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3890992 No.3890992 [Reply] [Original]

Which is superior? P4 or P3?

>> No.3890996


>> No.3891002

Bitches and whores

>> No.3891009

I dunno, I find all the guys in P3 and P4 pretty hot.

>> No.3891007

Hipster shit

>> No.3891013

>implying Touhou isn't hipster shit

>> No.3891014

Obviously none can rival a Hitler boss battle with Nyarlathotep pulling the strings, but choose between P3 and P4.

>> No.3891017
File: 73 KB, 352x500, 1229656151083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gameplay-wise, the fact that P4 lets you control your allies is such a large improvement that if you're going to play P3, you should definitely play it first or you'll just end up frustrating yourself.

Storywise, P3 is Harry Potter in the city with the pretentious Greco-Roman symbolism, while P4 is Scooby Doo in the country with the pretentious Japanese symbolism. You might as well just pick based on which characters you like more.

>> No.3891039

I made the weird decision to play P4 first... THEN I decided to go and play FES for the first time. This might sound like a silly question but is there ANY way of finding out what each moves for a persona does WITHOUT having to go into battle?

Either way, there are so much nit picking that maybe I should've just waited for the P3 Portable version.

>> No.3891064
File: 62 KB, 500x500, p3doodle02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If memory serves (it's been a while since I've played P3, and haven't played FES), looking at a Persona's status in the menu will allow you to check its moves.

If you've played P4 first, though, you shouldn't have a problem - the naming system's the same.

>> No.3891073 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on a n o n t a l k . com ok thanks and a hav a good day

>> No.3891077

p4 is gay and happy, vastly superior to the emofaggotry that is p3

>> No.3891080

I was kinda hoping that it would describe the moves when I go to the menu instead of just displaying the moves name.

>> No.3891081

How hard is P3P to read? I was thinking of buying it.

>> No.3891088

Character-wise, I feel that P3 wins because it had Rei Tanaka, Maaya Sakamoto, and Mamiko Noto. I was fapping constantly while playing P3. But yeah, the games are pretty much the same in the other departments. Also P3 and P4 were the only JRPGs on PS2 where I figured out the "plot twists" 15 minutes into the game.

Still not sure how I feel about the addition of the galge/dating elements. I didn't really power up my Social Links much in either game.

>> No.3891096

In my opinion, I'm not exactly that won over by the story in P3 so far. I think it's the music that keeps drawing me in personally.

>> No.3891100

/v/ and mainstream.

>> No.3891124
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Oh, right, voice acting. You're probably going to grab the undub so this is pretty moot, but in the English versions at least, everyone has very good voices except your second mission control character (P3) and your first mission control character (P4).

Oh, it doesn't? That's a pity.

>> No.3891136 [DELETED] 


You figured out Adachi was the killer 15 minutes into the game?

>> No.3891141

Heeeey. Teddy was actually tolerable... but Rise made me forget him.

Forget Fuuka. Forget her boring voice.

>> No.3891149
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>> No.3891151
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There actually was a killer fifteen minutes into the game?

Goddamn but P4 did take forever to get started.

>> No.3891153

Please calm down.

>> No.3891156

I'm pretty surprised he even met Adachi fifteen minutes into the game.

>> No.3891166
File: 148 KB, 500x500, getoutofjp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/v/ shit

>> No.3891171
File: 45 KB, 400x1000, 1231407836111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naoto's voice was surprisingly great.

But maybe I'm just biased towards the character in general.

>> No.3891168

If you want to find out what the actual skills do, go to the skill menu (In P3, I'm assuming p4 is the same.) and look up the skill.

>> No.3891195

Well, isn't it a staple of the mystery genre to meet the culprit near the start?

>> No.3891201

The PSP version of P3 has a choice of gender for the main character, as well as control all party members. They'll also now take a mortal hit for the main like in P4.

As far as females, P3 has the edge I think. Mitsuru, Aigis, and Elizabeth vs Naoto and Margaret

>> No.3891206


Forget Adachi, his deductive reasoning skills must make Sherlock Holmes look like an oblivious idiot if he figured out who the gas station attendant was fifteen minutes into the game.

>> No.3891222
File: 148 KB, 612x1029, pe03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're forgetting a couple of people.

>> No.3891228

P4 in every aspect. P3 was a snooze fest. Tartarus was horrible, AI companions were imbeciles, all characters except Junpei and Aigis sucked and the "story" was boring and predictable.
P4 on the other hand, what a fuck awesome game, everything from the little town atmosphere, much better music to all the characters; the cast in P4 is amazing and everyone is introduced in depth and their personalities are very developed, not only the main characters (really an all star team) but also the great supporting cast like the Dojimas, Adachi... etc.
Also the gameplay was greatly tweaked, with more incentive to stretch your dungeon crawling, more rhythm and variations to the dating sim part... I'm sure they sat down and instead of saying "lets copy the formula", they said, ok, what sucked, how can this improve; and it shows. P3 was "reach top floor of this boring soulless random dungeon in 1 night, then go to school and spend 1 entire month doing nothing; wait for full moon to see some meh cutscenes". Tartarus is a good substitute for Valium, I'll give you that.
P4 is one of the best games I've ever played. But I have not played FES (couldn't bother after enduring so much mediocrity in 3), so maybe they already fixed a lot of the bullshit there and the game was actually enjoyable.

>> No.3891233


I agree 100% with everything you said.

It's interesting how divisive the opinions are over P3 and P4, though.

>> No.3891259

Goddammit, P3 BE THE GIRL EDITION stateside release when? I want to hit on the female SEES members as a girl already.


I chuckled. What's the name of this?

>> No.3891263

I had a much easier time playing through P4. It was smoother, and while the enemy sneaking pissed me off until i got a decent length into the game the battle never got stale on me. Very glad they let you command all your party members.

Sure hope they release P3P in US because they basically take all the good of P4 and put it in P3. Also, I rather liked P4's easy going storyline rather than uber serious WE NEED TO SAVE THE WORLD that was P3.

Also fuck The Answer, 30 hours of grinding. Jesus Christ.

>> No.3891296

Get out of /jp/.... We are Touhou legion... Vampire lolis will kill you...

>> No.3891298


>> No.3891301

Pretty sure you can't hit on the girls in girl route.

If this is not the case, Akihiko s.link for guy route fucking where? It'd be better than that awful student council link.

>> No.3891304


I actually thought the AI in P3 was pretty good. They made the choices I would have made at least 90% of the time. Not frustrating for me at least, just different in that most RPGs give you more control. I kinda liked it though.

200% agreed on Tartarus though. Worst set up ever. Other points I go back and forth on. Shooting yourself in the head never got old though.

>> No.3891321

this is exactly why /jp/ is the shittiest board on 4chan
the only only good threads here are ones about
sengoku rance

>> No.3891335

>this is exactly why /jp/ is the shittiest board on 4chan

Then fuck off back to /v/ where you can enjoy nonstop Persona and TF2 threads, faggot.

>> No.3891347

Still can't get tired of BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY... yet

>> No.3891359



>> No.3891423

The world still needs a FeMC-enabled P4. Christ help me, I would buy that shit again.

>> No.3891440

I'd give it a year before they remake it for the Wii or PS3.

>> No.3891442
File: 692 KB, 1904x2780, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've even got the character model already done!

>> No.3891452

you do know that that's simply the design for when he dressed up like a girl for the school festival right?

>> No.3891458
File: 73 KB, 400x323, 0081203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the joke, yes.

>> No.3891482

good thing i'm into traps then i guess.

>> No.3891515


Weren't there actually plans for a female MC in 4 at one point? Or was that just 3?

>> No.3891533
File: 117 KB, 497x750, p4_3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just 3.

4 has a scene where all the guys essentially get blackmailed into crossdressing.

>> No.3891880

No one important.
