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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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387308 No.387308 [Reply] [Original]

I live in Japan and am drunk. Ask me anything.

PS I may go and do my dishes.

>> No.387310

Where do you live ?

>> No.387311


>> No.387316

Are you japanese?

>> No.387317

go do your dishes

>> No.387325

go out and take some up skirt photos of school girls :-)

>> No.387328

>go out and take some ... school girls :-)

>> No.387329


>> No.387332

>>387325 :-)

>> No.387335

where do Japanese women go to date gaijin?

>> No.387341


>> No.387343

No, Canadian.
Done, coffee and rice are set for tomorrow.
Differs place to place. This sounds like a stereotype, but go to a place with an English name (Bar, Isn't it?, etc).
It's 9pm, I live in the sticks, and it's spring break.

>> No.387344

When will you stream again?

>> No.387346


>> No.387349

How easy is it for teachers to have sex with good-looking to hot 15 year old high school girls?

>> No.387355

Not my thing, but given the letters, advances, 'Do you have a girlfriend/think I'm pretty?' questions I get, likely not too hard. Mind you I am 6'4", 200lbs, and not an overt weeaboo/social reject.

>> No.387356

How about in Japan?

>> No.387358


>> No.387359


>> No.387364

Well. I meant teachers in general. Not foreign teachers. But good to know.

>> No.387367

What are the things that have made you go "WTF Japan?!"

>> No.387376

Most teacher are married. The unmarried young guys I know seem REALLY gay. I mean, walk with hands like Mr. Burns.
Not too much, I think the interbutts desensitized me. The Softbank commercials on now sorta get me/make me laugh (talking dog, a professor, married to a woman).

>> No.387390

What's the AoC in Japan?

>> No.387402

You must be fucking stupid if you live in Japan.
Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.387403

13 nationally, but this is overridden by prefectural rules, which set it at 16+. Generally, 18.

>> No.387405

What's hotter? Kogal or Ganguro?

>> No.387416

I have a BOA and I make $31,000 after all taxes, health insurance, pension, etc. I'm admired in my town to the point that one 4th grader said in a school report he wants to be me when he grows up. I pick up multiple girls in a single night.

What have you go? Some Hot Pockets in the fridge?

>> No.387420

Hot pockets are too expensive.

>> No.387422

Kogal. Ganguro=no showers. EVER.

>> No.387428

Fapping otaku detected.

>> No.387433

Do Japanese people smell bad? In general.

>> No.387437


Someone defended Japan on the Japan interest board on a Japanese theme image board site? Call him an otaku!

>> No.387440

Are you serious? Then why the fuck would anyone sleep with a ganguro?

>> No.387448


>>I have a BOA and I make $31,000 after all taxes, health insurance, pension, etc. I'm admired in my town to the point that one 4th grader said in a school report he wants to be me when he grows up. I pick up multiple girls in a single night.

That's not defense. That's masturbation.

>> No.387450


>> No.387453


Same reason people sleep with holla back girls. Self hatred.

Justify your statement. I was just speaking the truth. I have a way better life in Japan that I would with my skill set back home.

>> No.387462

About how long does it take to speak/read Japanese to the point you can understand about everything?

>> No.387464


Whenever you try to polish it, you can't see that you're rubbing it a lot. Hence, masturbation.

>> No.387470

< 1 year for most manga.
1-2 years for television.
Your whole life for literature.

>> No.387480

I was at the level of about 100 kanji when I came over, I studied a lot, asked a lot of questions, paid attention, etc. 1.8 years later I can read a bout 1100 kanji, and I can function as an adult at a meeting, party, etc.

I disagree with you. I was just saying what's good in my life. I doubt I'd have it that well back home, regardless of how hard I worked.

>> No.387481

This is an intresting thread.. i hope the mods don't get you casue you "bloggin" and shit.

So, as a foreign man, you really can't have a moment peace from girl? are foreign man so uniqe there like i heard?

>> No.387498

I'd think it would depend where you were. But OP can better answer

>> No.387500


It's really overblown. Even in smallish areas (town of 13,000 for me) there are 2 other foreign dudes (married, another white guy and a Nigerian). I'm especially tall, and even back home I try to be kind (open doors, help people struggling with packages, etc), and that really stands out here. As such, I stand out more to ladies.

The younger the girl, the more susceptible to my charms it seems. I try to hang out near college chicks.

>> No.387511

Nice. good luck man.

>> No.387513

New teachers incoming and I work at elementary/nursery schools. Holy poop whatta lot of young women. Also, the lower the school level, the more women. My nursery is at 100% now.

>> No.387515

So you're into elementary school kids.

>> No.387521

No, just their 'young, single, working long hours in a place with no single men' teachers.

>> No.387533

The other (i mean the women)teachers must like you a lot. Aren't the local males a little hostile?:)

>> No.387546

Not really. Marriage rates seem pretty high. The only other single guy I know is a seemingly super-gay Art teacher.

>> No.387622

>>super gay art teacher
You can get straight art teachers too?

>> No.387624

If they're female.

>> No.387658

Like I said, he holds his hands at bent angles in front of him, like a T-rex of Mr. Burns.

>> No.387668

So how many channels are on you TV right now?
What show/s do you watch the most?

>> No.387672

Normal gay and Extra gay.

>> No.387677

Yeah, what's television like? How many broadcast channels? How many cable channels? Are there areas where there is no cable?

>> No.387682

Do little girls go around sucking people's cocks with only the slightest provocation?

>> No.387683

Local Analog TV is 6 channels, I think there's more if you have a digital set/converter I have Sky Perfect besides, but I want a BS dish instead (but am too cheap/sane to pay $500 for a converter).

I usually watch Hey! Hey! Hey!, Music Station, random animus, and Third Watch/Law and Order reruns on the dish.

>> No.387694

No cable, just antenna and dish, both BS and CS (Sky Perfect).

You're still alive, go back to bed.

>> No.387698

My neighbor's friend would really like to know the answer.

>> No.387703

Can someone get the jap equivalent of a green card by marrying a local?

>> No.387705

There is a spousal visa, but it just means you don't need a sponsor to stay. No other real benefits.

>> No.387708

I loled

>> No.387704

No, you view children through your fiction tainted lenses. You'd be arrested for trying, just like in your redneck village.

>> No.387713


Is watching the sakura petals fall as great as animes show it to be?

I mean those sakura watching festivals, izzit as good as the anime show it to be.

>> No.387715

Fuck. Japan is nothing to me now.

>> No.387717

Could you do /jp/ radio, drunken bokusatsu style?

>> No.387721

Why did you move to Japan?

>> No.387722


Can you name all those 6 channels? Are there channels that only shows anime 24/7?

>> No.387731


It's more about getting together with friends, having a lot to eat and drink, partying, and hitting on female friends/people around you. The flowers are an excuse to do so.

I've sobered up an am going to bed, gotta be ready for another day of hard work.

>> No.387733

Cartoon Network is cable/dish only.

>> No.387735

How did you become drunk anyway? Sake or by some gaijin liquor?

>> No.387742

So what's your job?

>> No.387751

He implied it was a english teacher or some such (surprise surprise).

>> No.387753

I liked tutoring ESL students from all over in Uni, decided to try it as a job/potential career. Have since decided aginst, but am looking at other careers in Japan.

Tohoku Broadcasting, NHK, NHK Educational, Miyagi TV, Higashi Nippon Hoso (TV Asahi) and Sendai Hoso (Fuji affiliate).

There's Animax on Sky Perfect, and Anime Theatre X, but I'm not paying 3000 yen a month of ATX alone. Those specialty channels/kids stations sometimes have a lot of cool retro stuff.

>> No.387762

If I saw you in real life I would punch you

>> No.387773


I only have 5 channels... and the san'in specific ones are especially bad.

>> No.387775


Beer. No hard stuff when I work the next day.
Nursery, Elementary and Junior High School teacher. My job is fun and I usually feel quite happy with it.

It's got my foot in the door. I've met a lot of people, gotten a lot of practical life experience in Japan, and improved my Japanese to the point I hope to start coperate work in a year or so. I understand the Eikaiwa mill hatred, but ESL isn't all bad.

>> No.387782

And I would not hit you back, call Police, and laugh as your ass is arrested.

>> No.387800

I sometimes watch utaban and bad dramas, but generally not much. I guess Geass starts on Sunday though.

>> No.387802


So you're a teacher. Do you teach kids about the wonders of 2chan?

>> No.387808

I'm not sure I'd be willing to take on someone who has at least 4"+ reach on me.

>> No.387814

Did you use one of the programmes or did you just decide to up and move to Japan and apply for a teaching position there?

>> No.387835


A kid once mentioned 2ch to me. I said there was a 4chan in English. He didn't believe me.

JET here. But not a 'hangs-only-with-other-JETS-and-bitches-about-Japan' or 'acts like a superior asshole about it' one.

>> No.387858

Also, it's 11pm and I'm going to bed.

>> No.387870


But it's spring break...

>> No.387875

There is no Spring Break. It's called Golden Week. And I don't think it starts till next week or something.

>> No.387877

Disregard. Golden Week is in May. Not April

>> No.387893


Not everyone gets Spring Break.

>> No.387896

IT'S SPRING!(break)

Actually, ours was last week.

>> No.387901

you teach primary school? lucky prick

>> No.387902


Really? Wow, we get four weeks here.

>> No.387906


wait, three. but whatever.

>> No.387920

I live in a party house. we get drunk and stoned every day. However, computers being held together by duct-tape are sad looking.

>> No.387961

On the up side, there's enough space between us and our neighbors that we can't be too loud. Country party house jes a bump-bump-bumping along.

>> No.387980


Ah. I'm in Leopalace.



>> No.387989

Actually, honest question. What does Japan think of pot smokers?

Does Japan have pot?

>> No.387993


Haha, no. Japan haets drugs.

(they really do.)

>> No.388001

Isn't that a resort? Leopalace, I mean.

>> No.388008


...no, they have a million apartment blocks everywhere in japan that they rent out. But they come mostly furnished and with free internet, so... eh.

>> No.388035


That silence might get to me. Around where we are, farmers still use explosives to remove tree stumps. Nicking a half stick to blow a crater in the lawn for laughs happens every couple of months.

>> No.388053

op here, disregard that I'm not living in Nippon I'm living in Ontario

>> No.388054


What about Kegs? What is the largest container of beer a civilian can buy without a licence?

>> No.388064


Beer? I dunno. You can buy massive containers of shochu easily though.

>> No.388077

I would run away fag

>> No.388098


I'm not the other guy, but I know that wouldn't help as much as you think.

>> No.389333

I'm up for work
There's both. Right now the kids are off and the new school year starts next week. The 28th is the start of Golden Week, I'm considering taking 4 days off to get an 11 day holiday.

Drug smoking scum, zero tolerance and the same stigma you'd get for heroin in the USA, etc. I used to be to be in favor of tolerance, legalization, etc, because 'People will do it anyway regardless of the risk". Then I saw how Japan refutes that, so I'm rethinking my opinions.

Not OP. Potentially gay.


Cheap, huge ass kegs. Booze os so cheap here.

>> No.389423

Are the Otakus there really hated and detested as we're lead to believe? I expect so.

>> No.389456

Not in the 'pelted with eggs and shunned' way, just snickered at, spoke about condescendingly, a lot of misconceptions, etc.

Mind you I also know a lot of adults who don't care, recognizing that some kids are, by definition baseball or soccer otaku because they play all the time. Ergo, the manga kids in the computer club get treated the same.

>> No.389500

Also, it depends on the degree. Wearing a suit and reading a shonen/shoujo comic on the train? You might draw a remark from someone you know or a look. Fatass in sweatpants reading lolicon? You will be stabbed by the seven swords of everyone looking at you.

>> No.389516

>Fatass in sweatpants reading lolicon
you just described 80% of 4chan.

>> No.389523

I know a lot of stuff is way more expensive in Japan, housing, gas, food, etc... Are salaries higher to reflect the cost of living or do you basically make the same money doing the same things you would in the west and just have to be more careful with money?

>> No.389527

japan has the highest % of working poor compared to other 1st world countries.

>> No.389541

Man, thats kind of lame.

>> No.389554

I heard that Japan has the highest rate of people who are middle class.

>> No.389569

So OP, what's your favourite anime?

>> No.389581

Have you ever gotten on a bunch of trains and lost THE GAME.

>> No.389599

My apartment is only 395 bucks a month (2 rooms, kitchen, toilet and bathrooms), it's really the urban areas that are expensive. For food I spend between 250-180 bucks a month (and eat a lot, inb4 fatass), and I don't drive so gas isn't an immediate expense. Some companies do offer subsidies if you work in an urban area for them, but not all.

Evangelion. No shit.

I didn't play the game in University 6 years ago, I don't now.

>> No.389612

So are there kind of set social groupings in Japanese schools then? Do the otaku all hang out together and read manga?

>> No.389634


so cheap!?? where the hell do you live!???

i live in shibuya, my apartment costs 1300 a month and food costs me about 600 (i don't cook at home much though). on the other hand. i live in shibuya.

>> No.389642

What the hell? I live 25 miles outside of Washington DC on the edge of the boonies and I pay $680 a month for one room a bathroom and kitchen! You live in one of the most expensive countries in the world and you have a bigger apartment than me with half the rent!

>> No.389654

>Not my thing,

>> No.389670


To put things in persepctive: Japan isn't as expensive as UK, Scandinavia etc, in General.

Plus, I get the feeling the OP lives in the middle of fucking nowhere, hence very cheap.

>> No.389704

Tokyo is the most expensive CITY in the world. Japan has plenty of shitty apartments.

>> No.389705

it's odd.

I live in Denmark (Scandinavia), and at the travel agency they said that Japan is probably the most expensive place to go on vacation.

So I'm going to Thailand/Malaysia for 3 weeks this summer instead.

I'll go to Japan once I've learned a bit of it in college.

>> No.389710


Tokyo is the 4th most expensive. Moscow (believe it or not) is first and London second.

>> No.389717

Sort of, but as they're not supposed to have manga at school (some teacher turn a blind eye), they don't really do that. Some do outside of school, but not like America/Canada.

I live in a town of 13,000 in Miyagi-ken, about 40 minutes away from Sendai, the big city in Tohoku. It's about 3 hours to Tokyo by train, if that classifies as boonies, I guess so. I see it as me not pissing away huge sums of money on just rent, which allows me to save more.

Killing time. I was bored.

>> No.389732

do Japanese kids learn German in high school?

>> No.389736

Some schools are offering German, French, Korean and Chinese language courses these days, but English is still the norm.

>> No.389750


Well it all depends on what you are there for and how you like to spend your time. For reference for non JP residents though, in Japan, any place with less than 100,000 is the boonies. between that and a million and you are kinda in suburbia. Even Sendai the "big" city in Tohoku is basically the boonies. Put it this way, Yokohama is a slightly uncivilised suburb of Tokyo, and Yokohama has a population of 5 million.

>> No.389758


of course Moscow is the most expensive, your bound to get kidnapped of held hostage

>> No.389775
File: 216 KB, 640x480, 1207262316990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, compared to that, my country's unbelievably tiny.
1,835,467 citizens in the entire capital region.

also; OP, how does Japan know about a country like Denmark?
I've seen a few references in some anime.
Azumanga Daioh, R.O.D, etc.

>> No.389790


Because Denmark rocks, I guess? Maybe Hans Andersen ?

>> No.389792

Us danes are awesome, that's how.

>> No.389816


but how did they find out in the first place?
did some technological patents make a few Japanese engineers RAGE, or what?

or do they see Denmark as a far away fairy tale country with princes and princesses and shit?

>> No.389820


That's really not true about Yokohama. Most travel books lump it together with Tokyo and a lot of people drive out there from Tokyo to 'get away'.

>> No.389821

Japanese view of Denmark = Pastries and Little Mermaids.

Not such a bad stereotype I guess.

>> No.389833


Like I said (half-jokingly, but only half), it's a downmarket suburb of Tokyo. Its about 20 minutes on the Toyoko line from Shibuya so I can leave my place in 'Buya and be in Yokohama Chinatown in only 25 minutes.

>> No.389834

I think Denmark is a pretty cool guy. eh eats meatballs and doesn't afraid of anything

also; vikings

>> No.389861

It's the second biggest city in the country, it's hardly a suburb.

>> No.389883


Yeah, you're right, Yokohama is of course urban- so it's not a "Suburb". But it's full of kids who think it's cool to put rims on their riced out trucks and seem to be about 2 months behind the fashions in Tokyo. Hence it always feels like the suburbs.

>> No.389959

Denmark has a pretty bad rep in most places because the swedes are a load of urine drinking, incest loving moose fondlers and denmark is close enough to make everyone suspicious.

>> No.390013

That could be said for any area near a major centre like that. Like New Jersey.

>> No.390130

What internet image boards/forums can I go to to read Japanese people speaking in English? Over at 4-ch they had some bleed over from 2-ch which resulted in some hilarious anti-Korean threads, but I want more.

>> No.390134

Also when the danish speak it sounds like they are vomiting.

>> No.390140

have you been to Holland recently?

I have a pretty good accent, even if I'm from Denmark.
Not everyone here talks like our prime minister.

>> No.390141


>> No.390145

These persons are both right.

>> No.390155


>Drug smoking scum, zero tolerance and the same stigma you'd get for heroin in the USA, etc. I used to be to be in favor of tolerance, legalization, etc, because 'People will do it anyway regardless of the risk". Then I saw how Japan refutes that, so I'm rethinking my opinions.

Japan does have an impressively low drug use rate but their draconian policies have some unintended negative social effects. Namely the fact that the most used illicit drug is methamphetmine. Also that kids are more likely to try inhalants and other extremely dangerous but easy to get crap. I still think legalization/regulation of the minimal harm ones is the way to go, but I like Japanese policy when it comes to the more dangerous ones.

>> No.390175

I live in a shitty part of northside Chicago, paying 1150 a month for a shitty one bedroom, tiny kitchen, practically non-existant bathroom. basically a damn cardboard box.
brb, movin to japan.

>> No.390206

I live in a city of 150,000 people, it still feels pretty rural.

But then, it is Tottori-ken.

>> No.390338

This reminds me of a joke.

A finn goes to Africa. Doesn't matter where, it's all the same after all. On a savannah he meets a giraffe. The finn asks: "How do you feel about Finland?"

>> No.390356

>I live in Japan and am drunk.


>> No.390496

Nope, just me.

>> No.390509

You'd be hard pressed to find someone in Japan who's not a drunk.

>> No.390512

I think that's ignoring the fact that marijuana and meth are opposite ends of the spectrum, and that one arguably has working time enhancing properties.

Also, I hate hippies and stoners ('huhuhuhuhu dude I ate a turd huhuhuhuhhuuh' types), so not having that subculture is nice.

Although I do have a student with an I (heart) drugs sticker on her pencil case. I sorta wanna tell her what it means.

>> No.390519

Do you define that as someone who drinks excessively in social situations, binge drinks, or is an alcoholic?. Because I see the first two, but haven't seen the third yet.

>> No.390543

enough with the ego massaging OP.

>> No.390544

ever had to defend a girl from getting groped on a train?



>> No.390548

That's going on my todo list.

>> No.390566

Ever in broad day light, flipped someone skirt, pulled their pantsu down, and run like hell?

>> No.390568


If someone yells, 'chikan' at you on the train, you are basically then unemployable. And if you're a foreigner, you'll probably get kicked out of the country.

>> No.390574


>> No.390576

ITT faggot makes his life out to be better than it ever will be.

every field, faggot.

>> No.390590
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What advice would you give to the person that wants to do what you do?

>> No.390592

anyone can go to japan and teach english. just dont be an idiot.

>> No.390595

No and no.


Both hands on the overhead handle is my rule.

ITP faggot wakes up in dank parent's basement and feels rage at someone who had the patience and drive to make something out of his life. Seethes at internet and trolls until his mom brings him his sandwich and Doritios. Eats, masturbates (leaving cheese streaks on his cock) and goes back to sleep.

>> No.390601

is that shit real?

I'm guessing not because of the faces, but is it? I mean, there's no way they'd catch the guy to be able to sue him. I'm guessing it is.

>> No.390606

Start studying Japanese now, stay out of trouble with the police, try and get some practical ESL experience (volunteering, etc), and learn some general manners before you come.

>> No.390612


i feel sad for you.

>> No.390620

I went to an early going away party for my current supervisor. Most people don't get wasted late into the night once they pass 50, this group was no exception.

>> No.390622

When do you visit your family back at home?

>> No.390631

then i don't feel sorry for you any more.

sweet dreams,canadian anon of japan

>> No.390632


Went back for the first time in 1.5 years in December, might go again late this fall. I'd rather blow my cash traveling around Japan/Asia.

>> No.390633

I see you projecting that image of yourself onto me. I have done nothing to show you that I am at all like that, yet you make that assumption.

>patience and drive to make something out of his life

You're a teacher. Big fucking whoop. You only get people who give a shit because you work in Japan, you brag on /jp/ where you KNOW people will care. Chances are you're just another easily replaceable cookie cutter teacher , but it's all so great just because you work in Japan.

>> No.390629

I am a 19 year old normal build/above average looking girl and going to Japan soon. I am thinking about having a one night stand ( since something like 67% of travelers say they wouldnt mind ) but with such a high STD rate in Japan, should I?

Also, what are the chances of being hired as something other than a JET if youre white/black?

>> No.390638

Enjoy your minimum wage job.

>> No.390648

Again, you know nothing of me.

To be honest, I'm underageV&, so I don't know where I'll be at your age. Definitely not bragging about my job on an imageboard, though.

>> No.390650

I've also worked on my Japanese to the point that I can do translation, and have gone on trips with people from my city hall to do interpretation. I have my own English conversation class and am using it to develop a text I may publish in a year or so. Where ever I go in my town people know and speak to me, often going out of their way to do so.

I started the thread because I was bored waiting to my gf to come home after I went to the party, now I'm only answering questions that come.

For as small and insignificant as you see me, what do you do? What makes you such an important man? Head of a WoW guild?

>> No.390658

Good. There's a tons of halfies and other races in JET. But you might want to hide the 'I want a one night stand' side of your personality during the interview, JETs are government employees and they're always concerned with appearances.

>> No.390661

go away /b/tard, we don't need any of you griefers shitting up /jp/ with your dick waving over nothing.

>> No.390668

You have to be a Asian or a little kid, no one else goes to such retarded lengths to puff up their own shitty ego while shitting on other. Way to fail in public.

>> No.390669

You're just a guy on an imageboard. Nothing is special about you simply because you work in the Nippon. You do nothing to effect me personally.

The fact that you try so hard to put me down and flew how significant you are is pathetic. I'm willing to admit how insignificant I am, but you come at me with that bullshit.

>> No.390672


>> No.390675

>>You're just a guy on an imageboard.

and you are...?

>>I live in Japan and am drunk. Ask me anything.
PS I may go and do my dishes.

Yeah, look at me go, I sure was parading my importance. Yessir.

>> No.390681

You have to be a Asian or a little kid, no one else goes to such retarded lengths to puff up their own shitty ego while shitting on others. Way to fail in public.

Get the fuck out of /jp/ and don't come back we already have enough assholes.

>> No.390684


>> No.390685

ITT trolls who couldn't get in to JET.

>> No.390691

Oh I only want the one night stand because I have only slept with one person which was rather boring. It would be fun to have sex in a different country.

Thanks though :) If I like it enough over there during my trip I am thinking I may try to study Japanese to live there.

>> No.390696

ITT just plain faggotry. From all sides. Both teacherfags and hatefags should leave.

>> No.390699


anyways, is "gaijin" really a bad word, or just on how they use it?

>> No.390702

No just hatefags. Not many people are willing to put up with the mass shittery of this thread and I am pretty thankful that he answered the questions that he has. He isnt one of those ignorant fucks who is all OMGJAPANISGREATANIMEMANGAVNSYAY, its rather refreshing.

OP, have a myspace or anything?

>> No.390704


Gaijin is generally quite impolite; the term most use (at least within your hearing) is gaikokujin.

>> No.390705

Don't base things too solidly on a trip, unless it's fairly long. Between the flight, jet lag (I don't get it, but I hear it's killer for some) and stress of traveling in a foreign country, you can pick up a bad impression.

If you stay longer you can get a better idea of things. IF you can do an exchange try that. I really wish I could have when I was in school, but no dice.

>> No.390717

Nothing public. I'm afraid I'm a crazy hermit in a shack in this Web 2.0 world.

I've heard that word from:

1 - Little Japanese kids. I whipped around a corner on my bike and scared them.

2- An old man I helped carry his groceries home once. He didn't say it in a mean way, just in the way your grandpa might say 'negro'.

3 - A million times from other foreigners :/

It's not PC is all.

>> No.390723

My family is rather poor and because of the health of my parents I was forced to get a GED and work, do they have exchange things for colleges that dont cost a shit ton of money?

I have never really had jet lag but then again my longest flight was only 8 hours. The trip I am planning is going to be more jumping into whats going on from day to day than sight seeing, is that a bad idea? I really want to see the Tokyo Tower but besides that I have no real urge to visit stuff. Harajuku and maid/gundam cafes look like an interesting experience though. I really hope to pick up some clothes while I am there, is there places like the equivalent of Ross and Marshalls in Japan? Cheap clothes but good quality?

>> No.390731


>> No.390740


Uniqlo! Also their sizes fit westerners.

I'm sick of having to get 'L' size cardigans from most places.

>> No.390751

Thanks, I just wrote that down :D

>> No.390752


Yeah, college was a bitch to pay for for me, just barely did it.

Most visas require a college degree, but there are some programs that od youth exchange, like Rotary or Lions. You might want to check it out.

Randomly doing stuff can be fun, but you might want to plan a bit just to not waste your time looking for fun.
As for cheap but good clothes, try Uniqlo. Sizes might be trouble though (I do 90% of my clothes shopping at home or via the internet).

>> No.390758

I am more worried about pants/skirts/dresses than tops because I have an asian torso with a black bottom half. /wrists.

>> No.390755

Sort of, yes.

>> No.390757


Muji's pretty good too, much cheaper than in the west, and ok sizes.

>> No.390762


I don't know if there's a Grandback or Aoyama (big sizes for men stores) equivalent for women, anyone?

Chances are in Japan you will need huge sizes. Don't let it get you down, people are just, on average smaller.

>> No.390765


On average though how much english to 20-ish year olds speak?

>> No.390766

do* hurrdurr

>> No.390773


It varies. Maybe the really liked English and studied a lot, maybe they hated it, had good/bad teachers, etc. Generally though people are shy and don't, but if you get someone who isn't, usually basic conversations about most stuff.

>> No.390774


Depends where you go. I'm in a small city in west Japan, and on average, young people out of school speak about 5 words of english.

>> No.390779

Thanks lots for the answers to all my questions :) Sorry if this is a bit much!

I am rather worried about how much money I will have on my trip and was wondering what are cheap eats but still generally...ok? I am a taco bell fanatic, anything like that price jsut not taco bell? Haha.

>> No.390785



Most ramen places. Seriously, eating out in Japan is SO CHEAP (although I heard Americans complaining it's not, so... well, it is compared to the UK) You can easily get a good meal for 400-600 yen.

>> No.390791

Phew, good. Thank god.

Something I also hear a lot about is the xenophobia. I have heard very different stories from different people. Some say its pretty rampant while others say its over hyped. What are your experiences with it? Oh and I was reading a travel book the other day and it mentioned how sneezing in public is considered incredibly rude, is this true and do they expect foreigners to know this? I am a generally sneezy person and fear for my life :(

>> No.390792


Yoshinoya, convenience store foods, and Shokudo (食堂) style restaurant are all cheap. There this chain of super cheap restaurants but I can't remember the name.

>> No.390796

In 2 years the only thing I've had close to racism, xenophobia was a cop carding me when I asked him for directions.

I never heard the sneezing thing, but just turn your head/cover your mouth, I can't see any trouble with that.

>> No.390797


Sneezing's not that bad. But blowing your nose IS. It's considered much politer to sniff than blow your nose.

Xenophobia's not that bad. If you think you're experiencing it, it's more likely because people are shy, and ashamed of their english.

Though I have had people avoid sitting next to me on the train/bus etc. But no, I haven't noticed it much.

>> No.390801

Thats really good to hear, youre calming my nerves already!

One big thing : do they offer silverware almost everywhere or will I have to use chopsticks a lot? I am terrible with them, at the local Japanese steak house I always end up just stabbing the steak to pick it up.

>> No.390808


Again, depends... smaller independent restaurants might not. Or at least, a lot of places won't have them out. But if you ask, they'll probably have some somewhere. (since they use silverware for foods like pasta etc, and other 'western' foods)

>> No.390809

Silverware is everywhere.

>> No.390807

Not sitting next to you is more of them being scared than racist.

>> No.390810


No stabbing (tsukimibashi), it's rude!

Practice if you can, because if you go to a Yoshinoya and ask for a spoon, Yoshinoya guy might punch you.
Failing that, buy a fork/knife/spoon set at a 100 yen store and carry it around.

>> No.390811


I suppose so. It feels really weird people being scared of me when I'm s short female, even if I am foreign.

>> No.390815

It's probably weird for you if you didn't grow up in a homogeneous society I guess, but it's quite understandable if you have.

>> No.390818

I need to pick up a pair of training chopsticks then :( If I have someone coach me for about 10 mins I can do it but the next day I completely forget.

I am worried about which shoes to wear as well. A lot of the shoes I plan to take are ankle ties or rather strappy. I need to take shoes off kind of easily if I go inside right? Do you think they will have that same rule at the hostel I am staying at?

>> No.390825


Hard to say, because it varies. If it's a more traditional place, yes - but if it's more like a normal hotel, then no.

Also if you're going in the summer and are taking sleeveless tops... prepare to get stared at. Or relatively low cut tops, too.

Another odd thing is how Japanese women are very conservative on their top half, but completely shameless about how much they show below. (yes, generalisation, but mostly true)

>> No.390830

Really? Why is that? I have a few strappy tops, is it a bad idea? Should I stick with my phrase tees? Also, I have heard the weather is kind of mirrored by washington DC in tokyo, is this true? I am leaving pretty soon ( not giving dates, people will know who I am and I will never hear the end of it ) so I am curious about weather.

>> No.390839


Just because it's not that common for Japanese women to wear strappy/sleeveless stuff. I think mostly it's because they try to avoid the sun/getting suntanned.

I wore them anyway, just because in the summer it's so fucking hot, and I don't care anymore. Don't really know about Washington (or Tokyo too specifically) but around april/may the weather is generally mild and sunny, getting warmer.

>> No.390845

Get a comfy pair of sneakers and tie them semi-loosely so you can slip them on/off easily. Better for walking too.

>> No.390846

Was the terriyaki burger from McDonalds delicious?

>> No.390849


I live in Tokyo - We have very mild winters (lowest it gets is around 40F, almost no snow to speak of), long autumns that don't actually start to get "cold" until late December, average but beautiful springs (supposed to be mid-60s all this week), and SUMMERS CONCEIVED BY THE DEVIL HIMSELF.

To get an idea of the humidity/heat we're on the same latitude as South Carolina. Then add the rainy season. June/July is a bitch and a half.

>> No.390856

Seconded. Summer is horrific.

>> No.390858

Yeah I live on the east coast so I am used to the HUMIDITY FROM HELL. So aprils chilly or?

>> No.390869

why do japanese girls walk like they're retarded?

>> No.390871


Nope, mid 50s-mid 60s and beautiful. April and May tend to be awesome. March is pretty reasonable. February and January are bearable, but I'm originally from Philadelphia and went to school in western MA so the lack of snow is somewhat disconcerting, to be honest.

Once it hits June, though, I usually toss a second t-shirt into my bag so I can change when I get to school as whatever I wear out the door is soaked (either by sweat or by rain) by the time I get inside. And that's with a 40-minute commute, which is heavenly by most Tokyo-ite standards.

(Sorry if I'm stepping on your toes, OP)

>> No.390872


At the moment I can often go without a jacket, but it's been occasionally chilly. By the end of April it should be regularly warm.

>> No.390874

No, no you're not. Not like this (east coast here too).

April can be chilly, but even up north it's been warm lately.

>> No.390879

There's about 3-4 ppl answering I think, step away.

>> No.390893


Most of them wear very stupid high heels.

>> No.390897

This is the best post on /jp/ by far. Thanks!

>> No.390898

haha, you fuckers don't know humidity until you've lived on the motherfucking bayou.

Had some French transfer students say they could hardly breathe then they got out of the airport.

>> No.390901


>> No.390917

That happens here too, every time you go out in summer. I'm going to invent an AC pod you never have to leave.

>> No.390923


I'd say we can probably trade stories and end up even. I hate humidity to begin with but here (combined with whatever the air quality is in Tokyo) it gets very bad.

Plus the rainy season in Kanto - especially when a typhoon comes - is worse than anything I've ever dealt with. If you hear about a system coming in, you make sure you've got food and you stay the fuck inside, because even with an umbrella you won't be able to walk more than 15 feet.

>> No.390930
File: 37.00 MB, 4288x2848, 1207279811647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and just for fun, this is a photo I took last weekend at a 7-11 here. HR b/c I'm lazy and don't feel like resizing.

>> No.390931


Most miss Tohoku, but we get a lot of general strong wind thanks to the flatness of a lot of areas.

>> No.390937
File: 451 KB, 1536x2048, 1207279898776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took last year in Yoyogi, Tokyo.

>> No.390956


Wow, mine was in Yoyogi too. Lots of otaku workin' the night shifts, it looks like.

>> No.390966


Close to Ikebukuro, damned fujoshi.

>> No.390970


Yeah, I was bored enough to look yours up and see if it was the same one, that would have been eerie. Mine's the one near 代々木駅.

>> No.390971

My kanji fails me, what's this poster about??

>> No.390979

Yoyogi JR?

Staff recruitment.

>> No.390990

What are clothing sizes like in Japan? Are they smaller?

>> No.390999

Somewhat, but you can find big sizes. A large is a North America medium, an XL is an L, etc.

>> No.391007


Yeah. I'm stoked b/c I might get a part-time job a couple doors down from that 7-11, just waiting for the club to call me. Pain in the ass to have to go through the traditional "mutual contact introduces you" thing, but what can you do.


Yeah, >>390999 more or less covered this. in general I'd put a Japanese L at a little smaller than an American L, but not an M IMHO. Finding shoes that fit you if you're size 12 or bigger is a pain in the ass.

>> No.391008



And the proportions are all different, especially for females. If you're bigger than a B, don't expect to be able to buy bras here (and if you do, they'll be padded). Tops and cardigans/jackets especially fit weirdly.

Trousers are ok unless you have long legs.

>> No.391018

Mine's from Sangubashi Station.

Also, the slight difference is because NA clothing manufacturers have been creeping sizes up a bit for about 10 years now, but without adjusting labels. So, an L from 10 years ago is smaller than one now

>> No.391023

lol, wut? I've been through at least one hurricane a year and live in (what was, at least) the rainiest city in the US.

Not that it's something to be proud of. The place is a shithole.

>> No.391029

'round here if it's anything less than a cat 4/strong cat 3 it's an excuse to sit on the porch, get smashed and watch the storm go by.

>> No.391031

What about a big butt?

>> No.391041

I like them, and you can't deny.

>> No.391048

when a girl walks in with an itty-bitty waist

>> No.391063

You gonna get SPRUNG.

>> No.391068

what the hell?

>> No.391082

What do they think of gay people in Japan?

>> No.391092

It's not the same open environment as in America, but there's not a lot of open hostility. Keep your personal stuff personal and people don't really care. An ALT I know is a lesbian, in a small town, and it's not a secret, but she gets no flak for it either.

>> No.391096


Out of sight, out of mind would be a good way to describe it.

Homosexuality gets parodied/minstrel'ed a lot on variety shows but I've never witnessed/heard of any widespread discrimination, probably because there's relatively fewer to discriminate against. Given how private most people tend to be w/ their personal lives I think most people probably just don't care as a cultural thing.

>> No.391199


Actually, I had a discussion about this with some Japanese people recently - and basically... they don't really believe it exists. At least, they don't believe other Japanese are - foreigners, sure (and they don't really care) but Japanese? "only some entertainers are gay" (actual quote)

Lesbians seem to be an even harder concept to grasp than gay men.

>> No.391957

That's not impossible, Iran doesn't have any gays either.

>> No.392421

There ARE gay men in Japan. But they're "only gay until they get married". It's seen as something fun to do for a while, but, whether they like women or not, they have to marry one day, because it is what is done in the society.

IF they don't marry, how will they be able to take care of their parents and grandparents who will inevitably live with them until they die!?!?
