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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3863701 No.3863701 [Reply] [Original]

OK /jp/ you are the expert on this field... I saw this in front of some anime specialty shop on my way to my office so stopped and asked if they are original Japanese toys and they said yes... the smell of the box alone suggests it is Japanese of origin...

They have this huge storefront display and in it are anime figurens except they are movable kinda like GI-JOE.

I know who she is... she is Saber from the anime Fate Stay Night (haven't watched it though) She is beautiful... She is the only one in that storefront display that is not Naruto / Bleach / One Piece / Dragonball... and better yet... they accept cards...

But before I take a dip... is it worth buying it?

Are they durable?

Any special considerations I should know?

Anyway, will take pictures later with obligatory "SUP BOOF"

Image is exactly the one I saw there... I think...

>> No.3863717

You totally sure that's the one? It only just came out.

Still, if it's Figma, it's good. Just don't treat them like G.I. Joes, they aren't really toys, so a little more care is needed.

>> No.3863725

Yeah, those Figma ones are fun and inexpensive. I recommend them.

Plus you can pose them and make your figures have pretend battles with each other.

>> No.3863730

Yes Exactly... it is even labeled new arrival...

OK, I will go there later and buy it and post pictures... it is not very far... just about 30 minutes away from my office...

Thank you...

>> No.3863760
File: 120 KB, 412x480, snapshot20091021005811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mugenjohncel !!Oy+LavZ+kRU

>> No.3863771

Good luck mugen~

>> No.3863785

>the smell of the box alone suggests it is Japanese of origin...
>anime Fate Stay Night

Stop trolling, mugen

>> No.3863795
File: 62 KB, 533x800, FIG-MOE-0966_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this one, Sion. You can remove her clothes.

>> No.3863815
File: 81 KB, 300x480, snapshot20091104231405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I want Zhou Yun

That made me realize I still need that Signum figma to go with Nanoha/Fate

>> No.3863817

[Oh fuck... 1:52PM here... Damn!... I would have driven there by now if I'm not currently waiting for my client... what the fuck is taking him too long!?...]

[This wait is killing me...]

>> No.3863820

[I just hope I have the willpower to resist temptation buying too much once I got there... last time with gatchapon was a disaster... and ended up with too much Haruhi...]

>> No.3863825

Not your twitter

>> No.3863827


>> No.3863832

You are such a faggot mugen I wish I could hate you to death.

>> No.3863833

search your feelings, you are now on your way in becoming an otaku

>> No.3863844


What did Mugen do to make you so butthurt? Can't be his drawing of dead Toohoos, /jp/ hates Touhou,

>> No.3863850
File: 67 KB, 267x247, 1256878730490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry mugen, i went there and bought the last one.

>> No.3863852
File: 91 KB, 848x480, sion9472343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> I still need that Signum figma.

>>Stock status Sold out Sold out

At least they still got the Hayate one.

>> No.3863857

Mugenjohncel is really fucking irritating. Everything he does is bordernline unacceptable here, rolled all up into one.

However, he tries to be really polite and civil, so he's good in my books. I just wish he'd stop talking about anime in /jp/ and using so many ellipses.

>> No.3863868
File: 56 KB, 864x480, snapshot20091021005751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3863875

he's rich
he's handsome
he's married with a kid
he's talented
he's awesome
he's happy and I'm not

I'm jealous and green with envy why a faggot like him gets all the good things in life while I don't.

>> No.3863885
File: 166 KB, 455x438, sion75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dawson Anon? Unsatisfied with his life?

>> No.3863890

This thread is about figmas in case you didn't read OP

>> No.3863893

he has a kid?

how does it feel to know that mugen is probably the only non-virgin here?


>> No.3863937

Then he doesn't belong here. /jp/ is for NEET's, virgins, failures, basement dwellers and hikkikomori's only. Normalfags keep out!

>> No.3864000

What about people who don't leech from their old parents and have to work to pay for their figures?

>> No.3864030

>he's married with a kid
You say that like it's a good thing. Now he doesn't have as much free time to do stuff like hurry up and finish HMGM already.

>> No.3864067

>will take pictures later with obligatory "SUP BOOF"

I'm waiting

>> No.3864361

so many faggots, underage tripfags in this thread.
