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3851608 No.3851608 [Reply] [Original]

It's called "Mountain of Faith" because that's what it takes to keep trusting ZUN after he conceived that monstrosity.

>> No.3851610

It's called Imperishable Night because it's impossible for you to die.

>> No.3851617

It's called subterranean animism because it's necromancy of a dead series

>> No.3851619
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>> No.3851620

It's called "Embodiment of Scarlet Devil" because the game's so awful it's like Satan himself.

>> No.3851624

It's called Embodiment of Scarlet Devil because it embodies everything wrong with the touhou series.

>> No.3851628

It's called Shoot the Bullet because you "shoot" pictures of danmaku bullets.

>> No.3851636

It's called "Mystic Square" because you'd have to know magic to be able to create something so lame

>> No.3851640

that could have easily been a Statler and Waldorf joke, but it wasn't.

OP, i am dissapoint

>> No.3851643

Undeniably Flawed and Outdated.

>> No.3851647

It's called "Perfect Cherry Blossom" because it's perfect.

>> No.3851655

It's called Immaterial and Missing Power because it's pretty fucking weak

>> No.3851670

It's called Immaterial and Missing Power because sincerity is the power there I just saved you several long boring playthroughs of story mode.

>> No.3851672

It's called Suterranean Animism because that's where it belongs. In a fucking landfill.

>> No.3851687

It's called Unidentified Fantastic Object because once you play it you're going to throw it so hard it'll go into orbit

>> No.3851691

It's called Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream because it's so bad that it looks like a fucking nightmare.

>> No.3851700

These were the only remotely funny ones.

>> No.3851707

It's called Silent Sinner in Blue because that abomination is the baby ZUN should've drowned in a tub

>> No.3851722
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It's called Undefined Fantastic Object because it's fantastic!

>> No.3851720

It's called Unknown Fantastic Object because you won't know what the fuck.

>> No.3851719

I don't see how >>3851610
is funny. Sure, the "Imperishable" part makes sense but not "Night". Only halfway witty.

>> No.3851734

More like you shoot pictures of yourself.
Aya is a camwhore.

>> No.3851737

It's called Concealed the Conclusion because you're going to get sick of it and stop playing long before you see the ending.

>> No.3851743

If you could move fast enough to get in your own pictures, you'd do it all the time too.

>> No.3851746

It's called Perfect Cherry Blossum because the game is beautiful and without flaw.

>> No.3851766

It's called Akyu's Untouched Score because it's so shitty nobody wants it.

>> No.3851770

It's called Highly Responsive to Prayers because you'll be praying he doesn't make another one.

>> No.3851793

I like how this started off as a shitty troll but now its amusing

>> No.3851801

I think it started off amusing and turned to shit.

I am a moron and didn't realize that.

>> No.3852050

You know, I'm kinda glad those Scarlet Weather Rhapsody threads are dying out.
Why's that?
Because everytime one comes up, someone causes a shitstorm!

>> No.3852063

It's called Unthinkable Natural Law because it's balance is Unthinkable, yet Law

>> No.3852075

It's called Touhou because it's about two whores

>> No.3852088

It's called Team Shanghai Alice because ZUN is fucking gay.

>> No.3852117

Fucking juice just came out my nose laughing hard at this one!

>> No.3852143
File: 166 KB, 800x1208, why am i so cool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3852256

It's called Team Shanghai Alice because their games are so bad that after you play one you'll be so disgusted with the weeaboo life that led you there that you'll uproot yourself and stow away on a freighter to Shanghai where you'll start over fresh as a trap named Alice, falling in with a basement brothel in the harbor district where you'll earn your living getting fucked in the ass by bitter dockworkers and tending to their rancid, veiny dicks, suffering their racist insults and fists on a daily basis, yet all the while reassuring yourself by thinking, "at least I'm not one of those losers who plays Touhou".

>> No.3852298
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