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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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39087464 No.39087464 [Reply] [Original]



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Previous Thread:>>38948770

>> No.39087499

big head

>> No.39087616


>> No.39089337

The art is nice.

>> No.39092565

How did Karin Entertainment go from making something like Animamundi, Princess Nightmare, and Exorcism of Maria to something bland like London Detective Mysteria? Your butler isn't even a love interest in it while you can have a go with different sorts of people in the other games.

>> No.39095441

Ran out of ideas maybe. If I remember right it's pretty much the same staff and couple of writers doing all their games.

>> No.39095840

A-S? Ariin?

>> No.39096001

>20 energy items
Was that much of a fuckup?

>> No.39096456

yeah seriously I gotta use those before they change their mind

>> No.39096672

They won't take the gift back.

>> No.39097520

So what problem with exploration did they fix? They didn't elaborate the details at all. Even their main website and twitter didn't say anything about it.

>> No.39097929

It seems the third exploration slot wasn’t unlocked for people who reached level 51, and they had to update to fix it.
20 energy potions seems like a lot for it but I’m not complaining

>> No.39097993

Which ones are you looking for specifically?

>> No.39098077

I was so fucking happy when I saw that
not even just for the chocos, I'm at 19k already and I'm not planning to get to 30k, but because I can spare some energy to farm xp vials and gold and level up my team to finish the boss fights

>> No.39098141

no, the compensation for that was like 600 hundred trading tickets
the 20 energy potions were one of edmond's birthday campaign gifts

>> No.39098271

Oh my. I guess they didn't expect people to blaze through levels that quickly that they didn't check for stuff like that. Glad that got fixed. So those who levelled up their sorcerer's mojo to naturally unlock it had no problems with it?

Didn't NuGovernment send out a letter, some gems, a large intimacy energy vial, and some pancakes for his birthday?

>> No.39098640

They said they're going to keep sending gifts for a few days for edmond's bday
I hope the other chars get the same treatment, shit's cash

>> No.39098678

Actually wait, now I'm not so sure anymore
but it's true that the compensation for the exploration issue was 600 trading tickets

>> No.39098732

Rakka ten 1&2 and the cage freeware ones (school alone can do).

>> No.39098748

They now teamed up with otomate. Bad times indeed

>> No.39098772

It's not otome or bl even. Just a "frenship" game written by fujos

>> No.39098854

There's a few 'fujobait' VNs (all doujin games I think) with no real romance that are well regarded, but I don't trust Otomate to make one at all. I don't even think I'd trust Karin anymore.

>> No.39099006

I can't seem to find where I have school saved but here is rakka ten and another, If I find school though Ill make a separate post at a later date


>> No.39099197

Thanks a lot kind anon!

>> No.39101398
File: 26 KB, 227x235, 1604067548756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subject myself to Legend of the Blue Wolves because it's basically the only uke Koyasu shit
>couldn't hear shit over the loud motherfucking violin bgm
I have the worst luck the rare times I decide to seek out seiyuu adult roles

>> No.39101749

>only uke Koyasu shit
Zetsuai says hi.

>> No.39102217

anon are you me from a month ago? I literally complained about this exact same thing a couple threads before. Koyasu fucking doesn't make a single sound even as a top, I hate him so much.

I looked up for Zetsuai myself, he doesn't really do much other than speak normally there. Not a single moan from him.

>> No.39102703

>Not a single moan from him
To think he tried to troll Ishida by holding his hand while recording in some BLCD.

>> No.39103465

this game needs a rework. the art is terrible.

>> No.39103545
File: 308 KB, 850x1245, 1631062050034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good(ish) bl/otome with traps/femboys/whatever they're called these days?

>> No.39103712

I still wish I knew which CD was this.

>> No.39105032

can't you just set the BGM lower/the char voice higher? virtually every VN has those options for precisely that sort of reason

>> No.39105044

wait, that's an anime
what the hell sis

>> No.39105312
File: 271 KB, 700x921, 443657dc44e4f7af72963f864be26a38_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art grew on me. Now if only they'd get Ayami Kojima if they'd ever do a remake, but that would be a beautiful impossible dream.

>> No.39105323

do you guys buy cds specifically for a seiyuu

>> No.39105401

Nah. I focus more on the interesting synopsis and writing before I consider the voice actor. Even a great actor can't save a terrible script.

>> No.39105607

Pretty much >>39105401 but I look for specific seiyuu before I check the synopsis.

>> No.39105787

>christmas eve
Just what I'd want to read that time of year!

>> No.39105924

I wish they stop branding this shit as Otome game

>> No.39105954
File: 238 KB, 484x700, ElpJKKqVMAAiaIO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally. Spending Christmas with my cute son Eba!

>> No.39106223

Only if I like the scenario as well.

>> No.39106508

I buy everything Kato Masayuki is in

>> No.39107423
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>> No.39107479
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, [Commie] Ixion Saga DT - 09v2 [9AA5A2F6].mkv_snapshot_07.16_[2021.08.20_15.52.18].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39107753

Even 14 something me couldn't fap to it, you basically see anything.

>> No.39107988

I haven't played any r18 otome that Koyasu is in. Does he moan or not?

>> No.39107996


>> No.39108110


But I do remember koyasu moaning a bit in a dramacd with Hirakawa. Hirakawas moans were louder tho lol.

>> No.39109667
File: 587 KB, 720x1600, freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finally free from the choco farming hell, and starting today I'll be shackled to the material farming hell.

I miss the old Karin games. Where else can you have an MC-chan with a strong personality have the guts to confess their romantic love to their foster father, or tease a reincarnated angel by crossdressing?

>> No.39110304
File: 117 KB, 1200x675, Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism incoming.

>> No.39110803
File: 430 KB, 719x1224, map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wot? Wait. In the seventh final chapter, aren't they heading for the Fire Territory? Why are they picking up this guy from the Dark Territory? Did they somehow stumble on this dude between the borders of the Dead Zone, the Fire Territory, and the Dark Territory?

>> No.39110932

Otome with sluts when sisters

>> No.39110969

Go do Ozmafia's brothel route.

>> No.39111071

Omorashi otome? LI pissing himself out of desperation or fear.
Does it even exist?

>> No.39111134 [DELETED] 

Chapter 8 is Dark territory and Chapter 9 is Fire Territory.

>> No.39111248

Chou no doku. Your hair fetishist brother is a slut that pleases older women and another character is an obssessed slut with a dark past.

Oh. Okay then. Any ideas on the new characters' ultimate attacks? Have those been datamined yet?

>> No.39111404

Only short doujin games.

>> No.39111447

Now that I think about it, it seems to be more common that the MC of the BL/otome game is the one doing the omorashi stuff than the love interest.

>> No.39113109
File: 3.60 MB, 3816x2162, Arcana-Famiglia-arcana-famiglia-32696641-3816-2162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I demand an Arcana Famiglia prequel to play as Sumire and cuck Mondo with Jolly.

>> No.39113629

>Cuck Jolly
You still can cuck him with his son in the main game. Vice-versa too.

>> No.39114147

cant afford xp or gold farming.....
can't beat choco slut duo without farming....

>> No.39114359

Can't wait for a breather episode on this guy's dark dilapidated magical horror house.

We still have a week left before the events end. My final goal is to reach the white day bgm at least. What level are you at? Did you use up all the compensation potions they gave us? Have you been upgrading Morvay well? Which healer are you using?

>> No.39115167

Slow damage. Madarame shat himself when he saw Towa's powerful asshole

>> No.39116027

good posts

>> No.39116474


>> No.39116586

SR snekslut and morgay are both level 40 but...

>> No.39117498

No, I mean I want to cuck Mondo to see if we can get a decent Jolly route if Sumire is involved. I can't get over the fact that best designed boy has such a generic route.

>> No.39118141

Can anyone share uuultra-c from mg? I'm russian, so i can't buy it even if i wanted to.

>> No.39118364

IS it released already also you can always check aarinfantasy they upload those

>> No.39120172

Did you run out of gold to also upgrade your other units? If you have him and spare resources, use SR Olivine to boost your chosen healer. The level 40 cap gives the players a much better fighting chance. As it is, I had to wait until level 36, and used up some energy boosts to farm mats for Olivine up to potential 2 and paired him with R Yakumo to 3* clear it.

>> No.39121059

It'll be on >>39116474 soon if not already, comrade

>> No.39121114

So how's Rune Factory 5, sisters

>> No.39122005


>> No.39122848

the real tragedy of this event is that I've run out of assault coupons. Might have to *play* the game now...

>> No.39123616

Aarin is a coward, they don't upload licensed stuff anymore

>> No.39124046

I'm not far into it, but it's fine. It feels just like Rune Factory. I have a relatively high tolerance for jank, but I don't think the performance issues are truly as horrific as they've been described.
I think I'm going to marry a girl this time around.

>> No.39124058

Check A-S, only Re;Quartz is a request sadly

>> No.39124294

I started reading tokyo omnyoji why the fuck they gave meguro that shit uncle voice? What were they thinking?I am heavily tempted to skip his route so I don't have to listen to his voice.

>> No.39124340

I don't remember thinking anything about his voice.

>> No.39125051

Like the other anon said it's fine and feels like RF, but there are some noticable lag spikes and areas feel way too big for what they offer. Maybe it's because it's super early and I haven't even unlocked most of the townspeople yet.
Gonna be going /u/ for my first playthrough before I NG+ into /y/

>> No.39125758


The download link here worked for me

>> No.39125895

You illiterate fuck.

>> No.39126622


>> No.39126671

It's not sexy but you get used to it

>> No.39126697

Wasn't he a chainsmoker in his 30s too, don't think a twink voice would suit him

>> No.39126900

He mentioned he's younger than Tengenjibashi who's 28, IIRC. Though yeah Meguro is a chainsmoker whose life experiences up until that point justify him sounding like a tired uncle, in my opinion.

>> No.39129938

is aster voiced by a dude or what

>> No.39129955

Yes? Are you deaf?

>> No.39130030


>> No.39130113

the "non-binary" character scares me

>> No.39130136

It's probably just a normal trap

>> No.39131296

What the fuck is wrong with it being from 2021?

>> No.39131312

Could have gone for a hijikata like voice that sounds pleasant. I usually do not get turned off by voices this badly but meguro's bothers me.

>> No.39131960
File: 350 KB, 800x1120, 20220325_111045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is trap x ojisan for men or women

>> No.39132216

it seems to be a regular dude

>> No.39132714

If trap tops, then fujo. If oyaji tops, then "str8" men.

>> No.39133055

but i'm a fujoshi and i want to see traps bottom.

>> No.39133372

actually I'm a trufujo and I want to see traps top

>> No.39136720
File: 109 KB, 750x1000, 1647225024983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people actually drew traps correctly, I'd more interested. But as it stands, it's literally just "draw a girl, slap a dick on them" and that's it. Barely different from futa at this point. I especially hate how submissive they usually are. At least do a power bottom trap.

>> No.39137596

hi pls send me big bucks for a new VN where you collect traps and slowly masculinize them into bishounens
unlocking the fifth intimacy room changes their VA from female to male
if you don't feed them enough chocos they become straight and start a family
don't forget to smash that like button

>> No.39137946


>> No.39137971

Roll a d20 to find out whether twitter loves it or freaks out over problematic content
noice, thank you

>> No.39138117

>this is the effect of non-stop chocolate farming
I'm getting tired of the chocolate farming too. I don't have a white day unit so I'm still far away from 30k. It makes me wonder how long they'll make the gap between the new chapter with Blade, and the new event with Quincy/Olivine. I do like the creative challenging stages they did, but that SSR % with no roll counter or event unit guarantee kinda bites.

Much cool. Very wow.

>> No.39138167

Hrs not even a trap, just crossed as s kid iirc

>> No.39138182

>I'm getting tired of the chocolate farming too
I don't mind it, I just automate it and then go play other stuff

>> No.39138285

Same, now I know to save all my skip tickets for events.

>> No.39138347

Ah. Even if it's 1*, the choco reward is the same amount as a 3* ain't it? I do it half automated or else my weak team will get all wiped out at some point.

>> No.39138475

So, which of the stages gives more chocolate boxes?

>> No.39138837


>> No.39139001

Seems to me like the maximum number of chocolates per stage is dependent on the stamina cost. You seem to get nearly the same amount of chocolates per stamina point, no matter which stage.

>> No.39139017

Depends on your multiplier:
70% opening days, stage 10, stage 5/9, stage 4/8
60% stage 10, opening days, stage 5/9
<50% opening days, stage 10, stage 5/9

>> No.39139180

I just use tickets

>> No.39139282

Alas, I've run out of them. But yeah, assault tickets are nice.

>> No.39139762

You get fewer chocolates for using assault tickets.

>> No.39139778


>> No.39139828

Fake and gay.

>> No.39139889

I guess you didn't read the previous thread about it huh.

>> No.39139916

we should bring back low budget otome games so we can get one about fucking old men that aren't ugly

>> No.39140016

It has nothing to do with budget, old men are ugly

>> No.39140022

Anything is possible in 2Dland my friend

>> No.39140079

but 2D men are peak erotic in their 30s

>> No.39140102

30 isn't old, I thought we were talking 50-70+ range.

>> No.39140156

Damn, that's Uesugi Leiji's psuedonym right?

>> No.39140183

What did I miss? If I do it manually then use the same team with a ticket, I get fewer chocolates.

>> No.39140248
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>> No.39140255

indeed it is. since R18 BL was an option on a poll they ran for what kind of game celtia should make after club suicide i’m glad they’re involved in BL since murder plaza is a regular romance game

>> No.39140263
File: 166 KB, 494x493, 1406133339311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will hunt down and shoot everyone who tags things "oyaji" and it turns out the characters aren't even 45

>> No.39140295

Too bad they're only doing the art but I'll take it.

>> No.39140371


>> No.39140394

>draw a girl, slap a dick on them
that's exactly what i want kek. i don't care about trap examples like the left at all; i also think lio was a golden standard as he looks 100% like a girl but is a boy with an actual personality.

>> No.39140409

Thank you for sharing your awful taste.

>> No.39140415

shut up faggot.

>> No.39140423

Either is fine as long as the voice actor is male.

>> No.39140699

So if I re clear it with a golden team and the use tickets it's fine?

>> No.39140715

How? I have like 80

>> No.39140871

shit taste

>> No.39140879

shut up dyke.

>> No.39140882

stick to futa then

>> No.39140896

i want a male, not a female with a pussy attached.
>b-but males don't look like anime traps irl!!
that's kind of the point of the fantasy. go back to >>>/y/, also

>> No.39140911

>is attracted to chicks with dicks
>somehow I'm a fag
cope and seethe kek

>> No.39140992

On one hand I'm looking forward to another Holicworks game, on the other hand I don't know who 吾妻奈都 is.

>> No.39141099


>> No.39141111

Yeah. Use your most capable, strongest, highest multiplier team to redo a stage based on your multiplier for your chocolate farming. >>39139017

Well, I naturally used them and also consumed my spirit gems for energy because my choco % is low. I won't be able to catch up otherwise.

>> No.39142850

Why do you keep linking there?

>> No.39142895

given the current state of /y/ i think they're trying to make a jab saying if you don't like trapshit then you must be a barafag

>> No.39142947

To seem like a retard

>> No.39143039

why haven't you gone yet?

>> No.39143191
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x1080, 1632534001175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a cutie

>> No.39143229

I mean yeah I like bara. /y/ is dead af in general
I have? It's just boring and dead.
Good one, dick girl lover

>> No.39143330
File: 44 KB, 832x868, 1529622891577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an hour in
>so far the sprites showed up in like 2 scenes and the rest are all CGs
Kurosawa is an absolute beast, just how fast can she draw?

>> No.39143822

The art looks nice. Always interested in what holicworks is doing.

>> No.39144486
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x1080, 1646176639527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea but she's a blessing
i think the superhero stuff is cute so far

>> No.39144967

Any otome/bl where I can put a shota in a maid dress? It's best if he's somewhat embarrassed by having to wear it. Knee socks are a plus. I'd like to see glasses as well.

>> No.39145027

based comrade

>> No.39146271
File: 47 KB, 552x119, fin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best route. My curiousity for this led me to this one, but it was the endings that made me stay.

>1*, the choco reward is the same amount as a 3*
Might check this out later, but I did get the same choco # even if I only had one unit that died. I wonder if they'll do the same mechanics for the next event?

>catch up
Okay. I'm done on my main account and I just need three more fights on stage 10 for my side account. I hope I can use the final reward on a good card someday.

>> No.39152856

What does "CP" stand for when nips are talking about incest?

>> No.39153320

I thought it was generally the term for "couple" in Japanese fandom, not necessarily incest-related?

>> No.39153672

Oh, that would make sense. I only ever notice it come up for incest pairs, although that's the occasion that most people would probably be inclined to say "this is a romantic(couple) interpretation of these characters".

>> No.39154422
File: 796 KB, 719x1448, choco droste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting too many of these bugs lately. The game also feels slower despite the 2X battle speed. 400 more exquisite teacups for Aster's final room seems so far away.

>> No.39154553 [DELETED] 

How many of you are unironic women, and how many of you are homosexuals?

>> No.39155940

How's the translation so far? Does it have a glossary like Hashihime?

>> No.39156011

It reads well and doesn't have any dumb shit or replace jokes, so perfect so far. Don't know about the glossary, I'm not done with the 1st route and the extras screen is empty for now.

>> No.39156129

Is it true that in the official Dramatical Murder translation the characters use zoomer slang like poggers?

>> No.39156422

kek, like >>39153320 said it means couple. when I first started seeing that it kept throwing me off because of how it's used on 4chin.

>> No.39156670

I haven't encountered a single bug since release day. What platform/phone are you using?

>> No.39157127

I'm so glad there are competent translators in this industry and they're working on the good games

>> No.39157539

Dramatical murder, Slow damage according to the available screenshots, Sweet Pool has one of the characters sound like an american teen, Taisho Alice and some of the light novels translated by the same twitter translator, who is proud of her jokes and zoomer references, are like that. It's time to learn Japanese anon

>> No.39157654

I have to say the first impression after like 30 minutes is bad, having recently read Hashihime. Also extracting the bgm with GARbro results in 123 files (34 in Hashihime) with a lot of less memorable stuff.

>> No.39158981

You think people joked about the game being bad? Just try and finish the first route.

>> No.39159007

Must be nice. I'm using an android phone, Samsung A12. Both my main and side accounts are affected with this. Sometimes it'll also kick me to the main screen after I enhance my characters saying I have insufficient internet connection (?). It used to be that going to the main screen will fix it the weird double image bug, but now I have to relogin after I close the app. It's been happening more frequently so I'll be filing a report later.

>> No.39159158

hm, a few days left and I'm at 25k chocos
I might actually try to go for 30k, I think I can just barely make it

>> No.39159194 [DELETED] 

I've finished reading through it. The only jarring errors that I remember are wrong name readings occasionally. There is no glossary. There's also no gallery (all you get are character bios, some world explanations and the movies).

I've found turning HDR off in the resolution settings really improves performance even on my old as shit phone.

>> No.39159205

I've finished reading through it. The only jarring errors that I remember are wrong name readings occasionally. There is no glossary. There's also no gallery (all you get are character bios, some world explanations and the movies).

I've found turning HDR off in the resolution settings really improves performance even on my old as shit phone.

>> No.39159673

>no gallery
Oka -
>no glossary
Dang. I like how they have that and the character item info neatly organised in Hashihime. Well, I'm glad the translation was delivered quickly and a good translator got to do it. I'm just jelly y'all are playing it. I don't have replacement for my ex-potato.

Oh. I've been playing at the lowest settings on stealth mode right at the start. I only remove the stealth mode when I binge read everything I skipped. Either way with or without stealth mode, it still happens. It throws me off my groove when I'm in the middle of a long dangerous high level stage and the controls lag making the fight even longer.

>> No.39159703

That's odd. I haven't experienced that bug more than a handful of times. Unfortunate. I wonder if maybe reinstalling might help. Wish I had something more helpful to suggest!

>> No.39159704

*This was an instance where I decided not to play on stealth mode and it still happened. I wish it's just the game's way of telling me it's fatigued, and choco drunk from all the farming I did.

>> No.39159752

Thanks for listening. I hope you easily get the units you wish for.

>> No.39159914

I've been playing it recently too and was thinking people were being too harsh. It seemed easy to keep up with, if a little fast-paced and jumping around between scenes quickly. Then I reached the point where Akira is revealed to be Icarus Red, Shou's dad is revealed, parallel worlds exist, fight scenes start and end in three clicks, limbs are lost, forced mindbreak that is over in five minutes, POV switches and it just keeps going. Not sure if I am close to the end of Chapter 1 yet. I'm going to stick it out until the end of the game, but it's hard to defend this pacing. Kurosawa might be relying too hard on the visuals this time. Might have worked better as a manga project.

>> No.39162613
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x720, Princess_Britania~ミューズの宝剣~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I saw my childhood friend talking to another woman from a distance
>he must secretly hate me and only hang out with me out of obligation!
>I should go and get engaged to some random asshole to spite him!
>whoops, it turns out that he was talking to his older sister. And apparently despite being his friend for literally almost two decades, not only have I never met his sister, I literally did not even know he had a sister. He never mentioned it, ONCE.
I've read some dumb "none of this would have happened if you just talked like sane people instead of jumping to insane conclusions based on wild assumptions" plots, but this has to be up there as one of the dumbest ever.

>> No.39164703

It's rated 8.07 on vndb and 80 on EGS, so... but I will try to stick to it, lol.

>> No.39167340

>It's rated 8.07
Western shit, nobody cares.
> and 80 on EGS
13 votes total.

>> No.39169305

Literally. You'd be retarded to base your opinion on vndb rating or 13 people's.

>> No.39169344

Do BLgame translations even sell anymore? Especially with their reputation of being "problematic".

>> No.39169445

Pretty sure the retards who scream at "problematic" stuff doesn't really buy these stuff in the first place

>> No.39169550 [DELETED] 

No one can actually answer that question unless they have access to Jast and mangagamer's actual sales numbers for their titles. Personally I always believed that the people complaining about problematic content are just a silent minority and fujoshi who are still into BL with dark content just do their own thing without being loud about it on social media.

>> No.39169568

No one can actually answer that question unless they have access to Jast and mangagamer's actual sales numbers for their titles. Personally I always believed that the people complaining about problematic content are just a loud minority and fujoshi who are still into BL with dark content just do their own thing without being open about it on social media.

>> No.39171321

As a rule the hysterical kind buys 1-2 volumes of their sterile vanilla manga per year. Most obnoxious cases buy things like dramatical murder without reading anything about it and proceed to have mental breakdowns on twitter and steam. While I do think some translators and companies like JAST like to cater to the insane "problematic" kind, they don't license games with the loud minority in mind because those fucks never buy shit.

It's another thing when such schizos get hired and censor what they don't like. English animate publisher removed a chapter from a BL manga because they "found it below their editorial standards", when in fact that oneshot was fucking harmless

>> No.39172059

Well, for a start why does Uuultra only have 13 EGS votes total?

>> No.39172579
File: 27 KB, 218x201, 1543498094532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic game store?

>> No.39173783

>It's another thing when such schizos get hired and censor what they don't like. English animate publisher removed a chapter from a BL manga because they "found it below their editorial standards", when in fact that oneshot was fucking harmless
Yeah, funnily enough most twitter comments about it were condemning the censorship. It's obvious the most hardcore fujos don't care.

This said, I wouldn't be surprised if most BL VN didn't sell much tough, unless it's from NC. Hashihime probably had a strong word of mouth.

>> No.39175519
File: 285 KB, 1191x840, 1618510773006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the very least, the offhand comments from the head of JAST in the middle of complaining about Majikoi flopping indicate that BL does pretty well for them. Admittedly this is very little to go on.

>> No.39177528

Kuya needs to get dicked so hard, bitch won't be able to walk for 5 days

>> No.39178177


>> No.39182101

With that hate boner of yours, I'm sure he'll be out of commission for two weeks. Meanwhile, I'm excited for Blade and the new incoming chapters. I hope he's a worthwhile unit to roll and use.

>> No.39182138

So how high did your blood pressure go up when you're playing that game? That's one of the dumbest misunderstanding plots I've ever read.

>> No.39182592

>finally get the upper hand on Kuya
>start to fuck him into oblivion
>the last thing you see before he beats your ass is that you've been fucking a body pillow the entire time

>> No.39182827
File: 392 KB, 1080x1560, Foxslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He would probably turn it into a reverse rape situation.
Can't wait for the new autist.

>> No.39182968
File: 217 KB, 508x527, 1647636288532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you just want to sleep but this shitty fox won't stop reverse raping you

>> No.39183024

The only way to win is to outfox him with more card tricks. Good luck with that.

>> No.39183473

The Google doc got nuked?

>> No.39183880
File: 19 KB, 554x554, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it was just too hot to handle. Back to unlocking scenes the old fashioned way unless another link pops up.

>> No.39184165

Oh man. They hadn't even gotten to the Yakumo 5th rooms.

>> No.39184371

Is there a point in rolling 10x in friendship contracts other than for convenience? I'm still gathering fragments to 3* unlock SR Olivine, Morvay, and Yakumo's final rooms since I'm already done at their 4th rooms.

>> No.39185291

I figured It was going to happen. Hopefully shit keeps leaking

>> No.39185454

Most communities for this I have checked have a "don't share the H scenes" policy, so good luck

>> No.39185834

What exactly is the point of such communities then? How come it's always BL games and manga communities that are infested by retarded moralfags who also happen to be anti piracy

>> No.39185840

Dunno. It's not an official discord. My guess is that they think people will "report" the game or it won't sell.

>> No.39187259

I can't believe they're going to make "adjustments" on SSR Edmond by the next update. It's not like it's easy to get his card.

>> No.39187437

40 manual choco missions because i ran out of coupons i dont feel so good bros

>> No.39187505

if it isn't specified it's probably a buff. nerfs are very rare in gacha except for things that weren't "intended behaviour," precisely because people spending thousands to pull will have been essentially cheated

>> No.39187579

I wish they also made that for Choco Edmond. He's only more useful if he's upgraded well and unlocked the 3* passive with a paired Yakumo unit. As it is, even SSR Kuya with his stun and debuff on enemy healers is better for crowd control.

>> No.39187695

Are you doing stage 10 too? I use autobattle until turn 4 before I manually fight them. Have you finished getting all 3* stages for the 100% completion gem bonus?

>> No.39187810

I saw some people on twitter posting it in replies to the official twitter posts so I'm not surprised.

>> No.39187842

>posting it in replies to the official twitter
Wtf. This is why we can't have nice things. Why did they even they do that in the first place?

>> No.39187908

To let the staff know about it. And yeah, it's sad. No nice things for us.

>> No.39187955

I bet those people downloaded and watched all those videos before reporting it.

>> No.39188260

was sorta hoping you were referring to choco Edmond. he is pretty underwhelming for sure

>> No.39188769

Because anti-piracy moralfags are retarded

>> No.39188793

It's because these communities are full of women. Women are socialised so that they're more likely to follow the rules, which is also why BL game localisations tend to sell more than eroge.

>> No.39189150

Please sisters... Where the fuck are all of the glasses wearing boys...

>> No.39189837


>> No.39191339

Not to mention we rarely get high quality/high production value games with actual good H-content, so I understand the sentiment of wanting others to support the game. However, what they're forgetting is that sharing the h-scenes is free publicity, it gets people interested in the game who wouldn't have known about it otherwise.

>> No.39191985

Why the fuck is Amnesia at the top by popularity? Must be the belts.

>> No.39193357

ssr edmonds ultimate is like 2x as good as ssr quincy's right now

>> No.39195623

>moralfagging over gachashit
I guess there's a first time for everything. Amazing.

>> No.39197408

>30k chocos
I didn't 2-star the last two boss missions but I guess that doesn't really matter beyond unlocking some gem rewards. I'll try to do that with my remaining energy by tomorrow but

>> No.39197416

3-star I mean, fuck

also I got 2x of White Day Yakumo, I'd have much preferred Edmond. Oh well.

>> No.39197821

It's just twitter behaviors, they want to appear proper and clean. They all look at the leaks behind the scenes.

>> No.39198197
File: 829 KB, 1080x2270, diabetes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no more chocolate

give blade

>> No.39199466

let me roll more quincy you fucking faggots eroslab

>> No.39199599

Anecdotally, I've only ever gotten SR fragments from friend points when 10 rolling, never from single pulls

>> No.39200169

i saved a few links, should i post them

>> No.39201431

please and thank you

>> No.39202398

Actually speaking of links from the Google doc, it is archived on wayback but it was missing the more recent updates like the SR scenes etc.

>> No.39203247

Only just cleared opening day 1 with my shitty non-AOE team, how the fuck do you pass opening day 2? My entire team is wiped out before I can even reach wave 2.

>> No.39203258

Is your team at the max level allowed? Have you worked on their potential? Are you taking into account elemental weaknesses? Do you have a healer?

>> No.39203434
File: 91 KB, 323x212, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess no 30k for me

>> No.39203519

You need a good healer and your tankiest character in the center. There's a predictable pattern to their attacks and you must guard characters that are about to be targeted. Once you know the pattern it's not too difficult as long as your team is strong enough.

>> No.39204652

The update still hasn't finished yet. Still no new chapter. I thought it would've been completed by now. I'll give it another 30 minute before I check back.

>> No.39204714

Oh wait. That's got tomorrow. Please disregard the previous message then.

>> No.39204727

Just realised I completely forgot that guarding was a thing. Had another go at it while following a guide and passed, I'm used to just autoing these things.

>> No.39207805

Do I have a brain damage or is Uultra-c just a schizo game

>> No.39208804

Idk, is it good?

>> No.39209948

Maybe if you are a huge tokusatsu fan you'll like it. I'm not familiar with such shows, neither messy pacing nor heterosexual and alien sex are for me, so I didn't like it much

>> No.39211663

The pacing has nothing to do with the genre, it's just so shit it basically destroys the game.
The second route starts actually ok then the second half hits and it's the same shit all over again.
Third route at least is decent but after the first two it's just impossible to actually enjoy.

>> No.39211721

haven't played it yet but I've played Hashihime so I'm wondering, is the pacing problem because it's trying too hard to be quirky and it's not working? Like an intentional thing that wasn't executed well. to be honest I felt a bit of that during Hashihime but it seems like an unpopular opinion so I'm wondering.

>> No.39211755

Honestly, with the way some anons were talking about the scene with Juurou and Nozomi, I was expecting a lot worse, but it (along with all the other sex scenes) was very brief. I was actually quite surprised.

>> No.39211988

>the new Nu carnival character is voiced by Yoshiki Nakajima
BL king

>> No.39213378

It basically feels both that it's rushed and missing scenes in between, it basically fast forwards all of its plot developments.

>> No.39213819

wasn't hashihime a schizo game too?

>> No.39213903
File: 150 KB, 1012x572, 1648670992435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But hashihime had normal 2 routes and the pacing felt mostly okay in them. I also understood what was happening, meanwhile there's too much happening at the same time and it doesn't necessarily make any sense. The routes have an interesting beginning but they just turn into incoherent schizo mess in the second half, and not the kind of schizo mess I enjoy

>> No.39213930

Now you understand why the author apologized, at the very least, for the writing in the first route.
There's a good game in there, but it's basically cut to pieces.

>> No.39214880



i believe there is morvay, aster, garu and choco edmond in there

>> No.39215349

Phew, with just a few hours left I did it. 3-starred every mission and got my 30k. I'm completely out of energy and energy items.

>> No.39216113
File: 4 KB, 212x249, 1567325989543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost count of how many times I pulled, but neither of my pity SSRs were White Day Yakumo or Edmond.

>> No.39216513

I kinda want to blow my last 40 just to see if I get lucky, but I wont even hit pity so idk fuck
at least the white sluts will be available again eventually

>> No.39219401 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.39220744
File: 141 KB, 524x524, 1530699332677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's because these communities are full of women. Women are socialised so that they're more likely to follow the rules, which is also why BL game localisations tend to sell more than eroge.
After the google doc got nuked I went around in various communities to check if there was another and yep, all the anti-leak people where indeed women. Hopefully they'll start to change their tune once they fail to get their favorite SSR, by the rate they are releasing got luck getting anything done with how much it costs to unlock a single sex scene.

>> No.39221739
File: 541 KB, 720x1600, old ver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you're right. Picrel is the original Edmond's ult info. NuGovernment deemed it fit to give him a sharper sword to cut down his enemies so his new ult has a basic attack of 125% on level one while level two gives 111% for his followup attack. I didn't take a picture so I'm not sure if they also changed his other passives.

Now he's even better. Huzzah.

>> No.39221977

Choco Edmond buff fucking when

>> No.39222603
File: 103 KB, 638x425, this amazing book exists in the klein continent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was joking about slimes when Blade was announced, and then I saw that he has a basic intimacy gift about slimes(?).

>> No.39224347

After having powered up my strongest characters during the event I can easily do chapter 7 now, which I was struggling with before, and I agree that Garu's gimmick is kinda annoying. I guess they're going for a type of 'arrogant cute' with the Karu personality but I'm not feeling it.

>> No.39225751
File: 526 KB, 720x1286, reset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw. It seems like the market also got shifted a bit for Blade's new intimacy gifts after the update so while there's a record that I bought his intermediate gifts, in reality it was a different unit's intimacy gift altogether. Might have to remember that when Dante's chapter 9 comes in.

>> No.39227548
File: 130 KB, 697x599, Blade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did read his chapter anons, do you like him? He cute

>> No.39227654

I love him! He's adorable. When he was leaked I was wondering who would voice him, but I'm pretty happy with who we got.

>> No.39228665

Is his seiyuu famous in the bl world? I really like him as blade.

>> No.39228743

He's done both BL and R18 joseimuke audio works. He's not someone I specifically look for (and I buy more doujin works these days anyways) so I'm not sure how big he is but according to this anon >>39211988 he's a BL king.

>> No.39229076
File: 711 KB, 745x745, ovo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I like him. I'm a simpleminded robotfag, and I love V mouths and shark teeth so his design makes the most of his familiar and comfy archetype. If only he were made of metal instead of magic and the NuGovernment let me poke his butt, he'd be perfect.

>> No.39229104

can they get this dude to do his Jiro voice tho

>> No.39229482

Oh fuck, he's Jiro? Based.

>> No.39229881
File: 171 KB, 646x652, 3bbgpv2jyvi71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used all the contracts I saved over white day and didn't get him.

>> No.39230146

Finish chapter 8-12 and you'll receive 5 scrolls or wait until system time reset to buy more scrolls from the market. I only got his SR twice, I'll save the rest for event Quincy/Olivine. I hope I get enough of all his SR/R/N fragments once he's put into the friendship contract banner so I can open up his intimacy rooms.

>> No.39230884

How the FUCK do I get past 8-12, my Olivine and Yakumo die in 2 turns.

>> No.39230912

Level them up. Improve their potential. Use a different team. Git gud at gaurding.

>> No.39231175
File: 85 KB, 621x316, 38u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? Is that you SR Olivine/Yakumo anon? I'm afraid >>39230912 is right, you have to level them up a bit. My previous level 36 opening day 3 team with SR Olivine and R Yakumo got me through all chapter 8 after I updated their unit levels to level 38. I didn't have enough mats for potential upgrades so I left it as is at level 2 all since I was back to farming intimacy items after the white day event. Prioritize targeting frogs > winged eye > mandrake for wave 3 chapter 8-12.

>> No.39231460

Probably when enough people complain about him. His 2nd room h-scene was such a tease. He's delegated to farming duty on my team until I can get chance to roll him up to 3* since I have SSR Yakumo as my designated attacker. Maybe I'll go for it if he's on a higher % banner in the future. I was tempted to use my memory crystals for his fragments earlier, but then I saw in the previous posts that the crystal doubles in price the more you buy so I abandoned that idea.

>> No.39231557

No, I'm a new anon with lvl 40 SSR Olivine and lvl 35 SR Yakumo, and I'm still stuck. Feels bad man.

>> No.39231743
File: 827 KB, 550x978, HD-Player_ywwixPXbRZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you beat this?

>> No.39231764

Use Morvay.
Don't bring a multihitter like ChocoEdmond to a fight against a single target.
Don't bring a level 36 R unit to a boss stage that's way over your level.
You ought to build Aster to bring to stages alongside Morvay, because they have complimentary passives.

>> No.39231997

Put in Morvay (make sure he has at least 2k HP)
Put in a heavy hitter like SR Quincy if you have him
Block until their ults are activated, use your white day Edmond to poison him, use Yakumo (either R or SR) for healing. Do not attack until Morvay's ult has been activated. You won't get a three-star, and it might take a while (took me to turn 36), but you'll win.

>> No.39232047

Same advice as this anon. >>39231764 If you've got Aster especially on 3* and SR Morvay working together, two another strong single attackers, and/or one buffer you're golden. Keep whichever is the most upgraded healer. Just don't forget when to taunt to tank the enemy ultimates. For SSR Olivine, his healing can stack up to 4x: three from his basic attack, and one from his ultimate so you put him in defensive position if there's no immediate need to heal next turn.

This boss ults every three turns so the timing is perfect for SR Morvay's taunt ultimate.

>> No.39232346


do you have SSR Olivine? i beat it with SR Olivine, SSR Olivine, SR Yakumo, SSR Edmond, and SSR Yakumo. at level 40 you should be able to survive the bear's two normal AOE attacks. just make sure to add +3 to the first round (i.g.: round 4) and put the entire group on defense on every +3 variation of that (i.e.: 4, 7, 10, 13...) b/c that's when the bear does its super.

>> No.39232353

I've actually been trying that but Olivine dies when I can whittle the boss down to half. What should his potential be at? I'm new to gacha so I don't really understand what potential units should be at in terms of their level.

Olivine is at potential 4 right now.

>> No.39232505
File: 1.08 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220331-051412_Nu Carnival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was literally my first roll on Blade's contracts menu. did they mess something up with the odds?

>> No.39232589

It's just RNG.

>> No.39233147

My very first pull was SR Blade. It just do be like that sometimes.

>> No.39233190

and my 6th pull was a second SR Blade just now

>> No.39233795

intermediate intimacy items are a better value than the advanced ones in the mojo shop
only paypiggies buy those anyway though

>> No.39233833

can't believe I let you trick me into burning a 10 scroll during a non-pity period

>> No.39234513

These are good advice >>39232346 >>39231997 >>39231764

The boss bear on 8-11 has a pattern of:
turn 1 2x aoe
turn 2 2x aoe
turn 3 2x aoe
turn 4 ult single atk + atk% buff
turn 5 2x aoe
turn 6 2x aoe
turn 7 ult single atk + atk% buff
repeat etc.

The problem is that the boss' atk% buff stacks every time he uses his ult. To counter that your units especially your healer/s and/or buffer need to have at least 2k hp. If you have resources, upgrade your main team's intimacy too and not just their potential/level as opening day 3 taught us that guard/healing timing is everything.

>> No.39234965

Am I dumb or are BGM9 and BGM25 (shows Blade’s room) in the shop the exact same song?

>> No.39235430

Come get your gems.

>> No.39237256

lmao, this is incredible
after that I used my 10-scroll bundle and
I pulled SR Blade again
now you have a pretty good chance of pulling something from the SR rank in this gacha, but most of those are fragments or other SRs (I already have all those)
the odds of specifically pulling SR Blade are actually just 1.6% (the same as the odds of pulling any SSR)
and that's the only SR I pulled, 3 times.

>> No.39237769
File: 408 KB, 386x692, 8-11team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love him, he's one of my faves now and knowing who his VA is only makes him better. It's funny how there's three SideM guys in the game already, who is next? Enoki Junya maybe to have the whole S.E.M?
Picrel is the team I used to beat it, I guarded with everyone (except Morvay) on his normal atk turns except when both Olivines ults were up, I defeated him on turn 18 right before his sixth ult without anyone dying. R Olivine is the one with the lowest HP at 2139. SSR Olivine is at potential 3 with nothing unlocked and has 724 atk. SSR Quincy has 687 atk and SR has 674. I don't know what your team is, but you can use mine as a guide of how much atk and hp you need to have, though you may manage with less depending on who you're using.
25 seems to be a remix of 9, there's a slight difference in the second half when another instrument starts in the background (I think it's drums for 25, not sure for 9).

>> No.39237794

who are the other sideMs?

>> No.39237882

Edmond's VA is Itou Kento who does Michio, the other S.E.M member. Garu's VA is Shirai Yuusuke who does Haruna from HighxJoker.

>> No.39237910

damn, Michio is my idol... I guess I'll have to be an EdmondP now.

>> No.39238448

Playing tokyo omnyoji it annoys me how game doesn't remember which options I picked and treats some stuff as if I picked different choices I didn't. <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/c2cfb2e3_KEKWait.png">

>> No.39238637

>no scrolls or gems for Blade
<img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="28" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/7242c342_umaruCry.png">

>> No.39240342

Fellow NuCitizen, us players can get up to 28 summoning scrolls per month. While we can buy 10 scrolls from the monthly mystery market using spirit gems, we'll always receive 13 as part of the daily login gift reward, and 5 from monthly deed missions.

Since Blade's banner is up until the 21st, you still have a higher chance to get him with some of the scrolls you'll receive from the game.

>> No.39240455

What? That doesn't happen to me.

>> No.39241137

I pirated it and it works fine on my machine

>> No.39241245

Second half of bgm9 has a slow noticeable drum beat accompanying the piano, while bgm25 has a flute and some light drumming added.

I like bgm23 for Yakumo's village. It has a homey beginner town vibe to it. Bgm5 as the friendship contract music and the bgm8 as the contract summoning one seems like a pair trying to hype the player with its synth beats.

>> No.39241877
File: 20 KB, 211x318, wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is beautiful and also expensive as hell. Will calculate the cost of making one via workshop later.

>> No.39243197


>> No.39244284

Is the band the same as the one that did Luckydog's opening? Hmm so [you] are some kind of "researcher" experimenting on those two. Higashi, one of the test subjects, has amnesia. Kinda interesting, but I wonder how long this type of game will last?

>> No.39246548

A prequel with Sumire as MC sounds based.
Her harem would be better than Felicita's, I think.
I'm also curious about Mondo. He looks like a fight game onjisan when he's dad, but he looks <img class="xae" data-xae width="31" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/c7375c9d_ChadYes.png"> in this pic >>39113109

>> No.39247020

has there been any leaks of when Ch. 9 (orange haired ladyboy) or the next limited event (with the ivy crown Quincy) will go up RE: Nu:C

>> No.39249113

>no cute ossans
>no mesugaki shotas either
explain this, NuCuck government <img class="xae" data-xae width="24" height="24" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/857a9ea0_MarisaFace.png">

>> No.39249803

Coming Soon™<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/a6955123_yaranaika.png">

>> No.39250149

Just a guess, but we'll probably get an Easter event on the 14th, chapter 9 will probably come after it.

>> No.39250588

arigathank you

>> No.39250740

for the latter Aster is literally as close as you can possibly get without running afoul of various countries' laws
for the former... yeah what the fuck NuCuck

>> No.39250892

I mean it's an issue of writing. Like I picked to not confront meguro and compete with him but another scene later on treated it as me having chosen to participate in the game.

>> No.39251726


>> No.39252115

>Odalisque delayed for October
Coomer sisters we got fucked once again

>> No.39253754

It's so funny at this point I can't be mad.

>> No.39254790

A-S <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/eb07a2c8_konata.png">

>> No.39256327

Is there actual confirmation how lewd it will be?

>> No.39260407

Give it time

>> No.39261351
File: 3.85 MB, 500x278, 70b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no cute ossans
They'd have to receive Huey's essence when they're at an older age as it gives them youth and longevity kinda like practicing Ripple breathing from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

>> No.39262055

money laundering scheme, somehow

>> No.39263766
File: 57 KB, 590x223, cheap ver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol So assuming that you're making these advanced potential materials from the workshop, they're much cheaper to make after getting the raw materials from the trading post than buying it outright from mojo mart.

one 4x level 1 potential mat 200 (120 if 40% off)
two 2x level 2 potential mat 400 (240 if 40% off)
= 1000 buyer's permits at most (600 using 40% discounted items) or 200 spirit gems from the monthly mystery shop
