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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3845669 No.3845669 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /jp/.
Never been in here before, but I suppose this would be the best place to ask this.

What's the easiest and fastest way to learn Japanese?
I'm obviously not expecting to be instantly fluent or anything, and I'm willing to put in the time to learn it.

Only thing is, I don't want to spend money.

Is Rosetta Stone a good way to learn? I'd rather not take the time to torrent it if it doesn't work.

>> No.3845679

ask the language board it's called /lang/

>> No.3845677

nah dude, rosetta stone is pretty garbage. Guess you'll have to find some other way to watch your Naruto Shippuden raws.

>> No.3845712

way to uh

>> No.3845717

Try Pinsleur. It helps with memorization a lot more in my experience and they're good basic steps.

>> No.3845723

Get a dictionary
Get some reference books
Get lots of japanese material translated into a language you already have mastered

Take notes
Study said notes

>> No.3845734

When you say "easiest and fastest", you're implying there is an easy and fast way to learn Japanese - or for that matter, any language.

Learn the same way you learned your native language. Start simple, and learn vocabulary and grammatical rules starting simple. Listen to it spoken, speak it yourself, read it, all to whatever extent you can no matter how limited, and practice every day. There are plenty of resources if you look.

Also, sorry for the less-than-enthusiastic replies that you're likely to continue getting for a fair while. /jp/ doesn't take too kindly to /lang/ threads.

>> No.3845735

Reported for faggotry. Go back to Gaia.

>> No.3845753

Where would be the best place to start?

>> No.3845768
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>> No.3845771

Rosetta stone is amazing!!! totally worth the money! It took a while, but after finishing all three levels I can speak to japanese people and understand futaba threads.

>> No.3845789

1.Heisig "remembering the kanji"
2.learn the kana
3.read tae kim's guide to jap grammar on the net
4.go through genki 1 and 2 for vocab
5.japanese, the manga way
6.senko k maynard japanese grammar handbook
7.integrated intermediate jap

Just study these books in that order. Get the CDS for all textbooks. Find and Download "Yan-san and the Japanese people" movies and accompanying workbooks. Study this series in combo with Genki 1 and 2. When you get to the intermediate level, start seriously trying to understand jap drama which you download off the interbuts.

once you get past the "integrated intermediate japanese" text, start importing JLPT books for Nippon, particularly the listening comprehenstion.

Also try to find a tutor, but if you can't don't give up! Speak it when you can, but you can still go a long way by studying grammar AND listening comprehension. Listening is a great skill to build. When and if you do get to japan , and if you followed the method I outlined above, your moonspeak ability will be excellent. even more important is that you built a strong foundation of grammar and comprehension ability, so when you immerse yourself in japan, you'll be able to thrive.

>> No.3845794

cool story bro

>> No.3845808

Don't listen to this faggot

>> No.3845812
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Watch Yan-san even if you don't give a shit about Japanese he's great.

>> No.3845820

google "all japanese all the time"

you're welcome

>> No.3845833

Rosetta Stone, so good.

>> No.3845840
File: 133 KB, 595x842, publicity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japan Foundation created a 3rd season called "Erin's Challenge" and wow what a step down from yan-san it is.

>> No.3845868

>and wow what a step down from yan-san it is.

>> No.3845904





>> No.3845905
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>> No.3845909

OK, post discarded blocker





>> No.3845918

Eat the brain of a Japanese person.

>> No.3845919

Namasensei is the only Japanese teacher I bothered with. Now I'm a fucking expert.


>> No.3845921

>What's the easiest and fastest way to learn Japanese?
Hard working and guts.

>> No.3845927


>> No.3845945

ask your mom.

>> No.3845950

>What's the easiest and fastest way to learn Japanese?
Fast? By fast, do you mean, like, 6-8 years?
Or you meant very very fast, like 3-5 years?
And no, it won't be ever easy.
Prepare to spend the next few years learning grammar, words and kanji readings. If you still want to do it, start with Heisig. It will be the worst grind you've ever done in your life, but it's worth it if you have the willpower and don't give up.
Once you're done with that, pick up some grammar. Tae Kim's guide and Yan-san (a.k.a. "Let's Learn Japanese Basic" video course) will teach you enough to start reading some real text.
You should do that as soon as possible. Forget all the furigana, romaji shit, children's books and all. It will just hold you back.
Once you're done with Heisig and some basic grammar pick up a bunch of VNs and a dictionary and learn while playing and having fun. Congratulations, you're past the most boring part.

>> No.3845998


Funny, but his calligraphy is.. ehmm.. bad

>> No.3846034

Those いs... so small, they look like apostrophes.

>> No.3846046

The quickest way to learn any language is to move where its spoken. Sink or swim.
