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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 433 KB, 640x480, en_20090929214501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3868094 No.3868094 [Reply] [Original]

Never collect things that devalue, especially Blu-Ray. Remember those losers who collected DVDs? Ha ha, jokes on them.

>> No.3868096

Blu-Ray is useful for......what? The same movie size in regular DVDs?

>> No.3868110
File: 221 KB, 1024x768, faf..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL VHS,betamax and DVDS,Bluray,HD DVD

Laser discs is where its at

>> No.3868121


Lol discs, flash memory is where everything at. Enjoy your shitty junk.

>> No.3868128

>Jew tips
Pirate everything

>> No.3868129

I love how they could fit entire series on blu ray and japan still puts on 1 episode per disc.

>> No.3868136

But my vinyl records are only getting more and more expensive.

>> No.3868139

Manly tears will be had. My mother threw away all my cartoon tapes back in the day when we had an eviction of sorts. All my Robotechs, Dino Riders, all the good shit. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCC

>> No.3868150

back to /g/

>> No.3868153


Pirate in your mother house. Oh wait your already doing that.

>> No.3868176

>>3868129 I love how they could fit entire series on blu ray
Yeah, not with 25Mbps

>> No.3868194

You'll know the importance of blu-ray once you got yourself an audio receiver and a 32" or larger lcd, kid.

>> No.3868241

Enjoy your HDD crash.

>> No.3868253

Then I'll just download everything again.

>> No.3868264

I wonder how will they justify the next format, since there's no reason for bigger resolution, and also >>3868129

>> No.3868279


>> No.3868282

Any kind of collecting is fucking stupid. Buy shit that you will use.

>> No.3868305


I'm sure someone is going to want to fap out on having an even higher resolution than blu-ray at some point... Though this would require TV's to develop a standard even higher than 1080p, I'm sure it'll happen eventually.

That said, I forsee the next incremental advance being something related to storage capacity / access times or ease of use.
I'm gonna bet that it's either going to be a higher density blu-ray type format or something solid state.

>> No.3868349

>a standard even higher than 1080p, I'm sure it'll happen eventually.
I dunno, modern HD TVs require a lot of place already. Something bigger is of course possible, but would be rather inconvenient, while squishing pixels to be smaller - barely (if at all) noticeable by anyone else than videophiles. Then again, who knows.
> I forsee the next incremental advance being something related to storage capacity
See: >>3868129
>access times or ease of use
Highly probable. If it's not going to be another optical disc, it should also be more durable.

>> No.3868390


Oh wow I love how amerifags will never know how awsome the original Macross was and will always be butthurt about how Robotech is better.

>> No.3868422

Well in all honestly, the only thing they have in common is mecha and the space setting. You must be really out of troll material to even try that comparison.

>> No.3868449


Good thing you only need about 4mbps for perfect-quality 1080p anime.

>> No.3868491


>> No.3868701

>while squishing pixels to be smaller - barely (if at all) noticeable by anyone else than videophiles.
You don't need to be a videophile to notice that reality is considerably sharper than even 1080p HD, do you?

Your definition of "perfect" is strange.

>> No.3868708

Most collectors actually gather stuff for their own enjoyment, not to resell it.

>> No.3868717

He doesn't know what 1080p or what a megabit is

>> No.3868726

Is it 2 episodes per BR? I mean if it is people are retarded for buying it. I bet that BR costs like 100$ or something....

>> No.3868733

You know what this made us think.

>> No.3868738


>> No.3868741

buying anime BRs is obviously retarded, especially with like 30-60 min content. Stop even to argue about that you bunch of retards.

>> No.3868745

Listen up you faggots, it's BD not fucking BR. Stop being retarded.

>> No.3868752

And who the fuck are you retard? God? Anonymous says BR and thus it's BR

>> No.3868753

/jp/ - Format wars being discussed by software pirates

>> No.3868754
File: 28 KB, 704x396, (18禁アニメ) 水着彼女 ~THE ANIMATION~ Fit.4 「水着と二人の彼女」 (704x396 DivX).avi_snapshot_20.26_[2009.11.29_01.06.48].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a high level discussion.

>> No.3868765

Grow up and quit using the incorrect term just to tie it in with a shitty meme.

>> No.3868768

Sage for Bakemonogatari

>> No.3868776

BR for Blu-Ray on /jp/ now officially confirmed. Must shit sux for you aniki

>> No.3868779

I have the Kanon blu-ray box set pre-ordered. $525. Feels good, man.

>> No.3868788

The influx of /a/ users is what's making /jp/ so shitty

>> No.3870080

I don't. Elaborate.

>> No.3870109

Rather than expanding on the territory of fancy graphics, I'd rather have movies and series with better plot.

>> No.3870135

This is exactly the reason why noone I know bothers collecting Anime. If you get Manga, it's just going to be worth more if you take good care of it. If you buy Anime, you're going to have to buy it again every 5 years, forever.

>> No.3870164

The very fact that it's on an antique format makes it scarce and increases the value. Some jew you are.

>> No.3870171

everything will devalue at some point in time.

>> No.3870172

get out /a/ fags

>> No.3870181

oh I guess that's why things like collector's items and antiques have such high values huh

>> No.3870189

yes, those VHS tapes are sooo valuable now

>> No.3870209

Yeah, no. VHS valuable? No. VHS of a cult classic that's scarce and discontinued? Yes.

Common sense tip: The more obsolete the format the harder it is to produce/find duplicates or reproductions.

>> No.3870224


Once your quantizers are down in the low-teens, if you claim to be able to tell a difference, you're a lying idiot.

>> No.3870233

And even then, at like 2 episodes a disc, they charge ludicrous amounts.

>> No.3870243

Even with normal DVDs in Japan they usually charge around 70 USD for 2 episodes.

I love how fags in the US bitch about teh prices, when you can buy 13 episodes for about 20 bucks nowadays.

>> No.3870253

Maybe depending on the show.

>> No.3870257

I just mean often, not always.

>> No.3870264

Doesn't that make rather less sense? I assume the anime DVD buying market in the US is much smaller than in Japan, yet it's so much cheaper. I would expect it to be more like Manga. Cheaper in Japan, more expensive here.

>> No.3870290

No, I find movies to be quite the same sharpness as reality nowadays.

>> No.3870427

Wouldn't the general consensus be that at first, immediately after the inital buying period prices start to deflate (Think the NES or the 2600) due to the inital improvents in technology. Then, (depending on the personal or cultural value of the product) when the initial amount of goods decreases beyond a certain point, people will begin to seek it out as an item of status.

But only weeaboos find value in Japanese cartoons, so good luck with that.
