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39086421 No.39086421 [Reply] [Original]

This will be her year for sure!

>> No.39086622
File: 1.33 MB, 1950x1311, mama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39086925

muh bones

>> No.39088645

I though she got married to Merasmus, and that's why she doesn't show up in Touhou anymore?

>> No.39090625

I was a little sad after the last chapter of the Satori manga, but now I am a little more hopeful. Perhaps it was wrong to feel so entitled to an appearance for her.

>> No.39091719

She will be in Touhou 19 It will be a phantasmagoria game and the last phantasmagoria game had a PC98 character returning as well

>> No.39101055

My whole fucking skeleton is agonizing I hate you

>> No.39109279

It's time to let it go, friend. Her best chance to return came and went, now the hope is truly lost. Still, she'll forever be in our hearts, and that's what important.

>> No.39109336

>the vengeful spirit manga was not hers
this was the biggest nail in the coffin. We now have a modern vengeful spirit and mima is now utterly irrelevant.

>> No.39109645

g-guys! there's still Something of Lazers!
very soon!

>> No.39112452

You still have a skeleton?
Just 60 more entries to go and we'll finally be free...

>> No.39112512
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Anons hear me out. What if Mima isn't her real name but just nickname/pseudonym and Miyadeguchi Mizuchi is her actual name. And her apperance is rough because she just broke out of slammer and didnt have time to get her robe/hat.

Not to mention that some apperance change was in order, just like other 4 PC-98 characters.

There is still hope right?

>> No.39112695

Mizuchi better pony up some ghost calcium to help poor Mima's creaking bones...

>> No.39117643

Miyadeguchi Mizuchi is a stupid name, anon. Mima would never had that name.

>> No.39130894

Every ruse is possible for great ones return.

>> No.39132367

Perhaps. But I doubt Mima would be able to age regress to ruse people.

>> No.39139801

She's able to turn her ghost tail into legs, she might be the most adept shapeshifter in the cast.

>> No.39140487

I doubt she can shapeshift her whole body just because she can arrange her ghost tail vaguely in a shape of legs. Besides, Mizuchi's name was revealed, but never actually spoken in dialogue. Which means that this reveal serves to inform only the reader of the spirit's name. As such, it would be pointless to reveal the name, just for it to be false, not to mention confusing for the reader. If Mizuchi was actually Mima, ZUN would just not give her the name at this point in the story.

>> No.39140933

Im not out of copium yet!

Mizuchi rough looks could actually be reference to weird design Mima had in HRTP (that sailor uniform looking top) rather to her Magician persona most are used to.

On top of that age argument doesnt work since artists style makes everyone look much younger. Just look at Eirin, she certainly looks much younger than in most portrayals.
And to add to that, because Mizuchi ghost tails are very short its also hard to see how tall she is supposed to be.

Fair argument here, but keep in mind - ZUN never really adhered to conventional style of writing. Quite frankly as it is Detective Satori craps all over mystery genre.

>> No.39142179

>Mizuchi rough looks could actually be reference to weird design Mima had in HRTP (that sailor uniform looking top) rather to her Magician persona most are used to.
I was thinking about it for a while, but I just can't really find much similarities between Mizuchi's design and Mima's HRtP design. Can you elaborate?
>On top of that age argument doesnt work since artists style makes everyone look much younger. Just look at Eirin, she certainly looks much younger than in most portrayals.
I think that you can still understand that Eirin is supposed to be older than, for example, Reimu . And honestly just looking at Mizuchi's face and body type kinda makes me think that she's supposed to be young. She looks very much like Reimu to me.
>Fair argument here, but keep in mind - ZUN never really adhered to conventional style of writing.
At this point, revealing Mizuchi to be someone else would certaintly really piss people off. And, well, what's even the point of such a plot twist? Why introduce a character just for it to be another character? Especially since for majority of readers Mima might as well be a new character. Maybe ZUN's a little unconventional, but that's just looks stupid.

>> No.39142743

>I was thinking about it for a while, but I just can't really find much similarities between Mizuchi's design and Mima's HRtP design. Can you elaborate?
This is more a personal take but both OG Mima and Mizuchi have that weathered down "Seen better days" look of ragged clothes and general messiness that contrast other ghost characters in touhou who tend to be more dignified. Still i can see how this is a bit stretchy.

>I think that you can still understand that Eirin is supposed to be older than, for example, Reimu .
Yeah, but that mostly because we know character so its easier to fill the gaps. If i weren't familiar with her at all, i would quite frankly assume she is older teenager/very young adult at age around 19 compared to reimu who might get 15. I certainly would put that Eirin in 30s range.

>And honestly just looking at Mizuchi's face and body type kinda makes me think that she's supposed to be young. She looks very much like Reimu to me.
This artist has style which makes majority of character have similar face. Her resemblance to reimu mostly comes from hairstyle for me, and so far all the shoots we saw her in are hard to put in proper perspective.

>At this point, revealing Mizuchi to be someone else would certaintly really piss people off. And, well, what's even the point of such a plot twist?
Because so far there is no twist. All we got is nobody from nowhere who desperately tries to force themselves into "i was always here/relevant". And that often times ends terribly (see Jailer in WoW).

>Why introduce a character just for it to be another character?
Arguably we already had that with Douji. She was mostly introduced only to better personify Kasens dark past, and after saying few lines she was gone forever. And she was arguably much more of individual character than Mizuchi is should disguise theory prove true. Mizuchi could very well be Keine to Mimas Keine Ex.

>Especially since for majority of readers Mima might as well be a new character. Maybe ZUN's a little unconventional, but that's just looks stupid.
Because Mima has something that Mizuchi lacks - connections, buildup and solid amount of fandom that would result in her actually being relevant and popular.
As opposed to Mizuchi who likely will be completely forgotten since she has no real connections to anything remembered only as "Mima-cockblock" character.
And Mizuchi being "lore" important doesnt matter much, since last lore heavy character Misumaru was DOA for fandom.

>> No.39150242

>If i weren't familiar with her at all, i would quite frankly assume she is older teenager/very young adult at age around 19 compared to reimu who might get 15. I certainly would put that Eirin in 30s range.
To be fair, I personally don't think characters were designed by ZUN to look particularly mature. Even someone like Yukari and Kanako look more young to me than fandom makes then out to be.
>Because so far there is no twist. All we got is nobody from nowhere who desperately tries to force themselves into "i was always here/relevant".
Wasn't Kasen "always here/relevant" as well? And she seems popular enough.
>Because Mima has something that Mizuchi lacks - connections, buildup and solid amount of fandom that would result in her actually being relevant and popular.
The way for a character to stick around and find popularity with fandom lies in repetition. If ZUN shills her enough, adds appearances in games and other print works, Mizuchi would become more popular, at least more popular than Misumaru. But if she's forgotten about by ZUN, she will be forgotten about by fandom.

>> No.39156583

>It will be a phantasmagoria game
will it?

>> No.39165482

New Satori chapter releases in about 12 hours. What are your predictions?

>> No.39165560

Hopefully colored page showing us what color newhu is supposed to be.

>> No.39165624

I'm dreading the colored page. You just know she's gonna be a greenhead.

>> No.39165667

Not only that, she will probably be exact shade of green.

>> No.39165732

At this point I'm convinced ZUN is deliberatly fucking with us. What did we even do to him?

>> No.39165902

See this is one true mystery of this series - Why did he do it?
If ZUN hates Mima/simply doesnt want to revisit her then one line in interview could at least make that clear.
If he can't bring her back for whatever reason (a theory i heard years ago is that there was some dispute over pc-98 games rights and thats why he never brought back anyone after Yuuka - no idea how bullshit it is) then its also fine.
Or he could just....keep silent and Mimafags would be Mimafags

Instead he just does something so oddly....malicious. Like he straight up wanted to spite Mima fans.

>> No.39166095
File: 81 KB, 1200x970, not Mima BUCKBROKEN by the dork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she looks like this.

>> No.39166113
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Prefer this

>> No.39166151
File: 49 KB, 800x970, 1646341881858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You just know she's gonna be a greenhead.

>> No.39166158

Are mima fans just lying to themselves now?

>> No.39166182
File: 18 KB, 270x270, nani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna sneak up behind her and grab her boobs!

>> No.39174423

New chapter's out.
Looks like an exposition chapter. And it looks like we're skipping PoFV altogether.

>> No.39185360

We are mimachads, please and thank you.

>> No.39186044

>skipping PoFV
No shit, ZUN would rather cut an arm over bringing Yuuka or Medicine back, for whatever reason.

>> No.39186083
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Another month, still no official colors.

>> No.39200510
File: 31 KB, 500x500, artworks-000025689509-kytf4n-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, what an interesting theory. I'd love to hear more. Why don't you tell me about it in this room I've prepared. Hang tight, I'll get you a nice warm jacket and you can tell me all your Mima theories.

>> No.39200730

that looks too generic.

>> No.39203645

so, is Mima...? There's a new chapter in CDS.

>> No.39205835

I love Mima, I feel it in my bones but that could be my age.

>> No.39218951

I believe it is the latter.

>> No.39234430 [DELETED] 


>> No.39239621


>> No.39243365

Mima won

>> No.39251407

Mima when

>> No.39255794

I want Mima to tell me that I have done well and that she is proud of me. I want to see her smile of approval after a whole day of hard work.

>> No.39255932

Mimasisters let it go..

>> No.39256065

Mimabrothers never give up.

>> No.39256144
File: 195 KB, 498x186, 1647549965297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believed that Mima will be back for well over a decade. No point losing hope now.

>> No.39256410

Hello wizard Yuuka

>> No.39263714

I have no idea who's mima :desusmirk:

>> No.39265629

Some old hag from a forgotten time.

>> No.39267281

Why do you guys even like Mima anyway

>> No.39268608

Green... happy!

>> No.39270106

cool wizard ghost

>> No.39277239
File: 109 KB, 886x694, Mima.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39279282

Why do you like your own favourite character?

>> No.39279495
File: 280 KB, 1500x1500, __mima_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_mindoll__707508327bcdcbd06c675d2484772078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She bullies the weak, intentionally gets into trouble, and lies to others just for the hell of it.
She's fun.

>> No.39280174

Unlike regular people, I started the games with the PC-98 era, and she grew up on me.
She's like a mature Marisa.

>> No.39283345
File: 665 KB, 827x827, 7023022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's lean, she's green and she's very mean!

>> No.39283542 [DELETED] 

No it won't

>> No.39284481

So basically they like her for being a rebel.
Or a freelance, one of the two.

>> No.39302165

Cool design. Also being Marisa Teacher/Mom makes her alot more interesting/relevant than 90% of other characters.

>> No.39311426

She's cute!

>> No.39322098

ghost tail > ghost legs
Also, I want an MC who's more of an overt jerk. She's fun.
