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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3878921 No.3878921 [Reply] [Original]

A wizard offers to magically grant you full fluency in Japanese, but in exchange, your English is reduced to substandard, barely understandable drivel and you can't even pronounce R. Do you take the deal?

>> No.3878928

Can I still read and write English?

I'd take the deal regardless probably.

>> No.3878932

Is the Wizard in question the bird in your picture?

If the answer is yes, then of course.

Otherwise I wouldn't trust him.

>> No.3878934

You understand English as well as you can speak it, poorly.

>> No.3878942

That might actually improve /jp/'s command of english.

>> No.3878950

But the Japanese can pronounce R.
Is this wizard going to turn me into a new englander or something? I can't think of many worse fates.
Guess I'll go pahk the cah in Hahvahd Yahd and then cry myself to sleep.

>> No.3878952

Hell no.

>> No.3878955

I've heard japanese people who can only seem to pronounce R and ones who can only seem to pronounce L, so it can go either way, I think.

Either way... I don't think I'd take it.

>> No.3879005

Does full fluency inculde Kanji? Because if so I might. Since god damnit learning Kanji takes way too much motivation for me ever really get the job done.

Also what about my other language skills? As long as my German skills are intact learning English (again) wouldn't be much of a problem.

>> No.3879015

Sure, learning english back seems a lot easier than learning japanese from close to non-existant.

>> No.3879051

No second thoughts, yes. English entertain doesn't amuse me any more anyway

>> No.3879066

That's only Boston, son. The rest of us Massholes can pronounce Rs just fine

No deal, I'd rather work for it. Already halfway there.

>> No.3879071
File: 216 KB, 1600x1200, Preussische adler kocht sauerkraut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3879072

meh got dem NIHONGOS down pretty good already

>> No.3879079

Includes Kanji. Though for fairness, the wizard might take out your german instead of english.

>> No.3879125

Naw, I like knowing English and Norwegian, so I can be understood by my peers.

>> No.3879130

The only loss from taking this offer is not being able to tell you guys about my awesome offer. So I guess it's alright.

>> No.3879133

When did all the Norwegians move to /jp/?

>> No.3879137

So he'd take away my native language? If so, definitely. Japanese is much more useful than Finnish.

>> No.3879142


I know I wouldn't.

>> No.3879162

Yes, english is fucking easy.

>> No.3879182

I wouldn't

My japanese is good enough

>> No.3879199
File: 39 KB, 640x427, flotturdallur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I need good RRRRRsss to speak my glorious langage which is better than Norwegian...

>> No.3879777

Wait, if it would take away my native language, I don't care.
I don't NEED Norwegian, I mean, my brain operates in English anyway.
Yes, I choose YES!

>> No.3879793
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Nazi-german bird cooking jews

>> No.3879817

Nazi Bird Cooking You

>> No.3879822
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I would immediately kill the wizard,
eat his flesh and steal his magical powers.

>> No.3879828

I live in America. That would just reduce my English speaking to country standard. Of course I would choose yes.

>> No.3879846
File: 106 KB, 766x1024, 1257969195174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give up Finnish

>> No.3879841

Spoiler: This guy was actually visited by a wizard and accepted the deal.

>> No.3879849


>> No.3879855

I'd do it. Who on /jp/ cares about spoken english anyway?

>> No.3879869

A wizard offers to permanently turn you into a little girl, but the transformation will impart penalties:

-4 Str
-2 Dex
-3 Con
-2 Int
-2 Wis

-5 to all skill rolls
-3 to all saving throws
Permanent level drain equivalent to losing 25% of your total aquired experience.

Do you accept?

>> No.3879883

Remove the INT/WIS penalties and I'm game.

>> No.3879887

Where's my +5 Cha?

>> No.3879888

But that would put my strength in the negatives.

>> No.3879891

It is all part of being a girl.

>> No.3879902


>-4 str

I see what you did there.

>> No.3879905


Standard peasant strength is 9-10, so you should still be good.


-5 to all skill rolls? But everyone here doesn't have any skills. And with what the attributes will be after that, they'll be rolling with high negatives on everything.

Unless the idea is to make us a clumsy loli, I suppose.

>> No.3879907

Accepted, because I am already have high str/con/dex and int/wis, however I'm going to die.

"Permanently" a little girl? Immortal loli?

Plenty of time to get back the stat deductions.

>> No.3879922

-4 str, +2 dex, -2 con, -2 int, -2 wis, +4 cha
Lose half your levels. If you were level 1, instead lose an extra 1 con.
Your size is reduced by 1/2, as per Reduce Person. Your gender changes to female.

Really, the skill penalty you propose is ridiculous considering they get a penalty to most skills just from losing levels and most of the stat penalties. Likewise, the saving throw penalties.

>> No.3879928

So no change in my english skills?

>> No.3879949

I offer the wizard a blow job and get the proper package deal of understand english, japanese and being the little girl all at once.

How does this make you feel /jp/?

>> No.3879955

I am the wizard.
Feels gay, man.

>> No.3879965

Ask him what it would take for him to give me the powers of shapeshifting and eternal life instead.

>> No.3880529

Kanji? It took me 50 days to learn 2000+ of the kanji. The language itself is taking me a damn well longer than that, so I don't see the difficulty with kanji.

>> No.3880605

Jep, samoilla linjoilla.

>> No.3880613

>2000 kanji
>50 days


>> No.3880623

Not even the offer of the Japanese language can convince me to part with my prodigious command of the English language.

>> No.3880625

Yes. Without a doubt in my mind.

>> No.3880640

If so definitely, screw German, it's pretty damn useless anyways.

You've got some sort of a photographical memory?

>> No.3880643


40 a day * 50 = 2000
Some people learn pi to millions decimal places so I don't see what's so amazing about it in comparison

>> No.3880653

Either you're a heisigfag or you're full of shit.

>> No.3880666

true, however those people aren't going to be bothered to memorize 2000 kanji.

>> No.3880703

I'm a heisigfag minus the mnemonics. Mnemonics are stupid.

>> No.3880791

To anyone who taught themselves to a decent level, how long did it take you to be able to understand anime/read VNs/read the newspaper/read novels/etc.?

Right now my vocabulary's around the 2000 mark and I'm cramming for when I visit my penfriend in March like a a good contrived language textbook character. This is the Heisigfag by the way.

>> No.3880797

English is a much more known language than Japanese.
