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3900795 No.3900795 [Reply] [Original]

New Lance thread.


>> No.3900798
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>> No.3900806

not sure if troll, well anyway it's already been romanized as Rance officially for a long time now

>> No.3900808

No. No. No.

This is all wrong.

You used a picture from Lance 6.

>> No.3900810

Lance, so good.

>> No.3900813

We'll never know if it's an R or an L...
Curse you Alicesoft for not having voice acting in your games !

>> No.3900817


But they do.

>> No.3900818

i once knew a guy named lance. he was a total faggot. looks like they both have something in common.

>> No.3900828

Lance is more of a man than you will ever be.

>> No.3900830

Wait... there is a Rance game with va ?

>> No.3900833


Not Rance. But you said Alicesoft in general.

>> No.3900835


The OVA. It also happens to be titled Rance.

>> No.3900842

Do they read the ラ as La or Ra ?

>> No.3900844

The OVA has voice acting. As expected it's pronounced with an L, just like it's spelled in Japanese, but it's fine to write it as "Rance" since traditional romanization rules automatically default both R and L sounds to R (which is why Japanese still have issues with those consonants).

I just spelled it Lance to agitate the sticks in some people's asses and get the thread going. It's all good.

>> No.3900858
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But they've always been spelling it "Rance"

>> No.3900869

Goddamnit I've been reading his name as Rance all this time.

>> No.3900878

Yes, it's technically the correct romanization for ランス.

Clarification: it's not *pronounced* Rance but it's *written* Rance anyway (because of standards).

>> No.3900879

>As expected it's pronounced with an L
No, it's pronounced with a ラ

>> No.3900974
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More posting less bitching

>> No.3900986


I don't cry out for mama,so no.

>> No.3900988
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You can run, but can't escape Tokugawa...

>> No.3900992

Do people think they're making some sort of impact by shitposting using sage?

>> No.3900995

Condense your thread you fucking faggots.

>> No.3901000
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u mad?

>> No.3901007

Sengoku Lance ?

more like Sengoku Ranch amirite?

>> No.3901014
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Best Apostle?

>> No.3901022

Nah, I just find it funny people havent picked that one up since 2004

>> No.3901046
File: 281 KB, 640x480, CG0579.QNT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so sad

>> No.3901075

How can anyone be sad if they have a hannypot thingy!
With a bird thingy!
With a hat on the bird thingy!

>> No.3901123
File: 84 KB, 640x480, CG1366.QNT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Rance starts seeing after Sengoku Rance

>> No.3901126

sill and magic fusion?

>> No.3901128
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>> No.3901131

...that Sill?

>> No.3901146
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>> No.3901152
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Sill enough?

>> No.3901155

how is this game? been meaning to try it out for some time now

>> No.3901157


>> No.3901158

I wish his pokemon weren't so weak against ice

>> No.3901160


Also, his name has been consistently spelled RANCE in every piece of media he's been in for 20 fucking years.

>> No.3901164
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>> No.3901165


>> No.3901167

Large, character clearing can get complicated as can routes, protagonist is both awesome and an ass, he's an awesome ass protagonist.

Why haven't you played it yet, get to it.

>> No.3901192


If you can stomach the idea of helping protagonist who is a rapist and a douchebag who loves fucking the girl in front of her dying father,why yes it's good for you.

>> No.3901200

>Dying father.

>> No.3901201

>loves fucking the girl in front of her dying father
wat that never happened.

>> No.3901212


He was almost killed by Lance, and forced to watch his daughter being raped in front of him, all the while Lance is laughing his head silly.

>> No.3901215

Well her father wasn't dieing at least, not that she didn't deserve it mind you. Stupidly offering herself to some hermit in exchange for turning back your army then ruining the whole thing and getting conquered anyway, pure idiocy.

>> No.3901220

but it was nagihime so it's ok

>> No.3901222

She wasn't a virgin anyway, the slut.

>> No.3901225

He was wounded and incapacitated by Rance, not even mortally wounded. And just so you know, what broke him was not Rance raping his daughter in front of him but learning what his daughter had done of her own free will.

>> No.3901226


Oh, but don't worry.She becomes insane later on so no need to feel bad raping her.

>> No.3901230

Yes! Another victim. More free bumps. No, the sages won't protect you from other people replying and bumbing the thread.

Indeed, it's occasionally (couple times per game, some title screens) spelled Rance due to romanization standards. However its real written form is ランス (used well over 99% of the time), and is pronounced Lance.

And there's nothing you can do about it!


>> No.3901233

His own fault for attacking Oda needlessly.

>> No.3901237

>>3900844 As expected it's pronounced with an L, just like it's spelled in Japanese, but it's fine to write it as "Rance" since traditional romanization rules automatically default both R and L sounds to R (which is why Japanese still have issues with those consonants).

ITT We know nothing about Japanese

>> No.3901238

and we care about this why?

>> No.3901244


Which is considerably an applausible act of self sacrifice, unlike the other major slut that's Kenshin who basically handed over her country so that she could get fucked.

>> No.3901250


Lance was about to go and rape their country anyway.

>> No.3901251
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>> No.3901259

Oops, you failed. Try again. Unless you disagree with Sill's voice actress and my Japanese teacher, both native speakers? Let me know where that gets you.
I don't know. Why do you?

This is great. I'm being a troll, but I'm doing it for a just cause. The people *will* know. It's written Rance in romaji, but pronounced Lance.


>> No.3901267


She purposefully lost to Rance everytime on the battlefield, I'd bet her crotch is flooding right there.The whore.

>> No.3901272

It wasn't sacrifice, it was stupidity. You honestly think the fact that she went behind her father's back despite that he turned down the hermit's offer, despite the fact that she was more important to him then his own life, a sacrifice?
A sacrifice for whom exactly? her country? her people? hell they could have just surrendered if that were the case. A sacrifice for her father? sacrifice is about giving up something for another because it is what they wish for, not what you THINK they want, she didn't even consider her father's feelings. Her actions were just stupid and ended up being worthless anyway.

>> No.3901277
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>The people *will* know. It's written Rance in romaji, but pronounced Lance.

Most of us (all) know that already.
Enjoy your "trolling".

>> No.3901279

Good troll, nice troll, want a cookie?

>> No.3901281


Tis' sad when some people played too much rape games they think they're the protagoist.

Nope, I'm not the guy you're arguing with but seeing a bad troll makes me sad.

>> No.3901308

She's sacrificing herself for her country,not her father.

And nobody in their right mind would've chosen to surrender to a foriegner who went around killing people to get their women. Which makes Kenshin a bigger slut.

>> No.3901340

The fact that this game forces you onto the helping role of protagonist which you don't have control over his actions really reduces its great value otherwise.

I mean, there're some other rape games like this, but they'd have given the choice of raping or not.It sucks to go to efforts helping a guy conquer a whole nation and then he went on and did something that don't quite suit your taste.

>> No.3901345

There's an OVA ? Where do I get it ?

>> No.3901352

Uh, her father did want to surrender you know.
If she wanted to sacrifice herself for her country then she should have gone along with her father's thoughts of surrendering instead of trying to put up a resistance.

I don't really care who the bigger slut is, but just to get your story straight it was her uncle that rebelled against her and she surrendered to him, not Rance. Least that is one of the possible outcomes.

>> No.3901399


Like I said, it's the sacrifice for her country not her father.Learn to read.

>it was her uncle that rebelled against her and she surrendered to him, not Rance. Least that is one of the possible outcomes.

But it was her that constantly went into battle, and then run away on purpose, leaving her countries to a rapist conqueror just so she can get fucked.

Her uncle did the right thing in surrendering, because he knew there's no chance of winning with the slut being their top general who literally gave up battle after battle on purpose.

>> No.3901403

>As expected it's pronounced with an L

The Japanese don't pronounce L or R. But they have a sound that's similar to both, and can be taken either way.

>traditional romanization rules automatically default both R and L sounds to R


>(which is why Japanese still have issues with those consonants)

They don't have an issue with them. They just don't have them.

>> No.3901414

>Least that is one of the possible outcomes.
That is the only possible outcome as the Rance 7 epilogue can show that Kenshin isn't a mindraped sex slave.

>> No.3901434
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I could tell you, but this thread is shit. It started with a troll post by that butthurt faggot that still goes about calling Rance, lance and shitty trolling.

>> No.3901439

>rapist conqueror
Not a bad thing when it's Rance actually

>> No.3901445
File: 9 KB, 258x288, FU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to the people calling kenshin a slut

>> No.3901446

>this thread
>idiot that thinks Rance is Lance

>> No.3901451

Pretty sure it's just one person. The same one who calls Rance Lance. That samefag ksdev.

>> No.3901486

Why is his name lance if he uses a sword.

>> No.3901491

Sengoku Dance

>> No.3901512

Uh okay then.

>Like I said, it's the sacrifice for her country not her father.Learn to read.

And like I said, if it was for a country she should have gone with her father's wishes and surrendered. Having good intentions does not make something a sacrifice nor does it make it any less stupid.
How does a "sacrifice" mean anything if all it does is hurt the ones you love, she never considered any of that. Her actions, even if things had worked out would have only hurt those closest to her, that is why it was stupid.

As for Kenshin her uncle did do the right thing by surrendering yes, but you do realize that Kenshin would have had no reason to surrender since she alone would have been able to tear apart Rance's army and her uncle was plotting to usurp her position long before Rance came around. Also she WAS trying push aside her feelings for Rance, albeit unsuccessfully, it does seem like the reasonable thing to do. But setting that aside, I have trouble seeing Kenshin as anything more then a joke character really.

>> No.3901528

Sengoku Trance

>> No.3901534


The lance is in his pants.

>> No.3901537

Sengoku France

>> No.3901540

Sengoku Ranch

>> No.3901542

That's a hyper weapon.

>> No.3901551

Is that a new harvest moon?

Sengoku Prance

>> No.3901553

Sengoku Pantsu.

>> No.3901564

Sengoku Suigintsu

>> No.3901565
File: 24 KB, 200x200, elmer_fudd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll get that wascally Wance.

>> No.3901569


It is.
But when it comes to categorizing weapons, would you not agree that the hyper weapon is a PIERCING weapon?

What weapons do you think of when you think of piercing?

A bow? Surely not, the hyper weapon is capable of CONTINUOUS FIRE
A rapier? Surely the hyper weapon could never be categorized as something so thin.

How about a Lance? It's big, sturdy, and most of all... quite long.

>> No.3901572

yeah, okay, now I have an image of Elmer dry humping Rance in my head, thanks loads.

>> No.3901577

lance who?

>> No.3901590

Lance? it's closer to a laser rifle, or more specifically a highly pressurized jet stream rifle.

>> No.3901676

bump for great justice!

>> No.3901693

I agree.

>> No.3901745
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As much as Kensei disgusts me, still have some faint understanding for why he acts the way he does.
Note how there isn't much mentioned about Kenshin's parents, nor about any other senior member of the core clan - Kensei is the only other blood relative who appears in person. Also note how Kenshin is introduced as traditionally at war with Takeda, something Kensei - being a coward at heart - doesn't seem too happy about.
It's possible Kensei has been Kenshin's "caretaker" up until she came of age, and cowardly as he is may have been groveling politically to keep some sort of ceasefire with Takeda. So it can be understood that he hates Kenshin's guts since she 1) went and ruined his efforts by waging war on Takeda and 2) dared wage war on Takeda, which he never did.

Or maybe I'm just reading too much detail out of a porn game.

>> No.3901867

Kenshin wages war against all she considered unjust, who actually started the war between them and the Takeda tho.
And I have no qualms about the way her uncle acted, I'm satisfied with killing him.

>> No.3901906
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Indeed. Perhaps a lawful neutral asshole, but still an asshole.

And when it comes down to it, he's basically just throwing a drawn out tantrum because he can't live with Kenshin doing a good job.

>> No.3902009

Rance Vance? What the hell kind of name is that?

>> No.3902048
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I am disapoint

>> No.3902063 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on a n o n t a l k . com ok thanks and a hav a good day

>> No.3902102
File: 34 KB, 600x694, 898608-lancevancelookingchil_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Lance Vance

>> No.3902569

How do I fuck up Byakko.

That motherfucker doesn't stop.

>> No.3903372
File: 1.95 MB, 1168x901, tougoumod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenshin rules the Erebus

>> No.3903377

Use the switch command wisely (and buff up your officers).

>> No.3903383


Lance Vance & Rance cossack Dance.

>> No.3903411

Who's Rance VA in the OVA?

>> No.3903533

It's obviously the guy who did Dark Shneider, but I don't remember his name.

>> No.3903736

Do you still get an action fan at 50 SAT points if you start with the bonus one?

>> No.3903753


>> No.3903834

The Don dies so easily
