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File: 564 KB, 639x477, mangogamer looks sick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3920179 No.3920179 [Reply] [Original]

>You looks sick

mangagamer... i am disappoint

>> No.3920190

Your mother feels the same way about you.

>> No.3920188

Maybe rika doesn't have proper grammar skills because she is a child.

>> No.3920196

It's hick talk, Hinamizawa is a small town

>> No.3920193

We don't need a new thread for every typo.

>> No.3920199

Yeah. Didn't you think of that? Asshole. Being able to reproduce the unique speech patterns of the different characters, and add "mistakes" where the character actually did say such a thing in the original text is a mark of a GOOD translation, not a bad one.

tl;dr you're an enormous faggot, die in a fire

>> No.3920198

It's normal Rika to me.

>> No.3920203

Why is OP complaining of typos when he's clearly a retarded faggot?

>> No.3920210

God Rika makes my dick hard.

>> No.3920212

Why are you complaining about the OP when you're clearly a retarded faggot?

>> No.3920214

Would you break the law to break Rika's face?

>> No.3920216

This guy is a faggot.
A retarded faggot.

>> No.3920218

Rika-chan is very cute here as opposed to the horrible anime thing (note I haven't seen the anime) (:

>> No.3920219

You got Tief Blau and died.

>> No.3920221





>> No.3920222

Nobody actually dies from Tief Blau. It's like swine flu. People make a way bigger deal of it than it actually is.

>> No.3920223

I've seen about 20 typo/grammar threads since launch. I don't think I'm going to bother buying this as planned.

>> No.3920226

Then you're a faggot too.

>> No.3920236

You know, why don't you write it down and send it to mangagamer so they could fix it... Bitching about typos sure doesn't do anything.

>> No.3920335

I'm a faggot because I don't want to waste 50 dollars on a book with a sub high school level of grammar and spelling? Ha ha.

If they can't even proof read their own shit they deserve to fail, not sell copies.

>> No.3920346

You're a faggot.

>> No.3920352

LOL, a tiny, insignificant typo. Some of you bitch too much.

>> No.3920356
File: 237 KB, 639x479, nipa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"After the anatomy"

>> No.3920371


Have you even played the game? Every line has something wrong with it. Not exaggerating.

>> No.3920384

>If they can't even proof read
You are the one to talk.

>> No.3920395

Yeah, the translation sucks. I was hoping for something on par with their Circus releases but this is around Kira Kira quality, maybe worse. You really don't need to start a thread to point it out to us though, it's pretty much impossible to miss the numerous mistakes.

>> No.3920410

>You are the one to talk.
As if you're one to talk.

>> No.3920411

Okay, that one is a little hard to just gloss over.

Did they not hire a proofreader?

>> No.3920426


English is far from their first language, hence the typos or awkward wording. It can still get annoying, though.

>> No.3920429

Wasn't EvoSpace's job proofreading?

>> No.3920434

How do companies get away with producing translations that are so inferior to even fan translations? It enrages me that people are making money from half-assing shit. If I cared about translations, I'd never buy anything from a company that can't get their act together.

>> No.3920435

> Did they not hire a proofreader?
> Mangagamer
( ≖‿≖)

>> No.3920442

It amuses me fans put higher quality work into their translations. What a load of shit.

>> No.3920444

Given the rate they release these games, I'd say they don't have the time to do enough proofreading, but their recent translations aren't that bad.

>> No.3920462

So it's either get official translated releases that are much quicker but have okay translation, or get fan translations that have better translation but take eternity and beyond to release.

Wish we could have it both ways.

>> No.3920470

That's bullshit. Speed subs aren't anywhere near this level of bad.

>> No.3920477

I've seen speedsubs that were worse.

>> No.3920490

Nyoron's subs of TTGL anybody? aha.

>> No.3920491

>So it's either get official translated releases that are much quicker

What world are you living in?

>> No.3920509

Many of the mistakes are so blatant that a single read-through by a native speaker should catch most of them. I'm assuming EvoSpace isn't a native speaker, but it should be simple to hire one.

Fixing the awkward phrasing would take more time and proper editing though.

>> No.3920513

If MG is notorious for poor translation/English grammar, do they ever release a patch later to clean things up?

>> No.3920516

Yes they used to some times ago. Of course it'd be more quicker if people would actually report the typos though.

>> No.3920537

Some anons were talking about extracting the text and putting it somewhere so you guys could fix it up, and it would go in along with the other mods they're doing (PS2 sprites, original music, font fix, etc.)

>> No.3920559


Maybe if there weren't that many, but they need to have someone literally go through the text word for word.

>> No.3920574

Rika's grammar is adorable

>> No.3920586

You'd figure after living for so long, she would learn a few things here and there.

>> No.3920588

Rika is such a whore.

>> No.3920595


>> No.3920601

was the patch for sprite and background replacement made yet?

>> No.3920605


>> No.3920607

Yes, but we anons pretty much agreed never to repost it again. Sorry, you're out of luck.

>> No.3920615

How would one go about fixing up the text anyway? Even if it takes a lot of time it's not like I've got anything to do for a few weeks...

>> No.3920619

I might reupload it though, just to help that poor anon

>> No.3920622

It's been 3 days since this was released and NO SIGN of Nippaa posting in any of these threads. Thus I assume Nippaa is a troll that only bumps his and that other faggot's Rika threads.

>> No.3920631

- extract text
- put online (something like REtrans web interface)
- wait
- ?????

>> No.3920639


!nippa died 2 days ago in a car accident.

>> No.3920649


a somewhat good/ok translation (there wasnt much translationloss, or so I believe atm)
removed content (though not entirly their fault but that doesn't change how it is and it is bad imo)
A shitload of typos (those arent really that bad but quantity counts)
No physical product (this really hurts as a collector)

So it is basically a product with removed content, shitloads of typos and it isn't even a physical product?
I give MG my respect for trying but this is not the kind of stuff I buy and why .
I will save my money for physical hard copy products.

>> No.3920659

It would suck that if Mangagamer's typos are so frequent that when they finally translate a character that intentionally uses bad grammar (like, say, Momo from Saki -- just using her as an example) people would think MG's fucking up again.

>> No.3920692

Spelling error threads? What do you want me to reply with?

>> No.3920714

Maybe he'll move to another kakera where he's not a fucking moron.

>> No.3920717

Something like 'niraaa'

>> No.3920728

Or they make her have perfect grammar, thus becoming the greatest trolls ever.

>> No.3920731
File: 17 KB, 640x360, LightYagamiJustAsPlanned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3920751

You forget that I'd have to go outside for that to happen.

>> No.3920759

Maybe the driver lost control and drove into your room as you were fapping to Rika.

>> No.3920764

I'm on the first floor.

>> No.3920943

QUALITY VAN doesn't care about what floor you are on.

>> No.3922544
File: 89 KB, 640x480, 1260913870723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3923360

It's on purpose, you faggot.
Rika is also a great actor.
