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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3908258 No.3908258 [Reply] [Original]

You people were kicked out /a/ for a reason. No one wants you here. No one wanted you anywhere else, either.

I will never understand why moot decided to give you your own shithole (and not ban you all the next week) rather than just getting rid of you when he could.

You are all terrible people. Masturbating five times a day to shitty, generic eroge does not prove your worth as a human being. None of you even speak Japanese, yet you surround yourself with Japanese games, music, and TV shows.

All of you are human trash. There is nothing to redeem you. You can't even make a shitty vocaloid music video without ripping off the Japanese and relying on shitty Google translations.

Pathetic. That's /jp/ in one word.

>> No.3908264

Oh boy this thread again

>> No.3908265

forgot my sage

>> No.3908270

Sniff, I am sad, time to go fap to traps.

>> No.3908268

can you upload higurashi please?

>> No.3908269

>None of you even speak Japanese
i do, kisama.

>> No.3908275

You know what OP fuck you

>> No.3908277


>> No.3908279

>Masturbating five times a day
>None of you even speak Japanese, yet you surround yourself with Japanese games, music, and TV shows.
Hey bro, that's describes /a/ too. The only difference is that /a/ loves Naruto.

>> No.3908290


>> No.3908292

>> /a/ > * > /jp/
>> >implying

/a/ implies anything
anything implies /jp/
/a/ implies /jp/
That means that the existence of /a/ requires the existence of /jp/, but the existence of /jp/ does not require /a/.

We are superior.

>> No.3908308 [DELETED] 

what a fucking joke, It's people like you that are the reason we left /jp/, we weren't kicked out.

>> No.3908311

what a fucking joke, It's people like you that are the reason we left /a/, we weren't kicked out.

>> No.3908312

They are cute. Source/Moar?

>> No.3908322

There's the same exact thread on /a/.
Burn in hell, OP.

>> No.3908331

OP here you guys are so hilariously butthurt that it's sad. /a/ is the third most popular board on 4chan. /jp/ is barely a blip, and a year after its creation (due to people spamming touhou, underwater ray romano, and other VN/game shit all over /a/ and /tg/) moot himself said it 'lacked focus and is full of pedophiles'. Great reputation you got there.

/jp/'s pedophilia and idiocy could be forgiven if they ever created anything worthwhile, but instead they feel better latching onto whatever shit meme was popular on 2ch or futaba three months ago, once the one guy who knows japanese and posts there gets around to explaining it to them. Meanwhile the other 99% of them are busily F5ing sankaku complex and e-brofisting each other over their latest 'discovery'. /a/ created KS, and /jp/ fumes, having never gotten past feeding futaba threads through google.

/jp/ is a pariah even amongst the dregs of 4chan. Pathetic, shit-posting, would-be hipsters perpetually late to the party and not even speaking the language. What a fucking joke.

>> No.3908338

I like prog-rock, so I'm used to having my tastes insulted by lowbrow motherfuckers. Do your worst.

>> No.3908346
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I visit both.

Prefer /jp/ because there are less nimrods here.

>> No.3908350


>> No.3908353

>he visits /a/


>> No.3908354

/jp/ is a niche board. /a/ and /v/ aren't. So yeah, kind of comparing apples and oranges here.

>> No.3908355

>/a/ is the third most popular board on 4chan.
Popular = quality? /b/'s the most popular, isn't it?

>> No.3908360
File: 14 KB, 317x367, 1248876085516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/a/ is the third most popular board on 4chan.
Now you know why /a/ is shitty.

Go away now.

>> No.3908365

cry me a river

>> No.3908370

>/jp/ is barely a blip

>> No.3908381

/jp/ refuses to discuss most anime, so I have to.

>> No.3908379

Actually, you sound butthurt. Angry that, out of all the subgroups who were never given their own boards, we accomplished that without even having to ask? Or, perhaps, that our particular niche became so popular that /a/ could not contain it and other content?

You sound unhappy. Maybe there's a blog where you can talk about it with the furries from /d/ who have wanted their own board for ages.

>> No.3908374

naruto is popular
that means it's good?

>> No.3908375

But I never went to /a/ in the first place.

>> No.3908384

>/a/ created KS

So much of the original team is gone (only 3 remaining last I checked) that calling it an /a/ project, much less 4chan, is incorrect.

>> No.3908391

Why are you fags replying to copypasta?
Oh wait, bored, nothing better to do, kids, the usual retards. Proceed.

>> No.3908398

You know what, just read the title of your board a few more times. Clearly you don't get it

>> No.3908413


Boredom is for children.

>> No.3908415

I could have sworn I've seen this before.

Oh wait

>> No.3908410
File: 82 KB, 832x1107, differences.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lemme make it clear for you

>> No.3908409

/a/ loves Naruto

>> No.3908408

More or less, yeah. I'm bored.

>> No.3908407

You spammed shit until moot made a board .

personally I wish moot would just ban every IP that post here ,and crush you dregs once and for all

>> No.3908416

I raged 10/10

>> No.3908418

It sounds like you're the one who's crying, but hey, whatever.

>> No.3908420

getting 502 on /b/ so imma just go here

>> No.3908423


Suigin, you failed to include the Touhou Roleplay threads on /jp/.

And you left out a fair few notable tripfags. Not myself, mind you, but like DQN and Remi,

In before Remi_Panty_shot.jpg.

>> No.3908425

What's the matter, kids? Incapable of making you own flames and trolls so retorting to use some kopipe? Seem the ones that need to a long, chilling ban are you fags.

>> No.3908444
File: 4 KB, 126x123, 1255998046951s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Pic

>> No.3908442

I have no control over the title of the board so I see no reason to validate it.

>> No.3908434

/a/ also invented the easymodo archive/ghost board. Hence the reason why it was called the /a/rchive before /jp/ was created.

>> No.3908440

why does everyone want to play higurashi
whats so good about it?
these threads are making me interested

>> No.3908445


>> No.3908448 [DELETED] 

>Suigin, you failed to include the Touhou Roleplay threads on /jp/
we haven't had those
Comrade General

>> No.3908458


>we haven't had those

Liar. The Anons usually conduct them in the sly, usually during unrelated threads that have passed their discussion point, generally using images of the Touhous they roleplay as, similar to Alice Roleplayer - another one you should have listed.

If you wish it, I shall drag up an example thread from the Archive.

>> No.3908459

>Suigin, you failed to include the Touhou Roleplay threads on /jp/
we haven't had those in ages
Comrade General
explain why /a/'s search has been broken for ages and AoRF and Eksi refuse to fix it

>> No.3908461

4chan - because humanity matters, even when all you do is post child porn, gore and dead babies on /b/.

>> No.3908453 [DELETED] 

>Suigin, you failed to include the Touhou Roleplay threads on /jp/
we haven't had those in ages
Comrade General
that's why search has been broken for ages and AoRF and Eksi refuse to fix it

>> No.3908463


Ah, Suigin knew he was bullshitting me so he deleted his post. Oh, well.

>> No.3908465


Again, you lie. Mere days ago there was a Touhou Roleplay thread.

Do not bullshit me, Suigin. I see through your lies.

>> No.3908469

Does the shikieki that's going around commenting that things are to lewd count as roleplay?

>> No.3908476

Aorf is too third world to afford to host a bigger board like /a/?

>> No.3908477

So...is all of this going to clear out once C77 rolls around?

>> No.3908475

>there was a Touhou Roleplay thread.
link me to it
don't bother if it is some confused poster who thought he could roleplay here and was told to get out in the first three replies

>> No.3908479


>> No.3908483

he is hosting it
it's just search has been broken for six months and doesn't want to fix it because he doesn't care about it
you can only search posts made by trips

>> No.3908485

If a picture of Sikieiki accompanying text that says "too lewd" is roleplaying, what is "I'd hit it" text accompanied by images of people punching things?

>> No.3908487
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>> No.3908496
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9000 posts and 5000 image replies omitted.

>> No.3908502

He's probably talking about that 'Yukari's going to rape you to death' roleplay thread that got imagespammed at the end.
I actually enjoyed that thread too, sigh.

>> No.3908504



The last time I linked to Easymodo I was banned. So change the Amphora or AT Sign to an A.

>> No.3908508
File: 12 KB, 288x356, dontgiveafuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3908509 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty clone boards on a n o n t a l k . com

>> No.3908513



> Sun Dec 13 18:14:36 2009

That's not AGES ago, Suigin. You are a liar and a fraud. I boo your presence on this forum. Shame on you, trying to pull the wool over my eyes.

>> No.3908512


>I will never understand why moot decided to give you your own shithole (and not ban you all the next week) rather than just getting rid of you when he could.
The reason /jp/ is created is to become a central place for dumping touhou images and discussions about touhou. Remember touhou hijack that plague other boards ?
Perfectly the same reason as why /b/ is still exist. If it's deleted, the cancer will spread to other boards and infect other innocent board.

tl;dr :
See /x/'s condition now.

>> No.3908518

not as bad as /a/'s
/a/ has continuous threads (like idols threads here) of people posting as lambdadelta, battler, george, etc circlejerking for hours

>> No.3908523

Stop replying to the month old copypasta.

Fuck why can't I ever take it easy anymore.

>> No.3908527


>> No.3908529


Regardless, these roleplay threads appear regularly enough. If that doesn't satisfy you, I can track down another thread in which Anon roleplays as Yuuka.

So you should have included them in the list. Mark it down.

>> No.3908530

You can't argue that there's a single normal thread on the Paranormal board anyway.

>> No.3908560

I've been visiting /a/ lately more then I have /jp/ if only because of the discussion on the latest anime season. However it's getting back to the point where I'm not so bothered about it again as this latest stunt is going to shit up the board for a bit and the season is coming to a end so many of the new shows I've been watching are having their shitstorm ends and moving on back to original content.

Comparatively /jp/ is like a constant. Short of a new Touhou game or latest VN translation, /jp/ will generally discuss the same things over and over again forever, some topics have seasons when they are in favour only to be forgotten for years at a time (like Elona, a game I tried long while back before people started talking about it again lately) and other topics like Touhou will always be around. So usually I read /jp/ when nothing else interests me on /tg/, /a/, /co/ or /v/, or when a new game is coming out.

All said and done, moot's troll is often right. /jp/ sucks, on it's highs it can be better then other boards, on average it's worse then other boards and at it's worst it's a den of faggotry. That said, unlike /tg/ and /co/, /jp/ usually doesn't act like it's 4chan's paradise of posting, something both those boards love to claim but is rarely actually true. /co/ and /tg/ are just as bad as any other board, they are just something more mature about discussion up until the point they get back into posting fetish art 90% of the time.

tl;dr - quit this board loyalty bullshit. It's dumb. It's stupid to be proud of a board on 4chan.

>> No.3908580

as reguarly as idol threads?
sure you jest
at least it's only one anon acting and not a bunch of them stroking their dicks

>> No.3908583



That is a lie, I do it AT LEAST five times a day

>> No.3908588


it's not just one anon

>> No.3908629
File: 55 KB, 845x807, ultrashit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not as bad as this
every day every night

>> No.3908655


>> No.3908667

nice colors.

>> No.3908726

Don't forget the constant spam of the same memes and reposts of the same "witty" shoops in every thread, every day.

>> No.3908773

/jp/ discusses

/a/ discusses

they share most other traits in some degree, though it is flavoured by the boards "main topics".

>> No.3908786

oh yeah those rainbow dog ripoffs

>> No.3908791 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty clone boards on a n o n t a l k . com

>> No.3908795 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty clone boards on a n o n t a l k . com

>> No.3908809
File: 123 KB, 407x405, 1252536706360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3908838

Aint /jp/ Shooters/general?

>> No.3908863

The difference is that /jp/ has mods while /x/ LITERALLY doesn't--I've seen threads with CP that died from old age
