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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3923489 No.3923489 [Reply] [Original]

Mark Kermode says we should be relaxed about adult themes in videogames (Should we avoid violent games?, 11 December).

He confesses to knowing nothing about these games: "I don't play them and probably never will." But he then says, "I do know something about horror films, and the moral panic they provoke," and takes issue with the "ominous sense of ill-informed outrage" about the modern videogames market. He then advises readers looking for a sensible opinion on the subject to refer to "someone who knows, someone who plays them, someone who actually likes them". In short, the fans.

My organisation, Equality Now, has heard a lot from the fans of some of these games. We highlighted the game RapeLay, produced in Japan, as one example of many that promote violence against women. In RapeLay the player manipulates an onscreen penis to simulate rape of a woman and her young daughters over and over again.


>> No.3923495

Good, women deserve to be respected.

>> No.3923502

Does posting this shit on every board makes you feel good?

>> No.3923506

>These videogames are not art. They are extreme pornography.
Well, that's just like your, opin...
>Said by a woman

>> No.3923515

If they hate it so much, then why do so many of them fantasize about rape? I have never met a woman that doesn't have rape fantasies. Never.

>> No.3923519
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>women deserve to be respected.
Oh you

>> No.3923546

What about violence against man? There are so much violence against man, much more than against woman. Why the fuck no one else write articles about them?

>manipulates an onscreen penis

>> No.3923575

Has imagery of having healthy relationship, including respect for each other and consensual sex in missionary position, become so normal that we no longer notice it?

>> No.3923578

I have to admit, I feel a bit queasy about anything featuring rape or violence towards women.

>> No.3923588

You must have a really large penis.

>> No.3923589
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>> No.3923593

Athens here, I endorse this female journalist's opinion.

>> No.3923594

I just ignore it because it isn't very erotic.

>> No.3923610

what kind of horrible person would do something so disgusting to such a beautiful creature

>> No.3923614

I would never force myself on my waifu, that's for sure.

>> No.3923618


>> No.3923623

So when will we get to hear outcries about men being hurt/tortured or raped or whatever in games and other mediums?

>> No.3923628

>These videogames are not art. They are extreme pornography

Already the headline is fucktarded. Extreme pornography IS art. You may not like it, that's okay, we don't all need to like everything in this world. I hate modern art, you hate porn, we're cool. But porn is art and deserves all the protection art gets.

>> No.3923629

Haven't seen this before.

>> No.3923635

Male feminist here.

This is why you'll never get laid /jp/.

>> No.3923640

>Male feminist here.
You mean whiteknight, silly.

>> No.3923646


Never OBV, since violence against men is the normal state of things.

That's not actually just hypocrisy, it's the evolutionary role of men: they take all the risks, they get exposed to danger, because the women are the bottleneck of procreation. One man can seed a thousand women in the time it takes for one of them to be born. It simply doesn't make sense, from the perspective of the survivability of the species, for men and women both be exposed to danger, and thus every instinct we have says "protect the women, let the men take the risks".

Gender roles are a fundamentally natural thing. That's why they are mostly the same in every culture, no matter how isolated.

>> No.3923648

>Male feminist
how is that possible? Like, a vegetable promoting vegetarianism?

>> No.3923649

Feminists want to destroy them though, even though most women want to be the little princess (not that I have a problem with that).

>> No.3923656

>most women want to be the little princess
I have bad news for you...

>> No.3923659

By that definition women have nothing to complain about do they? since men are the ones getting the short end of the stick.

>> No.3923666

Women want to simultaneously be the pampered little princess whose every whim gets adhered to and a "liberated" power figure who takes charge of her own life. They want the perks of both roles and the responsibilities of neither.

None of these femifucks ever seems to notice that if men treated women like men, men would beat them five times more often and completely ignore their every need and opinion instead of merely beating them occasionally and ignoring them most of the time.

>> No.3923674

Not short enough according to them.

>> No.3923675


Exactly. Women are the only "oppressed" class in human history whose supposed oppressors work for _the_ oppressed from dawn to dusk.

They just don't seem to fucking realize how many privileges they get for having a vagina.

>> No.3923688
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Japan is a nation which accepts hentai. This encourages rape so hentai must be banned.

Japan is nation where courts let rapists go free with a slap on the wrist. Sentences must be increased.

Japanese judges violate the rights of women by taking into account whether they resisted their grape.h Women should not have to resist sex to be able to call it rape.

Evil misogynists have waged a hate mail campaign against us. We were sent some AV which we thought was child porn involving girl-children, but Japanese police experts on pubic hair told us it wasn't, so they must all be misogynists.

Rapelay was withdrawn from sale, the EOCS banned all fetishes, and some companies have banned foreigners from their websites. This is not enough. The Japanese government must ban everything we object to and make it all illegal.

The UN must tell the Japanese to do as we direct.

>> No.3923693

Never played Rapelay, although I've been through other illusion games (SM, AG3, @HM). Is it a classic?

>> No.3923711

These women really have never been to Japan. It's so much safer than the US for women it isn't even funny.

>> No.3923731

They even bother to crack down on groping on trains. That's kinda like if, on the murder spectrum, the US government was to spend money and manhours policing sandboxes for kids who ruin other kids' sand castles.

>> No.3923734

Priviledged enough to:

- Have to deal with rape.
- Have to deal with objectification on a daily basis (cat calls etc).
- Have to deal with being called a slut for enjoying sex.

Sure sounds good.

>> No.3923735


>> No.3923736

Its shit compared to the other ones,
the people who enjoy that shit are indeed fucked up,
its fun to watch em squirm as their twisted fantasies are snatched from them.

>> No.3923737

All of these can apply to men as well.

>> No.3923739


Do people really still not realize that the guardian is a tabloid newspaper? For shame /jp/, for shame.

>> No.3923740

First they came for the x.

>> No.3923743

When will they understand that when we play these we wish to be the little girls?

>> No.3923744

Are you woman?
GTFO of /jp/.

>> No.3923745

The Equality Now feminists are only about as bad as the misogynists on /jp/. By that I mean they're fucking terrible, but the hypocrisy in these threads always amuses me.

It's not that good. I mostly played it for the youngest girl's voice actress.

>> No.3923749

>but the hypocrisy in these threads always amuses me.

In what way?

>> No.3923753

Yeah, I'm a woman and no I won't, I enjoy most /jp/ related stuff, mostly VNs and Touhou cosplay though.

>> No.3923755

What? Tell this them idol fags, but the rest of /jp/ rejects women off all kind. Period. They smell, they are loud, they cost to much money and times, they fart, they always complain. Why would you want this shit?

>> No.3923758

be my girlfriend

>> No.3923759

>We received hundreds of emails from around the world, many calling for our own rape and murder. "By the way, I played RapeLay (doing the 13-year-old was best)", said one, referring to the pre-pubescent girl whom players "rape" in the game.

Okay, which one of you was this?

>> No.3923760

Horrible troll.

>> No.3923763
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>Touhou cosplay
<--- /cgl/.
Get out.

>> No.3923765

>the US government was to spend money and manhours policing sandboxes for kids who ruin other kids' sand castles.

Since this would not impede corporations at all and would only serve to harass individual citizens (thus not counting as "Big Government"), expect to see this the next time the Republicans come to power.

>> No.3923768

You don't realize that the downsides you listed are fucking tiny prices to pay for the privileges you get.
I mean, sure, if you're ugly the upsides won't be as huge as they might be but still women get a lot for free that men are expected to work for.

>> No.3923769

Give it a rest misogynists. No wonder you are still virgins.

>> No.3923772

Uhm the closest marxist socialist are the ones with thesilly liberal programs and pre-crime thought policing.

>> No.3923775

Sorry? Privileges? Seriously now stop this drug thing while posting on /jp/

>> No.3923780

Rapelay is just one game that got some popularity from those retards, because of Amazon.com incident. They are clinging to Rapelay because they just heard something popular and dont know about anything else.

>> No.3923782

I'm a transsexual misogynist. Having seen both sides I can confidently say that women are spoiled whining bitches.
Of course the majority of /jp/'s male population are too.

>> No.3923785

I'd rather be a virgin on his feet than a sex god on his knees.

>> No.3923787

Not that I want to change that. And I don't hate women, I just don't want to have anything to do with them on a daily basis.

>> No.3923788

Please have sex with me!

>> No.3923792

Republican or FILTHY RED. Shades of grey are too confusing!

>> No.3923797

We don't really have too many socialists in national government, but yeah, neither Democrats nor Republicans are too averse to censorship or thought crime legislation or any of that business.

>> No.3923798

At least we are not bitching about rights.
And eh, what with that pride to have sex once in a life?

Wait, I know, you are troll.
but if I say that, you will go in solid denial talking about how silly virgin is changing a subject.

>> No.3923801
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He's right.

>> No.3923807

Hey /jp/, look at it like this, how would you feel if some sick fuck started perving over your sister?

>> No.3923808

I agree with you but I had to response. I'm sick of being called a religious nuts or righ-wing extremists for everything that's not on the policy papers of corporate leftist.

>> No.3923811

Man pretending to be a feminist detected.

>> No.3923812
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>I'm a transsexual misogynist

>> No.3923813

Pride is a meaningless social construct. People of /jp/ know better than to prescribe ourselves to notions of petty pride.

>> No.3923815


>> No.3923816

Man, Rapelay just keeps on trollin'. It is truly the epic win of epic wins.

>> No.3923817

Because of the pressure in the US they call themselves liberal or progressive but most of them are some kind of marxists or even greeny gaian communist. Not that it matters, they should have their coming out and let the people decide and not scheming behind linguistics and doublethinl

>> No.3923818

I would root for him.

>> No.3923819

I like my sister's boyfriend. He's a bro.
And considering how much work my sister puts into her appearance I'd feel kinda sorry for her if noone perved over her.

>> No.3923821

I'd help him to fuck my sister.

>> No.3923824
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>implying that leftists actually exist in America

>> No.3923825

I'm not a virgin, and my 2 cents:

There's a very real mental/emotional aspect to sex. That is to say, the woman surrendering to the man (or to another woman, or the other combinations possible). The surrender heightens the pleasure for the woman, and "being raped" heightens the feeling of surrender. Now, it depends on whether the "rapist" cares about giving her pleasure or not, but if he does, then it can be a very arousing situation for the woman. Willing or not.

I only put it in quotes because it's also possible to roleplay rape consensually, and that's the only way I personally recommend it if you get the chance to try it (and have some kind of record saying that it was consensual)

>> No.3923834

Corporate leftist? How-? No wait your left are actually uber-right but still, considering how firmly secured the Republicans' collective mouth has been around the cock of corporate america I find it hard to see how anyone could accuse anything opposing them as "corporate".

>> No.3923835

Mindfuck here with feminst propagana and bring her up against her boyfriend. Then profit as feminist at heart and white knight liberal.

>> No.3923836

It looks like Equality Now just made themselves look like delusional extremists in a mainstream British newspaper.

This is definitely a good thing for us basement-dwelling fictional character rapist types.

>> No.3923837

I might not feel too great about it depend on the circumstances, but the fact is until the perv in question acts in some way instead of sitting in his basement apartment and fantasizing, he hasn't committed a crime. Of course there's probably no way to know if some guy had those thoughts unless he acted on them, so your point is kind of moot.

>> No.3923840

>passing off matters of personal experience as fact
Typical normalfag.

>> No.3923844


What disturbs me the most is that this may actually be what feminists think.

>> No.3923851

Yes there are lots of but their hiding themselves in plain view by linguistics and doublethink. Remember soviets fought wars and the other socialist regimes oppressed the public with police states and spy rings. So what?

>> No.3923857


I only put it in quotes because it's also possible to roleplay rape consensually, and that's the only way I personally recommend it if you get the chance to try it (and have some kind of record saying that it was consensual)

Are you a girl?

>> No.3923862

I like blonde hair.

>> No.3923867

y'know, I don't really care about this.
Mainly because soccer moms with sand in their vagina can't do shit. I mean really, think about it. They have to live in fear of rape as if it's some sort of monster living in their closet. I hardly think they're well equipped to deal with real people.
For one, they forget that people can break laws. A couple words written on a piece of paper hardly stops people from drawing little girls getting raped over and over again. In fact, a couple words written on a piece of paper is not stopping real little girls from getting raped, so I really don't get where they're trying to go with this - just some self-evidence that they're "right"? go to a pastor and hint at him to praise you or something.

>> No.3923872

Funny. When I look at american politics I get the impression the right does this more, or at least more flagrantly.
Oh well, I don't live there but to me it seems obvious that both sides just keep their mouths spewing stuff that sounds good and means nothing while trying to make the opposition look so bad their supporters don't bother to vote.

>> No.3923875

Alex Jones posting on /jp/.

>> No.3923877

Yeah, the Soviets and other extreme leftists ran police states, but so have extreme rightists. Maybe you should stop listening to Sean Hannity and be more worried about extremists in general?

>> No.3923880
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Meaningless? no.

Those fools of society are living on borrowed pride and ideals, let those fools believe what they want. You do not simply throw away your pride, real men bend their pride to their own will.

>> No.3923881

I get the impression he's saying that if you don't get it written down you're likely to end up in court after she's had time to change her memories of the event afterwards and has convinced herself it was actually real rape.

>> No.3923885

>The NSPCC for example reported in September that a third of teenage girls in a relationship suffer unwanted sexual acts (including rape) and a quarter physical violence such as being slapped, punched or beaten by their boyfriends.

So either over 33% of all young men play women abuse games, or these games are not the cause. If you write an article, why diminish your own arguments?

>> No.3923886

Leftists believe in the church of the blank slate.

They are a religious order guided by principles of faith, not science. See the racial IQ gap.

>> No.3923888
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This thread is bad and you should all feel bad

>> No.3923894

Both the far right and far left exist here, but the right has a lot more power. And both our parties are shit, of course. I'm amazed Americans aren't even less apathetic than they are, considering.

>> No.3923895

Your pride is all you have that is really yours. It can take different forms but if you're not proud of who you are then what do you have?
It doesn't have anything to do with societal expectations, just consider who you want to be.

>> No.3923901

^more apathetic

>> No.3923903

It's not like I did a research study, but somehow the topic of rape comes up occasionally and 50/50 of the girls that I've talked to about it mentioned that they wanted to try it. I kept it tl;dr because if you care to confirm or deny, you can probably find actual studies (not put on by feminists or misogynists to skew numbers).

I live in America, and lawyers are going through tough times too so it's more important now than ever to cover your ass for things like that.

>> No.3923904

Protip: The liberty - authority axis is the more important one, in the end totalitarian regimes alway become extreme no matter how they window-dress themselves. Where's the difference if they act upon some eugenic-racial ideologies or some ideologies right off from disneyland like for Gaia or 'the people'. The ends are the same and the ideologies just there to mind control the public.

>> No.3923907

Cool story. Now tell us your "secrets" for meeting so many women kekeke

>> No.3923928

Won't somebody please think of the fictional children?

>> No.3923934

( ≖‿≖)

>> No.3923936

Yeah, I don't think we're disagreeing here.

>> No.3923940

50 isn't really a lot of women, and most of them I talked to online (being as rape is a relatively uncomfortable subject to discuss in person). I just talk to people I meet thinking that if we're in the same place we might have things in common to discuss. And I joined a few forums for random webcomics and chat rooms from the forums, and just hung out at the active chat rooms and forgot about the boring ones.

... And they also seemed to mostly be camwhores or like phone conversations.

>> No.3923944

Are a lot of girls from 4chan/nerdy girls really slutty?

>> No.3923948

>are ... [females] slutty?

Son, have I taught you nothing?

>> No.3923951

Give them an opportunity and yes, they are.
Just like the guys.

>> No.3923955

All girls are or become at some point slutty even more so in modern times. What do you except, the children are brought up that way and give in to social pressure of public places. But liberals don't want to listen what traumas and emotional scars their sexual revolutions are causing them younger generations. Yesterday watching kids cartoons with daddy, and tomorrow sucking dicks because everybody does it.

>> No.3923959

I always thought that girls in environments like 4chan, geeky environments basically were even more slutty than ordinary girls.

I don't understand that, I would have thought femanons would be virgins.

>> No.3923962

But the opportunity for women to be slutty is much larger than for men, so they are slutty more often.

>> No.3923973

Yes, that's why male nerds are virgins and female nerds aren't (generalizations ahoy).

Because girls don't really have to do anything to get sex while men do.

>> No.3923988

But there much more male nerds than female and there are lots of ronery guys who don't care about female nerds, while male nerds aren't so hot on the list. Why should a women throw away her future for some /jp/ browsing bums like us?

>> No.3923991

woman of course ...

>> No.3923992


>> No.3923993

>>3923973 Because girls don't really have to do anything to get sex while men do.
This. It's easy to be a slut, but it's hard to be a stud.

>> No.3923999

I feel like playing Rapelay now. Loading it up as I type.

>> No.3924009

Is funny because is true.

>> No.3924019

Which is why being a stud is seen as a good thing (especially by women) while being a slut is seen as a bad thing.

It's the difference between the person who toils away to make their own cake from scratch and a person who takes seven cakes for free and eats them all at once.

Ultimately, they're both just eating cake but one is still more respectful than the other.

>> No.3924022

just rape them

>> No.3924032 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3924029

I'm not sure what you're trying to say but normal guys don't mind much if a girl is a nerd as long as she's not butt ugly (and even then she might be good for a quick fuck) while to normal girls a guy being a nerd is an immediate warning to stay away and nerd girls fall for guys who tell them what they want to hear and don't appear desperate just like all girls which means they are also unlikely to have sex with male nerds.
Yes, I can count the times I was hit on as a guy on one hand, and I was a pretty good looking boy/young man, while as a woman it's pretty much par for the course. Of course I haven't gone along with it yet because it's fucking dangerous to go along with some guy I don't know in my position but that's a different matter.

>> No.3924054



>> No.3924059

should I summon athens

>> No.3924084

Oh you, I hope you don't fool the guys for being a women. I would get fucking pissed.

I meant that the typical male nerds are being seen as losers by society and less capable of supporting a family. That's the only thing women care about. You will have it much harder as a male nerd to get a woman than a female nerd as society and gender roles and genetics don't expect the same out of women than from men.

>> No.3924110

That's why I don't go along with it. Springing that on a person would, besides being fucking rude and disrespectful, be ridiculously dangerous.
I will, for better and for worse, have to wait for someone I can get to know well and who I have told and who accepts it before I get to have sex. Ah well, I'm a romantic at heart so I can live with the occasional frustration.

>> No.3924114 [DELETED] 

pleased to be stop spamming ur shitty clone boards on anonta

>> No.3924141

Well yeah, you're saying OH WELL OF COURSE A WOMAN WOULD SAY THAT, but you're kind of guys so you'd say that. The ANTI-WOMAN kind of bias on 4chan started out as part of the mock tough guy persona that most youngsters on /jp/ unfortunately took very seriously.

I do feel uncomfortable about playing games like Rance if there is rape in them. Though not the presence of rape like in F/SN, but the main character doing it. It's just a bit much. I don't think such things should be banned but it's not exactly a comfortable situation either.

>> No.3924148
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This thing was like something you'd read in an American tabloid. It's honestly not even worth discussing.

In before Sankaku laps this up and we get their link reposted every hour.

>> No.3924149

In Rance, the rape is more comical than anything else.

>> No.3924152

I guess tabloids around the world are the same.

>> No.3924168

I don't think this matters at all.
These games are fiction. They're there to either tell a story or satisfy someone's fetishes. The games are harmless, like most other games. I think everyone should support freedom of expression, whatever that is.
I know I wouldn't mind if the feminists made some reverse-replay game that suited their fetishes, even if I would never play it myself, but I would not mind such games being made, as they don't affect me in any way. Just like in their example, Rapelay doesn't hurt them physically in any way, and it doesn't hurt them mentally unless they insist on subjecting themselves to it. What is it with these groups and their desire to censor various things that they don't like, even if those things don't hurt them one bit.

>> No.3924175


Oh come on, I bet you're fine playing other games where your goal is to dismember your enemies or mow them down in a hail of gunfire.

It's fantasy, it's a game, and Rance makes rape more comical than anything else. If you take it seriously, it's your loss.

>> No.3924180


I didn't say they should be banned. But if you can't say "Fuck, this is kind of dodgy", then you're the ones pulling the PC card of a different kind - there is a lot that gets past off with the "Aritstic Integrity" card.

>> No.3924187


It's not that it features rape, it's the way in which it's portrayed(even if comically). Games that feature dismemberment usually make the hero out to be much more of an anti-hero.

>> No.3924191

>I have never met a woman that doesn't have rape fantasies. Never.

Yeah, but you've never left your house, either.

>> No.3924213

>27 posts and 10 image replies omitted

>> No.3924214


I'm not sure how it's supposed to even be possible to be "more of an antihero" than Rance.

>> No.3924237

Most porn is art, especially drawn porn.
Let's take a look at some definitions of the word:
art - the products of human creativity; works of art collectively; "an art exhibition"; "a fine collection of art"
art - creation meant to communicate or appeal to senses or mind

How is anything drawn not art? Even PIG DISGUSTING 3D porn can be art, as it is usually directed and require some creative thought and maybe even acting.

tl;dr: Almost anything can be art, depending on the observer and the creators of the work.

>> No.3924251
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>> No.3924258
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So does Japan not give a fuck about these guys or are they just going to localise their shit?

>> No.3924266


The heroes in most original non-watered-down myths actually raped and murdered quite a lot. I've heard somewhere that Rance's behavior is similar to that of many traditional mythological Irish heroes.

>> No.3924293

The picture makes it seem like they're saying all videogames are extreme pornography, and not just the, you know, EXTREME PORN.

I wouldn't call porn 'games' actual games.

>> No.3924533
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This should be the new troll face.

>> No.3924601

It's nice to see that people in the comments, including another guardian writer, are against her batshit article. Well, apart from the femdroid who said "they should make a game where you hit men in the genitals," obviously unaware shooting guys in the danglers is a fun activity in most games.

But why the fuck is this up in the first place? This is the same shit even Leigh Alexander got bored of writing a year ago only with an even stupider slant. Rapelay has rape. GTA lets you kill women. Therefore, games make you rape and kill women. What? Get off my Internet.
