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3869198 No.3869198 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3869210

Don't pretend you didn't see it coming.

MangaGamer, so good.

>> No.3869223

But I thought the ones who fan translated Higurashi were also hired by Mangagamer.

>> No.3869229

T-Too polite!!!

>> No.3869226

What am I supposed to be seeing here. Translation comparisons?

>> No.3869231

I don't get it. Both make perfect sense.

>> No.3869232

It's a subtle difference and neither version is perfect.

>> No.3869241

The MG translation leaves a lot out and has a completely different writing style.
Also, it has " within ", most likely because MG employees aren't very familiar with the English language.
And of course it's in their ugly, DRM-prone engine, as expected.

>> No.3869243
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>> No.3869246

The smaller one flows better, but they're saying the exact same thing.

>> No.3869252

I think it's that one gets rid of a lot of text and the other uses more.

>> No.3869265

They're both pretty alright.

I don't see the problem. The longer one doesn't read any harder than Moby Dick, and I enjoyed that.

>> No.3869271

Verbosity is good, I say.

>> No.3869275

Nay, brevity is better, says I.

>> No.3869285

But their bgi is far better than nscripter, why the fuck would you complain about that?

>> No.3869312

It's basically the same exact shit.

>> No.3869333

whats with the shitty art

>> No.3869349

Bitchers and trolls, everywhere.

>> No.3869365

Holy shit, so the larger one is MG's?

Fuck, that is just terrible.

>> No.3869366

the MG translation removes a lot of subtext that creates a more vivid scene

>> No.3869375

Wait until someone makes a PS2 graphics patch like they did with the demo.

>> No.3869378

The smaller one is, dummy head.
Notice the copyright and "*This Game is still under production," as well as the UI.

>> No.3869376

No, the smaller one is MangaGamer.

I prefer MG's. The only problem is that I think maybe they should have kept it being Rika's proposal. I mean it's not so bad here since they're both on the screen, but in a game without voice acting or text boxes it may be hard to figure out who's saying what at some times so I think those indications should be kept in whenever possible.

>> No.3869380

no the smaller one is, note that that one is in their BGI engine of DRM

>> No.3869384

It looks like the smaller one is.

>> No.3869392

Comparing 2 translations is pointless without having the original Japanese text to reference.

>> No.3869399

We need the French translation as well.

>> No.3869400

This guy nailed it.

>> No.3869410

goddamn you, Mangagamer.

>> No.3869422

It's obvious an entire sentence was skipped, unless you are saying the fan translators added an extra sentence for no reason.

>> No.3869437

>3 sentences in both

>> No.3869441
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>> No.3869448

The "trolling" in this thread is pretty amusing. Keep up the hard work, guys.

>> No.3869449


>> No.3869577

This is the problem line:
> 梨花ちゃんのさりげない提案に魅音がぎくっ!と手を止める。

> At Rika-chan's nonchalant proposal, Mion went 'eep!' and stopped writing.
Pretty much a literal translation.

> Mion stops writing.
The fragment "梨花ちゃんのさりげない提案に" is omitted entirely, as is the "ぎく".

Personally, I would have wrote something like:
"On hearing Rika's casual proposal, Mion suddenly stops writing."

>> No.3869590

Isn't evospace the proofreader? He won't fail that much, would he?

>> No.3869620

I'd try changing it a bit to get the meaning across:
"…writing 'nothing' is cheating, you know."
At Rika's calm remark, Mion sat bolt upright, dropping her pencil guiltily.
"Aah! That's not fair! Mion's trying to wriggle out of it by writing 'nothing'!"

>> No.3869638

Smaller one is Mangagamer's right?

I don't see a problem with it, if you do a direct translation with walls of text like this you will get word pasta.

>> No.3869685

>line about writing nothing
Mion suddenly stops writing.
"Hey!! Mion-san is cheating!"

>> No.3869750

MG's translation strips a bit of personality from the characters making them so formal. Now the million dollars question: did they remove Rika's nipah?

>> No.3869770

Mion's eep should stay

>> No.3869776

The formal one is Sonozaki's

>> No.3869798

wut? the small screen is MG's, unless Ah-ah-aaaa! is more formal than Hey! to you

>> No.3869820

Things like "nipah" or "mii" aren't proper english words.

Why would they be in an english translation?

>> No.3869822

Its not as bad with unvoiced/text wall vns. but if its voiced and 3/4 lines double characters(24 per line), its a bitch to fit it all in, without taking two pages and killing flow.

I can understand killing off useless text, slightly. but they have optimum conditions.

>> No.3869836

Because it's kawaii~

>> No.3869844

honorifics aren't proper english words either

>> No.3869852

but they're interjections that flesh out the characters, removing them is bad

>> No.3869875

News flash: mii and Nipah~ aren't even fucking japanese words. RYU07 just likes female characters that make weird/cute sounds, and removing them would be like not translating Homer Simpson's "D'oh" or Bart's "aye carumba".

>> No.3869883

Why in the world would anyone ever say "nipah"? At least "doh" makes sense.

>> No.3869903

only in your english perspective

>> No.3869907

Clearly because Rika has been trapped in the time loop for so long that she has gone insane.

>> No.3869910

Dude, we're all a bunch of weeaboos. We get a hard on from hearing little girls blurt cute nonsensical japanese interjections. Don't fight it, you love it too.

>> No.3869912

Yeah, because I'm German. Dumbfuck.

>> No.3869918

Nipaa is the japanese onomatopoeia for smiling, the more you know.

>> No.3869919

>durr hur xD

>> No.3869929

lol internet XD

>> No.3870400
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it's a virus, every time she says nipah the virus emanates from her mouth

>> No.3870420
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>> No.3870428

>implying it isn't hurr durr

Silly german. Why don't you bend over and nibble on my cock while doing the Nazi salute. I'll pour hot English tea on your little stache

>> No.3870436

i thought it was nico

>> No.3870479

niko niko is smiling

>> No.3870502

I'd be inclined to go with the fan translation over the MG translation any day.

The fans actually care about it.

Mangagamer's thought process is along the lines of "hurr durr durr Higurashi popular, make lots of monies"

>> No.3870517

[ ] Wait 10 years for Sonozaki Futagotachi to finish

[X] Read MG's translation next week

>> No.3870525


[X] Wait 10 years for Sonozaki Futagotachi to finish

[X] Pirate MG's translation next week

More accurate.

>> No.3870596

They both say pretty much the same thing, I don't think this is something to get so worked up about.

MG's just happens to be a bit less wordy.

>> No.3870631

You're right. A dumbed down version of a VN with less words is just as good.

>> No.3870644

At least it'll be out before 2100.

>> No.3870673

That's ok. I'm already sitting in my tower shrouded in elitism reading this in Japanese, glancing down at all the simpletons fretting over TL quality and release dates.

>> No.3870683
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>> No.3870691

Man, I got my dick out ready to go, could I get the uncensored version please?

>> No.3870724

dat hands
