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File: 199 KB, 1471x520, coconuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3861109 No.3861109 [Reply] [Original]

Be jealous.

>> No.3861120

I jealous.

>> No.3861119

"The enemy dies."

>> No.3861125

Yes. What.

I've never seen that attribute before.

>> No.3861130

The enemy is already dead when the weapon touches it.
I dunno lol.

>> No.3861132

This is normal reaction to having a deadly weapon applied to you.

>> No.3861143

True, but I don't see why it needs an attribute just to indicate this.

>> No.3861253
File: 332 KB, 700x420, Jealousy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3861269

Yo I just caught a GOLD BELL. Fuck yes, but what I'm wondering is what I should combine it with to turn it into a perfect killing machine. Any suggestions?

>> No.3861270

Your hopefully superleveled loli.

>> No.3861271

how do you get money and food in this game all my characters keep starving to death cause i run out of food and then don have any money to buy more.

>> No.3861279

God, I want to see these two fucking.

>> No.3861285

do a shitload of escort missions. might wanna get your hands on a pair of seven league boots first though

>> No.3861299

Careful genesplicing of the slaves you can buy in derphy can give it good stat boosts while not adding any limbs (save those for later). The trick is usually to splice in something that is just barely higher level than it, and has some higher stats. A fallen soldier (lv 3) into a gold bell (lv 1) will make a lv 3 gold bell that should get +10 to everything but charisma. To demonstrate waste, splicing in a Yith (lv 50) to that gold bell would give it +10 to everything and bring the level up to 26, making future splicing more difficult.

>> No.3861301
File: 246 KB, 1279x858, hooray!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3861303

So Elona has made a return to /jp/, must be a new release, what's new?

>> No.3861304

So, where's a download for the new version?

>> No.3861308


>> No.3861320

Nope, not out yet.

>> No.3861334

I just entered a moongate full of slimes with moonspeak for names. They aren't aggressive and just sit around and eat shit.

I'm guessing they were supposed to be yukkuris.

>> No.3861409

whats the best class for a new player?

>> No.3861471

Probably archer

>> No.3861486

I have noticed that weapons and such degrade over time. is there anyway to repair them or prevent it from happening or something?
And is this the same for "god" weapons as well?
I wouldn't want to ruin mine by wasiting it on something unnecessary.

>> No.3861490
File: 127 KB, 801x598, Dibujoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take it easy~

>> No.3861524

They don't degrade over time, they take acid damage and lose enchantment. Stay away from acidic monsters, and don't step in pools (or get Floating). You can permanently protect items from acid (and fire, but that tends to outright destroy items) by using a potion of acidproof (fireproof). Use (B)lend to apply it to the item you want to protect. Make sure the potion isn't cursed. You can undo the damage done with a scroll of enchant weapon or enchant armor. But if it isn't a notable weapon/piece of armor, it's usually better to just get a new item.

>> No.3861566

just so you guys know most ranged weapons deal shitty damage unless you are a certain number of spaces from your target, except for lasers which have maximum damage output unless your target is REALLY far away

>> No.3861574 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on A n o n t a l k . com

>> No.3861610

gold bell + shuriken = holy shit

>> No.3861627 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on A n o n t a l k . com

>> No.3861635

I been playing for three hours and the general vendors still won't sell me a stethoscope.

Am I suppose to invest until a certain shop rank?

>> No.3861645

just look for one in the puppy cave

>> No.3861656

It's random. Keep looking. Stethoscope is a low-level item so investing won't help.

>> No.3861684

Hell yes, I just caught a second gold bell. I'm going to build a gold bell army.

>> No.3861687

And then have a child with your gold bell waifu?

>> No.3861696

Yes. Or my little sister.

>> No.3861725

Oh jesus christ I just caught a third one.

>> No.3861800

Is there a way to split stacks? I don't want to trade my stack of 8 potions of cure corruption for one pair of gloves or whatever.

>> No.3861809

drop them

>> No.3861978

Is it normal that I never see any nobles at parties?

>> No.3862015

Low level parties have low level NPCs (and Loyter, who goes to every party). They show up later.

>> No.3862200

I'm the prostitute priest. I've gotten my horn and want to perform. What are some good places to start (low level audience, with some moneys)

>> No.3862219

Priest with some cha. Took the horn on the graveyard and want to play for money.

Where should i start to play, seems like lvls 10 like what i do already

>> No.3862371
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Is this worth it?

>> No.3862389

Turn it raw and eat it.

>> No.3862391


>> No.3862394

It's shit.

>> No.3862460

What is this "Elona"? Is it December's flavor of the month or something?

>> No.3862514

Flavour of the month, every month!

>> No.3862520

It's pretty old. Pretty shitty too.

>> No.3862539



>> No.3862681

>Win blackjack 9 times in a row
>Don't get potion of cure corruption

Yeah, well fuck you, too.

>> No.3862774


It seems to only give you one after winning 4-6 times in a row. Go over that and you just get shitty items

>> No.3863063

I'm also an aspiring musician.
It really hurts when my little loli throws rock at me :/

>> No.3863107

>You have a lucky day! +777 luck
>Go to casino
>Automatically discard 4-5 cards in a row that would bring you too high and get several 21s in row

>> No.3863241

Whisky inn and bar girls, have some tail. It will reduce your karma, but when you get to 15+, you should be able to start playing for your allies

>> No.3863262

Why isn't there a decent blonde in this for player characters, short of creating a custom sprite?

>> No.3863281

You can make your char here and then use it in the game.

>> No.3863327

People throwing rocks is based on your performer skill, not CH. If you performer is at least the NPC's level, they will never throw a rock. A better strategy is to dismiss your pets and play solo, or only in the company of old men. At least until level ~5, because then you should be able to play near your girl

>> No.3863497
File: 192 KB, 1024x769, Potion Tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repostan because Potion Tower is more awesome than anything you can ever accomplish.

>> No.3863562

Get on fixing that image of yours, that anon who made the FUCK YEAR TOWER picture!

>> No.3863616



>> No.3863638
File: 73 KB, 400x550, songbird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver Bells~ Silver Bells~ It's Christmas time in the city~

>> No.3863648


How would one go about using the said sprite sheet after creating and saving it to your computer, praytell?

>> No.3863686

There should be a patch to prevent your little sister/little girl/catgirl sister aging.
Also what the fuck? The little girl can range up to 16. FFFFFFFFFFFF

>> No.3863716

Recently the creator of Elona released a new game here:

>> No.3863735

I did find out where the monster sprites came from if anyone is interested. The 200X sprites are smaller in size than their XP counterparts.

>> No.3863745

>Elona Shooter
I dunno... Do we get a Little Girl? Because it wouldn't be Elona without one.

>> No.3863748

hey quick question

is it "cheating" to use debug races

i mean not shit like god races, just shit like catsister

>> No.3863757

A good amount of the classes available start with the Little Girl.

>> No.3863761

I can never get anywhere without the little girl and a mercenary; seriously, I suck at tower defense games.

>> No.3863768


A good many of the debug races are horrifically imbalanced, so yes, it pretty much is cheating.

>> No.3863775
File: 55 KB, 620x379, Elonasisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's your character. Do whatever.
Yes, and more. Nothing better than seeing a little sister cheering you on as you mow down your enemies. She is even voiced (mostly giggles and shit).

>> No.3863793

Does carrying over help any?

>> No.3863797
File: 144 KB, 807x626, ELONALOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. Fuck you.

>> No.3863808

I prefer "it brings an end". If you get a weapon with that, equip it and attack npc in a city, it's great!

>> No.3863814

it becomes pretty annoying, but dragonflies and mercenaries eventually take her don

>> No.3863828

Not really, it disables getting ANY metals (aside from kongregate) so it's really useless if you are going after metals.

>> No.3863953

Where is this, anyway?

>> No.3863967

Is there an easier way to get casino chips? I swear I only get 1 out of every 10 material spots, it's bad enough winning black jack is rare enough for me..

So scratch that, any easier way to get potions of cure corruption?

I have like 10 diseases, jesus christ.

>> No.3863980

should've rolled Elea

>> No.3863996


I would assume a magic shop you have invested in alot would have them for sale more often. But no not really

>> No.3864001

You should've checked if she was clean.

>> No.3864059

After a certain point the ether disease will just outright kill you. I think that's what it says in the wiki.

To get more out of a cure corruption potion, bless it by mixing blessed water with it. To get blessed water, drop bottles of water on an altar belonging to whatever god you sided with.

>> No.3864070


Not really, though, perhaps go out and try to collect some gambling gear. Load yourself down with mica gear for a nice luck bonus~

>> No.3864074

Elona is the only good roguelike game I played and liked.

>> No.3864325

What exactly are moon gates?

>> No.3864342

Portals to levels of other players uploaded with F8.

>> No.3865258

How does one weaken a bell, exactly? Does silence work to prevent vanishing?

Is there a command to fill bottles?

>> No.3865395 [DELETED] 

I'm a level 9 Wizard and I have a hard time doing anything useful. I have lots of spells stocked, but I can cast only like 1/4 of them with a positive result. I'm really lucky if I succeed casting anything most of the time, so I'm trying to kill everything with my pistol that does pitiful damage. My armor(robes) sucks, I get killed on level 4 Puppy dungeon without my loli who protects me all the time.

Any advice?

>> No.3865454

HOW IN HELL... do i get enough money for a museum? Damn, that shits is expensive.

>> No.3865561

poison is your best friend. Save before trying, though, because sometimes they recover with ungodly speed and sometimes they die instantly.
