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3889951 No.3889951 [Reply] [Original]

So I finally got Ran and was in the process of unlocking the dungeon when suddenly Xavier broke the fifth seal that's hojo before I get to the dungeon..

Why the fuck is Houjou's seal broken so quickly ? Is it always broken right after you conquer Houjou house ?

>> No.3889971


>> No.3889972

Every seal is broken the immediate turn after said house is conquered.

>> No.3890286

what game ?

>> No.3890294

You must be new here, leave and never come back.

>> No.3890303

Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI

>> No.3890309

Sengoku Battletoads

>> No.3890333

it's random, if there is no important beginning of turn event that pushes it back the seal will always break the next turn you conquer a gourd country. Don't conquer too many gourd houses if you want to go for the ran route. The only option you have is release ran out of prison and talk to her twice in the same turn, and explore the oil dungeon. basically you need 3 action fans or you are fucked.

>> No.3890364

Nobunaga's ambition 8

>> No.3890508

If you want to do Ran, you need to skip Iga and go south through the raccoons and hanis. That way, you have enough gourds left over to get through all of the events in order to get into Ran easily.

>> No.3890535

Why would anyone even want to conquer Iga? Crappy commanders (Inukai included) and a freaking gourd.

>> No.3890546


>> No.3890577

Gourd breaking isn't always delayed by a beginning-of-turn event. Sometimes it happens on the very next turn.

You have three action fans.

Assuming you recruited Ran and talked to her once in a previous turn...

1. Conquer Houjou
2. Talk to Ran for the 2nd time to unlock the dungeon
3. Do dungeon, enter Ran route

The name of the game is Sengoku Rance, by the way.

>> No.3890585


I didn't think you could recruit Ran before conquering Houjou.

>> No.3890604

Of course you can, in battle

>> No.3890624

That's right, the name of the game is Sengoku Rance, and

You can find a walkthrough and other guides if you look at this link: http://alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Sengoku_Rance_guides (Walkthrough and Character Clears are your two best friends)

>> No.3890651

If you didn't capture Ran before conquering Hojo, you will get neither Ran route, nor Houjou, and I'm pretty sure Ran will die as long as Hojo didn't run off to the dungeon before you capture the country. So enjoy your true route with neither Ran nor Hojo.

>> No.3890660

Not a big loss. Ran's route was shit.

>> No.3890669

I should have specified in my earlier post:

You can recruit Ran as soon as Souun has left for the dungeon, meaning you can talk to her while Houjou is still up (which will allow you to access her 2nd purple event in the same turn you fully conquer Houjou).

>> No.3891045

I'm starting Free For All for the first time, playing as Shimazu.
I have some questions about FFA.

First, there's this Benroku Challenge or something like that. I see that it's basically a survival mode, except I can only use my troops once.
Questions is, just how many fights are there? I went up to 3 (could've done more of course, but I didn't know what it was and used up 6 units for the first fight). And, what do I get when I win?

Are textbooks acquired in this mode? Can you upgrade a commander via affection or anything? Anyway to get more fans?

>> No.3891056

>Benroku Challenge

Not remembering well but I think someone said 8 battles, 4 of them easy, one of each Textbook2 (including Action) for winning.

>> No.3891066

8 huh? Hm, that might be a bit much. I can capture and recruit troops from other countries, right? Does this include the Demon Army?

>> No.3891084

You can capture generics from any other faction.
You can capture uniques too but you have to conquer their faction first, wait until they get hired by other factions and then capture them (kinda like Torako, Katsuko and Honda Masanobu in the real game).

>> No.3891098

Is it possible to capture the generals from Takeda?

Having to deal with them on both attack and defense is killing me.

>> No.3891105

By uniques, do you mean unique generics (eg Torako), or also actual characters (eg Keikoku)

>> No.3891107

Can you even get Keikoku?

>> No.3891115

1. Take them by force
2. Survive Blitz
3. Wait until they are hired and then you capture them
4. Get House Bonus

>> No.3891120

She's in the Demon Army

>> No.3891139
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I'm trying to build the best damn army possible.
Easy mode, all items as bonuses, goal: 9999 troops with 9/9/9/9 stats and max levels.

>> No.3891146


>> No.3891164

let me guess
Kai's last house

>> No.3891258

I've tried just about everything I can think of to conquer them by brute force, but I can't handle more than one of their 1200+ sized units per turn, so it's proving impossible to finish them. I thought I'd try to capture them.

Time to start slogging away.

>> No.3891427

Conquering them via brute force is the easiest way available. If somehow you can't do it, you're pretty much screwed (unless you're in a route where Xavier would murder them for you).

It should be quite doable though. They're strong but they shouldn't be able to win against your best team (or Ikkyu, that little dude is absurdly good).

>> No.3891436
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Already overused Ikkyu, that said...

VICTORY muahahahah

>> No.3891634


There's a difference between capturing a unit and recruiting a unit. I did not think you could recruit Ran until Houjou had been conquered, just like you can't recruit any Takuga commander until Takuga is captured, Ryouma joins, and either spend an action talking to Ryouma or letting the start-of-turn events enable you to recruit Gon and the siblings.

>> No.3891694
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And must I get the scene with all of them?

The only one's that is fighting against me is Kenshin's and there are two gourds left

Oh yeah. Go to the Ran route quickly.

Just blitz once Hojo's gone.

>> No.3891705
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You'll only see a scene after the first and third losses. Just send her solo in a attack and after she loses the first time don't replenish the troops.

>> No.3891720

Or use the three auto-losses against Akashi if you haven't conquered him yet.

>> No.3891724

It's rather surprising how I did it. Conquered Ashikaga, the other tiny country (forgot the name), Tenshin, Tokugawa, the Hannys, made Texas an ally, Avoided Iga

attack and attack Hojo. To the point where Ran is captured.

Then blitz

Talk to Ran two times and dungeon.

By the time I'm in the Ran Route, Xavier sill has two gourds yet to break.

>> No.3891748
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Fuck. I thought I was supposed to see the scene for the second one so I used up all my auto-losses.

Either way.... Kazemaru = MANLY TEARS

>> No.3891769

how's that scene come up

>> No.3891801


My guess is that it's the dream scene you get if you visit the gender bending temple then leave without converting any character into a female.

>> No.3892093

Is there any meaning in Lance's themesong being what it is?

Why Germany?

>> No.3892107


You're a funny guy, anonymous. I like you.

>> No.3892117 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on a n o n t a l k . com ok thanks and a hav a good day

>> No.3892141

japoneseses cannot pronounce retter r

why call him rance

>> No.3892179

Because they can't pronounce r or l, and use the same sound for both letters. Which is used for spelling comes entirely down to convention, and the convention here (and everywhere else) is 'Rance'.

>> No.3892238

If I let the Mouri take over the Akashi House, can I still get Kazemaru?

>> No.3892580

Obviously not

>> No.3892623



>> No.3893209

I'm trying to cure Mouri's curse, I took over Takuga and Izumo, and have all the Takuga people in my army, but I still don't see the even I'm supposed to do. Is it a beginning of turn event? I've been waiting for a while, and it hasn't triggered.

>> No.3893212

Oh, never mind, I'm an idiot. I hadn't actually researched the dungeon there.

>> No.3893283

When did people stop using the Alicesoft wiki? I'm reading too many silly questions in this thread.


>> No.3893673
File: 40 KB, 480x360, rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because its Rance and not Lance.
That's all there is to it, period.

>> No.3893957

Actually it *is* Lance.

They use the same consonant for L and R. Usually it sounds more like L (and in this case, "Rance" is clearly pronounced "Lans"), but when they converted the name to roman letters, they simply used the "standard" romanization for their L/R consonant (which happens to be R, because the person who arranged the standard romanization was a poopyhead). To this day, because they were taught that their L sound was written with an R, most Japanese use R for L and L for R.

I personally write "Rance" when typing in English because it's the official English name and it makes communication easier, but in reality it's "ランス", which is the written form of a name that is pronounced "Lans".

>> No.3893966

Or pronounced Rance.

Of course, I've never played the game, don't know if it has voice acting, and am a shitty troll, so all of this is moot.

>> No.3893989


Alicesoft is too much of a cheap bastard company to use voice acting in half their games. Protip: Rance is a real name and is often used by southern hicks, not a wacky japanese screwup of "Lance".

>> No.3894002

AliceSoft are the only eroge company that can get away with not voicing their games (since 2005 - it was still somewhat acceptable in 2004 and the two best-selling titles of the year were unvoiced) and use their unique position in order to drastically reduce production costs on titles that they can get away with. Rance 2 in Alice 2010 will not be voiced either.

>> No.3894008

He was named Rance, written as Rance, and supposed to be Rance. What's so hard in accepting it?

>> No.3894016

The OVA, as bad as it may be, does have voice acting (duh).

His name is meant to be said as "Lans" and is written "ランス" (which is pronounced "Lans" too).

The only version with an R is the romanization "Rance" and even that was meant to be said "Lans".

They do it all the time. If you've watched "Ranma", they clearly pronounce "Lanma".

>> No.3894024

The sound is neither L nor R, it is /ɽ/ and is not used in English.
STEEL is a critically well-received 2005 title that did not contain voice acting, but it's the only non-AliceSoft I can think of.

>> No.3894051

The Japanese consonant is somewhere between R and L, yes, but it does vary depending on which word it's used in (and usually it's closer to L). In this case it's around 90% L and 10% R.

The standard romanization process is quite flawed in this regard. Throwing R everywhere is just not smart.

Either way, since Rance is the official romanization, it's fine to write it that way. Technically Lance is fine too, it's non-standard but superior romanization.

Just remember, if you say it aloud, it's "Lans".

And since 4chan isn't fully voiced (thank the gods), it means that no matter which of those ways it's typed, no one can tell if anyone else has got it wrong or not! Beautiful.

>> No.3894081
File: 77 KB, 640x480, thisthreadi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone writes it as Rance
>Ova opening even had the name written as Rance as shown in >>3893673
>Nowhere is it ever written as 'Lance'
>Some dude is, despite all of this, still saying "Actually no dudes, its lance"

>> No.3894091

alicesoft knows how 'lance' is spelled, thank you. they also know that their protagonist's name is not lance.

>> No.3894124


>> No.3894133

So much denial. You've got to accept the facts.

There's three instances of his name being used.

1. Pronunciation, originating from creators of the character: "Lans"
2. Written form, again by the creators of the character: "ランス", which if said aloud is pronounced "Lans".
3. Oh, here we are. The third, most obscure occurrence. This is practically never used (maybe twice per game, in the credits or something). It's the romanized version of ランス and is written "Rance" . Please note that romanized versions of this consonant default to "R" even if they're clearly using "L". Also note that although this particular way of writing the character's name is almost never used, it's the name that Englishfags will see most often since they are illiterate in the original language. This may lead to confusion on the part of ignorant players.

Clear evidence against obscure usage, who wins?

It's Lance.

>> No.3894136

>thank the gods
I disagree. 4chan would be awesome if it was voiced by Wakamoto. Or by Shodan va.

>> No.3894140


>> No.3894147


>> No.3894152

>So much denial. You've got to accept the facts.
Indeed, you have to accept the fact that its spelled RANCE IN EVERY TRANSLATION AND EVEN IN THE OVA.
It's right there >>3893673
But sure, keep yourself in denial about Lans/Lance. Even if it is never, ever translated as such anywhere.

>> No.3894317

Killing Takeda house by force, can you use battle permits and still count as "by force"?

>> No.3894360

Yes since you have to beat the last house

>> No.3894473



>> No.3894476

Ranmaru has joined Shimazu

>> No.3894477

She's only interested in lolicons, she wants to be the little girl apparently.

>> No.3894489

Shimazu makes me rage ;_;

>> No.3894501

Holy shit.

Why didn't they make that the way to clear her? She finds the temple of loli, or a youkai whose curse makes someone eternally childlike in body, and gets Katsuie's interest that way.

It would have been a hell of a lot less creepy than to actually adopt a little girl and use her as a lure for her lolikon love interest.

>> No.3894507

Not sure either of them would have gone for that.

>> No.3894516

But, but...

Tiny Ranmaru-chan running around all cutelike...


>> No.3894522

I think that is what she would have opposed to.

>> No.3894549


It wouldn't have shown the full extent of Ranmaru's cunning.

>> No.3894551

Does anyone have that image of Akuji, Rance, and Rouga?

>> No.3894556
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That fucking SLUT

>> No.3894582


>> No.3894636

Yes! Lanmaru-channnnnnnnnnn!


>> No.3894903

Are the # Ninja units useful for anything?

They're pretty funny to look at.

>> No.3894913

No, not really

>> No.3894930

They can remove buffs like Tacticians.
If you "accidentally" capture one or two I guess you could include one in each of your Takeda blitz-stopping teams, they'll weaken the generals a hell of a lot early in the fight.

>> No.3894996

I forgot to mention why it's so much better than a Tactician's...

Units don't necessarily act in order according to their speeds. There's a hidden value for class. Ninjas, Ashigaru and Muskets tend to act early, while Mages and Tacticians are super slow.

Because of this unusual class/ability combination, a Goninja will remove opponent buffs almost immediately in a fight, while a Tactician would do it after almost every enemy has acted at least once.

>> No.3895057

>It's Lance, not Rance!
It's like that "It's Len, not Ren" garbage all over again!

>> No.3895141

Wow, what the fuck.
The Mouri just took over those musket folk, is it still possible to get any of the decent Musketeers?

>> No.3895170

Yes, and monks are also really freaking slow. Diviners aren't too bad, though. My Omachi with 9 speed and speed luck always went first, and often enough could get a Large Lightning off without anyone being able to touch her that she raped.

... I wish I took One Eye bonus this time ;_;

>> No.3895183

Nope, and if they steal one of your characters you will never be able to rehire her.

>> No.3895188


>> No.3895209

Shit sucks.
I really wanted that blockhead too.

I can't hack him in? FFFFF

>> No.3895216

no, not that you would need one. just get maria instead.

>> No.3895954

the wiki is weird, it says you have to block all four blitz but then it says you only have to block one. What is required to get the Takeda house bonus?

>> No.3895960

Have all four generals, send them into battle together (or was it a beginning of turn event?)

>> No.3895979

You have to conquer by force in one game, block the complete blitz and do the "assassination" in another, capture all four generals, and send them into battle together. This has been said countless times and is on the wiki.

I'm continually amazed by the ineptitude of questioners in these threads.

>> No.3895987
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Maybe. But it fits her already slightly creepy character perfectly.

"Oh, it was so tragic, her parents died in the war (like, yesterday). I just had to take pity on her, she needs a mother and a father..."

>> No.3895994

A "blitz" here is a series of attacks.

So you have to block all four attacks (one "blitz").

Then to get the Takeda bonus, wait until the three generals are hired by other nations, capture them, recruit them and send them all to battle together.

>> No.3896006

Actually you can do both in one game. That too is mentioned in the wiki.

>> No.3896045

So, completing the takeover and reloading an earlier save will preserve the trigger?

I thought you had to beat that particular game, first.

>> No.3896060

I would have guessed so too, but there's been several reports that it does work. You beat them via brute force, make sure the game saves afterwards, reload to before they were conquered and then the game should act like the first condition has been met.

>> No.3896167

any tips on blocking a full blitz? I always get stomped by the end.

>> No.3896263

Try to have at least one Ashigaru per attack so you can minimize damage as much as possible. Try to use ones that won't die on the 3rd or 4th battles: if Katsuie has Kou inside his unit, he's immune to death after battle, and same with a unit equipped with the fox deity charm. Use Shikigami guards on other Ashigaru.
Use Rance early since if he dies, it's all over (I'd imagine, very frustrating if he's the only death in the 4th battle).
The rest is pretty standard. Every fight is progressively harder so keep your best characters (like Natori) for those. Kenshin and Uruza's action-eating abilities are very valuable against Yamagata.
All Takeda generals always start will all four buffs, so you can use Tacticians (or ideally Goninjas) to remove those buffs and thus make the fights much easier.
Obviously, remember that all four generals can also attack the back row. Your glass cannons are at risk.
I'm probably forgetting a bunch of things. Basically, use common sense.

>> No.3896439

Why is killing Byakko so damn hard.


Any pointers?

>> No.3897635 [SPOILER] 
File: 112 KB, 800x600, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hehehe, poor (R/L)ance.

>> No.3897646

What? Seriously? What's your army look like?

>> No.3898368
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I gonna do kenshin route, and i wonder, what family bonus i should pick, if i want maximum possible scenes, i heard, that takeda and otheres have interactions with kenshin, so i'm not really sure.

>> No.3898382
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Hitting the nail right on the head.

>> No.3898384

Ran route.
So far the Shimzau bros. haven't stolen anyone and I have a bunch of orges running around.

And I'm delaying Takeda as hard as I can

I have 4 nation power left before it dips

>> No.3898391

You had to stole kurohime, you moron.

>> No.3898395

So I can kidnap her before the guys take one of mine?

>> No.3898404

no, just give them most useless.

>> No.3898405

No, you can only do so after they steal at least one girl and start-of-turn event triggers where Rance plots his revenge.

>> No.3898413

damnit, no answers again.

>> No.3898428

So if they take one of my regulars, I could restart again and again?

>> No.3898435

Keep doing this till they take someone you do not care much about.

>> No.3898745

Do you keep the clear bonuses you buy in subsequent playthroughs, or can you only use them for that playthrough?

>> No.3898747

Everything you unlock and earn stays forever.

>> No.3898751

You'll have to rebuy them, but you won't have to unlock them again

>> No.3900602

These threads have been sparse lately.

Maybe because everyone's busy with finals and such? It's that time of the trimester. I know I haven't been able to play in a while. In fact I haven't seen Winter Alice yet!

>> No.3900621


Or maybe some of us got tired of those tormenting rape scenes and uninstalled this shit.

Seriously, I was half way on Ran's route when I realised I couldn't put up with Rance faggotry any longer and decided to drop it.

>> No.3900630

maybe you should stick to something at your own capacity, like Disney movies

>> No.3900634


I like how you simple minded underage& tend to join the bandwagon without even know the origin of that meme.

>> No.3900636


You never saw Disney ? Not ever once ?

What a sad pathetic life you are.

>> No.3900638
File: 9 KB, 100x115, gahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gahaha, praise me more.

>> No.3900648

>Implying Disney/Real Deal is a meme

>> No.3900657
File: 21 KB, 688x387, nice guy in glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying implication

>> No.3900658

You're both humongous faggots.
Do us all a favor and make it a double suicide.

>> No.3900661

Holy shit, I just left Houjou alive to see how Xavier destroy it, and man, that was fucking awesome. Souun is a real man ;__;
Also I was fucking laughing so hard when Yuzumi barged into Tokugawa's room to steal the racoon that is always sleeping, and Tokugawa is like "Oh god, not again"

>> No.3900667

this, please

>> No.3900673


what did soun do?

>> No.3900675
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And then nothing of value is said and done.

>> No.3900679
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>> No.3900681

tripfags>stupid trolls like you.

>> No.3900688


>trolls calling trolls

Oh look, how creative.

>> No.3900695
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