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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3913116 No.3913116[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Women are fucking bitches and whores.

Also this was my girlfriend.

>> No.3913121

What a long and fulfilling relationship that was

>> No.3913126


Haha I know right. She treated it like a fucking high schooler.

>> No.3913131

tonberryking get out we don't want or need you.

>> No.3913134

what, did you just now find out about the penis?

>> No.3913136

You should have just stuck with Rinko.

>> No.3913137


Fuck you faggot.



>> No.3913138

>WoW t-shirt

I am very sorry.

>the fact that I recognize said t-shirt

Oh god.

>> No.3913147

Well, don't say we didn't tell you.

>> No.3913148

Why can't you leave us alone you faggot?

Get back to your blog.

>> No.3913146

You sure that's a girl, brah?

>> No.3913145

fuck off and die

>> No.3913144

Back to /r9k/ or /b/

>> No.3913150


Yeah I should have. This girl was just too fucking crazy. She posted her problems regarding me in a post on her live journal to her friends than take it to me and talk to me about these said issues. Just what the fuck?

Fucking high school.

>> No.3913151

Three days, huh?
You shouldn't have ditched that poor Love Plus girl.

Also, /blog/ is that way -->

>> No.3913156

did u stick it in

>> No.3913157


It was more like 2 or 3 weeks. Not even a relationship I'd say. She didn't even really seem to have an interest in me personally. She only went out with me because we were friends in Japan and she said she was lonely.

>> No.3913160

And now you're posting about her on /jp/

>> No.3913168


>> No.3913166


No one has an interest in you because you're a huge faggot. Go take a long walk off a short pier.

>> No.3913165


No actually. She later told me she hates sex, and is asexual whatever the fuck that means. If a girl is having sexuality issues in her 20s, I don't fucking want a part of that.

>> No.3913164

Will a mod come if I get on irc like what we did a month ago?

I'm tired of seeing Tonberryking. Brings back repressed memories from /a/.

>> No.3913169

As opposed to you posting your own problems on a board dedicated to Japanese games with girls in frilly clothes.

I'd report, but the meido seems to be hibernating.

>> No.3913172

Your ex-girlfriend was even uglier than mine. Wow. Congratulations I guess.

>> No.3913177

She's either frigid or pretending.

>> No.3913181


I dunno dude. She wrote that she can do sex but she is like a statue.

>> No.3913203

She just wasn't the kind of girl I was looking for. She wasn't fucking affectnate at all.

Also she had the weirdest complaints like I joked I could take on her level 80 shaman in tier9 with my level 76 shaman in pvp. She took this seriously and said she wouldn't lose because she had a vagina.

>> No.3913208

It's an instant red flag when someone plays WoW. You should have known this.

Go find a girl that doesn't play WoW.

>> No.3913211

Cool story faggot, get out of /jp/.

>> No.3913216


Well the thing is. I though having the same sort of interests was good. I quit wow a long time ago, but apparently she was really into it. Like she knew a shit ton of the lore and like wrote fanfics and shit. That should have been a red flag...

>> No.3913222

sage for tonberryfaggot

>> No.3913232

>She took this seriously and said she wouldn't lose because she had a vagina.
Wow. Just wow. Wait, fuck, I made a pun. I guess. Please kill me.

>> No.3913234

Why'd you hook up with her if you didn't have much interest in her?

PS: How is this thread /jp/ related? Why not take it to /r9k/?

>> No.3913230
File: 53 KB, 480x640, 1257627078354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet Rance could unthaw her. Hell, he can unthaw Cirno.

>> No.3913239

It's not. Stop bumping it.

>> No.3913245

Tonberryking loves to /blog/ where ever the fuck he wants because he's a faggot.

>> No.3913249


I actually though we had a lot of interests because we were in the same major which is Japanese. She just wasn't the kind of girl I was looking for.

>> No.3913252


Generally nerd-girls are like that. I know my last girlfriend was convinced that ALL people have an STD. Not some, not most, ALL PEOPLE IN THE WORLD HAVE AN STD (except for her) AND SHE WILL HAVE NONE OF IT. She even knew I was a virgin, but when it came to sex she said I was "vile, disgusting filth like all the rest". That girl had issues that I don't think can ever be fixed.

Humorous sidenote: she was terrified of her own body. I recall sitting on a bench one day when she jumps up and starts screaming and running around. I get her to calm down and she tells me, "I was looking down at my hand, and I saw the veins in the back of my hand, and I remembered I had blood in my body! I don't want blood in me! Get it out get it out!"

>> No.3913269

attn: retards
stop bumping this garbage

>> No.3913272

Holy crap, im being incredibly uncomfortable right now and all i have to do is imagine that lunatics like that are running around freely out there. Whoever thought insane asylums were inhumane and all that crap should be brought back to life so i can dump him in the middle of these frenzied fucks and dare him to come up with that idea again. Fucking lunatics

>> No.3913276
File: 85 KB, 480x640, ali2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just feel I would feel better if she didn't treat this like a high schooler would. She even broke up with me online through my blog which you can even fucking read.

>> No.3913293

Why would go through all that effort to interact with that... thing. I haven't talked to a girl since I was 12 so that would make me pretty desperate for companionship, but I wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole. Could freeze to death on my doorstep for all I care.

And I mean, if it was just her being horribly ugly, you could've argued that she has a good personality. But a WoW player? Really? Why, just why...

>> No.3913298


>> No.3913302


Yeah, what was I thinking? BITCHES AND WHORES.

>> No.3913311


She's a hideous pig anyway.

>> No.3913309

I looked at this picture and my urinal tract started to hurt. Even my body does not want.

>> No.3913314

Stop aging your shitty thread faggot.

>> No.3913316

>tonberryking thread
>40 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

looks like you've proven moot right

>> No.3913317


Fuck you. Do you not know who I am?

>> No.3913320

Yeah you're an old namefaggot from /a/ that can eat my shit and die.

>> No.3913353


Sorry to tell you this, but that's a dude.

>> No.3913360

She did act more like guy to be honest.

>> No.3913362

Those posts on your blog ranting and raving about WoW are quite amusing.

Also, can't believe I forgot my sage for tonberryking earlier.

>> No.3913374
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>> No.3913378

barf (cue effects)

>> No.3913378,1 [INTERNAL] 

I want to kill everyone of you how posted to this thread. Starting with Anonymous ~ᚻᛟᛟᛟᛟᚩᛗ ‪‪‪‬ ‪‬ ‭‬ !Jones4ZrPA
You are all stupid shits.

>> No.3913378,2 [INTERNAL] 

Are you frustrated?

>> No.3913378,3 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone responding to tonberryking is a ass.

>> No.3913378,4 [INTERNAL] 

I missed this thread because I was dicking around in my sister's room.

Did anybody save the images of Tonfaggot's girlfriend?

>> No.3913378,5 [INTERNAL] 

They're still in my cache. She's not good looking and there's no point in uploading them for you.
This post >>3913276 shows you a good look at her face from the thumbnail.
