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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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39048121 No.39048121 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for discussion and recommendation of Japanese TV and movies.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BARFCHgF

Previous Thread: >>38867921

Please put the sauce in the filename if posting pictures/gifs/webms.

>> No.39048736
File: 136 KB, 660x377, ashida mana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39049262

Nothing to watch.

>> No.39052726

Any fake Japanese wrestling shows similar to AEW?

>> No.39060119
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>In the last part of the program, he said, "Thank you very much. This year, I became a late senior citizen, and I thought I would do my best for this program, but I have lost my strength, and I get sleepy late at night," he said, "I am not quitting my job, but there are still some jobs I want to do while taking care of my body, some movies I have not finished editing, and some stories I want to film. I don't want to retire easily, and I want to be a nasty old man forever," he joked, expressing his desire for future activities.

>> No.39060162
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what i'm in for?

>> No.39060928

Melodrama but Sawajiri and the family cast were great. Johhny's romance was only added on request of the actual mother.

>> No.39062505

Check /pw/

>> No.39062614 [DELETED] 



>> No.39064747

>Please put the sauce in the filename if posting pictures/gifs/webms.

>> No.39064819

Check /pw/

>> No.39064942


>he doesn't recognised it.

>> No.39065104

At least have the courtesy like the previous OPs before you.

>> No.39065318

Either stop being so pedantic or take your stuff to /tv/

>> No.39065747

Man Shinhannin Flag has got to be the most schizophrenic show of all time.
I don't really know what that after story thing the credits previewed is for, the villain was dumb and so were his motivations. I don't think there is a way to salvage that but I guess we'll see.

>> No.39065780

watch 1リットルの涙
粉雪is the theme song for it

>> No.39065921

>crossposter is european
who would have guessed

>> No.39066388

So is Mana-chan at least going to be on anything else besides variety shows and Softbank commercials?

>> No.39066620

Hey /jp/. Please recommend me surreal movies, movies that make the brain ponders.

>> No.39066653
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, Amachan 017-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been watching this asadora-style, 1 episode per day, for the last 3 weeks, and it has been quite comfy so far.

I was surprised though at how quickly the MC goes "I fucking LOVE the ocean", I was expecting her to hate it at first and then slowly warm to it, instead she's like "I WILL be an ama" in episode 3.

>> No.39066981

>he doesn't recognised it

Is either "He didn't recognized it" or "He doesn't recognize it"

If you're going to be so elitist at least speak properly

>> No.39067052
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The Red Spectacles (1987) by Oshii Mamoru
Takeshis' (2005) by Kitano Takeshi
Paprika (2006) by Kon Satoshi
Strange Circus (2005) by Sono SIon
Gozu (2003) by Miike Takashi
Burst City (1982) by Ishii Gakuryu
Mind Game (2004) by Yuasa Masaaki
Symbol (2009) by Matsumoto Hitoshi
Monsters Club (2012) by Toyoda Toshiaki
Mushishi (2006) by Otomo Katsuhiro
Belladonna of Sadness (1973) by Yamamoto Eiichi

>> No.39067115

Almost everything >>39067052 suggests, but i would recommend , if you're going to check Sono Sion filmography, to start with Suicide Club if you want to keep thinking about a film several days later

>> No.39067159

>Is either "He didn't recognized it"
ESL making mistakes while trying to correct other ESL, you love to see it. I'm also an ESL.

>> No.39067177

>instead she's like "I WILL be an ama" in episode 3.
iirc, it’s because she’s a but of an eccentric girl

>> No.39067319

The Hulu episode is prolly to explain further about the backstories and how he did it. I believe they included a “real ending” there too. I wouldn’t think about it at all if I were you, they did it with other dramas before. It’s not a work by some legendary mystery writer or even an award-winning novelist, it’s an Akimoto fucking Yasushi drama. After all, this is just a commercial mystery drama and as far as that goes, it delivered.

>> No.39067377

I think commercial things can be good but yeah they weren't going for that from the start.
To say something positive, Emoto Tokio as Probin was absolutely hilarious, one of the best supporting roles in a drama I've seen. Masana Bokuzo was really great too. I usually don't praise male / comedic actors but these two just hit all the right spots for me.

>> No.39067384

He should also watch Noriko’s Dinner Table after Suicide Club since it’s in the same universe and is both a prequel and a sequel to it.

>> No.39067444

She’s starring in a movie this year, will hit the cinemas in June.

>> No.39067472

For me it’s Ikoma Rina and Sakurai Yuki, both played the psychologically disturbed women perfectly. By the way, watch Anaban if you haven’t yet, it’s by the same creator.

>> No.39067539
File: 2.26 MB, 1500x1000, Funky-Forest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even thought I have yet to watch it, I would recommend Funky Forest. It's a crazy comedy. There's even Hideaki Anno in a small role. Crazy film.

>> No.39067549

Where can I watch NHK E? Thanks.

>> No.39067680


>> No.39067880

I know we can watch NHK G online but NHK E? Never seen it on any of the live streaming websites.

>> No.39068167

How wuz he' beeing elitistic?

>> No.39068905
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>> No.39068924
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>> No.39069021
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Motokariya was extremely cute there.

>> No.39069307
File: 2.89 MB, 1334x720, Final.Take.The.Golden.Age.Of.Movies.1986.BluRay.1080p.x265.10bit.MNHD-FRDS-[12.39.300-13.00.488].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoji Yamada's Final Take (1986), about the golden age of Japanese Cinema in the 1930s, just got a nice Blu-ray release and it's on avistaz.

>> No.39069937

Phenomenal cast and very informative, as expected from Hisashi Inoue. The sarcasm and bragging between the actresses was hilarious.

>> No.39070364
File: 109 KB, 625x705, Screenshot_20220320-213847_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what is this? Is it some kind of show or movie?

>> No.39070655

It’s a live/online special drama performance commemorating the 55th anniversary of Japan’s most popular radio show ANN (All-Night Nippon).

>> No.39070671

Anyone know what the title of that ghost photos/videos show was from what feels like ages ago? They'd have the hosts faces in the corner of the screen and the audience reactions with the replay and everything? All my searches bring up anime. I think it was something like horror nights?

>> No.39070719

would you recommend me doctor white? I don't feel like watching it becase hamabe minami

>> No.39070819

No, it's just another generic hospital drama.

>> No.39070867

I love Hamabe so I watched it but as a medical drama it was bad with too many misdiagnosis, as if the writers didn't research their shit. The story itself is shit. I found it painful to watch weekly but Hamabe is there so I just 我慢'd through it for her sake. The unraveling of the mystery of Byakuya does not progress very well and it's so boring that you can't help but roll your eyes back waiting for the episodes to end. This is a case of shitty commercial dramas where the TV networks pour all their budgets on hiring popular actors and phone it in with everything else. Whoever wrote this drama should be slapped across his face.

>> No.39070917

;_; Merry Christmas...

>> No.39070977

Calling it generic is an insult to all generic medical dramas that you can at least use weekly as background noises while eating dinner or fiddling with your phone

>> No.39070994

Is this movie good? I'm ashamed to say that I've never watched it despite hearing about it a lot for many, many years

>> No.39071013

It's a legendary film but wait until Christmas to watch it.

>> No.39071206

Do you mean 心霊特番?

>> No.39071298

I like her but I'm not really a fan of medical shows.

>> No.39071436
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>> No.39071552

Kiki series doesn't feel the same without violence after failures.

>> No.39071580

BPO and their Nazi-like compliance regulations killed variety shows.

>> No.39072001

Would anyone happen to know where to find 暴れん坊将軍? I don't mind if it's not subbed. I've looked everywhere for it and all I've found are fragmented seasons floating around.

>> No.39072123

On AvistaZ they have S1-3-4-6-7-8-11-12

>> No.39072191 [DELETED] 

Shedding a 1 liter of tears.

>> No.39072205

Shedding a 1 litre of tears.

>> No.39072208

What dramas/movies would you anons recommend for a laid-back, rural atmosphere where not very much happens and you can just chill out while watching?

>> No.39072370

One More Time, One More Chance (1996)
Bread of Happiness (2012)
Little Forest: Summer & Autumn (2014)
Little Forest: Winter & Spring (2015)
A Farewell to Jinu (2015)

>> No.39072619
File: 2.49 MB, 1024x576, しもべえ(6)▽シリアス医療ドラマになりそうですがご心配なくw - [地震速報][1440-1920x1080@KFMVFR.hevc10_crf 20][字].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might watch that show.

>> No.39074453

is go ayano kill?

>> No.39074569

No. Many idols and actors had similar scandals before and they're still active today.

>> No.39074997

Greetings from /v/. Anons, do you have any recommendation for Sengoku-era dramas and movies? I recently watched Sanadamaru after hearing about its influence on Nioh's latter DLCs, and now I'm hungry for more late Sengoku stuff.

>> No.39075408

Seven Samurai
Throne of Blood
The Hidden Fortress
Heaven and Earth

>> No.39076442

What did I miss?

>> No.39077892

Thanks anon, I'll check them out.

>> No.39079422

Thanks, I'll look into getting an account.

>> No.39080253

He slept with an idol

>> No.39082332
File: 33 KB, 380x607, dodesukaden__01774_zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Dodesukaden released in blu ray or high definition version?

>> No.39082824
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>> No.39082906

Dokuganryu Masamune (1987)
Furin Kazan (2007)

>> No.39084919


>> No.39085452


>> No.39087620
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>> No.39088211

Sounds like a generic detective drama with the tired
>add modern themes/technologies
to it.

>> No.39088515

Sei a cute

>> No.39089177

Matsushita Kouhei is making me gay

>> No.39089362
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Basically Ishii Katsuhito's movies.

>> No.39089434

So where to find Aono-kun?

>> No.39091353
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>> No.39091370

nice 1st ep

>> No.39092228

I had a chance to watch a screening of MCML at an indie cinema last year, but I ended up chasing some silly 3D woman instead. Big mistake and I'll never have a chance to watch such kino again.

it's Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence, and I agree with the other poster take your elitism back to /a/ or wherever you come from.

>> No.39095684

I like the original manga, which was supposed to be a romcom but suddenly sensual and horror elements were thrown in. After watching episode 1 I was relieved that the original's uniqueness was well visualized in this drama. Rather than botching the atmosphere and ruining the story, adapting as much of the original feeling of the story as possible is the way to go for such manga. And is this the Shori Sato I've heard so much about on Twitter? His innocence is dazzling.

>> No.39097593
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Anyone watched this?
Is the story good enough even for someone not into gaming?

>> No.39098001

It was good and I think even non-gamers or people who don't play FF can enjoy it because it's a heartwarming tale about a son who was not able to open up with his clumsy father but now able to share a bond and deepen his relationship with him through playing FF. You'd definitely appreciate it more if you played FF, the scene where the main theme of FF was played hyped me up and being able to recognize the game bosses and locations and stuff add to the enjoyment but it's not necessary.

>> No.39098032

>Ishii Katsuhito
Wish he'd come back to making movies and anime instead of just CMs.

>> No.39100211

I see dean tapioca I download

>> No.39101731

Why? He's so corny.

>> No.39101769

He's boring as fuck

>> No.39102862
File: 78 KB, 620x400, e462f4e2-f6f5-4dca-a995-1d515ec7bf06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elizabeth Montgomery, who is famous for "Bewitched", once appeared in a Japanese commercial in a kimono.

>> No.39103804

I liked it and I don't give a shit about FF, although I am into gaming. Some scenes are a little much, but overall it's the best video game movie I've seen, although that isn't saying a lot given how shit most of them are.

>> No.39105791

She's going to medical school.

>> No.39106927
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>> No.39110059

he is horrific

>> No.39111752
File: 2.53 MB, 1920x1080, キングオブコントの会 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

キングオブコントの会 will return this year with more netas written by Matsumoto.

>> No.39112434
File: 97 KB, 422x600, MV5BYTQzZWQ5OTUtMjE1Ny00ZDUxLTliZmUtMTg0NDY4ZTJjMWY2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzc1NTUwNjM@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the live action of Touch?
I haven't read the manga or watched the anime but debating if I should read the manga first. Remember reading Cross Game years ago and it was comfy.

>> No.39112620

You should always watch the live-action adaptation first.

>> No.39112713

The film is too rushed to convey the quality of the original work. There were not enough scenes to understand the personalities of each character. Minami doesn't even do rhythmic gymnastics. If you ignore the existence of the original work and evaluate it alone, it was just ye olde coming-of-age flick + Nagasawa's cuteness.

>> No.39115487
File: 150 KB, 1440x1080, waru_ntv-20220324-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ishida Hikari (Waru, 1992) and Imada Mio ( Waru, 2022)

>> No.39116077
File: 55 KB, 750x562, B46C4DF4-DB17-4D7F-B3BA-50B2FD80845A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m relieved they picked an actress as pretty as Ishida. I weep at what they did with Tokyo Love Story.

>> No.39116722
File: 1.56 MB, 4096x2751, FObi3ZUVkAQHRzY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39117014

How was Waru 1922?

>> No.39117476

what are some good delinquent movies? I've seen blue spring, drop!, crows zero, and godspeed you black emperor

>> No.39118207

tokyo revengers (manga adaptation of the same name)

>> No.39118757
File: 142 KB, 1024x768, bebopuhaisukuulu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be-Bop High School
You haven't watched delinquent movies if you haven't watched this.

>> No.39118768

kyou kara ore wa
gachiban max
high&low movies
be-bop highschool movies
bad boys j
kamen teacher
shiritsu bakaleya koukou

>> No.39121846

Takahashi Katsunori swag

>> No.39126240

>Be-Bop High School
Are you guys talking about the 2004 movie?

>> No.39126246

The 80's movies, there are like 5 or 6 of them.

>> No.39126354
File: 57 KB, 540x292, crazytime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any kino similar to Family Game (1983) and The Crazy Family (1984)?

>> No.39126431

I watched it a long time ago. Ishida's cuteness at that period was unbelievable, with her straight eyebrows and glittering eyes. She embodied the Maririn role. Watching Maririn's growth at that workplace was an absorbing experience. Her senpai Minegeshi was a good character too. I'm 100% sure the remake will kill all the charm of the original because there are things they can't adapt in today's TVs and overall the nostalgic early 90's atmosphere is part of what makes the drama so good so I'm gonna avoid watching the remake.

>> No.39126543
File: 305 KB, 1920x1261, the-happiness-of-the-katakuris-film-image-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Happiness of the Katakuris (2001) by Miike Takashi
Hanging Garden (2005) by Toyoda Toshiaki
Tokyo Sonata (2008) by Kurosawa Kiyoshi

>> No.39127652

I miss Bobby.

>> No.39127737
File: 198 KB, 900x1289, n0WdQf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another mediocre adaptation?

>> No.39128364
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He's busy destroying fake tough guys

>> No.39128395

>A shitty adaptation of a shitty manga with a shitty cast
The answer is clear.

>> No.39128448

hate to be a fag but does anyone know a good repo for subtitles for modern JP movies? i wanna watch drive my car but idk where to find jpn subs

>> No.39128793

Just another EOP?

>> No.39128923


>> No.39129361

You wouldn't catch me watching these types of movies ever but it was a long-haul flight and my friend who loves Japanese school flicks was insisting she's gonna watch as much of them as possible. This shit was awful. Painfully generic story. Tsubasa's and Higashide's bad acting, not fitting their roles, don't even look like high schoolers. I don't see how anyone other than the underage or the fujoshi would enjoy it. I should have went to sleep honestly. Awful experience.

>> No.39129611

I didn't like it. Tsubasa Honda was cute though.

>> No.39130400

Might be too much of a specific scenario but any story about a high school girl running away from home or as a nomad?

>> No.39130901
File: 115 KB, 1200x675, FGKqbnUVcAEtEqL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noriko's Dinner Table (2005) by Sono Sion but you should definitely watch its prequel Suicide Circle (2001) first.

>> No.39131046

I am Japanese. I live in Japan. Do you like this acter? In Japan he is no person. No one likes him. This is means you American are bad for put him into many movies.

>> No.39131086

Cool. Both look like a good watch, gonna see this over the weekend, thanks.

>> No.39131267

but baasa

>> No.39131343

Bassaa a cute but a horrendous actress, even the Japanese people realize that so her movies don't draw anymore. She's a great variety show tarento and YouTuber though

>> No.39131361

>last video 5 months ago
>deletes her youtube streams of DBD and APEX
indeed, fantastic youtuber

>> No.39131394

What I meant is her videos draw lots of views because she’s good at the YouTube stuff, unlike her acting career. Her CMs career is decent too.

>> No.39131466
File: 2.69 MB, 716x552, 工藤夕貴 - 逆噴射家族 (1984).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crazy Family (1984)
Now that's a pure Gakuryu kino.

>> No.39134153

What the fuck, Shinji Aoyama has died.

>> No.39134167

>esophageal cancer

>> No.39134223

drive my car subs is there.

>> No.39134687

Oof. I didn't even know he was suffering from cancer.
Big F, he was a brilliant filmmaker.

>> No.39136375
File: 1.90 MB, 1024x576, Aono-kun.ni.Sawaritai.kara.Shinitai.S01E01.1080p.HDTVRip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked the mixed genre approach of this show (horror, mystery, romance, dark humor). Looking forward to the next episodes.

>> No.39138898
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>> No.39139522
File: 101 KB, 1200x675, FOQG1WEWQAMm2u_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very sad news. I'm going to re-watch Eureka in his honor.

>> No.39139731
File: 2.62 MB, 3042x1884, FOqDfjPVgBoDVy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno which drama I wanna watch more, gonna be a hard decision to choose between them.

>> No.39141838
File: 246 KB, 1920x1223, 1632651848061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is anyone going to rip this?

>> No.39142430
File: 608 KB, 1000x1418, tokyo tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone seen this?

>> No.39142524

Rest in piece. Only knew his one work, Eureka. I haven't seen it but premise seems interesting. Runtime is pretty long but I did watch and love Drive My Car though...

>> No.39142950

I watched this 3 times, the last time was after Kirin Kiki passed away 4 years ago. This is a masterpiece that describes memories of loved ones and the sadness of loss, very realistic so it hits close to home.

>> No.39143680

Eureka is brilliant, definitely doesn't make you feel the runtime. And even if you're hesitant, the film is split into two very distinct parts, so you can just stop at a midpoint-ish, when the intermission comes in and you still get a good experience watching the rest later.

>> No.39143956
File: 2.74 MB, 1334x720, Love.Like.the.Falling.Petals.2022.JAPANESE.1080p.WEBRip.x264-VXT.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39144291

I watched it. The story is a bit generic but what befalls Misaki is a little different from movies and dramas I watched before, which adds depth to the final development. The second half of the movie was very emotional, if the leads weren't bad actors I would have shed a tear probably. The scene where Haruto realized that he has seen the old Misaki but didn't know that it was her was good

>> No.39144365

Yeah, I enjoyed the movie too. I wish it had better music though.

>> No.39144641

Thank you for the recommendations, my weekends will be watching movies from now on.

>> No.39144803

Is Documental worth watching? Is it funny?

>> No.39144912


>> No.39145599
File: 22 KB, 720x404, C4DAF60D-CD09-4D13-9543-E1CC2F51FEAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to the anons that mentioned Symbol recently, it was a good watch with friends!

>> No.39145806

Glad you enjoyed it. It's an excellent example of a film that exercises surrealism and absurdism, while also being genuinely hilarious and entertaining. It’s really just something you have to watch for yourself if it sounds remotely interesting. You will be left confused, amused, hopeful and satisfied by the incredible ending. Matsumoto is a phenomenal filmmaker, very few people could understand and appreciate and I hope he'd come back to make more films but him hinting at retiring from the showbiz on Wide na Show and on Twitter makes me think it's the last thing he'd ever do.

>> No.39148419

Atsushi Kitano (Takeshi's son)

>> No.39150339
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>> No.39150803
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>> No.39154524

Is it any good?

>> No.39155939

So he works for Hello! Project? Apparently he appeared on that H!P drama from last season. His talents and interests seem to be different from his father, even character and charisma wise. Would be interesting to see him work outside the idols industry.

>> No.39157334 [DELETED] 

This guy is always in stories about religions and cults.

>> No.39157350
File: 841 KB, 1920x1080, Shoutai.S01E02.1080p.HDTV.AAC.x264-JPTVclub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is always in stories about religions and cults.

>> No.39158102

I hate melodramas but that drama is an exception, it's great

>> No.39158906

I chuckled when the main lead appeared in his new look for the third episode.

>> No.39160247

anyone have japanese subtitles for GTO (1998) drama

>> No.39160555



>> No.39163461
File: 1.26 MB, 3936x2624, BA2AE8C8-3F6B-4668-B179-4064CFD16A56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39165583
File: 1.66 MB, 1024x576, Aono-kun.ni.Sawaritai.kara.Shinitai.S01E02.1080p.HDTVRip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny episode. "Are you mentally ill?"

>> No.39168361
File: 136 KB, 1000x750, art15374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope he cosplays as Big Boss for the last episode.

>> No.39169284


>> No.39170586
File: 2.94 MB, 800x426, sumida.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.39173931


>> No.39174014

Thanks but I already bought the version with english subs since I'm an EOP...
Uploaded it on A!O and AB if anyone is interested, will upload on nyaa later.

>> No.39174621
File: 1.37 MB, 1845x1057, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ミステリと言う勿れ episode 12 (the last episode) aired today but why does YoiTV broadcast episode 11?

>> No.39174687
File: 372 KB, 720x536, GTO1st#02_mpv-shot0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kino opening

>> No.39174706

If the obvious hasn’t already been stated, drive my car won best international film at the Oscars

>> No.39174817

It airs in 14 hours.

>> No.39174874


>> No.39175134

But Jinnai can't act.....

>> No.39175168
File: 82 KB, 695x512, bandicam 2022-03-28 14-28-25-239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39175173

The idol wannabe episode is my favorite.

>> No.39175247

Sheena Easton

>> No.39175320

This reminds me of Olivia Newton-John guesting at Tetsuko no Heya

>> No.39175342


>> No.39175751


>> No.39176221
File: 357 KB, 1280x960, 1648456768539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is the anime

>> No.39176229

were there any standout shows since spring 2021 season?

it's in the title

>> No.39176606
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>> No.39176637
File: 421 KB, 1031x582, MV5BOGFiZDAwYmUtZTRmMy00MDc4LWE5ZjQtMjhmYTlmNmEyYWRmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA4NjIxMTM@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi friends, long time. Hope you're all keeping okay?
Am I still SOL if I want to watch this without learning Japanese or インドネシア語?

>> No.39177408

Tada Rikon Shitenai dake
Kinnikuman: The Lost Legend

>> No.39177484

kieta hatsukoi...

>> No.39177848
File: 2.70 MB, 2300x1535, C9100343-D853-4271-8948-E2ECEE7FE2D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39178926

> without learning Japanese
just learn japanese. https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/table-of-contents.html

>> No.39178943

i keep watching 80/90s movies and falling in love with girls that are older than my mum

>> No.39179431

>just learn japanese
I am, friend, but it's slow progress when I'm also learning a bunch of languages that're actually useful for my work.

>> No.39179827

>Tada Rikon Shitenai dake
manga adaptation
>kieta hatsukoi
manga adaptation
>Kinnikuman: The Lost Legend
manga adaptation
Are you fucking with me?

>> No.39180027

>older than my mum
How old are you?

>> No.39180137

Tadarikon is based on this manga
Kinnikuman is not based on the manga, read its summary hen you’ll understand.

>> No.39180349

pretty average for this website? i could be anywhere between 18 and 30 if my mum was born say 50 years ago so younger than your average 80s/90s idol and had me at a normal age between age 20 and 32. what part of that sounds so weird that you feel the need to ask?

>> No.39185001

is drive my car really good?

>> No.39185124
File: 183 KB, 1200x800, kinomycarup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should be biaised because I'm a big fan of Murakami but despite some good scenes the movie was so-so imo.

I appreciated We Couldn't Become Adults much more.

>> No.39185139

It’s beautiful cinema. And a beautiful ode to theatre and the works of Murakami. It's a bit long but worth soaking in.

>> No.39185432

While watching it, I paused somewhere in-between and wondered if Haruki Murakami's short story could really be as magical and moving as the film Ryusuke Hamaguchi has made. 'Drive My Car' feels like a zen story.

>> No.39186868

I've been out of the space since last July 2021 due to like just hitting me like a ton of bricks. Have I missed anything of note in that window? I'm looking forward to diving back in.

>> No.39187084

Not really, there's the usual kino WOWOW dramas and the latest Akimoto meme show. As said many times, compliance and regulations have killed tv in general. Abema understands variety but can't produce a good original drama for the life of them. I don't like the idea of WOWOW being the only ones capable of producing good dramas. There are 海外 streaming ventures but I don't see them having the Japanese best interest at heart with their productions but to be fair, I did hear good things about some of their shows.
Some recs; Kinnikuman: The Lost Legend, Mukou no Hate, Kanojo wa Kirei Datta, Mushoboke

>> No.39187119
File: 61 KB, 766x573, bandicam 2022-03-29 11-04-11-326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sammy Davis Jr.

>> No.39187177
File: 2.97 MB, 1280x720, 1280x720, Heavenly.Forest.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nikaido Fumi
Poor man's Miyazaki Aoi

>> No.39187218

I prefer Fumi-chan

>> No.39187417

Saiai is very entertaining.

>> No.39187564

who is the hottest japanese woman of all time?

>> No.39187665


>> No.39188686
File: 657 KB, 1280x1811, miraiheno10count_202203_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39189281
File: 2.88 MB, 1280x720, 1637986477557.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiritani mirei

>> No.39189511

Is this a new Sega game?

>> No.39189573

unironically looking forward to this

>> No.39190422
File: 122 KB, 1000x1407, 妄想彼女.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the pastebin up-to-date? Can't get anything to work from there. I just found this shows out of pure dumb luck but I'm interested to see how it plays out.
Problem is, it's more of a 2015 TVdrama and looking that up from its translation (Fantasy Girlfriend) obviously returns stupid irrelevant shit.

>> No.39190625

Search 'Mousou Kanojo' and you'll find relevant hits.

>> No.39190638

>Fantasy Girlfriend
It's the first link when I searched it you empty brain

>> No.39190708

Seems to work, thanks.


>> No.39190808 [DELETED] 


>> No.39190820


>> No.39190972


>> No.39191428
File: 105 KB, 1199x502, 77B7541B-D8E2-41BD-93B5-0D3AF28E805C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39191437

Found another link earlier but will keep a tab for those sites.
Just finished it and honestly it left more questions than answers, but I guess that's just the nature of mini-dramas.

>> No.39191870

Looks like I have more shows to watch next season.

>> No.39192576
File: 949 KB, 640x891, tumblr_b9af7dbe1479d87eddc280692d802897_c138ec67_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually don't like romantic movies but I really enjoyed this one. The pace of the film and its soundtrack kept my attention. Also you can clearly see pieces of Hideaki anno life and struggles in the characters.

>> No.39193014

>anno during his weird artsy phrase
It was cool.

>> No.39199022

It deserves the praise. Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy is even better.

>> No.39199128
File: 178 KB, 1920x1038, Wheel of fortune and fantasy (2021).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy

I liked it but it's a shame that the first 2 shorts are the best ones. I found the 3rd one quite weak and since it's the last the movie ends on a so-so note.

>> No.39199407
File: 235 KB, 1920x1036, ハニーレモンソーダ _01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why did I download honey lemon soda, I don't even like the main cast
now I remember

>> No.39199454

Based Hotta appreciator

>> No.39199835

I just watched her scenes.

>> No.39200007

So what's this about? The title seems immediately creepy.

>> No.39200785

her dead waifu gets reincarnated and is now reunited with her and things happen and kamiki ryunosuke

>> No.39200794
File: 333 KB, 1920x1038, Kaguya-sama.Love.Is.War.Final.2021.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too many meta references

>> No.39200846

I'm watching this later.

>> No.39201472
File: 2.96 MB, 1332x720, Kaguya-sama.Love.Is.War.Final.2021.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi-[22.00.319-22.23.759].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, the ending was an ouran koukou rip off
but hotta mayu was cute

>> No.39201576

Poor Kitamura should have stuck to pro wrestling.

>> No.39203165

Didn’t he leave the Noge Dojo because of his mental issues?

>> No.39203332

I didn't like it. It's too long and lazy without any plot development. The gags are cringe and Jiro Sato is annoying. Mayu Hotta was the only redeeming factor.

>> No.39203429
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, alice-in-borderland-season-2-cas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alice in Borderland: Season 2 comes out this December.

>> No.39203791

nice, im still ep 2 of the jdrama and liking it so far. does the anime do anything different from the jdrama? or manga

>> No.39203857
File: 2.23 MB, 960x540, [2022.03.29] 白石麻衣&山下美月出演 超人気者29名が衝撃映像と(秘)にらめっこ!阿部寛相葉ら爆 - 1.正片(Av810190490,P1)-[05.20.470-05.34.486].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This got a reaction out of me as well lol

>> No.39203870
File: 462 KB, 960x540, [2022.03.29] 白石麻衣&山下美月出演 超人気者29名が衝撃映像と(秘)にらめっこ!阿部寛相葉ら爆 - 1.正片(Av810190490,P1)_mpv-shot0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39203902
File: 374 KB, 960x540, [2022.03.29] 白石麻衣&山下美月出演 超人気者29名が衝撃映像と(秘)にらめっこ!阿部寛相葉ら爆 - 1.正片(Av810190490,P1)_mpv-shot0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me or is abe hiroshi really showing his age? or could be just of the video quality

>> No.39203925
File: 587 KB, 960x540, [2022.03.29] 白石麻衣&山下美月出演 超人気者29名が衝撃映像と(秘)にらめっこ!阿部寛相葉ら爆 - 1.正片(Av810190490,P1)_mpv-shot0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39203934

Imagine learning a language spoken by indogs I literally cannot

>> No.39203962
File: 520 KB, 960x540, [2022.03.29] 白石麻衣&山下美月出演 超人気者29名が衝撃映像と(秘)にらめっこ!阿部寛相葉ら爆 - 1.正片(Av810190490,P1)_mpv-shot0004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39203996
File: 462 KB, 960x540, [2022.03.29] 白石麻衣&山下美月出演 超人気者29名が衝撃映像と(秘)にらめっこ!阿部寛相葉ら爆 - 1.正片(Av810190490,P1)_mpv-shot0005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39204004
File: 647 KB, 960x540, [2022.03.29] 白石麻衣&山下美月出演 超人気者29名が衝撃映像と(秘)にらめっこ!阿部寛相葉ら爆 - 1.正片(Av810190490,P1)_mpv-shot0006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39204092

I watched the ep with Watanabe Anne a while ago and it was pretty funny.

>> No.39204285

Ray Charles Edition "Itoshi no Ellie"

>> No.39205219
File: 157 KB, 852x1200, 20220330-OHT1I51080-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naoki Tanaka (Cocorico)'s son


>> No.39205347

Holy ikemen

>> No.39205452

lmao, imagine being so caught up in your racism that you don't just learn languages for fun. I'm a bong and I've learnt some basic conversation in various SEA languages.

>> No.39205863

Almost all live-action adaptations of manga have different stuff from the original work.

>> No.39206460
File: 272 KB, 1024x691, EBCEC18C-5DF1-4DE4-881D-5D333F9C5BBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39209580

>kamiki ryunosuke
why? what's with this dood?

>> No.39210535

I havent read the manga, but both the anime and drama are great and you should watch both

>> No.39212010

>I usually don't like romantic movies

>> No.39212175
File: 68 KB, 650x502, zokki-series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The film Zokki will get a sequel drama series.

>> No.39215180

I love him, everyone loves him

>> No.39216443

Why can Korea make good shows while Japan can't?

>> No.39216460
File: 100 KB, 900x600, Crosstail - Tantei Kyoushitsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the left

>> No.39216557

Looks like a trashy drama but I’d be damned if I don’t watch it just for Mayu

>> No.39216723

hoping that she gets a lot of screen time

>> No.39216951

shit bait but recommend me good korean telly shows

>> No.39217131

no anon, you will never be the イケメン

>> No.39218225

I was planning to read the manga, that was 5 years ago. Maybe I should watch the drama after all.

>> No.39219144
File: 96 KB, 1200x675, love-exposure-1200-1200-675-675-crop-000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219239

First thing I did after finishing this was download this single.

>> No.39219798

Basically all good parts of his dad and mom minus the dad's chin.

>> No.39220719

>kieta hatsukoi
What's the actual verdict on these, I remember someone shilling Ossan's Love a few months back. Are they comedies that are fun for people who aren't flaming okamas or is it a meme to recommend BL?

Not sure if you're trying to get me banned for shilling korea on /jp/ but watch My Mister, it's really good. Hotel Del Luna is pretty good too and has the same girl in it.

>> No.39220975

not trying to get anyone banned, that anon (you?) started shilling korea so I asked him to recommend me korean shows. I'll check these two out btw

>> No.39221407

Kieta hatsukoi is cute light watch I guess? There's a second non gay couple and the girl is cute as fuck. The leads are johhnys so you won't see much gay PDA anyway.
If you want to watch Ossan's love, watch only season 1, it's funny and it's more of a comedy than romance.
However Utsukushii Kare is a good full blown BL. Start it now

>> No.39230477

>The leads are johhnys

I will now not watch your drama

>> No.39231804

for me? its Kanna Hashimoto

>> No.39233128

we all make mistakes

>> No.39233250
File: 552 KB, 1146x2048, HashimotoKanna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with both these post’s sentiments

>> No.39233674
File: 1.71 MB, 2895x4096, FPKJGCFUcAEXjaQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39236555
File: 2.72 MB, 960x540, 2021年12月05日 THE MANZAI 2021 マスターズ (2).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but there are still some jobs I want to do while taking care of my body, some movies I have not finished editing, and some stories I want to film. I don't want to retire easily, and I want to be a nasty old man forever
Bless his heart.

>> No.39239081

Might be fun.

>> No.39240699 [DELETED] 
File: 817 KB, 1280x877, 9B6962E5-D055-45ED-9942-D05416F86FE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39244127

>Japanese Hollywood actor Yuki Matsuzaki accuses Sion Sono of power harassment, sexual harassment, could be dozens of victims

I guess now Sono and other players in the Japanese industry could be accused in the future based on this Twitter, will be amusing at least

>> No.39244746 [DELETED] 

I hope that doesn't affect his future projects.

>> No.39247353

How many shows do you watch at once? For me, I try to watch 1 show and finish it then move onto next one. Juggling multiple dramas is difficult

>> No.39247959


>> No.39248146 [DELETED] 

I didn’t know he had another movie besides the one that got canceled recently. Do movies in the west get canceled when the director gets #metoo’d? It seems too radical.

>> No.39248380 [DELETED] 

3 max and they must air on different days

>> No.39248396 [DELETED] 


>> No.39248410


>> No.39248543 [DELETED] 

I was hyped at first thinking they’re bringing the whole show to Amazon but it’s a new season. Is Takeshi going to be the host? If not then I’m not gonna watch it.

>> No.39249855 [DELETED] 

Just one. It’s not like the dramas of today are good, most of them are the equivalent of shovelwares.

>> No.39250192
File: 197 KB, 798x589, bandicam 2022-04-02 09-29-48-906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh! Mikey Hard Core

>> No.39251350

Glad they brought it back. I wonder if Takeshi will be part of it though

>> No.39251358

It depends on the season, so maybe up to 2 but usually 1.

>> No.39253168

>Sono is a creep
As someone who likes the guy's movies, this is the least surprising revelation ever.

>> No.39253396

I'm not surprised about the sexual/power harassment allegations (it's not the first time anyway) even though I think these might be exaggerated. Sono turns into a maniac when he creates and things that used to be okay years ago are now treated as "rape". What baffles me is the allegations that say he was collecting money from the actors to appear in his films. If that's true then whew lad. I still love him as a creator so I hope it's nothing burger.

>> No.39253451

What’s happening in Japan? Lots of people in the showbiz are being exposed lately. I feel sorry for that actress who was the lead of his movie, she worked on it for four years and even cried on the stage during an event explaining the role she did.

>> No.39253536

Just one

>> No.39254134

>I still love him as a creator
Stop seperating the work from the artist, bro

>> No.39254530

I'm scared. Between his health issues and now this, I'm afraid he won't make any new films.

>> No.39255466

Polanski is a piece of shit and Chinatown is one of the best films ever made. These things aren't mutually exclusive. What's important is for the artist to be held accountable regardless of the quality of his work.

>> No.39255478
File: 1.91 MB, 3936x2624, FCE0B8B7-709A-44B3-B956-8CB2F72BEABD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39256751


>> No.39256841

I though they said they won't cancel? Making a movie is more than a single person's work.

>> No.39257526

Takashi Okamura

>> No.39259090

Hello /jp/!
Can you guys recommend me good time travel shows like Sutekina Sen Taxi, Shitteru Wife, Boku, Unmei no Hito desu and Miracles of the Namiya General Store? Thanks

>> No.39260416

Toki wo kakeru shojo
Ashi girl
Sakurada reset
Samurai sensei

>> No.39260958

Theseus no Fune
Todome no Kiss

>> No.39261085
File: 87 KB, 207x251, Screenshot from 2021-12-20 16-47-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is this actress?

>> No.39261214

Sushi Sashimi

>> No.39261278

Sei Ashina

>> No.39261310

More like Deadshi Deadshimi

>> No.39261368

I forgot to add Operation Daisakusen.

>> No.39262316

Glad he can be a father. Since that day on that show from long years ago where he was examined and told his sperm is weak I had the impression he'd never even get married, but here we are now. Congrats.

>> No.39262967

I didn’t know LDH has an MMA league too

>> No.39264109
File: 1.11 MB, 1936x1378, FPNOdIMagAEA5B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39264188

JIN. That’s a legendary drama, won many awards. It has 2 seasons.
Another good drama is Long Love Letter, based on the classic manga Drifting Classroom.

>> No.39264481
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x804, Eternally.Younger.Than.Those.Idiots.2021_[38.06.618-38.20.256].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes. That's the sad shit I'm talking about.

>> No.39265008

I thought it was just ye olde coming-of-age story, especially after reading the title but it was quite deep and darker than I was expecting. I liked its atmosphere but the flow in the second half felt a bit forced. It's as if the development and the emotions have been shifted in that particular direction for the sake of the lines they are supposed to say. But still, you know what? I think I've become a fan of Nao's. That was a difficult role but her performance was great.

>> No.39266582

3 max

>> No.39268767


>> No.39268828


>> No.39269705


>> No.39270051

why is gto so good at making you cry? what are other shows that make you feel like this?

>> No.39270474

old classic doramas are always like this.

>> No.39270954

Any recommendation for comedy mystery like Trick?

>> No.39271072
File: 242 KB, 1280x720, 新・情報7daysニュースキャスター.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new guy

>> No.39271107

Gonna miss Takeshi, the only reason to watch the show.

>> No.39271268
File: 207 KB, 1280x720, TVタックル.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could watch the show he mentioned.

>> No.39271434

Most of the time 2 or 3, but sometimes I watch another show during the between-seasons gap.

>> No.39271651
File: 92 KB, 469x654, 1648985692263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puzzle 2008

>> No.39271718


>> No.39271806
File: 153 KB, 762x1063, 101019574_1_c_sp_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reinoryokusha Odagiri Kyoko no Uso

>> No.39271923


Not that anon but thank you. I love SPEC, Keizoku and Trick and i always itch for more

>> No.39272491

Where do I start with SPEC? Do I need to watch Keizoku first?

>> No.39272534

No since it's a different main cast but it's better to since it's the same department and there's some role reprisals. Keizoku is 90s SPEC. If you're going to watch both obviously watch Keizoku first.
For SPEC start with the TV series and movies, the follow up spin-offs depends on how much you like the series.
