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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 362 KB, 1163x686, DbOHv4nUwAE0jSJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39066033 No.39066033 [Reply] [Original]

Guide 1: https://learnjapanese.moe/

be sure to read John's religion/story
>How I got 180/180 on N1 in ~8.5 Months!

But essentially what John's method religion IS:

* Start reading every day (and listening)
* Go through a grammar guide (like Tae kim or Cure Dolly)
* Go through a common vocab deck (like core2.3k)
* Mine stuff into Anki that you encounter in your Japanese media

A detailed guide of what John did can be found on

*John Bless your gains

>Guide 2: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous threads:
>>39047666 (#3204)
>>39027849 (#3203)
>>39014589 (#3202)
>>39004839 (#3201)
>>38996037 (#3200)
>>38987671 (#3199)
>>38978106 (#3198)
>>38968050 (#3197)
>>38955121 (#3196)
>>38944259 (#3195)
>>38935248 (#3194)
>>38927950 (#3193)
>>38915616 (#3192)
>>38904369 (#3191)
>>38892293 (#3190)
>>38886917 (#3189)
>>38875725 (#3188)
>>38863960 (#3187)
>>38850100 (#3186)
>>38839617 (#3185)
>>38826708 (#3184)
>>38818396 (#3183)
>>38807680 (#3182)
>>38793304 (#3181)
>>38782449 (#3180)
>>38767991 (#3179)
>>38752666 (#3178)
>>38735095 (#3177)
>>38725351 (#3176)

>> No.39066038


Read the DJT guide to git gud https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
️ Make targeted sentence cards (TSCs) for maximum gains.
Ignore spam linked in the OP (lernjapanese*moe, itazura, etc.). DJT has a long standing problem with spam.

Previous thread: >>39047666

>> No.39066049
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Disregard bad advice frequently posted in these threads. Things to avoid:
・any геddiт """guides""". nothing good has ever come out of геddiт.
・Itazuraneko. Outdated, hard to follow, coin miner, confusing for beginners.
・tatsumoto. It recommends targeted sentence cards, which are proven to be less effective than words cards(animecards).
・Ankidrone Starter Pack. It is based on newspapers from early 90s and additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. Try Core 2.3k instead.
・Tatsumoto. Tatsumoto is an infamous spammer. He constantly hijacks our threads to shill his shit.
He isn't an honest person. He is a hypocrite who promotes the exact opposite of what he does.
・Matrix/Telegram. Matrix is malware that runs a data mining operation. DJT has moved to Signal.
・Refold, Migaku and other for-profit companies who want to scam you.
・Namefags, don't waste your time with Attention Whores
・Download 4chan X to filter Namefags

TheMoeWay is the best resource.
be sure to read John's religion/story.

>> No.39066052
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Disregard SHIT advice frequently posted in these threads. Things to avoid:
・tmw/The moe way. Patreon scam run by a turkish tranny.
・any rentry.org and геddiт """guides""". nothing good has ever come out of геddiт.
・Itazuraneko. Outdated, hard to follow, confusing for beginners.
・Anime cards (the guide by someone named QM). It recommends words cards, which are proven to be less effective than targeted sentence cards (TSCs).
・Core 2.3k. It is based on newspapers from early 90s and additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. Try Ankidrone Starter Pack instead.
・Anacreon. Anacreon is an infamous spammer. He constantly hijacks our threads to shill his shit.
・Discord servers. Discord is malware that runs a data mining operation. DJT has moved to Matrix.
・Refold, Migaku and other money grab schemes.
・Visual novels. Experienced learners say they're trash because of unnatural speech and useless vocabulary. Most VNs are proprietary ー https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/

Tatsumoto is the best guide. Be sure to read his religion/story.

>> No.39066067
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Disturbing facts about the so-called l*arnjapanese.moe and his "guide".

0) It was MattvJapan's shilling on twitter that made him known to the public. and yet, he backstabbed Matt by leaking private conversations with him.
1) He doesn't know Japanese, nor we have seen videos of him speaking in it.
2) He's Turkish.
3) His half-assed "guide" is full of malware, and he scams people for donations.
4) He uses cringecord, a proprietary spyware app. He puts people who trust him in danger by forcing them to use it too.
5) He hosts his site on Github (owned by Micro$oft).

He isn't an honest person. He is a hypocrite who promotes the exact opposite of what he does. Stick to tatsumoto's targeted sentence cards if you want to get good.

>> No.39066068
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Disturbing facts about the so-called t*tsumoto and his "guide".

It was MattvJapan's "MPV video" that made him known to the public.
and yet, he's backstabbing Matt in his matrix server.

1) He doesn't know Japanese, nor we have seen videos of him speaking in it.

2) He's Russian.

3) He promotes not using javascript supported websites, and yet he's still posting on 4chan.

4) He's a racist and a white supremacist.

5) Despite promoting free software in his guide, he hosts his blog on Github (owned by Micro$oft).

He isn't an honest person. He is a hypocrite who promotes the exact opposite of what he does.

>> No.39066086
File: 64 KB, 772x341, 1623772945308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mentally ill spammer spamming his garbage patreon site. don't be a rube and fall for his trash

>> No.39066108
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Disturbing facts about the so-called a*imecards and his "guide".

0) It was MattvJapan's "Sentence Cards vs Vocab Cards" video that made him known to the public. and yet, he's backstabbing Matt in his trannycord server.
1) He doesn't know Japanese, nor we have seen videos of him speaking in it.
2) He's Russian.
3) He created a fake "djt" cringecord server where he made numerous racist and trans-phobic comments. He's a racist and a white supremacist.
4) His "server" has nothing to do with the DJT Matrix space.
5) He hosts his site on Github (owned by Micro$oft).

He isn't an honest person. He is a hypocrite who promotes the exact opposite of what he does. Stick to targeted sentence cards if you want to get good.

>> No.39066281

>all the first posts are spam
Like pottery
Generals are mental illness given form

>> No.39066313
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Translation requests, insults, politics, reddit posts, lust, learning method / eceleb discussions: >>>/int/djt

>> No.39066324
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>> No.39066375
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yeah... japanese is cool....

>> No.39066426

>How I got 180/180
no proof except a browser screenshot anyone can edit in 5 seconds
>in ~8.5 Months!
no proof except joining a discord and saying he's a beginner/posting how many characters he read, which anyone can easily make up

>But essentially what John's method religion IS:
being a liar

>> No.39066436
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>> No.39066452
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I still haven't done any immersion today even tho it's 8pm.
I don't know if I'll make it...

>> No.39066464

any news about matt uproot scam?

>> No.39066494

i'm feeling like SHIT

>> No.39066540

dont care

>> No.39066810

I do exactly 40 new cards a day with the core vocab deck, then 10 new a day with the mining. Once I hit 3500 on the core vocab deck (it goes to 6000) I'll flip those numbers around. That is my current plan.

>> No.39066833

jav of the week: https://jav.guru/178063/mifd-201-a-fresh-face-19-years-old-a-future-diamond-in-the-rough-she-has-no-idea-how-cute-she-is-innocent-with-a-great-personality-but-shes-only-ever-had-one-sexual-partner-this-diamond-in-the/

>> No.39066837

heart eye jks are cooler tho

>> No.39066955

is there a chrome extension that let's me to highlight a kanji, right click it, and add it to a simple database? i want to track the occurences of kanji/words i don't know and to see how much the pop up in the wild

>> No.39066974

i can't stand it anymore

>> No.39066983
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>be sure to read John's religion/story
we are reaching /xsg/ tier of schizophrenia with that larp in the op

>> No.39067020
File: 48 KB, 386x165, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill me

>> No.39067058

it's just text in a browser. you don't even need photoshop

>> No.39067073

then he's even more retarded for using photoshop instead of inspect element

>> No.39067102

migaku addon

>> No.39067182

isn't there anything less complex? i just want to count occurences, without all the anki shit

>> No.39067324
File: 519 KB, 1422x640, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think about the last season of attack on titans?

>> No.39067327

are all verbal nouns transitive verbs since you have to append them with inflections of する to make them verbs?

>> No.39067356
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lol, they accidentally remove luna instead of rushia

>Intern-san, remove Ru-chan from this image, please.
>Remove Lu-chan, got it.

>> No.39067359

i guess yes, they would become intransitive by adding される instead of する

>> No.39067404
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>> No.39067427

just use your current yomichan setup, mine it, put it in a deck you don't rep and make a tally in one of the field or something every time you see it
then you can sort it by that field

>> No.39067470

i use rikaikun, lmao

i guess i'll just manually add them to google keep or something, it's not like there are a lot of kanjis worth learning after the core 2.1k ones or whatever

>> No.39067488

>i use rikaikun
chimkin... time to upgrade


>> No.39067514
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thanks for the great thread op, nice op image!

>> No.39067515

i know yomichan is better, i'm just used to it at this point

>> No.39067526
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what am i in for? besides 宇宙人s

>> No.39067566
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are the penguins... everywhere...? d..dame..
you will make it
now you know
no fap bros... go on eithout em...
haven't even been able to watch a single ep, the manga broke me and mappas word was just... eh my shonzo doesn't sasageyo anymore..
lmao mikebros we won
haven't played it, hope its good

>> No.39067601

core 2.1k is only like 1300 unique kanji if i remember correctly, i wouldn't say there aren't any more worth learning

>> No.39067606


>> No.39067614

i'm sorry, i mean the 2100 jouyou ones. i'd say even those are overkill for reading nekopara, but whatever

>> No.39067644

theres more kanji in japanese than notches in ogs bed

>> No.39067661

wow millions

>> No.39067672
File: 181 KB, 800x1185, FOTrE61acAQDnsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really liked your performance today
hope the spats nerf didnt get to you too much

>> No.39067696
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>> No.39067698
File: 345 KB, 750x1270, holoEXPO_LiveKV-ALL_SP_fix3_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame she had the best model of the ens

kfp bros we won

>> No.39067707

Idk about that one, I learned all the 2.3k from KKLC, and I still find new ones to learn left and right.
I just mine them now.

>> No.39067746


>> No.39067747

still 振っちゃうing my 腰 while doing all sorts of other things

>> No.39067759

>6k premade deck

>> No.39067783

So has anyone ever seen the second definition of 鬼瓦 in the wild?

>> No.39067789
File: 211 KB, 1250x702, kiawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kfp bros we won
she has literally accomplished all the goals she set out for herself
so proud of her

>> No.39067833
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I've made it.
I forced myself to open a vinnie (Josou Gakuen) and mine my daily 25 words.
Didn't take too long, probably because I'm at the very start of this one so there's a lot of new words.
Tomorrow I go back to Charabration.

>> No.39067841

Japanese arguing

>> No.39067851

who is the green hair vtuber?
she seems lonely and depressed

>> No.39067904
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In America we argue with "words"

>> No.39067922
File: 26 KB, 600x448, samurai_on_computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoshi, time to do some reps

>> No.39067966

people say they like 喪女 but they wont even take an obasan

>> No.39068000
File: 753 KB, 1285x1685, i command thee kneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hololive is my mojo

>> No.39068005
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>> No.39068024

i cant help but feel like otaku with waifu are just coping

>> No.39068070

well yeah, japan's media industry is entirely based around placating a particular type of their population

>> No.39068072
File: 111 KB, 489x320, 34784hd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone, I just started being interested in Japanese today, but there is one important question I need to ask. If one is interested in just reading the books in Japanese but not interested in wanting to speak it to have conversations. Are there things that I should not do since it wont be necessary?

>pic related

>> No.39068074

2D > 3D is a fact
i think settling for worse is coping

>> No.39068075
File: 136 KB, 386x265, 2022-03-20_16-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it "surely with my strength"?

>> No.39068095


I can add to your strength
I can be of use to you
I can become your strength

>> No.39068104

don't learn writing, don't learn speaking

simple as

>> No.39068158
File: 1.33 MB, 1023x1636, 1647763024179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes doing better now

>> No.39068163

Thanks, what is the meaning of きっと?

>> No.39068189

it's when you don't eat carbohydrates or something

>> No.39068193
File: 377 KB, 2252x2159, 1647346221223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for sure, certainly, that sorta thing

>> No.39068196

Sure/Surely, I left it out.

>> No.39068206

Ok that makes sense, thank you.

>> No.39068244

today for real

>> No.39068259

i...it hasn't been 5 years...

>> No.39068289


>> No.39068312

superior version

>> No.39068427

Damn Japanese is dying

>> No.39068447
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true true chloe won

>> No.39068457


>> No.39068458


>> No.39068542

Holy goblina!

>> No.39068612

Which one?

>> No.39068617

there's nothing holy about her

>> No.39068655

>asian balls

>> No.39068893

When I find a kanji I don't know I copy it to my phone

Itsu kanji no shinai Tara watashi no fon o utsushita

>> No.39068899

based crippling japanese poster

>> No.39068921
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bit late but lets fucking goooooooooooo

>> No.39068927

want to know what obasan thinks of this

>> No.39068941
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>> No.39068959
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>> No.39069033

>喪女(もじょ、もおんな 英:Femcel)は、2ちゃんねる用語のうちの1つである。もてない女性のことを指す。また喪女板となると2ちゃんねる内のもてない女板の事を言う。

>> No.39069063
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>> No.39069066

my dick

>> No.39069080

int thread

>> No.39069131

acquired femcel (the concept)

>> No.39069154
File: 878 KB, 2000x2829, nhk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime recs?

>> No.39069169


>> No.39069174

Lucky Star and Dragonball

>> No.39069211

once i can read stuff like that i've made it don't care what anyone else says

>> No.39069214

boku no pico

>> No.39069232

wanna drink かに みそ bros...

>> No.39069238

making a nukige called おばさきゅば and basing it off my experiences

>> No.39069255


>> No.39069259
File: 88 KB, 482x680, EOAFlcLUcAAKts4.jpg_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow sasooga nipon

>> No.39069273

lmaod cute

>> No.39069292
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>> No.39069317
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>> No.39069350
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>> No.39069364
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>> No.39069416


>> No.39069434


>> No.39069435
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he didnt take it too well

>> No.39069445

If you never stopped studying that first time you picked up learning Japanese how far do you think you'd be?

>> No.39069448


>> No.39069461

never stopped once so exactly where i am i guess

>> No.39069469

close to native level because i was like 13

>> No.39069487
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>> No.39069496

I studied for about a month back in June. I stopped, then I started up again in the middle of January. So, I lost 6 months.

>> No.39069499

That's why the best time to start is always now.

>> No.39069521

I don't get why people are so intent on turning something like learning a language into a subculture. They end up spending more time arguing than actually learning.

>> No.39069530

i mean im most probably gonna spend my life with (hopefully) 1 yellow obasan so it will all work out
even just a few weeks together should make me way better

>> No.39069545

That inevitably happens when a group of people doing the same thing congregate. Different factions end up forming too like how the r/LearnJapanese people constantly talk about how much they hate DJT and how we don't study yet all the success stories are from here and only a pittance from there.

>> No.39069546

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

>> No.39069549


>> No.39069557

If someone as retarded as Kiara can learn Japanese, so can anyone else.

>> No.39069563

Does she actually know Japanese?

>> No.39069564

im so good at japanese i thought 京都 was japan's capital because it had 京 in it

>> No.39069575

>lusting for a women to define his meaning of life instead of builiding up his future.

>> No.39069578

She's fluent. And that's her third language since she's Austrian.

>> No.39069580

she does interviews with japanese people and live translates them

>> No.39069582

Yeah. She lived there for quite some time too IIRC. I believe in the EN group her, Iina and Cali know it. Gura I think was learning but got distracted.

>> No.39069588

which of you was this?

>> No.39069595

She needs to chill out.

>> No.39069602

people have different 価値観

>> No.39069608

>nooo someone said they want to wear my used panties with shit stains thats so gross
i just wanna get a single compliment about anything related to my body once in my life

>> No.39069612

dict. A
dict. B
I don't get it

>> No.39069613

Remember to always so you don't and make sure to after.

>> No.39069628

it says the same things in different words

>> No.39069632

Ina knows a bit, but she's not fluent in any way, just good at general communication. Mori lives in Japan and also worked as an English teacher, but for a person who lived and worked there for years, her Japanese is bad. She speaks with a heavy accent, and her vocab doesn't seem to be up to par. Gura and Ame basically don't know any Japanese whatsoever.
The best among ENs is IRyS, she's a native as far as I heard.

>> No.39069639

have you never had a daydream?

>> No.39069647

why is it 非現実的 in one and 現実性 in another

>> No.39069650

obasan says shell leave some worn clothes at my place so i dont get lonely

>> No.39069652

To what extent is the ability to write kanji important when living in Japan?
I'm capable of reading and typing kanji fairly well with my vocabulary, however I can't envision most of them myself despite being able to recognise them in text.
will there be any legal roadblocks of the sort or is it not really that important?

>> No.39069668
File: 504 KB, 2048x1536, FORXPkuaIAABfwn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will not be able to write on an 絵馬 at the 神社

>> No.39069673

japanese can't write they communicate via sign language

>> No.39069695

I could learn it if I actually wrote it down a couple of times but that would be tantamount to reviewing the same kanji i've already learned in a way.
in all honesty i just wish I could conceptualize it better in my head. but anything with more than 5-6 strokes sort of blends together to me.

>> No.39069696
File: 216 KB, 850x1275, 1647122412037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame i love the green holo so much
orange birb good

>> No.39069699

night night

>> No.39069701

Are you going to work in Japan, in a field that requires writing? Better learn at least the N5 ones, just to be sure. Just tourism? Don't bother, you wouldn't need it.
Basically, think about how often you have to write things in English and make your judgment.

>> No.39069722

just because 現実性を帯びた doesnt mean it not 非現実的
a 夢 is both because it seems like it's real but it actually unreal

>> No.39069736

I don't think so? Becoming a mangaka doesn't necessarily require writing if you can edit in typed text anyway.
Speaking of mangaka, has any foreigner ever tried becoming one in Japan?

>> No.39069739

you need to know how to write and read legal texts or have money and pay someone to help you
there's a few illiterates who stream and live in japan
you're learning jp anyway so just read and practice writing everyday

>> No.39069741


>> No.39069764

If you're an artist, drawing furry porn on Patreon would bring you more cash than any Japanese mangaka would ever see, and far easier.

>> No.39069768

the only kanji I can write from my head is really basic stuff like "人" and numbers "e.g. 一、二、三"
it would be an absolute pain to review every kanji i've ever learn only to be able to write them. I just hope it somehow gets easier as i'm exposed to it more

>> No.39069781

>than any
you were so close, alas

>> No.39069782

>Becoming a mangaka doesn't necessarily require writing
you need to write all those SFX like ゴゴゴ and stuff on signs etc that arent inside speech bubbles

>> No.39069790

That's kana though which is easy-peasy for me.
I consider my pride more important than financial success. Furry-shit is a line I just don't want to cross.

>> No.39069821

are catgirls furry?

>> No.39069834
File: 98 KB, 670x517, 1617437986638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so. See picrel.
When it comes to drawing I probably wouldn't want to go beyond "2".

>> No.39069859


>> No.39069905

Where do you guys go to find obscure raw hentai doujinshi rips? I feel like there have to be Japanese sources that have every dl-site doujin available. If you want to spoonfeed me, I'm looking for every Comic Masyo anthology from the 2010s.

>> No.39069938


What dictionary are you using

>> No.39069940

>She speaks with a heavy accent
I thought she did that on purpose. Like a friend of mine when speaking Japanese lowers the pitch of his voice for some reason. Making it way deeper.

>> No.39069949

yeah seen people do that too its annoying, they overdo the pitch thing, the voice sounds forced

>> No.39069961

>I thought she did that on purpose
Everyone thought that at first. Alas.

>> No.39069988
File: 419 KB, 1019x614, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bae is also pretty good.

>> No.39069999

callis model was the worst of the en ones, looked really low poly, she also couldn't dance

birb impressed me and gura too, ame's pururin was cute, wish more had been live, only a couple songs were

>> No.39070017

>callis model was the worst of the en ones
yeah something looked off about her head
like the veil or whatever she's wearing is too stiff

>> No.39070062

Mmmm お父さん can cook

>> No.39070095


>> No.39070101
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>> No.39070111
File: 22 KB, 315x197, 1646435272938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're studying efficiently right anons?

>> No.39070125
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>> No.39070134
File: 455 KB, 2000x3084, 1647055774052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really liked shallys hadn't heard it before

>> No.39070138
File: 2.34 MB, 2118x1538, Rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read any novels translated to JP anons?

>> No.39070154


>> No.39070189
File: 2.26 MB, 1214x1618, DSC_0810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was contemplating buying this

>> No.39070201
File: 777 KB, 910x1213, DSC_0811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this

>> No.39070255

You don't need to practice writing every single character. Once you learn stroke order rules you can figure out how to write any character you come across

>> No.39070257

nice, don't really buy things but i imagine its probably cool

>> No.39070274

Thinking of picking this up for some immersion play. Dialogue from I've seen from some playthroughs is very simple and looks kino.

>> No.39070292

> Nukemarine
> 12 min. ago
> "Let's Study Japanese - March 21, 2022" - For anyone interested, in a few minutes I'll be doing my livestream for the next few hours. Today is ~2 hour Anki review/study session followed by Let's Reread Japanese - 野ブタ。をプロデュース ep 3 (Producing Nobuta). After the stream is over, I'll also remove this message.
> Stream Link - https://www.twitch.tv/nukemarine

>> No.39070294

>don't really buy things but i imagine its probably cool
its not

>> No.39070297
File: 237 KB, 1924x1080, as for me its 風林火山.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love being able to read hidden shit like this

>> No.39070299

Yeah, but it's also about the conceptualisation as I mentioned earlier.
most kanji I know is stored as passive knowledge; meaning that I can recognise them but not produce them. you can't write a kanji if you're unable to visualise it; it's a different problem from being able to write it or not.

>> No.39070307
File: 158 KB, 1425x866, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's this supposed to prove you dumb tard

>> No.39070316

I like watching Nuke.

I learn from the mistakes of people who take my advice.

>> No.39070327

wow those are a lot less cool now that i can read them

>> No.39070335

heh cute

>> No.39070337
File: 30 KB, 800x450, 1646670918403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>~2 hour Anki review

>> No.39070348


>> No.39070354

watched oga play this a couple times, looked comfy

>> No.39070365

Still hoping for a reply here...please spoonfood me your raw hentai doujin resources.

>> No.39070367

So Anki I read do flash card when not busy then doing to remember them on fast? then go more?

>> No.39070393

Why do lines in Japanese sound so much lewder? In Dragon Quest III for example there's a dancer girl who greets you like this.
>ENG: Well hello handsome.
>JP: あらあらすてきおにいさん

>> No.39070397

learn English before Japanese

>> No.39070462

>Spent the whole weekend studying Japanese
>Didn't play the new game I bought
What the fuck happened.

>> No.39070469

sounds retarded more than anything

>> No.39070476


>bringing the fries and oil to temperature together
Wtf do japs rly?

>> No.39070479

What game?

>> No.39070481

Black Geyser

>> No.39070496

Anon he literally explains why he does it.

>> No.39070502

playing an ntr hgame and the sex scenes are novel length wtf

>> No.39070528

Those fries are probably soaked with oil. Our maybe Jap potatoes are not very absorbant

>> No.39070541

Anki is primarily a retention tool. What people misunderstand about it is that it is not a dedicated teaching tool. It works best when you use it to retain information you already know or somewhat know

>> No.39070544

Bad choice of words and that you imagine that in JP is a soft onee-san the one that is talking to you and not a crackwhore.
Should have something like "My my a lovely boy" or shit like that.

>> No.39070650

I love eating tonkotsu ramen but it makes my shits somehow both diarrhea and constipation at the same time

>> No.39070682

I know nothing though

>> No.39070727

Don't drink all the soup. That will fix the issue.

>> No.39070755

does semen retention help with anki?

>> No.39070758
File: 28 KB, 612x612, dont-waste-food-world-food-day-and-international-awareness-day-on-vector-id1328691066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't drink all the soup

>> No.39070765

Waste your food to pwn starving African children.

>> No.39070767

no when i jerk off while doing anki my retention is better

>> No.39070773

You just end up shitting it out anyway anon. You're just doing it earlier without the need to use your digestive system.

>> No.39070776


>> No.39070816
File: 77 KB, 560x420, ds6f3ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immersion time

>> No.39070842

eromanga dot com, oreno dash erohon dot com

>> No.39070853

I was doing my reps and came across 英 which apparently is the Kanji for England. I thought country names should be written with Katakana, shouldn't it be イングランド? The pronunciation is also totally different

>> No.39070854

i WILL drink all the soup, oishiiiii dakara

>> No.39070876

just feel it out

>> No.39070877

dame thanks anon
country names are weird, you can google the reasons if you want cause i don't feel like expanding on it atm, but they all use random kanji, america is 米国 for instance, a lot/most/exerything in japanese can be written several ways so don't overthink that sorta thing, theres a lot of right answers

>> No.39070879 [DELETED] 

No need to use spoons
How are you gonna come here
Enter a DJT thread and
Not realize that we don't use
Those spoons here like savages
Also you should just look it up
It's very easy to find those sites
...anything can be found you just
Need to try your best
Enter the zone of hentai
Try it

>> No.39070889

I guess you will continue shitting then anon. But seriously not drinking it all makes a huge difference. Cuts the calories by a lot too.

>> No.39070892

dame this is fucking great, got a link to a repository of the like? hehehe its so cute

>> No.39070901

As far as I understand, various countries got their Japanese names at a time when there was no rule about katakana and foreign names, so they can be spelled in kanji and kana.

>> No.39070902


>> No.39070903

using a mawile pokemon card as a bookmarker for my copy of fundamentals of ethics

>> No.39070915

using a first print charizard with no skeeve, get on my level poorbro

>> No.39070923


>> No.39070931

why wouldn't you read this in the original language

>> No.39070937

mawile is my favorite pokemon...

>> No.39070938


>> No.39070945

holy shit matt is going galaxy brain
how can anyone believe this
turns out I was accuring JP when I was watching jav muted

>> No.39070948

I can't trust anyone who has mawile, lopunny or vaporeon as their favorite pokemon

>> No.39070955

Mine is Dunsparce =)

>> No.39070969
File: 88 KB, 799x597, 1635234594245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...anything can be found you just
>Need to try your best
Well, I know that digital versions of every Masyo monthly anthology have to exist, because they're all for sale on dl-site. But some of them are missing everywhere I look (unless I want to pay, obviously). For example, the Masyo anthology from April 2012 is one such case. Do let me know if I'm missing something.

>> No.39070991

>On March 1, 2022, Japan reopened its borders to all new foreign arrivals except tourists. It remains undecided when tourists will again be able to enter the country.
So we can already go to Japan with a student/work visa? Nice

>> No.39070992


>> No.39070993

Instead of looking up Masyo look it up by artist. Look up one of the artists that's in the anthology then search them up on the classic hentai sites. You'll have an easier time finding it that way.

>> No.39070996

this is a joke right

>> No.39071001

I'd give it another year probably. I know a lot of people on /r/JapanLife and other Ex-Pat communities are elated at the lack of tourists but many areas are hurting due to the lack of added income.

>> No.39071007

you have nice hands anon

>> No.39071012

>student/work visa

>> No.39071033

lmao the fuck
cute! mine is... actually charizard, was my starter and i carried the same one from ehh... through a lot of games. he wasn't shiny or anything, he was just my charizard.

>> No.39071037

you have a wonderful personality and a tremendous kaiju chin chin, tabun

>> No.39071044

>look it up by artist
Same situation, if the Masyo anthology can't be found, I can't find anything by artist either (unless I want to buy it). For reference, here is the dl-site link to a Masyo anthology I can't find anywhere (for free) online:

>> No.39071051

>I know a lot of people on /r/JapanLife and other Ex-Pat communities are elated at the lack of tourists
why are they like this?

>> No.39071059

superman would hate to have more kryptonians around

>> No.39071067

The more tourists there are the more people are wanting to move there. The more Ex-Pats there are, the less special they are. It's really funny seeing them call tourists "dumb Americans" despite them having only lived in Japan fro 1-5 years.

>> No.39071095

get into oppai time or ecchikoe.moe or whatever it's called
these are nice but now I have a massive backlog of them
never had one where the girl is submissive, I'm not sure it would be immersive

>> No.39071151

it's .me but you can't really get in anymore
japaneseasmr.com is free though

>> No.39071156
File: 180 KB, 1920x936, 5VhA4G9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>private site
Thanks god my account still work

>> No.39071176

>I read that as a 25-year old moron
Wow I need to do my english reps

>> No.39071184

It's fine to use anki to learn but it should not be a priority or the main method you use to learn

>> No.39071208

What should my main method be?

>> No.39071219


>> No.39071237

>世間話 (せけんばなし)
i swear the readings for 間 are endless

>> No.39071260

This is getting fucking ridiculous. It's like these people see Japanese like a bunch of weird untrained apes - watch how the leader of the pack behaves and mimick him, or you might get feces thrown at you.

>> No.39071274

cept for en ones those are just entertainment
love watching mummers draw

>> No.39071282

don't care about vtuber streams just wanna fuck em

>> No.39071285

holy babe

>> No.39071297

even the loli...?

>> No.39071300
File: 7 KB, 346x339, 1645620170004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39071305
File: 544 KB, 368x464, 1647768367200.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dangerously based

>> No.39071313

I just found out I'm retarded
I'm not sure how I'm going to cope with this

>> No.39071315


>> No.39071359

me on the left
bro you are learning a language whose only use is masturbating better and you only just realized it?

>> No.39071361
File: 38 KB, 400x394, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White noise radio
>tokyo ravens radio 1-3
Good shit

>> No.39071362




>> No.39071369

theres no tail, literally unfappable

>> No.39071374

>me on the left
please be in america

>> No.39071444

howd you get pics of me and og?

>> No.39071474
File: 3.78 MB, 1960x1470, RJ297049_img_smp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is good, guy usually uploads every 2-3 days if there are no problems.
Funny thing is that comments were usually in english years ago until nips discovered the site and took over.
Also fuck tegurayuki.

>> No.39071497

nice. found my night emersion
keep up the great posts my friend

>> No.39071506

i mined that from some other anon's post a bit ago

>> No.39071532


>> No.39071533

thanks bros

>> No.39071581

kek wtf

>> No.39071621

So, how does this work? I understand it due to context, but is the っしょ a conjunction I just haven’t learned yet? I assume the sentence translates to “isn’t it cute?” Or something along those lines

>> No.39071626


>> No.39071630

hmm the author of the fundamentals of ethics is very clearly left leaning

>> No.39071647

So it’s just a shortened version or slang of でしょ?

>> No.39071651

で->っ is common in ultra casual speech

>> No.39071654

crazy how not a single person that has made it listened to vtubers as their main source of e-mmersion

>> No.39071659

does anyone have the pic of the guy on twitter getting extremely hyped because he saw the kanji 兄 on tv?

>> No.39071661

ethics is a spook

>> No.39071662


>> No.39071663
File: 104 KB, 1200x630, 92263507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vbros we will be the first ones! yosh!!!

>> No.39071674

first ones against the wall

>> No.39071689

Okay, thanks.

>> No.39071703

dont get it man u got ur own board go fuck off

>> No.39071705

they have been around for three years already and not a single person? dame

>> No.39071712

he has a nice voice

>> No.39071715

more like 君の縄 am i right fellas?

>> No.39071717

Vtubers are also japanese culture. If you want to complain then feel free to talk to the jannies.

>> No.39071719

thats just because they only watch english vtubers and clips with en subs, look at all the ones that are posted here

>> No.39071722

If I'm not mistaken, its' called 音便 in Japanese linguistics, the shortening of words to make them easier to pronounce, usually by the means of a double consonant っ.

>> No.39071731
File: 28 KB, 240x383, 3421339(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jp is our board actually, we are a rather niche japanese interest
how else would non vbros know what is said?
my oshi hasn't been around that long

>> No.39071741

LOVE MUMMERS https://streamable.com/oyp1cj

>> No.39071745

acquired わるくない

>> No.39071747

sigh god why are vtubers so cute it hurts my heart that it's a fantasy

>> No.39071748

cant wait for this manic holoshitter to kill himself

>> No.39071760
File: 1.67 MB, 1280x720, 1647703967664.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

debunked, holobabes ARE REAL

>> No.39071763


>> No.39071768

You're my favorite poster!

You're my least favorite poster

>> No.39071773

i mean yeah that's how things work in the real world where you copy until you're good enough to make your own

>> No.39071782
File: 69 KB, 640x353, 8usxire594j71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39071783

Who would win a MMA match between Tae Kim and Cure Dolly

>> No.39071787

this but the opposite

>> No.39071788

cure dolly is dead so i think kim wins by dq

>> No.39071794

>cure dolly is dead
Woah dude spoilers

>> No.39071807

ummm why is he black... bros...

>> No.39071811

I'm surprised no one ever tried to copy Cure Dolly's style. She explained shit way better than anyone else I know of did, and yet everywhere I look, I still see the same "wa marks object, ga marks subject, muh conjugations" shit.

>> No.39071816

Sana needed a boyfriend

>> No.39071824

i contemplate buying my foot into your ass

>> No.39071831

that's kinda hot

>> No.39071837






>> No.39071860

because dolly just makes shit up lol it's not backed by anything and she doesn't know japanese

>> No.39071867

same same

>> No.39071878

Are you an eel, by any chance?

>> No.39071892

jay Rubin did a book that her work is based on, cept he is boring and doesn't vtuber on youtube and cant into trains and she was great but also died, anyway, japanese teaching is not really a way to riches so...

f for choo choo sensei

>> No.39071923

legends say if you try to make money off teaching japanese an avenger spirit will take your life away, a king of ass or some such

>> No.39071926

Im really sick of every single one of these threads starting with 20 conflicting increasingly rude posts about learning methodology
Make a single OP with all of the fucking resources available and let people make their own decisions and shut the fuck up

>> No.39071949

This is not the actual "learn japanese" thread, that's /int/'s DJT >>>/int/161510303 people there actually discuss (mostly in japanese) and help each other
This is just a shitpost general, people there even discourage learners to come here.

>> No.39071954

nothing's going to change

>> No.39071956

Ideally this thread would be nothing but
"I'm reading x or watching y thing in JP I recommend it"
I'll start
I'm reading a nip prostitutes twitter account
its interesting

>> No.39071960

say it in japanese please
thats the advanced thread, this is the beginner one

>> No.39071970

im reading happiness by the mangaka of aku no hana. i hate vamp shit idk why i started reading it

>> No.39072003

i dunno anon on one hand i love japanese prostitutes but in the other the pencil art she got there makes me think she might not be all that stable, like the puppies tho

atm im immersion on vbabes, looked up mumei since someone mentioned it and shes making uhm, cute art

also doing anki and reading my way through erohon 230399

>> No.39072007

Yeah, it's unfortunate that Rubin's ideas didn't catch on.
I feel like Japanese is considered so difficult in part because the teaching process is so fucked, forcing Japanese into English logic (and obviously failing) instead of distancing from it and teaching students Japanese structure and logic from the ground up. After Rubin and Dolly, it's a crime that textbooks like Genki don't teach zero pronouns, which are absolutely fundamental to understanding how Japanese works as far as I'm concerned. To this day, if you google that shit, you'll get two things - links to Dolly's website, and scientific papers by Japanese linguists. It's ridiculous.

>> No.39072045

true true
well people like fun lies, telling em japanese is an alien language whose structure is totally different and that theyll waste years of their life on nothing in uni is not popular.

on the other hand telling people that they will learn japanese as a group of 100 elite handpicked zoom pitch accent course participants with one simple trick for 800 bucks seems to work, so shrug

im happy i found her, also read rubins stuff since some anon really likes it, but i like her better, choo choo

>> No.39072074

god damn it the fundamentals of ethics got me questioning my stance on eating meat

>> No.39072088


>> No.39072089


>> No.39072107

that sentence is in every grammar textbook lol

>> No.39072112

can you please stop using "lol" it gets on my nerves

>> No.39072115


>> No.39072138

But a lot of YouTube teachers say that the subject can just be dropped. That isn't far from zero marking

>> No.39072148

Idk I just saw it at the bookstore and it piqued my interest

>> No.39072151
File: 86 KB, 526x387, cJSX3aZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very wise

>> No.39072168

i understand japanese and ive never heard of the zero pronoun so its probably unimportant, probably just another made up term dolly created for some basic shit

>> No.39072190
File: 508 KB, 1600x1200, 1633828302272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39072196

If it was unimportant, so many people wouldn't struggle with something as blindingly obvious as the difference between は and が.

>> No.39072206

thinking you understand は vs が is more likely than not you just not being good enough to see where you're wrong

>> No.39072223


>> No.39072228

I'm not saying I'm a linguist of any sort, but you don't need to be if you know how zero pronouns work, because with them in mind, topics and subjects become very obvious.

>> No.39072242

iq bell curve meme in action

>> No.39072247

Whatever you say, mate.

>> No.39072255

lol u got owned

>> No.39072272

thats a troll, dont mind him too much, he does that, he thinks this is reddit and theres karma or some such

>> No.39072283

oops meant to reply to >>39072242

>> No.39072285


>> No.39072286

why are italians so uptight about their cuisine

>> No.39072303

this thread really doesn't seem to give a shit about Japanese

>> No.39072304

those transparent mask things are sorta cool been seeing them a lot in nip stuff and holofes

>> No.39072307

funny cuz every time i've eaten authentic italian it's bland as shit

>> No.39072315

if something needs to be explicitly emphasized then use ga


>> No.39072320

well, we mostly share content and chill, theres no real point in having long debates about wa vs ga or the like cause those have been had already many times and people are bored of them

if someone has a concrete question or whats a resource someone will usually oblige or help tho

>> No.39072329
File: 542 KB, 640x606, silent_reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39072332

hmm thats a good video

>> No.39072338

the opposite, i come here to discuss the games and content i consume not talk about dumb grammar points you can read in a textbook

>> No.39072356

If I did nobody here would understand it since nobody here speaks any fucking japanese we just argue about dumb bullshit

>> No.39072358

you know, its funny, the more i read and come to understand (or not understand things), the more i come to see none of that stuff actually matters, not in a nihilistic way, but in a "it clicks when it does and theres no point worrying about it" sorta way, it really can't be explained beyond "read/consume/immerse" more, that really is the best advice when there is no concrete question or answer

>> No.39072369
File: 51 KB, 850x400, fucking_do_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's almost as if he was right about everything

>> No.39072374

crazy how you this was told to you from the beginning but you still made the thread suffer through your dunning kruger bullshit, your kind is the worst

>> No.39072375
File: 249 KB, 714x1024, 1581755763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem kinda high strung tonight bro, but its kinda late and im tired so, anyway, don't spend your valuable time arguing in 4chan of all places, i assure you you will never convince anyone of anything

>> No.39072382

based krashen poster

>> No.39072391

>he's calling a call girl his 推し
now, does this mean shes his favoirte call girl or is he idol fagging over a call girl

>> No.39072393

kek wtf
lmaoing cute

>> No.39072406

if he actually bangs her he is doing better than most simps

>> No.39072411

but why be in her fan club if she's openly just selling sex as well, why go through the extra steps
16,000 yen for 90 minutes
man I wish I was in japan (and had 16,000 yen)

>> No.39072418

wow it's that cheap
too bad...it's...immoral...

>> No.39072419

the john op you're replying to does exactly that

>> No.39072423

I fucking love China
thanks god IP don't exist there.

>> No.39072428

lmao fuck off 90% of the op is "be sure to read this" fraud shilling, he just added the itazura link at the bottom

>> No.39072447

ah ur that guy i see now

>> No.39072455

Polyglot STUNS native speakers in VRChat

>> No.39072462

ah "ur" that guy who thinks he can just spam and convince people i see now

>> No.39072468
File: 33 KB, 500x616, xCA42VhNWihhWluM3TtmKPGEkKImC5jEwRycNv4gqG4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im really sick of every single one of these threads

>> No.39072490


>> No.39072493

Do you guys use 「俺」?

>> No.39072504

that or boku depending on who im talking to

>> No.39072519

Btfod by John

>> No.39072525 [DELETED] 

reminder john posters are insecure esls calling others esls

>> No.39072527

don't mind that anon hes not well

>> No.39072536

well you convinced me im pro John now
where do i sign up?

>> No.39072541

i only use 我が

>> No.39072548

why don't the useless janitors do anything about this mentally ill troll? he just samefags and spams worthless garbage all day and baits posters. annoying derailing fuck

>> No.39072559

hes got multiple phones bro dont bother

>> No.39072560

when the service is good you spread word of mouth i guess, wouldn't you recommend your favorite uhm entertainer to your bros?

reminds me of og come to think of it

>> No.39072567

I'll shill her maybe but I'm not joining her fan club that has a monthly cost

>> No.39072571

yeah he really isn't, guess its time for his daily breakdown

>> No.39072586

>baits posters

>> No.39072590

good post same
wait og has a fanclub?

>> No.39072595




>> No.39072596

anon you might want to turn that monitor on

>> No.39072601

look up output goddess on ogfans

>> No.39072605

not OG, random jp call girl

>> No.39072615
File: 87 KB, 675x900, FOVY1vuaIAA23t0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39072616

i'm right tho. mods should instantly ban the flaming faggot. he says the same predictable bait to stir up shit in the thread every day. holy fuck stop shitting over the thread the whole day and get a life you retarded annoying freak

>> No.39072625

and look he changed ips here cause hes scared of getting banned lol. what a freak

>> No.39072627

holy shit he really is not well lmao

>> No.39072630

everyone can tell that's a new ip including me

>> No.39072643


>> No.39072646

i was checking the thread but i think im gonna go to bed its schizo hours

oyas bros

>> No.39072649

night anon

>> No.39072655


>> No.39072657


>> No.39072664


>> No.39072666

me2 oyasm

>> No.39072670


>> No.39072672

what do you mean by who? it could mean two things

>> No.39072688
File: 2.94 MB, 842x480, 0001A.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oyas bros

>> No.39072702


>> No.39072727

wtf she looks so much like me it's crazy

>> No.39073009





>> No.39073015

at least he will never know japanese (because hes always here)

>> No.39073037

cope. all japanese are cheaters and liars

>> No.39073055

for me it is obasan

>> No.39073057

wtf ur hot bro

>> No.39073084
File: 623 KB, 2048x2048, E_Qpak6VEAAW5xV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39073122

i want to jisatu suru

>> No.39073133


>> No.39073140

i've never felt so sad in my life

>> No.39073157

whats wrong bro

>> No.39073228

i exist

>> No.39073250

realised this as well about two weeks ago and have felt like shit ever since

>> No.39073287


>> No.39073317
File: 85 KB, 720x405, videoPreview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39073411

fiction was a mistake

>> No.39073466



>> No.39073548

i thought i wanted to watch jojo season 4 but i don't
i just want to stare at my monitor and do nothing

>> No.39073611


>> No.39073735

civilization is a miracle, people barely care enough to wipe their own asses

>> No.39073857
File: 580 KB, 1440x1260, 1647852675080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39073873

Retention has gone back down bros :(

>> No.39074074

You know the holo fes got a sticky both days on /jp/?
When's the last time some of your interests got a sticky here?

>> No.39074103
File: 851 KB, 3335x1724, FOJ7xQ-aQAAVEQ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39074158


>> No.39074204
File: 115 KB, 600x497, 1637288038628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is ochinchin like saying peepee in english?

>> No.39074261

they're a threat to the current version of the language

>> No.39074291
File: 342 KB, 1920x1080, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and og

>> No.39074322

its a bit more dirty, no one would censor or bleep peepee

>> No.39074357

mucus pic soon

>> No.39074380
File: 458 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2022-03-21 02-47-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39074399
File: 2.66 MB, 1162x480, ochinchin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.39074406
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39074441

do you actually learn anything from doing this?

>> No.39074445


>> No.39074460


>> No.39074465


>> No.39074540
File: 154 KB, 1221x513, luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39074551



problem is there are over 50 thousand words you have you learn which takes time

>> No.39074655

yeah, but wouldn't turning off eng subs be better?

>> No.39074656


>> No.39074659

the most pathetic thing in all of this is the animecards "community" incapable of detaching themselves from mary who is doing literally nothing for it and shovelling Patreon money for him on top of the scam money
what a bunch spineless losers

>> No.39074675

he doesnt get much money tbf

>> No.39074683

wish i could speak cat and understand what kitties say

>> No.39074713

ah, the 4bc school of thought

>> No.39074724
File: 765 KB, 559x741, chip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suddenly i dont dislike the idea of microchip implants

>> No.39074729

4bc is probably better than qm
if you combined og and 4bc they would be good

>> No.39074731


Morning Song! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚

>> No.39074747

damn gotta do 2 days worth of anki reps again today
i should really fix my sleep

>> No.39074750
File: 29 KB, 850x176, 1644146980879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you reminded me
6 more days

>> No.39074762

my cat is very vocal so i basically know exactly what she wants by the tone of her meows

>> No.39074764

jamal and 4bc are dead
would have loved to see a djt showdown for once

>> No.39074765

almost like it

>> No.39074788

thats what i did
i use the anime cards script, but pretty much ignore the discord

>> No.39074802

wow first hologarbage and now frogs, this thread is at a new low

>> No.39074811

i wonder if he remembers he said this

>> No.39074817
File: 1.70 MB, 1280x720, booba.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39074826

a lesson in arrogance

>> No.39074835

og ruined everything

>> No.39074845
File: 428 KB, 1114x613, PepeHari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pro-frog thread.

>> No.39074849

blame not the woman who causes men to become lost but the men who allowed themselves to be lost

>> No.39074854
File: 243 KB, 960x1280, 8d38ac08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39074870

What passage is that from.

>> No.39074872

i came up with it myself

>> No.39074877

You should start a Bible, you might be a prophet.

>> No.39074880

didn't 4bc have an mal? you can see the last online date.

>> No.39074884

lol i'm very flattered
i just find it enjoyable to write stuff like that once in a while, used to keep a text file full of them

>> No.39074890

I want to start doing something like that but for song lines I think of.

>> No.39074894


>> No.39074895

dec 21....

>> No.39074899

it's always good to write things down as soon as you come up with them, once you make that a habit it'll become second nature

>> No.39074952

have a txt for ideas but i write it down in such a vague manner that when i reread it i have no idea what it even was about

>> No.39074974

John 4:20

>> No.39074981

unko you're friends with him right? message him about the duel lol

>> No.39074990

ok i messaged him but not about the duel
he probably wont answer

>> No.39075037

I never thought about writing songs but I keep getting ideas and I keep hating the way songs are done so maybe I should. I'll get a small notepad to write them in. I think if I use my computer for the file I will just forget about it.

>> No.39075082

don't listen to the haters. keep doing whatever makes you motivated to study the language

>> No.39075248


>> No.39075269


>> No.39075349

stfu white supremacist

>> No.39075370


>> No.39075376

wish danish was just swedish its way cooler

>> No.39075395

based, finger enjoyer

>> No.39075505

i know a finger enjoyer

>> No.39075520


>> No.39075569


>> No.39075627

i dont mind vtuber posting
but holo en has its own board there is no excuse

>> No.39075630

Do you guys pronounce as in rhymes with gay or as in rhymes with ho

>> No.39075654

もえ because i think in japanese when im at djt

>> No.39075685


>> No.39075689
File: 340 KB, 530x310, nani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39075701

How would you read it as may?

>> No.39075743

oe = ø
mø means virgin female
pretty accurate

>> No.39075753

are you under the influence of any drug?

>> No.39075790


>> No.39075793


>> No.39075856
File: 2.04 MB, 4000x2252, 1647863719574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39075891
File: 123 KB, 358x245, 現実逃避.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy birthday

>> No.39075903
File: 606 KB, 971x2039, Screenshot_20220321-101408_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39075908

i spent my 20th birthday on my own playing mamagoto all day

>> No.39075917
File: 167 KB, 1152x2048, FOVUlN7VkAI1g1G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic tl note

>> No.39076034

My 19th birthday was a week ago, spent it alone and bought myself a cheese cake. I cheaped out on it and it wasn't even that nice

>> No.39076060


>> No.39076061

dame thought i was the youngest here

>> No.39076063


>> No.39076165

I consider learning jap to be part of living my life. I wanna get some friends and a gf maybe, but I'm very anxious around people

>> No.39076272

I feel so drained trying to learn even without putting effort in.

>> No.39076328

>Framtiden är ett svävande skepp, förankrat i forntiden

>> No.39076355


>> No.39076455

yuki is such a sweet babe. burst one of my best nuts to her

>> No.39076541
File: 153 KB, 679x603, steam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good vinnies on sale?

>> No.39076557

Mid day hype song.

>> No.39076558

I bought all 3 Utawarerumono games on my Argentine account for $4

>> No.39076609

very nice

>> No.39076955

>Yen has dropped to it lowest
Do a manga and light novel shopping spree right this instant

>> No.39076973

>manga and light novel shopping spree
they cant drop lower than the 0 yen i get them for already

>> No.39076990

ever since i started learning japanese there hasnt been anything worth readin

>> No.39077000

dangerously based

>> No.39077005

Why can't I stop following Japanese highschool girls on tiktok

>> No.39077012

fanza/pixiv shopping spree

>> No.39077031

dont be a meanie and share some

>> No.39077067

Ran out of time to do full 30 new words today. Will do 41 tomorrow

>> No.39077084

yeah thats why i dont do reps anymore i ran out of time haha

>> No.39077086

happy birthday man

>> No.39077128

recording guitar for obasan

>> No.39077208
File: 187 KB, 738x390, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. Sleepy time for me

>> No.39077249
File: 1 KB, 282x26, anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finna go for a nap now

>> No.39077267

you earned it, take care of yourself

>> No.39077571
File: 138 KB, 690x920, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i listen to さくら通信 and really like it.
do you have any other podcast suggestions bunko?

>> No.39077588

dame that post made my day
便所のつぶやき is pretty funny but most of it is paid now
think they have some of the best up still
otherwise yutotawa

>> No.39077667
File: 145 KB, 690x920, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks bunbrother, ill give them a listen

>> No.39077819
File: 284 KB, 1366x2048, FOVO5shaMAE2wn_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why art thou deliberating the spoken word of moon?

>> No.39077840

Ok post the same picture but this time a woman with long hair.

>> No.39077985 [DELETED] 

Fucking nigger faggot ENnigger

>> No.39078141
File: 319 KB, 480x338, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39078190

kamisama i kibou sore wa watashi

>> No.39078226
File: 1.27 MB, 2008x3008, s2_ Buruma (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your reps!

>> No.39078235

the kawaiiii one

>> No.39078249


>> No.39078284
File: 2.12 MB, 1280x720, 1646854927076.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its mostly purr purr purr purrr and nyaaa~

>> No.39078292
File: 19 KB, 606x271, Screenshot_20220321-155231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its pretty sugoi apparently

>> No.39078334
File: 421 KB, 1378x2039, Kiryu_Coco_Birthday_by_Houshou_Marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice! as for me, this is my alarm! wake up with a egao! https://youtu.be/MtwuyTvjVCw

>> No.39078344

oh, ina
nice choice

>> No.39078349


>> No.39078368

all holos are a niche japanese interest and most are learning japanese tho, i like sharing their journey

>> No.39078399

nice ヾ(*'。(’ー’*)ノ
you will make it! have you tried a dance class? it WILL get rid of your anxiety the same way throwing people in the deep part of the pool teaches them to swim, 50/50 anyway

>> No.39078420

oh god uwuuuuu

>> No.39078437

my type of girl doesnt go to dance classes

>> No.39078445


>> No.39078472

course, but you don't jump in the deep part of the pool to catch a fish, you do it to learn to swim, when you aren't anxious, you can go get any girl

girls react badly to fear, well, some, some are into it i guess

>> No.39078498

god i miss that dragon

>> No.39078516

None of the guides mention other fonts
When do I start learning them?
I've been picking out and reading kana I know when they appear in scanlated manga I'm reading, but different fonts make it hard for me to recognize them.
Does this problem resolve itself once you become more comfortable with recognizing the language?

>> No.39078553

meh what if you dont want to be able to dance

>> No.39078557

my type of girl writes 肉便器 on her torso and ties herself to a bathroom stall

>> No.39078653

it does that, fight on!

>> No.39078698

anki is stupid past a certain point cause you just fail the same few cards with weird readings over and over again until you see them in the wild again and can suddenly remember them in anki

>> No.39078735
File: 768 KB, 690x1200, E-glrMzVUAEi1TR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39078751

anki card with my highest number of lapses is 暖冬
no idea why i failed that card so often

>> No.39078789
File: 84 KB, 480x673, 001_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

words of the day

>> No.39078792


>> No.39078805
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, 1646177146638.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love your posts anon
bioenhancement bros...
im not happy hes dead but im happy hes gone ngl
true sleep is important
happy birthday bro
keep at it!
forgot writing this
liked shared and subscribed
this is why
okay! morning anki time
gonna try that
shes kson now
i don't think his point is about dancing ngl
never failed a card theres some i haven't succeeded yet at tho
god shes so wet

yosh time for anki

>> No.39078853
File: 231 KB, 889x1280, Kiryu_Coco_2_by_yaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ヾ(*'。(’ー’*)ノ love mass reply anon thanks for the yous! ヾ(*'。(’ー’*)ノ

>> No.39078876

thought of a good post but it has to wait until tomorrow

>> No.39078891
File: 1.43 MB, 960x540, 1644692593667.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame ksons model needs more that

>> No.39078915

never post tomorrow what yoh could post today what if you forget?

>> No.39078930
File: 149 KB, 700x992, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did she do it

>> No.39078932

acquired 暖冬

>> No.39078937

i set an alarm lol

>> No.39078951

>implying you wouldn't unload in fuuka

>> No.39078979

acquired 立派

>> No.39078982

something is rising and it isnt the shield hero

>> No.39078985

bro her mouth... bro...

>> No.39079044
File: 996 KB, 960x540, 1647133355330.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39079051
File: 31 KB, 747x386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It felt really tough today.
30 flunked reviews... remembering the readings of certain kanji is just brainmelting.
I think I'll need to make mnemonics or something for a few dastardly words that I keep getting wrong.

>> No.39079066

post them it would probably help

>> No.39079077

dunno your retention looks really good vro gj

>> No.39079122

id suck a dick for this 暗記力

>> No.39079128

I found a site with a lot of free children's picture books. More than tadoku.

>> No.39079143

you can look at wanikani mnemonics without needing an account

just replace the kanji/word in the link and hope wk has it

>> No.39079186

Maybe you're right, I'm not going to dig into the collection for every kanji that pisses me off, but it's probably a good idea to write them down while I do reviews from tomorrow.

It's a bit boosted since it's collection-wise, so it includes easy decks like the core 2.3k which is a bit redundant for me at this point, and the KKLC deck which doesn't need me to remember readings which is the hardest part for me, if I look just at mined words retention is a bit below 90. Still higher than 85 so I don't need to tweak settings to make it easier tho.

>> No.39079190
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, 1647051501384.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yosh thanks for sharing! saved

>> No.39079219
File: 648 KB, 829x1200, Burakku Gakkou Ni Tsutomete Shimatta Sensei - Raw - Chapter 6.4 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39079225

hmmm i can help with that, not the 暗記力 part but you never know...

>> No.39079227

This would have to be the best way to isekai yourself.

>> No.39079231
File: 561 KB, 835x1200, Burakku Gakkou Ni Tsutomete Shimatta Sensei - Raw - Chapter 12.1 - 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39079235


still waiting for the volumes to release before i read this

>> No.39079239
File: 34 KB, 659x401, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yomichan all my homies use this

>> No.39079270

i don't use any hovers or hookers and i thought we wuz bros... whats that?

morning emmersion bros hmjo 473

>> No.39079297

too much chocolate 糖尿病 ever closer

>> No.39079304


>> No.39079324

be careful with the chocolate

>> No.39079410

obasan called me チョコレート

>> No.39079440


>> No.39079459

dame i love women so much bros

>> No.39079461

did jamal ever come back? this place is shit now. dont know why you losers still come here

>> No.39079480

yeah he comes back to make posts without his trip like ^^^

>> No.39079485

wish he didn't ngl he really stinks up the place

>> No.39079504

years of blaming jamal for all the problems here that i still see a month after he left, cancel culture scum

>> No.39079508

i just dont bite his retard bait and let the cleaning crew know when he starts spamming about his cellulitic door prize or his mom or whatever the fuck else

>> No.39079526

best way to do things yeah

>> No.39079553
File: 672 KB, 1200x1380, 1647630771584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39079556

*wakes up*
*tabs into djt*
*presses end key*

>> No.39079577


>> No.39079582

she really was the best lol, going through her stuff https://youtu.be/eyF5YdlZk2Y

>> No.39079597

dame his jp voice is epic think im gonna rewatch it in jp holy nice

>> No.39079611

here's that nihongokyoshi grammar deck i mentioned one a few threads ago i said i'd make

https://mega.. nz/file/a1kUDJ7Q#5kC8IilPoa2Fw6UPCLUzsWbq3RNg9vxIL4ifzZs4ftE

>> No.39079646


>> No.39079673

didnt ask

>> No.39079711

now make a nihongojyoshi grammar deck and ill bite

>> No.39079720

thanks anon

>> No.39079883
File: 293 KB, 220x196, 1620647696557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to change the eng input included with the JP IME to follow a UK keyboard layout instead of a US one?

>> No.39079954


>> No.39080050

yeah you can change some registry settings in windows for that

>> No.39080812

This worked well, thank you anon

>> No.39081011
File: 335 KB, 585x576, qweqwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to be nice to your fellow anon, think 10 seconds before pressing submit on that mean comment, and lastly

dont be a meanie!

>> No.39081597

How long until I can play Disgaea in Japanese?

>> No.39082468
File: 255 KB, 1000x1200, FOWKp07XMAUB-a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39082497
File: 3.30 MB, 6016x4016, 1647752319909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy birthday bro! hope youre hungry, help yourself

>> No.39083586
File: 60 KB, 831x678, lakshg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39083598

You cannot learn grammar outside of input.

>> No.39083613

Comfortably? about 4500 hours. Or you could start today with a dictionary.

>> No.39084403

what else do i study after im done with my daily cards

>> No.39084924

is this any good, who is it targeted at?

>> No.39084953

it's going to take time but the thread will heal, i know it

>> No.39085128 [DELETED] 

>you kicked all the black people out but the infrastructure is still damaged!
yea no shit idiot.
