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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3879421 No.3879421 [Reply] [Original]

Does orthodontics not exist as a field of study and research in Japan? Or is there some other reason nearly every Japanese girl I see has bad teeth?

>> No.3879425

At least they're not British

>> No.3879447


Braces aren't the norm over there. Just like pussy shaving. KK?

>> No.3879450

I, too, am incapable of comprehending cultural differences.

>> No.3879472

I for one, cannot understand american obssession with teeth.

>> No.3879512

Because it leads to much better health?

>> No.3879531

I don't know anything about health, but that's hard to believe. Aren't braces a cosmetic thing? Sage for uninformed

>> No.3879557

Braces aren't a cosmetic thing per se, but as said it's not common there and I'm guessing it's rather expensive as it's probably not covered by the insurance..

>> No.3879571
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>I don't know anything about health
>Sage for uninformed

>> No.3879586
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>good health

>> No.3879605

Maybe they lack something in their diets?

>> No.3879623

>not covered by insurance

wow, youre a baka

>> No.3879629


As a British person with absolutely awful teeth, I feel I have to step in and say that I am the only person I know with bad teeth.

It may however also be prudent to mention that the people I know can be counted on one hand.

>> No.3879652

My bottom row of teeth are awful and I'm American. Anon, let's go get braces together - I'll always be here for you!

>> No.3879659

My bottom row of teeth are awful, I'm Canadian, and I've already had braces.

Will... will you be there for me too, Anon?

>> No.3879667

I'll never abandon anyone!

I'll fight to protect everybody's smiles!

>> No.3879676

Everyone's ugly smiles, you mean. Dohohoho.

>> No.3879683
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>> No.3879690

Asians in general have bad teeth.

This comes from their sort of food they eat.
Spicy and Hot food severely damages the teeths in even young age.

But Japanese seems to be an exemption though, since their food is neither spicy nor hot, but pretty plain and unenjoyable. Maybe it's genetics.
