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38948790 No.38948790 [Reply] [Original]

There are literal Gods walking around one Mountain Hike away.

>> No.38948975

Gods need faith to survive so as long as Gensokyo has more atheists than religious zealots all the gods and youkai would die out.

>> No.38949015

Imagine unironically thinking some retards that require you to believe in them in order to exist are actually gods rather than subhuman. Look, humans might need food, water, sleep, and many other things in order to keep living and if you take all of these away they die but they leave something, their corpse, their property, sings that they once existed but with 2hus, things are different, when they die they leave nothing, they just fade away. This has been implied multiple times throughout several mangas.

>> No.38949272

It means she pays them no reverence, and why should she? It's not like they've ever done anything for her.

But Sakuya is also not really the brightest, contrary to appearances and how cool she can be

>> No.38949292

> But Sakuya is also not really the brightest
Yeah that seems to be the case with most of these girls. It feels like entering Gensokyou gives you a -75% Intelligence debuff.

>> No.38949314

Gensokyo "gods" are just arrogant youkai who think they're important. Ignore them for a while and they'll start begging you for faith.

Nonsense, Sakuya is perfect. This is a fact.

>> No.38949436

>Gensokyo "gods" are just arrogant youkai who think they're important. Ignore them for a while and they'll start begging you for faith.
Based, haughty gods won't so be snobbish when you deprive them of reverance or faith

>> No.38949495

>But Sakuya is also not really the brightest
After reading CDS I don't think any of them are that smart...

>> No.38949542

CDS wasn't really when I noticed it. It was SSiB, Yukari's plan was pretty retarded and Eirin was made a totally fool (which to be honest she was, she freaking slipped up the fact the she knew what they were doing during the Party in front of Reimu and Yuyuko heard her). The only one who doesn't seem to have an IQ around Room temperature was Yuyuko.

>> No.38949706
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>> No.38949795

You post this here after you saw this on Reddit didnt you?

>> No.38949818

I had this in mind for a week or so but was to lazy to find this penal while looking for it on googled I found on Reddit. So yes kinda but not really.

>> No.38951134

Uh oh /jp/ is gonna get mad

>> No.38952071

Every fucking time. Why have there been so many reddit crossposts here recently?

>> No.38952650

Maybe we're being raided.
Maybe a cancerous e-celeb made a video mentioning /jp/.

>> No.38953543


>> No.38956635

She might think they're not Gods but simply some type of Youkai or Spirit. If I could fight somebody who proclaims themselves a God in a 1v1 and win then I wouldn't believe them too.

>> No.38956946

The western and Eastern concept of gods is very different. Sakuya is seemingly from the west and therefore doesn't think much of the gods of the east.

>> No.38956971

Sakuya is a human slut cumdumpster

>> No.38956982

> The western and Eastern concept of gods is very different
Mind explaining that to me?

>> No.38957867

...Do I have to? I don't visit /jp/ to explain complex theological differences, you know.

Well, whatever, might as well since I brought it up. So, basically, the western idea of god is all powerful and all knowing. The benevolent sky daddy, and all that. Meanwhile, the Eastern idea is closer to old pagan religions. The gods are powerful, and do usually rule the world. But they are far from all powerful and all knowing.

In japan specifically, translating "Kami" as "God" is kind of inaccurate. The two are pretty different concepts, both practically and philosophy. Kami can certainly be godlike, but a lot of them are basically nature spirits or even venerated ancestors. If anything, the better translation of "Kami" would probably be Numinous.

>> No.38958201

I see, thank you.

>> No.38958798

>The only one who doesn't seem to have an IQ around Room temperature was Yuyuko
That's funny considering she looks like a retard in PCB.

>> No.38959061

Do we even know which 2hu Dieties are Gods? Okina most likely is one, Suwako and Kanako are most likely too, Hecatia and Junko are definitely Gods too. What about the Aki Sisters, Eirin, Chimata or Hina? Are they "proper" Gods too?

>> No.38959106

It's always the ones who you least expect. It's kinda funny now to read all those rather old fanfiction, doujins or discussions where Yukari is depicted as an all powerful, omnipotent, mysterious creature whose Intelligence couldn't possibly be comprehended yet alone rivaled by those around her and whose plans and goals are outside of our Understanding.

>> No.38959632

Speaking of SSiB , why did Yukari antagonise the Lunarians with her Invasion and Infertration of the Moon? It's seems awfully stupid to do so, especially since the Lunarians are waaaay more powerful the the residents of Gensokyou. The whole operation was a great danger to all of Gensokyou's wellbeing. A Luna retaliation would've been the end of Gensokyou, so why did she do it?

>> No.38960636

to style on lunarians and to teach eirin a lesson about fearing the unknown

>> No.38960698

And then, years later, we have Yukari begging Sagume for help just because Heca and Junko came to danmaku festival. Truly charismatic and fear inducing.

>> No.38960752

>Aki sisters
Yes, they're gods.
I think so, yeah.
A "God" can qualify as a lot of different things in both Buddhism and Shintoism bro.

>> No.38961896

> Yukari begging Sagume for help just because Heca and Junko came to danmaku festival.
When did this happen?

>> No.38962153

Do you worship your drinking buddies. perhaps?
The only person in Gensokyo worthy of worship, whose favor could change your fate, is Remilia Scarlet, and she is no god, she is a Devil.

>> No.38962320

Sagume attended a danmaku festival hosted by Reimu on the second half where Seija and Shinmyoumaru crashed the festival along with some other big shots to use dangerous danmakus instead of the safe ones assigned by Reimu. Didnt know if Yukari begged her but Sagume's words and Reimu's act definitely did help to put stop to Seija's and Shinmy's incident. Yukari? Oh, she rushed to helpe Reimu and Marisa to protect the villagers from dangerous danmakus as soon as she found out Junko joined too

>> No.38962450


Where's the begging?

>> No.38962533

In my head

>> No.38962600

>yukari had to ask one of her greatest enemies to call another one of her enemies to help her

>> No.38962677

Even Reimu got her chance to be a badass in the end. Yukari....

>> No.38963977

In his (>>38962533) head

>> No.38969959

Ever since SSiB she only keeps getting humiliated. She's even lost her position as the Mysterious Sage sheming in the Shawdows to Okina. All she is now is a lonely, social awkward womanchild with a fragile ego. She really has fallen low.

>> No.38970017
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>Gets shut down by Kasen and stopped for a second looking sad about it
>Gets called lonely woman by one of her friends while they laugh at her
>Gets slapped by a random ghost and goes to take a nap
All these are from different manga btw

>> No.38970086

Hey, she did help Reimu gather some more faith in Lotus Eaters with the entire frog and flood thing.
She can still be somewhat useful.

>> No.38970228

Yukari is still the Mysterious Sage scheming from the shadows. She just has a different agenda than Okina. All the sages seem to encapsulate the different species living in Gensokyo, with each following their own current goals.
Kasen is on the human side (despite being a filthy oni) trying to become a celestial, likely to gain powers that match Yukari and Okina.
Yukari is on the youkai side, maintaining the border and helping Reimu collect faith from time to time as mentioned in >>38970086, which likely also assists the border.
Okina is on the... Okina side? I initially thought she'd be representing the gods, but honestly she seems pretty egocentric. Her current goals seem to be to just get her name out there, which is pretty ironic for a hidden god. We don't know what her end goal with that is yet.
So maybe we will eventually get a fourth sage that does actually directly represent the gods.

>> No.38970466

>Ever since SSiB
She has been jobbing ever since PCB actually, I dont remember her winning other than in IN where she cooperate with Reimu. The only reason people think she is strong is because how she is described in PMiSS, which editor is Yukari herself. Sure Kasen has zero win records too, but she didnt try to look cool like Yukari and fail hilariously after that. Meanwhile Okina won against the protags in her debut, and shows how her power works without subtleties in the manga. She also seems wise knowing how strong Totetsu is, she went and hire Flandre to assassinate her instead.

>> No.38970561

Yukari not being strong just comes from how useless she is outside of maintaining the border and perhaps bringing in knowledge and physical items from the outside world.
She has no friends and therefore no pull, she is said to be a displeasing person to be around, she's sleeping all the time and her gap ability is neat and all, but not very practical.
I do like her as a character, but it's about time ZUN gives her a dedicated character arc after he's done with Okina.

>> No.38970598

> She has no friends
She has Yuyuko and Suika.

>> No.38970780

You mean an irrelevant ghost with no pull herself that returned as a stage 1 boss and the selfsame oni that was badmouthing her behind her back?

...Isn't it sad, Yucchin? (´・ω・ `)

>> No.38970967

Sakuya spent all her years learning cool knife tricks, not common sense.
Still, her diss about the gods isn't that big a deal when most of the ones in Gensokyo need human life-support where her idea of a God is one that's omnipotent. They're just pretentious spirits, and it's true.

>> No.38971055

>She has Yuyuko and Suika.
Except both of those two especially Yuyuko aren't really excited to help with whatever goal she has. Yuyuko even straight up trolled her when Yukari asked her to steal something from Lunar capital palace. When he meant friends he probably meant more of connections. Look at Geidontei gang for example. Three very powerful youkais connected together to protect their only place to hang out, despite Aya and Mamizou being rivals in FS. Tewi connecting with Eintei knowing how powerful the Lunarians are, saying it as being on 'the winner's side'. Moriya shrine, tengus and kappas having mutual relationship because they all help each other for their own motives. Even Reimu/Marisa/Kasen gang at least thinks alike most of the time although they dont really have big goals, with Marisa and Kasen tried to keep Reimu in check.

>> No.38971671

What about the fairy side?

>> No.38971832

Fairies are just the embodiment of nature or certain aspects of it.
So what you're asking for is the representation of nature itself and I guess Okina fills that already.

>> No.38973677
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>every discussion that revolves around Yukari now ends with people pitying her
I hope you're happy ZUN

>> No.38973791
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Please care...

>> No.38974326

she only worships hairless, pristine vampire loli cunny

>> No.38974690

I don't get why you guys still fail to understand what she meant

>> No.38974806

I completely miss this one. ZUN seem to have made it a Tradition to shit on poor Yukari atleast once in any Office Print Work.

>> No.38974856

Add to that this reveal about Ran/Chen being more or less "programmed" so even her servants don't really like her, they just have no other option.

>> No.38975851

Does ZUN hate her or something? Is this the retribution for all the Yukari wank that has gone on through the years?

>> No.38976005

>ZUN seem to have made it a Tradition to shit on poor Yukari atleast once in any Office Print Work.
Yeah, because she's a bad person and in universe everybody hates her guts.

It's retribution mostly for people making her too likeable.

>> No.38976589

>Yeah, because she's a bad person and in universe everybody hates her guts.
The most morally correct person in the game is either an oni in disguise who used to canonically murder lots of people and eat them, or someone who would lie and steal to/from her own acquaintances. There is no good people in Gensokyo.

>> No.38976757

I would say Mokou and Keine are pretty decent people for the most part. Some weird stuff from Bohemia and Mokou going on a killing spree in the past aside. Also Rinnosuke doesn't seem to be a murderer, a asshole but not a murderer.

With that said though, Yukari is uniquely a bad person even in the context of everybody in Touhou being a asshole. I honestly think ZUN makes everybody hate her to make that clear.

>> No.38976782

>an asshole
How'd you get that impression? He seems pretty chill

>> No.38976836

It's been a while since I read Cola but he generally comes across as kind of a jerk. Chill, but still a jerk.

>> No.38976857
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>He seems pretty chill

>> No.38976871

I should have been more specific, but I'm talking about the people who either are involved in or maintain the Gensokyo system/status quo. Otherwise even Akyuu or Kosuzu can be said as nice since a lot of things are left in the blind for them.

>> No.38976912

Rinnosuke only acts annoyed with Marisa and Reimu because they generally annoy him, with everyone else he's pretty polite.

>> No.38977393

>Is this the retribution for all the Yukari wank that has gone on through the years?
Probably, given how retarded 2hu fans can be when it comes to power scaling and vs debating because they don't seem to know what an NLF is nor that you can't argue using vague statements with not a single feat to back them up.

>> No.38977408

>because they don't seem to know what an NLF is
ngl i dont know what an NLF is either
fuck kind of acronym is that explain yourself

>> No.38977473

No - limits fallacy (NLF)

This is when someone states that because something has not demonstrated any limits (or only certain limits) then it has none (or only the ones demonstrated).

Example: "Itachi said that no one without a Mangekyou Sharingan can defeat him. Therefore he can beat all of DC, Marvel, DBZ, and Tenchi Muyo."

The person in this argument holds Itachi's statement to be absolute truth, ignoring the possibility that Itachi has no knowledge of certain enemies, or never expected to encounter them. The same can be said of Kishimoto: He never intended for his characters to be pitted in battle against characters from other works of fiction, so therefore statements like this do not hold true to other works of fiction necessarily. Furthermore, there is the possibility that in - universe, Itachi was lying, bluffing, misinformed, or deluded.

>> No.38978648

The thing is Yukari isnt even the most powerful in Gensokyo let alone the whole Touhouverse. Does this Yukari wanking thing purely came from the description of her in PMiSS and the fact that she is the only Phantasm Boss? But I have to admit the Yukari wank is far more exaggerated than most other characters, I even saw a recent comment saying she can solo any moonies. Also every time she lost people will bring up the 'its all part of her plan' card, even though I can't see how getting a sake after all that elaborate plan in the 2nd Lunar War can be considered a win.

>> No.38978997

The sake allowed her to style on Eirin in CoLR, as well as steal a treasure directly under the Watatsuki's noses, so I'd say it was definitely a win. Yuyuko wouldn't have actually done anything that truly negatively impacted the Lunarians after all, it's just not in her personality. Eirin and the Lunarians themselves still don't know how Yukari managed it and thus will treat her with a little bit more fear and reverence in future dealings, which was probably her overall goal in the first place.

>> No.38978999

you're one of the smart ones who can't understand upbringing or context or anything, aren't you?

>> No.38979040
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Didn't she almost kill everyone by opening a window to a spaceship whilst in outer space? Elegant /=/ Smarts when it comes to little miss pads, does it?

>> No.38979077

Only fairy side I care for is the backside, thanks.

>> No.38979082

Why did she do it the first place though? If the Lunarians considering her a Threat and decide to start a full retaliation, she and all of Gensokyou would be fucked and very very dead

>> No.38979136

Which book is this?

>> No.38979138

People in Gensokyo aren't the brightest. Even the highly intelligent ones don't seem that impressive by our standards.

>> No.38979147

Doesn't killing taint you with impurity? Lunarians do their best to avoid killing because it could potentially fuck up their purity, or at least that's the vibe Yorihime gave off in SSiB.

And would they really consider her a threat to their society just because she pilfered a bit of sake? While Lunarians are in general much stronger than the inhabitants of Gensokyo, an invasion that isn't an instant-kill sort of thing would likely incur losses (and thus impurity) if the LoLK "invasion" is anything to go by.

They'd also be pissing off a decent amount of people if they destroy Gensokyo. The abilities of Yukari and Okina make it fairly easy for them to escape Gensokyo's demise if it ever happens, and having those two as enemies with a grudge against you sounds terrible, even if you're a Lunarian.

Cage of Lunatic Runagate. Actually now that I google it it's Cage IN Lunatic Runagate, so it should be CiLR. Sorry about that

>> No.38979155

she was in fantasy space, which has air

>> No.38979210

maid hands, stupid elegant maid hands.

>> No.38979280

Wouldn't calling that east/'other' animism be truer to what you're trying to say? Polytheism = east and monotheism = west just aren't necessarily true. People all over the world have (and still do) practice all of the above. Just because abrahamic religions are the trend in most of the west right now doesn't make it a western idea (in fact that very god has its roots in the east of all places). Religion isn't exactly bound by their places of origin/practice so making it a west/east thing feels kind of silly in first place.
I mean, I still agree with the point you're trying to make; your specific wording is just triggering my autism.

>> No.38979347

If you wanna be turbo autistic then you could actually say that monotheism is actually a conclusion that comes about from henotheism, which alot of cultures that are/were polytheistic ended up trending towards.

>> No.38979352
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Stop it Sakuya, you're scaring the Mistress

>> No.38979544

>Doesn't killing taint you with impurity
The first thing they did to Kaguya after she drank the Hourai Elixir is trying to kill her off, again and again again. Erin too killed a few Lunarians when she was fleeing with Kaguya. If Sagume's relocation plan succeed, Gensokyo is very likely to get wiped out.

>> No.38980414

The fairies and inchings at least have an understandable motive to be less then friendly.

>> No.38980460

Ojou-sama's nectar...

>> No.38980463

It isn't just Yukari, it's the entirety of the Touhou verse, an example of this being Yuyuko and her ability to induce death and "manipulate" spirits, people use this description to say she can cause death on anyone regardless of how strong they are (which completely ignores that power/abilities go hand by hand with how strong one is) when in reality the only thing she has displayed is to invite people to their own death and to "administrate"/help/interact with ghosts due to her affinity to the death, she can't even tell apart spirits from ghosts (see the Satori manga). Another example of this is Flandre and her ability to destroy "anything", the only display of this ability was to destroy a meteor that was going to destroy the Scarlet Devil Mansion (a literally large building) and to destroy a doorknob but people say she can destroy anything and anyone, completely ignoring there is no demonstration of that. Another example is Suika and her attack potency, people ignore she destroyed the fake moon rather than the actual moon, quite literally an illusion; and let's not forget her "mini-blackholes" she uses in Hisoutensoku which do not scale to actual blackholes because that's not how they form. INB4 it's fiction. No, that's not how we power scale things, we use reality to deduce their power level, people in the debating community had to make an entire distinction between naturally formed blackholes and magically/created/fake blackholes because people were trying to put them in the same place even though both don't work the same. There is Eientei's infinite corridor too but people seem to forget it is quite literally a labyrinth rather than an infinite-sized place (see the satori manga and IN) depending on which route you take you will either end up on the moon or the actual Eientei or lost. It would be better if 2hu fans actually read the extent of the abilities of a character and their feats instead of saying they are multiversal because there is no stated limit to a character's power.

>> No.38981220
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Nah, most people understand that as long as its not an immortal being, Yuyuko's power works in normal circumstances, the first thing she tried when she met Mokou was to use that ability. Thats not an invitation at all. In Flandre's case, she rarely goes outside and even then that ability is very likely banned in Spellcard, so we'll probably never know what's the extend to that power. I dont know how the power pass the Spellcard rule in her fight with Toutetsu since I never play fighting games before, but aside from it being a single target ability, it is never shown the limit of said power, since even Toutetsu can't absorb it. If I have to name a youkai that have a chance against a moonie I'll definitely choose Flandre. Can't say anything about Suika either, I never play a fighting game before.
Its a diffrent case for Yukari because anytime she lost people just say 'she purposely lost' even thought her limit has been shown in the canon source. I also literally can't brain the logic to wage and lose a war purposely, TWICE, with the first one being a literal war that should have taken a number of youkai's lives. Same goes to her loss in PCB where people said she was playing around or half asleep, when most high ranking people in Gensokyo, including the humans, also hold back in Spellcard fights, so Yukari losing because she was holding back is not even a good excuse.

>> No.38981531

Actually, they don't, back when G+ was alive, people in the debating community were arguing the opposite, if you unironically use wayback machine on sites like Rewind Rumble, CFC, and Battle Kingdom you will find some gems, 2hu fans managed to be on par with Godzilla fans when it came to toxicity, still not on the level of g*ku fans and m*rvel fans, no one can top them. INB4 those sites were trash. They were the big shit back then.

>Thats not an invitation at all
Her PCB profile says the opposite, it is mentioned 2 times that she only invites people to their death on it.

>If I have to name a youkai that has a chance against a moonie I'll definitely choose Flandre.
It is stated in print works moonies can destroy Gensokyou and all of its inhabitants if they actually wanted, so no, sadly, I kinda don't like moonies outside of Rei'sen/Reisen 2. Also, when she went outside was when the meteor thingy happened so there is that. Also, the reason why Toutesu couldn't assimilate her power is that she can only absorb the properties of what she eats, it has to be physical, she cannot absorb what she cannot eat.

>Its a diffrent case for Yukari
Yes and no, some people were using the same argument you mentioned while others used the "Yukari can manipulate the boundary of anything because it was stated like this thus she can instant kill anything and anyone", so yeah, what I said applies to her too.
>I also literally can't brain the logic to wage and lose a war purposely, TWICE
In WaHH it is stated humans don't take tests nor that they study properly and in FS it is shown that a large majority of the humans in the human village don't even know how to even write and that they live in a servant-like lifestyle, and Yukari is portrayed as a genius to this people. It should be pretty obvious she isn't actually smart at all, compared to an outside human, of course. It is no wonder Sumireko, an outside world human almost crashed the Hakurei barrier AKA the same structure Yukari alongside the other sages created with the help of the dragon god. Yukari fans unironically overhype her too much. You can even find some people arguing she is stronger than Hecatia and that ZUN's statements about Heca's strength are a "death of the author" argument.

>> No.38981546

>the first thing she tried when she met Mokou was to use that ability.
lol wtf. is there a story behind this? i thought she was peace-loving?

>> No.38981575

>It should be pretty obvious she isn't actually smart at all, compared to an outside human
nah. you sound like an assblasted outsider mad at youkai dominance.

>> No.38981582

wowee it's almost as if most of these problems take root in ZUNs lack of fucks to give us concise and concrete details and explanations of his characters abilities, let alone examples.
But because hes a wacky ol JoJo fan he LOOOOVES his weird abstract and vague power descriptions, without the manga format to flesh them out as if it were not enough. (what do you mean he has done mango before, WHAT DO YOU MEAN-)

>> No.38981625
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Cry about, yokai. Your myths were debunked through the sheer passion of human curiosity. You had to hide in a reservoir to protect yourself from the power of explanation, the power of common sense, the power of science. You can only exist in ignorance, it is no surprise you want the human village to follow a narrative. You lost to the human brain. Cope and seethe

>> No.38981652

>But because hes a wacky ol JoJo fan
Nah that's just Japanese power sets in general. They tend to be pretty vague, whereas westerners can get pretty anal about "muh concise and concrete details". There aren't many scenarios where Flandre would need to show the limits of her "destroy anything ability" that would fit in with Touhou's general slice-of-life themes.

>> No.38981738
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> i thought she was peace-loving?
This peace loving youkai is also the same person to eat Mystia because why not. I wouldn't call her peace loving, just ain't very ambitious. She still took part in the Seija hunting campaign, and challenged the protags to a casual duel in TD, but she probably does ot for fun instead of having any big agenda.

>> No.38981747

>youkai dominance
They literally had to make a sanctuary because they're dying simply because humans stop believing and relying on them, and I forgot where but I remember reading somewhere that the youkais did try to expand Gensokyo but they just can't

>> No.38981764

kuso power level thread

>> No.38982072

Understandable an rational, still go fuck yourself for sucking nip writing cock. Which isn't even true as old ass superhero writings in both hemispheres were also very loose with how they did things.

>> No.38982230

Flandre's stated abilities proved to be inflated in oil game where she couldn't use them to kill a demon like Okina wanted her to.
Bit ironic when she claims the same about Remilia.

>> No.38982236

Have fun turning Earth into a garden of concrete boxes, monkey-man.

>> No.38982315

but flan indeed slew the goat like okina wanted her to?

>> No.38982772

Yukari sealed gensokyo so all the Gods who exist in gensokyo do not need to subsist on faith. That is why forgotten Gods often end up in gensokyo,

>> No.38982890

I guess that's fair.

Even if I think Kosuzu is kind of a twat.

>> No.38982914

Eh... A bit? I guess I don't really view the Middle East, despite being a part of Asia, as "East" spiritually. Still, I do get what you mean.

I would also argue most of Asia isn't that animistic. Japan is kind of special in that regard.

>> No.38982923

Honestly, I would say comparing Touhou power levels to JoJo is pretty accurate. Even if I don't think anything is Golden Experience Requiem tier.

>> No.38982984

How are Chinese and Korean folk religion any less animistic than Shinto?
Both are animisms, no???

>> No.38983003

How seriously do those people take their folk religion? I thought they were all over Confucian and Buddhism mostly.

>> No.38983014

I am not knowing about the Koreans.
But the Chinese folk religion is a blending of Buddhas, Taoist long lived people (?), and of Confucius, plus other Gods and spirits of natural forces.
Similar to Shinto, which has Buddhist elements. But shinbutsu bunri happened so it is subtler.

>> No.38983195

>Even if I think Kosuzu is kind of a twat.
She's still a kid, she'll grow out of it. Unlike Remilia.

>> No.38983291

i believe (heh) that China has a greater focus on what in touhou would be divine spirits. Its closer to a western polytheistic system (think Greece) blended with ancestor worship and what the other anon said. A big mountain or series of mountain has a "spirit" but less in the ghosty sense and more as if the series of mountains were a character in the world, if that makes sense. I also forgot the word for a series of mountains. A great general can become a god, embody a concept, but a concept doesn't usually get to be a god in itself first without some ties to what the world presents or has, it needs to have a vessel.
Ok this is a shit explanation, to better exemplify the difference between China and Japan; China loves animal and anthro gods more, they love their dragons, they love their historical figures. They wouldn't tie a rope around a humourous tree to revere it like they would do in nippon (forgot the rope name sorry) and shit like kogasa wouldn't fly in the same manner, the undertones of old spirit being inpregnated in an object is different.

Its late, ill make this garbage better tomorrow. My point is that the culture, execution and undertones are different. They are favoured different, you can see the aesthetic and what they value as different by sheer character they are simply built different ok thanks bye

>> No.38987057
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I wasn't expecting a lore discussion in this Thread, what a nice surprise.

>> No.38987370

We already knew her powers were inflated by the time when her power was used to destroy ameteor which was considered a treat by the SDM inhabitants. Given how inflated their powers tend to be it would be no surprise if it was the same for Remilia.

It was a stalemate, neither could do anything to the other.

>> No.38987395

but flan killed goat with golden apples, why are you lying to me?

>> No.38987505

Generally you should understand that Sakuya likes to fuck with Reimu and Marisa. She's just being cheeky with her phrasing here, it means she doesn't revere the gods who live in Gensokyo and she wants people to fuck off so she can keep cleaning the mansion. To Sakuya, Remilia is far more important than say Kanako/Suwako/etc, so she isn't actively revering them or giving them faith. Obviously she knows gods exist.

>> No.38987535

The granny goat is alive, she quite literally comes back at the end of the gane to make an agreement with Okina to keep the petroleum underground.

>> No.38987694

>comes back
yes but flan still killed the goat like okina told her to

>> No.38987754

If the goat managed to come back that means she isn't truly dead/destroyed.

>> No.38987861

if revivals discount destructions as "untrue" then you only had to use the example of flan popping cirno. anyway, she killed the goat exactly how okina wanted her to, flan is a winner.

>> No.38988032

>Does ZUN hate her or something?
The thing is, Yukari is one of the characters with the most thought given to their creation. Knowing ZUN, I believe he shits on her because he likes her, in the same way he likes Marisa yet keeps making her the weakest character in each of the latest games. He seems to want to contain his own bias but he ends up overshooting.

>> No.38988052
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Here's a cleaner screencap, anon.

>> No.38988071

What about Aya? Isn't she his favourite? Why doesn't she get humiliated to this degree? The worst I can think of that happened to Aya was the Hecatia Interview

>> No.38988486
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nobody likes Aya either and her interviews are always her getting threatened shit talked or even scammed whale manga also got her beaten up. if there's someone who never gets karma it is probably Tewi

>> No.38988722

I want to force my way into Aya's baby-making hole.

>> No.38988762

No, she is an onahole. You don't worship your onaholes.

>> No.38988870

so despite her jokes, she's more likely to be a monotheist?

>> No.38988930

Understandable, Have a good day.

>> No.38989371

she's more likely to be an atheist, see OP image

>> No.38989610

Who are you quoting retard?

>> No.38990339

Fate sign: Destined to be used, cry of an onahole!

>> No.38990691

Stop flexing your PC spec over my gaming laptop

>> No.38992593

One thing people need to know about 2hus is that 80% of them are immortal and will just keep coming back somehow.
Fairies will continue to resurrect as long as nature exists.
Gods don't have a real physical body, and will live even if you destroy their body.
Celestials are almost as immortal as Hourai Immortals, as they are cut off from the cycle of reincarnation. Only Kishin have a way to kill them as far as we know.
Youkai are similar to Gods but weaker and more abstract, because you can't really blanket describe all the Youkai. However, youkai in general are just incredibly hard to kill, and this is why sealing them is usually the only way to deal with higher powers.
Kasen got disintegrated, Suika got beheaded, Gote got killed, and they'll all come back because that's just how youkai work.

It's actually pretty ironic, considering that Lunarians are actually one of the more "mortal" immortal races in Touhou, as their immortality is pretty much fake and they're really just regular humans, with just really high tech stuff.

>> No.38994209
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go back to sleep Yukari

>> No.38999260
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>if there's someone who never gets karma it is probably Tewi
And that's because ZUN hates her, which proves the point in >>38988032 even further.

>> No.38999773

>Only Kishin have a way to kill them as far as we know.
The kishin and shinigami are based, fuck the celestials, they are haughty and look down upon everyone on the Earth, they deserve to fall of to the depths of hell to have a taste of what it feels like to be massacred and hopeless

The same apply to the lunarians, although they are stronger we always have hecatia on our side to bust their asses off

>> No.39000041

Should we kill all the Youkai and Gods too? They do look down on Humans after all and are very arrogant

>> No.39000066

Youkai: 100%. Maybe the harmless or good ones can be spared.

Gods: Depends. They can be useful, but only as long as they understand who is in charge.

>> No.39000084

Agreed and based

>> No.39000106

>we always have hecatia on our side to bust their asses off
We don't even need Hecatia, we just two dudes and a rocket.

>> No.39000163

>we always have hecatia on our side to bust their asses off
How so?

>> No.39000172

Hecatia is on the human side, otherwise why would she bother buying Hot Topic clothes from the outside world? She's clearly supportive and opposes non-human tyrants like the lunarians for example

>> No.39000219

>otherwise why would she bother buying Hot Topic clothes from the outside world?
I always took it she was trying to appeal to goth girls, who make up most of her real life followers.

>> No.39000276

To be an "A-Theist" you have to believe in God(s) and then believe yourself to be Against God(s).
>so she knows of them and hates them
An "A-Gnostic" is against 'knowing' (gnosis) and is saying they dont know whether God(s) exist.

So, she can choose to be atheist about them, but couldnt logically be agnostic if they publicly exist.

>> No.39000350

Since when is the prefix a- for against? Anti- is against, a- is not or without.

>> No.39000467

In the raws she uses the term 無神論者, which translated literally means "person who doesn't believe in the theory of god".

>> No.39000628

>they deserve to fall of to the depths of hell to have a taste of what it feels like to be massacred and hopeless
Typical subhuman who both denies that anyone could possibly be better than him and his eternal ego, and justifies all pain, suffering and torment in this merciless universe provided everyone is equally affected by it.

>> No.39000825

>Wants to imply youkai and gods are superior to humanity
Nah, this ain't it sir, without humans youkai would not exist, without youkai humans would still exist

Checkmate youkaifags

>> No.39001045

Man is weak and will endlessly ruin himself. The technology he claims to have mastered will always escape his grasp. False gods he may decide to worship offer him both aid and torment, which he readily accepts. Even the Youkai would not arise without man. Those creatures exist to be nothing more than your scapegoats and enemies. Death would be a mercy for them, if I could know for certain that death would free them from us, but we will never be free from ourselves.

>> No.39001117

>Since when is the prefix a- for against?
Since asocial and antisocial meant the same thing in the eyes of extroverts.

>> No.39001150

You cannot ever truly kill youkai, unless you make humanity as a whole extinct, they will always exist, they are born from human emotions, beliefs and thoughts, all of those are intrinsic parts of human nature and it will always give birth to more youkai/gods no matter the type, whether those youkai and gods are content or miserable is up to whatever role they were shaped as by human beliefs

>> No.39001320

That's how it always seemed to me as well, though some would deny it. Best case is then that we're at least partially to blame for all that suffering inflicted on us, and worst case is that we've divided our own selves into separate entities. A fairly unenviable situation.

>> No.39003512

But anti and a are different prefixes, and normos are stupid and can't into proper employment of words. Thats not an argument senpai

>> No.39003547

Her passtime is torture and she could have very well made her clothing with magic or flat out stolen it, if not have a servant of her steal it for her.
I believe shes in mostly her side. Helping herself.

>> No.39006143

Not that anon, but it doesn't seem to work that way in canon. Most youkai born in the outside world die right away because the believes underpinning their existence is too small. Without Gensokyo they would basically be extinct.

>> No.39011471

humanity fuck yeah is a mental illness

>> No.39012148

Yes, because anyone who takes exception to literal man-eaters is a HFYfag. You stupid ape. You die now.

>> No.39012231

Maybe, but certainly not as bad as the twats that try to convince everyone that humans are just livestock for youkai and that we should accept and embrace it.

>> No.39017124

I'm not a fan of HFY either but being Pro Youkai is fucking worse.

>> No.39017152

Moonie hands typed this post

>> No.39021065

In exchange for complete protection from natural disasters, famine and pandemics, seems worth it

>> No.39024184

Ah, the age old question: Liberty or Safety?

>> No.39024681

>It should be pretty obvious she isn't actually smart at all, compared to an outside human
I agree with everything you said, and I'm a serious Yukari fag, but this part just sounded like "she's dumb, their actions are incomprehensible, so an ordinary human possesses the same or more knowledge than her", that's simply not true.
She is not omnipotent, omniscient or omnipresent, but she's smart. Smart people can, and will, fail at some point.

>> No.39024696

After reading CDS I respect Patchy as even smarter than the fans usually portray her.
She pulls a confidence trick on a mindreader.

>> No.39031262

As expected of the great immovable fat assed library!

>> No.39046536

Shouldn't it be Youkai/Gods? Tge Lunarians don't seem to give a shit about Earth and Humanity

>> No.39046595

>what is oxygen?

>> No.39049743

Sakuya is an example of what is known colloquially as a “Flat Earth Atheist”.

>> No.39058532

Okina (at least originally) wanted her resurrection destroyed too which Flan' couldn't do. Hence, Flandre really can't destroy anything.

>> No.39058654

You can see where it comes from when you factor the kind of bullshit the gods and youkai were using to keep themselves in power, but humans in Touhou are only begetting a sterile, brutalist safe-space where obsolescence is a thing and after a certain age you get decommissioned like a worn-out machine if the Secret Sealing Club is any indication. You could hardly say they're any better then the Lunarians.
I'd rather root for the fairies instead.

>> No.39063569

No, moonies actually have the most to lose i would say. Hell, in maribels time there is canonically a moon colony so yeah. They loose.

>> No.39066538

>Cannot destroy 1 (one) thing
>Therefore she cannot destroy anything
Are you retarded or something? Are you gonna tell me she didn't actually destroy that meteor too?

>> No.39066787

I think he mean everything.

>> No.39072477

I think she said that so they would leave her alone.

>> No.39083351

What about Gensokyo, dose it still exist?

>> No.39083600

Then what's the purpose of Sanae and Reimu? Inb4 my cock slave

>> No.39086967

How easy is it to get information like that in gesokyou anyways?
And even if you got that info you would probably forget it easily since it has no use there.

>> No.39087255

Pretty easy when you only entered into Gensokyo in the 2000s.

>> No.39097101

I don't think they had all that much contact with the Modern World despite the fact that they came from there.

>> No.39098332

How did my cross posted reddit post that is about religion turn into a power level thread?

>> No.39114682

Anon you and I still remember the name of the elements even if we don't do anything with them.

>> No.39120337

It's the fate of all touhou discussions

>> No.39133436
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>> No.39144565 [DELETED] 


>> No.39144622

>her passtime is torture
give me 1 (one) singular valid official source of that claim
interpretations don't count.

>> No.39153268

She's an edgy fedora tipper.

>> No.39166043

I don't like the premise of this thread, but the discussion is pretty good.
I forget where it is in the thread, but I see Flan's ability as something that hasn't reached full maturity.
Yeah, she killed the goat as promised, but that's it.
If Kishin and Oni have ways to kill seemingly immortal celestials, then the same can be said for any other race.
Youkai? Find a vengeful spirit. It doesn't "kill" them but the youkai that once was will be no more, etc. etc.
Flan has a pretty strong ability and grasp on it for someone who saw little interaction for nearly 500 years.

>> No.39166236

>If Kishin and Oni have ways to kill seemingly immortal celestials, then the same can be said for any other race.
Celestials and Lunarians like to boast about their superiority and might, and arrogantly proclaim themselves to be immortal over "lesser-ranking" creatures, they also say random asspulls from time to time such as the lunarians claiming to be the creators of magic (well, hecatia, duh? goddess of magic), in the end, all they need is a bit of hell-fire to brutally teach them about the limits of how haughty you can be, even the impure can beat the so-called pure, the goddess of hell is living proof of that

>> No.39166378
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I can see that
