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File: 16 KB, 550x111, Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3896063 No.3896063 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is auto-sage.

Wiki link: http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Elona_Wiki

Are there any other NPCs like Gwen the Innocent that give a card and fig every time they are killed and respawn frequently? My museum needs some love.

>> No.3896074


Everyone with <Name>

>> No.3896078

<Loyter> Crimson of Zanaan

>> No.3896101

Gahaha, my museum thanks you.

>> No.3896130


>Are there any other NPCs like Gwen the Innocent that give a card and fig every time they are killed and respawn frequently? My museum needs some love.

Rilian and Poppy do.

>> No.3896246


>> No.3896345
File: 82 KB, 600x575, 2211593_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fearful, the great race of Yith.

>> No.3896364
File: 670 KB, 518x741, CoC-DCotE_GRoY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guess Lovecraft didn't get all the details right.

>> No.3896387
File: 291 KB, 690x1061, 1253150249094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so cute that it is beyond human comprehension and trying to conceptualize it can drive you to madness.

>> No.3896396

Do little girls ever throw things or use any kind of range like a bow?

>> No.3896412

Sprite fucking where?

>> No.3896531
File: 7 KB, 128x192, 773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this close enough?

>> No.3896534

A Knight with a grenade just killed my whole crew.

>> No.3896553 [SPOILER] 
File: 107 KB, 800x767, 2211593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Click the picture on pixiv to get the full resolution.

>> No.3896817
File: 324 KB, 811x633, TheGuyWhoMadeThisRoomIsAJerk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went through an extremely long course full of monsters and at the end it requires teleportation to continue. I'm thankful I took dimensional move. Any idea what I should choose?

>> No.3896843

Take vindale guardian, he will make you immune to etherwind until death for 200K GP.

>> No.3896850

Thanks for the tip.

>> No.3896898

How is hit rate calculated in this game? Mine is supposedly 105%, but I hit on less than a third of my attacks.

>> No.3896909
File: 687 KB, 1024x768, Soap_bubbles_RGB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys find such good moongates? For me it's always BUBBLES BUBBLE BUBBLES

>> No.3896926 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on a n o n t a l k . com ok thanks and a hav a good day

>> No.3896939

Nothing beats death by falling down the stairs in a dungeon. Gets me everytime.

>> No.3896948

It's like I'm really playing Nethack!

>> No.3897253

I have yet to be in the bubble gate.

>> No.3897262
File: 34 KB, 260x755, 4coma43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It catches signals from god.
>"I-I'll never give you a good night kiss...ever!"

so tsundere ♥

>> No.3897277

>I-I'm not falling l-love with you! D-don't you never ever leave me...okay? You stupid...!

I'm about to go apostate on my Cat god.

>> No.3897279

whats a Cupid of Love and why is it attacking me in town?

>> No.3897288

But she's the Yandere.

>> No.3897289

A monster.
You may have summoned it drinking from a well or a hostile NPC summoned it.

>> No.3897293

She likes junk stones?

>> No.3897316

She likes ores. Junk stone is an ore.


>> No.3897414

So I stuck those .npc files from the last thread in my user folder, but I haven't seen any touhous or anything in the puppy cave.

>> No.3897432

Most of them are high level so you won't see them that soon.
However you should come across Mystia if you downloaded her. She should be around lvl 5 and is a normal NPC like those you encounter normally in the wilderness and Puppy Cave (Fallen Solider, Little Girl, Punk etc.)

>> No.3897453

Which bed will grant better dreams? Boring bed or maniac?

>> No.3897461

What happened to playing Dungeon Crawl?

>> No.3897470


Boring bed is a type of bed such as King's Bed, etc. Maniac is a prefix for furniture such as Heavenly, Royal, Stupid, etc.
tl;dr I don't know which is better to sleep on.

>> No.3897472

I'm level 27.

>> No.3897486


Use the wiki.

>> No.3897493 [DELETED] 

If you can pickpocket, coffins are unexpectedly good beds

>> No.3897505

>But she's the Yandere.
How is she at all yandere?

Maniac is a much, much higher modifier than boring.

>> No.3897507

Disregard this, I am an idiot.

>> No.3897532

Do you lose things when you die in a moongate? I found a 'demons jump out of the walls and kill you' one and am afraid I lost shit.

>> No.3897554

My Goddess is the best goddess of them all!

>> No.3897556

How do i know if Jure will grant me her rewards?

>> No.3897611

this is the elona uploader where all current moongate locations and pet teams are uploaded
If you wan to upload your own map or pet team press F8 to bring up the uploading menu (you must be at least level 10 and you may only upload once a game month)
Downloaded files should be put in Elona/user folder and are accessed in-game at the Show house just east of vernis (some maps may freeze if elona is not using the japanese language setting)

>> No.3897629

Stupid! Why would she do anything for you?

>> No.3897715

so the wiki doesnt really say.. but where can I find monster balls? i accidentally died after the prof gave me the five for the quest and lost them.

>> No.3897728

I just lost a wishless genocideless polyitemless tourist to a sargeant wielding a cockatrice corpse. Elona is NOTHING like Nethack.

>> No.3897768

I've found one randomly in a dungeon.

>> No.3897779

Have fun with the puppy cave. Monster Balls are damn rare so you may find one every 30 floor or so.

>> No.3897788

Where do you download Mystia?

>> No.3897828


>> No.3897868


>> No.3897871

Randomly in dungeons

I pickpocket'd one from a miner in Vernis (or killed him, dunno)

>> No.3897936

>I pickpocket'd one from a miner in Vernis (or killed him, dunno)

a posthumous pickpoction

>> No.3898051
File: 82 KB, 383x349, 6166652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.3898121

how do you install those? also why is there talks for cirno and utsuho yet no .npc for them

>> No.3898132

Worst monster ever. I'd say a high level one could be even more annoying than the lv666 bosses.

>> No.3898143
File: 180 KB, 600x800, ehekatl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehekatl is the yandere.
She my lovely godess. My one and only.

>> No.3898147

>Enter the Void
>Meet a Cube
>Close the game

>> No.3898169

Did she just fucking drop that angry looking cat at me?

>> No.3898210

Does Gwen statues stack ranks? I've currently got like 4 of her statues in my museum and the ranks are still raising.

>> No.3898216 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 600x850, rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a lucky cat.
Don't think anything other.
And rememeber, Ehekatl loves you.

>> No.3898222
File: 165 KB, 600x850, rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a lucky cat.
Don't think anything other.
And remember, Ehekatl loves you.

>> No.3898235


I just offer any ores I have on me since I'm mining the whole of Palmia.

>> No.3898270


Duplicate figures and cards of named monsters and NPC raise rank indefinitely. So, yeah just slaughter Gwen whenever you can.

>> No.3898274

But what do you do when you're done with Palmia? There's not infinite walls!

>> No.3898290

They respawn after some in-game weeks.

>> No.3898306
File: 78 KB, 600x562, 3320208_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh yes, very luck cat.

Also very disturbing cat, watch the message box when it's fighting things.

>> No.3898323

Is there any kind of container / furniture that can be used to store items in it?

>> No.3898325

Just stick them all in the user folder.

>> No.3898327

You can drop them in your home.
They won't get lost there.

>> No.3898340

My home is full to the brim with furniture, rods, cure corruption, etc.

>> No.3898351

Goddamnit, I installed too many NPCs and its causing all the custom npcs in the moon gates and any new ones I install to show up as white boxes.

>> No.3898358


you know you can drop things in big piles, right?

>> No.3898369

Buy a bigger house then.
If your home is full when I assume you have enough money to do so.

>> No.3898374

I think he meant he reached the item limit in his home.

Also anyone have any recommendations on what skills should be a definite learn?

>> No.3898376
File: 143 KB, 700x800, 4057684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used a sandbag on my younger catsister. What now?

>> No.3898400

Beat it up.

>> No.3898438

Give her alcohol and rape her.

>> No.3898464



>> No.3898470

If you are doing any kind of dungeon exploring, weight training and sense quality.

>> No.3898480

Converting to Lulwy
"You know, you've made a right choice. I will treat you with great love, little kitty."

Turning apostate
"Huh, fool. A life without me is all but empty."

Taking over an altar
"Oh my little puppet, you serve me well."

Failing to take over Lulwy's altar
"Bad bad puppy. I need to punish you."

Offering a bow or crossbow
"Oh, such a nice gift. Do you have a secret intention or something?"

Ready to give a reward
"Serve me to the end of this pathetic world, for you are my dearest slave."

Ready to give final reward
"Obey me and surrender everything. I shall mince all the pigs that try to hurt your beautiful face, my kitty."

Receiving a gift
"My dear little kitty, you deserve a reward, don't you think?"

>> No.3898495

Ehekhatl is moe. Deranged goddess moe.

>> No.3898499

creating a character in wizard mode for the sole purpose of trying this.

>> No.3898515

Took five or six tries to summon the GiE. Should I try eating its corpse?

>> No.3898520

That's why I love Lulwy.
She's pretty much Yandere for you, but treats you like a goddamn shota.
I always call her Onee-sama. Just because.

>> No.3898534

That isn't Yandere in any way, that's just a loving sadist.

>> No.3898535

why isnt there a cirno .npc?

>> No.3898545
File: 224 KB, 600x720, 7398224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I mean loving in the sense as in she cares for you, not as an adjective to sadist.
Just so there's no misunderstanding.

I can't seem to find any Lulwy fanart, but there's a few of the black angel.

>> No.3898549

Ehekatl is a pretty awesome godess, can't see why you guys say she's yandere.

>> No.3898592

The sentences you get through equipment which catches the signal of god seem pretty yandere to me.

>Load game:
"Where were you until now? You need more breaking, it seems."

"Fine, I'll unshackle you for a little while. Enjoy your sleep. But remember kitty, if you cheat on me in your dream, you'll never see a daylight again."

Well. Part Yangire, part Yandere, part caring.
I still love her though

>> No.3898617

Storage house.

>> No.3898633


Or a dungeon. It's cheaper too,.

>> No.3898651

Yes, the slime dungeon and the thief hideout in vernis are close to the home and both are pretty easy to clear.

>> No.3898678

yandere is not sadism, yandere is stalker-like obsession.

>> No.3898719
File: 73 KB, 447x597, 3467313_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but from my understanding yanderes generally don't have that much focus on the domination. They just have an obsession with their love and while that can lead to them being controlling it isn't really necessary.

The impression I get from Lulwy is that she's only a tease with uncommon kinks.

Then again, just like Ulysses or the Brothers Karahmazkovv, the true beauty of Elona is that it is so open to interpretation.

Each one of us is right to ourselves.

Here's a second black angel fan art since i still haven't found Lulwy, except for some incomprehensible and bizarre humor comics.

>> No.3898726
File: 554 KB, 1029x801, letsjustjumpintothismoongateand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever made this spent way too much time in Elona.

>> No.3898749


I'm jealous.

>> No.3898758

He has pretty much every NPC in there and about 60% of all mobs.
That's fucking insane.

>> No.3898768

You can visit other people's museums and shops?

>> No.3898781


>> No.3898785

Ah, those are insanely random.

>> No.3898800
File: 305 KB, 600x800, 6642994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only seen like 5 pictures of Elona art so I decided to check out pixiv, that's not a lot but at least there are some good ones.

>> No.3898801

Fuck, the shopkeepers in Palmia must have put on the cursed items I sold them, because they're teleporting all over the place.

>> No.3898817
File: 534 KB, 600x700, 5938440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like those actually.

>> No.3898821
File: 700 KB, 1280x1024, 4119752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah some of the art is pretty cool.

>> No.3898837

I have to agree.

>> No.3898843
File: 188 KB, 600x800, 2154634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might aswell post some more.

>> No.3898848
File: 154 KB, 850x600, 6037712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3898856
File: 308 KB, 681x1024, 2263228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3898877

Anyone knows where to get "secret treasure of the wicked"? Wiki dosen't state it.

>> No.3898881

complete the "set off a nuke in Palmia" quest

>> No.3898889


>> No.3898891
File: 58 KB, 683x683, 109041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, i'm out of here.

>> No.3898895

Elona fanart, so good.

>> No.3898905


Ah okay, thanks!

>> No.3898912

Is ルルウィ proper moonspeak for Lulwy?

>> No.3898930
File: 137 KB, 614x960, 6696268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shena's panties. Awesome.

>> No.3898940

There better be fanart of dat ass.

>> No.3898988

Can I have more pictures of that creature?

>> No.3899016
File: 155 KB, 1030x793, goddess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't Jure have an npc or fan art or even an image in the wiki?

>> No.3899159

>God figures


>> No.3899192

You summon them, you kill them. It sounds easy, it isn't.
I guess he got himself some rods of wishing, saved, made a backup (as in copying the save file into another folder) - wished for Lulwy etc. and then killed her. If she dropped the figurine. HOORAY. If not. Exit. Paste. Reload.

>> No.3899196
File: 275 KB, 801x602, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game must be trolling me... ...

>> No.3899200

>You summon them, you kill them. It sounds easy, it isn't.
>I guess he got himself some rods of wishing, saved, made a backup (as in copying the save file into another folder) - wished for Lulwy etc. and then killed her. If she dropped the figurine. HOORAY. If not. Exit. Paste. Reload.

Yeah, he could have done that, if he was a dumb ass.
Or, he could have just WISHED for the figure.

>> No.3899211 [DELETED] 

Is it possible to upload maps when you are in wizard mode? Because I doubt it.
Also since he was japanese (and you know how they are) I don't think he cheated that museum. I'm pretty sure he didn't.

>> No.3899216

Can you wish for the figures without being in wizard mode?
Is it possible to upload maps when you are in wizard mode? Because I doubt it.
Also since he was japanese (and you know how they are) I don't think he cheated that museum. I'm pretty sure he didn't.
Or well, you could see save scumming as cheating too... so yeah.

>> No.3899254

>Can you wish for the figures without being in wizard mode?

Absolutely, yes. In fact, if you wish for something the game doesn't recognize it defaults to a figure of @.

>> No.3899260

Oh, alright I take it back then. My bad.
However we can assume he got himself a shit ton of wishing rods.

>> No.3899264
File: 118 KB, 755x451, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I just started playing this game, and find this at level 2
is this win?

>> No.3899285

No, not really. Shit stats.
It decreases your DV and since it has two buffs for character who pretty much rely on DV or atleast a bit (Archer and Wizard) every other buff is pretty much useless.
Except for the negotiation one.

>> No.3899288

hmm, so try to trade it to people i run into then?

>> No.3899294

Might as well wear it when you're buying things at least.

>> No.3899302

I'm not sure, really.
I mean.
You are early in the game so it's not like you have the money for investing.
If you don't have the fishing skill yet that buffs gains you nothing.
The alchemy one is pretty useless in the early state of game too since you don't have the resources yet.
The only thing that's really useful is the negotiation grant+buff since it gives you better prices.

I would recommend to keep it in the inventory (if it isn't too heavy) and equip it whenever you are buying/selling something.
Sell/trade it when you think you don't need it anymore.

>> No.3899306

A rabbit caught me stealing dead trees in a field.

>> No.3899307

Curse you, Tewi. You are not better!

>> No.3899313

Where can I find lots of zombies? The only crypt in my map has no stairs on the second floor, and I killed everything already.

>> No.3899314

Press enter when you are standing in a dead end. There's most likely a hidden entrance. You may have to press enter more than once.

>> No.3899330


Well, it IS good if you plan to get those following skills later on, as # gives quite a boost.

>> No.3899363

I think the -2 is because it's iron. If you really want to wear it, just blow a few medals on a scroll of superior material.

>> No.3899368

Is there any way to remove the effects of acid on items?

>> No.3899375

Reinchant them.

>> No.3899386

Turn into candy

>> No.3899387

I usually keep around any + to noncombat skills items I find. For instance, when I get a ranch, I put my gene machine and any items with +skill in gene engineering in the ranch.

On my current game, not so much. Considering I'm a kung fu chicken.

>> No.3899401

Is the Ring of Steel Dragon actually worth it? On the one hand, that +50 PV is nothing to sneeze at, but on the other, -27 speed really hurts.

>> No.3899414

It depends on your character. High enough PV will make you virtually immune to physical attacks from anything, but unless you're going for that, the speed is usually more useful. Unless of course you're already really fast from being a quickling, in which case there'd be no reason not to get it.

>> No.3899468

If you're riding, the decrease to speed is ignored, and since it raises str and weight lifting, it can actually increase your speed if you drop to a lower encumberence level.

It's not useful for you to wear, but don't trade it away. ### is an awesome mod for negotiation; most items only have # or ## for enhancing stats. Keep it for when you get a shop and give it to your shopkeeper.

>> No.3899766

Are nukes the only way to rid Palmia from aliens? The whole damned town is on battle.

>> No.3899764 [DELETED] 

Are nukes the only way to raid Palmia from aliens? The whole damned town is on battle.

>> No.3899775

A town being permanently at war is awesome and I don't see why you'd ever want to change that. Also, yeah, the only way to change it is to give poison or dye to everyone to abort while killing every alien, slowly working your way through and hoping a pregnant NPC doesn't teleport into a "clean" area.

Or a nuke.

>> No.3899780

Nuking it from orbit is the only way. If you want to do it the hard way, pack alot of poison/ dyes to remove eggs from impregnated people.

>> No.3899798

>A town being permanently at war is awesome and I don't see why you'd ever want to change that.

This. I infested every city and pissed off pretty much every adventurer. Going in a city was more exciting than a dungeon.

>> No.3899996
File: 120 KB, 720x635, diary_girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which diary should I read? Should I go for younger sister, younger catsister or young lady?

>> No.3900005

Get your charisma high enough, get all three. Putting younger sisters on Ranches gave me interesting results at times, and I think at least 2 of the three are good in shops, and Catsister is a decent fighting ally.

>> No.3900012

speaking of that, how do you get people to join you anyway? everyone i ask turns me down.

>> No.3900030

Catsister is the best shopper. She's got a bit better stats as a thief than the younger sister (and better speed), but she has 3x less base HP than her.

>> No.3900113

First you hire them, then rehire them after the contract ends. Eventually, they'll 'know you well enough' that they'll join you when you ask.

Trick: If you have pickpocketing, you can give them a ton of engagement rings/necklaces, then steal them back when the contract expires. Rinse and repeat and they'll be your soulmate by the time they want to join you, and you can immediately marry them and give them away to Ralph.

>> No.3900136

Well that's just plain cruel, I married my cat. They never seem to show up again at the same place after the contract runs out tho.

>> No.3900154

So which of the younger sister or younger catsister? Catsister has better stats overall and higher speed at the beginning but her base life is equal to 30 against 100 for the little sister.

>> No.3900166

Keep track of the time. Hire them sometime near the end of a day, and after 7 (or 3, or whatever the duration) days have passed, go to an empty area or to your home, then pass the time sleeping (if you're not sleepy, read or something). When you see the message "Your contract has expired" you can rehire her and she won't disappear. If your contract expires while you're on the map, you can talk to her on the map as long as you don't get ambushed or something first.

>> No.3900186

Ah, so I just hire someone, go home and pass the time? That's useful, thanks.

>> No.3900332

So is the 100 more speed of the catsister good compared to her low health?

>> No.3900486

So there is no official art for Jure? Is this
the only image about her?

if so i may start doing fanart myself.

>> No.3900508

catsister is made for sniping and twohand, look at the skills.

>> No.3900594


the master thief is

>> No.3900628

only art of her is her statue

>> No.3900640


where do i get the set of mods or whatever it is you guys are using on this?

i found
but can't read what i'm installing.

>> No.3900762

Where do i find it or the sprite number?

>> No.3900801

I meant the best shopper of them 3.
A thief with a two-handed weapon?

>> No.3901064


>> No.3901418
File: 469 KB, 600x450, 7493543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official? Not that I know of

>> No.3901589

where do those npc show up?

>> No.3901591
File: 11 KB, 96x96, jure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3901724

Isn't a simple Juere infantry just as good a shopkeeper as the catsister? At least in terms of ease of acquiring. Then you can replace them as you get higher level with various Juere slave types, who all come with high CHR and negotiation.

>> No.3901764

Catsisters don't sleep.

>> No.3901785
File: 264 KB, 1250x795, ElonaStats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still the best. (Even if I haven't played her in over a year.)

>> No.3901923

where did you get the touhou sprites?

>> No.3902004

Is the right an actual sprite or did japs agree she looks that way? (since the other pictures seem consistent)

>> No.3902076

Statue of Jure in game, i guess. All gods have them

>> No.3902107

That doesn't answer the question of if the colored sprite was a personal work or not.

>> No.3902110

Why can't I have more panties? They always change into something else when I hold them in my hands.

I just want piles of glorious panties.

>> No.3902114

actually I should rephrase, I'm asking about her hair and clothes color.

>> No.3902200

I got them from some Touhou RPGmaker pack that someone posted here the last time /jp/ got into Elona.

>> No.3902238

Look your character bmp, she's there.

>> No.3902566

anyone have that pack? /rs/ isnt working

>> No.3902933

Is the breath feat useful?

>> No.3902939

Sure, if you like setting items on fire.

>> No.3902950

What's so good about crimson? Wouldn't eternal/amazing be better?

>> No.3902953

MY items or the ones others may give me?

>> No.3902956

To get any use of it you'd need to kit out your character and pets with high fire resistance. Otherwise they'll all burn to death after the dungeon your in catches on fire and everything is burning.

>> No.3902962
File: 45 KB, 563x345, Yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit's getting close.

>> No.3902965

I take fire breath with almost all of my characters. It's great for opening a room, finding it's full of kamikaze yeeks, and killing them in one turn. Great for crowd control, burning items in town so they respawn (wells, fruit trees), and it also always hits so it's always useful against bats and wasps.

>> No.3902968

Everything that isn't fireproof. Even if you aren't stupid enough to step into the flames, fire has an annoying tendency to spread to the cell you're in.

>> No.3902972

Everything is on fire. There will be burning everywhere.

If you have good fire resistance, you (and, more importantly, your stuff) will not be affected. Otherwise you can look forward to "your bless godly mittens +5 turn to dust."

However, it will complete wreck any monsters as long as your in a flammable location and the monsters don't have fire resistance themselves.

So it can be useful, but only if your prepared.

>> No.3902979

Corpses come pre-cooked. That can be kinda useful.

>> No.3902986


Dungeons do not burn. Towns do. Wilderness (hunting job, ambushes) does. You will not get a fire in the dungeon which is where you will mostly be using fire breath. It's not nearly as dangerous as you two think. Plus, there are potions of fireproofing anyways, fireproof blankets, and the gloves of vesda make your equipment just about immune on their own (which is nice for the tower of fire, where being on fire is mandatory)

>> No.3902993

I voted Suika.

Fuck that Orange faggot.

>> No.3903016
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 1244612045000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I approve of this message.

>> No.3903043

Do it every in-game month or so.
Having a higher "community-rank" will increase your income anyway.
So it's a good thing.
I'm voting for Suika since around two weeks now.
I first saw her when she had only 5 votes.

>> No.3903054

What does the +x next to armor name mean?

>> No.3903066
File: 289 KB, 994x768, shockedshinji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The marksman Lillette goes wild with joy "dye!!" 3 bottles of dye appear.

Don't fucking tell me he used a wish for goddamn bottles of dye.

>> No.3903079
File: 76 KB, 519x600, 1237390564309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone wished for 5000 GP and got a level in lockpicking.

>> No.3903081

He will dye the death .

>> No.3903082

Anyone care to type up a small list of figurine names, so i can wish my museum up to the highest rank?

>> No.3903085

So that's what those messages are.

I wished for a Happy Bed then blessed it.

>> No.3903093
File: 188 KB, 640x640, orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3903114


>> No.3903122

Is the only way to get a lot of Potions of Descent is by breeding zombies and killing them?

They rarely drop for me during my dungeon crawls. Especially when there's rooms of fucking zombies.

>> No.3903146
File: 94 KB, 800x600, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3903151

Life bonuses. Soaking with AOE healing is effective when you're working with tons of allies.

>> No.3903154

Save scum right before clearing a room? Or just hack yourself a couple thousand, what is there to stop you?

>> No.3903156
File: 643 KB, 700x950, 6432581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you change your alias? I remember you had to text edit some file in the save folder, but I forget which one.

>> No.3903157

The ahoge army is upon us! Someone get Rance!

>> No.3903173

You have to edit the cdatan.s1 file in your save folder.

>> No.3903207

Anyone know the two numbers for the Yith sprite? They aren't moe at all, and I want to fix that.

>> No.3903289

The only moe change my game has is a new nurse, Tsukuyomi catsister, and diclonius little girl.

Is the young lady (potion throwing) useful?

>> No.3903306

>She uses close combat tactics, which can lead to her taking damage from her own molotov.

>> No.3903309

she occasionally blinds, poisons or paralyzes an enemy with potions and has a healing spell which is useful for the easier parts of the pet arena. The downside is that she will not always hit the enemy and may occasionally light someone on fire with a badly aimed molotov.

>> No.3903316


Finally, somebody's beating that silly Link.

>> No.3903317

So what have people wished for when the lucky moment arrives? I've only wished thrice so I got the basic S-L Boots, Aurora Ring, and a couple evolution potions.

>> No.3903322

i lold
when in wizard mode, wish for
1. nigger
2. niggertits

>> No.3903323

>diclonius little girl.

Does it have 6 hands and "decapitate" ability?

>> No.3903333

Wow. Thats fucking awesome.

>> No.3903346

Still waiting for someone to explain what those are and howthey got there...

>> No.3903352

>(Korsord the wild horse hugs you)


>> No.3903359

Jesus fucking Christ is this the first rpg you've ever played?

>> No.3903362

I don't get it. I'm just getting knight shields due to the nig in nigger.

>> No.3903373

Okay, who/where is the refiner NPC?

>> No.3903381

I have no clue who you're refering to.

>> No.3903393

You add a + bonus to your gear with enchant scrolls/greater enchant scrolls.

Weapon/armor enchant scrolls can be used to get gear up to +2, or fix acid damage.
Blessed weapon/armor enchant scrolls can get gear up to +3.
Greater weapon/armor enchant scrolls get gear up to a +4 bonus.
Blessed greater weapon/armor enchant scrolls can get the bonus to +6, which is the maximum (an exception is living weapons which can push the + bonus further when they level; if you get one make sure you +6 it normally before starting to level it).

Also, make sure to acidproof any gear you are upgrading; every time you are splashed by acid (slimes, acid slimes, etc) your gear loses 1 enchantment, and eventually goes into negatives.

>> No.3903402

bubble moongate = easy exp, just spam roar.

>> No.3903404

nigger tits = long ass black tits from africa...also, black head for nigger

>> No.3903409

why is it that everytime i go into a moodgate, and press space (search) it says a little farther so when i go far enough it senses a blue crystal...? can i get it somehow or what

>> No.3903410

That still doesn't explain what's funny about getting knightshields due to wishing niggertits.

>> No.3903416

fire proof as well.

>> No.3903421

What non-DnD/roguelike RPGs have weapon/armor enchantments like that?

>> No.3903423

It has two little persocom horns. And a halberd with shurikens, so almost the same.

>> No.3903428

k nig htshields
Why it happens is simple enough. Try Marriage for similar effects. or Final.

>> No.3903432

i know why it hapens.....just look at the resemblance to the shield and a niggers tits

>> No.3903463

will you go back to /b/ already?

>> No.3903506
File: 119 KB, 450x700, 6393676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah!: Ambushed by a group of assassins tougher than me, I still managed to defeat them without losing my client or a pet.

Shiiiiiii!: Immediately afterwards, take one step on the world map and get ambushed by more assassins who immediately kill both clients.

-20 karma wtf

>> No.3903524


>> No.3903667
File: 29 KB, 260x755, count mecha elona.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come from /v/ and I must say, I am very happy that there is a lot of Elona threads on /jp/, as I fucking love Elona. I have a few questions though.

What is this? How are you summoning NPCs? Where does this happen?

And how do I use this? Do I just put the npc files in the user folder?

If there are other cool custom things to add, I would appreciate those as well. I already know customs sprites and all that.

Count Mecha in the Cyberdome is obviously related.

>> No.3903734
File: 287 KB, 1030x793, crystal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These blue crystals in moongates let you when you use them (enter)

>> No.3903780
File: 3 KB, 80x112, Ehekatl chibi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just thought those were pieces of furniture.

>> No.3903782

>Count Mecha in the Cyberdome is obviously related.

Please, do whatever you wish, but don't destroy my head.

>> No.3903793

I was training my dex/pickpocketing with dead trees and a fucking crab caught me and called the 'guards'. Stupid hermit crab YOU AREN'T HUMAN.

>> No.3903843

So I just got my pet cat from my god, what is the best way to gear it? Will it kick more ass than my little girl?

>> No.3903849
File: 209 KB, 1280x768, ranorak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHAT THE FUCK!! AAHHHH okay im standing here, minding my own buisness watching people die from alien invasion....when someone yells out ranorak time!! and everything fucking explodes and dragons and titans from every direction apear...whats going on here guys? its never happened before.... (havent played in a year)

>> No.3903868

For me my black cat fucking sucked.

Always dying while my superior little girl stomped shit out. It kept on trying to melee everything even without any weapons.

>> No.3903869

>>3903849 looks like someone made whom dies in vanity or whatever hit something, he's an npc in Vernis who has ragnarok, which makes dragons and fire happen if he hits something with it

>> No.3903876

Probably the NPC that has the sword that causes ragnarok.

>> No.3903880

Why do you care?

You're level 200 anyways.

>> No.3903888

Such terrible news! I hope my cat does better than that, I was looking forward to my cat being a super human (cat) badass and making my life easier.

>> No.3903894
File: 34 KB, 260x755, damn kids.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out for the guy name "Whom dwells in the Vanity"

He is that shady guy who wanders near the robbers hideout. He wields the sword Ragnarok, which has the attribute "It brings an end." Every time he swings it, there is a chance of Ragnarok. When it activates, you are fucked. Best reload from a previous save. Just make sure he never attacks anyone.

>> No.3903907

>So I just got my pet cat from my god, what is the best way to gear it?
The black cat has Medium Armor, Duel Wield, and Short Swords as it's highest skills, at 14. Long Swords, Martial Arts, Bows and Throwing are only slightly less at 13.

As long as you equip it with this is mind, he should be fairly kick ass.
>Will it kick more ass than my little girl?
The god pets always start at level 8, so if your little girl is much higher she will be stronger (at first).

It won't take long for it to catch up, though.

>> No.3903909

Goddammit, Jure has gotten a Palmia worth of ores. She is still not pleased with my silliness.

>> No.3903930

lol run? i killed them all in about a min

>> No.3903932

You have to offer 61 ores to get the pet, 101 for the item and 161 for the weapon.

>> No.3903945

What do those summons do?

>> No.3903962

Got the tsundere message, what now, do i pray, go to Truce Ground and offer more, what?

>> No.3903999

go to any of her altars and pray

>> No.3904051

My Goddess rewards me ;_;

He has both Dual Wield and Shield, but his dex sucks so Evasion is unlikely. Do i give him a Shield?

>> No.3904061
File: 34 KB, 260x755, ragnarok.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3904075

Those are Jure and....?

Dammit, someone up them on gelbooru with translations.

>> No.3904076

You are an man among anons, thank you.

>> No.3904087

Well I am only level 22 so ;_;

>> No.3904096

I'd go with heavy armor, shield, and long sword myself. you can have him duel wield, but the defender makes a good tank so its a waste, almost

also, give him shuriken or rocks. his throw skill is higher than his bow/xbow/gun skills

>> No.3904119

>Those are Jure and....?

Those are two player characters.

>> No.3904122

He is getting my shuriken. Hope he heals while i buff.

I'll name him Ali, and with Haydee and Beppo, my party is formed!

>> No.3904131

>Level 200
>Only 6 Will and 16 Ler


>> No.3904147

huge fucking downage on the stats with disease and what not

>> No.3904156

Is there a way to tell how much faith I have? I haven't been keeping track of how many bows I've given Lulwy.

>> No.3904157

Wizard mode obviously.

>> No.3904176

There is a list that says how much favor you win with each offering


Start estimating

>> No.3904177
File: 7 KB, 250x244, 1250826217796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those.... those stats....

How the hell did you get that high?

>> No.3904182

This must be the only answer.

>> No.3904197

I know bows give 25 faith each. I just have no idea on how many I've actually given her. So I guess I'll just have to keep giving her bows until I reach my faith limit to figure it out?

>> No.3904201

lol if it was wizard mode i wouldnt have been playing for so long...this is just hard work, and being stuck in a different country for a looong time....also, i believe that wizard mode is a fucking cheap thing and should be taken out so people can get my status just by typing in a few commands...and i thought they updated something to explode in that town, thats why i was freaking out

>> No.3904217


I had a level 89, and the same thing happened to me. I ended up with almost no strength. Thats why you stay away from wells and curses.

>> No.3904222

so people CANT get my status

>> No.3904309
File: 190 KB, 1280x768, When will it end.....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infinate cycle....ill give it half an hour before im dead

>> No.3904329
File: 222 KB, 1280x768, nvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never mind...right after a fire drae came out of the blue...im trying to keep this thread alive!!!

>> No.3904462

This isn't /v/.
Threads won't disappear that soon.
Even after more than 4 hours a thread can and will most likely get another response.

>> No.3904536

Post your character info then.

A level 200 player wouldn't be running around with -16 PV, 99 speed, no pets, no gold, such low stats (I have 141 str at level 71) and using a frisia's tail.

Oh yeah let's forget about the date in the top left corner, not even 1 year has passed, or the fact that you didn't even know about ragnarok, or how you're wasting time killing aliens in etherwind.

>> No.3904796

Huh, apparently 31 preformance and [##] in makes your performance better is enough to play in front of Loyter without him killing you.

>> No.3905830

Why are you all alone? Even if you're a faggot, you should have a hard gay or titan following you around.

>> No.3906269

>or how you're wasting time killing aliens in etherwind.
Ragnarok causes etherwind.

I don't really have any trouble believing that he worked his stats that high. I had a pretty ludicrous character in Morrowind for a while, and it's more of a pain to get your stats high there. (I didn't use stat trainers in Morrowind.)

That said, the fact that the in game calender says only one in game year has passes since the character was created does cause some suspicion.

>> No.3906272
File: 33 KB, 194x193, 1212093693896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you all alone? Even if you're a faggot, you should have a hard gay or titan following you around.

Aw, snap.

>> No.3906440
File: 35 KB, 260x755, party time.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3906488

Damn, that loli just straight out murdered that merchant.
