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File: 610 KB, 801x601, FIRE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3864788 No.3864788 [Reply] [Original]

Any idea how long before the spell cast by Red Baptist ends? 3/4 of the town is currently on fire.

>> No.3864791


The spell started a fire. Fire tends to burn.

>> No.3864810


>> No.3864838

whats the difference between silver and gold bell

>> No.3864860

>If killed before they have the chance to vanish, they will drop either a very large sum of money (Gold Bells), or a few Platinum coins and possibly a small medal (Silver Bells)

Silver are also the more powerful ones.

>> No.3864878

I have been trying to figure out something, is this an online game or something? I can never find anyone else in it.

>> No.3864881

Get gloves of Vesda, enjoy taking 1 damage from fire and never needing blankets again.

Might be a tad difficult to pull off at your level, but Vesda is a pushover and nowhere near actual-dragon-tier. Just get a bunch of pets to slow him down and gimp him down with a shuriken. Wands of magic dart/ice bolt and poison potions work wonders in conjunction with bleed damage.

>> No.3864883

It's a singleplayer roguelike, but it uses a chat server, mostly so you can laugh at 'somejpguy was killed by a kobold in puppy cave'.

>> No.3864885

No, roguelikes are typically singleplayer. You can talk to people, but that's it.

Someone mentioned a silver bell pet. If that's why you're asking, the difference is that a silver bell is level 3 and a gold bell is level 1. This means they have negligibly better stats and a slight increase in speed.

>> No.3864888

i have to be online to actually play the game however.

>> No.3864894

You don' have to be online but besides the chat server, you can vote for best player names and enter moongates only while online.

Moongates basically connect to other people's creations over the internet.

>> No.3864895

They also have slightly different skillset, but I dont' remember the difference there.

>> No.3864914

Man, i'm having bad luck finding chips and I suck at this so using 1 chip to get potion of cure corruption will be hard.
does said potion cure every disease given by ether ?

>> No.3864919

wait, what the fuck ?
two minutes after I wrote that I got lucky day and drank a blessed potion and won thet shit.
I have a "need for violence", should I cure it now or trade the potion ?

>> No.3864932

If all you have is the need for violence, by all means don't cure it. Also go to all lengths to never expose yourself to etherwind (stay home/in a dungeon for the first 10 days of etherwind months). Keeping just that disease is awesome, it gives you amazing damage bonuses, at the expense of evasion, which unless you are a fairy isn't all that good anyway; just wear heavy armor.

>> No.3864947

I'm a claymore and I use medium equipment for now, so evasion may be a bit importent but it's none of my concerns for now.
Now just to find some sucker to trade with.

>> No.3864955


Still trying to grind my stats up before levelling further.

>> No.3864966

Which god should i choose /jp/? Opatos gives out saber as pet while Lulwy is simply DATASS.

>> No.3864973

Holding back levels isn't really that good either; but if you really want to grind stats:

Str: best trained by doing harvest quests; if you don't mind the fame hit, take high level ones, go for the biggest vegetables you can find and pull on them, as long as your potential isn't hopeless you'll see good increases.

Con: mining, hands down. It increases insanely fast; mine all of Palmia and you'll see increases even 3-4 points into hopeless potential.

Dex: lockpicking early on; go up/down in Puppy Cave and open doors over and over. Once you can tank an asura, simply find one and hold num 5, your evasion will increase at an incredible rate. For greater effect, get a city cleanup quest with asura mobs. I went from 100 to 115 dex from skipping turns for 20 minutes surrounded by 7 varuna.

Per: somewhat hard to grind up, you'll have to rely on eye of mind and greater evasion. Greater evasion works well with the asura method later on.

Will: riding. If you constantly ride something, you'll haven no problem keeping potential at hopeless.

Ler: gene engineer. By far the easiest skill to increase, provided you can afford to buy slaves by the dozen. Try to buy->cancel over and over and only get 1.5k ones.

Mag: a bitch to increase. Constant spellcasting and not even that does much for it. Arguably hardest stat to grind up.

Cha: investing, negotiating, performer. All of them increase it just as well; make sure you get all 3 skills asap and you'll have no problem keeping it up, same as will/riding.

>> No.3864979

Get Opatos. Get seiba and the defense secret experience. Convert to Jure. Get the sanity secret experience, convert to Itzpalt. Get the magic damage secret experience, convert to Ehekatl. Get the black cat, luck secret experience, lucky dagger. Get ranch, set seiba as breeder, wait for it to breed, dismiss seiba as soon as you have a clone of it in the ranch. Convert to Lulwy, get black angel. Get seiba back from the ranch. Proceed with Lulwy since speed is the most valuable stat in the game.

>> No.3864985

Why not go Ehekatl right after Oprah to make use of the luck passive?

>> No.3864987

won't you get dozen of penalties from switching different gods?

>> No.3864996


Ah thanks! I didn't knew how to raise the STR attribute

Im currently using my rod of door-making to raise DEX

>> No.3864998

Oh yeah, any idea how to get Kitty banks other from dungeons? I don't seem to have any luck getting one.

>> No.3865006

Only for 10,000 turns

>> No.3865016

There's so many different worlds~

>> No.3865018

They spawn randomly in puppy cave, and general stores sell them every so often if you invested in them to level 30 or so. I never found much of a use for them, mostly because both times I died with a kitty bank in my inventory, it was lost forever (some of the gear you drop on death despawns completely even if the rest is otherwise recoverable, ie not in an autorefresh zone). And I generally spend my gold as I get it.

Another thing to keep in mind is the random 'mad millionaire' event gives you money based on your current gold; get something with 'protects from thieves' (beggars' pendant comes to mind) and you won't have to worry about losing it either. That only leaves bandits, which can be easily bypassed with the trusty rod of teleport you'll always have on you if you know what you're doing, and, well death, which depends on how much you suck. With 500k gold in my inventory, I was randomly getting 20-30k every event, which really added up.

>> No.3865019

Oh god what how do I yeek cave?

>> No.3865022

1. Enter dungeon.
Did you die to 10 kamikaze yeeks yet?
y->go to 1.
n->go to 2.
2. Are there kamikaze yeeks in your general proximity.
n->go to 3
y->go to 4
3. Shoot kamikaze yeek. Pray chain reaction wipes everything out.
4. Teleport. Go to 2.

>> No.3865029

Is there a good way to increase the potential of attributes?
Currently my cha is hopeless, I have to fuck a whole town to increase it by a point...

>> No.3865037
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>> No.3865041

I enjoy that Master Yeek bastard and his fucking Fireboltyeeks.

>> No.3865044


Ah thanks

Is there a way to stop the random teleporting? It's kinda getting annoying.

>> No.3865061

You are either ether-diseased, which'll need cure corruption potions (you can check your [f]eats list to make sure), or your equipement is cursed (most likely this), in which case you'll have to check magic vendors for uncurse scrolls. Non-blessed uncurse scrolls can fail, and they do pretty often, so you might need as many as 10. Non-blessed vanish curse pretty much always work, while blessed scrolls of both varieties not only uncurse your gear but also all the items in your inventory, which makes them extremely handy. Hoard 50-100 uncurse scrolls and bless them all at once.

Anothe way is to find an item with [prevents you from teleporting]. This is very, very bad ideea. You'll want to always have rods of teleport on hand to get out of trouble and not have to pay out your ass to bandits every time you want to move between towns.

>> No.3865066

I found Puppy cave isn't that great a place to go grinding for things sometimes. Yes, the randomization of the levels even just changing floors is nice, but it also means you risk losing shit you drop on death permanently if you happen across something that should not usually be fucking romping around in there (HELLO, I'M A FIRE HOUND) and get raped before you can get your legs into gear

>> No.3865080


I found having around 100 speed can usually get you away from those chief bandits without much of a worry.

Though, your pet's liable to stay behind and get itself killed if you haven't leashed the silly thing.

>> No.3865083

Fire hounds/ice hounds can be instagibbed by rods of their oposite element. Also the only place you'll find out of depth monsters is level 4; if you stick to 1-2 you'll be completely safe as long as you remember to NEVER MELEE KOBOLDS.

>> No.3865087

Man, i'm starting to be pretty good at this.
My equip sucks though, but I can't find anyone with a decent claymore.

>> No.3865088
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Ah thanks, I guess its my doomed equipment that;s giving me the problem

>> No.3865095
File: 332 KB, 700x750, ikuswirlyeyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, would anyone be kind enough to provide a link or perhaps just the name of this game?

>> No.3865103


Mass Effect.

>> No.3865105

Doomed is pretty bad. I think you might need a blessed scroll for that.

You are probably underlevelled/understatted. Some easy fixes:
- get blessed restore body/spirit potions. They increase your stats past the maximum for a very long time.
- get cursed restore body/spirit potions. They damage stats, so they're awesome to use on the boss yeek to soften him up a bit.
- poison, slow, silence, confusion potions. Have all of them, and chuck them at the boss until they work. For greater effect, follow up with a rod of lightning bolt, it does increased damage to things that are wet.
- rods of magic missile. Never underestimate them, if you have 40-50 charges in all, you can probably wipe the whole place. Best damage you can get early game.
- rods of teleport, alternatively short teleport scrolls so you don't get too out of range.
- healing rods/potions, you can never have enough.

>> No.3865113


>> No.3865118

Much appreciated. I'll have a look at it, sounds fun.

>> No.3865124

Sleeping in a good bed increases your potential more, get an eastern bed, bless it, use change material/superior material on it to increase its value. If you feel particularly awesome, steal the king's bed and haul it around.

Also, potions of potential. Fucking rare, always bless them before quaffing. They don't seem to do all that much though, most of it still comes from sleeping.

>> No.3865129

How do I get away from Bandits now if they have a anti-magic field?

>> No.3865145

There are teleport-forbidden zones, but that shouldn't be the case with bandit attacks. Most likely, you have a teleport prevention item, check all your gear for [it prevents you from teleporting], and get rid of that piece.

Alternatively, potion of speed/rod of speed/lulwy's trick and make a run for it.

>> No.3865147

>Get into the middle of a thuderstorm while traveling, blinded
>Rogues attack you
No problem, I'll just read a scroll of teleportation...
>You cannot read while blind.


>> No.3865176
File: 43 KB, 656x256, healer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus, healer made way better pet than loli

>> No.3865223


Ugh, slogging around trying to find bottled water.

>> No.3865330
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>> No.3865336
File: 235 KB, 1616x806, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God lord! I was born under a lucky star..

>> No.3865338

Anyone found a use for music tickets yet?

>> No.3865345

Can you edit the sprite for the main character?

>> No.3865348

Can the nuke kill one of those whatchamalacalits legendary monsters?

>> No.3865370


>> No.3865378

That only works for pets.

>> No.3865379
File: 27 KB, 511x299, 0220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait WHAT, so if i wear this, i'll stay 18years old forever? FUCK YEAR.

>> No.3865411

It's probably refering to experience.

>> No.3865415

Can anyone answer this?

>> No.3865422

I'm a level 9 Wizard and I have a hard time doing anything useful. I have lots of spells stocked, but I can cast only like 1/4 of them with a positive result. I'm really lucky if I succeed casting anything most of the time, so I'm trying to kill everything with my pistol that does pitiful damage. My armor(robes) sucks, I get killed on level 4 Puppy dungeon without my loli who protects me all the time.

Any advice?

>> No.3865432

Get a bell.

>> No.3865440

It means an monster will eat your exp every once in a while. And that's good.

>> No.3865449

>you find a scroll of Cure Blindness

>> No.3865464

Get another ranged weapon that suits your skills (bow, firearms, throwing). Shurikens in derphy may cause bleeding, which is always useful.

Sleep like a motherfucker, after raiding the puppy cave. This means both books and dreams (exorcist feat works against curses).

>> No.3865493

Where can I find a vendor that sells food that doesn't rot? I'm having trouble getting deep into dungeons without starvation becoming an issue.

>> No.3865500

Just leave the dungeon, eat cargo, and return.

>> No.3865501

I tried but I can't even hit the damn thing with my shitty pistol most of the time.

I'll change my ranged weapon to shurikens and give them a try.

>> No.3865505

You can't hit it with physical weapons, throw posion/dye/acid instead.

>> No.3865521

Do you guys find it acceptable to reload the game when something really bad happens? (Dream curse/mutation, death in random dungeon(item loss), guy comes out of nowhere in town and kills you when performing in a corner for farmers, ridiculously out of place monsters oneshot killing you in dungeons) and such?

I'm glad this is a single player game and can play it however I want to. Permanently losing rare items or getting fucked over too much by random numbers can destroy a game for me and make me stop playing it. Just wondering how do you guys play it.

>> No.3865530

If you don't reload every single time you die then I've got bad news for you, son.
Seriously, don't ever use continue and it doesn't matter since savepoints are so often.
You will sometime lose rare stuff though.

>> No.3865566

You don't play roguelikes much, do you, son?

>> No.3865610

I died in puppy cave and dropped my bill, so it's gone forever. Now the game keeps bitching at me for missing taxes, is there anyway to fix this?

>> No.3865623

That's the game trolling like a true master.

>> No.3865629

Most people play roguelikes the same way we play Touhou--as an exercise in masochism.

>> No.3865654

And a way to gloat when you at last secure victory.

I'm more of a Crawl person, can you even "win" in Elona?

>> No.3865681

You can use one of the bills you can buy from the dwarfs for small medals.

>> No.3865690

build up in nuts. Those don' rot.

Also, go to the wiki and see which corpses can you eat. In the puppy cave you may have found a blessed portable cooking tool, if you have the skill.

>> No.3865701

How useful would be to have Gwen the innocent as a pet.

Shit's toradorable, pardon my weeabo.

>> No.3865716

I hate hermit crabs, they take fucking hours to kill.

>> No.3865754

Go all the way down in Lesimas and beat the guy there.

>> No.3865785

So is it possible to have multiple wives in this game?

>> No.3865795


>> No.3865822

Guys, i dl some custom sprites but they are not appearing in game.

Last time, it had to do with the weight of the file (custom hair wighting more as paint bmp), but then the game crashed if it had to load the files. What's the deal?

>> No.3865839

The whole fun of the game is learning what to do/what to not do, and how to be prepared for any circumstance. If you die to ridiculously out of place monsters, you are not prepared enough. There are lots of tricks you can learn, like throwing a potion at yourself to get wet and become quasi-immune to fire attacks, for example.

The best advice I can give you is to get Weight Lifting from the Yowyn trainer. Being able to haul lots of things is very important. Always have at least 3-4 pieces of bread (hard bread, walnut bread, sandwich, melon bread, etc), since they don't rot. Look for scrolls of escape at magic vendors and always carry a couple with you; sometimes you just can't beat certain random dungeon bossess.

Always have both teleport rods and scrolls, I can't stress this enough. You can use rods while confused/dim/blind, while scrols are safer to use when in danger, since rods can fail. Stock up on wands of magic dart/elemental bolts and always have some on you to take out monsters you can't reliably hit.

Keep every potion you can find. Confusion, silence, slow, poison, acid, blindness. When you find one of those unexpected mobs, chuck them at him then start spamming rods, or teleport away. Rods of speed/potions of speed are also great to have.

tl;dr, if it's a rod/scroll/potion, you should keep it and use it. Simply going through dungeons meleeing things is never a good ideea.

>> No.3865847

Why are the NPCs teleporting on their own after a while?

>> No.3865852

Where the hell do I find bullets?
Or ammo in general.
The only city I can enter is derphy.

>> No.3865858

No, but drinking a blessed potion of slow decreases your age by 1-2 years, to as low as 12 if I recall. Save up 20-30 of them, bless the whole stack and use them to be a perpetual loli.

Also, cursed milk decreases your height permanently, making you more loli.

>> No.3865863

>cursed milk decreases your height permanently

Can you be microscopic or break the game by having negative height?

>> No.3865869

whats the best class?

>> No.3865870

Read one of those.

>> No.3865874

Their gear gets cursed.
normal mode: spam rods of uncurse at them
hard mode: kill them over and over until they drop it
AWESOME mode: nuke the town over and over until they drop it

I honestly haven't tried but you can probably get to 1cm, or at least fairy-level.

>> No.3865888

>you pick up an eye of floating eye

HA, ah ha

>> No.3865896

>get Weight Lifting from the Yowyn trainer

I've visited that trainer but he doesn't have such a skill on the list. Elea here. I'm guessing it's available only for some of the races.

>> No.3865929

So where can I find more sprites? Touhous are a plus.

>> No.3865931

What do i have to do to fight off those cargo robbers?

They are a fuckton and then they spell at me, dammit.

>> No.3865940

Do blessed treausre maps and chests give out better stuff?

>> No.3865951

why is the queen of palmia listed in the breed list? is she even catchable?

>> No.3865959


The numbers are the chara numbers, you can find yukkuris and shangais there

>> No.3865970

Weapon and general vendors tend to carry ammo. If you're specifically looking for Bullets/Energy cells, go to the Cyber Dome south of Vernis. They have the only dedicated gun shop.

>> No.3865971

Walk off the wilderness map you encounter them in. Use a teleport scroll/rod to get closer to the edge.

If you DO manage to kill them, the leader drops a few cargo items you can take and sell.

>> No.3865985

What's the use for the stealth skill?

>> No.3865991

I just got a "You are charmed by the taste of human flesh" message. Seems it's some kind of a mutation. What does it do exactly?

>> No.3865999

"You are charmed by the taste of flesh" means you don't go insane after eating meat.

>> No.3866014

It makes monsters less likely to 'see' you. You won't notice a difference until skill level 50 or so but it really helps when things don't aggro you from halfway across the map, especially in the Void.

>> No.3866038

where to get potions to heal corruption? shit caught me like 8 squares from a town

>> No.3866054

Magic vendors sometimes sell them. Hope you got 100k bucks.

>> No.3866076

where can i play blackjack?, can't find any

>> No.3866087

You can find a casino at the west entrance of palmia.

>> No.3866092


Near the west entrance of Palmia, all those various game things let you play blackjack.

>> No.3866101

where do you pay taxes..?

>> No.3866129

shit, now i need chips. Won twice the 4 times required, got crossbows.bah

>> No.3866138

north of palmia is the embassy really close. press enter over the box open and insert bill. You will lose the amount of money to pay it

>> No.3866141
File: 406 KB, 799x582, dreadbane claymore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got so lucky finding this

>> No.3866222

Tip for people getting diseases

1. Buy food in vernis. Noodle stuff is very filling and readily available.
2. Store in your freezer. Breads, api nuts, healthy leaves, and imos will never rot, so you can keep them on the floor if you're low on space.
3. Similarly, don't ever take food out of your salary chest.
4. Whenever etherwind starts and you're in the middle of the map, enter the current area, then read a scroll of return.
5. Read a textbook if you have one to pass the time. If you don't, mine.

That's it. Do that and you won't get sudden hits of diseases. Do remember that your disease is ALWAYS progressing though.

>> No.3866226
File: 142 KB, 806x632, lolweapons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found this in a treasure map spot

>> No.3866313

Anyone else found grenades a nigh unstoppable panic button? You wouldn't want to use them carelessly when your pets are still around, but..

>> No.3866318


Does maintain mean that your stat will never increase?

>> No.3866323

Need casino cihps, find where

>> No.3866329

I think it means it won't be decreased by enemy spells and status effects.

>> No.3866331

It means that they will never decrease, from stat-reducing spells and effects that hit you.

>> No.3866336

not drop under status effect, i believe

>> No.3866456
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Well that's nice to know

>> No.3866482

I was just playing at a party and Loyter walked by and I thought I was going to die, then for no reason, he exploded and I got to keep his stuff.

>> No.3866485

>You hear the shuffling step of a man whose world is nothing but pain and misery.


>> No.3866486

>then for no reason, he exploded
Elona in a nutshell.

>> No.3866495
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Do people really die this much? Seriously?

>> No.3866497

>It prevents aliens from entering your body.

Heh. Cockblock'd.

>> No.3866534

What seems to happen a lot is someone dies, goes to get their stuff back, and dies again. Repeatedly. This happens a lot for people just starting, as they will inevitably attack the slimes, or get attacked by a rogue boss. And then when you have multiple people starting...

>> No.3866774
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My little maid is dead and gone, I'll hear from her no more.
For what she thought was H2O was H2SO4

>> No.3866837


Haha oh wow, I fell out of my chair.

>> No.3866876

>More! More!
oh wow

>> No.3866944

Am I the only one stuck in this endless loop where all I do is do side quests/pay taxes because I'm not making enough salary and I'm not strong enough to do anything else?

>> No.3867128

I'm clearing dungeons with my bell and two lolis in search for monsters that will give my lovely girl more hands (asuras don't work for some reason)

>> No.3867194

bomb palmia with nuke

>> No.3867209

I'm still at this dungeon crawl genre. Any tips? Class? Link to guide? Shall I make characters quickly and throw them at the world, learn it until I know when to get serious?

Thanks for everyone who patiently answered all the n00b questions all this while. You guys rock.

>> No.3867261

carry around less gold. Be of low fame.
Losing fame is easily done by failing quests.

>> No.3867510

A question.

Can I only learn Pickpocketing by joining Theives Guild?

>> No.3867628

I think so.
I've read guild trainers come visit your maid though, so they might teach it you.

>> No.3867755

Or use a scroll of growth and get lucky

Or Zap a rod of teleport on the guy guarding the entrance.
Use a disguise kit/incognito upon entering to fool the guild members.
Purchase skills from npc.

>> No.3867816

>scroll of growth
Gain Attribute. Wishing also works.

>I've read guild trainers come visit your maid though
Those trainers increase the potential for one of your stats at the cost of 3 or 4 pp. They don't teach or train skills.

>> No.3867910

my fucking gold bells keep eating shit off the ground, how do I make them stop

>> No.3867920

Put something where the food lies. Pets eat (or pick) stuff only if it's not stacked with any other item.

I heard you can teleport/kill guard, use Incognito/Disguise kit, get into guild and learn skill from npc without being a member of it.

>> No.3868012

>>3867920 cont.
I just did this. It works. Teleport the person standing on a ladder (or attack and make him step away from it), enter the guild, apply disguise kit to yourself.

>> No.3868017

Also, you don't need to worry about your incognito running out; once you cast it everything becomes friendly, forever. Or rather until you go out/back in again.

>> No.3868021 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on A n o n t a l k . com

>> No.3868095


Nah, the guild trainers that come to visit your home are only there to work on stat growth, not skills. (Like say, one might teach you to improve strength, constitution or dexterity)

>> No.3868100

Hello. Newbie here. In the higher levels you need to pay some kind of tax in a certain town, right? So...what if you refuse to pay? Would I get shafted by an army of guardsmen?

>> No.3868107

the problem is that the bells get to the food faster than I, but whatever, I don't think there's anything I can do about it

>> No.3868132

>I heard you can teleport/kill guard, use Incognito/Disguise kit, get into guild and learn skill from npc without being a member of it.

This is very true. disguise kits and scrolls arn't terribly common, but they show up every once in a while, and teleport rods are easy to come by and you should have one anyways

it is amazingly less difficult then it ought to be

>> No.3868143

>Hello. Newbie here. In the higher levels you need to pay some kind of tax in a certain town, right? So...what if you refuse to pay? Would I get shafted by an army of guardsmen?

If you don't pay your taxes within a few months of when they're given out your in game karma will quickly go to shit

the biggest consequence of this is that an army of guardsmen will shaft you whenever you enter a town

the exception is derphy, which has no guards to with which to shaft you

>> No.3868145
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>> No.3868151


>> No.3868158
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Have you paid tribute to your god/goddess today?

>> No.3868178

lol, pumpkins own. I just got a +6 strength mutation from one of the potions it hurled at me

>> No.3868184

Hell yes, crawling a level 30 dungeon while I'm level 11. This is fucking extreme

>> No.3868250
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Even my high level clamyore cant kill cubes.

>> No.3868340

Is there a way to get to the Lulwy statues in Luminest? I'm thinking about just spamming short-teleport and seeing if I can end up there, but I'd like to know if it's possible before I waste my stock.

On an unrelated note: what's the best way to find those mage guild books?

>> No.3868450


>> No.3868469

I got that too. So weak...

>> No.3868495

How good are those anyway? I have gotten strange diaries and also rachel nx diaries.

I got shafted by aether disease and now my strength and perception are shit. Where can i get casino chip to play blackjack until the end of time?

>> No.3868507

A high dungeon level doesn't necessarily mean harder; level 30 means mobs up to level 30 can spawn, but you still get just as many low level mobs. A level 100+ dungeon is indistinguishable from a level 60 one, since mob levels don't go higher.

The boss is a different story though. Pray it's not a quickling.

>> No.3868547

Whats a good place to look for those diaries if I don't have enough medals to just buy one?

>> No.3868551

The boss was Vesda, I did it for the sweet as hell gloves.

>> No.3868609

The only way to get a museum is to grind like a slave. Goddamn kitty bank has to weight like a furniture piece.

What dungeons are good to get cards/figures? I've practically have the whole puppy cave at home.

>> No.3868639

Enjoy your soon-to-be-BLOODTHIRTY weapon!

>> No.3868661

If you're lucky, some adventurer MAY have one. You can trade for it like a faggot, or steal it like a champion.

>> No.3868769
File: 83 KB, 619x467, doggirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3868781


>> No.3868800

What are some good first wishes to make?

I wished for a scroll of superior material to make myself a 10d8 machine gun.

>> No.3868809


>> No.3868832

So I've played this for my first time and I can't get my character out of being tired no matter how many times I rest.

If that thing was supposed to stay with me the whole game then I did a pretty lousy job.
I'd have felt a hundred times worse if I chose the little girl.

>> No.3868849

I can't seem to raise my strength with harvesting/meleeing/burdened and the damn trainer has yet to show up at my house.

What the hell?

>> No.3868887


Talk to a bartender, they can res your pets indefinitely. Should have picked the little girl.

Skillspeed. Anything else can either be aquired normally or is very likely to be shit anyway. Speed is near-impossible to increase.

Make sure you always have tactics at 100%+. It should increase at a decent rate.

>> No.3868904

>Make sure you always have tactics at 100%+. It should increase at a decent rate.
And if I have it at 200%+ and it still doesn't raise?

>> No.3868926

I've had the bad idea of reading a book in my house, and now there's a horde of high-level creatures roaming in. I'm a pianist, I have a random teleportation skill but it's not very useful. What do I do ?

>> No.3868930

You re-roll

>> No.3868934

build a new house by buying a deed

>> No.3868941

Post sprite and npc.txt please. I want dog girls too.

>> No.3868948


I'll try to do that, thanks

>> No.3869016

I need potions against coruption. Goddamn dreams are nightmares.

>> No.3869020

They don't have this mmorpg at walmart. Where can I buy? Is there a subscription fee?

>> No.3869028


What part of this even looks like an mmorpg?
(go to elona.wikia.com if you are interested in trying it out, solo dungeon crawl for anyone who's new~)

>> No.3869034


wait, so you play this game by yourself?

>> No.3869042

No, you play it with your loli.

>> No.3869043


I Don't get it. So I play this game alone?

>> No.3869049

Just like fapping, yes.

>> No.3869059

Yes. It is a sprite orientated dungeon crawler much in the spirit of old roguelikes. In the case should you happen to be connected to the internet, you will get occasional information regarding other players if they die and so forth.

>> No.3869085

I kindly repeat my request.

>> No.3869089

ok, who put Kick Ass defeat EFG in the alias box?

How do you do that anyway?

>> No.3869114

How do I get my pet to attack the enemy?
I am a fairy pianist I'm not supposed to be attacking.

>> No.3869123

Get a bow, stone, shuriken, anything. Mark enemy with f button.

>> No.3869124

Why shotguns are so shitty?

>> No.3869132
File: 89 KB, 687x343, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I --- AM --- SO --- GODDAMN -- LUCKY !!!

>> No.3869137

Because you shoot like a nigger. Best invest in that firearms skill if you plan on making the best weapons in game your thing.

>> No.3869147

Ragnarok is the best weapon in the game, I dare you to claim otherwise.

>> No.3869162

>implying niggers are bad shooters

>> No.3869169

Going by the whole gangsta pose of holding a heater wrong and so forth, yes. No gang members were harmed when typing this message.

>> No.3869185

Well, I have a few valuable things but I can't find adventurers with any decent Claymore, most of them are on the world map most of the time, how am I supposed to find them ?

>> No.3869189

Agreed. Any weapon stating "call an ends" is a must have! Use it in the city as will, you can kill ANY NPC with it! It is AWESOME!

>> No.3869194

>I-I'm not giving it to you as my gratitude. I-I r-really am not! Silly!

Why so tsundere?

>> No.3869212

You can use the "L" button to switch targets. Useful if you have a targettable move you want to use on an ally, or, if you target an enemy, your pets will put a priority on your target. Assuming you don't want to attack anyone at all.

>> No.3869216

They come directly to your house if you have a maid. By the way, I just find out that stealing stuff from them is piss easy if they're drunk. Now I'm leaving these potions of cure corruption for myself.

>> No.3869235

Tip: Potion of Cure Corruption are incredibly easy to steal. Much easier to steal than, say, a 30 pound suit of armor. So trade them those, then steal the potions back.

I do something similar to get affection up with adventurers: Give them a ton of engagement rings/necklaces, then when the contract expires steal the rings/necklaces back. Rinse and repeat until they're at love, then steal back the rings/amulets and have them join you.

Congratulations, you now have a loving waifu.

>> No.3869239

That's what makes Jure the best goddess out of all of them.

>> No.3869242

Got the same problem as you.

The adventurers that do come by my house don't have anything decent.

I'm a Claymore using a light weight mace. But its 3d10+17 so I guess it's okay.

>> No.3869268

It's all fun and games until that level 150 adventurer notices you trying to pickpocket a 0.1 weight hat. To make matter worse, she was pregnant from that one time I purposefully infested all of Palmia. I swear to god, every time I'd go in a town she'd be there, nerve eyeing me for 200 damage through superb resistance all the while shitting out level 150 alien babies that could rip the face off your average dragon.

>> No.3869273

Newbie here :
How do I steal ?
How do I maid ?

>> No.3869274

I think you've found your waifu.

>> No.3869293

Well, I generaly stop somewhere isolated before stealing/rehiring and read a book or something to pass the time. I assume you had a reason for not reloading to before you pickpocketed her?

>> No.3869323

Custom npcs not working. They have the right chara_x names too.

Abyone have this problem with 1.16?

>> No.3869330

Remove all your equipment before going to sleep. That way it can't be cursed/doomed.

Throw poison/dye to kill bells and quicklings.

Cursed alcohol causes you to vomit, which makes you hungry. You can use this to starve strong enemies to death.

>> No.3869347

Learn the appropriate skill (pick pocket)
type 'a'. Type the letter appropriate to pickpocket on the menu. choose the direction to pickpocket.

You hire your maid in your house. There should be a wooden board thing, go on top of it and press space.

>> No.3869427

>a reason for not reloading to before you pickpocketed her

Savescumming ruins the whole point/enjoyment of the game. If you want to increase numbers with no risks and setbacks play a mmo instead.

>> No.3869466
File: 130 KB, 799x603, Rachel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is your god now?

>> No.3869475

I figured the reason would be something like that.

>> No.3869486

Do beggars not respawn? I was killing every one I saw hoping they'd drop a beggar pendant but now I dont see any anywhere.

>> No.3869489

I keep getting an event after waking up where three robbers show up and start stealing my stuff. The last time it happened I was in Lumiest, and two titans had also spawned in the middle of town for some reason. It was a bloodbath.

>> No.3869514

You better be the fanciest shooter of them all, otherwise prepare to die lots.

also, party time, read hard books, run while looting.

>> No.3869541

Are there other faces files? I know i can add portraits but i want to know if someone made a different sheet for the game.

>> No.3869628
File: 592 KB, 718x422, mugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the *'s by my stats for?

>> No.3869645

>Rachel Alucard
>The Virgin


>> No.3869668

How do I uncurse things?
The first time I slept my stone got fucking cursed!
Now I can't even equip other ranged weapons I've found like a machine gun.

>> No.3869691

That means that the stat is "maintained" by your equipment. ie: it won't be lowered by you getting sick, getting hit certain monsters, ect

>> No.3869700


Buy/Find scrolls of uncurse

>> No.3869705

You need to find and read a scroll of uncurse. They aren't terribly uncommon, but you might have to check a few towns. If that doesn't work, consider farming the puppy cave for scrolls.

>> No.3869711

No one is saying she isn't, (but we're all thinking it.)

>> No.3869826

Thats better than my plan of just feeding them booze and whoring my self out until they like me.

>> No.3869845

Alternatively, find scrolls of inferior material, and get it to raw. It is delicious curse, you must eat it.

>> No.3870279

What do blood items do? (A blood of kobold or a blood of rabbit)

>> No.3870292 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on A n o n t a l k . com

>> No.3870313
File: 300 KB, 1280x768, Elona King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The king of Palmia got assassinated by the unseen hand and now his stuff is mine to loot, quite lucky I would say.

>> No.3870375

They are items made to be sold or something, they don't really do anything.

>> No.3870401

Is there any guide for character creation somewhere? Anything that says what the stats do? Alternatively, how can I make a decent dual-weilding theif?

>> No.3870422

Are there Fanarts of Lulwy to at least that quality?

>> No.3870448

The in game help during character creation will tell you what the stats do and to make a dual wielding thief just pick the thief class. It comes with dual wield, just make sure to use light weapons.

>> No.3870453


No real guides for creation. Just get the hang of it yourself, I suppose.

>> No.3870457

I thought eating cursed/doomed items hurt you in some way? I seem to remember that that was added soon before I got bored with Elona (unrelated to that change), but I may be remembering wrong.

>> No.3870471

Cursed alcohol and maybe food makes you puke yourself to starving. I don't know if cursed raw does that, but it won't kill you either way.

>> No.3870474

So there is fan-art of Elona after al.
Were can one find this art?

>> No.3870490

Eating cursed food (This should include raw) causes you to vomit. You'll only starve to death if you're already really hungry. The worst thing that can happen is developing anorexia [sic]

>> No.3870518

Foods that would normally positively affect your attributes will instead negatively affect them if they are cursed. 'Raw' doesn't provide any benefits from being eaten, so it won't give any draw backs either.

That said, eating any cursed food can increase hunger. Make sure you aren't already hungry before you snack on your raw plate mail or whatever.

>> No.3870602

So I summoned the custom Mystia NPC from one of those moongates and now the Puppy cave is full of Mystias and things are dieing from being surrounded in darkness. Is this awesome?

>> No.3870609

Used a mossy scroll on accident and my cold resist obsidian robe became cursed.


Will my loli ever use the gun I gave her?
Because I haven't seen her use it yet.

>> No.3870623

What do you mean summoned something from a moongate?

>> No.3870634

Those blue summon crystals you find in some of those places. From what I gather you use them to "summon" a custom NPC to your world. I found one that had a Mystia custom NPC. Now the Puppy cave has a bunch of friendly Mystias flying around singing and such

>> No.3870643

Non-ranged pets usually don't attack ranged no matter what. Get a dedicated ranged pet if you want fire support.

>> No.3870659

I don't think I've ever seen that item. I don't go in many moongates though.

Got a screenshot of the Mystias at least? Sounds interesting.

>> No.3870662

How the hell did that happen?

>> No.3870666

Wait I can summon Flandre to the real world and honor her with self-created stacks of bottles?

>> No.3870680

Ehekatl is the only god you need.
Ehekatl is the best god.

>> No.3870684

>So I summoned the custom Mystia NPC from one of those moongates and now the Puppy cave is full of Mystias and things are dieing from being surrounded in darkness. Is this awesome?

How did you have this happen and how do I get it to also happen in my game.

Also, how much longer until this auto-sages? We're already at fucking 242 replies.

>> No.3870687

My character got diseased in that ethersomething outside and is now addicted to potions.
Every once in a while he'll just down one.

This could get ugly real fast in a bad situation.

>> No.3870690

Quick questions from a newbie to Elona and roguelikes in general:
Do you recommend reading the guide/wiki or diving straight in? I minmax everything in MMOs on paper beforehand because of lolpermanent decisions, but I like to discover stuff on my own if the price of error isn't too high. Can you fuck things up early and realize it only much later?
Are there weird game elements that are so illogical that it's impractical to learn them by trial and error and the only choice is to look them up?
How much time would it take to explore a sizable chunk of the game?

>> No.3870702

I'm sorry, but THAT ASS.

>> No.3870717


I made a couple.


>> No.3870729
File: 232 KB, 1280x768, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you go into a moongate, try searching. It should tell you if there's a blue crystal on the map, and how far you're from it. Kind of like the small medals. It looks like a blue diamond on a stand. The map I found Mystia on also had an Utsuho. The damn crystal was hard to find too, hidden at the top of the screen.

>> No.3870733

Ehekatl doesn't look like Nagato with dat ass

>> No.3870744

>Can you fuck things up early and realize it only much later?
More like the longer you play, the more fucked you get.

>Are there weird game elements that are so illogical that it's impractical to learn them by trial and error and the only choice is to look them up?
Yes, you should avoid leveling and focus on raising skill attributes/potential so you can get better stats when levelling.

>How much time would it take to explore a sizable chunk of the game?
You can go anywhere from the start.

>> No.3870759

can you capture them?

>> No.3870762

Is there a way to get casino chips fast, like, buying?

>> No.3870773

I haven't tried, but I imagine any method of capturing other NPCs would work.

>> No.3870778

wait, whats that
Lock P
stuff on the top left of your screen, I don't think I've ever seen something like that before.

>> No.3870780

Why does the thing record how many times you've died? Can you return to one of those previous times?

>> No.3870790

>Do you recommend reading the guide/wiki or diving straight in? I minmax everything in MMOs on paper beforehand because of lolpermanent decisions, but I like to discover stuff on my own if the price of error isn't too high.
You should probably at least glancing through the wiki, if only to give yourself a heads up on some of the mechanics.
It's pretty difficult to permanently screw your character, although you probably could if you worked at it.
Also, there's a great deal that the wiki just doesn't cover. You couldn't spoil yourself too much even if you wanted to.

That said, the game is (comparatively) not too complicated, and you can certainly manage without the wiki.

>Can you fuck things up early and realize it only much later?
Not really. You can fuck things up pretty nasty, but you'll know it immediately. Even if you do fuck things up, you'll be able to fix it with some difficulty.

>Are there weird game elements that are so illogical that it's impractical to learn them by trial and error and the only choice is to look them up?
Everything kinda makes sense under the games logic. There are some useful tricks you might not figure out yourself, but it isn't that difficult to figure them out on your own.

>How much time would it take to explore a sizable chunk of the game?
You get access to the entire world map (save one town) immediately at the start of the game.

>> No.3870799

The sprites from here
not working for me, any ideas. Shit even comes correctly named.

>> No.3870808

If you go to your skill screen you can track three skills by hitting I believe the * key

>> No.3870810

>Why does the thing record how many times you've died?
So you can remember how much you fucked up.
>Can you return to one of those previous times?
It's ain't a Delorean, McFly.

>> No.3870846
File: 180 KB, 600x800, 2253278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehekatl is love.

>> No.3870854

>Kumiromi's Recycle (Passive: Extracts seeds from rotten food.)
So what is up with this skill? So far I believe that it has only done its job once.
I am carrying a lots of different foods that have rotten.

>> No.3870862

Give me Jure.

I'm wishing for pigtails, but she probably won't,

>> No.3870997
File: 151 KB, 697x598, Speed 141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for glass cannon.
What can I do to further boost my speed?

>> No.3871020

Wearing glass isn't a proper glass cannon.

Wear Ether.

>> No.3871033

Starting second character, first one got ether disease he should be in coma.

>> No.3871034

This skill doesn't work like it should, right?

>> No.3871044

Carry around perishable food. You sometimes get seeds when it rots. Already rotten food is useless

>> No.3871397

I'm with you bro, Jure is my tsundere waifu goddess.

>> No.3871509


Buy potions of Hermes with your small medals, wish for rings of speed and Seven League Boots.

The Agility feat can raise it a bit, Mutations can help too. And eating quickling corpses helps too apparently.

>> No.3871534
File: 329 KB, 1280x768, Touhou!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, I found the same place and there were two crystals so I could summon them both.

So do they end up in random "static" locations or will they randomly travel through the world?

>> No.3871683
File: 225 KB, 1280x768, santa loli and raindeers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole summon custom NPC thing is rather cool.
I found a christmas place full of raindeers and a modified silver bell turned christmas bell and then of course, there were Santa, in loli form.
And of course there were a summoning crystal as well, so now all the touhous I have summoned can have a wonderful christmas together.

>> No.3871701

I now realize that the bump limit has already been reached.
I forgot that this was an old thread with a bunch of replies already.
