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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 238 KB, 1030x793, stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3848440 No.3848440 [Reply] [Original]

holy shit, some sort of moongate world where an epic battle takes place behind locked doors.
I used a rod of make door and got in after it finally stopped (like 5-10 room filling explosions a turn)

It is now a room full of pickupabble shit. Lucky day!

>> No.3848447

I'm still searching for a rune to enter the Yukkuri Area. Fuck.

>> No.3848462

My wizard is still trying to get pass the level 5 hurdle with not enough spell books.

>> No.3848474

Keep restarting until you get a wish so you can get seven league boots and then just buy books from the vendors.

>> No.3848507
File: 559 KB, 1028x798, um...well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. This made me laugh.

>> No.3848514

Looks interesting. Was ist das though?

>> No.3848518

Wizards suck in this game, insufficient spell books and spells scale badly.

>> No.3848520

A rogue-like.
It's hard to describe since you can do alot of shit.
Just play it for yourself. It's free.
You may think of it like a WRPG made by a japanese guy.

>> No.3848522

They are getting fucking strong later on in the game.

>> No.3848525
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>> No.3848528

Dem Moongates. Dem silly Moongates.

>> No.3848541

Wizards? No. Wizards suck throughout the game.

Here's a quick situation you always have to be careful of, especially around Yiths. You are casting spells. You suddenly become dim. If you don't notice, you cast another spell and it fails. One of the possible results is losing all of your mana - more specifically, you lose mana equal to your maximum. The result is usually death from overcasting from a single mishap.

>> No.3848558
File: 441 KB, 1029x799, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3848560

Dorfen Claymore Hateful Dog signing in for duty. Lets see what this shit is about

>> No.3848572

Yesterday, while I was fucking with a shopkeeper, someone suddenly teared down the wall, starting to attack me.
After defeating him, I looked where he came from. He dug himself through 19 walls. 19 fucking walls. Shit just left me speechless.
Seriously. You mind your own damn business, fucking some hairy guy to get a discount when suddenly someone jumps through the fucking wall, attacking you with a panty.
I fucking love Elona

>> No.3848586

Hate Dog is not amused. I dont even know how to fucking pick up shit. And i ate a body of a beggar and apparently became insane. Awesome

>> No.3848588


Use this. It will help you out alot.

>> No.3848593

I thought the huge update was done.

>> No.3848599

Hate Dog has a loli pet. Im liking this already

>> No.3848602

That was announced in August. Noa said at minimum half a year. That's still three/four months more at the earliest.

>> No.3848611

0 on the numpad.

>> No.3848623

also g

>> No.3848626

Thanks g. Hate Dog and his loli appreciate it.

>> No.3848627

> "momma? where are you?"

>> No.3848628 [DELETED] 

It seems i shouldnt be bumming it in towns like in Baldurs Gate, some dirty nigger just stole my shit.

>> No.3848630

Ripped open her chest and ate her heart.
Got a problem with it?

>> No.3848646

yet another thing you actually could do.

>> No.3848647

Did you rape her in front of her mother at least ?

>> No.3848648

No. But a handful of people watched me.

>> No.3848652

I suppose that'll do.
But you must try better next time.

>> No.3848671

I exchanged a potion of cure corruption for 1d43 mind damage panty with #####+ mind attack.

>> No.3848679

Casino chips are so hard to find. Is there any other of getting them other than searching random heaps of trash?

>> No.3848683
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>> No.3848687

Unfortunately no.

>> No.3848688

Hate Dog has died 3 times now in the puppy lair. He also reached level 2 and is going to take a break, because he looted so much he could barely move. Where can i get leashes and shit for my loli?

>> No.3848696


And Level of dungeons is not recommended level of character. You should find a level 1 dungeon first, although grinding the top of puppy dungeon does work.

Also don't forget that your loli can carry shit too. Use i and aim at her to talk and put/take stuff from her inventory. She may sell it though.

>> No.3848701

General stores. I don't really get what leashes do. My little girl calls me a pervert when I put in on her, and gets all deredere when I take it off, but other than that, I don't see any effect.

Is there a way to change graphics for my pet? And I mean for one pet only, leave all other little girls the way they are.

>> No.3848708

What would a good source of monsters for gene engineering? Balls are pretty rare, slaves and horses are useless at this point.

>> No.3848714


He thought you were his exclusive property.

>> No.3848717

Farming your own

>> No.3848718

If you mean the prites, go to the Wiki. There's a tutorial on what files to edit and a link to a sprite maker.

>> No.3848725

>I don't really get what leashes do.
They teleport the ally back to you when they get a few steps away.

Otherwise, they like to go running off out of sight to kill things that might end up killing them, or decide it's a good idea to move through acid.

>> No.3848727 [DELETED] 

stop spamming and ddosing Anon Talk .com also stop trolling and harassing us and remove all clones and troll articles and lies and leave us alone if u do this well stop posting these msgs forever

>> No.3848741
File: 571 KB, 1584x1200, character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does it change sprites for all characters or only for pets?

I can't seem to find golden bell on the picture...

>> No.3848746

Were there any yume nikki moongates? I wish Americans could upload moongates. I'd make a Yume Nikki world.

Actually... the moongate thing should be spunoff into it's own game of visiting others dreams.

>> No.3848752

Awesome, why didn't I think of this.

>> No.3848754

Is there any way to let your loli equip weapons and stuffs?

>> No.3848755

Is having a shop profitable?

>> No.3848759

Press i, select your girl, give her stuff you want her to wear, take away stuff you don't.

>> No.3848761 [DELETED] 

stop spamming and ddosing Anon Talk .com also stop trolling and harassing us and remove all clones and troll articles and lies and leave us alone if u do this well stop posting these msgs forever

>> No.3848763

'G'ive also works. (uppercase g)

>> No.3848764


Oh thanks. I always thought thats only her inventory, not her equipment list.

>> No.3848787

Pael's mother is an animal. I gave her 5 (five) potions. Give me my apple already damnit it.

>> No.3848814

Dim isn't really a concern. Just pack enough potions of healing, any kind will do. Rods of cure minor wound have tons of charges and are dirt cheap, they work too.

And, I don't think there's a distinction between wizards and anything else. A good endgame character needs to be able to do both effectively. Heal light is an awesome spell anyone can use; it might not heal much but it cures poison, so you don't have to waste your healing potions. Holy shield/hero are also easy to cast off the bat even for characters that didn't start with trained magic skills, and help a ton; later you can just have them on perpetually. Magic dart never loses its usefulness, against things with high dodge and no hp like wasps bats and bells.

When you're past the early hurdle, there's chaos eye. Shit's broken, every status effect in the game and enormous damage. Unlike melee it scales both as dice number and range; my high level wizard hit for about 30d50 with it.

>> No.3848854
File: 7 KB, 523x18, whyareyousouseless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit. Stop being useless Rinnosuke.
I could place a fucking scarecrow there and it would sell more shit than you.

>> No.3848865

Or you could just be a man and roll a dorf. No more bitchass poison worries.

>> No.3848911
File: 11 KB, 128x192, pcc_body_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you are, enjoy

When you are done making your new sprite screen cap it,
open paint and copy it. Adjust the size to 128x192 and save it as a .bmp
Then go to your Elona folder and go into the graphic folder. Look for a file called pcc_body_1 and pcc_body_2, don't touch these, instead name your new sprite as pcc_body_3, and you should be able to find it under body in the customization screen.
This is a sample.

>> No.3848927

Thank you bro

>> No.3848929
File: 408 KB, 1024x768, Desktop 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what my folder looks like.

>> No.3848940

I made a priest character, so I thought that would basically be some kind of priest... but when I try to pray it says "you don't believe in god".
Isn't that kind of a failure considering that the character is supposed to be a priest?

>> No.3848947

How come I can't have fullscreen?

>> No.3848951

You have to go to an assigned altar and pray there first.
Best thing is to go to the Truce Ground which is located north from Palmia

>> No.3848952

Lol. Re-roll time my nigga.

>> No.3848953
File: 15 KB, 128x192, pcc_body_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem, just play around with it for a while and remember to crop it out of the screen cap correctly and to make sure it's the right size.

Also note, the body color seen here will need some fixing when you make it.

>> No.3848955
File: 192 KB, 1024x769, basement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3849005

That tower of potions makes me smile every time.

>> No.3849007

Me too.
I can't describe it.. it's.. beautiful.

>> No.3849019

[X] Eirin's shady new drug

>> No.3849073

whats the best race for thief?

>> No.3849083

Dorfs are the best race for anything.

>> No.3849118


>> No.3849160


>> No.3849197

sugoi monogatari aniki

>> No.3849274
File: 461 KB, 1030x802, datroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey. I just found the room you were speaking off.
That was an awesome battle.

>> No.3849314

I liked having the nickname "Great God"

"Great God? The Great God? Never heard of you."

>> No.3849316

I'll spawn asuras and and make a 12-handed little girl armed with daggers.

>> No.3849324

I lol'd.

>> No.3849325

Whoever made the character
"The Drunk Suika Ibuki"
I love you. And I always vote for you whenever I got time.

>> No.3849330

Might be a great idea, if she's still able to take other equipment into her inventory. Could be that she says "It's too heavy!" or her inv. is just full thanks to the daggers.

>> No.3849331

Okay, now I'm making a Lich Tourist. Dark Lord, Aka Dreamy Believer.

>> No.3849337

I'm not sure how I feel about starting completely naked. Oh well, the townspeople don't seem to judge me too harshly.

>> No.3849345

Good Luck.

>> No.3849348

Anyone got some custom sprites for your character?
I know I downloaded some from somewhere but I don't remember where

>> No.3849366

Goddess of Luck, actually.

>> No.3849383

So uh

Snail Tourist

wat do?

>> No.3849388


Be careful. Like stated: You level fast. Maybe a bit too fast.

>> No.3849406

I don't get it, whats so awesome about a tower of potions?

>> No.3849417

It's a fucking tower of potions.
A. Tower. Of. Potions.
White potions not to forget!
Are you out of your mind or why don't you see how awesome that tower is?
Look at it.
Stare at it.
It speaks to your soul.
It speaks to your soul with the following sentence:
"I'm fucking awesome you piece of shit. Why aren't you as awesome as I am? Fuck you. Praise me and some of my awesomeness may rub off on to you."

>> No.3849436

s'not that awesome, hell, I could make a tower of potions just as good if I wanted to. Now, what WOULD be awesome is if it was a reverse pyramid of potions.

>> No.3849438
File: 9 KB, 128x192, pcc_body_3png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The yellow hair is supposed to be a crown.

>> No.3849445

So, what am I supposed to be doing after I obtain a large sum of cash from delivery missions ?

>> No.3849455

I built a museum; it's useless though. Search heps of trash for casino chips, play blackjack, win potions of cure corruption, exchange them for godly equipment, clean dungeons with it.

>> No.3849459

so /jp/, i have a question!!!:
im having a mutant character, im lvl 6 but he do not grow any new slot till now, there is something i am missing?

>> No.3849463

Keep it.
After you reach Level 6 bills will start coming to your house.
Not to mention that you have to buy cargos of food here and then and maybe some scrolls or potions when something happens.
And try to get as much money as you can so you can buy a museum later on.
Some mobs may drop cards and figurines. Those can be placed in the museum which then makes money.

>> No.3849468

Apparently people leave Great machine guns lying around on the ground in Yowyn. Awesome. I'm now a gun-toting lich, wandering around aimlessly.

>> No.3849473

Nobody noticed fucking Flandre on that screenshot?

>> No.3849476

Whenever the "Something was killed by an unseen hand"-event occurs go through the town looking for the loot.
The event occurs when a NPC wears a doomed item.
His loot should lay on the ground in a little bag.
There's always good stuff in it. Especially when you just started.

>> No.3849479

I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome that tower of potions is.

>> No.3849492

There's something you are missing.
Age and grammar.
No seriously. He gets slots every 3 level.
So you should have 6 slots by now, assuming your mutant started with 4 slots.
If not. Well, I don't know. Never played a mutant. It might be the case that it starts on Level 6. The slot gaining I mean.

>> No.3849499

Museums are okay if you have a lot of high-level figurines... Or, to start, you can just kill Gwen a lot of times.

>> No.3849520

Dropping more than one figurine/card of the same NPC does nothing.
Only one figurine and card counts.
But I as example have every figurine and card of the mobs that lurk in the Puppy Cave and the rank of my museum is somewhere around 30.

>> No.3849522
File: 81 KB, 606x579, FUCKINGHARDCORETOWER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3849523

That only goes so far though, since using more than a few cards/statues of one thing tends to stop being effective for better rank.

>> No.3849539

Unless that changed in recent versions, it's not true for statues of uniques like Gwen. She's not high level enough to be very valuable, but high enough that you can actually make money if you stuff a museum full of her statues.

>> No.3849540

Statues of same NPCs do count. I was stuffing my museum with poor Gwen at the beginning, and it helped raise rank tremendously.

>> No.3849545


>> No.3849548

I did it and nothing happened.
My rank didn't raise nor sink.

>> No.3849549

Where can I get custom character sprites for my character?

>> No.3849554

You must place more statues.

>> No.3849557

Here's a link that was posted earlier: http://elona.my-sv.net/

>> No.3849558

Either you make them yourself using a sprite maker or this:>>3848911
Or you browse through that thread:

>> No.3849566

It's reversed. Balls cover the tops.

>> No.3849573
File: 151 KB, 803x630, loyter_what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back when I first played it I had Loyter get killed that way right at the start of the game.

I never played very far though, I was a lich wizard and the spellbook issues got annoying. Plus I got bored having to start out by doing a bunch of errands to get the pp needed to learn the vital skills that I was missing

>> No.3849583

How did I do such a stupid mistake, i'll fix it later...

>> No.3849668
File: 264 KB, 1250x795, Elona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit /jp/ you made me bust open this game so I could screenshot it. I haven't played in so long I couldn't even remember how to navigate the menus. RIP Reisen and Tewi. Losing my gunner pets sucked. ;_;

>> No.3849693

Why is everyone so down about spellbooks? can't you order as many as you want from the wizard's guild?

>> No.3849709

Holy shit, awesome.

>> No.3849770

And before someone asks how I got every godpet: You are only allowed to have one at a time. But if you get a godpet, and put it on a ranch and breed it, it will eventually have a child. Do not touch the child. At that point dismiss the parent and betray your god for another, earn their pet, breed it, dismiss it, leave the child. Once you have a child from every god (takes forever) you can dismiss the final parent, betray to the final god you want to become, then go to each ranch and take the children into your party. That's how you get every godpet.

>> No.3849799

Can anyone explain the whole Gene engineering to me ?

>> No.3849807

Things you breed will be better. Allows you to breed higher level creatures.

>> No.3849823

fuse ally into different ally, ideally you should fuse chaos dragons into level1 lolis

>> No.3849829

Kill one pet, use small part of it to slightly improve another pet.

>> No.3849838

Is that the only use ?
How can I fuse my pets ?

>> No.3849843

Ask mad scientist in port town.

>> No.3849858
File: 51 KB, 566x375, niceshield1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does /jp/ likes my shield? Feeling jealous yet?

>> No.3849888
File: 19 KB, 300x401, parsee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's indeed a very nice shield.
I'm so jealous!

>> No.3849889

Actually, that's a shitty shield bro. On a scale of 1 to 10 that's about a 5.
Why? Because it doesn't have Reduces Physical Damage You Take [#####]. When you get your first shield with that on it you will understand.

>> No.3849907

I don't really need that I have extreme evasion and defense rate. Well I had, because it's an extremely old screenshot.

>> No.3849910

It's nice to have around if you're working on Perform or Gardening though.

>> No.3849923
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>> No.3849935

So where the hell do i get identify scrolls or something similar? My inventory is filled with shit i think might be worth something, but the bastards need to be identified first.

>> No.3849948
File: 51 KB, 570x371, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my shield's shit

>> No.3849950

You can find them in the Puppy Cave or the Wizard in every town can identify it.
Protip: Swords, Bows and Armor aren't worth anything (most likely something around 4 GP). Scrolls, Potions, Books and Skin/Bones sell alot.

>> No.3849952

Walk with them on you, you'll appraise items. Then sell bad ones and have good identified at wizard's shop.

>> No.3849960
File: 258 KB, 1026x794, hawtring1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best ring or bestest ring?

>> No.3850047

Good, but not the best.

>> No.3850053

Oh yeah. Rods are also worth picking up.
They always weight 0.8 and sell between 400 and 1200 IIRC.

>> No.3850057

Fuck this shit, time to re-roll my dorf. Hate Dog met his final resting place in the puppy lair.

>> No.3850065

Yeah, IF I ONLY HAD THE MONEY TO IDENTIFY THOSE SUCKERS. Fucking hell, all the jobs are killing me too, its like im playing FOnline or something

>> No.3850066

It's hard to get higher speed though. And it has a crapload of resistances. With stuffs like that you become extremely fast and resistant to most magic (especially if you eat magic protective food and get the capacities to get more resistance too).

>> No.3850086
File: 83 KB, 695x393, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a little girl

>> No.3850089

You will never be faster than a quickling. ;_;

>> No.3850093

Yes but speed is HOT. It's not to fight quicklings, it's to be like a quickling when fighting other monsters. Except you hit HARDER.

>> No.3850099

Do Escort Missions.
If you are fast enough do also "Before it's too late" (blue$).
But be careful. Don't do anything that's below 3d.
3d may be too short too, but 4d should be always alright. As long as it's not something like from Port Kapul (the city in the west) to Palmia (the royal town in the east) or Noyel (snow city in the far east. Don't even think about going there yet).
Also do the Main Quest (delivering the letter to the king). This gives you 2000 GP IIRC.

>> No.3850103

Am I the only one who likes just getting bell pets to do that for him? Or quickling pets but they're so freaking fragile most of the time.

>> No.3850107

>Humming bird
>aka Lonesome Bitch
I lol'd.

>> No.3850115

I don't like having bells as pets.
Am I the only one who refuses them?
I think it's making your game too easy.

>> No.3850120

>Age: 9
Isn't the age cap 13?

>> No.3850129

My favorite way to get money is to whore myself out. If your karma isn't too bad, just pick up some crim ale or whiskey (you can get it in puppy dungeon if you don't have any at the moment). Then go to various people and get them drunk. Guards tend to have more money, and so do higher ranked merchants. Then you just say "Care for a little tail tonight?" And be prepared to drive some people insane.

>> No.3850141

I tend to play completely non-combat characters, so if I get attacked at all I'm usually destroyed. I think it's a fair tradeoff to have bells be my only combat power.

>> No.3850145

Yeah, that sounds fair.
I think there should be a "summoner" or a "necromancer" class anyway.

>> No.3850146

So, I've managed to rack up almost three hundred thousand GP without ever setting foot in a dungeon.

Being a pianist rocks.

>> No.3850155

Well, there are rods of summon monster and a spell of the same kind.

... Too bad they're usually hostile to you ;_;

>> No.3850164

Well... wait until you get into a dungeon. I guess you are going to get owned pretty hard.

>> No.3850174

Was anything announced for Ver. 1.17?
Or will he just fix some bugs?

>> No.3850184

Probably :[

But then again, I can just bother wandering merchants until they sell me all their cool things.

>> No.3850192

I have a 79 years old fairy.

>> No.3850201

Play Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. It has both, and both had crazy powerful mass pet abilities (before Summon Small Mammals and zombies were nerfed) and can still hold their own (I can pretty much go from level 1 to 25, level 27 being maximum, without using any spell but necromancy. )

>> No.3850227
File: 45 KB, 580x357, ww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thing makes my machine infantry pet almost immortal

>> No.3850252

ver 1.17 will be a big update not a bug patch.

>> No.3850259

Played it. My favorite pet user in that game was orc priest though. It was kind of fun to have a dozen or so orc warlords wandering around following me shouting praises to Beogh.

And in Elona the pets you'd think are good are the ones that are tough to use.

>> No.3850266

So, i went to steal from the alchemist in the first town, fucked it up royally and ended up killing her. Funny thing is all her shit is now piled on top of an alchemy kit, so i cant pick it up.

>> No.3850272

New versions even have an opposing unique orc warlord called Saint Roka that spams smiting like an orc priest.

>> No.3850281

Is this a rogue-like? Is it like the early Zeldas?
If I've never played before, what should I expect?

>> No.3850285
File: 761 KB, 960x720, guillotine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, this item looks interesting, I wonder what happens if I use it...

You can still pick it up. Just press 'g' and then scroll down to the items other than the alchemy kit, space or enter picks them up.

>> No.3850287

"Let them eat cake!"

>> No.3850290
File: 305 KB, 809x1176, mokoustats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My old mutant character. Have to splice the gear page together since it takes two pages to display it all. My adamantium wakizashi steals stamina from foes [#####+] so I can't really ever run out of HP. With my gigantic PV, nothing can hurt me with melee damage, but because of the Shield of Thorn, they end up bleeding themselves to death while I laugh at them. And between the three weapons and the Twin-Edge, I can end up hitting 6 times per round. Also, my T-Rex mount is wielding the Mournblade, so he never runs out of HP either. He can solo a yith in the pet arena pretty consistantly.

>> No.3850304

How do i gear my loli? I cant seem to find an option anywhere that lets me see her inventory.

>> No.3850313

step close to her
press "I"
select inventory
She will wear what you give her if she can do it. Otherwise it just goes in her inv.

>> No.3850316


>> No.3850352

So I'm starting up Elona again,
the first time wasn't much of a success.
I wish to roll and Awesome Thief, any tips?

>> No.3850368

Oh god this game again. I didn't think anyone was still playing. Brings back good memories even though it wasn't that long ago. Time to open it back up again and decorate my house.

>> No.3850388

make it a snail

>> No.3850393

What I accomplished in Elona...

-Ate a dead beggar
-Picked up everything in my room with no clue how to drop stuff
-Died 10 times to the two tutorial NPC's
-Got this guard drunk and had sex with her till she disappeared
-Ran around with no clue what to do
-Bought beer and tried to get my loli drunk to have sex with her
-Died in a mine

I think I can safely say that I suck at this game. Tips?

>> No.3850408

>Bought beer and tried to get my loli drunk to have sex with her


>> No.3850431

You're doing it right, don't worry.

Seriously, though, there's a wiki with hints and tips and stuff: http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Elona_Wiki

>> No.3850444
File: 150 KB, 806x625, elona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, where can I find Memory Fragment ? I need it to create identify scrolls, without them I'll be poor forever

>> No.3850449


>> No.3850460

I'm too scared to go into a fight so I just stay home and have lesbo sex with the maid all day.

>> No.3850467

What the fuck are you trying to do.
Memory Fragments are fucking rare. YOu find them then you dig things (those wooddrifts on the ground or those blue rune things.)
Seriously. Just do some Escort Jobs and then let your equipment checked. Most stuff needs to be identified only once. If you pick up the same item you can sell it for the same price as identified. (Identifying it again just tells you if it is cursed or not.)

>> No.3850505

So I have just started this game. Can anyone tell me why my character keeps warping to random places on the map? It keeps getting me killed.

>> No.3850510

You're wearing cursed equipment. Try taking off everything you're wearing. At least one item will not be removed and will be identified as cursed.

>> No.3850539

Right you are, anon. Now to figure out how to uncurse myself.

>> No.3850555

Options include:
Read a scroll of uncurse/vanish curse. You got one of the latter during the tutorial, but probably wasted it
Target it with a scroll of inferior material and hope it turned to Raw. Then you can eat it. Do this while somewhat full or you might starve to death.
Wear an item with the property "it prevents you from teleporting". Far from ideal, as it also prevents scrolls of teleport from working, and also you still have random blood loss.

>> No.3850570

Also, doomed stuff can't be uncursed, I think. Although that might not be the case with using holy water on it.

>> No.3850573

I guess you use that bow the starter NPC gave you without uncursing it.

>> No.3850574

I put a leash on the maid for shits and giggles, but a while later she turned hostile. Why does this happen?

>> No.3850592

Not sure.
Never tried to leash my maid.
But I guess she didn't like it.

>> No.3850597

I also lost 2 karma when she turned hostile.
Message was: "Something untangles the leash" when she turned hostile.

>> No.3850606

Yeah. She didn't like it.
You can leash every NPC, but if you aren't strong enough they take the leash off and start to attack you.

>> No.3850611

Is NPC bound to you when you leash him?

>> No.3850620

Good for high level pianists (20+) since you can leash more than one NPC and drag them to your "stage".

>> No.3850625

Sounds kinky

>> No.3850627
File: 621 KB, 1286x793, wish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I wish for?

Already got all the basic stuff, and I'm pretty powerful. I could get evolution, but I have like 10 potions already I don't want to drink thanks to fucking puppies tossing Cure Mutation. Suggestions?

>> No.3850633

heaps of phase daggers

>> No.3850639


>> No.3850643

Elona as a whole is kinky.

A tough question.
A sandbag maybe?

>> No.3850645

># Miracle will grant you Kumiromi's gem stone of rejuvenation or a secret experience of Kumiromi

That could be very useful for you.

>> No.3850646


Or seven league boots, if you want to be boring and/or unprotected from etherwind.

>> No.3850650

And suddenly you are a girl.

>> No.3850657

I usually get crap from that.

Sandbag would be nice, since I've never been lucky enough to see one in shop. What's the easiest way to automate the process of attacking (melee) someone stuck in a sandbag? If there's a good way to do that I'll get it.

You can't fool me.

>> No.3850661

Wish for Thomas Biskup then.

>> No.3850665

Just hold the direction?
Or what do you mean? Elaborate.

>> No.3850671

Holding the button does work. However it requires me to sit there and hold the damn button. What I really want is a way to just tell Elona to hold down the arrow key for a few minutes and let me switch processes so I can do something else. I'd have to manually decide to eat and sleep (can't be bothered to remember/learn enough autoit to do that much). The thing I want to circumvent is that I have to physically hold the arrow key and switch focus to another window, so I can at least play freecell while Elona grinds for me.

>> No.3850683

Fucking botters.

>> No.3850684

Elona "pauses" the game when you switch IIRC.
Not to mention that you still have to eat.
You have to eat every 30 - 60 seconds.
All you can do is to grind for yourself.

>> No.3850699


I grinded with that in disgaea2 on PSP. Left for the night, was of unrealistically high level in morning, lost interest to game in matter of hours.

>> No.3850709

The game is not paused. You can choose to rest or mine and switch to your web browser to f5 /jp/ or whatnot.

Thanks. I'll look into it. Sandbag it is.

Grinding fucking sucks. Plus, I'd say that this is nothing compared to this character being incarnated from a level ~30 (that was incarnated from another level ~30). I had a pet great race of Yith as soon as I hit 10,000 gold.

>> No.3850738

Somehow every fucking monster I put in a sandbag end up having a teleportation power for no reason at all.

>> No.3850746 [DELETED] 

I got a bill and went to the Embassy. How the hell can I pay ?

>> No.3850752

Killed because an enemy cast a spell that made me lose my mind and commit suicide.

>> No.3850761

OK, this looks awesome. Is the latest version fine?

>> No.3850766

You will encounter that later on ALOT.
Better get some equipment that protects you from mind attacks.

>> No.3850768

Of course it is.

>> No.3850771

I find the wiki lacking in priest info, yet i still want to make one.

>> No.3850774

Roll one and add stuff to the wiki which you think it lacks.
That's how it should be done.

>> No.3850851

What does it do?

>> No.3850867

Can I change the music which is playing in my home?
I mean not using an own .MP3 and place it in the user folder but one from a <bgm>-CD which then automatically starts?

>> No.3850868
File: 83 KB, 567x327, moralfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3850913
File: 232 KB, 1030x795, rumia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm the guy that made the Advent Cirno, Rumia, and Youmu sprites in that thread.

>> No.3850969 [DELETED] 

How do I get a nuke?
I just remember that rather old screenshot of Osama Bin Laden nuking the main city and saying "ALLAH ACKBAR" and felt like trying it too.

>> No.3850973

How do I get a nuke?
I just remembered that rather old screenshot of Osama Bin Laden nuking the main city and saying "ALLAH ACKBAR" and felt like trying it too.

>> No.3850998


You have to buy one from Noel the bomber in Derphy.

>> No.3851052

Or wish for one.

>> No.3851074

Or you could stop being an idiot and just use a memory editor if you don't like grinding. I can't imagine playing through this game again without giving my character a 'quickstart' infusion of gold, PP, and skill points. You call it cheating, I call it saving myself hours of pointless repetition to get to the actual interesting part of the game.

>> No.3851107

>Prostitutes are added in 1.14 as residents of Derphy. Unlike most NPCs one can speak with, they can be caught as pets using one of the normal methods. They can be paid to "relax" with, drunk or not.

>As pets they retain the ability to be "bought", which allows the player to transfer money to them (without even costing karma, and it's not necessary to complete the... relaxation) and if left to their own devices will gain income by seducing NPCs, including enemies.

Now if there was only a way to easily get money from them. In the next release, bashing them should make them drop their money.

>> No.3851117


>Now if there was only a way to easily get money from them. In the next release, bashing them should make them drop their money.

Thats actually not that bad of an idea. You should post it in the suggestions forum.

>> No.3851121

Are there more threads with customs?

Fucking love the Gankutsuou hair, but i want my little girl to be Haydee...

>> No.3851124

I think you guys are all forgetting that laser guns with TIMESTOP bullets are the best thing ever

>> No.3851127

I thought we beat this game already.

>> No.3851136

We married it. Kept coming back for more.

>> No.3851140

>bashing them should make them drop their money
Shit would be awesome.

>> No.3851142


That thread is about all there is on the forum.

I posted a link to a Japanese site on page 2 that has a bunch of custom sprites. I don't think there are very many animated ones though.

>> No.3851163

I have never done any part of the main quest beyond giving the letter to the king.

>> No.3851183

I don't think its stated in the wiki or forums but when you gene engineer something it's inherited stats depend on the level difference between the characters ie fusing a really strong monster into an ally that is only one level lower will do nothing at all

>> No.3851191


>> No.3851215
File: 59 KB, 850x531, 1138600678115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they make good pets though?; because I sort of want to capture one, now that I notice they look like schoolgirls.

Pic Related.

>> No.3851222

Dammit, why is there no option for long as fuck hair

>> No.3851243

I tend to avoid using gene engineer to boost my pets' level, in fear of being stoned to death by them.

Also, are living weapons worth the grind?

>> No.3851250
File: 4 KB, 128x192, pcc_hair_27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think this is the closest thing you're going to get.

>> No.3851259

Ah Elona, love the game ,too bad my gamepad died and I can't play this game with a keyboard.

>> No.3851323

No, they eventually develop negative traits like Blood Sucking and you can't do anything to remove them.

>> No.3851388 [DELETED] 
File: 302 KB, 1282x768, elona again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it, now I've started playing this again. Leveling takes fucking forever, even killing those slimes in the moongate doesn't do much anymore.

>> No.3851387

Seriously thanks. In blue it should approximate Haydee.

Are there kimonos anywhere?

>> No.3851400
File: 302 KB, 1282x768, elona again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it, now I've started playing this again. Leveling takes fucking forever, even killing those slimes in the moongate doesn't do much anymore.

god fucking damn it what happened to my image

>> No.3851442

You know that levelling is bad, right? The bandits and random encounters are based on your level. Power levelling with the slime moongate can actually fuck you over if you equipment is subpar.

Also, uber tip from the wiki: The special chests you get from bosses give stuff equal to the dungeon level YOU OPEN THEM IN. Kill level 2 dungeon boss, carry chest to level 80 dungeon, pray monsters don't spawn right beside the entrance, profit.

>> No.3851454


I'm sure there is one somewhere, but I can't find any at the moment.

You might have to dig through RPG maker graphics websites to find what you're looking for.

>> No.3851511

I encountered the same thing and I got a bunch of blessed weapons and lots of other gear and stuff, how come I can't sell any of it for more than one gp though?

>> No.3851572

Holy shit fuck browsing is hard, my tabs have multiplied

>> No.3851632

>You must place more statues.
You must spawn more overlords.

>Also, uber tip from the wiki: The special chests you get from bosses give stuff equal to the dungeon level YOU OPEN THEM IN. Kill level 2 dungeon boss, carry chest to level 80 dungeon, pray monsters don't spawn right beside the entrance, profit.

It is --most formally-- on, now.

>> No.3851634

>Holy shit fuck browsing is hard, my tabs have multiplied


>> No.3851713

Where can I buy a scroll of uncurse?

>> No.3851725


Magic shops, and general stores every once in a while.

>> No.3851961
File: 6 KB, 128x192, Edo1_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the correct size?

Also, if i cut off the head and limbs, would it be usable as clothing?

>> No.3852002

Playing music will cause nearby npcs to give you a portion of their gold.

>> No.3852049

>Also, uber tip from the wiki: The special chests you get from bosses give stuff equal to the dungeon level YOU OPEN THEM IN. Kill level 2 dungeon boss, carry chest to level 80 dungeon, pray monsters don't spawn right beside the entrance, profit.


Holy fuck, I gotta do this.

>> No.3852323

So if i want to make money anywhere, what are my options beyond errands?

>> No.3852498

Whore yourself out.

1. Buy beer, crim ale/any alcohol drinkable by NPC's.
2. Give such alcohol to NPC's (preferably rich guards or shopowners). They will drink it immediately and get drunk.
3. Talk to them, select, "Interest in a lil' tail t'nite?" (or something of the sort).
4. Sexings!
5. ????
6. PROFIT!! (depending on charisma)

Your 'impress' with them will go up 5-10, and around mid-20 CHA you earn 2k+ each time, though you take a point of karma loss.

>> No.3852674

And frankly, 1 point in karma loss is NOTHING, since karma can be easily regained. You don't even have to be fairly lucky to run into those "Loot for treasure or bury for karma corpse" events with some regularity.

>> No.3852803

It's easy as long as you didn't fuck it up so you can enter towns without being attacked.

>> No.3853010

God I don't have a lot of items but i'm in burden or overweight most of the time.
what can I do ?

>> No.3853408


Having too many equips on you that have tons of weight?
