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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 807 KB, 1448x2048, 94404637_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39119045 No.39119045 [Reply] [Original]

Guide 1: https://learnjapanese.moe/

be sure to read John's religion/story
>How I got 180/180 on N1 in ~8.5 Months!

But essentially what John's method religion IS:

* Start reading every day (and listening)
* Go through a grammar guide (like Tae kim or Cure Dolly)
* Go through a common vocab deck (like core2.3k)
* Mine stuff into Anki that you encounter in your Japanese media

A detailed guide of what John did can be found on

*John Bless your gains

>Guide 2: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Translation requests, insults, politics, reddit posts, lust: >>>/int/djt

Previous threads:
>>39100284 (#3208)
>>39087642 (#3207)
>>39079946 (#3206)
>>39066033 (#3205)
>>39047666 (#3204)
>>39027849 (#3203)
>>39014589 (#3202)
>>39004839 (#3201)
>>38996037 (#3200)
>>38987671 (#3199)
>>38978106 (#3198)
>>38968050 (#3197)
>>38955121 (#3196)
>>38944259 (#3195)
>>38935248 (#3194)
>>38927950 (#3193)
>>38915616 (#3192)
>>38904369 (#3191)
>>38892293 (#3190)
>>38886917 (#3189)
>>38875725 (#3188)
>>38863960 (#3187)
>>38850100 (#3186)
>>38839617 (#3185)
>>38826708 (#3184)
>>38818396 (#3183)
>>38807680 (#3182)
>>38793304 (#3181)
>>38782449 (#3180)
>>38767991 (#3179)
>>38752666 (#3178)
>>38735095 (#3177)
>>38725351 (#3176)

>> No.39119052
File: 559 KB, 1920x1827, 1647994217723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disregard bad advice frequently posted in these threads. Things to avoid:
・any геddiт """guides""". nothing good has ever come out of геddiт.
・Itazuraneko. Outdated, hard to follow, coin miner, confusing for beginners.
・tatsumoto. It recommends targeted sentence cards, which are proven to be less effective than words cards(animecards).
・Ankidrone Starter Pack. It is based on newspapers from early 90s and additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. Try Core 2.3k instead.
・Tatsumoto. Tatsumoto is an infamous spammer. He constantly hijacks our threads to shill his shit.
He isn't an honest person. He is a hypocrite who promotes the exact opposite of what he does.
・Matrix/Telegram. Matrix is malware that runs a data mining operation. DJT has moved to Signal.
・Refold, Migaku and other for-profit companies who want to scam you.
・Namefags, don't waste your time with Attention Whores
・Download 4chan X to filter Namefags

TheMoeWay is the best resource.
be sure to read John's religion/story.

>> No.39119108

Ignore all guides except for tae kim and cure dolly. Just do core2.3k and read vinnies

>> No.39119137

thank you for the great thread!

>> No.39119160
File: 795 KB, 4096x2304, 1648046015732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better guide: https://streamable.com/3goh2f


>> No.39119346

So how many new words do you guys do a day?

>> No.39119358

bros i wanna eat og till she passes out
i just want her to get a good night sleep is all

>> No.39119370

how many do you want to do?

>> No.39119422

30, but I'm losing to motivation to keep up with it

>> No.39119460

so do 10 or 20. read vinnies and you'll learn words passively as well which is where the fun is.

>> No.39119520
File: 401 KB, 724x625, 1648068396602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this anon is right
it doesn't have to be visual novels either, anything will do, as >>39119422 can tell, you can't force yourself long term to do anything, some people can (for instance i just make it a routine and do it forever no matter what, but i do this as a way to expiate my sins so), but generally "have fun" is a better way to do things cause at the end of the day its a hobby

manga is cool too

>> No.39119529
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>> No.39119538
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>> No.39119590
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>> No.39119633

like the thumbnail

>> No.39119659


>> No.39119660

also his videos are well made too.

>> No.39119675

funny how shitters make videos like this

>> No.39119694
File: 226 KB, 1080x1350, 1648068784988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you make a better one?
liked shared and subscribed, would have superchatted but superchats are for oshi

>> No.39119743

learn english

>> No.39119776

>but i do this as a way to expiate my sins so

>> No.39119781

But I want to be stronger. If I keep doing a low amount, isn't just staying weak?

>> No.39119824

Lol why do beginners love giving advice

>> No.39119854

So is it true that it's harder to learn to draw than it is to learn jap?

>> No.39119896 [DELETED] 
File: 1.04 MB, 1600x1200, screech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea japanese is cool but penguins are cooler

sorry i haven't posted for a while but i see the penguin love continues

>> No.39119909
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 1648031742340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, if you saw someone who just entered a gym for the first time loading 45's into a squat rack and going "aight this looks easy, might as well start at 250" would you go:
>damn what a chad
>dame idiots gonna throw his back

rethorical but the point is, your technique, stamina, speed, etc all go up as you go, they will never be lower than when you start and while you can force things to a degree, the "losing motivation" thing is your body saying you are overdoing it and burning out.
you have to do enough that doing it feels fun and stimulating and constructive, too much is as bad as too little, doing a little less now doesn't mean doing less forever, you will naturally feel like.doing more as you become faster/better/things click.

if you get tired of it and say fuck it, your progress becomes 0. you have to find a way to do things you can keep up for, well, probably not ever, but a while.

look at these results, consistent diet > burning out

>> No.39119918 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 480x480, 1648057531818.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons kept it going in your absence! look! look!!

>> No.39119919

low reps for strength high reps for size

>> No.39119941

5 new words a day, I'm using Core 2.3k deck

>> No.39119949 [DELETED] 

no one knows who you are

>> No.39119986 [DELETED] 
File: 2.39 MB, 640x360, 1647758559339.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lies he is penguin bro, might come as a shock to you, but people become known, and should be known, not by arbitrary idiot titles or names they give themselves, but their deeds.

penguin bro is based af

nametards are cancer
tripturds 10 times so
penguins on the other hand and very cool

>> No.39120019 [DELETED] 


>> No.39120033 [DELETED] 


>> No.39120034 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1600x1067, 1645833638088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true

>> No.39120045 [DELETED] 

But she's got insane amounts of make-up on in the right pic

>> No.39120051 [DELETED] 

and a nose job but that's the joke

>> No.39120079 [DELETED] 

thank you brave penguin warrior, your efforts will not be forgotten


penguins are very cool thank you for noticing

penguins will live forever anon

>> No.39120097 [DELETED] 

that reminded me of those dumb jcs that posted vids about how they 垢抜くd. no you didnt you dumb bitch you just turned 14

>> No.39120141
File: 104 KB, 640x478, 1648108651332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39120161 [DELETED] 

Why do you fuckers always post Japanese women who are caked in makeup? It's all fake

>> No.39120167 [DELETED] 

wtf youre hot. turn on your monitor

>> No.39120224 [DELETED] 
File: 389 KB, 1080x588, 1647973634635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if god wanted us to see women as they really look he wouldn't have invented makeup
this one trimmed her teeth and may have had other work done, supposedly shes very unstable

>> No.39120236 [DELETED] 

God didn't invent makeup

>> No.39120249 [DELETED] 
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>> No.39120270 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 1536x2048, 1647960356784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually he did, the book of enoch describes rebel angels going to earth and banging jks and making a race of half angel giants called nephilim, anyway god drowned the shit out of everything and one of the sins of the angels was giving jks makeup, angels can't create however, so it must have been god


>> No.39120283 [DELETED] 

So you admit that giving women makeup is a sin?

>> No.39120288 [DELETED] 

garbage thread, none of you will ever know japanese

>> No.39120311 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 960x960, 1647882074539.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't give it to them it was the angels, or god, or maybe mabelline

depends on the woman

jks however are innately sinful... i love them so much

>> No.39120392 [DELETED] 

we moved away from 3d women

>> No.39120448 [DELETED] 
File: 1.93 MB, 1280x720, 1648067663465.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

veritably based
by we you mean you, and by moved away you mean they moved away from you tho

>> No.39120452

memento bros...

>> No.39120457 [DELETED] 
File: 2.95 MB, 500x484, 1648051035688.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39120461 [DELETED] 

what are they doing?

>> No.39120477 [DELETED] 

holding the wall in place during the earthquake

>> No.39120497 [DELETED] 
File: 2.92 MB, 854x480, 1646392910405.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oyas bros

>> No.39120631 [DELETED] 

japanese is impossible, i'm going to follow the footsteps of those before me and marry a jap so at least my son can enjoy manga

>> No.39120790 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 750x750, 1648112671738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39120808 [DELETED] 

I should really get back on the cardio grind to get rid of my gut.

>> No.39120823

Watching Beyblade while I work. Livin' the dream.

>> No.39120846

so many cartoons as a kid i rewatched as an adult just because i never got to choose what was on the tv so i never got to follow any stories, the beyblade show was cool as fuck though, definitely baited me into getting the toy even though its nowhere near as cool as dragons fighting eachother

>> No.39120855

I'm halfway through core2.3k bros

>> No.39120864
File: 395 KB, 579x424, rishuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acquired 履修

>> No.39120866

god I love women

>> No.39120908

They toy was great. I still love them. Unfortunately the newer ones (Burst) is stupid. Metal Fight Beyblade was the best.

>> No.39120917

Oh yeah I think I remember hearing something about the old ones getting banned somewhere , I did have a metal one which was cool.

>> No.39120935
File: 245 KB, 1199x848, FOlUbzdaQAYo3Ag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo new holos

>> No.39120950

thought about becoming a vtuber to make friends but it looks like all the males have to be gay and I dont want to do that

>> No.39120958 [DELETED] 

holy fuck just realized i’m addicted to snuggling men while they are crying and i need it to happen more

>> No.39120963

siging isnt gay

>> No.39120973

i never said singing was gay, i like singing. but if you look at nijien which is extremely popular all the men act and look gay

>> No.39120983 [DELETED] 

men crying is one of the most beautiful sights on this planet and i love the feeling of a man resting his head against my soft boobs as he lets out his tears, me wrapping my arms around him and gently petting his hair... fuck! the feeling of knowing he’s so comforted by my embrace and letting down his guard enough to cry in front of me. it’s like it makes me horny but from my heart? makes my heart orgasm

>> No.39120990 [DELETED] 


>> No.39121004 [DELETED] 

I feel the same way with caged women.

>> No.39121009

never watched male ens so dunno

>> No.39121012

what do the jp boys do

>> No.39121025

play games or sing

never watched many collabs because it was mostly apex but they seem to talk normally in them

>> No.39121124
File: 416 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2022-03-24 02-52-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have been taking omega 3 and vitamin d supplements my mother gave me

i wonder if this will help with my japanese learning. it hasn't thus far

>> No.39121130
File: 219 KB, 684x306, seikou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39121167

>Matrix is malware that runs a data mining operation. DJT has moved to Signal.
does that include the element application?

>> No.39121282

maybe there is hope for me in the vtuber world, better start practicing those Japanese conversations

>> No.39121352

Goddamnit, by the time I'm done with Anki I feel too fucking burned out to try reading stuff in jap. Why am I so fucking weak?

>> No.39121356

you need exercise and healthy eating and sleep, feeling fatigued without doing anything means something is wrong with those three.

>> No.39121368

I do all of these things but I always feel fucking tired and worn out all the time. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. I'm one of the healthiest people I know

>> No.39121381

your mental sessions are too long, do something else that you like to give yourself a break then start up again

>> No.39121555

Anki -> Fap -> Nap -> Immersion

>> No.39121570
File: 18 KB, 490x262, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, I did all my reps in the morning, in my bed, before even standing up.
I feel like I did super gains, super powerful!
I still need to mine 25 new words tho lol

>> No.39121591
File: 228 KB, 1348x1048, ero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39121628

Why is it this faggot "John's" method when DJT has been saying to do this same thing for decades now?

>> No.39121640

Maybe it's to put a face to the method, to make it more believable?
Idfk. I don't read OP post nor the first batch of posts, it's always some for of garbo spam links.

>> No.39121708
File: 318 KB, 502x749, muteki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you?

>> No.39121716

Damn you found a photo of me.

>> No.39121753
File: 233 KB, 504x518, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to be a custom-tailored panty salesman in japan

>> No.39121778

calling dibs on the mid-
nvm, dropped

>> No.39121839

never watched much of id's so this time i'll give them a chance

already see me closing the tab when they start speaking indog though
what a horrible language

>> No.39121880

bayblades got banned in my school when i was a kid because someone got their glasses broken by them

>> No.39121907

I think any language sounds grating and sharp at first because it's easier to pick up on the hard sounds. Korean used to sound like that for me but it sounds ok now.

>> No.39121996

who says people can't use preexisting methods? learn english

>> No.39122092

Would a kobo libra 2 ereader be good for reading LNs? Does it have all the features that a kindle would have for mining and translation?

>> No.39122338
File: 379 KB, 690x596, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now thats true love

so romantic

>> No.39122343

cant be true love if the girl has short hair, not hating just stating

>> No.39122372
File: 143 KB, 627x540, 1648123967940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i reach +2000 by しがつ?

>> No.39122449
File: 18 KB, 500x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me 90 days for all of these.

>> No.39122458

Took me 5 months

>> No.39122622
File: 694 KB, 663x1047, ahiru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39122980

How ironic you illiterate retard.

>> No.39123040

it's possible to be interested in english without taking an interest in america or england

is it possible to take an interest in japanese but not care about japan?

>> No.39123055

dame i want to fuck a jk so bad

>> No.39123060
File: 393 KB, 639x610, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manga isnt reading

>> No.39123106
File: 14 KB, 567x215, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this mnemonic but it's actually 此+隹
i think 此 is only introduced in rtk 3

>> No.39123249


>> No.39123287

do they have to write their emails like scams lmao

>> No.39123353 [DELETED] 

rly a shame to see the threads like this but u only have urselves to blame

>> No.39123358
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>> No.39123369


>> No.39123372

he's up i'm out

>> No.39123391

yooo they cute

>> No.39123414

threads are better than ever, really a blessing

>> No.39123416

god i love women
hope so bro

>> No.39123431


>> No.39123456
File: 2.24 MB, 868x976, 1648053294919.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha yep this anon won, FAfuckingTALITY, well done!

>> No.39123485
File: 1.91 MB, 1920x816, 1647981320034(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true true true!
good morning my friends!
morning emmersion!!

>> No.39123499

jesus fuck

>> No.39123501
File: 1.27 MB, 1403x916, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god i love women

>> No.39123519
File: 1.05 MB, 540x540, 1647923191633.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek cute
same but unironically

>> No.39123521
File: 187 KB, 717x385, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day done. Retention dropped quite alot though. Sleepy time

>> No.39123530

as long as you like their media you're probably alright

>> No.39123531

tfw you're talking to your friends in a bar and you say your method of language learning is reading native books and some neckbeard with a plastic katana overhears you, gets an autism attack and starts shouting at you, saying "HOW DARE YOU CLAIM YOU INVENTED READING BOOKS, PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DOING THAT FOREVER"

>> No.39123533

literally me, saucenao didn't work tho so now ill never know what happened... :(

>> No.39123534
File: 1 KB, 289x28, anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sleepy time
took longer than usual for me today

>> No.39123542
File: 1.09 MB, 960x540, 1647816662545.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

night bro, nice!

>> No.39123551
File: 91 KB, 460x654, nx101795-IO5jHLnieOBR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best manga ever

ill have to check out other works of this author

>> No.39123557

manga are basically picture books

>> No.39123567

nuke feeling personally attacked.

>> No.39123585
File: 1005 KB, 720x1280, 1647008071818.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also yabeeeeeee but bad yabe!

>> No.39123594

wotd: pining

>> No.39123606

Just fuck off John, it's not your method.

>> No.39123622

no, they're not. threads are so shit that people don't even care about abandoning them on page 8 with only 500 replies. we have ghosts threads that stay up for 2 days

>> No.39123633
File: 2.51 MB, 1031x580, 1647887883360-1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

? but its the method john uses, thus, its his method

you know i remember a similar conversation some time ago... this feels nostalgic somehow

>> No.39123666
File: 544 KB, 368x464, 1647768367200.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agree, useful, constructive, on topic, trolling is at a minimum and lots of new people and emmersion material recommendations, love to see it

>> No.39123685

thats whats good about it
what point is there for a japanese thread when people discuss everything but stuff related to japanese?

would rather have a slow thread than jamal talking about stocks with 4bc and moe

>> No.39123696

thanks! picked up!
same, dunno who any of those people are tho, don't care either

>> No.39123733

nobody ever cared, they just spammed idiot off topic shit all day and aggressively trolled whomever tried to speak about japanese, good riddance

>> No.39123746

You have to invent, or at least popularize, the method to name it, you idiot. Can I claim the quadratic equation now? The anon equation?

>> No.39123750
File: 62 KB, 510x680, FOni-A9UYAEfl9I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39123790


>> No.39123795

so a carpenter has to have invented nails for them to be his nails and hammer? what about mike, he sells hamburgers, mikes hamburgers, did he invent hamburgers? what about bread or meat? what did mike invent?

dunno anon, im going to have to declare john the winner on the basis your argument is horrendous and his op images are great, nothing personal

>> No.39123832

here you go anon, don't use either but https://old.reddit.com/r/LightNovels/comments/9mp0c8/amazon_vs_kobo_for_light_novels/

>> No.39123837

my method for learning japanese is reading books.

>> No.39123842
File: 2.09 MB, 1602x2400, 31_AWN_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39123856

i only have a kindle that i never use so dunno

>> No.39123863

anons method sounds good and correct!
brooo...! reps begun...!

>> No.39123895

we just have to wait until these annoying faggots give up (like they always do) and then we'll have our thread back

>> No.39123943
File: 483 KB, 500x258, 5a22472175dd20daedfdcd3f185893c1d6e6195c_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did!

>> No.39123946
File: 2.73 MB, 1280x720, 1647631977054.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

todays kyoku https://youtu.be/dv13gl0a-FA

>> No.39123976

>until these annoying faggots give up (like they always do)
true true

moe, dead
4bc, dead
og, dead
qm, dead
tatsu, dead
tokui, dead
hanako, dead
nyan, dead
luka, dead
bunko, dead
jamal, half-dead

if i forgot someone they probably also dead

>> No.39123984
File: 905 KB, 240x312, 1648046540101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better version! https://youtu.be/Pnjswy06Y0k coco of the day

>> No.39123998
File: 171 KB, 626x250, daiji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repping now

>> No.39124016

love my morning coco
lmao brutal

>> No.39124069
File: 142 KB, 926x540, 1648131082809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39124087
File: 231 KB, 900x680, 1632233255535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read the DJT guide to git gud https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
️ Make targeted sentence cards (TSCs) for maximum gains.
Ignore spam linked in the OP (lernjapanese*moe, itazura, etc.). DJT has a long standing problem with spam.

>> No.39124092
File: 78 KB, 680x680, 1648034867665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://youtu.be/ALhajOCP3_0 love her so much bros, keeping mehnera neko is a bad idea but still shell try
shes like a real life shonnen hero helping even her enemies be better
such a cool person

>> No.39124121
File: 11 KB, 52x218, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking hate what japanese has become

>> No.39124157

low (lots of waraus)

>> No.39124196
File: 27 KB, 605x215, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39124219

kek cute

>> No.39124248
File: 245 KB, 689x517, 1494675224289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disregard SHIT advice frequently posted in these threads. Things to avoid:
・tmw/The moe way. Patreon scam run by a turkish tranny.
・any rentry.org and геddiт """guides""". nothing good has ever come out of геddiт.
・Itazuraneko. Outdated, hard to follow, confusing for beginners.
・Anime cards (the guide by someone named QM). It recommends words cards, which are proven to be less effective than targeted sentence cards (TSCs).
・Core 2.3k. It is based on newspapers from early 90s and additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. Try Ankidrone Starter Pack instead.
・Anacreon. Anacreon is an infamous spammer. He constantly hijacks our threads to shill his shit.
・Discord servers. Discord is malware that runs a data mining operation. DJT has moved to Matrix.
・Refold, Migaku and other money grab schemes.
・Visual novels. Experienced learners say they're trash because of unnatural speech and useless vocabulary. Most VNs are proprietary ー https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/

Tatsumoto is the best guide. Be sure to read his religion/story.

>> No.39124318

i talked to a japanese person about this, you actually have to be really careful when using these www because if you use them while the japanese person is trying to have a serious conversation, they will literally hate you.

>> No.39124319

look guys i'm japanesing

>> No.39124385

low iq

>> No.39124470

i think it's a sign of high iq if i take the opinion of a japanese person about japanese culture seriously

>> No.39124509
File: 494 KB, 654x678, bnm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mined BNM

>> No.39124536

i think you are low iq and cant see why i think that because you are low iq

>> No.39124581
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 1602449749454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't listen to the shit mehmet says. he's mentally ill spammer who hijacks our OP to shill his shit. DJT has an official chat on Matrix. To join, follow https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/join-our-community.html

>> No.39124645

is it because it should be obvious that www shouldn't be used in serious conversations?

>> No.39124750
File: 698 KB, 797x1600, 1643820200377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bother spamming your brand of the guide when they all say the same thing just worded differently?
>nobody can tell you what you need to do
>... so here's what you need to do, don't like it? you're on your own
>filter namefags, they're a waste of pixels
>... but don't forget /ourguy/ X who achieved fluency in 2 weeks! we love X
>forget these spambots trying to get you to sub to their patreon, they don't want you to learn Japanese, they want your money
>... what do you mean there's 50 mentions of the same guide in one thread from a single IP?
>... well did you at least donate to the guide maker on Ko-fi?
>ignore shit flingers who are jealous of /ourguy/ and his method
>... btw x guide has a bitcoin miner and is run by a cartel boss who stomps on small animals and is also a tranny

>> No.39124821
File: 229 KB, 1440x732, 1648133859210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39124835
File: 84 KB, 896x655, 5c8b9b04772d0d83fcd1d01f5f8459eae4fc8e1e97dafb8d3106a04f0de805ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39124866

dont get the whole guide autism either
all that matters is that you use japanese

>> No.39125231


>> No.39125271

So I understand that this is for "beginners" whereas the /int/ counterpart is for not-dekinais, but which one gives me higher odds of someone proofreading translation attempts, as opposed to requesting translations? Though really it's just to see if my comprehension is better then a machine's.

>> No.39125353
File: 559 KB, 1058x848, 1563343432442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mentally ill spammer spamming his garbage patreon site. don't be a rube and fall for his trash

>> No.39125446

without looking it up, how do you read this

>> No.39125480


>> No.39125510

imagine being a worse poster than jamal not even he could kill djt lmao

>> No.39125525

so fvcing true

>> No.39125527
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otaku Gyarus are justice!!!!

>> No.39125528


>> No.39125540

crazy how

>> No.39125555


>> No.39125597

im yapanesing but kataier

>> No.39125631
File: 2.39 MB, 640x640, 1646727931053.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39125647


>> No.39125669

not gonna do the i quit thing again
but hopefully i wont post every day at all

>> No.39125699

2016 jamal wouldnt have let this happen

>> No.39125706
File: 64 KB, 772x341, 1557314409697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disturbing facts about the so-called l*arnjapanese.moe and his "guide".

0) It was MattvJapan's shilling on twitter that made him known to the public. and yet, he backstabbed Matt by leaking private conversations with him.
1) He doesn't know Japanese, nor we have seen videos of him speaking in it.
2) He's Turkish.
3) His half-assed "guide" is full of malware, and he scams people for donations.
4) He uses cringecord, a proprietary spyware app. He puts people who trust him in danger by forcing them to use it too.
5) He hosts his site on Github (owned by Micro$oft).

He isn't an honest person. He is a hypocrite who promotes the exact opposite of what he does. Stick to tatsumoto's targeted sentence cards if you want to get good.

>> No.39125709 [DELETED] 

means im actually a pretty good poster
thats why everyone leaves when i dont post and its just the holo autist @ing himself all day

>> No.39125727

welcome back! good song!

>> No.39125731 [DELETED] 

2016 jamal is from /a/djt lest u forget

>> No.39125806

her mank0 is strange

>> No.39125815

how do i create a filtered deck of cards failed today(not including new ones done today)

>> No.39125820


>> No.39125832


>> No.39125837


>> No.39125851



>> No.39125869

wtf www

>> No.39125902 [DELETED] 

do u think a japanese dude knows what one looks like

>> No.39125903

love words that have more kanji than their kana equivalents
lke 鼠頭魚

>> No.39125972

whenever you attempt to quit a habit the first day is always the hardest

>> No.39125986
File: 1.03 MB, 1125x1600, f284d298bfdeccf2698a3851ce868118i_0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you studying Japanese?

>> No.39126058

Too many untranslated hentai.

>> No.39126076

dameeee good way to start my morning reps

>> No.39126104
File: 1.40 MB, 1138x640, 1647734876428.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im into self flag elation

>> No.39126113

you must end your porn addiction bros

>> No.39126130

a short hike is on sale on switch (and steam) and has a cool jp translation

>> No.39126132
File: 1.04 MB, 960x540, 1647687905164.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not an addiction i can stop anytime i want (implication is fuck off (or on if you are a cute girl))

>> No.39126137

finna play kirby when my copy arrives

>> No.39126146

back already? also i try to avoid buying digital games at all costs

tried the demo and it sucked

>> No.39126152
File: 79 KB, 482x359, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im reading comedy, not porn

>> No.39126167

cute picked up

>> No.39126186

a little tired of this low poly cel-shaded onions animal-friends style of games

>> No.39126188

as for me its gaming shows where we find out if well endowed run of the mill young housewives who do jav on the side succumb to temptation. theyre fascinating

>> No.39126209

generally same, but reviews say its 3 hours and its not like im paying for it so really its a short vn with better gameplay

>> No.39126221

oh no wonder it looked familiar, og already streamed this

doesnt look like it has much text though

>> No.39126227

also why would you play a jp translation of a game originally written in english quit doing that shit bros it's beyond retarded

>> No.39126243
File: 332 KB, 480x584, 1648069829217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god love og so much
i watched the expanse in japanese eith japanese subtitles

>> No.39126269
File: 350 KB, 889x422, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39126285

sauce me bro

>> No.39126297

recently i enjoy 掃除 kino


>> No.39126299
File: 87 KB, 460x680, bx129225-7sfi5AXGPivk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39126308
File: 1.12 MB, 1249x700, A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nip gf

>> No.39126310

dameeee picked up

>> No.39126322


>> No.39126333

this brings joy

>> No.39126363
File: 1.06 MB, 1124x1600, i_0019_606f93ec2083b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame wife material

>> No.39126364

oops meant to click on >>39126308

>> No.39126375

og no its a trap...!!!

>> No.39126426


>> No.39126432

Why are 裸足 Japanese girls so hot? I'm not even a footfag

>> No.39126433

>i talked to an english speaker about this, you actually have to be really careful when using lol because if you use it while the english speaker is trying to have a serious conversation, they will literally hate you.
this is you

>> No.39126448


>> No.39126449

they hit the 風呂 errday so the skin is もちもち

>> No.39126504
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (41).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not if you want to

>> No.39126515
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>> No.39126520

Is it worth reading the DoJG books if I'm already doing the deck? Is there much content in the books that isn't in the deck?

>> No.39126529
File: 305 KB, 2560x2536, easy-printable-sudoku-puzzles-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame i lol a lot and actually have some sort of stalker that keeps insisting im manic and will commit pic related eventually but i actually just have a lot of fun!
which is to say maybe some people REALLY dislike lols and wwws but its probly best not to humor them (pun intended and intentional)

(unrelated but i used to commit the higheat levels of it daily, its not as exciting as it looks, dunno why everyone keeps saying to do it)

>> No.39126549

it's never worth "reading" dojg it's a resource for looking shit up you come across not something to read front to back unless you enjoy wasting your time

>> No.39126553
File: 243 KB, 359x634, 1648061549309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

og all starry eyed is so cute, she has a juicy and pleasing career in front of her!

>> No.39126623

think about this a lot when on the fence about putting a w or not

>> No.39126665
File: 249 KB, 657x459, maido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39126669

it's like having the choice to see a painting of a famous artist but instead choosing to see the replica made by his apprentice instead--if you have the choice it's pointless and no matter how close it is to the original it's still a replica and will never be 1:1

>> No.39126681

its a game about a bird climbing a mountain

>> No.39126682
File: 40 KB, 374x374, 1643905439793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>days of the month
Whoever came up with this system did it as a prank, right?
I can almost understand why 20th would be read different, if only 30th was also read different. Why does the 1st not follow any of the patterns regarding the other patterns when it comes to how they're read. It seems needlessly confusing for something that's as simple as numbers

>> No.39126688

big rape

>> No.39126709

you're missing my point about choosing a translation when you have the option and ability to experience something in its original intended language

>> No.39126719

but reading it in japanese has value to me if anything because its novel

>> No.39126734

cute video www

>> No.39126736

wtf who came up with this shit

>> No.39126738

playing death stranding in japanese because its too boring in english

>> No.39126751


theres nothing else, why god why i love that series so much

>> No.39126772

i really loved that game and kinda mad the extra stuff isn't on pc or ps4

>> No.39126784
File: 83 KB, 700x1050, 0vNgCeBOBibyh_QgLi45r6vGwkTHCn_2lbYWKP7Y7w8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39126786

maybe if you've never played it in its original language yes but otherwise both are novel when you haven't experienced the game yet and there's no reason to choose the translation over the original script in that case

>> No.39126801


>> No.39126814

maybe if you've already played it in its original language*

>> No.39126826

that's fine arguably the japanese script is closer to kojima's vision

>> No.39126828

its novel because its a translation

>> No.39126834
File: 62 KB, 897x897, 1620040176366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, you're right. I guess it's so natural to me that I didn't realise how stupid it is in English too.

>> No.39126841

...which means nothing to you if you aren't already familiar with the original script
god you are dumb

>> No.39126848

what if im actively learning japanese and the only reason im checking <media here> is because its in japanese, and not due to its innate artistic value?
or what if the fact that its in japanese actually adds value beyond that of the original?
for instance what if i watched the firsg few seasons of the expanse in english and had fun, but i watched it with someone else and we cant meet for whatever reason (dunno, travel bans or whatever), so instead of trying to suffer through it in english (cause you don't care that much and the last couple seasons arent as good as the first), you make it more exciting by watching it in japanese; wouldn't that actually enhance the show?

>> No.39126854

it does though
logical suicide just stop posting

>> No.39126873

>logical suicide just stop posting
you didn't have to announce your loss but yeah you probably should stop posting

>> No.39126888

he took shrooms once so the voices in his head whisper the original script to him

>> No.39126897

sometimes you can tell exactly what the original script was just by knowing both languages
thats pretty fun

>> No.39126912


>> No.39126918

>what if im actively learning japanese and the only reason im checking <media here> is because its in japanese, and not due to its innate artistic value?
i would say that there are better materials to accomplish this and i think a little disrespectful to the creator to reduce their work in such a way
>or what if the fact that its in japanese actually adds value beyond that of the original?
very controversial in the world of translation where the point is you're not trying to add value, you're trying to get the writer's intention across as accurately as possible
>what if i watched the firsg few seasons of the expanse in english and had fun, but i watched it with someone else and we cant meet for whatever reason (dunno, travel bans or whatever), so instead of trying to suffer through it in english (cause you don't care that much and the last couple seasons arent as good as the first), you make it more exciting by watching it in japanese; wouldn't that actually enhance the show?
i already explained this to dumbro but yeah it's fine because you're already familiar with the original script and can enjoy what changes they made to better get the idea across cultures and language

>> No.39126923
File: 795 KB, 500x281, G2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-reading hukumusume stories and I definitely improved a bit.
Just a week ago they were kicking my ass, now I can pretty much understand almost everything.

>> No.39126969

lol hit the nail on the head

>> No.39126987
File: 2.09 MB, 2102x3000, 1648069485954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yosh! love this feeling! its a great way to see progress too, just reread old stuff and see how much easier/faster it gets

>> No.39126990

lol @ eops

>> No.39126998

it's so easy to get under dumbro's skin

>> No.39127007

idk what you are talking about im in a really good mood

>> No.39127018

what the fuck is going on no new precure in the past 2 weeks

>> No.39127032

they're pretty boring now

>> No.39127033

kani bros...!

>> No.39127075


>> No.39127083

ive come to understand that like 4king you seem to enjoy arguing for arguing sake, im also doubting you actually dislike bunko, rather, i think you like him cause he engages in the sort of conversation you like, freely

you should probably be less insulting to him, he will eventually tire of this/quit for real, and then you won't have anyone to spar with
just a thought

>> No.39127097


>> No.39127122

you must be mistaking me for someone else
i hardly engage with dumbro and just watch as others utterly annihilate him
sometimes i throw fuel into the fire cuz it's funny though
also even if i did enjoy arguing for the sake of argument, he's not very good at it

>> No.39127138
File: 2.82 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (39).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39127142

thing is you arent either, or i would have actually engaged with your post, i don't mean it as an insult actually so ill leave the convo here

>> No.39127192

>thing is you arent either, or i would have actually engaged with your post
this just tells me that you couldn't find a flaw in my argument otherwise it would have been very easy to shut me down

>> No.39127195

Any tips for trying to remember kedos and dakes and dakkes and dakedes and dakedos and dakaras and dehas and tekas and dattaras and dattes and tokades and tewadakes? When I see or hear them my brain just shuts down and I gloss over it.

>> No.39127203

it wasnt even an argument it was just an opinion and you saying all other opinions are wrong because you have autism

>> No.39127208

he is steamed

>> No.39127255
File: 57 KB, 680x680, FOm0v60aUAQdGvo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is steamed

>> No.39127265

damn the new indos already getting fanart huh

>> No.39127305
File: 987 KB, 1920x1080, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39127316
File: 308 KB, 480x480, 1648053481742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indobros we won thats adorable
read more, unironically
essentially, an argument is a game where you attempt to elicit truth, and if not truth, at least engagement, in that post there was nothing worth engaging with, it talls about respect to the author, and about the world of translation, but neither are things i care about, so it fails at making me care enough to even respond, they are also incredibly strange and autistic points to make, re: respect, the author neither knows nor cares how i use their media, and in most cases its better that way, its actually rather arrogant to think id give half a fuck about their thoughts on the matter, because once i gave them my money, its MY media, and if i choose to watch it in x language, or play while i have sex, or just never watch it at all, kt really doesn't matter nor is it of consequence to anyone

tldr: yeah just autism. in fact i made the post remarking bunko replies to that cause i don't see anyone else ever reply to stuff like that and i generally dont

tldr2: yeah bunko won (the argument, lost timewise)
tldr3: post made for educational purposes, im really not invested in the convo

>> No.39127336

dame his graves not cold yet

>> No.39127350

>lost timewise

>> No.39127370


>> No.39127371 [DELETED] 

*walks in、pauses briefly、bends over slightly and blasts the rawest wettest おなら and then walks out*

>> No.39127383

What's the origin of the Core10k deck?
I mean that Core6k and subsets of that are based on somebody webscraping a site called iKnow, which had 6000 words.
So where are the other words and sentences from in 10k?
I already did Core6k and I'm thinking of doing 10k if it's good because I'm not satisfied with my Yomichan cards and I want to get spoonfed example sentences with audio.

>> No.39127390

doujing of the day staring jamal


>> No.39127392

Is this really taken seriously? Anki is painfully boring and I would rather just read VNs or watch anime so I dropped my cards from 70 to 20 to fit more immersion time

>> No.39127396

but imagine its an おなら instead of the げっぷ

>> No.39127399

try core 127k
wherever you find the deck it should say where it came from

>> No.39127406

why do you expect people to be logged into sadpanda

>> No.39127415

how nyuu r yu

>> No.39127432

i mean do you not use incognito

>> No.39127438

no, its just a meme, you can do whatever you want, and the way you are doing it sounds better ngl

>> No.39127456

based ciaran

>> No.39127468
File: 601 KB, 718x714, mumers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mumei isnt, thats for sure

>> No.39127474

So according to this, I need to be memorizing Japanese phrases


>> No.39127484

>according to F-List E-Celeb
who fucking cares?

>> No.39127486

if you want to sound like this after 10 years with unlimited takes

>> No.39127493

matt is a-list tho

>> No.39127496

>essentially, an argument is a game where you attempt to elicit truth
so you understand this, but where are the fallacies in the points i make? it isn't my fault or my responsibility that you cannot find the flaws in them and thus are unable to come up with a response on your own
it isn't a case whether or not you or the author show respect to one or the other, just establishing that it is disrespectful to consume their work only on the basis that it contains something that you're after (i.e. watching an award winning film only for the sex scenes), instead of appreciating it for its intended artistic value or purpose. you can choose not to care, that just makes you come off as shitty and undeserving of receiving respect

>> No.39127499

Matt is a god around these parts

>> No.39127502

love mummers such a skilled artist
she answers the is drawing harder than japanese question

>> No.39127507

fast and easily understandable?
dame that would be nice

>> No.39127511


>> No.39127527
File: 366 KB, 1744x2048, 1648044800055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39127542

im unhealthily interested in matts relationship

>> No.39127546

you're projecting your desires onto matt that you wish others did for you

>> No.39127573

im healthily invested in bunkos relationship!

>> No.39127587
File: 817 KB, 1920x1080, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39127593
File: 22 KB, 501x140, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

なぜ... it worked last night

>> No.39127599

nah i just want to know if he pays her
sent a chinchin pic

>> No.39127603

phew got an email from miyamoto himself about pocket camp and i thought for a second he was shutting down the service

>> No.39127625

im glad i don't know this feel, did rebooting work?

>> No.39127646

the mario man himself

>> No.39127648

is mpv/mplayer in your path?

>> No.39127658

>tfw miyamoto never mails me
mario bros...

>> No.39127661
File: 73 KB, 784x384, 1638678134964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek wtf

>> No.39127668

weird how miyamoto interviews used to be him speaking some weird island language but now he just speaks japanese

>> No.39127673
File: 85 KB, 750x750, FOmV8iUagAAqbIy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is he fighting 的?

>> No.39127678

wow he read the tofugu guide

>> No.39127710

i am starting to realize that most japanese learners will never reach the point where reading japanese feels genuinely effortless like their native language, and it's not only because they don't read enough. it's because they refuse to allow themselves to relax back into the childlike state of mind that can immediately turn symbols into rich meaning, with no other mental or emotional complexes getting in the way (such as feeling like you have to prove something by getting good at japanese, inferiority complexes projected onto the language, できる vs できない false dichotomy, etc). all those concepts do is cause noise in the mind that interferes with the natural process of acquiring a language to the point of effortlessness. and most learners just refuse to let go of all that noise.

>> No.39127711 [DELETED] 

remember when i told the boys women were gross

>> No.39127731


>> No.39127733
File: 29 KB, 480x360, mpv-shot0564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39127741

is that aussiebro?

>> No.39127744

it applies to matt too

>> No.39127754

matt clearly still feels like he has to prove something when it comes to japanese. so i'm quite certain it applies to him too.

>> No.39127755
File: 229 KB, 645x800, 1648063356189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true good post, languages are (should be) fun!

>> No.39127774

ye he's kinda hot (/ω\)

>> No.39127778

one of the ones i get the most

>> No.39127784

dame fit chad bros killing it, hope he wins

>> No.39127790

nip smilies are simply the best ┐(︶▽︶)┌

>> No.39127795
File: 61 KB, 828x828, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39127801

if you were a loser back then ur a loser now

>> No.39127870

is cure dolly a real android?

>> No.39127880

whats a loser?

>> No.39127890

..s..she did...? d..dame... https://streamable.com/2fdhsk

>> No.39127892

someone not getting what they want

>> No.39127896

「winner」 の反対語

>> No.39127904
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>> No.39127908

Hey guys, I definitely figured out what the cheese melter guy meant when he said "go roku sen". I was watching a different video of his and he said it again, this time (luckily) with subtitles. It's "5~6000":
Thankfully Japs add Japanese subs to their own speech.

>> No.39127911

Damien Elmes is going to break all your Anki addons with the next update because he feels like rewriting huge portions of the program in a trendy JavaScript/HTML framework.

Fuck this asshole, is there a decent fork of Anki that cares about stability?

>> No.39127922

i just remember anki using insane amounts of ram and also crashing a lot

>> No.39127925
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>> No.39127929


>> No.39127930

if you don't get what you want at a particular point in time, are you a loser forever? does that change if you start wanting something else instead?

>> No.39127939

>are you a loser forever
ofc not

>> No.39127942

just dont update like why would you even wanna

also the only addon you should use is ankiconnect the rest are all to prevent you from immersing and spending more time looking at stats

>> No.39127961

nah I use a few that add some buttons to the editor because I write my own cards for grammar topics. those are guaranteed to break.
>just don't update
then it's only a matter of time until he changes the sync protocol and I can't use that anymore. it's all so tiresome.

>> No.39127964

based, dame cheese melters are takai
more than the v3 thing?
haha... yeah... its gotten better... ha... ha...
if this is a serious question, neither being a winner nor being a loser exist, they are simply contexy based descriptors that depend entirely on the point of view if the observer, obviously theres always people better off and worse off, and the people that tend to think in those terms more often than not have other issues which are bigger than philosophical discussions about word definitions and meanings.

>> No.39127966

another day where your obasan isn't going to visit you

>> No.39127971

Fuck off Matt, John, and whoever the next flavor of the month is.

George will always be /ourguy/

>> No.39127978
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yeah shes not coming today i know
or tomorrow

>> No.39127981

this but his musume

>> No.39127989

>repeat new words endlessly
>still dont remember them next time they're due

What should I do? Ctrl+Z and hope I remember them the next time I encounter them, or just press on hard, and try to remember them the next day?

>> No.39127990

i know what makes the paka sound

>> No.39127995

shameful, you should make her come every single day

>> No.39127999

>then it's only a matter of time until he changes the sync protocol
dont update the programs that use it
dont connect that pc to the internet at all

>> No.39128000

she likes the 我慢 between calls

>> No.39128009

do what you think is right, theres no "absolute" answer, some people suspend, some don't

>> No.39128011

or ever

>> No.39128018

great answer
>the people that tend to think in those terms more often than not have other issues
yes. and unfortunately a whole lot of people tend to think in those terms

>> No.39128020

the v3 scheduler is fine I think, welcome changes that probably won't break very much. It doesn't change the database format, it just handles interday learning cards much better.

if you're not using interday cards, you should, it's the actual solution to the "ease hell" problem people sometimes complain about.

>> No.39128024
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>> No.39128025

well okay then, witnessed

>> No.39128034

its 逆に telling that you think a woman would never put in any effort to meet a man

>> No.39128040

I wish there was an option to temporarily save the cards you didn't know, grind them a bit more, then set them off on their way for the exact same date again, that's essentially my Ctrl-Z method

>> No.39128058

so do that, i never suspend things, what works for me is googling/yandexing/whatever words that don't quite sink and uhm, seeing what sticks, its more time consuming but works well (for me)

>> No.39128063
File: 1.33 MB, 3541x1992, __hanekawa_tsubasa_monogatari_series_and_etc_drawn_by_touhu_f_riend_coffee__894c9d3f0997eae39511415dcf019e07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys in manga for example もし可能なら3章?means third chapter or a new arc?

>> No.39128069

I'm surprised djt doesn't have a method for this that's set in stone on whether you should do or not like everything else

>> No.39128080 [DELETED] 

you can set steps in lapses settings

>> No.39128105
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god i love women
you are thinking about it the wrong way, djt does not have a method "for anything", djt is not a person, nor an authority, on anything, djt is a collection of anonymous individuals at different points in the same journey, and a couple shills (who you should take with a grain of salt), if you are in 4chan you have to understand you NEVER do appeal to authority here, theres people that will get you to delete your os or so other stupid shit, for fun.
always think and double check what you read, btw just because someone is eloquent it doesn't make them not an imbecile, the world is full of eloquent imbeciles as well,

tldr: do your own research

>> No.39128116
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>> No.39128123

george isn't my guy because he can't read

>> No.39128124

never suspended cards
never had a leech

didnt even know leeches existed before i saw people here talk about em

>> No.39128135


>> No.39128157
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night bro
og is my girl cause she cant read

>> No.39128213

>thread is 14 hours old
>previous thread is still hours away from death

>> No.39128225


>> No.39128249

kekd hard that was great https://streamable.com/ike4va

>> No.39128256

kiara blowing me

>> No.39128261


>> No.39128274
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w..whys she coughing..? dame.. (capcha: sympy)

>> No.39128290
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smugness like this should be illegal

>> No.39128297

because this guy keeps creating threads early


>> No.39128319
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you (you)'d me twice and i haven't made a single thread

i think its better to wait until one thread dies naturally before making a new one and never having more than one thread up

>> No.39128332

i quoted you twice because i wanted him to see the chain, duh.

>> No.39128382

didnt look at the middle post

anyways then you have three people making their flavor of the thread with their own guide in the op
i avoid making threads precisely because of that
only time in recent memory i made one was when there wasn't one up for like 10 mins or so and that was months ago

literally cant win

>> No.39128397
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>> No.39128424

what's the difference?

>> No.39128435
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>> No.39128457
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i love the "whats the difference" series, have learned a ton

>> No.39128464

does anyone know a good repo for subtitles for modern JP movies? i wanna watch drive my car but idk where to find jpn subs

>> No.39128482
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i tried to replace the dot before the co and an n for ん it would still think its spam

>> No.39128483
File: 474 KB, 1920x1080, Atsushi.Tamura.no.Chijoha.deha.Dame.Zettai.2017.S02E04.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.x264-deeplife_00h19m11s417ms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japan is over.

>> No.39128492

how the fuck is that spam flagged but not his fucking scam spam blog?

>> No.39128494


>> No.39128502
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>> No.39128504

とき versus 〜たら


>> No.39128511

awesome thanks both of you

>> No.39128521
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dunno its literally just a list of links

i remember linking it once and tatsumoto bot replying and posting the same links on his website
maybe he talked to his janny friends or he's a janny himself, who knows

>> No.39128524

when a girl in porn is moaning あつい is she saying the dick is hot or the dick is thick

>> No.39128544


>> No.39128550


>> No.39128552

shes saying the sets lights are too bright and shes cooking

>> No.39128564

when someone is telling me a pancake is あつい are they saying the pancake is hot or the pancake is thick

>> No.39128567

there is a difference in pitch
あつい (hot) = aTSUi
あつい (thick) = aTSUI

>> No.39128574

atui hon

>> No.39128578

what if the book was laying in the sunlight and is really hot

>> No.39128583

what if someone asks for the atsui book but one of the books is hot and thin and the other one is cold and thick

>> No.39128596
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post codo for the context
post pancake for the context
if context isn't working then you just aren't using enough context

>> No.39128595

When did you start immersing?
What was your immersion like as a beginner? Or if you're still a beginner, how does it make you feel?

Also it's not good to leave books in the sun, or to let them get too hot or too cold, please take care of them

>> No.39128606
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i only read あつい books (the implication is theres implications being implied)

>> No.39128615

dame gohan grew his hair out again

>> No.39128631


>> No.39128717

i can never predict where ように sounds natural

>> No.39128746

Are there any sites that go over etymology of words? I'm pretty new to this shit, and I find it interesting when I come across words like 自決. Outside of knowing why the word is what it is, being able to know the reason behind shit helps with remembering it.

>> No.39128755

read more

>> No.39128761

it doesn't work. my brain has fossilized. i can't output decently

>> No.39128781


>> No.39128782

>i can't output decently
so practice outputting?
also read more
>it doesn't work
it does you just haven't read enough

>> No.39128798

speak more
not quite etymology but i like https://thekanjimap.com/?k= its a fun toy

>> No.39128805

sometimes it just doesn't work. look at our brother nuke

>> No.39128818
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this is how i imagine the fellas of djt irl

>> No.39128842

Wiktionary has etymology of some words and kanji. 90% of the time it comes from a Chinese word. But I mean, "self judgment" as a euphemism for suicide is pretty straightforward.

>> No.39128859

>sometimes it just doesn't work.
it always works it's only a question of the amount of japanese you've consoomed and comprehended
if you're not good enough it wasn't enough and you need more
>look at our brother nuke
??? but he never read enough that's the entire point, he still spents two hours per day doing n3 flashcard decks 15 years into japanese ffs
nuke is the best example for why you should read more, to not end up like him

>> No.39128882

nuke has bigger problems https://streamable.com/13p1gt

>> No.39128898

>"there you go, you fucked yourself"

>> No.39128899

input doesn't automatically translate to output competency. it's clear by now

>> No.39128955

where did i claim it does? to get actually good at stringing together sentences you need to practice output, and the more input you have as a foundation the easier it will be
but to be able to feel out where ように sounds natural? just read more, you don't need to practice outputting for that

>> No.39128964

yeah that one isn't as out there for its definition, just happened to be the most recent one I came across. There are some like 足 being used for sufficiency that I can make an educated guess on, but it's still cool to get the history on. Thanks for the help

seems fun, appreciate the link

>> No.39128968

Anyone know where/how to look up common elisions/contractions/shortcuts people use in spoken Japanese? Things I've seen are like the extremely common phrase 何をいってんだ being short for 何をいっているのだ, or つっても being short for と言っても. I get that it's like "want to" being shortened to "wanna" or "did you" being shortened to "didja" in English, and obviously there's the whole regional dialects thing, but sometimes it's hard to even figure out what a text is supposed to be saying if it's not in any dictionary.

>> No.39128976

this has to be be a reddit post

>> No.39128981

It does. Just look at all EUfags who can write English better than the average American without ever having practiced writing/speaking

>> No.39128983



>> No.39128994

we have to write essays in school

>> No.39129002

meant for >>39128968

>> No.39129003

it's not like they just wake up one day and sound good, it's a 積み重ね of one million unintelligible posts
that said, it's obvious that input *helps* output but it translates into actual output skills at an incredibly low rate

>> No.39129014

none of those are applicable here

>> No.39129018
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this is how i do (me on og)

>> No.39129019

every day I know less japanese than the last

>> No.39129024


>> No.39129031

you just keep grinding the weed

>> No.39129034

me in her manko

>> No.39129048

not really, if it doesn't come up in google when you look it up you can try hinative

>> No.39129070

bleh didn't realize how small integer scaling would be on the rg351p
best solution was to turn it off and place a scanline filter over it

>> No.39129077

don't know what that means but good for you, or sorry that happened

>> No.39129079
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>> No.39129090

then what is

>> No.39129093

shader presets -> interpolation -> 2x bilinear prescale

>> No.39129122
File: 133 KB, 650x934, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

platinum bros that ending wtf...
morning bunbro oppai are the only truth of this world

>> No.39129125

nah man that looks like shit
rather have the scanlines so that my brain can be tricked into think it's even and sharp

>> No.39129132

mentally ill hag larping about visiting virgin manchild

>> No.39129136

it's hot as fuck when they want to breath in what you eject from your body though (unless it's poop or vomit that's gross)

>> No.39129140

tf is that

>> No.39129153

i didnt sleep i just went out a bit
i think she knows i would be better to her than pretty much anyone else

>> No.39129169 [DELETED] 

burps are basically vomit gas

>> No.39129239
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>platinum bros that ending wtf...
it was the best outcome for everyone involved

>> No.39129248

Which part of this is bad?

>> No.39129270

if u cant tell u r ngmi

>> No.39129277

this is what i meant when i said the writing is excellently consistent yet depressing last week
>hey guys lets make the suicidal neet god, what could go wrong?
>i just want to die...
>yeah w/e ttyl gonna go bang my hottie gf have fun bro

ive come to revise my opinion of it, i now think its an excellently written show that makes great points about the human condition and makes.very consistent/fleshed characters (but i wouldn't recommend it to anyone)

>> No.39129278

the part where he's been at it for 15 years and doesn't know a lick of japanese

>> No.39129288


>> No.39129306

the part where he sees it as a chore to get done and not something he wants to do, his attitude is "im gonna do this for myself for two hours (for my show/ stream/whatever) and im done". hes not excited about it, doesn't care particularly about it and like some anons mentioned hes been living in japan for... a long time, has a japanese wife, ample time, and couldn't really ask for anything more really, but hasn't gotten anywhere.

its a statement on the importance of ones attitude i think

>> No.39129310


>> No.39129326

nice thanks

>> No.39129340

yeah i liked it too
fire force did the whole humanity's wish is to die thing a bit better though and all the bible parallels were fun

>> No.39129350

i haven't watched that, picked up!

>> No.39129357

the anime didnt get to that part yet

>> No.39129358

i lost my sides when the angel was like "i left you alone for two seconds wtf"

>> No.39129364
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>> No.39129375

these are the cutest
dame maybe ill read the manga then

>> No.39129376
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one of my favourites

>> No.39129404


>> No.39129416
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>ill read the manga then
the manga also has better angles

>> No.39129428

hjmo 424

>> No.39129437
File: 332 KB, 963x2048, 1648069539428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks right up my alley, thanks

>> No.39129465
File: 184 KB, 293x492, HardGay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan has always been pro LGBTQIF+.

>> No.39129493

a lot of skype girls have asked if i was gay or bi and been relieved when i said no

>> No.39129509

acquired 冷えピタ

>> No.39129512

nuke said instead of having a set number of new cards a day to just have a set time for anki. do reviews and if time is left over learn new cards. when the time is up, just put anki away for the next day and move on to immersion. good advice you know he doesn't do himself.

>> No.39129541

wanna immerse in nukes wife bros...

>> No.39129547

probably same

>> No.39129549

never been asked that and i think id see it as an insult if someone did...

>> No.39129557

shit shes that... h..hot...? m..might change my stance on that one...

>> No.39129558

All he does is 2 hours of Anki and no immersion?
Also how can he be making no progress when he's so surrounded by the language? Does he walk around with his eyes closed?
I don't really know this guy or his story desu
This is what I thought he was saying.
If the bulk of your language acquisition comes from immersion then setting a couple hours aside for anki and immersing the rest of the time sounds like a good play

>> No.39129563

in at least two of those cases the girls told me their クリちゃん got hard on the same call though so i dont mind

>> No.39129564

very based, less competition

>> No.39129599
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>> No.39129605

>how does he make no progress
nobody knows, hes legit been doing this forever
but as the anon says, what he preaches and what he actually does seem different
as for who he is, hes just a guy who has a youtube/twitch/whatever stream and a patreon and who advertises it here now and then, also used to mod learn japanese (or might be doing that again, who knows), hes overall a decent guy from my interactions with him, his main feature is hes been stuck in the same spot for years.

>> No.39129610
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>> No.39129616

kek based

>> No.39129627


>> No.39129628

people tend to vastly overestimate the amount of useful input you get "for free" just by living in japan

>> No.39129643

it feels to me that learning to output in indo-european languages is easier because words are more "general purpose"
japanese feels like each fucking thought has a fixed wording.

>> No.39129653

that just means its easier to converse because if the person you are speaking with says a thing you can say something based off the thing that usually goes with what they said

>> No.39129658

stop calling 100 yo corpses girls

>> No.39129659

kek cute
well i mean, its there, all he has to do is hit the pub once a week

>> No.39129662

the exchange of information in the west has just been insane the past 2k years. dozens of languages had to compete against one another. japs are just some shitty island nation. no need to improve their language.

>> No.39129674

>i think she knows i would be better to her than pretty much anyone else

>> No.39129675

not many obasans use skypech so i usually had to settle for oneesans sometimes even onaidosi or lower

>> No.39129680

english = python
japanese = haskell

>> No.39129682

except all of europe pretty much used to use latin as the knowledge exchange language

>> No.39129686

but that means i have to memorize a gazillion things beforehand instead of just engineering sentences with the words i already know

>> No.39129687
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>> No.39129693

you know lonely older women in japan go to 女性用風俗 right
do you know why they go?

>> No.39129698

yea which we ditched and then better languages became lingua francas

>> No.39129702

to stare at other womens?

>> No.39129706

do you know you're talking out of your ass? do you know why you do?

>> No.39129708
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>> No.39129713

never happened

>> No.39129721
File: 207 KB, 500x333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what part is talking out my ass
look up 女性用風俗 and read lol
somehow im the one whose delusional for saying there are lonely women in japan when all men look like this and would rather play porn gatcha games

>> No.39129723

lol how many offered to visit you?

>> No.39129732

talked about it with one though

>> No.39129733

uh which countries are using latin still

>> No.39129738

How many lonely imoutos are there

>> No.39129746

just because it exists doesnt mean people generally use it
theyd rather furin because its cheaper

>> No.39129755

how is an unmarried 剰女 gonna furin

>> No.39129767

there's one for men and that doesn't mean a large number of them go you're reading too much about stereotypes.
>japan when all men look like this
lol unko sorry to break it to you bro but you don't look much better. also weren't you the one who said looks don't matter in the other thread lol why are you bringing it up again.
>rather play porn gatcha
no that's you bro, when was the last time you actually went on a date with a real girl

>> No.39129768

wtf is this hougen

>> No.39129776

剰女s are the minority so it doesnt matter what they do
and even of them probably only a small percentage uses 女性用風俗

>> No.39129780

>talked about it with one though

>> No.39129785

>no that's you bro, when was the last time you actually went on a date with a real girl
about 40 days ago
we only talked about it a little bit not seriously and she was actually younger than me

>> No.39129794

this one reminds me of og

>> No.39129797

>about 40 days ago
lol that wasn't a date you just met with her and nothing else you said it yourself
>not seriously
why not

>> No.39129804

Guys, please, what the hell are the na particles supposed to be doing in this sentence?

>> No.39129818
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none, i saved them

>> No.39129819

sentence-final particle indicating emotion or mild emphasis

>> No.39129820

>lol that wasn't a date
ok then almost 3 years ago..
>why not
we just didnt? we only talked on the phone twice anyway

>> No.39129827
File: 1.36 MB, 1736x2456, 1648160265511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one reminds me of og

>> No.39129831

>3 years ago
>we just didn't
lol is this how it's gonna sound when you obasan doesn't visit

>> No.39129842

wonder what lucky lad is shagging og today

>> No.39129850


>> No.39129857

why do i feel like you get off to sexually "dominating" other males

>> No.39129868

kekked, i get the same vibe

>> No.39129875


>> No.39129877

lol you're the one who keeps trying to show off with shit like >>39129563 or >>39129721 saying that japanese men look like that and you're much better looking

>> No.39129889

dame autist bros really cant understand humor

>> No.39129897

pretty sure that's bait

>> No.39129900

>and you're much better looking
never even implied that

>> No.39129906

feel like i see 継続 when there are doubts of some cancellation and then it resumes
whereas 続く is a continuation without any connoations

>> No.39129909
File: 284 KB, 1366x2048, 1647872719441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all japanese girls look like (implication is i want to bread them)

>> No.39129911

>never even implied that
crazy how much of a faggot you are

>> No.39129921

dame og bros our girl never had a chance...

>> No.39129925

all i hear is l

>> No.39129932

thats og anon

>> No.39129942


>> No.39129946


>> No.39129950

theyre the same picture

>> No.39129953

学習したね is a good chunk

>> No.39129958
File: 8 KB, 521x115, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like when they do this

>> No.39129964
File: 81 KB, 600x600, Vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shaved pubic hair
>airbrushed pit
>shoulders wider than hips

>> No.39129967
File: 977 KB, 959x1271, og.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no this is og

>> No.39130002

must be from when you read your posts

>> No.39130010
File: 35 KB, 1524x299, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but what about when it isn't at the end? There's two of them

>> No.39130020
File: 427 KB, 688x671, yabe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39130021
File: 359 KB, 1959x2529, 7a77Gvc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 2hu hoodie I ordered from booth.pm came with this cute note, can one of you bros please translate

>> No.39130029

dame shes cute

>> No.39130034

> Nukemarine
> 11 min. ago
> "Let's Study Japanese - March 25, 2022" - For anyone interested, in a few minutes I'll be doing my livestream for the next few hours. Today is ~2 hour Anki review/study session (N2 level material) followed by Let's Reread Japanese - 野ブタ。をプロデュース ep 5 (Producing Nobuta). After the stream is over, I'll also remove this message.
> Stream Link - https://www.twitch.tv/nukemarine

>> No.39130061
File: 521 KB, 1280x1807, 405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39130066
File: 282 KB, 1446x2048, 1648141944683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for your purchase

post hoodie!

>> No.39130081

where can i find people who translate anime? i have a request

>> No.39130085

it took a month to get to you, fuck that

>> No.39130088

楽しげ is a na-adjective so it needs a な
that な is the attributive form of the copula だ

>> No.39130089

read the op
>Translation requests, insults, politics, reddit posts, lust: >>>/int/djt

>> No.39130103
File: 183 KB, 1448x2048, 1648159181900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess it also says nyan faintly (にゃん) and sae, (さえ)、and スーパー猫 (supercat)

>> No.39130108


>> No.39130121

this semencubbus sauce?

>> No.39130142


>> No.39130143
File: 1.27 MB, 2160x2160, 20220324_162144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you so much bros :)
here is the hoodie btw, there's nothing on the front side

if my memory serves me correctly I think I placed my order only two weeks ago, still worth it regardless as I love the colors

>> No.39130146

this is one godly book

>> No.39130152

the scarlet flan
everyone will know you're lolicon

>> No.39130160

so a 会議 is 開かれる but a 選挙 is 行われる

>> No.39130162

I also have a t-shirt variant of the same design which I might wear to the beach this summer when I get time off

>> No.39130169

nah a 会議 can also be 行われるd

>> No.39130171

both work for both

>> No.39130179

yoshi thanks

>> No.39130181

and you 築く a 家庭

>> No.39130188
File: 1004 KB, 2894x4093, 1648081510009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute, no worries bro, enjoy
haha based

>> No.39130192

>when you find a picture of the exes

>> No.39130219

whats the bitch accent for 巣食う

>> No.39130239

just mimic a whiny jewish voice (matt)

>> No.39130240

No, why would I?

>> No.39130241


>> No.39130243

Wow nice resource, thanks

>> No.39130248

Lust is firmly /jp/, it's why every OP for the last month has been a sexy lady.

>> No.39130266

i can't feel why とはいえ means what it means

>> No.39130269
File: 1.20 MB, 2880x1920, 1648042313808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true
its also why we love og (orgasm girl)

>> No.39130296


>> No.39130301

>Age-restricted adult content. This content might not be appropriate for people under 18 years old. To view this media, you’ll need to log in to Twitter. Learn more

>> No.39130307

You can view it with 4chanX

>> No.39130330 [DELETED] 


>> No.39130346


>> No.39130347



>> No.39130360

lol the text

>> No.39130375
File: 18 KB, 400x250, FOpwHZ_aQAMGtJj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39130399
File: 24 KB, 400x400, FOpxjXeagAA1Xdr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39130412

Thanks. Never considered that, normally have all that junk turned off.

>> No.39130442
File: 160 KB, 444x290, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39130445

His discord does have a secret book sharing channel where people buy stuff from Amazon and share. That's the only redeeming quality of his whole grift. Honestly, I'm tempted to just dump the whole channel here.

>> No.39130465
File: 6 KB, 198x234, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm tempted to just dump the whole channel here.
Do it
Share with our djtbros

>> No.39130479

literally me

>> No.39130542

If you can pass an N5 vocab quiz you can get it. It's not a high bar.

>> No.39130582

>If you can pass an N5 vocab quiz you can get it. It's not a high bar.
That filters 90% of this thread

>> No.39130633

That's why I need that anon to dump it

>> No.39130650
File: 265 KB, 861x852, 1646365820299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons can you recommend a generally well received core deck that applies the following
>front is just Kanji reading of the word
>no reverse cards (no English to Japanese)
>has audio

back side has
>example sentence
>audio and image
>furigana (no romaji)

What's the go-to anki core deck before diving into mining my own words with yomichan and anki?

>> No.39130653


>> No.39130663

crazy how this uppercaser is talking to himself

>> No.39130666

correction, no audio on the front

>> No.39130667

i bet you could easily make that from a core deck in about 5 minutes

>> No.39130677


>> No.39130702

Yeah, this is the one everyone uses

>> No.39130709

cheers anon I'll check it out

>> No.39130728

Nex time read the OP
>Go through a common vocab deck (like core2.3k)

>> No.39130778

why should he read a spam op

>> No.39130779

i give up
i'll never be good at output

>> No.39130787
File: 330 KB, 498x448, anime-crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39130808


>> No.39130818


>> No.39130819


>> No.39130820

i've wasted so much time on this shit language

>> No.39130835


>> No.39130838

did cure dolly ever have sex?

>> No.39130840
File: 393 KB, 1190x671, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's essentially being changed from "happy" to "is-happy", right?

>> No.39130849
File: 154 KB, 800x800, 4fa49d1194f3b1854b0efc042b3562af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

search word, get chinese results, laugh.

>> No.39130899

generally true but also depends on your particular work environment

>> No.39130915
File: 736 KB, 1920x1080, japanese western cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39130933

But you get way more motivated because Japanese 秘部 is actually tangible

>> No.39130936

anyone here ever done supplements to increase load size
what did you do and did it work? 日本語

>> No.39130943

nooo dame not her womb o god
... ame bros... its 雨いんg

>> No.39130947

First な is just connecting a noun to a noun by turning the first noun into a modifier for the second one.
Last な is a sentence ending particle, in this case かな is like expressing "I wonder"
So basically "I wonder, will something fun happen?" or more literally "some is-fun thing will happen, I wonder"
かな could also mean "I wish, I hope" depending on the intonation
>I wish/hope something fun/pleasant happens

>> No.39130951

what the fuck...

>> No.39130963
File: 795 KB, 800x600, malie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39130964

men are so fucking cute omg..... i love to break them and make them turn all soft and lovey dovey

>> No.39130966

A lot of it if the レズビアン thing was real
? Are you stupid? He was talking to me, schizo.

>> No.39130975

Why do Japanese writers do this

>> No.39130976

The amphetamine thing really increases your 日本語 load size no lie

>> No.39130984

Good Post
Love BeInG AbLe To ReAd HiddEn ShIT LieK tHiS

>> No.39131001

So when going through an anki deck, is it optimal to remember the pronunciation or the meaning?

>> No.39131004

Dont mind that anon.

He is not well. He thinks people talk to themselves and randomly goes off about it.

>> No.39131015

Pronounciation, meaning comes by itself as if by magic, pronounciation too but takes longer, most people call it readings.

>> No.39131031

How much time per day does Anki take for you anons?

>> No.39131054

Exactly 2 hours. Then I do immersion.

>> No.39131063

you say that about everyone you schizo freak

>> No.39131067

2 hours per day? How long have you been doing this anon?

>> No.39131082

15 years or so.
? He was suggesting the Anon was talking to himself, do you not think that schizophrenic behaviour? Strange. Do you talk to yourself a lot Anon?

>> No.39131090


randomly sperging about people talking to themselves or how they type is very schizoey

>> No.39131099

>11 000 hours just on anki alone

>> No.39131106

qm has said this exact same thing >>39130582 to bait the thread into joining his discord many times

>> No.39131110

My wife assures me its going great.

>> No.39131111




>> No.39131132

I'm trying to understand
but don't understand how the possessive particle works here. How is 期待している (expecting; hoping; anticipating) meant to be possessive of 例年 (average year; ever year)?

>> No.39131144

2-3 hours and I'm still doing core2.3k

>> No.39131161

what does の mean, and what does も mean?

>> No.39131162

when I tried it I failed several times because I didn't know readings of 三分 etc.

>> No.39131181

の is the possessive particle meaning 's and も is the particle meaning 'too' or 'also', right?

>> No.39131182
File: 55 KB, 488x540, 1648145926179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually just watch https://youtu.be/00nKUtmnzvI and https://youtu.be/5IzL2Q5xgGQ, think theres a transcript in one of the op links if you don't feel like watching them, anyway the tldr is you are overthinking it, but do watch them and think about it

>> No.39131193

right, so >>39131182 is right, you already understand it and are overthinking it, don't try to translate stuff, just accept what it is

>> No.39131197

i happen to know some german. that means one should live according to the laws of the Gods

>> No.39131204


>> No.39131218

but I don't understand how can it work. I'll just watch the vids that >>39131182 and see if I figure it out

>> No.39131220
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1200, 1623933411363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

の here allows for verbs to have particles after them
it encapsulates the activity into a noun-kind of package, it works like koto
so 「期待している」も 例年通りだ
I'm also expecting it to be like usual/like before.

>> No.39131228

dammit ive been failing my cards if I didnt remember both correctly, thats why I always wondered how some people could do up to 40 cards per day when I really struggle with 20

>> No.39131248

Good post.
Gets a lot easier/less time consuming as you go.

>> No.39131252

>dammit ive been failing my cards if I didnt remember both correctly,
thats how most people do it

>> No.39131257

I don't think it actually makes much of a difference. For me, most of the time I've got a reading I'll also have remembered the definition

>> No.39131286

>の here allows for verbs to have particles after them
Damn wtf, I was under the impression verbs could have particles all the time. Then again, up until recently I didn't know what a verb was in English

>> No.39131291
File: 2.04 MB, 2400x3000, 1647763072768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

og is so cute bro

>> No.39131337

A verb is an action.

>> No.39131362
File: 310 KB, 1024x707, 1024px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

時間を無駄にしているのにそんな難しい言語を学び続けるつもりなの? 無理に決まっているだろう

>> No.39131417
File: 6 KB, 284x152, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but look, this verb has particles. Or is it because it's at the end of a sentence?

>> No.39131437


>> No.39131475

watch the videos, but yeah, that is why im this case

>> No.39131483

sentence ending particles that aren't modifying a word but the sentence

>> No.39131509
File: 48 KB, 195x206, 白人.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39131515

this is what you need bro https://youtu.be/gUHwjz4bNEk

>> No.39131639
File: 116 KB, 480x640, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39131667
File: 39 KB, 859x498, unknown_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39131726

who is this granny?

>> No.39131738
File: 1.62 MB, 3024x4032, todo_list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a to-do list.

>> No.39131741


>> No.39131772
File: 11 KB, 589x93, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit, what the hell does the し particle do? Does it really just mean it's a poetic verse?

>> No.39131787

rename everything to VN

>> No.39131793

read tae kim or something

>> No.39131800


yeah but ive been trying to remember first the meaning and often forgetting both in the end when its a bit easier to focus in the reading first

>> No.39131809

VN and novels are both counted under 読書.

>> No.39131821

It's not し、it's だし retard. The word is 出汁.

>> No.39131825

Yeah I should've done that first, thanks

>> No.39131832

wow what a great manga bet ill remembered its ending fkr at least 10 years

>> No.39131837

awee thats so cute gonna get one of those

>> No.39131847


>> No.39131903

I think you're right. Is it just an error with jisho then?

>> No.39131915
File: 44 KB, 250x233, shang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39131923

he is definitely right, jisho has fallen
just read the links before someone rightfully murders you please bro please im begging you

>> No.39131975

Yes. Jisho uses JMDict which is incredibly flawed.

>> No.39131986

I'm sorry, but I still don't fucking know what this means.
So far I've got
>The pretext for this state of affairs is that I'm going to enter school in spite of the break
But I think I'm missing something. I'm so fucking sorry

>> No.39132025

how about "school too is going on break"? holiday/suspension/whatever works too, rather its saying school is going to enter the state of affairs of being on holiday, anyway don't overthink it and try not to do things in this way, Japanese doesn't map nicely to english, you just have to accept/interpret it
if you don't get something its fine too, eventually it does
you are trying too hard to put the square peg in the round hole, all of this is just "ideas"

>> No.39132026


>> No.39132037

>rather its saying school is going to enter the state of affairs of being on holiday
That what I screwed up, thank you

>> No.39132129
File: 561 KB, 960x1280, 1648071436757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worries happy to help

>> No.39132188
File: 253 KB, 1344x756, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it could be worse

>> No.39132226


>> No.39132255

the "high" pitch just sounds like a glottal stop

>> No.39132268
File: 1.16 MB, 1125x1600, 9245bebf3496a961a2bcca160c36cecdi_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame this is as good as anon said

>> No.39132271
File: 39 KB, 728x722, 1648181106796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

core definitions are worse than i previously thought.

>> No.39132283

this looks laborious but more sensible since nothing is being dropped like japanese

>> No.39132290
File: 1.31 MB, 1125x1600, 7bbe1c1d18cd5a026192dab573e05758i_0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jk thirst is worse than i previously thought

they need us bros

>> No.39132302

nooooo poor jks

>> No.39132354

I've become too fucking reliant on jisho. How do I get used to just using yomichan?

>> No.39132372

same way you get used to anything else

>> No.39132380

God fucking damnit yomichan is shit as well. I have to do all the work around here

>> No.39132429

heh welcome to japanese

>> No.39132443

heh belcome to jabanese

>> No.39132453

Alright, I tried understanding what
>夏 に備えて色々予定を考えとおかないといけないだろう。
means, and I've got
>It seems I must come up with some plans in preparation for the summer in the next 10 days.
The fan translation doesn't mention anything about 10 days though, so I don't know who the retarded party is

>> No.39132457

i think it's because of the structure of most european languages

>> No.39132466


>> No.39132542

grandia is pretty amazing

>> No.39132556

theres no retards in japanese only happy accidents
say where did you get the next ten days part pray tell?
which one?

>> No.39132562

とおか is ten days. I imagine it's「考え」と「おかない」と「いけない」which apparently means "I have to think about". To me it translates to "Thoughts and not there and not going". I don't actually know Japanese and I don't know why I'm replying to you.

>> No.39132574

i just started the first game and was pretty blown away by the opening...now this is an rpg!

>> No.39132580
File: 40 KB, 612x428, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it from here

>> No.39132593
File: 62 KB, 500x500, 1648158812768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody here knows japanese don't worry about it

what if it says 考え と 置かない ? (yes i know theres no kanji in the one he posted, humor me)

>> No.39132613

>考え と 置かない
that makes sense to me because verb+oku is to do do verb in prep for something and it's really common.

>> No.39132618
File: 2.98 MB, 720x480, 1646279925257.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, this anon >>39132562
and this other anon >>39132593
are right (as is the fan translation), theres no 10 days, don't sweat it, you get the hang of it eventually

have a happy holo doing a happy dance

>> No.39132622

there we go, based

>> No.39132623

All right I applied my brain. Still don't speak Japanese so maybe someone can correct me.
考え is thinking
-置かない means "not doing in advance"
考えと置かない means "not thinking in advance"
いけない is the negative of 行ける, which is the potential form of 行く. いける means "able to do", which can mean "will be good", so いけない means "won't be good".
考えとおかないといけない thus means "It won't be good if I don't think about in advance".
だろう means "it seems".

>> No.39132627 [DELETED] 




>> No.39132648
File: 723 KB, 437x361, 1648160029358.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like you got the gist of it, don't overthink it, just relax and let things click
itll never be harder than it is now
love her so much dame

>> No.39132666
File: 464 KB, 960x960, 1634521808759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese is hard.

>> No.39132678

not as hard as i when ogs around サタン

nice https://youtu.be/NMUbrcNbfJs

>> No.39132831


>> No.39132845

my rg351p preferences are nearly perfect

>> No.39132857

is this what og was doing in hs instead of studying?

>> No.39132862

no more sex stuff please

>> No.39132869

are there any notable differences between 大辞林第三版 and 明鏡第一版

>> No.39132874
File: 871 KB, 1125x1600, 5c190af274bc8c1a4d79957678bd438bi_0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her pensmanship too...
don't click this anon be strong...

>> No.39132875

they can don't listen to the dolly retard

>> No.39132876


>> No.39132882

wtf is that

>> No.39132884 [SPOILER] 
File: 201 KB, 375x312, 1648003905437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god nature is so unfair how come girls have a natural pocket?

>> No.39132889 [DELETED] 

in case some of you retards didn't catch it, dolly doesn't know japanese so she can't teach japanese

>> No.39132892
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1647966501510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about rg351p

>> No.39132905

subpar bait lmao

>> No.39132917

so they can carry a hamster around in there with them like a kangaroo

>> No.39132919

Both yomichan and jisho are bad. What the hell am I suppoesd to do?

>> No.39132924
File: 141 KB, 400x400, 1647967947448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were i a retard would i know? do retards know theyre retards? fuck i might be retarded and nobody ever told me

>> No.39132944

i kiss pekora mwah

>> No.39132947
File: 1.44 MB, 506x380, 1648081407670.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retards don't like holos pekobro, youre safe
well, you read and read and read some more and eventually the pattern clicks.
the issue is user error, not the tools
you need more experience, is all, don't sweat it, everyone told you this would take about a year (at least)
be patient and play with japanese every day
and have fun, its a hobby

>> No.39132958
File: 321 KB, 463x453, 1647991864172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uaaahhh whaaaaaaa!! dont just kiss pekora out of the blue without saying peko! whats wrong with you?!! ahhh! im an idol, idol you don't just kiss idols whenever you want!!

>> No.39132961

wow you're actually pretty good at this didn't expect you to change character base on the vbijin and accurate too

>> No.39132978

I'm already getting bored of reading kagetsu tohya bros. It takes so long to decipher jap text that I'm getting worn out. "Just read bro" bros lied to me... And I'm not motivated to watch peppa the pig for 2+ hours a day

>> No.39132982

switch to precure

>> No.39132990
File: 137 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_b6b71d394f634545731750e6a3f5cd08_69ee2330_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39132993
File: 994 KB, 2086x2044, 1578826193341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i told you to watch jp-subbed anime with yomichan

>> No.39133002

I'm not motivated to watch anime because I know I can just watch with eng subs. I'm motivated to read vinnies because of the dodgy translations

>> No.39133011

then read nekopara and aikagi instead of a fuckin type-moon title lol
if you dont choose content appropriate for your level you have no right to complain

>> No.39133025

I have ADHD and type moon autism is the only stuff I can focus on

>> No.39133040

so you're learning japanese to read like five vns? i suggest you stop wasting your time now

>> No.39133046

where the FUCk do you actually get raw manga

there's no way that shitty blogspot tier websites that upload to rapidgator are the only options

is there some private tracker somewhere or a something? i promise i'll seed

>> No.39133052

you google <manga name> raws, duh

>> No.39133053

manga-zip has the best hoster

>> No.39133062


>> No.39133065

da pom…

>> No.39133068
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life is pain

signups are closed but i'll keep an eye out, thank you

>> No.39133074

nta but where do you get raw manga that aren’t shitty scans

>> No.39133101

Fuck it, I'll read something that's much easier than Tsukhime or Kagetsu Tohya, but still might scratch my autism

>> No.39133147

anything in mind?

>> No.39133271
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>> No.39133274

I'll try 9-nine

>> No.39133605

>only doing vocab, no grammar
god, I love setting myself of for failure.

>> No.39133723


>> No.39133881

Is Japanese not meant to be read right-to-left? Analysing sentences from the right feels the most natural to me, but it goes against how stuff is displayed in vinnies and whatnot

>> No.39133934

You have one too

>> No.39133983


>> No.39134000


>> No.39134027
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>> No.39134207
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i made this website for eiga and dorama jpsubs


>> No.39134210

it's optimal to focus on remembering the approximate meaning and not waste time on pronunciations you can't learn automatically. you can read more material in less time if you know what the squiggles approximately mean, which makes your progress faster and helps you learn the actual meanings by combining your approximate idea from the card with the actual meanings as experienced by repeated exposure to the word in different contexts.
pronunciations, on the other hand, are less immediately useful. they're necessary for listening and for speaking/writing, but in both of those cases you already need to know the meanings. and the best way to learn meanings is to read a lot as quickly as possible, which is, again, greatly facilitated by learning approximate meanings/keywords in anki.
optimally, then, you should test yourself on the approximate meaning and only in select cards test yourself on the pronunciation. those select cards should be: - words whose pronunciation is easy to learn for you at your level (e.g. because it's just simple or because you know other words with the same kanji that use the same pronunciations), - words whose meaning are for you associated stronger with the pronunciation than with the kanji [e.g. ばか vs 馬鹿]).
I don't think the pronunciation part can be done comfortably without a small anki addon though, so I might publish one in a few weeks.
I try to keep it under 30 minutes. otherwise I'd quit it sooner rather than later because it starts being a chore beyond that point

>> No.39134288

Is Migaku any good?

>> No.39134316
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٩(◕‿◕。)۶ https://youtu.be/BnkhBwzBqlQ ٩(◕‿◕。)۶

>> No.39134319

if it costs money and isnt content in japanese its not good

>> No.39134374


>> No.39134391

Is it absolutely essential you memorize every english translation of a card to a T in the core deck? Or can I just skip it and hope for the best next due as long as I memorize the kanji reading and have a vague understanding what context the word could be used in for when I read?

>> No.39134403

Yeah, it's fine

>> No.39134405

nyaa is good for finished series or series with over 10 volumes

>> No.39134437


>> No.39134524

I really need an answer to this. I think I have been reading jap wrong. It feels like I don't know what order to put together sentences in

>> No.39134554


>> No.39134597

its rtl with the sentences going top-to-bottom traditionally
with games and websites, since the tech is originally from the west, they just used it as is which gives you ltr and also makes it easier for western localizers

it shouldnt really matter just gotta get used to both

>> No.39134682

>they can
>proceeds to not give an example that isnt a sentence ending particle

>> No.39134701
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>> No.39134720

why is he black

>> No.39134746


>> No.39134775


>> No.39134798

crippled is an adjective like 賢い so i deleted the だ

>> No.39134827


>> No.39134848

i gave it much thought and concluded crippled, since its conjugated, it must be an i-adjective
with 馬鹿 it would be だから and 馬鹿な
but i would never say crippledな

its confusing to mix english and japanese

>> No.39134857
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>> No.39134859

I mean like individual sentences, when you're trying to put together what's happening in a Japanese sentence. Even though text appears from the left in a VN, I read it and piece it together from the right

>> No.39134911

ベター is not conjugated like crippled, that works in my book
there are no english loanwords that end in -led afaik in japanese they would take the unconjugated form

>> No.39134914

its still な without a doubt

>> No.39135001

still sounds weird to me
people shouldnt mix languages

>> No.39135034 [DELETED] 

-led isnt a thing u mean -d or -ed etc

and yes crippledな is fully functional and does its job

if ppl sohuldnt mix languages then good luck with car brands that are part of everyday english etc

>> No.39135074
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>> No.39135075

>if ppl sohuldnt mix languages then good luck with car brands that are part of everyday english etc
horrible example, those are proper nouns and almost universally function the same way across all languages

>> No.39135109

2-3 hours of anki a day is fucking exhausting, and I still can't piece together Japanese sentences in a consistent manner

>> No.39135120

brands (and country names, etc.) make sense you cant expect a texan to be able to say toyota correctly

>> No.39135122


>> No.39135142

loanwords always function as nouns and nouns are also な adjectives in japanese

>> No.39135179 [DELETED] 

ur the 1 who put his goalposts in the ground and is now moving them

not my problem

>> No.39135213

i'm talking about in the context of languages themselves, you don't necessarily consider saying someone's name as using a loanword

nta and either way it's still a terrible example

>> No.39135224

Then stop doing that when playing VNs?
You can usually see the text fade in word by word, thats the order you should read it.

>> No.39135263

instead of skilled you would say スキルがある

so it should be crippleがある

>> No.39135298

The problem is that I do not know how to piece together sentences from left-to-right in Japanese. It's somehow easier to piece things together starting from the right, but I know it would be impossible to have a conversation if I did this

>> No.39135345

You do know how to do it in English though?
There's no difference.

>> No.39135364

for style

>> No.39135518 [DELETED] 


>> No.39135537

Words in Japanese are all over the place

>> No.39135587
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>> No.39135590

look at the pictograms
hallucinate their meanings


>> No.39135642

iyaa eien ni cripple ni nachattaaa

>> No.39135651


why japanese speak so fast

>> No.39135664 [DELETED] 

seems normal to me for a typical tiktok thing

>> No.39135674


>> No.39135757 [DELETED] 

bunko did u do インターコース yet

>> No.39135766

no but it wont be long

>> No.39135771

all of them

>> No.39135774
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the sega libraries don't impress me as much as their nintendo counterparts but there are a few gems here and there

>> No.39135802

>>proceeds to not give an example that isnt a sentence ending particle
listen to something for like 10 minutes and you'll get your example

i can't believe my post about dolly not knowing japanese got me a worning for trolling, it's true tho wtf

>> No.39135828


>> No.39135843

forever seems like a long time

>> No.39135844 [DELETED] 

dang fresh lean and its a banger

>> No.39135872

can any of these retards go 1 month without oding?

>> No.39135901

probably cause it is

>> No.39135921 [DELETED] 

is forever really a long time
i think its all a state of mind

>> No.39135927
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>> No.39135937

i hate when they say 来る in anime

>> No.39135939 [DELETED] 

hope russia invades japan next

>> No.39135956

it's my first time posting here in months and who do i see? the nihongod of course. i hope russia invades wherever you live.

>> No.39135968

it is the longest time

>> No.39135972 [DELETED] 

but is time even real

>> No.39135975

if russia invades japan i hope my country takes in japanese immigrants that are the following
>loves me

>> No.39135979


>> No.39136023

nah man that's not how it works. rich countries are protected by the US, if russia invades japan, russia is getting nuked. it's only poor countries where we do nothing because, if a poor country gets invaded, we can take their refugees and exploit them for cheap labor

>> No.39136036 [DELETED] 

im not so sure about that i think its a man made concept used as a cope for existence and our shortcomings in terms of being able to perceive basically anything due to our hardware limitations as it were

i think what we see as time and reality and the universe is actually 1 giant static image all compressed together but our human senses and brains process it in tiny chunks maybe sort of like flipping pages of a book but the entire book is already there and written

>> No.39136065 [DELETED] 

the essence of our human reckoning is essentially chunking

chunkers win again and never stop winning

>> No.39136096

then time is real for us

>> No.39136109

infinity is a little bit like negative numbers. it doesn't exist in real life but we can still do maths with it.

>> No.39136124 [DELETED] 


>> No.39136146


>> No.39136199 [DELETED] 

>> No.39136224
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Memento is a FOSS, mpv-based video player for studying Japanese.


>> No.39136298


>> No.39136315
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No new words today. Sleepy time

>> No.39136341 [DELETED] 

imagine spending an hour on idiot cards instead of playing japanese nintendo64

>> No.39136408

aight he's up time to leave

>> No.39136426
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the craziest flames burn the insaniest

>> No.39136452

how to filter ecelebs?

>> No.39136625

new thread.

>> No.39136632

lmao this is the result of saying you're studying japanese through english subbed hololive

>> No.39136639
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good post
2 hours of violin a day is exhausting and i still cant play paganini
let the メイド know of their off topic spam and they do it for you!

>> No.39136659

yep this is the thread

>> No.39136681

best answer, retard is spamming again

>> No.39136805

ill be waiting for the john thread thanks

>> No.39136808

never thought of it that way

>> No.39136847

this is why early threads are made, too, otherwise tatsucuckhold spams em

>> No.39136849

just filtered tachiyomi by raw providers, a lot of the times it's there
some sites like nnd only distribute first 3 and latest though, i just buy official for those if i care enough

>> No.39136938

This thread is 2 short of being on page 10. John makes them while the current thread is still on page 6.
Tatsumoto is a better poster than the John spammer.

>> No.39136956

i hate them all

>> No.39136984

mangameta dot com, orenoerohon, manga-001dot com

>> No.39137055

mummers wins tho!

>> No.39137103

tatsucuckhold is a mentallg ill spammer who actually spams useless garbage, while based john has useful resources
also tatsucuckhold uses eceleb grabage pictures while john uses nice, on topic stuff

>> No.39137163
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>> No.39137194

thanks anonymous mlen bro

>> No.39137244
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good post

>> No.39137266


>> No.39137303
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bunbro & mlen = love

>> No.39137393

new thread:


>> No.39137448

>cant be found in the catalog with djt
sorry, not a real thread

>> No.39137455

for me it is obasan

>> No.39137469
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yeah watame giri giri warukunai

>> No.39137498

new outfit was underwhelming

>> No.39137503


>> No.39137572
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i like it! its cute! also... <3

>> No.39137657
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>> No.39137735


>> No.39137744

real new

>> No.39137770
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she said its a dinosaur but to me its a dragon, also love the chewing thing! kawaiiiii
theres also a plug in type asacoco oh her floor bro, imagine the fluffiness

>> No.39137778

How does and make sense in that sentence?
>You're absolutely different and before

>> No.39137792


>> No.39137806
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>4 thread

>> No.39137820

yep, this is why making the thread at page 5 wasnt such a bad idea

not ideal but at least we avoid this situation

>> No.39137842

yeah john won

>> No.39137858

what happened to letting the thread die and having 30 minutes with no thread

>> No.39137865

comparing things

>> No.39137886

unfortunately that only works if all anons are well

>> No.39137930

Holo happened.

>> No.39137955

holo > toho

>> No.39137959

you mean tatsumoto

>> No.39137968
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true true some anons are more well than others hate to see it

>> No.39137985


>> No.39137993


>> No.39138012


>> No.39138019

No, Tatsumoto was after Holo.
Holo turned into Wanikani which lead to Tatsumoto seeing the $$$ and starting his own marketing campaign.

>> No.39138032


>> No.39138038
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agree, the advent of v美人s brought a new era of super high quality, constant immersion material, japanese is more fun and attainable than ever!
the bvolution is here!

todays coco: https://youtu.be/NPjuOr_wP_E

>> No.39138042
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>> No.39138069

i liked the を覚えた arc

>> No.39138081
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>> No.39138085


>> No.39138147

never seen this

>> No.39138203
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god i love women (vbijin and og all are women is the implication)

>> No.39138224

current state of the thread

>> No.39138311

>love women
*posts drawing or photo shopped model*

>> No.39138357

comparing the past and (the present)

>> No.39138364

god i love the idealized concept of women

not actual women that's weird
people are disgusting

>> No.39138372

People that did core2k, how many cards per day did you do?

>> No.39138377

20 because that were the default anki settings

>> No.39138392

probably 20

>> No.39139878
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I was there.

>> No.39139896
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dame i still cry every time when i think of her bro

>> No.39142471

