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3887697 No.3887697 [Reply] [Original]

Did all Melty Blood players played Tsukihime?

>> No.3887706

No, they jut picked up Nanaya and called everybody a scrub.

>> No.3887724

I play MB.

I have not played Turkey Handle.

I have been neglecting my baroque library as of late. My misspelling Handle as Handel initially has reminded me of this. Time to pay Vivaldi a visit.

>> No.3887731

Most have, but not ALL.

>> No.3887733

Forgot to mention thanks to OP. I really do love the harpsichord.

>> No.3887741
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I played Tsukihime because Melty Blood made me gay for Shiki

>> No.3887753

Melty Blood players can read?

>> No.3887769

Not everyone is a jiyuna faggot, thankfully
It's an enjoyable enough game in it's own right to be played by people who aren't just wanking over nasu's writing.

>> No.3887777

Why are so many Actress Again endings REHASH.

Fucking White Ren ending is the same damn thing, it just makes Neko Arc even creepier.

>> No.3887785

Because the main character is Sion

>> No.3887788

Among other things, yeah/

>> No.3887803

But Sion has been usurped by Riesbyfe, who is far more kuudere moe.

>> No.3887808

Sion was never really about kyudere.

>> No.3887812

Surely you jest? Riesbyfe's character design is as silly as her name.

>> No.3887944

>I have been neglecting my baroque library as of late. My misspelling Handle as Handel initially has reminded me of this.
>Time to pay Vivaldi a visit.
Although I appreciate the effort, Vivaldi is rather casual tier for a Baroque-era composer. Being the generous fellow I am however, I shall direct you to this marvelous production of Montiverdi's L'Orfeo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAX_XtSQheE

>> No.3887951

Fuck off Baroque. 19th Century Romantism all the way.

>> No.3887973

No thank you, sir. The number of composers in that era that I consistently enjoy I can count with one hand. But I admit I am biased towards Baroque and earlier musical stylings.

>> No.3888009

Meh, I prefer more Neo-Romantic music. Especially Barber, I just love his vocal stylings.

>> No.3888022

played Melty Blood first, and then Tsukihime
is it even worth playing then?

>> No.3888030

Yes, if only to see Roa being sexy.

>> No.3888410

Played Tsukihime first, then MB, then played KT to understand most of the jokes/parodies.

>> No.3888447

Yes. It was my first vn.

>> No.3888467

I played KT too, because I heard some good things.

Gotta say, not very happy with that.

>> No.3888486


You really do need a walkthrough \ complete save file to get enjoyment out of KT.

Unfortunately the game comes with neither of these.

>> No.3888518

The patch comes with a nice (read huge-ass) flowchart.

>> No.3888528

No, I used a walkthrough. The actual game was mostly garbage, with a few nice/funny/badass moments mixed in.

The only thing that forgives the portrayal of Ciel is that it was all just a dream, but then that drops my opinion of Shiki quite a bit. What the hell was Nasu thinking?

Oh, and some of the sidestories were good. Except that most of the characters got some nice backstory while Ciel got more personality-rape, as if she hadn't had enough of that in KT proper.

>> No.3888533

Cannot appreciate gags, anon?

>> No.3888550

Not as much as I'd like. I guess I was already a bit over-saturated with the Ciel-gags used here, that seeing even more in KT didn't sit very well.

And I'll admit, thinking about it a bit more deeply, there was definitely a lot of good stuff there. Some very tender moments, with all the cast members (except maybe Kohaku, which is sad; either because she didn't have any, or because I don't remember them).

Oh, and the running gag with Arc and Ciel's rivalry made for some great laughs.

>> No.3888593

I only finished Tsukihime and KT. I still refuse to finish any of the Melty Shit games.
