speak if you clearly don't know what you're talking about

>> No.39280880

shut up schizo troll you need help go get a doc why do you always come here to shit up the thread

>> No.39280896
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>> No.39280907

new thread OP with Mikeneko digging her nose please

>> No.39280942

Interesting reaction

>> No.39280971

He's the schizolarper troll, he tries to deflect by accusing everyone who doesn't agree with him or call him out Mikeneko haters.

>> No.39280977

How would you know that from that post?

>> No.39280978

I figured. His response gave me a good chuckle at least

>> No.39280982

Why do you speak if you clearly don't know what you're talking about? There's no debate in Japan about whether or not they had a relationship. The debate is whether or not the other claims he's made about her are true.

>> No.39281019

Sorry, not getting another (You) out of me

>> No.39281170

now do I get some sleep or stay up in case she does something?

>> No.39281295

Before we die, the Apex thing a week ago had to be bait, right?

>> No.39281306

I'm just imitating what you guys posted in the thread, it's basically the same shit every thread.
You can call that larping but, you guys are indirectly larping too because it's the same shit every thread. Pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.39281419

You aren't as intelligent as you think you are

>> No.39281433

She already adesssed that Anon....do reps.

>> No.39281454

No one ever explained what she said.

>> No.39281514

NTA but I was the one who mentioned ITT that she talked about it. She said she played like 3 games, all of them went like shit and then she stopped. That's all.

>> No.39281555

>check the new thread
>my wife my wife my wife
Yea I'm dumb, they are definitely not spamming the same shit every thread

>> No.39281569
File: 561 KB, 1200x1688, UhYoSN5fCfQIgcUJ6GFpQxpN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Public execution of Antis and Desicive victory for Delutaya. She also said it was expensive and pretty draining experience. Though they eventually fucked off for the most part. The ruling in the Roa case actually makes it easier for Mike since Delta did it before that ever occurred but die the a history of being harrassed across multiple accounts by repeat offenders who were going out if their way to harrass she was able to do it.

On a happier side of things. Delta has been really happy since she went and did some work in Tokyo, has been finishing songs on her Album, and has even been streaming more. So she treated herself with a trip to the spa and a trip to the saloon for the work she has been doing.

I guess I am brining this up first because I love bragging about her but also because people aware if how bad Delta was last year would know this is a dramatic turnaround. And I know it might seem tough Mike's husband that your wife is sad or suffering but it will get better. Just be patient and remind her you have stuck with her this long and you have no plans to leave. Also Being EOP as fuck is extremely endearing because it shows her despite a clear language barrier you are trying hard to help her.

>> No.39281597

Delta and Mike should sue Cover together.

>> No.39281670


>> No.39281691

No, it happened, it looked bad, but we called it and she explained it without lying about it by saying she didn't play it, case closed

>> No.39281713

They should, so they can lose badly.

>> No.39281782

Black companies usually try to settle out of court instead of going through with it, even when they may have a win. Just to be safe. With how bad Cover is, that’s probably what they’d try and do. Regardless, being sued by 2/3 of your former talents is a bad look no matter what.

>> No.39281844

>suing antis
You're so pathetic schizo kun

>> No.39281874

Delta has no reason to sue cover and has no case worth going after Cover for. Also her EXTREMELY short time as Aloe along with her work as Delta opened a ton of doors for her in the industry. She's basically at a why fucking bother point now even if she had a legit case.

Mike on the other hand has some actual gripes but I doubt she would get anywhere and even if she did it would be pennies for her. Basically she should just drop that shit if she has any delusions of going after Cover and focus on her career from here on out. Or getting married (to me her fiance.)

>> No.39281935

>her career from here on out.
What career? No offense, but that NDA on her resume is going to stop the vast majority of other companies or potential sponsors from ever working with her. All she has is supas.

>> No.39281946

I make more than enough money to support my wife

>> No.39281964

>NDA on resume
Go back to school

>> No.39281977

She's already been a guest with a small-time company. She's not going to join Nijisanji or partner with Square but if she wants she has plenty of business opportunities.

>> No.39282346

so more small events where the ones running the thing at excited to talk to her, sounds cute

>> No.39282390 [SPOILER] 
File: 387 KB, 1288x1288, IMG_E672B50A5369-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POV: You live in the other timeline

>> No.39282419

>Basically she should just drop that shit if she has any delusions of going after Cover and focus on her career from here on out
I think that would really depend on how strongly she still feels on getting fired and how everything went down. And going by how frequently she does the cryptic tweets thing there's probably still plenty of fight in there.

>> No.39282498

She should drop it regardless of how she feels. This kind of shit takes over your life and makes you worse.

>> No.39282505

What I still don't get is, why spoof 30 IPs. Even talked like a chuuni too and being too chuuni among Fandead is actually impressive

>> No.39282528

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

>> No.39282572

Honestly the only actual ongoing case we know of is her suing aki anyway, so until something actually pops up that shows otherwise there isn't much we can do or say besides cheering her on.

>> No.39282672

And I get that attitude, but...30? Fucking...
30???? Why...

>> No.39282693

thread theme

>> No.39282707

Thread theme.

>> No.39282723

Dear anti-san,
Why do you dislike her? You have a limited amount of time in your life and we all have a limited amount of time here. Wouldn't it be better for us to get along? Can't you find it in your heart to forgive her for whatever she did to you?
