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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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38727251 No.38727251 [Reply] [Original]

A place for discussion of the works by Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON.

>Type-Moon Visual Novel Collection (Japanese)

>Mahou Tsukai no Yoru
VN: https://mega.nz/#F!YVkkhAjQ!Ggu2BS3MDfaofporByJsFw
English patch: https://hollow-moon.github.io
French patch: https://github.com/IDerr/mahoyo-french
Italian patch: https://riffourtranslations.wordpress.com/category/mahoutsukai-no-yoru

>Kara no Kyoukai
Kara no Kyoukai Novel (Japanese)
Kara no Kyoukai Novel (English)
Kara no Kyoukai Animated Films
Kara no Kyoukai Manga

Tsukihime VN Collection
Shingetsutan Tsukihime Manga

>Tsukihime Remake
Tsukihime Remake
https://pastebin.com/QSz8A5Jf (embed)
Tsukihime Remake Assets (OST and Sprites)
https://pastebin.com/ZLiqB1AT (embed)
Tsukihimates and Clover Moon MTL Project (Please contribute if you can)

>Melty Blood
MBAACC - Community Edition
Melty Blood Manga
Melty Blood - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare Manga

Fate/Stay Night [Réalta Nua] Ultimate Edition
Fate/hollow ataraxia
The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II
The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II Manga
Heaven's Feel Manga
Heaven's Feel Movie Booklet Translation

>Angel Voice (one of the first works released by TM)
>Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver
>Fate/strange Fake
>Fate/type Redline
>Fire Girl
>Mahou Tsukai no Hako: Starlit Marmalade Manga
>Tsuki no Sango
>Tsuki no Sango Manga

>Encyclopedia of Type Moon
>Type-Moon Comic Ace
>TMdict Glossary
>Tsuki-kan (comprehensive record of real-world statements, interviews, Q&As, feature articles, etc)
>Tsukihime Archives
>Kinoko to Nasu recipe
[YouTube] [Eng Sub]【皇子菇炒茄子】 Stir Fry Eggplant with King Oyster Mushroom (embed)

Previous Thread: >>38681914 (Cross-thread)

>> No.38727274
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First for DAA.

>> No.38727344
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>> No.38727365
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>[YouTube] [Eng Sub]【皇子菇炒茄子】 Stir Fry Eggplant with King Oyster Mushroom (embed)

we TMG cooking now

>> No.38727395

>another loli op

>> No.38727425


>> No.38728065
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>> No.38728087
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>> No.38728100


>> No.38728934
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>> No.38729784

literally built for shirou massive cock

>> No.38730727

If you hit a death line with a thrown weapon does it work in creating special no-heal damage?

>> No.38731513

We've already seen it.

>> No.38731679

loli is type-moon approved.

>> No.38732171
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nii-san pull your pants down nowwwwww

>> No.38732813

Akiha would never say this. Delete this.

>> No.38732859

Elden Ring is going to delay everything type-moon related by at least a year.

>> No.38733284

It’s looking like an amazing game so wouldn’t blame Nasu for playing it over writing FGO garbage.

>> No.38733324

I don't care about souls or FGO. Where's my red garden bros

>> No.38733348

Gotta finish FGO before working on red garden sadly

>> No.38734029

Elden Ring is surely better than anything Nasu can write. Hopefully this means he gets inspired and adds some good shit to future TsukiRE content.

>> No.38734062

>comparing the writing in an action/rpg game to the writing of a visual novel
are you retarded?

>> No.38734076

Imagine thinking this.

>> No.38734110

why would you compare Souls writing to Nasu's writing. They're so different that it's even hard to compare them. If you want to compare GRRM to Nasu then that makes sense. At least Nasu finished TsukiR unlike GRRM.

>> No.38734131

Never touched game of thrones nor care to, but I'm going to assume he's just one of those overrated hack fantasy writers that pale in comparison to Tolkien.

>> No.38734149

he's fine, but yeah you're right. No one can really compete with Tolkien anyway.

>> No.38734175

Nasu doesn't value consistency or realism and goes too high power too hard.
GRRM does and sees the grit, groundedness that matters. Nothing matters in Fate.
They're not even remotely comparable when it comes to quality.

>> No.38734186

>No one can really compete with Tolkien anyway.
For literary reasons or for legacy reasons?

>> No.38734191

Yeah Nasu is a million times better.

>> No.38734212

>GRRM does and sees the grit, groundedness that matters
First chapter in the series opens with magical ice demons

>> No.38734213

Your argument doesn't make sense if that's what you're going for. Fate/Stay Night is a story that works in general and as some asspulls, but it's a story most readers understand. Mahoyo is also a grounded story that works well in that way as well and so does Tsukihime. The saying nothing matters in Fate is a stupid thing to do even there are consequences in the story and even death if you mess up.

>> No.38734226
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>> No.38734227

Why the fuck would anyone argue for "groundedness" in a fantasy series anyway? What does that even mean in this context?

>> No.38734241
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The other thread was a disaster. Post Sacchins to make the pain go away.

>> No.38734251
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Sure Sacchinbro.

>> No.38734332

Are you seriously too daft to consider the differences between low magic and high magic settings? Or settings reminiscent of violent history?

>lol it has magic it can't be realistic
Red flag you can't dissect qualities in a given fiction. Bad.

>> No.38734338

Tolkien is also a hack fantasy writer that pales in comparison to James Joyce

>> No.38734342
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>> No.38734346

>The saying nothing matters in Fate is a stupid thing
Not when Nasu constantly changes his mind and his word cannot be trusted.

>> No.38734355

This is the same sort of logic the people who want black elves in Middle-Earth use.

>> No.38734379

it doesn't matter what he says when you're trying to critique a story. That's why death of the author is a thing. The self-contained story of FSN works and so do his other stories like Tsukihime and Mahoyo.

>> No.38734383

What does that have to with Fate/Stay Night as a story?

>> No.38734384

I have no idea what the fuck you mean. Anything with magic is automatically not realistic by default either (duh). There is literally a thing called realistic fiction you know and it doesn't include fantasy. Also not writing a realistic fictional story is not somehow bad.

>> No.38734386

>The self-contained story of FSN works
Nah. You can't treat this setting seriously.

>> No.38734397

You're an actual moron if you think all fantasy genres are the same, or contain the same shade(s) of realism/consistency.

>> No.38734403

how can I not do that? Given examples and a detailed explanation for what you mean or stop replying.

>> No.38734409

I didn't say that but trying to argue that a fantasy is "realistic" is completely nonsensical.

>> No.38734417

Why would you compare a modernist writer to Tolkien? That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.38734547

I'm comparing two writers in terms of writing quality and talent, how does that not make sense?

>> No.38734578

Comparing modernist writers to anything besides their contemporaries is pretty questionable since they broke basically every conventional writing rule.

>> No.38734675

You stupid nigger the first book ended with 3 dragons being born and the magic and fantasy elements have increased with each book. You're probably a show only fag.

>> No.38735315

You're being a black and white absolutist. Some fiction is handled better than others.

>> No.38735362

You're killing well defined terms. Realistic fiction is an actual thing. You don't call speculative fiction works realistic because they aren't by definition.

>> No.38735412

You don't even tout the right terminology, wow.

>> No.38735433

>GoT and Fate are both equally realistic/unrealistic because they're both fantasy

>> No.38735454

Speculative fiction is commonly used as an umbrella term to encompass all non-realist works.

They're both completely unrealistic. Saying something is better because it's realistic is also retarded.

>> No.38735463

All fiction/fantasy is speculative by default. Realistic fiction isn't what you think it is.

>> No.38735472

All fantasy is, yes. That was my point.

>> No.38735476

>They're both completely unrealistic
Because they're both fantasy?

Cunt, Fate has people blocking and dodging bullets--that alone defies common physics logic. You can't do that.

Sorry. Fate is infinitely less realistic than GoT--and it takes place in the real world to boot! It's pretty bad.

Gilgamesh ain't a whitey.

>> No.38735494

And you'd have to be an idiot if you think Super Mario or Anime is the same as Sword & Sorcery. Most likely? You're a biased nonce who's threatened by this conversation.

>> No.38735495

GoT literally has fucking demons and shit. This is retarded.

>> No.38735505

>Super Mario
Is not realistic.
Can be any genre because it's a medium (duh). Do you have a point?

>> No.38735508

There are no demons. That's just a name. GoT is taken with a grain of salt, as the author intended.

The show is sillier than the books. There is no Night's King.

>> No.38735514

I am saying a gritty and expected take on medieval realism is much, much more 'realistic' than whatever you seem to think Fate is/isn't.

You'd have to be genre blind not to get this. You think all fiction is the same because it's all fiction?

>> No.38735528

>I am saying a gritty and expected take on medieval realism
That doesn't describe Game of Thrones at all. Do you have a point?

Whatever they have dragons. You get the point.

>> No.38735534

i'm not saying Mario is realistic. I'm saying by your logic it's the same genre/staple as any other fiction out there. Mario would totally fit right in Conan the Barbarian. Totally.

>> No.38735543

>That doesn't describe Game of Thrones at all.
That's literally how Martin describes it.

>> No.38735548

Well he's fucking retarded. Glad we cleared that up.

>> No.38735553

I get the point that you're genre blind.

>I know more! Listen to meeeee! He's stoopid!

>> No.38735563

You don't get to write a fantasy series with completely fictional races and then turn around and call it "gritty medieval realism" or whatever.

>> No.38735566

lul fatefags will seethe at literally anything

>> No.38735591

Lolokay whatever you say.

>> No.38735608

I don't know if you know this but they didn't have Dwarves in medieval Europe.

>> No.38735631

It's not that fiction is inherently real or realistic, it's that some fictions are more realistic than others in componentry, should you pay attention to its qualities. This is just expected. It's not a hard conclusion, yet apparently it is for you. This sort of thing need not even be explained, and yet it is being explained....

>> No.38735649

GoT is exactly 0% realistic. I'm not sure why this is so hard to understand. Slice of life anime is something that actually is realism.

>> No.38735650

I think he has autism. He can't separate or dissect things.

>> No.38735675

>GoT is exactly 0% realistic
No, it definitely has realistic components. That's kind of the point of its draw for so many...
I think you may be right.

>> No.38735687

Retarded how this started out with a guy suggesting that a story being realistic and gritty makes it inherently better than a story that isn't, and instead of pointing out how stupid that is, everyone's arguing over whether GoT is realistic or not.

>> No.38735688

Being edgy or gritty is not the same as being "realistic". It is literally a series with fictional species and magic.

>> No.38735692

Understanding human hygiene and how shit the human race is isn't realistic? Lolok. You go back to your lovey dovey happy go lucky cartoons where everyone is XD and fewd oriented.

>> No.38735700

>how shit the human race is isn't realistic
Don't cut yourself on that edge there mate.

>> No.38735704
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>> No.38735708

The human race is edgy and gritty, anon faggot.

It started because of the mention of Elden Ring and George's involvement. Clearly 4chan's illogical hatred of the fat man leave no board untouched, and even here on /tmg/ it can be seen.

>> No.38735743

Souls lore > Fate lore

>> No.38735752

Take a bath

>> No.38735755

I doubt it

>> No.38735770

Souls lore is intentionally vague, meanwhile Nasu can't not retcon something every six months

>> No.38735794

I bet nothing in Souls is as cool as dead apostles though (and yes they're technically in Fate too).

>> No.38735936

Fate story and writing > Souls story and writing
Even Miyazaki is a fate fan

>> No.38735949

>Fate story and writing
Is notoriously crap

>> No.38735967

F/SN is well written.

>> No.38735970

>Souls lore

>> No.38735976


>> No.38736008

You need to keep coping

>> No.38736153
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>> No.38736269

No one remakes fandiscs mate.

>> No.38736369
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>> No.38736477

No it isn't. All he's saying is that GRRM's shitty books aren't "grounded and realistic" like that one faggot was suggesting, which is entirely different from suggesting that because something isn't grounded and realistic, it shouldn't have any sort of logical coherency and you should just be able to throw anything and everything into the story with zero explanation.
Nasu is unironically 1000 times the writer GRRM is. I have never felt a shred of empathy for any of GRRM's awful characters or felt an iota of emotion reading any of his bland and overly cynical tripe. Terrible characters, terrible meandering plots that go nowhere, and an offensively boring and derivative setting. His prose is also more physically offensive than the terrible ESL translations of most Type Moon shit.

>> No.38736514


>> No.38736805

I could see it being made into a manga anthology compellation. An artist that worked on the TM 99 Tsukihime Anthology asked for a remake funnily enough.

>> No.38738127

It's over...

>> No.38738174


>> No.38738248
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nasu is literally me

>> No.38738252

? It just sounds like he's taking saturdays and sundays off. I don't get the context

>> No.38738269

kek, what a silly mushroom.

>> No.38738365

He's talking about Elden Ring anon

>> No.38738420

Y'know, I forgot that Elden Ring was releasing. Never really followed it that much. Thanks anon.

>> No.38738421
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>make generic fantasy world with generic fantasy story
>"tell" your story through item descriptions instead of actually conveying it
>get heaps of praise for your totally deep and amazing storytelling from retards
It's really that easy lads.

>> No.38738441

well they at least stole from Berserk which is a good place to take things form.

>> No.38738456

I don't get how people can have their lives taken over by a non-mmo game. Even a longer 40-50 hour game can't consume your life for more than a week or two, can it?

>> No.38738484

This post doesn't come across as biased or retarded at all.

>> No.38738506

Tsuki R pretty much took over my life when it came out. I guess it didn't take me greater than two weeks but still.

>> No.38738521

How long is Elden Ring supposed to be? It's open world so imagine it's around 50-80 hours or so.

>> No.38738650
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why can't this guy be honest just like in his recent interviews

>> No.38738863

Why are so many Kohakufags into Akiha as well?

>> No.38739055

Elden Ring? Nasu has good taste... hopefully he learns a thing or two.

>> No.38739078

fuck off

>> No.38739091

Souls lore is way better than Nasu shit. GRRM I'm not crazy about but he's still better than my favorite chuuni creator. I trust that his overall world building will be good and From will present it amazingly and fine tweak the actual story. I believe they said Martin made the world but they are doing the actual story.

>> No.38739102

Found the guy who got filtered by asylum demon. Nasu kneels, you should too.

>> No.38739181

Chuuni authors get to put a bunch of cool kanji together and use engrish so they're better than modern western shitters by default.

>> No.38739371

>by asylum demon
Soulsborne games aren't even hard just tedious and janky the Armored Core series had much harder fights

>> No.38739846

Howlongtobeat says 87 hours, but considering that's coming from >journalists, I'm gonna assume the standard 30 hour long Souls game.

>> No.38740256

>one thread is screeching over FGO
>the other is over GoT
/tmg/ is reclining

>> No.38740316

I'm not sure where the fuck you think are. Did you really think you would come into this thread and have your dogshit opinion well received?

>> No.38740342

After all these years, Nasu still writes like a dork.

>> No.38740355

>Nasu kneels
Nasu also likes Genshin so I don't see why one should care about his taste.

>> No.38740486

isn't your tranny game out now
why aren't you playing it if it's so good? why are you here shitting up the thread?

>> No.38740504

soulstards don't even realize From has ever made any games that weren't Souls related

>> No.38740605

Because Akiha and Kohaku should be friends. I'm glad some of them are like that since I like Akiha. It's like Rin and Sakura, they should be friends too and I like both.

>> No.38740904

is nasu even good at games

>> No.38740912 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.38740993

No it'll take him at least a year to beat Elden ring

>> No.38741033

It's not his fault. He's a mushroom without thumbs.

>> No.38741073

She's cute.

>> No.38741186

wage slavery is a real thing, some people have like only 3 hours of free time a day.

>> No.38743288

I want to take her boots off and sniff her feet

>> No.38743576

Yea, but I doubt triple digit millionaire Nasu is hampered by wage slavery.

>> No.38744736

Not out yet

>> No.38744800

>tranny game
What's with some of you faggots being so obsessed with calling everything you don't like tranny?

>> No.38748074



>> No.38748586

It should be that TsukiR isn’t finished yet kek.

>> No.38748938

Vlov is invading Ukraine.

>> No.38750223
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>> No.38752400

trannies are widely reviled and the biggest persona non grata on this site
suggesting someone is a tranny or equating something with trannies is an easy insult, as evidenced by you getting so quickly offended

>> No.38752714

Take that shit to /v/ and stay there. Man these threads have turned to shit all of a sudden.

>> No.38753985
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>> No.38755083
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>> No.38755094


>> No.38755151
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kek, good job anon. Adding a Nasu mushroom on the knight Shirou is stabbing would make it even better.

>> No.38755219

when will they make an actual game instead of dark souls 4?

>> No.38755276

why didn't you tell that to the morons that are derailing the thread to shitpost about a literal video game, you thin skinned fucking faggot?

>> No.38755545

I wan to lick Rin's pits

>> No.38756012


>> No.38756496

You have zero self-awareness, mate. You're literally being the very thing you're accusing others off.

>> No.38756773

He's using the classic lol u mad defense. You can't reason with those types. Just report his posts and hope the janny does their job. Probably some retards who got banned from /v/ or /vg/ so they're getting their fix here. Would explain the sudden spike in FGO posts for the past week.

Also, stop replying to baits you retards.

>> No.38758341

Me too.

>> No.38758446 [DELETED] 

You faggots are literally only mad because I said tranny. Hilarious how you didn't give a fuck about the people shitposting about Elden Ring which has nothing to do with the thread, but I call them trannies and tell them to fuck off and suddenly it's the end of the fucking world.

>> No.38760088


>> No.38760967
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>> No.38762914

She’d make it a more entertaining game at least if she was the protagonist.

>> No.38762927
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>> No.38763212

I thought the protagonist in games like that were (you). Wouldn't that defeat the point?

>> No.38764289

Yeah but she’s cute. Also would someone please post that Aoko set of images fighting a dragon? Can’t seem to find it

>> No.38764544
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>> No.38764559
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>> No.38764575
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>> No.38765219
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>> No.38765229
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>> No.38765256
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>> No.38765819 [SPOILER] 
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Guess who's back in Prisma Illya.

>> No.38766418
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>> No.38766949

Prisma Illya is so trash at this point. Very random events and many plot conveniences to just make Illya save the day. I guess it isn't a magical girls manga if the main character doesn't have a power of friendship asspull.
Even the pacing is shit.

>> No.38767064

Agreed. it should've been just Illya and friends instead of this Fate garbage.

>> No.38767426
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This, but Emiya

>> No.38767865

Girls are gross. News at 11.

>> No.38769994

built for french girls

>> No.38770440

I can't wait for the Noel route to be released

>> No.38770487

I can't wait for the Arach route to be released

>> No.38770513

I can't wait for the surprise Sion route to be released

>> No.38770519
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>> No.38770521

That rin has a big CULO

>> No.38770529
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>> No.38770573

my wife

>> No.38770598

why is Sid from ice age there?

>> No.38770647

Same seiyū

>> No.38770659

but archer, you have lancer!

>> No.38770778
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Are we done being angry? Can we go back to comfy posting about TM stuff again? To start a discussion off, I just found out that Triple Cran Wings chant has ruby texts as well and while OG mirror moon not translating the kanji is expected, even TM wiki only has the ruby text translations but not the kanji.

verse 1
ruby text: Spirit and technique, flawless and firm
kanji: The crane's wings misses not its mark

ruby : Our strength rips the mountains
Kanji: One's heart/spirit and skills reaches Mt Tai

ruby: Our swords split the water
kanji: One's heart/spirit and skills breaches the Yellow river

ruby: Our names reach the imperial villa (place of royal retreat/ royal abode)
text: our names etched upon the first gods' realms
This ties back to the implication that since Mt Tai is a sacred mountain in china, where traditionally emperors/kings would visit due to its association with divinity, the idea is that their names were finally acknowledged by the kings/emperors, thus etched upon Mt Tai.

ruby : The two of us cannot hold the heavens together.
text: Two heroes' lives, shared and parted

Anyway, it's pretty neat seeing just how much Nasu loves to abuse the hell out of ruby texts.

>> No.38770844
File: 187 KB, 2048x1666, 1639784608933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are we done being angry?
Where do you think you are?

>> No.38770854

Fine, I'll go to /vg/ to discuss non-FGO works instead if you lot are going to keep bickering about FGO!

>> No.38770923

Nigger no one was talking about FGO go be a retarded attention whore elsewhere

>> No.38771204
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>> No.38771216
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>> No.38771891
File: 487 KB, 640x480, 1621218967483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People think of
>as the Tsukime theme and not

Shame, I love both but the latter is just more emotional through it's simplicity

>> No.38771937

I like the original a lot too but the final note ruins it.

>> No.38771950

Is that Madoka or Sacchin?

>> No.38771957
File: 58 KB, 720x817, 1644291799694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

track 8 always fucking gets me man

>> No.38771959


>> No.38771995

Len is looking real horny there. Need more Arc and Len content.

>> No.38772142

The best version is officially the remake one now.

>> No.38772365
File: 470 KB, 1457x2064, FMf93R2UUAADznH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38772371

Built for Ciel.

>> No.38772411

built for Cu

>> No.38773067

Nasu is a well know chuunifag.

>> No.38773639
File: 155 KB, 1000x1200, FMcFO9baUAEyvRp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38774126
File: 104 KB, 434x664, __arcueid_brunestud_tsukihime_drawn_by_fumio_ura_fmo__e5ecbababb8bb9ceeabc41fe03257488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38776200


>> No.38776237

Pretty much all I do in this thread is shit on nu-Type Moon but you can't honestly believe Souls/Borne/Sekiro writing is good or even consistent with itself. Skeiro is especially garbage

Souls writing is fun due to the community aspect, not because it's actual lore is good.

>> No.38776857

cryptic souls lore and cyclical twilight of the gods shit vs things like sefar lol. Blind and chilling Gough shooting down a dragon of legend vs Orion shooting down mech waifu. I'll take souls shit and implied lore you can argue about over canonically stupid lore. Space vampire being used as template for your earth vampire elementals is about where I draw the line. DAA and shit is pretty cool but wod does urban horror-fantasy vampire setting and shit better. I find nearly everything relating to TM portrayal of gods and such complete shit. Gwyn pays better homage to Zeus while being his own unique existence. Nasu couldn't even do that right.

>> No.38776979
File: 511 KB, 2439x3584, 1645881798442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38778111
File: 150 KB, 850x701, __artoria_pendragon_saber_jeanne_d_arc_jeanne_d_arc_jeanne_d_arc_and_1_more_fate_and_3_more_drawn_by_tsuchiya_madose__sample-a495b7f98dff09fc6c2c2d92508e8b1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38778478
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>> No.38778491
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>> No.38779572
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>> No.38779578
File: 250 KB, 1297x2048, 8D799C65-D52C-4F0A-9F06-410DBE114604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aoko’s Extra’s design is underrated

>> No.38779629

I always found it one of Wada's worst designs.

>> No.38779635

There are far worse ones and this one is comfy.

>> No.38779653
File: 109 KB, 333x480, 12323461472316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for your medicine, /tmg/-sama.

>> No.38779747

Name 3 ones that are worse

>> No.38779769


>> No.38779893

Yeah whatever, Castoria is good.

>> No.38780068

Thanks Hisui. Hope it isn’t that crazy drug that Kohaku gave me.

>> No.38780135

Mother Harlot
Saber Venus
Run ru

>> No.38780179

>Mother Harlot
>Saber Venus
Don't count.
>Run ru
She is good even though she is a clown.

>> No.38780212

No use arguing with you if that’s how you’ll go about it. So agree to disagree.

>> No.38780218
File: 131 KB, 1024x709, EJa_DgoU4AAAdmw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Run Ru was /ourgirl/

>> No.38780233

Haven’t seen anyone talking about her on here so no.

>> No.38780348

Wonder if TM will have a 20th anniversary event like their 10th one. Would think they’d announce a date and details on it by now if they were going to do that.

>> No.38780470
File: 2.81 MB, 2448x2264, 1638632401354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sad

>> No.38780513

I couldn't save her bros...

>> No.38780515

Are you me? This song has lived rent free in my head after reading the VN. I sometimes even use it when walking my dog at night to feel all sad.

>> No.38780576

Sad boy hours: https://youtu.be/b5V4gZ22MaE Gotta give Ufo props for doing this scene justice.

>> No.38780823

she will never get her happy ending boys...

>> No.38780824

https://youtu.be/a8u8nK5avCQ Nice addition by DEEN kek

>> No.38780844

I don't watch too much anime, but if there's something that surprised me from Deen/stay night were the SFX, like the one at 00:37. It's very cartoony.

>> No.38780893

From what I remember from the VN, shouldn't Illya be so sick in her bed that day? Of course not that Deen care about lore or anything given what they did after this.

Also it's nice how the voice acting improved through the years, that or Deen just had bad recording.

>> No.38780980

Yeah, think they went overboard at times trying to do hijinks like in the VN, but I find it charming since Ufotable would never do it like DEEN did.

>> No.38781046

>I find it charming since Ufotable would never do it like DEEN did.

>> No.38781079

This scene is also a great original DEEN one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLQW6piG_z8&t=80s

>> No.38781191
File: 128 KB, 594x530, cu te.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw you can't spell cute without cu

>> No.38781203

What final note?

>> No.38781219

>>People think of
>Tsukihime Main Theme [3:13]
>>as the Tsukime theme and not
>Tsukihime Original Soundtrack - Track 8 [2:23]
Are they wrong?

>> No.38781286

Maybe I'm using the wrong word but I mean the bit at 2:18 right at the end. It changes the mood of the song to something more upbeat for some reason which is very annoying when it's looping in-game.

>> No.38781325

The first song is an arrange of the second which is the original Tsukihime theme.

>> No.38781391
File: 194 KB, 2048x1555, Souji being treated like a dog by the Aozaki sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Souji...I'll sacrifice myself by putting myself in your place.

>> No.38781421 [SPOILER] 
File: 427 KB, 640x919, Shirou death flags Prisma Illya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man he's so dead. Spoilers for Prisma if you care.

>> No.38781462

Nah. Illya will come out of nowhere and somehow perform a miracle to resurrect Sakura. Maybe they would go with something like "Sakura loves this house so much that part of her soul is still here specially that she died here".
This is the kind of bullshit Prillya have descended into.

>> No.38781488

that sounds believable. I'd just like him to live long enough to say goodbye to Miyu or have some happy conclusion to his life after everything he's gone through.

>> No.38781646

Cu more like CUM

>> No.38781869

What are you, gae?

>> No.38781884

I recognize that bolg

>> No.38781970

She will in the 3rd game/compilation. That's how they sell it with only 5 hours of extra content.

>> No.38782018


>> No.38782179

inb4 3rd game is
>Arach route
>true Noel route
>aoko route|
>sion route

>> No.38782220

Still would preorder and buy.

>> No.38783392
File: 1.54 MB, 3702x1923, 168FF48C-035D-4D0B-B5AA-3ED07741AD8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would’ve been interesting to see this version of Ayako

>> No.38783451
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>> No.38783630
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>> No.38783666
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>> No.38783677
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>> No.38783748

For those that have read it, how good is the new translation of the Garden of Avalon?

>> No.38784480

isn't it MTL garbage?

>> No.38784490
File: 421 KB, 500x763, FMkZZKXVkAAIXca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38784723
File: 822 KB, 768x1024, TsukiR Scott Pilgrim comic cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38784745
File: 120 KB, 400x290, TsukiR Scott Pilgrim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't realize how much this fits given how much of an asshole Shiki can be at times. Don't think he'd ever reach Scott's level though.

>> No.38785473
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, 01001dc01486a000_2022-02-27_00-27-53-841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ni-nice body

>> No.38785846
File: 351 KB, 1530x2040, FMiECN-acAAxnga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38785863
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>> No.38785867

One of the best threads in a while.

>> No.38785947
File: 177 KB, 298x399, [HorribleSubs] Lord El-Melloi II Case Files - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.11_[2022.01.02_10.31.31].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38785972
File: 120 KB, 770x1500, FMhif17UcAIy5l9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38785983


>> No.38786171 [SPOILER] 
File: 95 KB, 640x480, Akiha-Kohaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Nasu ever man up and write a yuri love story? His works are full of yuri baiting but none of them go anywhere and it sucks.

>> No.38786239

Reminder that Miyazaki from From Software loves FSN.

そして、その大きな一角はある種のPCゲームであり、最後の大物が「Fate/stay night」でした。
Fate/stay night、15周年おめでとうございます。そして、ありがとうございます。

>> No.38786852

Who is his waifu? My guess would be Rider because he likes mommies.

>> No.38786901

It's rin

>> No.38787164

Im pretty sure the guy just played all the major eroge in general, he directed Armored core 4A and the main character's operator in that game is named Kasumi Sumika with her emblem being a cherry blossom.

>> No.38788067
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>> No.38788139
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>> No.38788172
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>> No.38788195
File: 2.70 MB, 1210x1833, 96565338_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38788209
File: 1.79 MB, 3877x2585, 1645969340997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38788224
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>> No.38789030

>His works are full of yuri baiting
No they aren't.

>> No.38789158


>> No.38789197

They are, anon. That Akiha-Kohaku conversation is one and would be great in a romance story. She is even sucking her tits while saying that.
A young rich girl helping a poor one because she feels guilt that her father raped her and with time she develops feelings towards her, and the other girl originally planning for revenge but in the end she can't because finds out she loves her would be peak.
I am sure you can do a couple of these in Fate too.

>> No.38789215

No they aren't. You're delusional. This is why everyone hates yurifags.

>> No.38789219

go back to tumblr faggot

>> No.38789238

sucking your maid's tit is straight? Good to know.

>> No.38789278
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>> No.38789287
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>> No.38789308
File: 516 KB, 1000x816, __tohno_akiha_and_kohaku_tsukihime_drawn_by_echiu__1778fe067edc833842625f73a35be637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are.
They belong to each other.

>> No.38789778

Based literal yurifag.

>> No.38790169

Don’t lewd Aoko! Which one of you did this?

>> No.38790381
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>> No.38790396
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>> No.38790407
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>> No.38790443
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>> No.38790473
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>> No.38790528

saiki doujins when

>> No.38791824


>> No.38791833

Can someone explain how Avenger can beat any human no matter how strong but then he reverses himself to say he’ll lose to Bazett?

>> No.38792269

doesn't he consider her non-human when he gave her that coupon that states her as non-human.

>> No.38792274

marrying arc

>> No.38792370

Wasn't that just a joke? She is still a human and he is supposed to be able to kill her. If by his standards that any monstrous human isn't a human then many would be crossed out.

>> No.38792386

even if it is he doesn't really want to kill her anyway. I don't think he's invincible against humans, he just has an advantage over them due to killing so many of them.

>> No.38792508
File: 46 KB, 352x500, Mahoyo manga anthology Vol 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doubt anyone has it, but does anyone have scans of this Mahoyo manga anthology?


>> No.38792650
File: 1.71 MB, 2560x1440, It's bad to hold in your poo-poo, Akiha-chama!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing sexual about breastfeeding your baby, anon.

>> No.38793024

Is it physical only?

>> No.38793240

I would assume so. There also others on there.

>> No.38793624


>> No.38793672
File: 20 KB, 566x680, Saber with hair down MBTL sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38793801

>shoutouts to kohakudoori

>> No.38793834

Maids are just furniture. It's no gayer nor straighter as using a dildo

>> No.38793845

how are you still alive Makihisa?

>> No.38793864

lol good luck
There's still a bunch of FSN anthology from years ago that still haven't been scanned. Barely anyone cares about anthology.

>> No.38793873
File: 77 KB, 680x680, 1641689897670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38793875

that's a shame. Wish there was one autistic TM anon that scanned all this stuff.

>> No.38793886
File: 344 KB, 2000x2000, Akiha and Iori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38793956
File: 116 KB, 525x697, Akiha and Iori weird ship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I learned that there's a weird crackship of Akiha and Iori.

>> No.38793995
File: 2.30 MB, 1920x1080, 1645921405796[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Issei ever talk about Sakura as Shirou's significant other in the VN? I know that he approves of Saber, and obviously talked about Rin. In FHA, he also approves of Mitsuzuri and Himuro as possible partners for Shirou. But I don't remember him ever talking about Sakura besides to notify Shirou of her absence in Unlimited Blade Works.

>> No.38794203

That's pretty tame as far as crossover crack ships go. Not like the one guy who keeps commissioning Spiderman and Lucina art

>> No.38794209

yeah, it actually makes sense given how similar they are. Each one has red hair, fire powers, similar hand poses, and a demon in them. Makes sense.

>> No.38794213

>he also approves of Mitsuzuri and Himuro as possible partners for Shirou
Impeccable taste. I like how HA actually gives a them a little time alone with Shirou

>> No.38794256
File: 710 KB, 800x600, 1640927479661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. Fate/hollow ataraxia is truly underrated.

>> No.38794294

based issei thinking about the ones with the bigger tits for his bro

>> No.38794305

Nasu's self-insert.

>> No.38794608

I like the idea that instead of getting together with the hyper autistic magical grills, he gets together with just some nerd with glasses.

>> No.38794621

if we ever get a FSN remake my pipe dream is that it'll have an ayako route

>> No.38794778
File: 136 KB, 1200x1200, 1646012366625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38794792
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>> No.38794799
File: 97 KB, 951x1200, 73D82647-91CE-4B3A-B080-39B125C6E597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38794854
File: 1.20 MB, 1181x1748, 1646012898384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38794864
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>> No.38794945
File: 349 KB, 624x672, 12355341231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to Mahoyo's translation? A lot of their progress seems gone on their site.

>> No.38794991


>> No.38795008

>Mahoyo's translation
it's cursed

>> No.38795109

I’m maybe speaking like an ass but is ordering it a problem?

>> No.38795355
File: 65 KB, 680x383, E_F09AFVQAsDiKN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, /tmg/!

>> No.38795493

man i'd do some unholy shit to this sexy evil genki spider mad scientist lady

>> No.38796174


>> No.38796814
File: 247 KB, 1088x1436, 1646025878888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38796897

>he doesn't like takeuchi hands

>> No.38798357

doesn't seem like it. I don't have much money so was just asking if anyone else scanned it.

>> No.38798696

No. Most people just don't care about anthology because face it, it's basically fanfic and most of the shorts in these things are kinda mediocre.

>> No.38798737

I liked the Tsukihime one so I'd like to see this one and others. It'd be nice to have it for archrival purposes at least. It's not like there's much official Mahoyo manga out there.

>> No.38798838
File: 551 KB, 1000x835, makagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy them, they are cheap as fuck used but like the other anon said, stories are twitter fanfiction tier.

>> No.38799483
File: 499 KB, 1024x1229, 8E17ABD7-E6EE-408C-AA4E-C66B82DF04A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38799798
File: 290 KB, 1033x2235, D6FA55B7-268B-4426-87BE-DA765A9B4A84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s funny that they mistranslated Witch on the Holy Night for their official FGO survey. I don’t remember if it’s ever shown up before so maybe some hope for it to be localized? Probably just copium. Tsukihime is on there too. Not the remake which is strange.

>> No.38799912

FGO NA polls are just translations of 2 year old JP ones so it makes sense.

>> No.38799980

That’s probably it. You’d think they wouldn’t be allowed to do this, but I doubt anyone that matters is checking this

>> No.38800006
File: 17 KB, 200x275, 1605075408752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing looking at FGO's poll, anon?

>> No.38800067

I played through the VN with the rearranged soundtrack for Arc's route, at the original for the rest. Rearranged has higher quality music but original is far more atmospheric and suited to the VN, which I guess is the intention

>> No.38800098

Gil wears armour in fate route and never again
>muh he's holding back!!
even against berserker?

>> No.38800104

Playing Sion’s game.

>> No.38800113

FGO's translation team/ NA team are independent of whatever other TM projects are getting localization. Even if there are plans to localize Mahoyo, the FGO people aren't going to know or even be involved.

>> No.38800242
File: 402 KB, 635x903, 1646049626754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38800262
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>> No.38800341
File: 779 KB, 800x1131, 1646050130841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38800555

It could be straight, considering that their world has very peculiar rules. The part where she licks her nipple is definitely not straight, however.

>> No.38800627

What the hell is this channel?
