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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 499 KB, 641x431, summonmonsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3889207 No.3889207 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is auto-sage.

Wiki link: http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Elona_Wiki

Now, where would be a great spot to use all of these at once?

>> No.3889216

Vernis, Loyter must die.

>> No.3889219

Palmia, just to see the king flip out and kill people.

>> No.3889251

In a moongate plane with Ehekatl clones

>> No.3889275
File: 127 KB, 720x510, damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell did I do to provoke this?!

>> No.3889301

Ho ho

>> No.3889305

So, how do I edit sprites again?

>> No.3889426

How about the farm town?

All those dead innocents.

>> No.3889438
File: 28 KB, 502x232, 0614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3889441
File: 144 KB, 805x626, little_sister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got myself a good little sister. The previous ones I got either had a shitty name, were obese/too tall/too old. Still I know she is doomed to get 13 next year ;_;
Wish you could edit your pet stuffs too

>> No.3889446

You can change a pet's name (or even a random adventurer's, if i remember right). Same as talking to them, but should be lower on the menu than talk or give an item.

>> No.3889453

You can't put "the younger sister" along with it. It loses the feeling if I don't have "the younger sister" along with my sister's name.

>> No.3889479

... You can just say "[name] the younger sister" as the name...

>> No.3889482

open you save folder (save\sav_xxx) and open cdatan.s1 with notepad

>> No.3889483

Did you even try? Try pushing enter and see what it does. Nothing. Field is too long.

>> No.3889484

you can edit the name in the cdatan.s1 file in your save folder as someone has mentioned in the earlier thread

>> No.3889498

Is there any way to edit her age, height and weight?

>> No.3889509

feed her bad food for weight (bulimia is good!) and cursed milk for height.

>> No.3889516

Yeh well known. Now something to make her younger would be nice, because she ages just like your character sadly.

>> No.3889529
File: 109 KB, 800x600, Elona1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of younger sister, did Noa ever give out the original picture of this?

>> No.3889538
File: 998 KB, 1584x1200, map2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this do?

>> No.3889543
File: 273 KB, 623x575, little sister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3889555

>All those dead innocents.

>Hit Gwen
>Hide inside a building
>Wait a couple turns

>> No.3889582

I believe blessed potions of slow are what you're looking for.

>> No.3889603

Give her a blessed potion of slow and she'll de age a couple years. You can keep her twelve forever!

Also, you're a horrible person for not loving your little sister because she had a poor name/was too heavy/was too old.

>> No.3889611

Wut potion of slow can deage? And I am pretty sure your younger sister can be as young as 10. Unless I confuse with the younger catsister.

>> No.3889617

does anyone have a clue what this says?

>> No.3889619

Little girls should change sprites and race when they go over age 13.

>> No.3889621

blessed potions of slow reduces age
cursed potions of speed increases it


>> No.3889647

in to what, the young lady sprites?

>> No.3889658

The say thing is that there's a cd where you can hear something similar to this.

>> No.3889668

I have some bad news for you. Your little girl's age can be from 12 to 18+. I think highest I've seen was 19.

>> No.3889671

Little girls, young ladies, cat sisters, and younger sisters are all races that stay the same no matter how old they get, like those anime little girls who are really hundreds of years old.

>> No.3889677

Where do you find the custom younger sister sprites again? I know there was a sprite site with lot of stuffs for younger sisters.

>> No.3889680

Just harvested a potion of cure corruption off one of my unknown plants.

Feels good, man.

>> No.3889702
File: 212 KB, 398x298, sugoitreasuremap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now then...where is this circle located at... ...

>> No.3889736

Oh boy, have fun with that one.

>> No.3889742

Find it more by what isn't there than what is. When you get there, you'll almost see things to the left and down of where you are. Judging by the border, it would in the east/northeast part, close to the edge between green and white, with the green out of sight, and from a single forest, 5 to the right.

I might not be right.

>> No.3889810

Open the world map

Finding five rocks with 5x6 tiles of pure snow shouldn't be extra hard.

>> No.3889831



Sprites, guys.

How often does one get food to up stats, btw? I find putit corpses are almost always effective.

>> No.3889841

I've only been playing this game for a week, but I've played for hours on end. I've started several characters who have been exposed to etherwind for less than half a day, never holding a cursed or doomed item, then having negative diseases and mutations pile up on my goddess-of-luck-is-smiling-on-me character.
I am convinced that this game is the opposite of fun.

>> No.3889854

You can be exposer to etherwind for more than a few turns.

That's why they give you the clue that it always come at months 3,6,9 and 12, always in the first 10 ten days.

Stay near the innkeeper, dig walls, trade items and rest to pass time.

>> No.3889899

what stuff do you have to do the raise your stats?

>> No.3889915

>You are fired

>> No.3889937

Is it normal to be all but completely helpless without the assistance of my panty-tossing bell?

>> No.3889956

Raising skills associated with the stat, some foods, and random events

>> No.3889974

Where the fuck do I find harmonicas?
The piano at Party! quests are ALWAYS rigged, fucken <Loyter>.

>> No.3889985

Buy it from the general vendor.

>> No.3889986

Is there any trick to generating high level dungeons? Highest I'm getting is mid-20's. I want to face at least a 40.

>> No.3889993


NPCs sell instruments sometimes, if your strong enough you can kill other bards and steal theirs, and you can find them in dungeons occasionally.

If your performer isnt around 20 ~ 25 then you shouldnt be doing paty time! quests yet. But even then its best to avoid Loyter until youre 30 or so. Just make sure he isnt around when youre playing.

>> No.3889994

Bards drop them.
Kill 'em. Kill 'em all.

>> No.3890008

how do I use downloaded custom npc's?

>> No.3890035

Embassy. They count as furniture and sometimes they sell horns and harmonicas.

>> No.3890047
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>> No.3890079

Talk to the master thief in Derphy. Pay him 20k for the pyramid invitation. Go in the pyramid, get to the second floor (make sure to grab the treasure map/speed ring somewhere on the first one), kill the boss. You'll get an unidentified statue. Identify it as a figurine of Opatos, which you can then use every 10 days to reset the map (random dungeons are cleared and new ones are generated).

>> No.3890113

I completed a sick mother quest, ate luck+20 cheese, then got 3 more of it from little sisters quest and ate that too; now rich people are bombing me with money. I have no use for it other than paying taxes with keep growing constantly.

>> No.3890123


Build multiple ranches of little girls

You know what to do

>> No.3890131
File: 247 KB, 1009x742, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I swear i'll kill Loyter with a stone, one of these days.

just wait, Loyter...

>> No.3890144

I killed the puppy in the puppy cave. Now I'm stuck. What do I do?

>> No.3890149

Go back to level 4 (or up/down if you haven't left it), he will respawn as long as you haven't completed the quest.

>> No.3890156


go up the stairs, go down the stairs.

find again POPPY.

"Poppy!" - Young Vernis boy

>> No.3890161


Go to the graveyard east of Lumiest and grab the horn there.

>> No.3890164

Yeah, I've got it, but I don't think it's reliable enough. It does have a better chance of generating higher level dungeons than the sudden diasprism or whatever it's called, but the levels still go all over the place. The overmap reroll seems to try to generate dungeons around a certain difficulty level; if I had to guess at anything I'd say it's based on my level (22). Since that random dungeon generating is much more thorough than the statue, is there any way to increase the average dungeon level? Just gaining levels?

>> No.3890224

You could always damn it all and go in the Void, provided you have balls of steel. Other than that, I don't know, I was getting level 80-120 dungeons all over the place when I was barely 30ish.

>> No.3890273

I've been in the void. One boss was a Level 90 or something Spiral King. I'm not going back there for a while. Plus that was a different character, and this one isn't strong enough.

Yeah. I've had 90-100+ dungeons when starting the game. They go away though, and get replaced by lower level ones. It's annoying.

>> No.3890337

Increase your fame and do quests.

>> No.3890379
File: 560 KB, 695x398, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My catgirl gets beat up easily, her damage is pathetic, and that's only if she manages to hit. What the heck am I doing wrong?

>> No.3890397

Getting over your head?

That's like twice as good as my prostitute priest.

>> No.3890402

How am I supposed to get raw corpses back to the truce ground if I can only open a freezer in my house?

>> No.3890405

It gives you an icebox.

>> No.3890407

Tips for taking out a bell boss? Poison isn't working. Nor did fire. Managed to hit him with a cursed potion of restore body at least. Right now I've dismounted from my ride and am trying to get my pets to assault him; one of which is a Yith wielding a Kill Kill Piano. Any other ideas? I'd rather not run, since there's a good chance of getting an otherwise-impossible figurine

>> No.3890416

Ahh, thanks anon!

>> No.3890437

There is an unclaimed Altar in Palmia.

There's an altar dedicated to Mani of Machine in the Cyber Dome.

You can attempt to claim altars of other gods for your own by making an offering on it.

>> No.3890464

Better yet, don't offer your gods corpses anyways. Posting the other items they like, i.e. ores, is almost always more valuable, more common, and don't rot (except Fish).

>> No.3890491

try using guns instead of dual wielding

>> No.3890510

Not that same anon, but I got poppy out of the dungeon but I can't find the little squirt in vernis.
Does he just show up at random times or something?

>> No.3890514

She doesn't have firearms, and will she even use a gun anyways?

>> No.3890548

Probably cursed equipment, so he's teleporting. Or maybe he randomly died.

>> No.3890842

If he's not in his house you can't find him on the map, he might have gotten killed somehow.

If you wait a week outside the city, it should respawn all npcs. Try not to get the puppy killed in the mean time.

>> No.3890918

>If he's not in his house you can't find him on the map, he might have gotten killed somehow.
Oh man, that's pretty reali-
>If you wait a week outside the city, it should respawn all npcs.
lol nevermind

>> No.3890937

whoops I confused it for a main instead of a pet, anyway don't use dual wield because it has hit% penalties, use a heavy claymore or sword instead.

>> No.3890959
File: 188 KB, 586x352, godly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man. I wish I had a material kit for this.

>> No.3890972

How deadly is a Bell with Eye of Mind?

Are piles of monsters dead before you can take a step? I'm planning on breeding some Hands for the skill so yeah.

>> No.3890978

Wow, that's pretty nice.

>> No.3890986

It's not precious, so you could just use a material scroll.

>> No.3890994

Someone posted a screenshot with orange items (as in the names were orange instead of green when looking at the inventory) several threads ago, what's up with that?

>> No.3891001

Aside from the - growth the stats suck, use a change material scroll, it's not worth a material kit.

>> No.3891033
File: 82 KB, 812x639, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damned cursed equipement.

>> No.3891059

Where can I get fish?

>> No.3891126

Equipment with {} brackets can only be changed with material kits.

>> No.3891142

buy a fishing pole, apply to water

>> No.3891247

Why do people keep saying bells make good pets? Am I the only person seeing them miss 5 times in a row?

>> No.3891314

Because eventually they will hit 5 times in a row instead.

Also anyone know if treasure balls give better gear when opened in high level dungeons?

>> No.3891315

How do you take things off "No-drop" mode from the examine menu?

>> No.3891370

Bells aren't good pets because they do damage.
Bells are good pets because enemies waste time trying to hit them.

>> No.3891379

>Also anyone know if treasure balls give better gear when opened in high level dungeons?
I can confirm they don't, just opened 32 treasure balls and 6 rare ones in a level 84 dungeon and all I got was a potion of cure corruption, the rest were 1,0 girdles and doomed daggers.

>> No.3891652

Anyone have any suggestion how to raise charisma other than playing instruments infront of pets and sleeping around? My pets always throw stones at me even though my level is higher...

>> No.3891659

putit corpses seem to always work. But really, prostitution is golden charisma boost.

You must have leveled too early if your pets are still throwing stones. They are just to high level for your performance.

>> No.3891696

press * while on examine menu to switch the no-drop

>> No.3891731

Investing or negociation. Both of which imply using vast amounts of money. Money which is generally aquired through performer. So yeah, you're pretty much fucked.

Putit corpses and cooked versions thereof also increase your cha by a not-so-sizeable amount.

>> No.3891752

thank you

>> No.3891753

They throw stones if your performer level is lower than their level. I'm guessing you're skill level 1 performer.
Quickest solution is to find Performer # gear, as just one # will raise it 1-5 levels. The other option is to tell your pets to wait in town and play solo. If you don't have an instrument, there's a piano in a room that is usually empty down in Port Kapul. Grind there until high enough level to play with your pets - the more people you're around, the faster the skill grows.

>> No.3891764

you guys realize you can make your pets wait at home thus saving you from having to spending gold every time you want them back

>> No.3891795

About what level should a Juere archer be before going off to grab that Railgun?

>> No.3891812

Level doesn't really mean much, your skills and stats are what matters.

You cannot fight the railgun boss at range. One hit from the thing took me from 700 hp to -200. The only way to down him is to get in melee range, and always keep up with him (when he starts running away at low hp). His melee is not particularly dangerous, if you can handle a dragon you can probably tank him. The problem is, he has a shitton of hp and armor, you need really high damage numbers to even scratch him. Maybe bleed would work to keep his regen down, but I haven't personally tried. The fight will be horribly long, so bring food and whatever supplies you like to haul around.

>> No.3891816

Do not try to attack the destroyer at range. You will die in a single hit from the chaos/sound ball. His close-range attack is crap, but his defense is absurd. I recommend not trying until you're really strong in melee and have at least one pet Yith. Being able to cast Mist of Frailness might help. I can't remember if he can resist it all the time or not.

>> No.3891819

the railgun is very powerful but it tends to blow up whatever you shoot at and the explosion does not differ from friend or foe

>> No.3891834

My melee is shit, but I presume shotguns will work just as well? And what is a Yith and where would I catch one?

>> No.3891839

>pet Yith

Yiths are overrated, Executioners/Messengers of Death is where it's at. Instakill, so good.

>> No.3891864

Yiths are pretty much the toughest non-boss monsters in the game. Their attacks cause insanity, meaning anything trying to melee them is pretty much fucked. They also have ridiculous speed and 4 ring slots, which can be abused for more speed, if you've stocked some decent speed rings. They're level 60 or so, if memory serves, so you'll have to go in a 60+ dungeon to find them. Alternatively, there's a quest with a ton of them but you have to be pretty fucking tough to not die to being zerged by 10 shub nigguraths, yith, gagu, and spiral kings.

>> No.3891883

>Instakill, so good.
It instakills after twenty turns. A stronger pet with good equips could have the monster killed long before then.

>> No.3891886

Wouldn't control magic get rid of that problem?

>> No.3891887


Thanks. I'll try to get it up. Currently level 4 and still getting stoned by pets lol.

>> No.3891899

Level 50. Spiral Kings are 65. Also, sadly their insanity does not work on any bosses.

Yiths are my favorite pets. They have high speed, 4 ring slots for speed rings, and enough strength to not lose much speed when you ride them. They're absolute tanks, so very little can ever kill them. Also, they have very high control magic. Hand a Yith or Spiral King that railgun and the blast will never touch you. It's not nearly as devastating as when the machine god uses it though. Also, if you've never even see a Yith, you are not a match for the machine god.

Just because something potentially better exists doesn't automatically mean they're overrated. They're still insane tanks. I'm a cheap bastard, so all of my new characters inherit a monster ball containing a great race of Yith. I'd much rather have that starting out than an executioner. Plus, I heard Word of Death got nerfed in one of the more recent versions.

I suppose a shotgun would work, but they have shit pierce, don't they?

>> No.3891910

Not if the monster is a boss/void monster.

>> No.3891927

Just a thought, if the Yith is going to be using ranged attacks, could you slam 4 shields onto it to ensure it's invincibility?

>> No.3891942

After the first shield, only the PV/DV of the shield itself is added. You don't get a bonus from the shield skill, which is where most of the advantage of using a shield is.
Plus, they're melee attackers. They use ranged attacks, but they close in.
I tend to give em 4 shields anyways, since their unarmed attack is better than most weapons.

>> No.3891951

Upgrade her weapons. Even for dagger at her level I think they should be doing more damages than that.
2d7+3 isn't that great. Give her the lucky dagger off-hand and some other good weapon on her main hand and she should do some more damage. Also remember catgirl younger sister, while being faster and having better starting stats overall compared to younger sisters have a HUGE DRAW-BACK: their life. It's low as shit!

>> No.3891976

Is there any custom tone there too? Like for the younger sister? Because the game doesn't have any for her ;_;

>> No.3891980

If it's just tone you want to change, just copy the image from the wiki and change it yourself.

>> No.3891985

Who the fuck keeps voting for the hero link? Vote Suika you faggots.

>> No.3891991

So you don't go insane from riding a pet yith or anything?

>> No.3891995

I am. Like the motherfucking fist of northstar.

>> No.3892006

Tone isn't the images. It's their speaking when they kill monsters. They're not talking at all somehow.

>> No.3892010

I'm more wondering why people are voting for Orange Apple.
I mean... seriously. wat.

>> No.3892017

Most people just cheat their ways in. Save in front of panel. Save. Vote. Force shut-down. Reopen. Vote Force shut-down. Rince and repeat.

>> No.3892027

That's just cheap.

>> No.3892054
File: 165 KB, 600x850, rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this picture is in order.

>> No.3892069


>> No.3892079
File: 95 KB, 933x896, 3122275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you ever NOT chosen the little girl as your starter pet?

Because I know I haven't.

>> No.3892084

Would it be better to grind a Little Sister up from level 1 or should I wait until I can snab one of the ones living in the mansion?

>> No.3892099
File: 827 B, 48x48, 844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose a cat once and was immediately disappointed by the lack of item slots.

Never again.

>> No.3892112

Rolled "the Axe-wielding Drunkard" Beerbeard, a dwarven warrior. Chose bear as a companion. It was the only choice

>> No.3892123

There is only one little sister living in the mansion. And she is lv50.

>> No.3892124

Apparently if you cook something blessed your pet benefit greatly from eating it.

My little girl just upped 3 stats in one serving.

>> No.3892136

I really hate the way her hair covers her face so it loos like she doesn't have eyes. One of the tutorial NPCs looks just like her, and I wondered if she was a slave too.

>> No.3892151 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on a n o n t a l k . com ok thanks and a hav a good day

>> No.3892153

If you know what I mean

>> No.3892154

Just change her sprite.

>> No.3892157

Fow a dorf, I would think cats or dogs are better suited.
Could go around killing elephants or something.

>> No.3892161


I submitted my name but it doesnt show up ;_;

>> No.3892166

...is that a Tewi sprite for use in Elona? Has some Japanese fanatic gone and made the whole Touhou cast?

Damn it, I thought I was done with Elona, but the prospect of modding in a Gensokyo roguelike is pretty hard to resist...

>> No.3892169

> dorf
> 2cat

>> No.3892171

What's your name?

>> No.3892172


>> No.3892175


The difference between @ and -

>> No.3892177

No, there are only a few sprites, like 6, some anon mentioned using the touhoumon sprites but that's about it.

By the way anyone have the Yuyuko? The moongate died.

>> No.3892189

How come I always end up in the same 4 moongates? There is one with a sandbagged dragon, one with a kittybank room and a few seeds, a mass monster ranch and bubbles everywhere.

>> No.3892195


Find a rune and use it. Then you can choose where you want to go.

>> No.3892199

I keep getting a a Palmia being destroyed by monsters and a plain with a couple dozen monsters hanging from gallow like things. Is a monster hanging from a rope a monster that's been sandbagged?

>> No.3892214


>> No.3892246

a + means it adds a value between 1-5
a # means it adds a value between 6-10

+ would be 1-5
# would be 6-10
#+ would be 11-15
## would be 16-20
##+ would be 21-25
### would be 26-30

etc, etc

>> No.3892258

Yeh change the sprite. Her original sprite doesn't look like a little girl. She's the same size as an adult NPC.

>> No.3892269

Where did you get this horribly inaccurate information?

>> No.3892300
File: 33 KB, 194x193, 1212093693896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last years /jp/ Elona thread.

>> No.3892423



Goes in the user folder.

>> No.3892457

Do you have more? If so please post them.

>> No.3892499



Here's all the NPCs that I have (including some non-Touhous).

I have also included two dialog files. One for Cirno, and one for Utsuho (which is much better). For the most part, they are based on lines from the games.

Also included in these talk files are my generic lines (things like "{npc} fixedly looks at you.") that I made a long time ago.

>> No.3892508


To expand upon this post, if you are interested I made a couple Touhou player sprites a while ago. They can be found in this thread:


>> No.3892514

Is there any known talk files for younger sisters?

>> No.3892524

# = 1~5
## is 6~10
and you get
#####+ for more than 5 #

>> No.3892526


Not that I know of.

I think you'll have to make one yourself and then manually apply them to each sister, as there is no way that I know of to globally apply talk files.

>> No.3892547

how do you use/talk/spawn these npc's?

>> No.3892557


They -should- be added to the game automatically. I must admit that I am unsure of this though.

Try messing around in the puppy cave for a while, you should run into a bunch of Mystias or yukkuris. Worst case scenario, you might have to find a summoning crystal and use that.

>> No.3892589
File: 5 KB, 48x48, chara_177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

Here have a mushroom.

>> No.3892678

>summoning crystal
where do you get those anyway?

>> No.3892695

From in the moongate.

>> No.3892704


Randomly in dungeons. They are incredibly rare though. I've been playing for a long time and I have only seen one.

>> No.3892705

Fucking pumpkins made me lose my good speed mutations and a whole fuck load of others.

I'm fucking frustrated.

>> No.3892708
File: 287 KB, 1030x793, crystal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the blue thing on the left of the character here. Go over it and use enter and use it.

Also it downloads even if you exit and reload and go through the moongate again.

>> No.3892739

Quick, someone give me a name for my new pet Asura.

>> No.3892758


>> No.3892763


>> No.3892871

>1 STR

>> No.3892894

Every time I try to dig, I just hurt my muscles and lose a strength point.

>> No.3892910


Even ingame your character is a useless NEET, what is wrong with you Anon.

>> No.3892924

My character is just a frail mage, like Patchy. It is moe ;_;

>> No.3892930

drink a restore body potion, its not a permanent loss to str.

>> No.3892934

So should I even bother with the Pael mom's quest ?

>> No.3892939

It actually comes back over time too, it seems, so I tend to ignore it.

>> No.3892940

Has it been changed so that it doesn't end in tears?

>> No.3892944

After giving her 5-7 (too much) potions you can either kill her, sell her or bring her more potions for Karma raise.

>> No.3892947

When I tried to make custom last words, it was still using the original ones even though I replaced every instance of them that I could find. How do custom last words work, exactly?

>> No.3892962

you get happy apple (i think) one of the few items that raise luck.

which, in the long run, is worth it.

>> No.3892990

It also raises luck by more than all of the luck feats combined.

>> No.3892994

Yes but is it worth so many potions of cure corruption ?
And how much Karma drop if you sell the mother ?

>> No.3893001


There's a wiki link in OPs post for a reason.

>> No.3893027

I've been abusing wells and force-quiting for positive mutations. Is this bad?

>> No.3893030


>> No.3893038


>> No.3893202

Well, i'm training preformer and I was wondering in what level should I head for the party quests.

>> No.3893771

Hey, Anyone remember the japanese site to download map files for the showroom?

>> No.3894067
File: 940 B, 48x48, 853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, oh wow. Is that some 63'd Loyter?

>> No.3894104

Is it me or is the English version cutting LOT and LOT of story?
I've tested the game in Japanese for a bit and there are a fair amount of small stories that happen when you enter the city and the main dungeon.
Also why would you translate young girl (shoujo) into little girl is something that will always make me wonder about the translation quality.

>> No.3894111

makes it sound better when we're raping them

>> No.3894121

What bothers me the most is that the Japanese version has talking for the younger sister while the English does not.

>> No.3894156

I thought loyter was a girl for a long time due to his portrait.

>> No.3894162

My brain has just been mechanized, is that bad?

>> No.3894165

I end up eating cursed fruits from time to time (who identify food anyway?) and vomit, and I don't think weighting 16kg is healthy...
so, how do I GAIN weight?

>> No.3894169
File: 414 KB, 800x600, younger_sister2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish we had that in English too ;_;

>> No.3894172

If y'all know so much, go help out with the translation effort.

Also it's probably to avoid confusion with the young lady. That or cause the English speaking world considers a girl to be a little girl until she's 18.

>> No.3894184

teach words

>> No.3894250


>> No.3894256

I don't know that much it's just common sense that shoujo=young girl, youjo=little girl. As for the cut scenes. They are just gone in the English version. There's some kind of vampire looking guy talking in them from what I recall.
There's more than that. They got killing words, dying words, etc.

>> No.3894276

I don't like any of those for the little girl pet and I doubt I'd like those for the little sister pet.

>> No.3894470

If you don't like them you can just tell them to shut up and they'll stop speaking. There's no reason to keep the people who do want it from having it.

>> No.3894563

I found it quite nice actually.
Too bad the younger sister's original text wasn't translated.

>> No.3894761

So I have no literacy skill, but enough platinum coins to buy it easily enough. My magic stat is less than decent. But I have a ton of books that are otherwise doing nothing but taking up space. Should I bother learning to use magic or just keep using rods and scrolls, which have otherwise been doing the job just fine?

>> No.3894816

If you're already doing the job, don't waste your potential.

Unless you're a (War)Mage or Priest, you can go on without spellcasting. Hell, the Priest should only buff, even.

>> No.3894901
File: 153 KB, 695x393, happy holidays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just won the game. What's next?

>> No.3894910

loose it.

>> No.3894914

Thanks anon.

>> No.3895180

So, what am I looking at here?

>> No.3895181

Hey, all my stats have Hopeless of Bad written next to them, is there something I should be doing to fix it?

>> No.3895192

Where can i harvest fruit all the time? Working on my cooking skill

>> No.3895196

That means your stats will improve slowly. You can improve growth a number of ways, like getting visited by a trainer at your house or sleeping, but unless you particularly need better stats it won't kill you.

>> No.3895200

It's simply a result of said stats increasing alot.
You'll need to increase their potential to gradually bring them back up.

>> No.3895202

I can't do anything except for escort quests. Constantly dying in dungeons, failing all the hunts. Jesus, I suck so bad ;_;

>> No.3895223

The next Elona thread need these links.


Most of the questions asked ITT can be found out in the wiki, believe it or not.

>> No.3895229


A link to the forum would be nice too.


>> No.3895234

Kumiromi +gardening is the best source. Fishing is another good way to learn cooking, as is anatomy. If you can steal, go to yowyn and steal the food from the ground. Don't forget you can get better by cooking rotten food. Certain characters, like the bosses at the end of a dungeon or Gwen, will almost always drop corpses as well.

Play an easier class/race combo until you're used to the game. The wiki should have some suggestions.

>> No.3895238

Look at the speed.

Think about it. Give that thing a projectile weapon (it's a ranged attacker). What do you think will happen?

Buy flour and noodles. Fruit trees can be found in Vernis, Palmia, and Yowyn. If you have pickpocket and ~84 str you can steal the trees. Otherwise, I suggest burning them once they're empty so they respawn with some fruit

>> No.3895283

Okay, but I'm not sure what you're getting at-


>> No.3895295

Then give it glass equipment, and splice it some fingers so you can give it rings of speed ^_^

>> No.3895302

Oh, do they start with speed that high?

>> No.3895403

High speed, yes, speed that high, no. Not unless your a fairy pianist focused on nothing but performer and magic device.

>> No.3895407

>Then give it glass equipment
Piss in an ocean. Give it Rubynus. And Hero Cheese.

For gene splicing, you should instead feed it 2 potions of descent, splice in a Yith, then another potion of descent and another Yith, etc, etc, etc, until it also has a Yith's strength and dexterity.

No, a bell's speed is around 500-600. That bell was dominated from the void, where all the monsters have +50 levels and increased stats. A regular gold bell is only level 1.

>> No.3895417

My main goal is to kill Loyter.

With a stone.

>> No.3895419

>> auto-sage.
It's called a bump limit, since sage is a function of the board which exists as a form of thread voting. However, this is not something that is done automatically. Please stop using this term, since I really hate seeing it being used rather than bump limit. Come on, Anonymous. My house, my rules and if you don't like that then you can go back to Gaia. You probably think that's a cool place and everything.

>> No.3895424

How do i drop money? I'm being robbed like i am a sacred cow.

>> No.3895431

Bump limit is incorrect. Bumping is a thread being moved to the top as a result of a post being made without sage in the email field. This can happen indefinitely; deleting posts will reduce the limit, allowing a thread to be bumped constantly. Autosage, however, is more accurate because once this limit is reached every post made effectively has 'sage' in the email field.

But more importantly, shut the fuck up.

>> No.3895433

whats the best class to start as?

>> No.3895448

My black cat ended up male, what now?

>> No.3895449

Should I try going down the floors of the puppy cave the minute I can, or should I take time to search the entirety of the floor?

>> No.3895454

Warrior and thief are good starting choices.

>> No.3895480
File: 73 KB, 691x393, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm beginning to understand this game.
Good stock of cure mutation and ether disease,
now i'm focusing on the development of some skills (like performer: from 4 to 13 in just a couple of game weeks) . No one can stop me.

Except Loyter maybe.

I'm training at Port Kapul, anyway. That faggot is out of reach.

- Anonymous, the futurist of Sage

>> No.3895489

My Black Angel insists on being a melee fighter even if I take away all her swords. Is there any way to stop this? Can I make her a dual-wielder instead?

>> No.3895494

You should definitely search the whole floor first, I have found alot of scroll of oracle and potions of corruption on the first few floors.

>> No.3895507

jesus christ you're a faggot

>> No.3895527

Yeah, that's what I get from you lazy good for nothings. I might go and sell this site to the highest bidder, just because I can. I pocket the cash, and let corporate entities deal with the lot of you.

>> No.3895537
File: 56 KB, 601x403, um.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, should I go hunting for a material kit for this, or is it not worth the time?

>> No.3895555

Careful, he will show up at playing jobs no matter where you are.

>> No.3895562

Fuck those, I can only find them via wishing and even then it's usually
chrome,chrome,steel,chain,chain.perl,raw, etc.

>> No.3895563


>> No.3895567

I thought there was a chance of being able to buy them in the souvenir shop.

>> No.3895620

Cheapest way to start any game:
1. Use the Elona wiki for locations of tiny medals
2. Get 20 medals
3. go to the Miral and Garok's Workshop for a domination rod 4 charges
4. Go to puppy cave
5. Dominate 4 Gold bells
6. Give ranged throwing weapons/bows/even guns to bells. (go for throwing/bows if you can since they have the thowing/bow skill, and no firearm skill)
7. Game just got ridiculously easy

>> No.3895622

Not worth it.

>> No.3895624

Take on the minotaur horde at level 5 easy?

>> No.3895628

it gets easy but it also gets incredibly annoying having to wait 3 seconds for them to finish throwing shit every single turn

>> No.3895634

changing materials ---> changing stats
you know that you might lose the 11 magic/4 con and some of the skills if you use a kit right? Since you are basically re-rolling the stats of the weapon

>> No.3895648

Indeed, I gave my snail a bell and it was ridiculous, especially since they can't hit anything at low levels.

>> No.3895656

The only stats that change are the ones associated with the material. Cloth gives you nothing in the first place anyways.

>> No.3895657

hey you cant have the best of everything you know?
By Minotaur Horde you mean in the huge ass dungeon the bald general guy from palmia sends you to? It wouldnt be hard if you gave your bells good weapons. Will take forever though. Still why would you want to go there at lvl 5 anyway?

>> No.3895659

The only items that get rerolled are pre-set artifacts, randomly generated ones are fine.

>> No.3895677

Dragonscale, adamantium, and rubynus are all available as quest rewards.

>> No.3895707

Level up a magic shop --> change material/superior material scrolls

>> No.3895764
File: 180 KB, 600x800, ehekatl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my Godess.

>> No.3895782
File: 237 KB, 590x396, gloves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some gloves

>> No.3895798
File: 88 KB, 422x500, 4955414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I worship a trap.

>> No.3895849

Is that Kumiromi?

Are there ones for all the gods?

>> No.3895914
File: 305 KB, 600x800, 6642994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah it's Kumiromi. And I dunno, there's plenty of Elona pictures on Pixiv, so there might be.

>> No.3896030

You should definately have her duel wield. When you first get her she has a high level in it, already.

Just make sure one weapon is lightweight and the other isn't heavy.

>> No.3896034

>Yeah it's Kumiromi. And I dunno, there's plenty of Elona pictures on Pixiv, so there might be.

How's Elona spelled in Japanese?

>> No.3896043

forget that I asked this question

>> No.3896055

Are there any other NPCs like Gwen the Innocent that automatically give a card + fig every time they are killed?

>> No.3896098


Rilian and Poppy do.

>> No.3896119

Mad Scientist.

>> No.3896169

Just about everyone that doesn't say the usual random crap, including everyone that gives you a quest. Gwen is the only one that isn't a Karma hit. Most of them will kick your ass though.

>> No.3896290

The King and Queen, I think.

>> No.3896324
File: 59 KB, 300x300, 7341824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3896620

I've just dawned on a new realization!
-How to get out of Etherwind.
What you don't have a Scroll of Return? Well fear not, here is another method of saving your ass.
As soon as the Etherwind starts press SPACE.
Now that you are no more on the overworld, time passes more slowly.
Now, find a rope. There should be many ropes around, and if you have a rope, take it out.
Now, hang yourself.
Once dead, you will find yourself back at your home,
and any escort missions will not be canceled either!

>> No.3896692

I think always being prepared it better than the stat and gold loss. Hell, I'd rather go through the etherwind.

>> No.3896858

Does anyone know how hit rate is calculated? Mine is supposedly 105%, but it seems like more than 2/3 of my shots miss.

>> No.3896971

Who knows. Probably you miss because of enemy level, equipment and stats.

>> No.3897092

wtf is a Cupid of Love and why is it in town?
