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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 82 KB, 646x512, battlemoonwars_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
379113 No.379113 [Reply] [Original]

so, there was group doing a translation for battle moon wars, they showed some screenshots with the battle menu's tranlated, but then they dissappeared and nothing is heard about them.

And now someone does a one man work in just two and a half month, and he delivers with a patch for the first 6 stages, most of the battle quotes and the menu's translated.........

Fuck the first group

>> No.379147

It's the same guy, just the people he had helping him fucked off.

>> No.379159

Speaking of this, am I the only one that's having a bitch of a time scrounging anything up to upgrade my characters? I have maybe enough for half a skill and a few additions to Mag and Hit before I'm bankrupt. Is there a walkthrough or guide for this game?

>> No.379167

really?? well, fuck them. This one guy is my hero now.

>> No.379165

Purposely lose the mission and restart. You will retain all levels and cash you gained during the previous run but forfeit your right to the Battle Mastery.

>> No.379172

use the skills that doubles moneyz to end bosses and some enemies

>> No.379179


I despise that aspect of SRW games. It's a strategy game, I want to fucking play with strategy, not be forced to GRINDGRINDGRINDGRIND

>> No.379184


/r/ link to the patch

>> No.379185


Grinding IS a form of strategy.

>> No.379193

Fundamental stats?


>> No.379199



>> No.379201

It's just a failsafe for people that need it. If you don't need to use it then good for you.

>> No.379223

>>379147 It's the same guy, just the people he had helping him fucked off.


>> No.379230
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In the sense that hitting the enemy until he's dead is a strategy.

>> No.379253
File: 94 KB, 644x510, kissingaslipper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually to defeat the cyberdemon you should shoot at it until it dies.

>> No.379264

/jp/: grindan gaems

>> No.379268

I played the game going for all the Battle Masteries and never found myself with a desperate lack of points.

You need to:
Know what you want and spend wisely.
Kill as many/all enemies on the screen.
Use skills that net more points to finish off enemies.

Just buy the right skills early on and save yourself worries so you can get the best shit midway through.

>> No.379311

Is there a list of stuff I should get? Cause the game's entirely unhelpful when it comes to that.

>> No.379326

Also, I though the game was translated up to (not including) Act 3. Mine cuts out translation at Act 2, where's the most recent patch?

>> No.379344


Waiting on someone to TLC it. That can be your job.

Get on it. Chop chop.

>> No.379358


>> No.379407


>> No.379430



>> No.379533


Direct link:


>> No.379549

Get the fuck out Aroduc.

>> No.379562
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>> No.379612


already have the bmw copy(not installed ont) from doujin style, the patch said I don't have Bmw isntalled on my pc and i can't apply my patch.
any solution?

>> No.379639


Doujinstyle is not up to date on official patches.


>> No.379640


You need to have BMW 1, 2 and 3 installed, then you run the translation patch. Jesus, does no one read fucking instructions anymore?

>> No.379680

Someone rapidshit the prepatched version, torrent is pig disgusting

>> No.379681
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still goes like this

>> No.379692

worth getting that prepatched version or should I just get the original and patch it myself?

>> No.379696


That means you have cancer.

>> No.379699

Having issues myself, I have 060813, 060816, 070512, 070513, 070517, 070519, 070528, and 070925b patches. I install the first, second, and then third one, but I still get that godawful "OLOLOL I DONT SEE THAT YOU INSTALLED IT" shit.

>> No.379710

This is why we need the complete installer.

>> No.379717

shit fuck, this installer suck.

>> No.379719

I'm >>379699

I was fucking stupid and I just went along with the god damn patches that came with the game, not totally looking at the god damn werk site. First game, first patch, second game, second patch, third game, third patch.

>> No.379729

Someone call Message

>> No.379739

what the hell i must do with this english patch!?

>> No.379746

I hope you people are putting the patch installer IN your BMW folder when you run it, otherwise it will say you don't have the game installed.

>> No.379754


at least put a note damn you.

>> No.379755


>> No.379759



>> No.380164

TLC? Like, as in The PS3 SUX?

>> No.380185


>> No.380192

in the act 2 scene in the theater, shiki's line "すげぇ……。ハマってる……" means something like "she completely fell for it"

>> No.380425

So the installer is fucked up?

>> No.380432

doesnt work
prepatched version worked though

>> No.380471

Hmm...while this is still here...anyone have the boss hack of this game?

>> No.380484

Who is everybody playing as?

>> No.380758
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where can i get the updates?

>> No.382497


>> No.382600

So how many "chapters" are there? Is Neko-Arc in one of them?

>> No.382619

You're supposed to use strategy so you don't NEED any upgrades, asshole.

BMW is piss-easy. If you know which of characters is worth focusing on, it's a cakewalk to do non-upgraded runs.

>> No.382623

and which characters are that?

>> No.382663

Three parts so far, fourth will be the last. No release date whatsoever yet.
Also, 36 missions.

>> No.382670

just play the game, you...you...

>> No.382726
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>> No.382732
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>> No.384295
File: 37 KB, 646x512, asdsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/,

I went ahead and inserted the scripts for the Nrvnqsr arc (stages 7-13). I'll post the replacement data5 (still a few untranslated lines and hasn't been rigorously edited) if you ply me with some Len.

>> No.384402


All I do is edit this?
<msg side="RIGHT" chara="SHIKI" face="UNKNOWN" mask="true">
That day, I took the princess to one of the movies she enjoys. We got to the theater...

Replacing the moonrunes with the obvious translation? Seems easy enough to do in like, 2 hours.

This is open to whoever wants to edit it right? I don't mind doing it, unless someone already finished it all. Just want to make sure that all I need to do is replace moonrunes with translation.

>> No.384438


The translation is below it. Stuff with ******* is the untranslated for whatever reason. As I was inserting, I saw some stuff I knew. It was entirely possible that I was drunk on the first pass or something, but *shrug*

>> No.384450

Oh, also /jp/... I fucked up and left Takumi V.2 in god-move mode that I had been using for testing.

This'll fix him. Just replace the data1s. http://bmw.seiha.org/data1.dat

Apologies. I suck.

>> No.384538

Well yeah I was able to figure out that much.

So should I start editing after stage 13?

>> No.384599


Here. Stages 7-13 with the text inserted.

Anything in <msg> tags and untranslated needs to be. Or you can work on the 14+ if you prefer. Anything helps really. I love you, anon.

I'm tired of waiting for Len, so here's the replacement data5.dat, you bastards.

>> No.384607




>> No.384653

so where can I get all the patches for this game?

>> No.384669

Link is borken

>> No.384675
File: 87 KB, 592x368, len.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm len you say, I don't think I have anything original but if lens u want.

>> No.384685



Long day... can you tell?

>> No.384745
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>> No.384775
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>> No.384812

It's okay. I don't deserve my little kitty. Assuming anon doesn't finish up the Act 2 stuff, I'll get the Roa arc at least inserted over the weekend.

>> No.384854

I assume us ignorant leeching fags just need the 1st link, right? Because I downloaded the 2nd and I have no idea what that is.

Also, thanks for your hard work.

>> No.384874


Correct, though like I said, there are a handful of untranslated lines still. Fucking stage 8 is the longest script in the entire game.

But *shrug* it's still 95% or so finished.

>> No.384885

I just finished taking a shower. I got like 5-6 hours to work on it.

Going to start now.

>> No.384961

Also I don't know enough Japanese to translate the stuff you left "*******" so I won't edit those. I'm just going to edit the stuff you were able to translate.

>> No.384974


I love you, anon.

If you want to test things on your own (for linebreaks or whatnot), here's the packing/unpacking utility for the .dat files.

>> No.384993


Ah. Alright. Then just do the stage 14+ stuff then. That part of the 7-13 is what I did this afternoon.

>> No.385016

Quick question before you disappear on me or something.

How many characters are there per line before I need to put a new line or "\n" in?

>> No.385096

Unfortunately it varies. For A/B (VNovel pre/post battle parts) Right is ~45, Left is ~40. In battle (S) is ~45 for Left, and ~50 for Right.

I've just been eyeballing them and then quickly playing through with hacked characters to test.

>> No.385414

A heads up for those playing :
F5 and F6 speed up the game, F3 returns it to normal speed. Also, F4 switches between full and windowed mode.

>> No.385458


And pressing Ctrl skips the VNovel parts

>> No.385864

Fuck stage 7. Is the mastery supposed to be impossible?

>> No.386020

It's doable, but a pain in the ass. It's been a while since I played it so I don't remember my exact strategy, but I do remember a lot of saving/loading, mostly to get Critical Hits (killing enemies faster). Also, IIRC, if an enemy is hitting the girl and you have a character near it, try reloading, I think the CPU chooses it's target at random, so it's possible that it targets you instead, after some reloads.

>> No.386239


Or put Phantasmoon on the spot where the radio enemy spawns. It'll spawn one square away, be unable to get to the girl and attack Phantasmoon instead. Then, it's easy.

>> No.386255

Hey Aroduc,

I'm starting on stage 20. I'm going to be done like, earlier than I expected.

I'll start testing it after I'm finished either today or early in the morning tomorrow.

There were a few really long sentences probably won't fit so I'll throw in another:

<msg side="RIGHT" chara="*" face="*">
Text here
<wait kind="INPUT" />

Some of the lines you needed to be checked seemed to be right.. but then again I don't know very much at all. Hopefully you find someone to check those for you when I'm finished.

>> No.386330


That's perfect. If you want to make testing easier, have some near-infinite SP. ^^

I am going to sleep soon though, so best of luck.

>> No.386468

I'm done. Want to explain what is in data1-infiniteSP.dat and how it's going to make it easier?

And holy fucking shit. During the entire fucking editing Sacchin doesn't say anything relevant other than "TOHNO-KUN". Bitch reminded me so much of Kazumi and her "SAKAI-KUN"

>> No.386543
File: 186 KB, 1047x1553, 1207208076013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just has the characters set to have +700 or so SP in case you find something wrong in the B (post battle) files and don't feel like actually playing through the stage again or whathaveyou. Just replace the data1 with it. Well, I suggest backing data1 up first unless you want to cheat from here on out. ^^

And Sacchin's having a rough time of it then. Isn't it sad, Sacchin?

>> No.386558

/r/ moar sprite rips

>> No.386598
File: 393 KB, 1848x850, 1207208569972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're stored in data4/6/8 in the weapon folder.

>> No.386629
File: 183 KB, 1522x701, 1207208704159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to sleep now. Thanks again, anon.

>> No.386874


>> No.387177

delicious 7 Ciel is fucking delicious
