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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3910351 No.3910351 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /jp/.

I've been doing nothing with my life for almost 3 years now. My biggest accomplishments are my huge collection of music and low tier Japanese skills. So I've decided I'm going to at least try to do something different.

First reasonable post is what I'll try to do with my life. Either that or just suggestions.

>> No.3910356

Get a job, go to school.

>> No.3910362

>First reasonable post is what I'll try to do with my life.


>> No.3910367

I've already been thinking about going to college, but only a community college. The only thing that made me want to go was Japanese courses.

The only other thing there that interests me is programming, but if I go to college I'll have to take other courses as well which I hate.

And I'm not social enough for a job. At least in a classroom I can just sit and listen.

>> No.3910370

Sell all of your music (you said collection, so I assume it's hard-copy), go to Japan, and be an itinerant monk.

>> No.3910373

What? No.
You can go to community college and take whatever course you want. Just don't expect to get a degree.

>> No.3910379

I was planning on moving to Japan eventually, hence the interest in learning Japanese in the first place, but I don't think the monk thing will be a choice.

And I would rather get a job to earn the money than sell my collection.

>> No.3910399

Join the military.

/k/ was here.

>> No.3910400

You can get a degree from community college. Its called an Associate's Degree and generally takes two years. Some jobs, such as paralegal, can be accepted with just an Associate's. However, the general expectation is to transfer to a 4-year school after spending the first two years at the Community College just taking care of gen-eds.

>> No.3910403

Become a world renown swing dancer.

>> No.3910409

Why are you telling me that ?
I'm telling him he won't get a degree if all he does is take courses he wants. There are GE requirements for associate's degrees.
I should know, I go to one.

>> No.3910412

Ridding yourself of material possessions is the first step on the road to enlightenment.
Also, you've been doing nothing with your life for three years. I think it's time you found a higher calling, don't you?

>> No.3910448

I would rather stay away from that mess.

>> No.3910460

How will you make money without a job? How are you sustaining yourself?

I'm not social at all either, I haven't left the house in about 4 years. I've done nothing. My parents are going to kick me out very soon too. I've ruined all the job interviews I've gotten. (Which isn't many because there is a lack of jobs.) I don't know how to talk to people anymore.

>> No.3910462
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Break the chains of consumerism and live by your own power.

>> No.3910482

Dangit /jp/, I come here to forget about life, why must you do this to me.

>> No.3910496

go wash some bathrooms.
i'm sure they won't care of your personality if you got the skill. Train at your own house.

>> No.3910516

Get a jerb

>> No.3910519

Find something you like, and then get good enough at it to get paid.

Maybe learn how to do computer repairs, they get to earn hundreds of dollars in a couple hours of work because there's always another person who can't figure out computers.

>> No.3910533

Become a translator if you are interested in the Japanese language.

>> No.3910594

But I know how to clean already. I know how to cook too. But no one will give me even a second glance because I haven't had a job before or have had no experience. I'm only 19 though, where am I supposed to start?

>> No.3910915

Learn to program, draw, and compose music, make danmaku shooter with lolis then sellout to commercialism. Become millionaire.

>> No.3910942

Kidnap little girl, play video games with her.

>> No.3910967

Become a bain surgeon.
It's only as unerasonable as you want it.

>> No.3911013
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Sir, I believe it is you that needs the brain surgery.

>> No.3911059

Learn to draw

>> No.3911084
File: 342 KB, 1920x1200, 1231814944319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to draw touhous in your spare time

2 months of serious practice and study and you too can draw the little girl.

>> No.3911216

I just need to ask one of my colleagues.

>> No.3911491

Working is not about doing what you want or like. It's about doing things that you probably hate for the rest of your life and receive money for it as a compensation. Why do you think people are paid at all?
